Chapter Two
Chapter Six-Trunks
I slammed my fist into the ground, forming a crater as the slippery android moved at the last second. He laughed at my efforts and I growled at him, hating the green monster. I had to focus my all into this fight because I knew that if I let him out of my sight for even a moment he would gain the upper hand again. I couldn’t leave Goten like that, I wouldn’t. Cell laughed at me, mocking my disdain of him. Sneering, I lunged forward once more and kicked out at his right side, knowing that if it was any normal man he would have been paralyzed for life. However, androids were annoying bastards and highly resilient, and I had been fighting him for close to an hour by now with nothing to show for it…that is, except for bruises and cuts all over me.
Across the field, Goku and my father had fused and were currently fighting Frieza, and since Mirai had dodged out of the fight all of a sudden, I was fighting this beast alone. I shook my hair out of my eyes as best I could and raised my fists once more before the sound of something splitting in half cut into my hearing. Cell laughed like a maniac and then vanished, just like that. I had no idea what was going on, it was chaos all over the battlefield as the enemy started vanishing like Goku with instant transmission! Piccolo nearly shattered Krillin’s jaw, 18 stumbled forward very ungracefully as her peon disappeared, and all the other Saiyans that were aiding in the fight were looking around confused when their eyes all lit on Gogeta who had literally ripped Frieza’s arm off of him. Frieza snapped his head towards me and started screaming until it was at an octave only Saiyans could hear; I yelled out in pain and I wasn’t the only one, but stood my ground as Frieza rushed past me somewhere. Shit, where was he going?
Furious, I raced past all the tents, sensing the worst as he was heading in the direction where my mate and our children were. I sensed out Goten’s ki and knew he was deep underground with Tarble and all four children, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as we all came upon a fight ensuing outside the tent. Mirai Trunks was in close combat with Frieza, who only had the use of one arm. Gogeta slid to a stop beside me, followed closely by Piccolo and then Bardock. Raditz was on the ground in front of the tent, bleeding heavily into the ground but I knew he was still hanging on barely. The fighters were moving so fast we could barely keep up, or at least I could barely keep up, though Gogeta and Piccolo seemed to know exactly what was going on. Damnit, I would need to train more with sensing ki later. I heard Frieza laugh hysterically before aiming a well-placed punch at the back of Mirai’s neck, causing him to stumble…but it was just enough that Frieza was able to knock him out.
Frieza turned around to look at us with a wicked grin before grabbing Mirai and disappearing, leaving the four warriors in the air shell shocked.
“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?” I yelled at no one in particular, then felt a distress call coming from Goten. Gritting my teeth, I IT’d directly to him even though there were usually barriers up that kept that kind of thing from happening, and I felt Goku and dad unfuse and follow me down. I rushed over to Goten who was blathering on and crying, and I tried calming him by making crooning noises and purring and stroking his hair.
“Trunks…they took…Gohan!” he choked, and all four infants were crying. Tarble was tucked away in a corner rocking Eevie and Tapion, and I took Barten from Goten and we all huddled together, our tails forming a protective circle around our bodies. Goku walked over to Tarble and took Eevie from him, my dad taking Tapion, and they were conversing in low tones. Tarble seemed a little surprised that his older brother was talking to him and not growling, which I guess must have just been a little sibling thing. I turned to my mate who was still a quivering wreck, and why shouldn’t he be? He’d just witnessed something horrible, and I felt kind of bad for how I had acted earlier that day.
“’Ten, it’ll be alright. We’ll get him back. I think…I think they took Mirai too, but I think Mirai meant for them to take him. How did you guys get down here?” I asked softly, and he put a hand on my cheek and transferred the memory straight to my brain so I could see and he didn’t have to waste energy on explaining. His beautiful chocolate brown tear stained eyes gazed into my own piercing blue ones and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotion then. This was my entire fault; I should have been outside, doing my rounds, talking with the crew, and focusing on infiltrations. I was the fucking leader of the camp, and even though I wasn’t technically a general in the Council, it was still a large part of my job to make sure this type of shit didn’t fucking happen, and now we had lost our two most powerful members with no idea where they went or how to get them back. I glanced over to where Tarble was standing, fretfully bouncing around on the balls of his feet, and Goku let him go.
“Alright, emergency meeting right now. I’m sending Tarble to patch Raditz up and get Bardock and Piccolo down here.” Goku said, sounding as serious as usual. He almost never joked around anymore. He’d lost too much today, he’d lost too many people over the years, and it sucked that the kindest man had become such a shell of what he used to be. Oh, he was still a tough fighter, but losing close allies and discovering the treachery of his wife…damn.
“Kakarot, do you want your son to be in on this?”
“He was here, wasn’t he? He’s part of it whether he wants to be or not.” He glared down Goten and I resisted the urge to growl though I did press him a little bit behind me.
“Goten had nothing to do with the traitors! How can you even suggest that it was your own family?” I asked, scandalized.
“Yeah, you would say that, maybe it was you who led them here.” He said evenly.
“Fuck you, Kakarot.” I mouthed off at him and continued holding my little family together while Vegeta slowly took the now sleeping Eevie out of Goku’s hands.
“STOP FIGHTING YOU GUYS!” Goten cried out before a broken ‘please’ escaped him and he slid down the wall crying even harder.
“Kakarot this isn’t you. What has gotten into you?” My father, ever the tactician, interrupted as Bardock landed in the pit with Piccolo hot on his heels. Goku clenched his fists and immediately went super Saiyan, punching a wall and screaming to ‘get out of his head’, my father backing up near me and Goten, thrusting the two sleeping infants into my arms.
“You baka.” He whispered to himself before IT’ing them out of the room for a split second before Goku brought down the entire ceiling around us. Fuck. What in the actual fuck was going on? Bardock approached us, albeit a bit more carefully, and eyed the babies in our arms. I narrowed my eyes at him but let him approach since he was technically their great grandfather.
“I haven’t had a chance to meet the newest Saiyans. May I?” he held out his arms and I handed him Tapion, and I couldn’t resist looking over to Piccolo who was standing up against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. I knew how he and Gohan felt about each other, and this must have been hard for him to digest, not that he would ever let anyone in on that. It looked like we were stuck down here until the two rejects got back, so I sighed and sat down next to my mate who was silently crying now and holding his two children close to his chest.
I was holding onto Eevie and Bardock held out the infant Saiyan and smirked at him.
“This one’s strong, stronger than Kakarot ever was at this stage.” He mused aloud, and Piccolo scoffed in the corner.
“Goku only had a power level of what, three? That’s not hard to beat.” Bardock laughed at the somber tone of Piccolo and also seemed to be the only one not fazed by what was going on. He came and kneeled by us and looked over Eevie, Barten, and Tulle and smiled.
“Little warriors, all of them. Though I imagine you don’t necessarily want them all to be warriors?” he was being smart and directing the question to Goten, trying to get his mind of his trauma.
“I…no, I would rather they follow whatever their heart leads them to, but if that happens to be martial arts then I will help them.” He looked at me for support and I nodded, agreeing with him wholeheartedly.
“What are we going to do Trunks?” Goten asked me quietly and I nuzzled the side of his head a little before standing up.
“Alright, since we have no idea where Goku and my father went, I’m calling this meeting to order. Piccolo, I need a report of what the hell happened out there. Bardock, I’m going to need you to provide full updates on the medical side of things.”
“I felt a massive suppressed ki enter into the camp and immediately went to investigate, gathering any warriors I could on the way, and found Krillin already entangled in the mess. There was a version of yourself there and he laughed before launching himself at us, then the rest started showing up. It ended when Frieza got here, Vegeta and Goku arrived ten minutes after it started and fused immediately, and the other trunks disappeared in the fray apparently coming here and taking Gohan,” when he said Gohan’s name his voice softened and I knew he was dealing with a lot at that moment. No one who didn’t know Piccolo would have been able to catch it either, so I counted myself lucky to be able pick up on those small moments. Bardock spoke up where Piccolo left off.
“Right now the injured count stands high, they caught us off guard, rode us hard and got off wet. Gine is working nonstop right now trying to get people stabilized; some of the Z Senshi are in critical condition. I have Turles on a reconnaissance mission right now so he wasn’t here, however he will be reporting at the end of the day.” I nodded, and started pacing, absentmindedly giving Eevie a finger to suck on while my tail swished behind me agitatedly.
“I was with Goten the whole time, and if anyone even mentions what Goku was insinuating, I’ll kick your ass.” I muttered, and the other two nodded.
“Alright,” I sighed, running a hand through my short lavender hair, “going forward from this, I need reports nightly of everything and everyone going in and out of the camp. Restrict the foragers to smaller groups, and they’re to be accompanied by Z Senshi, one to five ratios, understood? Also, Bardock, I’ll expect updates on the injured hourly, I’ll use a scouter for that since you’re used to those. Piccolo, I need you working on ways to uncover more attacks, be focusing on approaching ki’s, it’ll be exhausting but I need these to be done because the attack today is unacceptable. We were caught with our pants down and I’ll be damned if it happens again. Next time, we’ll be ready I swear to Kami.” Piccolo and Bardock nodded and I dismissed them, but not before I took Tapion back from Bardock and walked over to help my mate up off the floor.
“Come on, ‘Ten, let’s get you back to our tent.”
“Trunks, I don’t want you to get too far away from me. She knows about my powers of foresight, they might come back and I can’t leave you alone with our niece and nephew and our children.” I smiled at him tiredly and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips.
“Your wish is my command. I’ll move my desk into our tent ok? And I’ll make it known that visitors, unless they’re related, are by appointment only. Hey,” I said softly, reaching out and running a finger down his cheek, “we’ll get him back love. I promise. And Mirai is with him, so he’s not completely alone.” He nodded and silent tears began to fall again. I made a note to myself that I would kiss those tears away from him later.
Chapter Seven-Gohan
I came to in a dark room, acutely aware of pain all over my body. I felt the coppery taste of blood in my mouth and noticed I was on my knees, my hands clasped with faintly glowing ki cuffs that were too tight around the wrists.
“Ugh…” I stumbled to my feet and tried widening my eyes to let any light in even if it was miniscule. I flinched when I heard something else moving around in there, and a cold sweat broke out over my body.
“H-hello?” my voice whispered hoarsely to the dark.
“Gohan?” my heart soared at hearing his voice.
“M-Mirai?” I asked incredulously.
“Try to find me, love. Can you sense ki?”
“I have ki cuffs on, keep talking so I can find you,” I quietly urged him, and he started humming lowly. I stumbled around and nearly fell flat on my face before colliding with something on the ground. I gasped and heard a clang as chained up arms encircled around me. He was sitting with his legs splayed out in front of him and I fell onto his lap with a leg on either side of his hips. He moved his hands up my back into my hair and pushed our faces together, making our mouths clash in a hot kiss.
“Uhn…Trunks…” I moaned as he nipped my jaw.
“I thought I was going to lose you.” He murmured against my skin and buried his face into my neck, planting more kisses downward to my collarbone.
“I thought you didn’t sense my ki alert in time,” I gasped as he pushed me onto my back none too gently and felt his rough hands pushing my shirt up. He nipped me hard on my collarbone and kissed his way down my stomach to my pelvis where my scar was. When he dipped his head lower he opened up the connection between our minds and I felt his hair tickle my waist as he mentally said
‘I let them take me so that I could be with you. I couldn’t let you just go through this alone, what kind of mate would that make me?’ I lost my train of thought as he started going down on me and I thrust my hips up into his mouth and got lost in the heat. My panting turned into moans and I put my fists in my mouth to keep quiet. I felt my orgasm building in the base of my spine and moaned his name over and over, and he started going faster and sucking harder at the same time.
“Ah gods…Trunks!” I gasped as I came into his mouth, and felt him swallow before he slipped my pants back up and pulled down my shirt. He nuzzled his face into my neck and we lay like that for a bit before I found myself drifting off. I jerked myself awake and he reached up to stroke the side of my face.
“What is it?” he asked me softly.
“I’m…worried. I don’t know what’s going to happen to us…if we meet our end here, what’s going to happen to Tapion and Eevie?” my heart thudded faster and grew heavy as I thought of my day old children, the only consoling thought I had was that Goten had them and they were safe back at camp.
“Gohan,” his voice was low and soothing, but also gravelly and spoke of his lifetime fighting battles. He ran his fingers into my thick hair and pressed my lips to his again and I tasted myself on his tongue as it entered into my mouth. Mirai, I sighed internally, loving him more each moment we had together. I had put him through a lot these past six months. I was still in love with Piccolo and knew that he felt the same for me, but I was also falling deeper in love with Mirai every day. Ever since we’d mated I had gone through intense depressions and irritation followed by rash decisions to have sex with Piccolo because I wasn’t ready to be mated to him. The night he’d taken me had been passionate of course, and I’d been hesitant at first but then gotten more into it as the night had worn on. Shortly after that I got pregnant but for the longest time because I knew that I’d been raped I was unsure whose baby it was. Thinking that he would leave me if I told him I sought out Piccolo often, not telling him what was really wrong but just saying that I needed him and I was confused. He was stoic and I think I hurt him emotionally but also knew that he loved me with his entire being. All he knew was that I was hurting and he comforted me the best way he knew how. It happened more times than I care to admit, followed by intense guilt and angry sex with Mirai. The entire pregnancy was confusing like that and I finally had had enough and decided to leave them all and go have my babies alone. Naturally that didn’t go according to plan and when Mirai came to me and found me something changed between us, our dynamic and how we acted with each other shifted and became more solidified.
“Nothing is going to happen to them.” His gentle but firm voice brought me out of my thoughts and I flinched when his hand came out of nowhere and stroked my face.
“Mirai…” I was silenced by his lips flirting over my skin and he started whispering things in Saiyago to me, making a shiver run up my spine.
“Gohan…you’re mine. They are also mine. I protect what is mine. I don’t think you understand how possessive I am over you. I need you to tell me everything, right now while we have the chance, which you’ve been keeping from me.” I didn’t want to tell him about something like this but knew I had to if I wanted ‘us’ to work out.
As I opened my mouth to speak a door slammed open so hard it probably dented the wall, and it made me flinch into Mirai’s chest.
“Aww, how sweet. Imparting some last words onto your beloved?” Aku no Trunks’ voice cut across us and I felt him grab the back of my collar. Mirai didn’t let go of me and initially punched out, his fist colliding with skin in a solid smack. Aku hissed and decided that to get me he would have to get to him, and then promptly knocked his fist into the side of my head. I gasped and Mirai let go only to spare me from more hitting, not that either of us really believed that was the worst of it.
“You’re weak. But I’ll change that. Now, tell me about my child. I thought it was impossible for that to happen.” He said as he dragged me away from Mirai and back to the center of the room. The only light coming in was from the door that he’d entered into, and sterile hospital-like light was coming in from the hallway.
“I’m not weak. I just had…what do you know about strength? You’re not even a real person.”
“Don’t. You know nothing of what I’ve gone through, nothing of our struggles.” His face took on an ugly colouring in rage and I shivered, my eyes locking with my mates from behind him. He started punching me, his fist colliding with my jaw hard and sending me spiraling to the ground. He was fast, I had to give him that, his fists a blur and the only way I knew they were about to collide with me was after they’d already hit and I felt the punches hit my skin.
“I seemed to have struck a nerve,” I coughed, and spit out some blood at him. He kicked me in the stomach and I doubled over, and that seemed to excite him further. Grabbing hold of my ki cuffed hands, he forced me to the ground and dimly I realized what was about to happen.
“NO!” Mirai yelled and he struggled against the chains holding him to the floor trying to get to me as I felt my pants yanked down.
“N…No…Stop!” I yelled and frantically tried to get away. His nails raked into my sides with the force of his touch as he grabbed me and pulled me back to him. I screamed and tried to get to my mate who was trying to get to me, and then I felt Aku enter me. Bile rose in my throat and my mind went numb in shock and he thrust into me five times before scoffing and pushing me back down to the ground. I receded into my head after that, and I didn’t come out until what felt like hours later. I remembered the good times, warm summer days of training with Goten good naturedly and clear blue skies while the trees swayed in the breeze. I was brought out of my hiding place by a harsh slap across my face, and I gasped, much like someone who is drowning when they finally come to the surface.
We were interrupted by a massive energy signal at the doorway, and I blinked and swore as the pain hit me in waves.
“Now, now, why are you treating our guests in this way?” a silky female voice flitted over to us and I shuddered. Mirai growled as I was shoved over to him, feeling greatful as his arms encircled me protectively. The Witch herself was here. Aku no Trunks stood up straight and saluted but not before he finished buttoning his pants. I scowled and clung to Mirai hating every moment of this, but watching her every move as she sashayed closer to us.
“Oh, Gohan, always the fighter just like your father. You can leave, dear.” She looked at Aku and he nodded, but not until after he sent me a kissy face. Mirai growled at him again and she waved the door shut after his leaving. A glowing orb appeared and she kneeled in front of us, clad in a silk white dress that hugged her curves, her hair up in a chiffon bun. Mirai tightened his grip on me and I stiffened when she reached out to touch me.
“Don’t touch me!” I hissed at her, and she chuckled evilly.
“That’s not what you used to say. You used to beg for me to even acknowledge you when your scum of a father left us.”
“Dad left because he had to! He explained himself thoroughly when he came back.” I debated hotly with her, something that had always been an issue with us.
“And then when he did come back, you decided that you didn’t want Goten and I anymore, so you started abusing him. And then I left because you promised me you wouldn’t hurt him. You told me I was too much like dad, even after everything I did to try to appease you. I even dated a female because you said…” I sobbed when I thought of what had happened.
“And then you decided to leave Videl for that…disgusting Namek. Why must your entire race enjoy violence so much?” She stood suddenly and started pacing, her rage driving her on. Well Mirai, here comes your explanation.
“That man stole you from us, kept you and introduced you into violence! You changed when you came back, and then your father, your FATHER! I thought I could beat it out of you but no, you proved resilient through all of my devices over the years, and when your father finally returned, he gave me hope again, however it culminated in your brother, and I thought ‘this will be a starting over point for us’. No, he decided to leave us once again, and I was done with you.”
“How can you say that? I was your son! I trusted you and I wanted your affection!” I shouted at her, and she kicked out at me. Mirai moved me at the last moment so I wasn’t hurt however the intent was still there. He had stayed silent so far but kept me in his vicelike grip.
“I had to do something, and when you left Videl and showed me what you truly were inside, I had to get back at you. I had to hurt you because nothing pleased me more than hearing your screams for mercy! Didn’t you ever wonder what happened to Videl?” I knew that she had shown up in my room one night and couldn’t tell me. She’d been cursed to silence and forced to an ethereal form.
“I KILLED HER!!!!” I gasped, even though I had had a hunch what was coming.
‘Did you love Videl?’ I heard Mirai’s voice in my head.
‘I cared for her a great deal, but I could never love her the way I loved Piccolo. I just wasn’t attracted to her, to any female.’
‘Well since your mom is nuts it’s easy to see why.’ He deadpanned mentally.
“And now I hear that you have given birth to another Saiyan, one more wretched member of that foul race, and I swear I will KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!” she threw her hands up in the air and with effort calmed herself down.
“I’m leaving. And I am going to break your spirit and take from you the most important thing in your life. Each other.” She stormed away and I felt a great sense of foreboding as she left, taking solace in Mirai’s arms.
“Why does she hate you so much?” he kissed my forehead and I turned my face into his chest.
“Because she thinks me and Goten stole dad from her. Her hate fueled her so much that she turned to the dark arts. She told me that she wouldn’t hurt Goten if I left and that’s what I did. I went to be with P-Piccolo…” my voice broke and tears stung my eyes at finding out the truth about Videl. I had always thought that the story I’d heard about a camping accident had been weird. Videl and I had broken up because I couldn’t bear the truth anymore. I tried again.
“Mirai…I…when you left after Cell, I felt a sadness that I couldn’t ever explain. I found out then that I was attracted to men, and after what we had been through together…I thought you were never coming back, so I took comfort in the next person that could ever love me in that way. It…it took a long time for me to come to terms with how I really was. She got worse and worse, and when I was a teenager I got sick of it and told her that I would leave if she didn’t stop. She laughed in my face and told me to get a girlfriend, so I did. Videl was a good friend to me but I could never feel the same way about her as she did about me. The break up was fine, but a few weeks later she went missing and I never knew…”
“So…if all this had never happened…we wouldn’t be together, and you would be with someone else. Piccolo?” I nodded.
“I love him, Mirai. But…I want to be with you because we’re supposed to be together. I went through my first heat when I was fourteen, and all I could think about was you.”
“That must have been painful.” He murmured knowingly. I didn’t say anything, but nodded.
“It was but…” I trailed off and scratched my nose clumsily since my hands were still bound in ki cuffs, then continued. “I got through it.”
“So I’m assuming she didn’t take very well to you going off with Piccolo.”
“I was lonely, Trunks. And very, very horny. Since my first heat never really went away, I just suppressed it. Pic helped with…things. He’s gentle at first but then…dominates you completely.” I blushed at the memories and shut my mouth before I said anything else embarrassing.
“You must have been with him a very long time considering your dad was gone for ten years.” I nodded in confirmation.
“We were…very into each other. But when she stabbed Goten…I was forced to come back for him. Mom disappeared shortly after that and Current Trunks, Goten and I all left to go to the lookout. We stayed there for awhile, but we were all violently called back to earth at hearing of Bulma’s murder.” He pulled me so I was sitting on his lap and listened intently to my story.
“This all happened within months of dad disappearing to train Uub, something that made us all angry but nonetheless it wasn’t like it wasn’t his nature. I learned a long time ago to accept that that’s what he did. Once Bulma died, things started happening and the war started. She’s…she’s declared war on the Saiyans Trunks. Our children are in danger…” I broke down and he held me there, neither of us knowing what was going to happen in our future.