by Anansi     More by this Writer
Trunks has a promise to keep to Gohan. Will the the butterflies keep him away?

Chapter 02
They drove into town without words. Mostly because they both were thinking to themselves how what would happen once they got to his apartment. Trunks was so shaken up with nerves he didn’t think he could say anything if he had something to say. Every now and again he'd catch Gohan’s eye and shyly turn away. He was so close and it had been so long since he had seen him...smelled his scent...his body flared at the closeness and his sex struggled in his jeans.

Gohan tried reasoning with his human morale that he was simply going to clear the air...speak to Trunks...but as he heard the low purring coming from the prince he knew he could not deny this. He loved him. He had always loved him...since he first looked into his eyes on that warm summer day. Now Trunks was an adult..old enough to understand what that love had turned in to. He was old enough to take all he had to give. With a smile he reached over and took a tan hand in his own. The younger demi’s shaking increased.

They eventually made their way to the large building of his apartment. Trunks trembled as he followed the Z fighter through the luxurious fore and into a golden elevator. Gohan entered a key and pressed the P button and they ascended.

Alone...with Gohan...in an elevator...

The genius swallowed as his eyes roamed over his form. Bulging muscles....taunt abs....a barely concealed hard on in his slacks...and the Son smile. He stared down and only grew more heated as his eyes again traced the thick outline of his slacks. 'Shit...looks so big...'

Gohan blushed, his smile turning to a dark smirk. "If you keep staring at it I may think you like it more than me..."

The purple haired prince turn away sharply. "Fuck."

Gohan chuckled. "After we talk a bit.."

Trunks made a whine in his throat. "What...you mean...this is really happening..."

"Yes it is. I missed you Trunks...I have missed you since that day in the forest..I thought I could be what you needed and leave it at that... because you are so young...but..." Pale fingers lifted the teens chin and skimmed his lips. "...I cant.." The elevator doors opened and Gohan blinked. "Oh we are here. "

The older saiyan walked out and Trunks could barely follow he was so turned on. They walked in to a large but moderately furnished apartment and the teen inhaled the richness of Gohan’s scent. It was so strong here. He watched with amazement as the professor pulled off his tie and unbuttoned his white dress shirt. He sat on the small couch near the desk in the living room and Gohan sat across in the brown leather office chair.

They were alone...and now it seemed the heat was returning with full force. 'It must be nerves. Calm down Trunks..'

"You grew your hair out..."


"Its looks sexy.."

"R-really? Gohan-"

"Trunks I can't be your boyfriend."

Immediately the prince began to panic. He shuffled on the couch before sitting up sharply. "What- but you said-"

Gohan sighed, fingers running through his short pikes. He had to do this before the guilt ruined everything. "I want to be honest with you...so be honest with me ok? I know Vegeta told you about mating and heats...you know what happens next is and its damn well not being your boyfriend..once we start...this...there is no stopping it. Its a bond. Its forever. Are you ok with that? Being my mate...my husband. You only just started college...don’t you want to date girls...fall in love..."

Trunks frowned. It appeared "No. I...I love you Gohan. I know what this means...I..I'm ready to be your mate..."

Gohan smiled. "Really..."


They sat in the quiet of what was spoken and to Trunks it felt like that warm summer morning. He smiled and looked down at his hands. They were shaking. “So are you going to…claim me…”

At the words Gohan purred deep in his chest and his legs spread and rose slightly in pleasure. “ Is that what you want…”

Baby blue met warm chocolate as he looked up and his entire body burned in lust. He had never had sex…he wanted to be fucked tonight…if it was Gohan…he wanted it all…he wanted to feel those smirking lips over his body…he wanted to suck his dick until it was sore..he wanted to feel Gohan…everywhere. “ I want you....all of you..” he whispered.
Gohan smirked. And he would get everything he wanted…for as long as he wanted. The older saiyan stood from his seat and walked over to the teen, his eyes never leaving him. “ Then have me…” he whispered, then captured lips with his own and his hands tugged at tanned hips. The moan that came from the genius was so loud he found himself growling in approval tugging him through the now darkened flat and down the hall. As their kiss grew intense he fumbled with the door to his bedroom. They stumbled in and the professor hissed as he tore away from the teens eagerness to lean against the door.


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