Ebony and Lavender: A Knights Quest
by StarbearerTM     More by this Writer
The world is changing around him and Sir Trunks of Capsule must embark on a quest with Mazuko Magician Gohan to right the evils they encounter. But darkness isn't always evil, nor is light always good.
Graphic Violence

Chapter 04: Sprites and Ice Trails
At first Trunks felt something lapping against his face. He turned over for a moment, pushing it away. Once more the tongue licked at him and he whirled over, reaching for his dagger out of reflex. A snorted growl answered his query and he remembered where he was. As a knight of Capsule, the internal sense of time flowed through him, and he knew it must be morning.

“You…” Trunks groaned, eyes clearing at the sight of a scaley face cocking its head to the side. “Icarus right?”

The chirp he heard in response confirmed it as Icarus climbed onto the bed and tugged the sheets off with his beak. Trunks grumbled and tugged back, yelping, “HEY!”

Once more Icarus leapt up and pulled the covers from the bottom, exposing Trunks to the chilly air immediately around him. All the precious heat he’d been cocooned in melted away leaving him shivering. He snapped, “thanks for nothing, you little pest…”

Icarus knocked over the armor that Trunks had left sitting near the bed, further evoking his annoyance. Trunks leapt up and snapped, “Shoo! I’m coming down! Tell that master of yours to hang onto his wand!”

Since quick movements would warm him up faster, Trunks hastily got dressed. He gathered his items together and donned his armor. Up the stairs he heard the dragon again scurry, pushing his door open. This time he followed the creature down the spiral staircase, sure that if he didn’t who knows what that tricky Mazuko magician would try with him next.

Trunks yawned a bit hearing Gohan arguing with someone, and he wasn’t quite sure who it was until he saw Icarus move over and another dragon fanning the flames with his own mouth open.
Gohan moved the teakettle off the greenish red blaze and said, “Can’t you go a bit faster?”

“I’m working as quickly as I can,” the dragon mumbled back, glaring at him. “Now if you gave me a finger I could…”

“No fingers today,” Gohan said shaking his finger. “Just breakfast…”

His fire source griped a few choice Mazuko curses once Gohan plunked down a pan and cracked eggs and some rill cat bacon flopped next to it. Must show that he had some trade ties, Trunks decided. Given the season that was all that was available for drying and salting. He guessed the eggs were dragon eggs most likely, for he hadn’t recalled seeing any chickens or other fowl.

Before he stepped out to make himself known, he overheard the fire dragon quip, “You see a lavender haired beauty and all of a sudden your heart pounds more? What is it with you and fair-haired men?”

“Don’t judge me, I think they’re cute,” Gohan murmured back to the dragon, shoving the pan further into the fire.

“He’s a Capsule Knight. They think you’re some sort of monster…” said the fire with an almost sincere warning.

“I am a monster,” Gohan said cheerfully. “Every Mazuko is. It isn’t a malicious thing, and I’ve been called far worse. Monster works nicely.”

“You’re hopeless,” the flame keeper grumbled back. “Even if Lavender Lovely Locks of Capsule upstairs calls you one it doesn’t faze you?”

“He hasn’t ever so I don’t know. I only just met him,” Gohan said through a piece of bread hanging out of his mouth.

“Don’t forget the time that Sharpener Wight…” began the dragon

“I’d rather forget it, thank you,” grumbled Gohan, glaring back at his flame crackling away. 
“And calling him a Wight is an offense to whights.”

“Slime?” he asked.

Gohan argued back, “No, and don’t dare call him an Orc. You know some of my good friends are orcs…”

“That’s why I said whight… you’d rain down on me and put me out of I did!” the dragon whined, spluttering.

“You’ve got a strange taste. If you like orcs so much you could always…” began the dragon, when Trunks tiptoed into the room.

“They’re not interested. I’m too ugly,” Gohan said shrugging. “No offense meant by them of course. They’re far more handsome than I.”

He heard a yawn behind him and the sound of feet on the stairs, punctuated with a few choice Capsule common words he hadn’t heard for years. The capsule common tongue was close to Common, but had its own accents whereas Mazukonese was much more enjoyable, like Orcish. Master Piccolo spoke it fluently since he had a good relationship with the nearest orc confederacy. He had his own good relationship with them, and he was one of the few they did deals with other than dwarves. From behind his guest mumbled, “You don’t have to…”

“Yes I did,” Gohan said as he glared at him seriously. Trunks held up his hands.

“Fine, fine, I’ll eat your breakfast… I figure if you wanted to poison me you’d have done so last night…” he commented.

“I guess you don’t like Rillcat bacon?” Gohan said, either missing the joke or not rising to the bait.

“It’ll do in a pinch,” Trunks quipped, sitting down at the table warily. He bit the inside of his lip and watched Gohan. Seeing his dagger still laying on the table he pocketed it before Gohan turned around with the food that did smell a bit odd, but Trunks would eat most things with how hungry he was. The minute the food was set before him he sprinkled some of the powder onto it form inside his pouch.

Gohan sighed and rolled his eyes. Typical. Then again Capsule knights didn’t trust Mazuko or any other “Monsters” unless they dominated them. Trunks’s grandfather figured the world was in croners and guilders, as well as gold, silver and electrum pieces. He had heard that Mazuko in contrast were polite, and affable, unless provoked. They made alliances and were loyal to them till the conditions were met, and they went their separate ways. Though there were a few instances where things went sour, and the ally was turned into a toad, or worse.

Trunks munched on the food hungrily, but to Gohan’s relief didn’t shovel it into his mouth. He found himself watching the way the knight’s throat muscles moved, and the curve of his neck since he was in the process of buckling on his armor and it showed the tunic underneath. His hair was in disarray, half in a ponytail and half out, giving him an even more charming look. Gohan sat opposite him with his own food and slowly began to eat as well. Unlike Mazuko who only consumed fresh water and thin soups, he ate food like an Orc.

“We can talk reward and payment of course,” Trunks said.

Clicking his tongue Gohan waggled his finger. He chided gently, “How like a Capsuler. Straight to money without knowing the ins and outs.”

“How like a Mazuko to hem and haw,” Trunks mumbled. Both of them met each other’s gaze with a sour look. Icarus moved over and nuzzled Gohan’s cheek before Gohan urged him down with a scratch behind the eyes.

“Capsuler…” he mumbled.

“Mazuko…” Trunks started, noticing the look of annoyance tinting Gohan’s voice.

“You forgot Monster, and Darkworker, and Green skinned bastards, and Orcsuckers,” Gohan said with a shrug. “Don’t worry I’ve been called far worse by others.”

“I don’t…” Trunks began.

“You don’t have to like me, and I don’t have to like you, but we should at least know what to call one another…” said Gohan looking directly at him. Trunks shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

“You didn’t flinch when you said Monster, but the others…” began Trunks.

“Monster is fine. Master Monster,” Gohan chuckled. “Just be consistent.”

“I’d prefer to call you Master Son,” said Trunks.

“But you’re thinking Monster. It would be easier to get it off your chest and admit it,” said Gohan.

“Can we please get back to the planning,” Trunks asked, trying to be patient though Gohan’s look suggested they’d get back to this topic sooner or later. “Master Gohan.”

“Sir Trunks,” said Gohan smoothly. “Planning it is .”

This sudden diplomatic shift almost sent Trunks grabbing for his weapon. He didn’t want to deal with enchantments this early in the morning when the sun hadn’t even risen. Another Mazuko twisting and riddling his words around. Slapping his cheeks Trunks pushed himself into full alertness and thrust his wits forwards.

After removing the various cooking pots and ceramics from the fire, Gohan gathered his magic books and a piece of quartz crystal that was greenish in color and streaked like malachite. Trunks had continued to fit himself back into his armor while gathering his things together.

“This Uranai Baba you say we’re heading to, how well do you know her?” Trunks asked.

Gohan picked up a staff, shifting the quartz by the malachite in a circle he started to draw. Inside it he inscribed a triangle, and drew a vertical line down both, identical to one of the designs on his robe. He calmly admitted to Trunks, “I met her as a young monster…”

“… Why do you keep calling yourself monster?” asked Trunks. What sane human would claim such a title and be so unaffected. Almost as if it were a jest or calling someone cute?

“Because that’s what I think of myself as, of course,” Gohan answered as if it were plain as day. Surely he was playing games, Trunks figured. Poking and prodding him verbally to see how he’d respond. Maybe the Dragons were listening and waiting to bite off his fingers.

“But I… you…” Trunks began, seeing the acceptance on his face.

“Are you done asking about such things or do you want to know my shoe size and cloak dimensions as well?” Gohan asked, and Trunks wasn’t sure if he were flirting or serious because his mind went to other questions the magician could have asked regarding size.

“Sorry,” Trunks mumbled, shoving those annoying thoughts aside. “It’s just that to get her help, I’ve heard you have to pay a huge fee… I can field it of course…”

Plunging his hand into his pouch he felt for the position of the rubies and other gems like garnets and sapphires. He pulled one out, showing it to the magician who shrugged, and said, “Sizeable, but pleasant. I’m sure Icarus or Fuego would enjoy eating that for dinner…”

“It’s not for dragon food,” Trunks yelped. “Well not THIS one…”

Icarus and Fuego turned, pricking their heads up. Trunks grumbled and picked some lesser garnets, tossing them towards the dragons. Amused, Gohan watched his familiars bite into the stones with loud crunching noises.

“You didn’t have to, but that was rather generous of you, Capsuler,” said Gohan.

“You did serve me breakfast,” Trunks shrugged. “But I have a good many other gems… and electrum pieces…”

“Not all of the things she desires are gold. She has piles of that, and a good deal of salt. Other things she might barter with are trading magical spells, or having the visitor a test,” said Gohan. “Shouldn’t be an issue for a knight of Capsule, and a Monster Mazuko such as myself…”

“How can he sound so cheerful calling himself that,” Trunks wondered to himself. Any further thoughts were broken by a loud cough from the magic user.

“Well, since you’re in a hurry are we ready to go?” Gohan asked, packing some things into a bag he slung over his shoulder. “I’ve prepared food for the journey…”

“Same with me,” Trunks said.

“Capsule rations, the breakfast of knight champions everywhere of course,” Gohan quipped back, and Trunks shook his head.

“And Rillcat bacon is a Mazuko get up and go food?” asked Trunks to which Gohan smirked slightly.

Two pairs of feet trudged through the newly fallen snow, which glistened slightly in the light of the low slung sun. It came up near the end of the Moon Sky bridge, and he saw the gleam of the primes (the child moons) setting. Gohan carried one of his books slung in a holster under his arm, and the other items in his shoulder bag while Trunks wore his sword slung across his back. The Mazuko’s features were hidden under the shadows of his hood while Trunks wore a cloak with its collar turned up.

“You could use a hat,” said Gohan pulling out a small stocking cap.

“No hats,” Trunks said.

“Are red frostbitten ears a new fashion statement in Capsule?” Gohan asked, tossing the cap at his head. Sighing Trunks took it and put it on. The dark blue cap seemed a bit long but he pulled it down over his ears so they were covered. It surprised him that the thing didn’t blow off from the biting wind that swept down over them. Why the heck did he suddenly feel strange in his stomach? He barely knew this Mazuko but already the guy had given him a piece of clothing.

“Where’s Icarus?” asked Trunks, changing the subject as they continued along. Glancing behind them he could see the persistent shape of Gohan’s tower. It hugged the horizon between the two hills.

“He’s in a dimension where he’s warmer,” the Mazuko magician said.

“Since he breathed fire, I figured he could heat himself,” Trunks said. “Or you could have given HIM this hat.”

“Nah, it looks better on your, Capsuler,” Gohan quipped back.

Trunks immediately shot back with, “Well Mazuko, I would think Icarus would love to see the world, not stay locked up in a summoning scroll…”

“Portal scroll. He stays in a pocket plane so he doesn’t get targeted. Do you know how much Dragon soup sells for on some markets?” Gohan asked.

Trunks shuddered. “Sorry I asked.”

“I forgot that there weren’t many dragons indigenous to Capsule,” said Gohan with a shrug.

“Yes…” mumbled Trunks. “Because some Dende humper killed them. They thought dragon hunting was the measure of a knight’s prowess. Thank the Moon bridge grace that grandfather outlawed the practice…”

“Too little too late,” Gohan mumbled.

“Got to start somewhere,” Trunks answered. “I guess it’s no excuse…”

“No, it isn’t. But… yes… it’s a start,” said Gohan nodding grimly. “But the hunting of sentient beings for sport…”

“Or slavery?” asked Trunks.

“Some say that’s a necessary evil. The trading of…” began Gohan.

Trunks’ blue eyes darkened in sudden anger. He grumbled, “What about selling humans to Orcs?”

“How is that different from the peddling in gnomes? Or the way elves put bounties on the head of orcs?” Gohan asked, frowning. Trunks said nothing, wondering if Gohan was baiting him all of a sudden. In the blue haze of morning Tapion drifted close ahead of Trunks.

“That Sprite is just going to call attention to us,” Gohan said in a low voice.

Growling under his breath the knight said, “Look, I thought we said…”

“You said,” Gohan reminded him. He held only a book complete with pentagram, standard for Mazuko and the magician trade in his other hand. No sign of any other weapon which confused Trunks because most magic users had at least a wand or staff. Most magic users fell into several categories:

Sorcerers channeled the forces of spirits, and the ancestors, and used spells that they had learned from their forbearers. Wizards used their own considerable mental energy which they built up over the years, and tapped into energy and life around them. They had their gods that they prayed to, and navigated the properties of plants as well as compounds. Druids used potions and the animus spirits of the rocks and trees.

Magicians such as Gohan tapped into the ‘magus’ force. There was shadow, light, and the five elements. Alchemists used the forces to transmute. Magicians were not adverse to using trickery and sleight of hand as well as shadows and mirrors. It was hard to tell if their power was just an illusion, or the true force of Magus. Dark magus channelers of shadow like the Mazuko also communed with the elements but their mind could direct them through force of will.

Mazuko magicians were known to use enchantments and curses. Ancient spells that wizards knew and had written. But they were between Wizards and sorcerers. Magicians could be tied to one or two elements. Which could even include spirit and space.

Deep enough into recrimination he was till he felt a change in the air. It shifted just enough that Trunks froze to the side at the flicker of a shadow in his peripheral vision. Gohan shouted, “Ware!!!”

At that second he rolled to the side. A shadow eclipsed, out of nowhere crashing into the snow where he was a second before. In one smooth movement Trunks continued his log roll while drawing his sword. He blocked the fangs with its metal like an improvised shield before twisting and slicing. An instant of hot bad breath reached his nostrils.

He saw the staff extend from Gohan's sleeve spin once before slamming aside the white furry shape. Eyes glowed in the triangular heads of canids. Dire wolves. Strange to see the arctic species, Trunks thought, since he hadn't seen any on his way and it was mid-morning. Trunks brought his sword about, circling for an opening at the same time his dire wolf opponent did the same. It growled, gnashing its teeth.

Gohan used the long staff to keep his at bay before his glowing green hand fired a magic missile at his opponent. It dodged, snarling. Trunks lunged, kicked snow at his opponent then swung doubled handed. Blood dripped red on white snow, steaming hot. He spotted the cut he'd made on its paw.

Sounds of others closing in caused the two to back closer together. Gohan’s staff cracked into another's skull, simultaneous to Trunks blade blooding another. Gohan hissed, “Now you've done it, Capsuler!”

“Me? What did I do?” Trunks snapped, bringing up his blade to block another dire charging at him.

“You drew blood and now every dire in the sphere of 10 leagues is going to come,” Gohan snapped.

Trunks reached into his pouch one handed. “Close your eyes… Mazuko…”

Gohan saw the flashbang exploded, scattering the dires. He then chanted something and sent a glowing green object that also exploded on impact, releasing noxious fumes. All around them the wolves whimpered and backed off. “Not bad, Capsuler…” Gohan commented.

Both adventurers beat aside other wolves as they fled from the scene in the smoke cloud. Trunks grumbled, “That was a larger group…but what drew them unless it was your smell?”

“I don’t reek of metal,” Gohan quipped. “But you're right. They attack at dusk… I wonder…”

“That stench should mask our trail,” mumbled Trunks.

“Best to keep to the lee of the glacier so we are downwind,” muttered Gohan, nodding before he stared in a strange probing way.

“What… c'mon, don't make faces… Unless you want to scare them off,” said Trunks, grabbing him by the sleeve.

“Let go, haven't you see a scrying gaze?” Gohan asked, stopping them abruptly.

“Not like that one,” Trunks mumbled, feeling foolish. Of course he had sensed those dires, but did he know they were there all along?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Gohan asked.

“Wait, when did you first sense them?” Trunks asked, brow wrinkled.

“I didn't think they were close enough to make a threat, and they usually don't attack me. They already know my scent. I was counting on that being enough to dissuade them…” Gohan insisted.

“You could have told me you sensed them,” Trunks snapped.

“How do I know you wouldn't have gone hunting them for a trophy?” Gohan replied, also scowling.

Anger exploded in Trunks’ gut, and he growled, “Because I don't have time to waste getting souvenirs when a kingdom’s wellbeing is at stake!”

“Oh,” Gohan murmured, eyes opening. “Well in that case...”

“Not every knight is a sword twerking thrill seeker after pelts and unicorn horns…” Trunks grumbled, still upset.

Gohan pointed out, “yet you drew blood instead of scaring them away…”

“I acted out of protection,” Trunks said angrily. “Dire wolves heal quickly! Those cuts I made will only be minor scratches…”

“Fine,” Gohan huffed. “Now if you are finished bellowing let's get a move on… Capsuler.”

“After you, Mazuko,” Trunks growled, scowling at the magician. Moon-bridge humper, and irritating toothpick wielding… Ugh.

“You sure you don't want to go back and cut them open for jewels?” Gohan asked.

“Shut it,” Trunks shot back. “I only cut open animals that have directly attacked a companion and given me a fair fight.”

“So you do…” Gohan laughed harshly.

“And I use the rest of the animal for food… And if you don’t stop yanking my lance…” Trunks warned, glaring at him.

“Yanking your…” Gohan began before he blushed a bit. “Now wait a minute…”

Trunks suddenly chuckled to himself at the other’s sudden shy look. At least he'd gotten the Mazuko to stop baiting him. Who knew he could be easily shocked? He then added, “or twerking my sword?”

“I… Never mind!” Gohan yelped, blushing more deeply.

“Heh, in your case it would be humping your rod. Where were you hiding that thing?” Trunks continued, his anger momentarily forgotten.

“All magicians keep them hidden till we need to whip them out,” Gohan answered with a slight smirk.

“Heh, not bad,” said Trunks, glad the mood had cleared. At least that pale alabaster skin of his held a more agreeable expression.

“The dire wolves are still about. We… We'd better keep moving,” said Gohan quickly, voice rising in pitch. Sword twerker? What were they teaching knights these days?

“We need a path to avoid the dires,” Trunks muttered. Tapion emerged, fluttering around with various musical chirps.

“Either way we have to cross a glacier,” Gohan said. “Sprites right but he doesn't know there's a place that…”

Reaching into his pouch Trunks mumbled, “Where is it?”

Gohan let out an audible gulp seeing how the pouch had slid across to the knight’s crotch. Currently Trunks rummaged around before extracting something. Seeing it Gohan sighed in relief and chastised his wandering mind. He blurted out, “oh, crampons…”

“What did you think I was looking for?” Trunks asked, slipping the cleats over his boots. He tossed a pair at Gohan who regarded them before putting them on. Of course he had his own spells but since he had given that hat, it was reciprocal.

Along their right hand side stretched a wall of ice that rose from ankle high to knee then waist high as they progressed. Upon the lower surface they walked, which was the opposite piece of ice that had cracked off the wall. The longer their trek the greater the angle of the wall till it loomed overhead. Tapion’s light had diminished to a paler blue which Trunks had not seen before.

Frigid wind whipped against his face as Trunks fell to a slight angle not walking in Gohan’s shadow. His fingers and toes were tingling, not a good sign, but he had hoped the exertion would continue to keep him warm. True he had gloves but they were failing to keep him warm. For a second Gohan shifted position so his shadow fell over Trunks, who flinched. Instead of colder, it felt like a warm blanket had fallen across him.

Shadows and darkness were supposed to be cold weren’t they? Stubbornly he moved out of the shadow once more, to find that at least Gohan’s body blocked the wind. Of course the magician was more used to this icy hell whose heat seeping properties grew stronger by the minute. Reduced to a small blue glow, Tapion continued to pulse at the ebb and flow of the wind.

“How much further?” Trunks asked his sprite. Tapion blew a raspberry at him.

Keeping his staff out Gohan used it to steady himself in the snow layer that covered the ice river underfoot. Trunks had stopped at the sound of a loud cracking.

“Capsuler, this glacier could cave in,” Gohan warned, breaking the silence.

“We'd better hurry then,” Trunks agreed, nodding. “Where are they now?”

“The smell of ice is sufficient to throw them off the scent…” Gohan replied, picking up his pace. “Keep in my shadow… The ice here resonates… and I can see a clear path.

Trunks followed the magician and walked where the ice sounded more solid. Both kept walking with a random, arrhythmic step. He guessed Gohan well knew the danger of harmonics that his mother had warned against.

“Ice harmonics…” Trunks thought to himself. He was beginning to think it was more hazardous following this Mazuko than his sprite. Walking across a glacier was lunacy itself. Just why was he going this way again? Wait… it was for the sake of brevity, avoiding at least a week to end up at the destination Gohan suggested.

Splintering cracks snaked near where Trunks last put his foot. Swallowing hard, Trunks opened his pouch and ordered, “Tapion, find a safe way across the glacier…”

The sprite bobbed and weaved, and streaked ahead. A trail of blue footprints appeared under the flying sprite where Trunks placed his feet. Gohan frowned, shaking his head to himself. About to open his mouth he glanced at the advancing cracks. Trunks shivered at the bite of the cold wind now that he had dodged out of Gohan’s shadow and ahead.

“Capsuler!” Gohan shouted. “Don’t go that way it’s…”

“If Tapion says it’s safe I’m going! Follow or fall behind!” Trunks called.

“Idiot,” mumbled Gohan, rushing after him. The hollow sound of the glacier and the pounding rhythm of Trunks feet were making it worse. He could feel the icy ground heaving up and down like a slowly breathing animal about to snap out of hibernation. A low rumble like a dragon’s roar grew in intensity till it almost drowned out his warning calls.

“Trunks! Ware ice!” he shouted.

The cracks snaked up the ice wall to where a slight overhang cast its shadow on them both. Tapion’s blue glow ebbed to nothing at that instant, and the shadow grew over Trunks eclipsing sunlight. Small chips of ice fell across the ‘safe’ path. “Tapion! Which way?”

The sprite chimed louder in alarm, dodging around the ever increasing chunks of ice crashing around them. Blocks became fist sized, among which Trunks dodged. A few glanced off him. Struggling to keep up with his sprite Trunks whirled his sword to deflect the chunks. Gohan flipped open his book, dispelled his staff, then raised his arm. A green barrier opened up over him off which the ice chunks bounced harmlessly.

Senses screamed at the elements out of balance. The ice was far more fragile than predicted. At this time of year the glacier was a solid ice river but the entire river was shifting because the earth itself beneath them was restless. Gohan’s forehead glowed at the sensation of the fire far under the solid earth writhing like the Snake Way itself that guided the souls from the moonbridge into the underworld.

“TRUNKS! NOT THAT WAY!” Gohan shouted at him. A splintering crack just in front indicated huge chunks calving off the ice wall and sliding down its slope.


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