Sunrise Proposition
by Alpha Light Bearer     More by this Writer
The morning after Bardock joined the royal nest for the first time, King Vegeta made him an offer Bardock might have to refuse.

Sunrise Proposition
Sunrise Proposition
by TheBrokenAnatomy and AlphaLightBearer

Day 1 of Rare Pair Week (Aug 25)- Cozy

King Vegeta/Bardock


Intersex, Saiyans are Intersexed, Polygamy, Womb Knotting, Alternate Universe, Canon Divergent, World Building, First Time, First Kiss.


Early cycle sunlight fell through the stained glass windows, sending different splashes of color throughout the room. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall; the smell of delicious food wafted behind the group of servants that were rushing to deliver a light meal to the King's chamber.

The abrupt opening of the heavy chamber doors startled Bardock awake and he instantly got into a defensive stance, tail fluffed out, swishing to and fro. All the servants stopped in their tracks when they saw an energy ball begin to charge in the King's guest's hand.

The commotion having also raised the royal, King Vegeta chuckled at his bedchamber's invitee whose reaction was less than welcoming. "Relax, heir of cKelerias. I ordered my servants to bring us a small snack at early cycle." A quick gesture from the King's hand and several nervous servants came in with trays piled high with food, setting the assortment on the bedside table and on a few standing trays they had brought to help hold the remainder.

Bardock stood down and snuffed out the ki ball. He watched as tray upon tray was set around the King's nest, all aligned and ready for the taking. "I ain't never seen so much food in one sitting… And ya say this were a small snack?!"

Enjoying the awestruck look on the locker's face, the elite smirked. "You best get used to this treatment. I plan on having you around more frequently."

"Uh-huh." More focused on all the exquisite smells, Bardock barely paid attention to His Majesty and the generous invitation.

"You seem famished. Please, dig in." The King sat up, giving a large stretch with his limbs, tail included, before turning to the spread that had been brought in to them.

Scoffing, Bardock got out of the nest and neared one tray with heated meat. "I were gonna anyway." The newly assigned Commander grabbed one of the raw steaks and began inhaling it, manners were quite absent.

The servants were standing by and fell slack jawed at the conduct of the King's guest, but one stern, warning growl from the royal and they rushed out from the upper class' chamber, shutting the door behind them.

A look of utter smug amusement crossed King Vegeta's face from watching such a rudimentary third class. "So what say you? Do you fancy visiting me often? I certainly can use some company from such a-" Dark eyes of the ruling Saiyan were glued on Bardock as the younger warrior stuffed his mouth and then grabbed a jug of water, trying to drink it while his cheeks were stuffed the size of a dodoro. "-From such an exceptionally uncouth creature."

"Uncouf my ash! I'm shtonger dan mosht shecond cashesh!" Bardock replied with a full mouth, not even bothering to turn around or halt his food inhaling.

A slightly startled look crossed the King's features at such a bold non sequitur that was said through an immeasurable amount of food in the third class' maw.

The royal's silence made Bardock turn around and what could be considered an attempt of a smile appeared on his face before he swallowed his bite, the lump distending his throat as it made its way to the chikan- an organ where food was converted almost instantly into ki. "I'm fucking with ya. I know what 'uncouth' means." He said archly.

King Vegeta guffawed before settling in to just watch, fascinated, while Bardock ate his fill. He eventually joined his guest and started eating, his manners and etiquette the extreme opposite of the scarred Saiyan.

"Ya really hafta look out for yer manners in front of me? Ya think I'm the kind of Saiyan that will judge a hungry king?" Bardock remarked.

The ruler of the planet felt the life muscle in his chest throb almost painfully as the other fighter pulled on it with his raw honesty. Without any further hesitation, he began stuffing his face. He'd never felt the freedom to just be a Saiyan, but this Bardock created a strange comfort zone for him, and the King quickly decided he wasn't going to take it for granted.


Once they had their fill three times over and they licked themselves clean, King Vegeta rested his head onto Bardock's lap after the heavy 'snack'.

Bardock was hand feeding bits of the nana fruit, short for sakimura nanashi. He was surprised His Majesty accepted being fed so casually and without a second thought. Either the King was flirting, or he was regarding the low ranked Saiyan as an equal.

"What about Cheri? He were a locker."

"Cheri would have been an acceptable mate," King Vegeta replied between bites, "But he is with Roma now. They already have a cub who has shown great promise. Roma is a latcher and a soft hearted warrior. I have no interest in taking both as consorts. I need a strong breeding mate, a non latcher, someone witty, someone that will give me an heir, someone that will keep me at my toes with his playful banter…"

Bardock scoffed, knowing exactly who the King was hinting at. "If I find someone that meets those requirements, I'll let ya know."

"I was describing YOU! I'm being serious, Bardock." King Vegeta huffed.

"I'll hafta think about it, Vee."

"I love it when you call me that."

"Yer so needy." The shorter Saiyan snapped fondly, grabbing another purple fruit from the tray next to the nest with his tail. He began cutting a piece off with a string of ki and continued hand feeding the royal.

"Says the Saiyan who could not get enough of my cock. You did not release me for almost an entire degree!" The elite teased his guest.

Bardock blushed fiercely and roughly shoved a piece of fruit in the King's mouth to shut him up. "I haven't had a decent latcher dick in a long time. Don't flatter yerself." He added as he saw the taller warrior grin smugly.

"Just imagine it, 'Dock. You, living here in the palace, servants tending to your every need, no concern about water during the drought seasons, no scrounging for scraps or breaking your back to make ends meet, hot fountains you can bath in whenever you feel like it, and my knot buried inside your womb every cycle, filling you with my seed." The King's reddish brown furred tail crept around one of the locker's legs to curl around it.

The scarred Saiyan shivered at the thought of a life of luxury. "It were all very tempting, Vee."

"And come Rain Season, when you get your heat, you shall bear me my first born." Sitting up, King Vegeta turned to the smaller Saiyan, kneeling on the furs. "Imagine yourself, by my side. Bardock, the carrier of the Crown Prince of Vegetasei." The flame haired latcher moved forward, leaning in close.

Bardock tensed and felt his heart lodge inside his throat as the sovereign kissed him for the first time. Considering how they had barely just met a few cycles ago, King Vegeta must be truly serious if he was already kissing him.

"It is settled, I shall begin courting you properly, heir of cKelerias." The King stated triumphantly after the small make out session, caressing his new lover's cheeks with his thumbs.

Bardock grabbed the ruler's hands in his and pulled them away from his face, his thoughts immediately going to his childhood friend, Gine, and how he would never leave him, even for a life of luxury. If His Highness wanted Bardock as a mate, he'd have to accept Gine as well.

"There were one condition, Vee. I come with strings attached."



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