Rad Dead Redemption
by Alpha Light Bearer     More by this Writer
Raditz is given a second chance to redeem his soul. He's brought back to life, temporarily, and is under his surviving younger brother's supervision.
Beforehand, he is bound by three inescapable sets of braces: cuffs on his wrists, ankles, and dick/tail that will release him, one by one, after three tests are completed. In order to gain full redemption, he must prove himself to Goku.

First test: Save his life, second test: Make him proud, and third test: Gain his love.

Second Test: Pride
"He ain't small."

Chichi stopped combing her long hair when she heard her husband speak, "What do ya mean?"

Goku turned on his side, having already settled in for bed that night, to face his partner. Propping his head up on one arm, he watched, mesmerized, as Chichi ran a brush through her soft strands.

"I mean his dick is huge."

"Goku-sa! Don't speak like that." The traditional woman paused for a moment, "How big is huge?" Chichi blushed at her own words, but curiosity was overwhelming her.

"Ya think his thighs are big?"

The brush in Chichi's hand fell to the floor. She spun around to face the strong warrior she had married, "What have I told ya about exaggerating things?!"

"It's true!" Goku sat up and put his hands out, separating them until they represented an approximate measurement, which was about one foot apart. "He really is about this big!"

"Nonsense. That's humanly impossible," Chichi bent over to pick up the brush and put it away.

"Chichi… He ain't a human. And neither am I," Goku played with the hem of his nightshirt.

"Tsk! Don't say such things. I married a human, and yer still a human in my eyes."

At this point, Goku decided it was best to leave that subject alone, "Hey, Chichi-"

A loud clunk came from downstairs, and the housewife sighed exasperatedly, "There he goes again, destroying half the house. At this point, we're gonna run out of money from all the repairs that are gonna be needed."

"Dun worry, Chi," Goku scooted over and nuzzled his wife's arm, "I'll get Bulma t' help me fix stuff and make them more Saiyan friendly."

Chichi pulled her arm away and scoffed, "He ain't staying with us long enough for that to matter. Once he's done with those nettlesome tests, he'll be out of our lives, and things will go back to normal."

Goku tried getting close to her again, "Things ain't never gonna go back t' normal. I now know who I am, where I came from-"

Chichi snatched her arm away again, "You are Son Goku! Nothing more, nothing less!"


"No! I won't have none of that," the raven-haired mother snapped back. "Think about our son and what that type of information could do to him! We'd be a freak family if others found out about that alien nonsense!"

Goku wanted to point out all the animal-people and dinosaurs they had living in their society and how they wouldn't care if they found out he wasn't Earth-born. But, at that moment, the Z-warrior was feeling rather hot under the collar, and if he wanted any action that night, arguing with his wife wasn't the way to get some.

So, Goku let it go and sat up straighter to reach Chichi's neck. He began gently kissing up her shoulder until he reached her ear. 

"Goku-sa? What do ya think yer doing?"

"I… Was thinkin' we could-"

"Is today Saturday?" Chichi asked in a stern voice.

"We can make an exception. Just for t'night?"

"Is today Saturday!"



"Alright, Chichi," Goku said dejectedly and got out of bed.

"And where are ya going at this time of night?"

Feeling anger and frustration start to bubble up his body, Goku turned to face his wife, "Where do ya think?!" and slammed the door as hard as he dared without breaking it, leaving to the bathroom downstairs to relieve himself.

As Goku reached the bottom stair, he realized his brother was sitting in the dining room with a bunch of unprepared food littering the table. The younger Saiyan didn't say a word as he made a beeline to the bathroom.

"Ya smell angry and horny. What's up?"

"None of yer business!" Goku realized he had raised his voice at Raditz without any provocation. "I didna mean t' shout."

Raditz shrugged, biting into a raw drumstick, bone and all, and chewing it a few times before swallowing, "I get it. Bardock got the same way when Toma went on missions. He would take it out on me."


The long-haired warrior bit into a bloody steak, "Our farents."

"Who was our mom?"

"HA!" The larger alien laughed genuinely at the question. "I will tell ya something. If ya ever come face to face with Bardock, don't ever call him that."

Goku looked at his sibling with puzzlement written all over his face. He was about to ask more questions, but he still had problems in the 'basement'. Shaking his head, the shorter Saiyan continued on his way to the bathroom to get himself sorted out.

"Let me know if ya need help with that, Kakarot. I was a professional on our home planet."

Goku froze in place, wondering if Raditz had hit his head or was running a fever but decided, in the end, that the older warrior must've been pulling his leg, some sort of ill-timed joke or mockery. 

Ignoring the questionable offer, Goku entered the tiled room, locked the door, and reached inside his pants, sighing as his hand wrapped around his neglected hard-on.


Next morning, Goku was quick to get out of bed before Chichi woke up and got dressed just as fast before heading towards his brother's room.

He knocked on the door several times until he gave up and entered; he stopped cold when he saw his brother sprawled on the bed. It wasn't much the nudity that made the younger Saiyan gasp, but the way his brother's limbs were positioned—Raditz slept exactly like he did.

An odd feeling crept inside Goku's chest. All his life he had felt like an oddball, having a tail, savoring raw meat, loving the thrill of a good fight or hunt, enjoying being nude, having inhuman strength… And now, seeing another being that was not so different from him, that shared his blood, shared the same ancestry, he suddenly didn't feel alone anymore.

Sure, he had his son, but it wasn't the same as meeting others from one's own kind that didn't come from oneself. 

The young Z-Fighter's eyes wandered over Raditz's body subconsciously, brushing down Raditz's handsome features, his chest, the scar, his well-defined abs… and stopped at the tall warrior's tail. It was lying on the bed, the tip subtly moving every other few seconds, looking soft and welcoming and so touchable.

Goku didn't even realize his hand had begun moving forward until his fingers touched the soft fur. His breath hitched as he ran his digits across the length of the furry appendage. It felt almost as if he were touching feathers or a rabbit's pelt. 

The feel and smell coming from it had Goku in an almost-trance. He observed as the tip of his brother's thick, black tail curled around his wrist, tightening, as if it didn't want the fingers to stop their caressing.

The naïve alien was about to lean down, driven by the instinct to lick it.

"I see yer having fun with my tail, Baby Brother."

Goku startled so hard he fell back on his ass and scurried backwards a few feet to put as much distance between himself and his sibling. 

"It ain't what it looks like!"

Raditz calmly turned on his side on the broken bed to face the startled Saiyan, "Relax, Kakarot! Ya weren't hurting me. The few times ya were taken out of yer nursing pod, ya used to love touching my tail."

Goku felt his breath catch, "I can't remember…"

Raditz got up and walked to his brother, reaching down and pulling him up to his feet. Goku looked at him in confusion until he felt a sinfully soft tail brush over his face and under his nose. He absentmindedly leaned into it, small sparks inside his memory being triggered.

"Ya were too young to remember. Besides, ya hit yer head as a child," a heavy hand patted the shorter Saiyan's hair.

Goku scratched the place above his scar, "I wish I hadn't." 

His head snapped upwards when he heard his wife's footsteps, "It's time t' start chores, and yer gonna help me today on the farm. I'll teach ya how to drive the truck!"

"The what?!"


It had taken longer to teach Raditz how to operate the farm vehicle than to finish with the farming. More than once, Goku had almost gotten run over by the truck, and twice, Raditz had rammed into the old apple tree nearby. 

Goku had had to recalibrate the axils more times than he had the patience to, and in the end, he had told his brother to weed the gardens instead. 

After seeding the earth and watering, Goku had come back to find Raditz had pulled out all of the plants, weeds and young crops alike.

For the first time in his life, the defender of the planet had pulled his hair so hard a few strands had come loose. He had concluded that morning that his older sibling was not built for the country life, and Goku would have to find Raditz something else to do while he worked the crops.


Goku flinched as his wife shouted at both him and his brother for practically ruining that season's vegetables and fruits. Chichi went on and on about how she would have to go all the way to the town's market to get food for two and a half bottomless pits that would suck up anything edible like black holes devouring galaxies.

Gohan had come downstairs, curious about all the shouting that had interrupted his studying, and also to witness one of his mother's legendary temper tantrums. They were kind of fun to watch when they weren't directed at him.

"I now have two half-wits living in my house, one of them destroying everything in sight, and the other one acting needy all the time!"

The female turned around and began compulsively cleaning while still chewing their heads off. Raditz childishly stuck his tongue out at her when she wasn't looking, and it made the small cub chuckle. Gohan slapped a hand over his mouth as his angry mother turned around.

"What are ya laughing at?" Chichi saw Goku was also trying to hold back, and the destructive guest was looking rather smug.

"Out." The fiery female pointed at the door. 

"Chichiiii, What about breakf-"


Goku scampered and dashed out the door. Raditz took his damn time stretching and sauntering behind his brother.

Chichi glared at the tailed alien's back as Raditz purposely opened the door the wrong way, ruining the hinges.

"Oops," the tall fighter shrugged and left, swaying his tail lazily.

A growl that became a scream left the housewife's mouth, and Gohan laughed again at the hilarity of seeing his mother lose her calm so easily with the other two grownups. His uncle certainly had a fun, childish side to him. The young Demi soon regretted letting out his sound of delight when he saw the fire in his mother's eyes.

"Go to yer room, Mister! No breakfast for ya either. I will not be the punchline of any joke!" 

Hungry but still giggly, Gohan ran back up the stairs to continue on with his studies.

From the outside, Goku observed Gohan rushing up the stairs and sighed, "I guess we're all skippin' a meal t'day."

"Fuck that! We're going hunting… Saiyan-style," Raditz informed his brother with a dangerous glint in his eyes and an even more threatening smirk.

"Whaddaya mean?"

Raditz winked and began undressing, "Our carrier taught me and Vegeta all about surviving in the wild. We start from having nothing on us."

"Who's Vegeta?" Goku asked. The name alone sounded like someone needy for approval.

"Nobody ya need to worry about," Raditz laughed nervously and waved him off. "Now, get naked."

Goku quirked an eyebrow, suspicious about the other's motives. Nevertheless, it was obvious his brother knew more about their heritage. So, for now, the ignorant Saiyan would follow his brother's lead.

A few hours and different types of hunted prey later, two blood-covered Saiyans returned to the small dwelling and placed their game on the side porch for skinning.

"I'mma take this one to the brat. What's it called again?" Raditz asked.

"His name's Gohan."

"NO, stupid! The animal."


Raditz gave the other a look and held out the prey in his hand.

"OH! That's a wild boar. And good luck convincin' Chichi t' let ya do that. From the looks of it, Gohan's grounded."

"Watch me. I'm feeding the brat," the larger hunter swung the feral pig over his shoulder and snatched a partridge at the last moment to add to his brother's cub's old-fashioned Saiyan meal.

"Raditz! Wait!" Goku grabbed an empty pail, filling it with water from the outside barrel, and threw it at his brother's bloody face.

"FUCK YA AND EVERYTHING YA BELIEVE IN!!!" Raditz took a few steps back in shock at the cold liquid as his relaxed dick and sac shrunk back into his body. 

"Ya can't let my son see ya like that!" Goku filled the pail again, but Raditz sidestepped and dodged the splash. 



Goku pursed his lips and filled the pail again. His brother dropped their kill and ran for the hills. A jolt of energy burned behind the young Saiyan's eyes as he instinctively took off after his brother, water bucket at the ready.

Fortunately for Raditz, the older alien was much too quick for the Z-Fighter. Fortunately for Goku, his brother was headed straight for the river. Strategizing on the spot, the Earth-raised Saiyan threw the pail at Raditz as a distraction, and while his older brother's focus was on the wooden container, Goku tackled him, both falling into the cold river with a big splash.

Raditz broke the surface of the water, looking like a wet bird about to drown, and stared at his cackling sibling. 


He pounced on the smaller being, pulling a squeal of surprise out of him, and they toppled underwater again. Several minutes of roughhousing in the river passed, ending up with both brothers laughing and crawling to the shore, having expended the last bit of energy.

Goku turned to face his estranged family member and smiled, "I like ya much more when ya let yer real self show."

A blush creeped into Raditz's cheeks, and he looked away, "Tell that to the others."

"Whaddaya mean, 'Ditz?"

The stronger warrior tensed, and he snapped his head back to stare at his counterpart, "What did ya call me?"

"Huh? I called ya 'Ditz," Goku tilted his head. He watched as several emotions crossed the long-haired Saiyan's eyes before Raditz got up and squeezed the water out of his long mane.

"What's wrong?" The younger of the two got up as well.

"Gohan must be hungry. I'm bringing him some food," was Raditz's reply. He walked back to grab the bird and pig with Goku close behind and left to wonder what he had done wrong.


Gohan was sitting at his desk, diligently doing algebra problems and trying to ignore his hunger pains. He was reading an equation out loud when he heard noise at his window. He got up just in time to see his uncle push the screen out of the frame. 

The metal sheet dropped to the floor.

"I don't know how ya people manage to live among all these traps…" Raditz huffed as he floated in the air. He looked up to see the small cub take a step back and smelled fear coming from him. 

"Easy, I brought ya food!"

Gohan gave more steps back as his former kidnapper pulled up a dead boar with his tail and broke off a leg for him, "Have some."

"I-it's raw," the child argued.

Raditz shrugged and took a big bite out of the leg, groaning as the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth and spilled down his chin. 

"Oh, my gods! This tastes like shino!" He took a second bite and chewed loudly, smiling when Gohan's stomach protested.

"Ya know, yer third circle parent had a meatery, and the meat that sold the most tasted very much like this. So good!" Holding the leg between his fangs, Raditz tore off another and offered it to the cub. 

"Come on, Brat. I know ya want some." 

Gohan reluctantly approached the scary adult and accepted the offered leg; he sniffed it and took a bite. As soon as the blood filled his mouth, the small Demi Saiyan's eyes widened, and he began tearing into the limb with gusto.

"Told ya," the large warrior finished his snack and ripped off another piece of tender meat as soon as Gohan finished his part.

The cub ate like a starved Saiyan tasting flesh for the first time, and Raditz wondered just how much the kid was being suppressed, what with his human parent and a clueless one.

"Hey, Kid." 

Gohan looked up to see his uncle deep in thought. 

Raditz looked around to make sure they were alone, "Don't repeat this to nobody, but I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Wish I woulda known more about yer culture before I assumed ya would judge me unless I acted the way I did. I woulda never left any permanent damage, other than roughed ya up a bit. Yer my brother's cub! He means everything to me."

Gohan's eyebrows shot up into his hair, "Really, Mister Raditz?"

Raditz gave the young half-blood an amused expression, "Mister? I ain't got no titles, Brat. Call me by my name. And of course, 'really'. Dead or alive, my source woulda shaved my head and tail if he ever found out I harmed his third circle cub. The guy was obsessed with kids."

The strong fighter lowered his voice, "And between you and me, it was a miracle Kakarot and I didn't have more siblings."

Gohan looked confused, but kept chewing, "Maybe one day I'll have a younger sibling to look after. But between you and me, my daddy is going to have a hard time convincing someone like my mom."

Raditz laughed wholeheartedly, knowing very well Kakarot's mate didn't satisfy him as much as his brother needed. The human seemed to find the idea of daily sex appalling; he could smell the frustration on Kakarot.

After many more bites of raw hog and poultry, and the nerdy child finally letting loose and talking about all his studies, schoolwork, and responsibilities, Gohan found his limit and sighed, patting his belly. 

"Thanks, Mist- Raditz. That was good!"

"No problem, Brat. Good luck with yer number problems. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to do that crap."

"Maybe you can come over sometime, and I can teach you," Gohan suggested.

"I might do that. But for now, I need to go check up on yer… Daddy? And see how the rest of the kill is coming along. We're having a feast tonight!" 

With a wave of his hand, the tall warrior left the window, carrying the remains of the animals he'd brought over for his nephew.


That night, the small family did, indeed, have a feast. Chichi had finally calmed down, and seeing how much the two brothers had provided for everyone had put her in high spirits. She had cooked a few of Goku's favorites as well as several traditional dishes from her hometown.

It had been comical to see the burlesque and strong-looking warrior turn almost red when he had tried the spicy dishes Chichi had cooked and nearly drown himself in water (which made matters worse), sweating, panting, and appetite gone.

Chichi agreed to not cook any more hotdishes during the rest of his stay if he promised to stop destroying her house. It was one of the easiest deals Raditz had made in his life.

Everyone retired to their rooms to rest, but an hour or two later, Raditz woke up, feeling starved. He quietly went to the kitchen, and this time, made an effort not to make noise.

The hungry Saiyan served himself unprepared food, and was about to eat, when his keen sense of hearing picked up on small footsteps coming down the stairway. A few seconds later, Kakarot's brat appeared, holding a small toy tightly in one of his arms. Raditz immediately sniffed the acrid air coming from the disturbed child.

"Are ya okay?"

Gohan shook his head and ran to his uncle, leaping into his lap and trying to wrap his small arms around the Saiyan's girthy torso. The cub was shaking and trying his best to hold in his tears.

Raditz smelled around the child, trying to make out any lingering scent of a possible intruder, namely, the Green Man. He was relieved when he didn't catch anyone else's smell. 

"What happened, Brat?"

"I- had a-a bad- dream," Gohan hiccupped.

Raditz swiped his tail under the child's nose to calm him down, "What was the dream about?"

"I was- being- chased by- a dinosaur- and-and-and you weren't around- to help mmme. Neither- was- my daddyyy!"

"I'm here, Brat. Yer daddy and me ain't gonna let no… Uh…"

"D-dinosaur," Gohan sobbed.

"We ain't gonna let no dinosaur hurt ya. We'll keep ya safe for as long as we can," Raditz began purring to further relax Kakarot's cub and released more pheromones as many Saiyans did to calm others in distress.

The toddler turned big doe eyes to his uncle, "But w-what happens when y-you leave? Piccolo is s-stronger than Daddy."

"Then I'll train yer shosha to get stronger," Raditz promised Gohan.

"W-what's that?"

"It's what Saiyan children call their parent, the one that helps his mates get knocked up." 

"I thought babies c-came from the clouds."

The full blooded Saiyan resisted the urge to laugh, "Nah, Kid. Babies originally come from their sources' balls. Do ya feel better about the bad dream?"

"A little," Gohan wiped his eyes, wondering if he came from a beach ball or a soccer ball. He was certain Krillin must've come from a ping-pong ball.

"Are ya hungry?"

The young Demi shook his head.

"Let's get ya a glass of water then, and I'll take ya back to yer nest," Raditz stood up with the cub in his muscular arm and filled a plastic cup with water from the sink as he'd seen Chichi do many times.

"You're silly, Raditz. We're not birds. We sleep in beds, not nests," Gohan giggled softly.

"That's cuz ya ain't never seen where Saiyans sleep. We had these comfortable nests made with soft furs. Some were so soft ya'd sink right in 'em…" 

Raditz continued talking about light subjects to get the small child in a better mood. Up the stairs they went, and Gohan was promptly tucked under the blankets.

"Uncle Raditz? Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?" The cub asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

The tall warrior frowned, "I'll do ya one better. Has yer carrier- Chichi ever sang ya a song?" When Gohan shook his head, Raditz sat next to the cub's resting place and thought of a song. 

"My side-parent, Gine, he was yer daddy's source. He would sometimes sing at moontime or while he was working; his voice was very soothing. I'mma try to sing one of my favorites…"

Hush now, sleep all you little ones

Rest now, go to your nests, no whines

It's now time to dream of sweet yums

Shut your eyes, let Lune in your minds.

Dreams follow our Goddess’ good deeds

When she comes, we'll all have no needs

Rain falls, blessing the land with seeds

We are her young, all three of the Saiyan breeds.

As she shows the way to victory

She sees the strength in all of our hearts 

You will bring enemies to their knees

Just follow her light and her charts.

Gohan fell asleep before the song ended, and Raditz leaned down to nuzzle his bushy hair.

"May the gods watch over ya when I'm gone," the statuesque figure stood up and left the room, his hunger suddenly lessened.


Goku hastily came out of the master bathroom, practically bouncing on his heels, and hopped on the bed next to Chichi, who was reading a historical fiction book. The young Saiyan stared expectantly at her, vibrating like a puppy ready to receive the biggest, juiciest bone ever, until his wife sighed and shot him with a look of disapproval.

"Ya don't have to act like a child every time…"


"Are ya done readin'?!" Goku asked with a bit too much enthusiasm in his voice.

"I'm almost done with this chapter," Chichi calmly turned the page and kept reading. 

Goku nodded and began taking his nightshirt off. 

"I said I'm not done yet, Goku-sa! Why must ya behave like a kid in a candy store?!"

"Sorry, Chi. I'm just so excited that it's finally Saturday!" The Z-Fighter took off his pants and lay back on the pillows, taking himself in his hand to get a head start. 

"GOKU!" The young mother grabbed a pillow and threw it over Goku's nudity, "Keep this up and I'm canceling it!"

Earth's defender left the pillow on his lap and crossed his hands over his chest, twirling his thumbs, watching as Chichi read her story, turned a page every couple of minutes, and looked every bit as eager as a person waiting in line to renew their driver's license. 

"Are ya done yet?"

Chichi sighed, put a bookmark in place, and set the book down on the nightstand, "No, I'm not done, but yer not gonna let me read peacefully until we get it over with."

"So we can start?!" Twin onyx eyes stared imploringly at the human in the bed.

"Yes, Goku-sa, we can start," Chichi shimmied down the bed and lay on her back, gasping as her husband all but pounced on her. Her long pajamas were roughly pulled up and her underwear yanked off her legs.


"I'm sorry, Chichi! I just really, really need-" Goku leaned down to nuzzle the small patch of pubic hairs his wife had, making the woman yelp and kick him off.

"GOKU!" Chichi sat up and glared at her overzealous partner, "How many times have I told ya?!"

"I know, I know. Ya just smell so good," Goku leaned in to kiss his wife's neck.

"What is with ya today?" Chichi huffed.

"Dunno- I just- Really need it t'night," one of his hands rose to her chest and grabbed her plump breast.

Chichi frowned at the wandering fingers and swatted them away, "Goku, will ya please!"

"Okay, okay! Spread yer legs, Chi," Goku waited for the petite female to get comfortable and grant him access. Once she parted for him, Goku licked his palm and slicked himself up before positioning his shaft at her entrance.

Chichi's breath caught in her throat as she felt Goku push in. He wasn't, by any means, small, and it always hurt at first until she got used to the stretch. 

"Are ya okay?" Goku asked, panting and trying to hold himself back.

"Give me a second!" Once the pain subsided, Chichi nodded, and her husband began to move.

"Ya feel so goooood~" Goku buried his face in her hair and inhaled.

"Goku- Don't- Say those things!" 

The young warrior gasped, feeling his mate's warmth surround him every time he bottomed out, and he couldn't help a loud moan from escaping his parted lips. Goku was fairly good at keeping quiet, but tonight, he felt his blood run hot under his skin. He felt his ki spike at random intervals, as if trying to leave his body. He also felt much more restless than usual.

At his wife's slap on his shoulder, the Earth-raised alien apologized and closed his mouth to keep any more sounds from coming out, even though his body was screaming at him to let loose and go wild.

It wasn't as if the mere human could stop him. 

Goku shook his head from that thought and kept thrusting. After a minute or so, he stopped suddenly and looked at his wife, "Chichi- Can we go more than one round?" Goku asked as he felt himself get unexpectedly close to coming.

"What?! NO!" Chichi pushed Goku's face away, "And pull out before ya finish!"

"Can I at least come on ya this time?" The Saiyan asked with puppy eyes.


Before the woman could argue more with the horny fiend in her bed, the door to the bedroom opened non subtly and a tall, masculine figure with knee length hair stepped in as if he owned the place.

"I heard ya having fun in here. Thought I'd join," Raditz smirked at the couple engaged in their private activity. He had been next door, ready to sleep, alone, when he had heard his little brother's sound of pleasure. All the time he'd been their guest, this had been the first time he'd heard the couple having sex.

The following ear-splitting scream the human let out made both Saiyans grab their ears and double over.


Goku gasped and looked at his wife, "But Chichi, I ain't done yet!"


Chichi brought her foot up to push her husband off and violently covered herself with the blankets, but not before Raditz could get an eyeful of her nudity.

"Oh, gods. Did ya have yer dick cut off?!" Their alien guest asked the human with shock in his voice, remembering that sometimes, on their home planet, this would be a punishment for high crime.


Chichi screamed again at the two male bodies in the room and reached for the first object near her to throw it at her brother-in-law. Goku jumped out of the bed after watching the lamp fly through the air and shatter to the floor. He dashed past his brother, and Raditz wisely followed, shutting the door behind him so forcefully the knob was ripped off and another blood-curdling scream was heard coming from the furious woman.

Goku was already outside when Raditz reached the bottom step and exited the house. Both were panting, a bit shaken up, and neither of them was aroused anymore.

"What- The fuck?!"

"Oh, maaaaan!" Goku pulled his spikes, "I didn't- Get t' finish…"

"We can always wait until yer mate feels more receptive."

"WADDAYA MEAN 'WE'?!" Goku rounded on his brother, "Chichi is MY wife. Ya dun get t' barge in and expect t' join!"

"FINE!" Raditz raised his hands, "So, now what?"

"We can sleep in my old home. It's freezin' out here…" Goku hugged himself as the crisp night air tickled his skin.

"I can help with that," the larger Saiyan pulled his naked, younger brother against his body and flared up his ki to create an area of warmth around them. 

Goku's eyebrows shot upwards as he realized what the other had done and mentally facepalmed for not thinking about it sooner.

Raditz led them to the smaller house not far away from the main living space and let Kakarot open the door. They stepped through the threshold—Raditz banged his head against the door frame—and the shorter Saiyan walked away to grab a sleeping mat for his brother as he didn't want Raditz to break his grandpa's old bed.

Once an extra pillow was set on the mat, Goku crawled in the bed and under the blankets.

Raditz looked around the starkly furnished and dusty, one-room forge, thinking to himself this was a much less confusing setup than the other place. 

"I take it I ain't sleeping next to ya?" He asked in a bitter tone as he lay down on the off-white mat. 

"Ya'll sleep there," was Kakarot's reply.

Raditz huffed, much like a child who didn't get the last piece of cake, and crossed his arms under his head, staring angrily at the ceiling. His mind began replaying the last events that happened in the bigger forge, and he turned to his sibling.

"I didn't know yer mate had breasts and no dick."

"Women dun have dicks," Goku naïvely answered as he was taught by his old-fashioned grandfather. "And they have boobs."

Raditz hummed, "Are all humans like that?"

"No. Men dun have boobs, and they have a dick."

The older Saiyan made a sound of realization when he figured out humans must be one of those binary species he had come across during planet purging for the PTO. Those species had always seemed peculiar to him and to his stronger teammates as well, the Prince in particular. 

His mind began to wander as images of his past lover appeared in his foremind.

Thinking about the forbidden love he had shared with said prince, who was currently far, far away, pulled a deep sigh out of the built warrior. Memories of the times spent together in the privacy of the Prince's quarters made Raditz's body heat up, and his hand snaked down his muscular midriff, wrapping itself around his member. He knew it would be no use to try to orgasm, not with the cursed energy cuff around the base of his dick.

"Gods! I'm so fucking horny, and I can't come with this stupid thing around my cock!" He exclaimed.

Goku's eyes shot wide open when he heard his brother and instinctively focused on the large hand grasping an even larger meat rod. Embarrassment filled him but was promptly replaced by frustration and anger. 

"How do ya think I feel?! The one night Chichi allows me t' touch her and ya cock-block me!" 

It didn't take a genius to figure out what his brother meant by those last words, "Hey, don't let me stop ya. Go ahead and pull one out."

"I ain't jacking off in front of ya!"

"Why not? Saiyans do it all the time. Anytime, anywhere. After coming of age, I used to love watching our parents fuck. Sometimes they'd let me join."

Goku turned around fully to face his sibling, curiosity spiking his interest, "Ain't that weird?"

"No? At least not on Vegetasei. It's normal to have sex with siblings and parents, and their siblings and their parents," Raditz explained.

"Really?! It ain't allowed here," the younger Saiyan said. "It's against the law."

"That's so strange… How else are ya supposed to bond with yer circle?"

"We do chores together, play games, eat together, talk, hunt…" Goku listed the different activities he used to do with his grandpa.

"We do all that too!" Raditz lay on his side to better see Kakarot, "But once we come of age, we bond physically. Our parents initiate their first offspring by having sex with them, and it's the older brother's responsibility to initiate his younger brother and so on. If ya had never been shipped away, I woulda initiated ya once ya became an adult, and we'd be having sex all the time."

"Dun be stupid, two guys can't have sex," the shorter alien laughed.

Raditz clicked his mouth shut, his eyes unseeing as his brain had a mild stroke, "Ya don't know much about sex, do ya."

"I know that's how ya make babies!" The innocent alien said proudly. "Chichi told me after I was worried I'd become pregnant by eatin' certain foods. I thought that was how she got knocked up. But she assured me I could never get pregnant."

Raditz frowned as he realized his baby brother wouldn't have had any means to know about his own anatomy. 

"Kakarot… All Saiyans can get pregnant."

"What?!" Goku sat up on the bed, "Males can't get knocked up. Everyone I've asked has said so!"

The older Saiyan also sat up, "Well, for starters, we ain't male. We're what some species call 'dyads', meaning: we have what yer females have and what yer males have."

"I dun understand," Goku tilted his head.

"It's easier if I show ya," Raditz got up from his mat and sat on the bed, pushing Kakarot down on the mattress. Placing a large hand on his brother's belly, he proceeded to explain, "This is where our core is, babies grow in here, and then come out through our breeder, here." Raditz lowered his hand past Kakarot's genitals and pressed under his sac. 

Goku tensed but was too intrigued to learn to stop the other.

"I knew it. Yer unbreached, that's why ya don't know ya have a pussy."

"I have a pussy?! I thought only girls had that."

Raditz shrugged, "Anyone can have a cunt. It depends on how they're formed physically," he unconsciously began tracing lazy patterns on Kakarot's lower abdomen.

"So I can have kids?"

"Yep. I'm sure yer just a Locker. Ya don't smell like a Latcher, and from what I've seen, yer dick ain't a Latcher's dick."

"Whaddaya mean by that?"

"Saiyans have two types of cocks, in simple terms. Those that can form a knot with the head, and those that can't. The ones that can form a knot with their glans are simply known as Latchers. We can get other Saiyans pregnant with no difficulty. Saiyans that are only Lockers have trouble getting others pregnant cuz they can't knot."

"Knot as in ropes?"

"Uuuh… Shit," Raditz scratched his head. "I'd hafta show ya hands-on what I mean. But I ain't breaching ya until ya get yer tail back. Ya don't smell like a complete adult, even though it's obvious ya already came of age. Ya wouldn't have been able to have a cub otherwise."

"I'm twenty five. I AM a grown up."

"I don't know what that number means, and ya ARE a grown up. Ya just smell incomplete."

Goku briefly considered the idea of having his fifth limb restored. He did find himself missing it a lot. 

"So what if I get my tail back?"

"Yer probably gonna get a retroactive heat," the older brother concluded.

"What's that mean, Raditz?!"

"It means yer gonna jump on my cock and ride me until I knot ya!"

The Earth-raised warrior blushed furiously, "I can't do that with my brother! It ain't right!"

"Kakarot, I don't know what kinda backwards planet ya grew up on, but trust me when I say this, not having sex with yer circle members is weird in our culture. Something has to be very wrong for parents or brothers to avoid having sex with each other. It's as common as sitting together around a table and eating raw meat. And ya like raw meat, right? It's in yer blood. So having sex with me or our parents—if they were still around—would come naturally since yer an adult now. It ain't something we even think about. It's just part of our life, like hunting or fighting."

"Chichi would never agree to this. Yer my brother, and I'm married!"

"Married means ya have a ritual and become mates, right?"

"Yeah, I thought it was a type of food… She told me ya can only have sex with yer spouse." Goku looked a tad disappointed.

The larger alien laughed, "If yer a Snow Saiyan, maybe, but we ain't that. Once we come of age, we can have sex wherever we want, whenever we want, and with any adult we want."

"I have t' admit that sounds great, but-"

"But nothing. Our life revolves around the rule of Four F's: fighting, food, family, and fucking. It's part of what makes Saiyans Saiyan."

"I still need t' wrap my head around the fact I ain't a human," the younger brother rubbed his face.

"Ya like fighting, ya love food, yer protective of yer circle, and I can smell how easily aroused ya get. Kakarot, that's normal. Ya ain't a freak for liking all those things, and I have a feeling the humans here have told ya that ya are," Raditz felt a pang of anger when Kakarot nodded.

"Ya may be a freak to them, but ya ain't to yer kind. Fuck what humans think. Be yerself, accept yer instincts. I've seen the way ya look at me, and if ya had yer tail, Baby Brother, I woulda rocked yer world light in and light out."

"Does… Does havin' sex with another Saiyan feel good?"

"Heh. I can give ya seven different types of orgasms, Kakarot," Raditz purred while swishing his tail. 


"One of them is so strong ya'll faint. Happens every time, no exceptions," the stronger fighter informed his sibling with a glint in his eyes.

Goku felt very tempted if he were to be truthful, "This is a lot t' take in, 'Ditz."

"Don't let it keep ya up all night, but remember I'm only here until I complete the tests. After that, chances are ya'll never get to see another one of yer kind again. Very few of us still exist."

Raditz returned to his mat and wrapped himself with a cover, lying on his feathery mane for extra comfort and trying not to think about his comrades that were coming soon. He was certain they would want to get intimate with his brother, especially Vegeta. And he would miss out on all the fun…

Goku watched his brother relax into the sleeping mat, back towards him. With his eyes, he trailed along the contour of the older warrior's shoulder, his pronounced hip, long legs, and down to his feet. 

Thoughts disrupted his peace of mind, conflicting emotions gnawed at his heart, and arousal painted his dreams as he finally was able to find solace in the dimension of sleep.


Next day, the brothers woke up to loud, obnoxious knocking at the door. Goku opened it to reveal his angry wife holding a list of drawn-out supplies and equipment to buy at the hardware store. It seemed like today was going to be a repair day. 

"Cover yourself, Goku-sa!" Chichi averted her eyes. "Bulma is coming over to help this afternoon. No breakfast until ya return with the completed list," the human shot Raditz a dirty look, "both of ya."

"Chichi, but-"

The door was slammed on Goku as his wife returned to the house.

"Breakfast is the early sun meal, correct?" The older Saiyan wanted to make sure he was understanding all the human terms correctly.

"Yeah…" Goku walked to the small shelves and fiddled with one of the ornaments there.

"I had currency in my ship, ya know? Yer brat destroyed it…" Raditz got up to see what his sibling was doing; Saiyan curiosity was sometimes a curse.

"I betcha that money woulda been no good here anyways," the spiky-haired alien pulled out a wad of paper and a rectangular card from the ornament. "Lucky my grandpa left me some cash, and Bulma gave me this card for whenever I'm in a tight spot."

Taking a few bills and the Capsule Corp. card, Goku hid the rest of the money back in the ornament and opened a drawer to put his back-up clothes on.

"I hate t' eat into these funds, but I'm hungry, and I ain't gonna let ya starve either."

Raditz felt his heart leap into his throat, "Ya… Yer worried about me not eating?"

Pulling his pants up, Goku gave the other a puzzled look, "Of course. Yer my brother," Goku noticed the tall Saiyan blush a deep red before turning around to hide his face.

After finding an old pair of traditional shoes, the shorter fighter put them on, along with a loose shirt. 

"It's best if we ask Gohan t' fetch ya yer boots and a top. I dun recommend goin' inside the house just yet."

Raditz scoffed, "I ain't afraid," and quickly left to retrieve his personal dress items.

He returned with a nasty red spot on his forehead from where an iron cast pan had hit him.


Both Saiyans flew into the city an hour later. The first thing they did was hit Goku's favorite street food vendors and stuff their faces with all sorts of traditional District One dishes and snacks. The spirit guest had all but cried at the amazing flavors and varieties.

The second thing was buying Raditz much needed clothing, and Goku realized that his brother knew exactly what to pick to show off his chiseled body. He didn't think that was fair in the least, especially when his brother bought a hair band to tie his long mane up in a ponytail and a pair of sunglasses.

"Your boyfriend knows how to dress," the store helper whispered to Goku when she saw him gawking openly at the scene Raditz created, what with his skin-tight jeans, low collar shirt, and leather jacket. 

Goku blushed furiously at the nosy woman, "Ehehe! He ain't my boyfriend! He's-"

"Oh, your secret is safe with me then. You should consider buying a little number for yourself too. You don't want that hunk to have all eyes on him, do you? I have just the attire!" The assistant pulled Goku along, despite his protests that he was perfectly fine in his baggy, borderline ratty clothes.

An hour or so later, Goku returned with more clothes than he had planned on purchasing, paid for them, and silently prayed that Bulma wouldn't get angry at him for spending so much on get-ups. 

After encapsulating all the bags of clothing for himself and his brother, the Earth-raised alien was ready to get the Hell out of there. Raditz, however, was too busy basking under the attention of a group of young women surrounding him.

Goku's eye twitched, and he felt something he had experienced only once in his life when Raditz had looked at Chichi with desire.

Dressed in his new garments; loose, black pants with too many pockets on them, a tight white tank top, a black and white plaid shirt, and nice converse shoes, and covered in a toxic cloud of jealousy, Son Goku marched at the group of giggling females that were laughing at something his brother was saying.

He pushed through the human barrier and petulantly hooked his arm around Raditz's larger one, "He's taken. Back off."

Raditz's eyebrows shot up into his widow's peak, and he lifted his sunglasses with his free hand to look down at his baby brother. What he saw was an angry and pouting face looking accusingly at him. 

The tall warrior let out a heartfelt laugh and shrugged at the girls, "What can I say? He's right." Slinging his arm around Kakarot's shoulders, Raditz pulled him closer to his hardened body and kissed his cheek much too loudly.

The female humans let out a disappointed sound and began withdrawing. One had the audacity to write something on a piece of paper and hand it to Raditz.

"If it doesn't work out for you two, here's my number, Hot Stuff." 

Before Raditz could take it, Goku snatched the small paper and stuffed it in his mouth, chewing on it and growling. The hair on his nape stood on end, and if he had a tail, it would be lashing out uncontrollably as he bared his sharp fangs at the woman.

She wisely backed off slowly and left.


"Yer more Saiyan than ya realize, Kakarot."

"I still feel bad for actin' like a wild animal…" Goku sighed as the two made their way to the hardware store.

"Saiyans ARE wild animals, Little Brother. It's natural for ya to feel territorial with me, especially since I ain't claimed ya yet," Raditz said smugly.

"Ya ain't what?"

"Had sex with ya- HEY! LOOK! Ya humans have tournaments here too?!" The long-haired warrior pulled his glasses up to better see a group of people gathered in an empty lot, cheering as two buff guys fought each other in the center.

Goku also became distracted as he saw the group Raditz was looking at, "Oh, that ain't a tournament. That's street boxin'. Sometimes, there are events where people can go watch others fight and place bets, and whatnot. Usually there's a winner that takes some kinda prize money-"

"PRIZE MONEY?!" Raditz suddenly exclaimed and grabbed Kakarot by the arm, dragging him to the improvised ring where a knockout had just taken place. 

"It's high time we had a little warm up!"

"Raditz! These things are usually illegal!" Goku tried removing his brother's tight grip, but it was nigh impossible.

They reached the arena as the announcer called out for another volunteer opponent.

"MAKE WAY!" Raditz hollered, rolling up his jacket sleeves, "I'll be the one to take that prize money!"

A few people laughed at the utter arrogance of the sharply dressed man with odd designs on his wrists.

"You need to pay to enter," the organizer said, "and frankly, you look like you're better suited to twirl around on a catwalk than get your skirt dirty."

"I can pay with my winnings, and I'll take on any of your warriors without even breaking a sweat!" The Saiyan assured with confidence he rarely felt. The crowd roared with mocking laughter.

"Sorry, Kid. But we want real fighters to put on a show for the crowd."

"I'll take 'im on. This fight is on the house!" 

People turned to see a tall, girthy man step up from the crowd, taking off his suit jacket. The winner of the recent match rushed out of the arena when the new fighter entered the improvised fighting ring.

"Excellent!" Raditz took off his sunglasses and leather jacket too, "Hold these, Kakarot."

"Raditz, that looks like a member of the Yakuza! I was told never t' mess with them!" Goku tried reasoning with his ill-advised brother, but the other was already stepping in the arena to fight a man twice his body mass.

"Alright, everyone! Place your bets!" The ringmaster directed. "This will be the last fight of the day, seeing as nobody will want to fight Shinoda sama, especially after seeing this newcomer get destroyed."

Raditz simply grinned at his opponent, showing long fangs at him, and readied himself for the fight. As soon as the bell rang, the Yakuza kumicho charged with a right hook and uppercut, followed by a series of jabs, all of which Raditz dodged with an almost bored expression.

Gradually, the crowd began to realize they might've placed their bets on the wrong person, and after Raditz had studied the other's movements long enough, he landed a cross punch that sent the hefty human flying through the air and crashing through a nearby, abandoned building.

Everyone was silent and wide-eyed after the one punch knockout to the notorious mobster. Even the announcer had no words as Raditz happily strutted to him and snatched the prize money as well as the bets placed. 

When he returned to his younger brother, he noticed Kakarot wasn't exactly pleased as he handed Raditz his leather jacket and dark spectacles.


"Raditz! That fight was unfair. Yer way too strong for any humans!" Goku reprimanded. "Besides, I think this whole event is for money launderin'."

"Lighten up, Baby Brother!" Raditz wrapped his arm around the other Saiyan's shoulders and ushered him away from the stunned crowd, "I won this fair and square."

"This is dirty money," Goku tried reasoning with his taller sibling, "Who knows where it came from."

"I have no idea what ya mean by dirty. The paper looks fine. Surprised yer kind still uses such an outdated means of currency…"

Goku twisted away from the other alien and gave Raditz a stern look, "This ain't about which civilization is more advanced! This is about money that came from bad guys!"

"Ya know, many would consider me a bad guy, Brother," Raditz stopped walking and crossed his arms.

Goku reflected on the larger warrior's words. He had forgotten that Raditz was, indeed, one of the bad guys, not just his older brother. He sighed and kept walking, at a loss for what to do. The Yakuza wasn't exactly forgiving of slights against them, and Raditz had wrecked one of their members.


A heavy hand landed on Goku's shoulders, and he turned around to see Raditz's worried face. 

"If it bothers ya so much, we can give this back. Or better yet, give it to somebody who needs it. Replace a bad deed with a good one."

Goku looked surprised at his once villainous brother as Raditz grabbed his smaller hand and placed his winnings in his palm.

"Pretty sure yer planet has underprivileged people too," the stronger Saiyan put his sunglasses back on and continued their trek to wherever they were headed next, but Kakarot cut in front of him.

"What now?" Kakarot gave him a wide smile that warmed Raditz inside and made his heart skip a beat. 

"It ain't easy t' just give away a large amount of money for a good cause. I'm proud of ya, 'Ditz."

"Psh- Think nothing of it," Raditz tried playing it cool. "It ain't like I need-" 

The soul on probation felt a tingling sensation on both his wrists. He quickly pulled up his sleeves to see the two arm braces disappearing.

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