I Made You a Snack
by Anatra DeSylvianno     More by this Writer
Vegeta and his Pet teach their sons about the wonders of a master/slave relationship.

Author's notes: I'm a necromancer. This fic was abandoned 16 years ago, and I've been sought-out from the depths of the internet to edit and potentially finish it. No promises on that, but I'm definitely rewriting some stuff that made me cringe when I re-read it. I can't fix everything, so there will still likely be some problematic behaviors in here for modern audiences, but, we're going to just write-it-off as Saiyan physiology/instinct and call it a day.

Chapter 01
Author's notes: I'm a necromancer. This fic was abandoned 16 years ago, and I've been sought-out from the depths of the internet to edit and potentially finish it. No promises on that, but I'm definitely rewriting some stuff that made me cringe when I re-read it. I can't fix everything, so there will still likely be some problematic behaviors in here for modern audiences, but, we're going to just write-it-off as Saiyan physiology/instinct and call it a day.


Goten giggled mischievously as he sat on his best friend's bed.

"You know, Trunks I really don't think my mom approves of this kind of stuff." he muttered, idly running his hands over the smooth metal of the ki-supressing collar in his lap as he pondered the different aspects of his and Trunks relationship.

The two boys had always been attracted to each other. It had always been a simple, close relationship between the two friends until their Saiyan hormones caused their instincts to emerge. The Saiyan side of their brains told them rather forcefully that a companion of such a high power level should be claimed as a life-mate in order to prevent them from being lost to another competitor. The logical side of their brain pointed out that there was no competition to be had as far as Saiyan mates went, but both boys liked each other, and felt comfortable with themselves, their relationship, and knew their families would be mostly supportive, so allowed their hearts and instincts to guide them.

Goten's lavender-haired companion chuckled, shaking his head slowly, "Nah probably not, but your mom has always been like that yelling, screeching, and being a first-class harpy bitch! Anyway, that’s why we re doing this at my house!" he explained patiently, for at least the twelfth time.

The other demi-Saiyan growled at his partner threateningly upon hearing the put-down on his mother, "Do not talk about my mom like that Trunks! You sound just like your dad!" he hisses.

Goten didn't have anything against Vegeta of course, besides that he was a sadistic, egotistical prick, but it was obvious who Trunks took after as far as his insults went.

Trunks snorted, "But….Goten you say that about your mom all the time."

He smirked, looking more like the elder prince of Saiyans than he'd probably intended, and quickly cut his friend off, "And I know it's different when -you- are the one saying it."

He jumped in before Goten could give a retort, "But I still stand by what I said before." He announces sulking slightly "Wanna do this or not!? Let's start playing already! I’m horny as hell."

Goten nodded quickly and stood up, trying to wipe the clueless Son expression from his face which appeared at the moment Trunks mentioned the commencement of their planned activities. He was certainly eager enough as well.

"Yeah I guess so." He said slowly, trying to forget the insult against his mother and attempting to get into the correct mind frame.

Finally finding his dominant side, he straightened himself and grinned, "Alright boy, kneel! " he ordered pointing to the ground in front of him and snapping his fingers.

Trunks grinned excitedly and did as he was told. His black-haired friend smiled. He'd been so delighted when he'd discovered Trunks had the same ‘interests’ as him only a short year ago. Certainly they’d both shared enough links off adult websites that they realized they were sending the same sort of porn to each other to recognize their mutual kinks.

"Good boy" Goten purred and watched as a shiver ran up the lavender haired demi-brat's back.

With a callused hand Goten casually swept away the stray locks of hair and slowly fastened the ki-suppressor around Trunks' neck. It was an experimental device they'd stolen from Bulma's lab a few weeks after they'd discovered their mutual interests. Since she couldn't imagine her innocent son being the thief, the blue-haired woman still blamed Vegeta and Goku for its disappearance, claiming she just knew they were having kinky sex somewhere with it. This, of course, was not true. Goku and Vegeta were using the prototype she had made months before the final copy, (but which worked perfectly fine) to have kinky sex.

Bulma was still slightly jealous about the relationship that Goku and Vegeta shared. Perhaps it was because she saw how happy Goku made him, in a way she had never been able to, or maybe, she was just being her usual contentious self. Either way, it didn't matter, she was the independent boss of the Capsule Corporation and honestly felt far more fulfilled with her career than she ever had as the ‘woman’ to Vegeta. Being the clever scientist that she was Bulma had developed all sorts of toys which did exactly what she needed, how she liked it, and they happened to sell incredibly well on one of the side-product markets, which had brought glorious new revenue streams and share-value to Capsule Corp!

As the collar clicked into place, the warm glow of Trunks presence quickly faded as his Ki dropped dramatically. To many of the other ki-sensitive people in the area, it would feel like Trunks had been knocked unconscious or hurt, but after the first time when some concerned friends had rushed to Goku's aid during a similar occurrence, all involved had thoroughly learned their lesson about minding their own business. Krillin was still shocked by the images imprinted on his brain of the Saiyan Prince decked out in tight black leather, doing terrible things to his naked and welt-covered subject. To this day, nobody had the guts to talk about it or discuss what they had seen, even to each other in secret.

Trunks and Goten were well aware their fathers were having some sort of relationship which involved more than sparring, but had not been let in on any the details. Nobody wanted to ‘traumatize’ the children with details. Each of boys were curious of course, but neither wanted to investigate and risk getting caught. They had too much to live for, thank you very much. Each other for instance.

"Such a good boy" Goten whispered, running his fingers through Trunks’ hair, like he would with a cherished pet.

Trunks shivered again and leaned into his friend's hand, nuzzling against it and seeking more attention.

Goten giggled, "Needy little thing aren't you pup?" he asked.

Trunks simply whimpered and licked at his master’s hand teasingly.

The black-haired demi smiled, "No, Trunks, we dont waste our energy like that." Goten admonished sternly, trying to be strong and not give in to his submissive’s coy ‘top from the bottom’ approach to getting what he wanted.

"I plan to have you licking something later, so just wait!" Goten ordered with a smirk. Trunks bright blue gaze dropped to the ground and he pouted slightly.

In their mutual discovery of their personal kinks and perversions, both of the brats had learned that each was interested in pet play. Goten had always wanted a puppy growing up, and Trunks was all-too willing to be that canine companion. Goten thought it was hot to see Trunks reduced to the status of an animal, and Trunks thought it was humiliating, but in a good way that was extremely hard to explain, not that they’d told anyone.

Recently, the boys had begun to pester Bulma about researching a way to make tails grow back, which, they claimed was for training reasons. In truth, both agreed that Trunks needed a tail to wag and to help him express his more animalistic emotions, and Goten simply wanted him to have one so he could grab when Trunks was being a ‘naughty doggy’, a term that got Trunks embarrassed and aroused every time it was used.

Tired of waiting for Goten to be ready for some action, Trunks decided today was a day to screw the obedience training that Goten had been working on teaching him for quite some time. Grinning like the young pervert that he was, with a feral growl, he pounced upon his master, knocking him to the floor and pinning him with his weight. Staring down at his captive with sparkling blue eyes, Trunks smirked a smirk worthy of his father and simply stated huskily, "Woof."

Goten's eyes narrowed. The teen obviously did not like having his authority challenged by some uppity pet, who also happened to be his best friend.

"Bad Dog." He stated, his voice cold and angry. "Get off now!"

Trunks winced at the words. He'd never been called a bad dog before, but, steeling his heart, he simply proceeded to grab Goten's shirt in his teeth and tug upwards. At any time, he knew he could easily be dislodged considering the ki-difference between them, but obviously Goten did not want to use force to get Trunks to obey him. Not yet at least. He would use force to make sure the lavender-demi learned his lesson. Goten's shirt quickly ripped up one of the seams and soon his well-defined chest was bared, much to Trunks' delight.

A quick pink tongue darted out of Trunks' half-parted lips and dipped to tease the muscles in his master's chest. Goten however, did not react as he usually did, with contented sighs and moans of pleasure. Instead, he pushed himself to an abrupt sitting position and glared at his pet who was looking a bit ashamed, but still eager, and obviously very aroused.

"Off." Goten reiterated, snapping his fingers and pointing to the corner where a few eye bolts were inconspicuously set into the wall. "Go," the master ordered, still seething and mentally planning what to do with his pup for this insurrection.

What the hell was Trunks thinking doing this!?

He knew that Goten refused to allow his status as dominant Saiyan in the relationship to be challenged was he just doing it to get attention!? Did he -want- to be punished severely?! Did he feel he needed it!? What was going through that purple-haired head of his?

Trunks’ motivations were so hard to understand some times. Goten lamented silently, while waiting for his partner to comply with his order.

"Now." He said quietly, voice sounding deadly.


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