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by Anansi     More by this Writer
A family get together unearths feelings Goku would rather not express.
Incest Group Sex

Vegeta awoke, covered in sweat. In the darkness he could see his mate staring up at the ceiling as the blinds cast moonlit lines across the rotating ceiling fan. The house was quiet…but the prince could hear what was below the surface. Feel the thick tension of his muscles and the erratic pounding of his heartbeat. Smell the heat wafting from them in waves. He was frightened. More for his young lover than for himself. He had felt this particular furnace before..
As brown eyes followed the fan blades he could see him attempting to penetrate the darkness for something greater than his instincts. More than the ache he felt….but there was no reprieve. Nothing in the shifting shadows would stop his thoughts. As the space between their harsh pants grew shorter and uneven, Goku fisted the pillow under his head and whispered. “Can we have sex…”
Vegeta wiped the sweat from his neck. “It will not help the situation.”
Goku turned away to the window, contemplating on running away. “I don’t…feel good. I think I’m going to go-“
The prince snorted. “You are not leaving. You are the one who wanted to have a family night…”
“This is what happens when we spend time together, Kakkarot.”
The earth raised fighter growled. “I’m not-“
“Attracted to him? I watched you all night. Don’t lie to me-“
The bed shifted as the sweaty defender sat up and punched at the bed. “That is disgusting!!”
Vegeta was unaffected by his tantrum. “That is life. You are a saiyan. He is your brother. They are our cubs. What you feel is camaraderie…and on our planet we fu-“
“No!!” He slammed the shorted man on the bed and growled deep in his chest. In his eyes were tears..and they did nothing to soothe his mate as they dropped on his face from above. Vegeta wanted to say,
Accept yourself…
Be at peace with who you are…
However none of that could change his lover’s stubborn heart. “He loves you too…they all do…”
Goku let out a choked sob. “I’m sick…how could they…”
“This is who we are…this is who Radditz is. He is waiting for us Kakkarot…waiting for you to let go your pride…”
It felt strange to speak of his mate’s pride. The younger fighter had always held it so tightly to his chest…so afraid of letting go and losing those who made him who he was. It was these human rules that held his persona intact…these…roles that kept him from drawing to the other side of his spirit. Calling Radditz, brother and Gohan, son, meant he didn’t have to face the feelings…didn’t have to come to terms with his place between them. It was selfish…incorrigible…but beautiful all the same.
Goku shut his eyes from the pain in his heart. Away from the blackened eyes of his mate which seemed judgmental…expecting. He stammered. “I-I made a mistake Vegeta…”
Vegeta touched his cheek. “Yes…yes you did.”
The living room was darker without the bright lights of the tv box…Radditz sat against the bed on the floor and listened to the increasing shifting of skin and heavy breathing. Kakkarot and Vegeta were avoiding him…
The cubs who laid on the couch were as well. Who could find sleep in the mist of this heat? It had been a short year since his younger brother decided he wished to see his face…wish him back with the dragon balls..it had been a peaceful time. In that space he was afforded, he actually lived. Mated with Tarble..but he always wondered what made Kakkarot change his mind. The night he was revived he stood in front of him for hours..
The soldier wasn’t sure if it was to express his dominance or that he wanted to say something to him. His eyes were cold. Kakkarot was bitter, and he didn’t even know why. Was it all a sick game? Allow him a second chance at life after being stuck in hell…mate. Be apart of the family…
..and tonight his curiosity intensified. Radditz enjoyed being around his clan…but Kakkarot’s scent suggested this night was more than that. His eyes said he wanted something. And it started a chain reaction. They all looked like that now…as if Kakkarot’s bitterness was contagious…as if they were all in on the game…even his mate held a look of anger…
It was too dangerous to sleep.
From the couch he could here Trunks and Goten’s frustrated grunts as they attempted to alleviate the tension, but even that ceased. Now there was just the thickened scent of heat…the sweat…and under all of it, Kakkarot’s anger…it was all bubbling. All brewing inside him and around him. His stomach was sickened with guilty pangs..palms wet. The stifling swelter of mixed feelings and disarray promoted agonizing thrumming in his chest…where was he…
…come out and say it…
…do it…
…make me pay for hurting your pride.
There was a gasp, but its origin was unknown. Did it come from his lips? Someone else’s? A hand slammed him into the bedding and lips firmly pressed against his own. The lights came on and there against him laid his brother…just drinking his agony…drenching him with salty tears…bruising him with callus hands.
Gohan growled but Goku growled louder and the sound frightened everyone in the room. He turned to his brother and sat up against his lap. “Tell me and Gohan that you’re sorry.”
Radditz turned away and let out a small huff of breath, but the earth raised saiyan barred his teeth and the sound that issued from his soul caused Goten and Trunks to scoot closer to the doorway where Vegeta stood. The prince growled. “You fucking know how this works, Radditz. Apologize!”
Radditz puffed his sweat clad chest in defiance. “Why should I?! “
Goku let an angry tear fall from his eyes and slowly slide down his cheek. “Because you hurt us without mercy…because you showed Gohan not an ounce of kindness! Because when I died you refused to see me!!”
There was a collective gasp and Tarble bit his lip. “Its not fair that you are picking on Radditz…Vegeta never came to see me either!!”
Tanned arms dropped as the older prince growled then let out a defeated sigh. “Thanks for getting me caught up in your shit, Kakkarot…”
He walked over and kneeled before the smaller prince. “Tarble…I..I am sorry…”
Tarble blushed and turned away. “You don’t get to apologize!!”
Vegeta touched his cheek. “Back then…I was not worthy to be called your brother…I lied…cheated…murdered innocent creatures out of convenience…I have true pride now..unfettered by the stupid lust for power….and I need my brother…so please…”
Tarble gasped. “Vegeta…”
Goku clutched a hand on his brother’s throat. “Why can’t you be more like your mate?!”
Radditz flipped them over and struggled against the hand on his neck. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he growled. “It was you who left me Kakkarot!!”
Goku shut his eyes and sobbed, but Radditz was not deterred. “Father loved you enough to send you away, but made me work as Freeza’s dog! Apologize?! Damn you and your perfect life! Sent to a planet where no one could oppose you! Taught how to fight by a master! Mated to your soul mate! You should be kissing my fucking heels for bringing Vegeta to this planet! I had no one!!”
They struggled, wrestling for dominance even as tears of pain flooded their face. It was a contagious sadness…it caused tears to flow around the room. Gohan stood up to collapse against his uncle’s back and sob into his shoulder. “I forgive you, uncle Radditz…”
Radditz struggled under his weight. “Wait a minute! I didn’t say-“
Goten kneeled and buried his head against his arm. “Me too, uncle Radditz…”
Trunks sniffed and Vegeta rolled his eyes playfully but opened a arm to him and was soon covered in lavender hair. “Dad…”
“My son…” Vegeta smiled against his shoulder and patted his head. Tarble held him close. The air grew heavier.
Under them, Goku struggled with his feelings. Watching his sons embrace his brother…even after all that he had done…said…it did something to his heart…against his wishes he looked up into equally chocolate eyes and trembled with the pain of it..how much would it eat away at who he was…what he stood for…
Radditz stared back at him and as he was held tighter…he too broke inside. “I’m…I’m sorry baby brother…”
The uneven haired said let out a pain drenched growl and raised up to kiss his lips again. This kiss was different. It was more than pain and sadness…
…it was love. The love of a brother who he had tried desperately to forget. Tears flowed unabated as they deepened that kiss…searching for the thing that made up for the sadness..Gohan and Goten sat back along the bed edge and blushed darkly. Something about watching it felt like home..felt spiritual in their eyes. The two full blooded saiyans gripped each other as in the heat of battle, but the pose was delicate…entwined…it said…
…I love you for who you are to me…
Radditz gasped as he was pushed against the mattress and that heat which had been denied was enraged. Boxer clad erections pressed and rubbed into each other as thickened thighs parted and sweaty flesh was assaulted with bite marks. Vegeta purred at the sight. “Are you sure you want to do this in front of the cubs b Kakkarot...”
The silly man sat up and blushed. “Are they not going to wrestle with us too?”
Gohan looked down. “Is it…ok dad? I mean it looks…”
Radditz grinned through a pant from his position on the bed. “It is perfectly normal saiyan behavior…” He pulled the demi down and captured his lips. Goku laughed at the look of shock on his sons face. Trunks waggled a brow at Goten before pouncing on him. Vegeta chuckled. “Guess that’s a yes. Vegeta are you and Tarble playing too?”
Vegeta smirked. “Well? Are we, Tarble?”
Tarble blushed as he watched them roll on the floor. Grunting. Kissing. “That is not…I’m not…”
Vegeta wrapped a arm around his waist. “That is not how a saiyan prince shows affection…is it…”
The younger prince whimpered as he felt a hand slide across his backside. “N-No…”
The flame haired prince turned to him and licked his cheek before purring into his ear. “You have grown very beautiful…” Smooth hands rand under the small prince’s shirt and down into his jogging pants. Tarble whined so loudly everyone turned to stare at them. His head fell back to the wall and narrow legs spread wide. “Daimina-ko yeena-“
Vegeta licked down his throat and sniffed under his chin as his fingers fluffed out his tail. “This has nothing to do with your mate…” He pulled the gray pants over the younger prince’s bottom and turned him around to press his face into the wall. Tarble panted, clawing at the wall in duress. “Ko Vegeta-“
The older saiyan growled loudly as he pulled his hardened sex from his boxers. “Boceutenga mi, Tarble…”
Trunks blushed darkly. “D-Dad…”
Tarble let out a huff, the. Relaxed, pressing his backside outward to his bother in submission. “K-Ko…”
Vegeta purred. “Weak…”
Goku felt funny as he watched Vegeta and Tarble. Seeing Vegeta overpower his brother…watching him penetrate him…made his own arousal ache. He looked down at Radditz to find he too was blushing. “What were they talking about…”
Radditz felt his body responding to his lovers cries and tensed under his confused brother. “Vegeta challenged Tarble for dominance...Tarble refused to fight…”
The younger prince gasped as he was roughly taken against the wall. With every jerk of his brothers powerful hips the center of his sensitive nerves was pressed, causing tremors of seed to spurt from his bouncing cock. He slapped the wall causing it to dent as his own hips rolled back into his brothers dominance. “Ahh-Ah-Ahh..”
Vegeta purred, the echoes of their passion making hard slapping noises in the room. He moaned, drilling the younger saiyan harder and harder until Tarble was screaming from pleasure in their native tongue. “VEGETAAAH!! OKOUSH-KO MI OKOUSH!!”
Vegeta pounded his small backside into the wall, gripping, squeezing his hips as he felt the smaller warrior convulsing around his spilling manhood. “THEN COME!! COME ON HIS COCK-“ He pinched the small nude flesh on the underside if his brother’s tail and Tarble came, jetting thick ribbons of seed all over the wall. He sagged and Vegeta purred. “Brat…when are you going to grow…”
Tarble purred between a yawn as he was licked clean and laid against the bed. “Jerk…I’m 20 years old, you know I take after mother…”
Vegeta chuckled. “Mother was 5'3..”
Tarble curled on his side and batted a tail over his hip. “Liar..mother was not an inch over 4'5…” Vegeta kissed his temple. “Shut up..”
He turned and found them all staring at him. “What?”
Goku and Radditz looked at each other and Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Please fuck already!”
“But Vegeta-“
The short warrior kneeled over to them and tore their boxers. Goku groaned as his sex dropped down over his bothers large thigh. Radditz whimpered. Gohan covered his eyes, but the two teens gasped. Goten smirked. “Does this mean we can do it too?”
Vegeta clenched his fist. “You two are already fucking! You should be grateful me and Kakkarot have provided you with a healthy relationship to build on, now shut up and let them bang this shit out of our systems before the old man shows up!”
Radditz growled. “Old man?!”
Goku laughed weakly. “Oh I forgot to tell you! I revived dad this morning! He said he had to go get some smokes and some…um…”
Vegeta leaned against the wall. “Dick, Kakkarot. He went looking for dick. The old bastard said he’d be back after he fucked his way through town.”
“Right. So uhh…surprise!”
Radditz blushed darkly. “I’ll kill you!” He pushed the laughing man over and jerked his cock. “I’m going to tear you a new one!!”
Goku smirked. “Sorry, but I only let Vegeta do that on special occasions.”
From the couch Trunks, Goten, and Gohan were cracking up. Vegeta tossed them the finger. “I hate family get togethers! Goten I will kick your ass if you snicker one more time!!”
Goten cursed. “Aww man.. Why isn’t Trunks and Gohan getting yelled at! They laughed too…”
The flame haired saiyan smirked. “You are the only one that tried to murder me during child birth! Keep it up and I will push you back in!”
Goku stopped wrestling his brother to hold his sides in laughter. “Vegeta stop scarring the boys!”
His lover smirked. “As if they are not already scarred from watching you two flirt for an hour. Make up already. Boys lets order takeout. “
“All right!!”
They left the two lying on the bed with a sleeping Tarble. Goku looked down at his bothers long mane and flushed cheeks and swallowed. “Should we still-“
Radditz looked away. “If it will get you to stop growling at me every five seconds…”
The younger fighter dropped down over him to lean into his ear. “I can’t help it, ok…but I want to fix this…so just…let me inside you, ok? Vegeta says I’m really good at this…”
The long haired man blushed darkly. “Don’t say shit like that in my ear!”
“Why…does it make you hard…”
Pale fingertips skittered down abs to flutter between powerful thighs and Radditz cursed at the soft whine that issued from his throat. “K-Kakkarot…”
Goku purred in his ear as he captured his brother’s dripping sex and slowly stroked the flesh until it was straining. It felt hot in his hands…wet…the tip large and soft as he rubbed his thumb over it. Underneath he could feel veins pulsing…throbbing from his touch…it felt different from when he touched Vegeta. It felt dangerous. “What’s the saiyan word for it…”
Radditz clutched his back and gasped as his hips bucked into those touches. How dare he…and yet…
…his brother brought out that fire that refused to die. “Ruut…”
His cock jerked at the sound as if it knew the word and the earth raised warrior moaned in his throat. “I’m going to suck your ruut..”
Radditz had to cover his face to hide his embarrassment. Kakkarot lacked the tone, but his pronunciation made seed spill from his cock. “I-I’m coming-“
Goku slid down into his lap and swirled a hot tongue over the bulbous tip, murmuring “Ruut, ruut, ruut-“
It should have made him laugh but instead it made his entire body lift from the bed as he tried to give the bastard what he asked for. His hips punched upwards and when it finally sheathed between pale lips, Radditz moaned deeply. “Ohh fuck Kakkarot….that’s it…”
Goku purred, grasping his backside as he bobbed his head over thick, creaming cock. His brother was delicious…sweet…and the way he moaned his name made it hard not to take him right there. He shoved him down into the mattress and dropped his head into his lap. Radditz cursed as his manhood sank down the cavern of his throat and sobbed his release when he felt him swallowing. “Holly shit!! Oh-baby brother!!”
Hot cream flooded his mouth and Goku moaned as he swallowed what he could before he raised up to bath that dripping sex with a thick tongue. “Mm….I’m jealous of Tarble…you taste really good…”
Radditz whimpered as he watched that tongue swirl around the large head of his cock and slid into the tip. “Your mouth is so good…nghh Kakkarot wait-“
Chocolate colored eyes stared deviously at him as that long tongue licked his throbbing manhood from the base up to the tip and the poor soldier’s eyes rolled in the back of his head, hips bucking up to rub franticly against the slick muscle. “God fucking-damnitahh-“
Goku stuck his tongue out further and shut an eye as the sex smacked repeatedly against his face. He flicked his tongue hard over the underside and Radditz shot his pleasure into the air. “Holy mother Begeta!!” he heaved for breath and collapsed against the mattress. Shaking. Terrified. Had he just…given Kakkarot his submission? His eyes widened in horror, but Goku just smirked. “You taste really good, but I wonder if the take out is here! We better get cleaned up before dad gets here!”
He jumped up and ran for the kitchen. Radditz trembled as he looked at the destruction. He turned to his mate and found he too had worry in his eyes. What had he done?
Later that night while they all slept, Bardock walked in to the scent of sex. He found his brood in the living room. Kakkarot sleeping with a smug look on his face….Radditz sleeping the opposite side of the bed with prince Vegeta between them. “Well, fuck…”
Welcome home.

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Slumber Party Slumber Party

DBZ Saiyan Garden

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