Royal Voyage
by Anansi     More by this Writer
Trunks and Gohan are having a most unusual honeymoon.

Son Gohan shuffled up the rickety plank board to the ship opening with a multitude of other lost souls. It was departure day. They were leaving the breezy shores of Cape Brassier and heading out for the unknown of the sea. The ship procured for travel was rank with the nobility of her owner and reminded the young teacher of mighty vessels much older. Gohan was reminded of his mission as he admired the gold trimmings overhead.

Prince Trunks.

It was a simple twist of fate. There he was, reading his morning paper when he gazed upon deep blue eyes in the corner of the West Herald. Mysterious Prince set to sail across the Atlantic to the uncharted coasts of Vera islands. It was no doubt to be an incredible expedition and was teaming to the brim with discovery. The prince was offering West city civilians a chance on the open shores and was looking for many positions to be filled. Gohan could have applied for an expert position in the sciences: to be a navigator or a council. One look into the prince's background told him he needed to be meek in his presence. Humble. Without experience he applied for deck hand and was accepted on the spot.

He just wanted to watch him.

With his father's old farming boots he set foot on the floor of the ship and made his way through the halls of the ship. Men cursed, laughed, and kissed as he passed each with devious eyes. Gohan did his best to keep his rucksack and orders in hand as he shuffled through. One look at the men told him attire would be unique aboard the Prince's vessel.

The further he got into the depths of the ship, the less clothes the men wore and the more salacious the activities. When he finally made his way to the steps leading to the quarters, he was stunned by two men arranged precariously on the step. One man stood as the other pleasured him with his mouth. The sight was so shocking Gohan stood in awe. Wandering eyes were mesmerized by the grip on black hair…how white knuckles were. How red lips taunted as they slid over slick, pulsating flesh.

The stranger choked as hips pushed into his face and Gohan found his cheeks reddened. “Hey newbie? Shouldn’t you be reporting to the captain's quarters? We make for open water in 5 minutes.”

Gohan turned away quickly and stared angrily at the metal bridge of the wall. “C-Captain's quarters? My orders say…”

“Captain Briefs not a man to be kept waiting. Better move your ass scallywag!”

“Yes sir!!”

Without protest he ran past them and up to the deck. The swaying of the ship made him uneasy, but the glaring eyes around him were worse. He struggled with his sack as he trudged pass shirtless men and down into the captains quarters. He knocked gently but the door opened on its own.

Inside, the rooms were lavish, with trimmings of gold, as well as beautiful linens. It smelled of lavender and spilled bourbon. It was gently lit, and from the back soft winds carried white curtains towards the sea and brought cool air.

He sat his pack down and swallowed. “Captain Briefs? I was told to report here…”

From the shadowed corner a voice crawled out. “Son Gohan, is it? You are late.”

That voice made an ache thrum in his loins. It was raspy, and light. The professor had to still himself before replying. “I-I apologize, sir…”

From the corner a face appeared and was cast with sunlight. “I run a tight ship. Excuses are for weak men. Are you a weak man, Gohan?”

Gohan blushed darkly. There was no hiding his arousal nor his anger. Instead he quietly murmured his reply, ignoring those demonic eyes in favor of the antique rug. “No sir..”

The captain smirked and sat back in his chair. Son Gohan. He was in excellent physical condition. Especially given his profession. He looked over him and tapped a finger to tanned lips. “Your papers say you are a professor. Why would a teacher want to work as a deckhand on my ship?”

“I am on leave for this expedition sir. Any scholarly work done would need to be reported to my employer so…”

It was a lie; an unwarranted fallacy, but he could think of no other quickly enough. His breathing grew harsh as he squirmed under scrutiny. The captain made a hum in his throat and the poor teacher moaned.

“So this is leisure for you, is it? As I said, I run a tight ship. There will be hard work involved. I expect to be obeyed without question. Do you understand?”

Gohan felt himself shaking. Aroused by the grainy sound of the captain’s voice and how serious he was. He groaned as his arousal moistened his pants and began dripping down his thigh. “Yes, sir…if I am honest…”

Captain Briefs quirked a brow. “I expect honesty…deck hand.”

Gohan frowned harder as if that alone could relieve his tension. “O-Of course, captain…as I said…if I’m honest…I’ve followed your work for years…bio grafting…reforestation systems…the leaps you have made in robotics..I only wanted to…work under you…no matter how menial...”

“I see…and your father…he is a fighter, is he not? You yourself have the build of a fighter. I too enjoy the sport of martial arts..”

“That is correct sir..”

There was a pause. A moment was frozen in time before the captain let out a deep breath. “You will clean my quarters as well as the deck every day. I expect your duties to be performed before nightfall. When you are done I will make use of you in anyway I see fit. Any disobedience will be met with firm punishment. When you are not working or in my company, I expect you to be in my bed waiting for orders. You will sleep here. Is that understood?”

Gohan bit at his lower lip, his dress shirt doing little to cover his aroused nipples or his trembling. He was going to sleep in the captain's quarters? Flashes of the men on the stairs—the one's kissing in the hall— all appeared in the fog of his blood deprived brain.

He knew without question he was attracted to Captain Briefs; the idea of sleeping next to him was ruining his good nature. “Yes…sir.”

Captain Briefs gazed at the wetness of his slacks and chuckled. “Are you a virgin, Gohan.”

Gohan shut his eyes tight. “Y-Yes sir…I was married briefly, but never consummated.”

“A ship can be a dangerous place for a virgin, deckhand. We will handle this matter at once. Take off your clothes and lay on the bed on your stomach.”

Brown eyes opened wide. “Sir?!”

Captain Briefs smirked. “I expect you to obey my command, deck hand. If you hurry you should be able to manage that before the ship’s engines start.“

The redness on pale cheeks grew ugly as the teacher quickly tore his way out of his dress shirt and his pants. He kicked his boots to the side and looked away, embarrassed. “Sir..”

Lavender hair tossed as the captain leaned forward. “The underwear as well. I do not like to repeat myself.”

“Y-Yes sir! Sorry, sir!” Gohan cursed to himself as he pulled his white briefs down and climbed into the bed. Hiding his embarrassment in soft pillows he willed his heart to calm as he felt the bed dip and hands touch his back.

“You claim to be a virgin, so I am assuming this is including men…am I correct?”

A soft hand skimmed up his spine and back down to his waist. “Yes sir…I’ve…I’ve never…although I have…sucked someone off before…”

Captain Briefs smirked as he smoothed over muscled cheeks. His arousal laid against them and left sticky trails as he leaned down into the deck hand's ear. “I will put your experience to good use at a later time…when you are in my bed you will call me Trunks…is that understood…Gohan?”

Gohan cried out as he was pushed deeper into the bed and his erection pressed at his navel. “Y-Yes Trunks!!”

“Good. Welcome aboard, Gohan. This will be the hardest ride of your life…”

The engines began rumbling though the ship and shaking the bed in violent tremors. Gohan gasped as the sensations on his virgin flesh and his eyes rolled and fingers clawed the spread. “Oh fuck-“

Trunks growled. “Yes…best spot on the whole damn ship, isn’t it…” He gripped gyrating cheeks and pulled them apart to prod at the older man's wet entrance. “Take a deep breath…” he warned before the crown of his manhood began to push harder against his tightness.

The body under him struggled before opening wide and crawling into the covers. Trunks kept a firm grip as he pushed paled hips deep into the vibrations of the roaring ship, teasing his cock with small, deep strokes. Gohan felt something inside the cave to the captain's girth and swallowed that heated flesh in a cocoon of nerves. He tightened and sucked the spewing crown with the walls of his body so viciously he could do little more than sob in pleasure brokenly. “TRUNKS!!”

Trunks hissed, jabbing into that tight, swollen place bluntly. “You’re taking my dick so well, Gohan…here is your reward…”

Trunks gripped pale shoulders and forced inside his swell until he was shaking. Until that already tight opening stretched around his cock like a silken glove and he was smashed against the mounded nerves of the teacher's pleasure. The body under him spasmed and passion began spurting in squelching sounds between them.

Gohan laid in shock and embarrassment as the sound went on without their movement. “Stop making that noise!!”

Trunks chuckled. “I’m not moving. That’s you…coming in your ass from being fucked…” He hunched over till he breathed deeply against his ear. “I have been gentle with you, but now I must tend to my own needs. I must be at the helm in 30 minutes to check the bearings. Bite down on the pillow, Gohan…”

Gohan did as he was asked and moaned as hands laced against his forehead. The captain moaned obscenities in his ear harshly as he drew back before slamming deeply back inside his passage repeatedly. The pleasure of such a deep touch to his nerves made the deck hand blind, and he screamed into the pillow. The harder his thrusts, the deeper his grunts and curses till the captain was pounding that tightness with near violence, angling his hips from side to side like a dog in his eagerness. Against a sweat clad cheek he growled. “Is this too much-scream more for me-cry for me, bitch-“

Gohan had little time to prepare himself as suddenly his pleasure pitched as the captain was hammering seed into him. His own pleasure jetted into the comforter as he screamed in release, hips pushing back against the other's spilling cock. “MPFH!!”

Trunks growled as he milked his throbbing cock with slow strokes outward. The large head of his sex popped out of that tightness and oozed silken seed between them. “Fuck yes…”

He looked over at red cheeks and tear glazed eyes and allowed his hands to fall from the man's forehead to lie bedside his cheeks. “Are you hurt?”

Gohan looked over into those bewitching eyes and removed the pillow from his swollen lips. “N-No, sir…”

Trunks smiled at him. “What did I ask you to call me in my bed…”

The deck hand's eyes lidded and a tear slid down his cheek. “Trunks...”

A thumb wiped the tear away and it was in that moment Gohan noticed that the engine had stopped. The ship had made anchor. The young captain's smile was lopsided as he gazed at his contentment. He was beautiful—naive— but beautiful. “Since it was your first time, I will allow you to rest. Next time you have an hour to get dressed. “

Gohan arched his back instinctually and felt his new lover's abs slide over his back. “Next time…you mean…”

“You enjoyed it, did you not? My dick being inside you…”

Something between them stirred at those words. Gohan rocked back till his knees rested wide and his neck craned to the side. “Yes…I…I fucking loved it…”

Trunks purred, hand wrapping under to stroke the teacher's wet cock. “The next time I fuck you…the next time I fuck you it will be painful…hard…deep…I will use all of my strength and I will not be kind. You have come on my ship with this body to be of use to me…and so I will use this body how I see fit. “ With that he left the heat of his bed to clean himself off. Gohan collapsed back on the bed and didn’t bother to move as the captain dressed and left.


The door to the captain's quarters was kicked open and Gohan jumped from sleep to clutch his pillow. Blurry eyes barely made out purple hair. “Are you going to stay here with my cum gushing out your ass or do you intend to work at all?!”

Gohan blushed at the laughter coming from the deck and attempted to cover his nakedness from strangers. “Sorry sir, I mean…”

A pair of underwear and a hat was tossed on the bed and the teacher sat up. As his eyes focused he noticed the captain was intoxicated. His once clean, stripped tank was covered in spilled bourbon and his eyes were darkened.

The black haired man thought it better not to displease the captain while he was under the influence, so he quickly made his way to the bathroom and took a shower. When he was done he found the younger man sitting in a chair propped at the door, half asleep. He eyed him as he took a puff of cigar. “I do not like to be kept waiting…”

“Y-Yes sir…” With a blush the professor dried off and put on the outfit he was provided and his boots. Unable to meet those blue eyes, he stared at the steps as he passed him. Captain Briefs staggered as he stood and made his way up.

Much to Gohan's distress, the entire crew stood angrily awaiting them. He tried to look away. Tried to cover himself with his arms, but the men continued to stare at his ‘uniform'.

The young captain looked him over with a smirk before clearing his throat. “As you all heard from the pipes, I’ve decided to take deckhand Gohan as my bed partner on this voyage. Touch him and I will throw you out for the sharks. Order him to do anything other than what I have asked, and I will have you put in the brig…” The crew murmured but the young leader turned and flashed a brilliant smile at the shy teacher. “He is my bitch…”

A dark haired man with a deep need to shave yelled. “You heard the captain! Now check those lines and go down to the hall!”

The men grumbled but did as they were asked, checking the lines and going down into the dinner hall. Through his embarrassment Gohan hadn’t noticed his attire was…standard. Most men there wore the tight, blue swimwear and nothing else, though it appeared those in higher stations opted for more clothing. He felt somewhat better about that but was annoyed by the title bestowed by the captain. Perhaps he was wrong for allowing things to go as far as they did. For giving in to his desires so easily.

Once the crew were downstairs he found himself staring out at the now dark waters of the Atlantic, just wondering why he had allowed curiosity to take control. He had never slept with anyone, certainly not a man.

He could still feel him. A piece of Trunks was inside of him. Throbbing. Making him wish he never came on this boat and never looked into his eyes. He leaned against the rail and black shoes took a step beside him. “Are you not hungry…”

Brown eyes found the glitter of moonlight on the waves and held it close. “I'd rather not eat after being embarrassed..”

Trunks sniffed. “You are embarrassed to be with a man..”

“I’m no one's bitch…”

All too sudden tanned hands turned him around and pinned him to the railing. That uniquely raspy voice found proximity to his ear. It was their closeness or perhaps his adoration which promoted his heartbeat to accelerate as their chests met. His mind was lost to the memory only hours old; the bed knocking against painted steel, and hot skin pressed against his own. His own weakened cries as the captain penetrated his body and laid ruin to his innocence. The pounding, beating pressure of the core of him, the very center of his damnation.

There was a deep breath against the prickled skin of his neck and Gohan felt his body invite him. Felt a muscle thigh covered in soft cloth press between him and leave tatters of his self respect. Under the gentle hands of Trunks he would debase himself. For he is who Gohan sought. He was the reason for his departure.

The very demon that tempted him to this ship. Now that demon whispered, “So that bothers you, and yet is it not what you are? You came on my ship without sea legs to catch a glimpse at a prince. See me as I am now, deckhand, with my sickness splattered in your womb. With my callousness scarring your naïve heart. You are not the first man to look at me as if I am the world. But you are the first one stupid enough to come to claim me…”

The captain pulled away but pale hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “Are you a fool?! Desire is not crass if your intentions are pure!!”

Trunks smirked bitterly. “Perhaps my dowry has ruined my taste for ambition. Ambitious men think they are entitled by works. Even the gods hate an ambitious man. Is that what you are, Gohan? Do you think you can come here and woo me with your body. Earn my heart with your mouth— I am not a prize to be won—bitch.”

He shrugged him off and walked towards the stairs. “If you don’t eat now there will be none for you later. You will need your stamina.”


“The dining hall closes in 30 minutes.”

Gohan watched him leave down the stairs with bitterness. Who had made him this way, to ruin such a beautiful and intelligent soul and fill his heart with such pain? It seemed too stark a contrast from the man he read about with fondness in his heart. How cruel this place seemed now, how damp and sullen.

He slid down to rest against the rails and found he was lost. Perhaps his motives were impure. What did he expect from him? Love, companionship? He knew nothing but what was written in the papers, for he was a mere spectator, hoping for a glimpse of him. Now that he had, he longed for land.

“So you are the one my son is sleeping with…”

Brown eyes turned to see a flame haired man sitting in the darkness. Eyes as black as night held his breath as the stranger appeared. Thick, muscled build, short stature with the smell of fine cigars. Gohan gasped and promptly fell to his knees.

His head touched the wet floor and a deep raspy chuckle found the air. “King Vegeta!!”

The royal smirked. “That is enough groveling. My, my. Look at you. My son has good taste. Were you like this before you let him fuck you or is that look in your eye new?”

Something in the king's words made tears sting in his eyes and the teacher sat up and curled on his side to look away into the darkness. “He has already chastised me enough, your highness, so if you don’t mind…”

Vegeta scoffed. “I do in fact mind. Did he take you by force?”

Those tears fell at the inquiry and slid down his cheek to mingle with the ocean spray. “No…he didn’t. I came here…I came here because….”

“You love him. You see his beauty and want to be close to him. It would appear you have made an impression. Why are you weeping like a child? Because he is not who you expected? Have your feelings changed?”

“No! I just…”

“You just what?” He turned to look up into those deep eyes and blushed darkly. “He is embarrassing me…”

Vegeta chuckled, and it reminded Gohan of Trunks. Of how rich the sound of his voice was. How it was just a breath away from unsureness. How it broke with every word into a rasp of determination through what sounded like fear. Was Trunks afraid—afraid to be close to someone— to a mask of will despite his place? How close was he to crumbling under the weight of it all? How deep was his shame?

“How embarrassing it must be to be publicly claimed by a prince. To be a man knowing he chose to court you instead of a female who could beare him a son. How distraught you must be to know he has taken you immediately to his bedchamber when he has never shared his bed with another. You must be mortified that you have to earn your keep by proving to him you are not after his title.”

He was right. Trunks seemed so against ambition. His words—what he called him— was his own fears. Of giving in to someone who only wanted his title. His money. Gohan stood up and his heart raced. He didn’t care what he called him, he had to be to stay at his side.

He smiled so brightly Vegeta blushed. “Yeah yeah. Go away. You two are so fucking annoying with this shit…”

“Thank you, your highness!!” He dashed across the deck and down the stairs to the hall. When he was certain he was gone the king rolled his eyes. “You can come out now, Kakkarot..”

An uneven haired man popped out of nowhere and grinned at him. “Is the play over Vegeta?”

Vegeta looked out at the moon and smirked. “No. It is only just beginning.”

Gohan lost his eagerness as he made it to the dinning hall. Rows of wooden tables and stools stood full of men drinking. Eating. Laughing. One man cackled at he saw him. “It’s the captain’s bitch!!”

From the center table the captain stood up sharply and slammed down his drink. “What did you say, Lawrence…”


“I did not give ANY of you permission to call him that. Enjoy your stay in the brig.”

The captain was vexed. His anger made prickles of perspiration rise against the deck hands skin as he fidgeted. All eyes were on him. Calculating his next move. So many eyes were anxious to see how he would measure up.

Gohan let out a shaky breath as he made his way to sit in an open spot along the benches. The cook came over and started to drop a plate of gruel in front of him when from the end of the table a light touch of metal sounded against glass. “Dinner is over, deckhand. Come here. The rest of you go back to your posts.”

His stomach protested as the food withdrew from his vision. While not visually appetizing, the smell was enough to remind him he had not eaten since they left port. Was it hours ago? Minutes? Time seemed to fly under the watchful eye of Captain Briefs. On shaky legs that were still unaccustomed to sea life, the teacher shuffled passed groaning men down the small walkway between benches till he stood in front of the Captain.

The gourmands afforded by royalty were indeed decadent. Delicious, plump steak over a laying of greens. Steamy gravy drizzling over creamy potatoes. A side of sweet tuna and something that smelled of vanilla. Brown eyes averted as he did his best not to show his hunger. He had done this, after all. Finding fault in the young captain’s actions, he wasted his meal time sobbing over potentialities. How foolish. Once the hall was cleared he felt even more embarrassed by the rumbles of his stomach. Trunks rolled his eyes and waved in his direction. “Sit. Eat.“

Almost embarrassingly so, Gohan sat down and began ravenously tearing through the dish, hand over fist. Trunks snorted and pushed a fork in his direction. “This is the last time I overlook your disobedience, deckhand. Having my dick inside you does not afford you some luxury of forgiveness. “

Gohan blushed darkly and swallowed. “Y-Yes sir…sorry, sir. May I ask, why me? There are other men on the ship… far more handsome… capable...”

The prince smiled fondly as he leaned against his hand. Almost as second nature, he began to caress his wine glass. “You will find that I do not value things of a superficial nature. I find your humbleness charming. Your marks are impressive. I have not had a man of your caliber in my company in a long time. And, for the record, I find no man here as startling as you…”

Gohan dropped his fork as fingertips brushed against the cream of his cheek and lashes fluttered closed. He whispered. “T-Trunks…”

The captain smirked as he caressed reddened lips. “Did I not say to call me Captain? You are a stubborn sort, Gohan.”


With the cold and the wind washing his back with the sea, Gohan struggled, angered by this new task. Rope tied him to the rails of the ship. He shivered as his naked frame jutted and twisted with the rocking of the deck.

Clear from the spray if sea water, Captain Trunks sat. Legs crossed, watching his ache. The men had lost themselves to drink and fornicated around them. Kissing. Groaning. He was forced to watch as if he had become the mascot of this voyage, unable to steer her from her fate. Tanned fingers slipped into the band of black pants as the captain watched him with his demonic blue eyes. How taunt his body became under such a stare. How erect his arousal even with the cold dampness of the sea air.

Captain Trunks seemed to delight in his grunts of struggle, but dared not move from the comfort of his seat. Instead he pulled his manhood from the confines of his pants and allowed it to take shape in front of him.

“Ahh…” Gohan gasped.

From his view he could just barely make out the shapings of his face, but the large, hot flesh of his cock was covered in moonlight. He found himself ignoring his shame for traveling the large, rigid flesh with his eyes. Watching it grow flushed at the tip and cry over the twitching flesh. Without one stroke the captain spilled his seed as he watched him, then stood up. He tucked his runny arousal in his pants and walked over to untie him.

Gohan was perplexed. Aroused. Like a lost kitten he followed him back to the captain's quarters where they bathed and got in bed.

That night Trunks did not touch him. He was confused by that. Torn between the desire to alleviate his tension and the call to be what the captain needed him to be. He hesitantly placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder and a sigh left him. “Trunks…”

“There are times, despite my desire, I am bound to ignore my instincts for duty. I have spent many years withholding my nature for the sake of my crown, for the conquests of discovery, for the love of our people. You were not meant to be this… tempting thing, Son Gohan… and yet I find myself already bewitched by your song…”

Gohan smiled and curled into him closer. The scent of lavender and bourbon wafted and gave him a deep calm. “I… have come to be of service to you… use me as you see fit.”

A deep growl issued in the dark room and Trunks turned over to assault succulent lips with a rasp of fervor, hands gripping, clawing. The older man clung on to him as if it was the ending of things and the prince was enraged by his honesty. Left in ruins by his openness.

He tore away and found his arousal digging into creamy pale hips. “You beg to be under me, watching me like a sentinel as if we have known each other for eons! I could wrench the very core of your good nature from you with my cock! Is that what you wish?! To be kindling for my fires, Son Gohan...”

A soft hand skimmed down his chest and aroused nipples till the teacher was indeed on fire. He arched into the blaze which was prince Trunks allowed the embers of his withheld passion to seep into his chest. To burn hot against his hip bone. To be clawed into his sides. Chocolate colored eyes opened and he was burning. “YES!! Use me!!”

All at once the deck was flipped over and the captain's runny cock was stabbing into him. Stretching him. Pounding the thickened nerves of his pleasure. Gohan wept aloud, hips pivoting back into the tanned hips. Feeling the girth of this great man nail him into sheets of silk. His knees were pushed up to his ribs and Gohan screamed at the depth of Trunks' passion. “N-NO MORE!!”

Trunks growled loudly as he stabbed his pleasure into the center of him. Teeth gritting he hastily pushed sweat soaked strands from his forehead and smashed into plump cheeks. “Where is your fighting spirit?, You wanted this! Are you consumed?! Overwhelmed with how much dick I have to offer?! You toy with me! Make sport of my passion with your kind words and soft touches!! Feel this fire you have put in me!”

He stroked into the teacher's tightness so quickly and with so much eagerness the body below him spasmed around his pulsating cock and they both moaned deeply. “God fucking damn it…”

Dull nails bit into flesh as release spurted from the head of his cock and filled his womb till the black haired man was inconsolable. With every stroke seed spilled out into silk sheets and rivers of tears fell between them. Gohan sobbed and sucked air harshly between his teeth as he shook. Trembles of that silent but powerful thing between them dampening his heart. Kisses and salty tears littered his back and made welted scratches sting. Hot flesh smoothed over his thighs.

He shifted but the younger man groaned. “Now that I am inside you…I have a need for more of what you offer…”

Gohan bit his lips and blushed at his own forwardness as he stroked the captain's manhood with his body. He slid back and engulfed the large sex behind the barrier of his canal and a hand slapped at his back. “G-Gohan!! Ugh it's perfect!!”

The faster his hips moved the more cries spilled from the younger man. He tried to sit up but found rope bound him to the bedding. Unable to move with more eagerness he twisted and looked over his shoulder at the captain, who somehow had grown long, beautiful hair. Tanned hands yanked at his binds and the black haired teacher screamed, spewing his passion in rivets of creamy essence.

Brown eyes blinked against the sunlight as Son Gohan awoke the next morning. Trunks was once again gone and the purple sheets had grown cold with morning air. Quite unexpectedly, he found he had a rigorous dream of Trunks capitulating to his desires in the now cold bed. Desires he himself was unaware of. He allowed his hand to drop against his chest as he gazed out the windows at the sea and the gulls as they followed the ship. “I must be out of my mind…”

Surely he must. He leaned over to dig into his sack and pull out his journal.

He wrote:

The first day on the prince's vessel and I am already different. Never did I dream to be able to be this close to him. I fear what the sight of land will do to me. Captain Briefs is a difficult man. A strong man, but harsh. When he touches me I feel he has good intentions, but he is layered under so many duties, it is unclear if he acts out of his own intrinsic kindness or out of the will of another. I could find myself quite smitten by a man such as him…though it is unclear if it is to my own detriment. We left the port of Cape Brassier yesterday, and now the wind is at our backs.

I have only found solace in my journey through conversation with the king, though I will make an effort to earn the crew's respect. I like it here…in the open. The sea brings a freedom…it has taken away the crew's inhibitions as well as my own. Today my goals are to make a good impression on the captain and find my sea legs. My urges will have to wait for after.

He lifted the pen from paper but then left a small note.

“Trunks tastes of lavender and bourbon…but his smile makes me think of raspberries.”

He tucked the book back in his sack and jumped out of bed. With a heart full of determination, the deck hand swept through the room. Cleaning. Tidying up. Arranging books and washing sheets.

When he was done he spared a quick moment to bathe and made his way to the deck. He took up a bucket and a rag and began scrubbing the deck floors and cleaning the rails. No one seemed to pay him much mind.


When he was done it was mid day, and the barrelman came sliding down the ropes so that another could take his place. He was a lanky fellow; young. Sandy hair. Gohan was so mesmerized by his rope skills, he forgot to move out of the way as the other jumped down in front of him. The man laughed and put a hand on his nude hip. “Deckhand! You are the man that has got the captain in an uproar! Nice to meet you! The name’s James! Barrelman and scouter at your service!”

Gohan blushed and stepped back. “I’m Gohan! I mean…it’s nice to meet you…”

James smirked and leaned into his hip. Yesterday Gohan was so caught up with Trunks he didn’t meet anyone, it was hard to look at him with his bare chest out and his blue swimwear tight against his skin. Bashfully he looked down.

James smiled. “Okay okay. No need to be nervous. Just saying hello. You my friend need a drink! A ship’s not a nice place for a man with a face like yours…don’t you worry none. Old James will be your drinking partner! Oh…and there is no need to be afraid. I’m not looking to taste your fillets. My boy toy works in the dining hall.”

Gohan smiled and blushed with embarrassment. “I was pretty worried I wouldn’t make friends. Thanks a lot!”

James laughed. “You all done? Let’s go down and get some grub.”

“You bet!”

He followed him down stairs to the dinning hall. From the helm Trunks eyed them but made no comment. He had told them not to order his… bed partner around, but he couldn’t tell them not to speak to him. He had however told Gohan to wait for him in his bed when not in his presence. It was curious. Did Gohan look at that man the way he looked at him. Was it the same beautiful look as the one he gave him after they made love in his quarters. He growled lightly and beside him came a chuckle. “You are pissed, aren’t you?”

Trunks snorted as he pushed his hair from his eyes. “Hardly. “

Vegeta turned to lean against the wooden rails and smirked down at his son. “You are a buffoon to think you can break a man in, and keep him to yourself. You should have fucked him until he couldn’t walk and then he wouldn’t see anyone until we found land. You are just as pompous as your mother. You think you can have everything you want.”

The captain stood up and clenched his jaw. “I can have EXACTLY what I want. I so much as smell another man on him and I will kill everyone on this ship.”

The king chuckled darkly. “Oh, the moon is really talking for you today. Fine. Play it through how you like. This little game you are having with that boy will blow up in your face.”

Unaware that his actions were stirring passions, Gohan was enjoying his new company. James was a funny man. In contrast to his demeanor, the teacher learned he too was a professor of biology and his husband Renaldo was a botanist. It seemed he was not so out of place after all. Renaldo was the cook and bar keep of the crew, and he had blessed Gohan with some of the most delicious T-Rex that he had ever tasted. He patted his stomach and smiled. “Man! I haven’t had T-Rex like that since I was a boy!”

James grinned, clearly proud of his lover's skills. “Renal’ is an excellent cook, but is a better botanist! He found a damn good formula for transmuting the cell wall of fungi to destroy its regeneration! Imagine, a horde of new species growth, unencumbered by the dangers of fungi pollination! It will help restore the bee colonies! The ant colonies! Monarchs!”

Gohan gasped. “Oh wow! How did you prevent the transmutation from affecting host cell walls?!”

Renaldo blushed, his bulky form shying in his bashfulness. “It was simple really. We harvested cells from the closet parent species in the Amazon and used it as a template for the cell code. Any cell derivative of host species such as ants will reject the code. It becomes more or less a non binding substance and is washed away with rain water. We are looking into how to use our research on other parasitic species to control the flow of toxicity and disease in large animals. In a few years we could cure the common cold!”

Gohan felt his heartbeat quicken with excitement. Intelligence was attractive. He wondered if he would ever have conversations like this one with the captain…or if the prince found such wonder to be… frivolous. He leaned in to hug his mug as he watched the dim light behind the bar flicker. “May I ask… when you two… do you feel a connection?”

James gave his lover a knowing glance before taking a sip of his drink. “Sure sure. We love each other. It’s only natural. When we are together there is fire…”


Gohan smiled into his glass. “Yeah…ok. I think I better go guys. Same time tomorrow?”

Renaldo smiled. “Of course.”


Gohan growled as he twisted against the ropes. Desperate. Angry. Angry that Trunks was using this as some type of punishment. He could feel his jealousy. All he did was have dinner. Meet a new friend. He flexed against the rope and the captain clicked his teeth. “Ah ah, deckhand. Break out of those ropes and it's the mast for you, bitch.”

The dark haired man flexed against the rope and it snapped. Trunks frowned. It appeared that Gohan's new affection toward James had left him bold… “Tie him to the main mast and get out!”

Men grabbed him and Gohan kicked and punched but was still dragged up to the mast and tied face forward against it. Captain Briefs tapped a finger on his chin as he looked as his lover's backside. “Hm… strip him. Then leave.”

The men cackled as one yanked down the tight swimwear and they all oooo'd at the sight of his arousal as it sprang up against polished wood.

Trunks sighed. “Leave us…” He said but the men's jeers made a dark grin form on his face. “Belay that gentlemen. You can watch, if you can stomach it.”

The crew clapped and praised their good captain and his fine instincts, but Gohan was shaking. Angry. Aroused. He looked over his shoulder and growled. “Trunks you are better than this! Don’t do this! I was not trying to make you jealous!”

The men laughed but Trunks growled, kicking the teacher's legs wide as he fumbled with his pants against him. “I… do not get jealous! I am a prince and the captain of this ship! If I want something, I take it.”

Gohan pressed his forehead against the mast as hard male dominance penetrated his slickness and hid his shame as he moaned. The captain speared into him with one thrusts and seed spurted from his cock and onto the deck floor. He sobbed. “YES!!”

In his ear the captain growled with raspy grunts, hips slapping against his backside. “Mine! Mine!!”

“YES!! YESS!!”

Their union made loud slippery sounds and shook the dew from the sails on to hot skin. Gohan forgot the onlookers as the prince gripped his hair and pounded into his swell with savage, hard, thrusts. The harder they were the louder he became until he was screaming Trunks' name, spurting cum all over the polished wood and twitching thighs.

He felt captain snap against his neck and bite down and his world came a single point of excruciating pleasure. His hips pushed back. His cock bounced and ribboned seed all over. He was taken in by it. Moved by it. He was rocked by their oneness. The captain made a muffled sound against his neck and pumped hot essence into his womb. They sagged against the mast and Trunks groaned as his sensitive manhood was forced out by his lover's convulsing canal.

He whimpered with fatigue. “I’m sorry. I was drunk…and jealous…”

Gohan snapped the rope holding him in place and they slipped to their knees. “I know…little bastard…”

Trunks smirked tiredly. “Heh…”


After that night the captain humbled himself and apologized to Gohan and the crew. He decided there was more tact in dealing with his emotions in his quarters, so he sat along and drank.

Tonight was one of those nights.

The captain sat in his chair in the corner of his private rooms. Drunk with liquor and with thoughts. Dangerous thoughts. Violent thoughts. The moon above did little to assuage him as it crept in the room from the window. He sat closer to the darkness, sliding his boot from the moonlit floor boards. Who was this… Son Gohan? He was a man with no skills at sea who had walked in his rooms and aroused him to madness. Just the thought of him and his shy gaze infuriated his soul and aroused his cock. He wooed him with his earnestness and called for him to use him quite adequately in his bed.

He had not been the same since.

“Damn that bastard…” It had not been the first time he had felt affection for an older man…but this time was different. Gohan was different. He wanted nothing more than to make him round with his seed. Watch him crumble under his strength. He was addicting.

The doors to the room opened and the devil himself came in, panting, sweating. He looked at him with a death that made the captain's blood boil. “Captain…”

Trunks looked at his shaking hand as he held his glass. “Deck hand, lock the door.”

Gohan swallowed as he quickly locked the door and walked cautiously over to him. Trunks was an enigma. Someone so light was clearly battling the darkness. He could smell the strong scent of liquor in the room. Liquor and lavender. Cigar smoke. The room was filled with it.

The black haired man averted his gaze and stood straight into the light of the moon. “Was my work satisfactory, sir?”

Trunks scoffed. “Menial at best. I hope you intend on making up for it by performing with more zeal now…”

A dusty blush covered pale cheeks. “Yes sir. What would you have me do…”

Blue eyes glowed as the silver buckle of the captain's pants was unclasps and his slacks unzipped. He downed his drink and slid forward in his chair so that his legs could part wide. “I would have you to suck my dick. Is this something you can do quietly? There are still men on deck…”

Gohan groaned in his throat and quickly dropped to his knees between parted thighs. “Yes sir…”

Trunks smirked and grabbed a fist full of black spikes as he pulled his arousal from the confines of his pants. He tapped the tip against a waiting tongue and eased further into his seat as that tongue began to circle into the inner ring of his foreskin.

“This mouth was used by someone else before me. Is this how you did it to him…how you teased his cock?” He hissed as that tongue licked up the underside of his sex and flickered over the slit before soft lips covered him with wet heat.

The captain struggled as that mouth moved, stroking his foreskin back with a soft but commanding jaw and then moaned when lips slipped around the sensitive flesh under his crown. He sucked in a lungful of hair and his hips pitched up from his chair to take more of him. “You are good at this. Ah fuck… that tongue...“

Gohan kept his eyes upwards. Watching him give into pleasure. Watching his body contort and grind against his mouth. Trunks tasted salty and sweet. His cock was hot. Pulsing. Strong. The more he took the more he too lost himself in the task of his lover's pleasure.

His head tilted to the side and pale jaws sank in as he pulled up over the large sex. Hot precum splattered on his tongue— on the roof of his mouth —down his throat. And the chair was creaking. Meeting the ever incessant but hushed moans echoing in the room.

A muscled thigh lifted beside his face and the young prince was jabbing his ache down his throat. Shaking. Whining. “Hold it-wait-don’t move-fuuck-“

Trunks tossed his head back against the chair as his hips slapped upwards and forced all of his desire down the deck hand's throat. He whimpered as his loins deepened with release and his pelvis pushed against his lover's tear streaked face in several deep, hard jerks. Seed jetted from his cock in intense spurts of silken cream and he shuddered, tilting half set in the chair. He felt the man below him try to swallow his release with convulsing spasms of his throat only to strangle his still pulsing cock and spew his seed out in heavy bubbles around him.

He collapsed back and wrenched the choking teacher from his spent sex with a gasp. “Fucking beautifully done…”

Gohan coughed and clutched his throat, tears streaming from his face. He found room to swallow and wiped his face with the end of the bed spread. When he looked up the captain was smiling. Content for the moment. This Trunks was calm. Gentle. He was startled when a hand stroked his messy cheeks and he was dragged upwards to stand.

A hand pulled at his swimwear and the material fell to his ankles. “I should reward you for such a good job, shouldn’t I?”

Gohan closed his eyes as fingers skittered over abs and down into his pubic hair. This was it…Trunks was going to touch him…

Trunks stroked the hard flesh with delicate touches as he stood. He turned and pushed the man to sit before letting his slacks fall. Tanned thighs straddled the shaking deckhand and Gohan mumbled nonsense when his need was pressed against slick heat. Trunks grinned.

“Don’t say a word…” He whispered, and licked the column of his tensing throat as he sat down against the throbbing arousal.

Gohan started to moan but a hand was clasped over his mouth. Tight, wet heat sank over his cock with such ease he had to grip the arm rests. Pale hips jerked upwards but he was not fast enough as the captain rode his virginal shaft, milking his need with his gripping canal.

Under that hand he cried out. “Oh my god-so good!”

Trunks purred, hips rolling, grinding over his lover's hot flesh. He felt it touch the center of him and sat down fully, leaning into the poor man's ear. “This is my dick…say it…”

Gohan sobbed as the prince's tightness tugged on his cock repeatedly, chest heaving, hips pivoting as he strained for release. Plump cheeks dropped then tan hips grinded forward and the prince's canal contracted like a vice around his arousal and sucked precum from him without mercy.

“IT'S YOURS!!” He cried, muffled under a hand covered in dried bourbon. He tossed his head back and that hand gripped his face tighter as the captain lifted up and he was again jerked. “MPFH!!”

Trunks growled, his own arousal returning at the feeling of their union. He felt his body relax onto the deck hand and then flex around his girth and cursed. He rode him in earnest, giving into that hard thumping of nerves to swollen tip, his fever rising. His desire pitching. He flung his arms around his lover’s strong neck to grip black hair. Dark eyes glared at him in lust and he snarled. “Fuck me until I come!”

Gohan growled and gripped slender hips as he lifted them to fall across the edge of the bed. He dug his head into the sheets as nails clawed down his back and he pounded the molten heat of the captain’s backside with near violent aggression.

They both lifted head first from the sheets and Trunks gasped with rasp of breath. “FUCK-FUCK ME-LIKE THAT-Y-YESS-GONNA COME ON YOUR DICK-“

Gohan gritted his teeth till something inside snapped. He lunged at the prince and sank his teeth into his shoulder. A tear escaped his eye as he savagely nailed the prince into the sheets and with a cry they both shattered. Passion spilled heavy between the arch of their forms, path laid by harsh groans of satisfaction and shaking limbs.

They came down to collapse into the strewn bed and Gohan felt his knees rest on the floorboards. He looked up at the captain with shock. The young royal could barely be seen as the sheets had folded over his head. His stomach jerked and twisted as he reclaimed his breath…and sweat slickened moon kissed skin. “You are beautiful, Trunks…”

Trunks smiled tiredly and lifted the sheet from his face to look down at him. “What did I ask that you call me….”

Gohan purred and gathered the sheets surrounding him to pull him close. “Trunks…” They kissed and jealousy and curiosity were, if not for the just the moment, lost.


On the 5th day aboard Gohan was feeling particularly good. He chalked it up to the soul searing sex he had with the captain. Not that it wasn’t magical before that. Trunks was all he could see. Feel. Breathe. He was in such a good mood, he was shocked by the hell storm outside their warm quarters. Men glared at him as he came out. The captain was yelling. Ordering people about. Something wasn’t right. Even stranger. He saw someone from his past collecting ropes from the mast. But it couldn’t be…


The man shoved him off when he got close with a scowl. “Mickey it’s me! Gohan?! Remember? When we were kids…”

“I don’t know you so fuck off!” The man barked and shoved off with the heavy rope.

At the helm the captain was arguing with the king. “Well things have changed!”

“Boy you can't treat the humans like that…”

“Who is in charge here?! Me! I want to be there by tomorrow!”

Gohan ran up the steps and touched his shoulder. “Trunks…”

“Go back to sleep Gohan…”

“Why are you like this?! What’s wrong?!”

“The script is fucked that’s what…”


Vegeta pushed him and they both walked down the steps and back into the captains quarters where he was shoved into the bed. Vegeta growled. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”


The king growled. “Bullshit! I saw that eat shit grin on your face! You fucked him and threw off his stupid play! You know that he is just like his fucking mother! He needs things to happen in order or…”

Gohan frowned. He was confused. Hurt. “What is going on?!”

Vegeta snorted. “Fucking forget it! You are a fucking perfect match! Both of you lost in your own bullshit!” Before he could get another word in the king left with a slam of the doors.

Gohan stayed there. Confused. Why he thought he saw Mickey or heard his father as he was going into the dining hall. He thought of what Trunks said to him the other night and blushed. Who had he slept with before…Trunks. How did he know to do the things he did?

It was dark when the noise finally died down and Trunks came in with a tray of food. He sat down on it on the bed and looked towards the wall. “I apologize for yelling at you. I had dreamed of this…for so long…now everything is not what it should be…”

Gohan put the tray aside and hugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what is going on. Can you tell me…”

For the first time he saw tears in the prince's eyes and they broke his heart. “I…I cant…if I do…it will ruin it…”

The deck hand took his hands in his own and kissed his shoulder softly. He noticed there was a scar. Soft and warm, beautiful. He kissed it again and found himself purring. “It’s ok, I know I don’t care, no matter what it is. I’m going to be here… with you…”

Those words seem to comfort the young captain because he curled into him and sighed. “I guess I am being an ass. I got it honest, you seen my dad?”

Gohan laughed. “Yeah, oh man. What a prick!”

They laughed.


He fell into a routine. Cleaning their quarters. Bathing. Swabbing the deck, then down to the hall with James. He would come back and the captain would be waiting for him. Both of them hungry. Both of them eager. Sometimes he would clean up near the helm and they'd speak about the fauna or the wild beasts living on the island they grew closer to.

The captain had a mind for science. An inquisitive mind which left Gohan craving they had more time together.

On the 7th day of their setting he awoke before the captain and brought up breakfast from the hall. Trunks groaned as he rose before first light, but took his coffee and did indeed sit and eat with him.

As they ate Gohan began to find the words—the ones he needed to keep this—beautiful thing between them. “Trunks…what are your plans when we return to West City? My campus is a quick drive from Capsule Corp. I was thinking I could show you my family's land…”

Trunks blushed behind his coffee. He was too bold. Too forward. “I have word from my father that I have been invited to join the time travel academy. If my meeting goes well I could be enlisted as one of the youngest officers in a century.”

The black haired deck hand frowned. “Oh, so you’re leaving? Perhaps when you come back…”

“Give me a reason, Son Gohan…” He stroked his cheek and over the curve of his brow bone with such gentleness tears glistened in brown eyes. “Give me a reason to stay here with you. Say that you can't live without me. Give me the words I need…like a man…not some boy child who has fallen for someone with too much power over him.”

He smiled sadly and wiped the tear in his eye before it fell. Gohan's brow furrowed. “Trunks, I love you. I can’t ask you to not follow your dreams…”

The captain smirked and leaned into him to rest under his chin. “Idiot, you are my dream. If you love me what else can I do, except make you mine?”

The older fighter swallowed and allowed his arms to curl around him. He looked out at the sea, at the small, but visible shore of the island coming closer by the day. Yet his heart was focused. Unfettered by the winds of their differences.

He sat up straight and his chest pushed forward. “Trunks Briefs…I love you…and I want to be your husband. I want to be…useful to you. To be whatever you need me to be. Will you…marry me…the right way? With rings…flowers? Will you let me take you on honeymoon on this ship…and make love to you every night?”

“Mmm…” Trunks lifted to his knees and kissed him the way he had wanted for days. Gripped his hair and yanked his head back to look into warm eyes. “I will have you now as my husband, Son Gohan…I would have you as my mate and give you a son….and I have made use for you…as my partner for life…now what will you do..”

Gohan grinned widely against his lover's stomach and grabbed a handful of royal backside. “Now I will be of use to you, captain…by fucking you until you come on my dick…”

Trunks smirked as he was pulled down on the bed and his mate mark was licked. “Fuck yeah…”

Gohan hummed in his ear in agreement as he rubbed his arousal against him. “Fuck yeah…”


The ship made shore the next day. Gohan was feeling refreshed. Happy. So happy he grinned at Vegeta as he passed him to the sandy beach. “Morning Vegeta!”

“Hn. Are you two done pretending to get remarried?”

Gohan smirked and tugged at his shirt to show his mate mark. “ It was a honeymoon, Vegeta, but yep! All done renewing our bonds! Told you a play would be the best way to trick our instincts to do it again!”

Trunks grinned as he passed him with their running 3 year old and his father scowled in disgust. “Why couldn’t you two buffoons just fuck in the wild! That’s the way me and Kakkarot did it!”

Goku walked up to him and laughed. “Lay off Vegeta! I think it was romantic! Gohan pretended not to know him and it was still love at first sight! Plus I got to play with Tan the whole time!”

“Bullshit, fucking in front of all their friends. Those little shits are a disgrace!”

Trunks turned to his husband and their son waved at him. “Come on dad! Show me your dinosaur friend already!!”

Gohan sighed happily. “Alright but we gotta hurry! Uncle Piccolo will be here any minute!”


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

