"sparring" in DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction — Page 4

One Way Ticket ChichiFuture Gohan
Future TrunksGohan
One Way Ticket WIP February 29, 2020 Words: 32304 Chapters: 21 Views: 1511 Once Future Gohan dies, the androids go on to destroy what's left of mankind. Seeing no future for her son in the dying world, Bulma forces a thirteen-year-old Trunks to use the time machine and escape this condemned world. Stuck in the new timeline with no opportunity to ever return, Trunks has to help train a younger Gohan, defeat the androids and think about his own happiness.

Based Upon : http://gohanxtrunks.net/nudity-gay-sex/posts/dbz-kai-owt Deathfic
Domesticated GohanGoten
Domesticated WIP February 15, 2020 Words: 6232 Chapters: 4 Views: 1271 Life has settled for Gohan and Trunks and they are ready to start a life together, but is that enough? A simple married life is too dull for those two so Goten recommends a way to 'spice' up their vacation before the wedding. The stakes are raised when they make the agreement that the engagement is off if neither can see this endeavor to the end. What could possibly be so out there that Trunks is hesitant at first, but more willing as time goes on? Incest Group Sex
Royal Voyage GohanGoku
Royal Voyage February 15, 2020 Words: 10004 Views: 878 Trunks and Gohan are having a most unusual honeymoon.
Tornado Future TrunksGohan
Tornado February 15, 2020 Words: 1750 Views: 382 He came like a tornado, and tore his world apart.
Forbbiden Love Future GohanFuture Trunks
Forbbiden Love February 14, 2020 Words: 5957 Views: 194 It's been a long time since Gohan's death. In a confrontation with Cell in our timeline, Mirai Trunks is killed by the bioandroid, something that fills the Z senshi with pain, worry and sadness, especially the present Gohan. But this is a good point for Trunks, since fate is so merciful that it will give him a new chance to meet his sensei in the other world and show him how much he missed him.

The characters in this story belongs to Toriyama-san. Deathfic
Amnesia GohanVegeta
Amnesia Abandoned January 2, 2020 Views: 160 During a sparring match gone wrong, Vegeta gets amnesia, forgetting five years of being mated to Gohan and having cubs. SLASH. ADULT Gohan/Vegeta.
Amnesia GohanVegeta
Amnesia Abandoned January 2, 2020 Views: 153 During a sparring match gone wrong, Vegeta gets amnesia, forgetting five years of being mated to Gohan and having cubs. SLASH. ADULT Gohan/Vegeta.
Amnesia GohanVegeta
Amnesia WIP January 2, 2020 Words: 896 Views: 286 During a sparring match gone wrong, Vegeta gets amnesia, forgetting five years of being mated to Gohan and having cubs. SLASH. ADULT Gohan/Vegeta.
Good Bye baby, Please don’t cry! Future TrunksGohan
Good Bye baby, Please don’t cry! WIP November 21, 2019 Words: 15511 Chapters: 4 Views: 468 Only a few months. How am I gonna tell this to everyone, especially Gohan? It has only been a year since we married. I was only in the hospital because my mother made me go and get a checkup. She does the same with all the other Saiyans just to make sure they are in good health. Who had ever thought that this was the news I would receive today. Male Pregnancy
My Family, by Trunks Briefs BulmaChichi
Future TrunksGohan
My Family, by Trunks Briefs November 9, 2019 Words: 6965 Views: 517 Trunks writes an essay about his family and their relationships, Bulma drinks hot chocolate, Vegeta is afraid five-year-olds, and Yamcha has fleas.
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Boxer & Rice

Welcome to Boxer & Rice, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.





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