Personal Jesus
by Animeslave18     More by this Writer
Songfic! :D Vegeta is a saloon 'boy' who's miserable trying to make a living, but there's a mysterious man who claims he wants to save him. Will Vegeta accept his help?
Art source:
Abusive Rape Graphic Violence

Personal Jesus

~Reach out and touch faith.~

“Ah yeah! Come on! Yes!” A man grunted and sweated as he pounded into the whore beneath him.

Said whore grunted as well, but said nothing as he waited for it to be over with. He clung to the pillows beneath him while he continued to move with the man above him. After a few minutes, the man finally came inside him and collapsed on top of him. The one below grunted at the weight and patiently waited for his customer to regain his breathing and strength. After a moment, the man lifted himself and smirked down at the whore.

“You were terrific as usual Vegeta. Now, how ‘bout a kiss?” The man leaned down, expecting what he asked.

Vegeta turned his head away. “You know the rules. Now, give me the other half.”

The man pouted and reached over to his clothes on the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a bundle of money from his pants pocket. “Give me a kiss and it’s yours.”

Vegeta growled and clutched the money in his grasp. “That wasn’t the deal.”

His customer didn’t let go. “Come on, sweetheart. Just one kiss.” He leaned down again.

Vegeta turned his head away again and eventually shoved the other off of him. “Just stick to the damn agreement or am I going to have to call the boss and tell him that you refuse to pay his willing employee?”

The man sneered then made up his mind after a moment and tossed the money at him. “Fine. Take it.”

The man stood then put on his pants and leather vest before putting his hat on his head. “Next time, I expect to get what I paid for.” With one last look, he turned and left.

Vegeta scowled after his regular customer, but quickly forgot about him when he looked at the money in hand. He counted each dollar, just to see if it was all there. He sighed in relief when he saw it was. People were ripping him off so much lately, he couldn’t trust anyone. He took three quarters of the bundle and put it on his nightstand with the rest of the cash he made that day, and then put the rest in a drawer below it. He stood from his bed then put on a robe to cover himself. Just when he did, the boss man burst into his room, his eyes going to him then the nightstand. Vegeta turned in his direction and held his robed tightly around him as his boss went to gather the money on the stand and counted it in front of him. Vegeta stayed silent until his boss spoke.

“You’re holding out on me, Vegeta. Where’s the rest of it?”

Vegeta looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean? It’s all there.”

“Rent went up. If you want to stay here, then I suggest you give me the rest.” The man paused to look at Vegeta up and down before he advanced towards him.
“Or do I need to take what you owe me out of you again.”

Vegeta backed up until he hit the wall, keeping his robe tightly around him. “But if you take anymore, I won’t have enough for food-ah!”
He shouted in surprise when the burly man grabbed his hair and ripped his robe open. “No! Please, boss! Please!”

The man pulled back on the other’s hair to make him look at him. “You know what to do to make this stop.” With that he threw the whore back on the bed and advanced towards him.

Vegeta immediately sat up and scrambled back until he hit the headboard. “Alright, alright!”

He dove for the drawer in his nightstand and pulled out all the money in it and tossed it on his bed.

“There! Take it!” He pulled his robe together again and held it in a death grip.

His boss stopped right at the foot of the bed and sifted through the money before taking half of it and stuffing it in his vest. He stepped closer to Vegeta who cowered against the headboard and took his chin in his tight grip.

“That’s my good little whore. You should be good for a month until I come collecting again.” With a smirk, he strode out of the room and shut the door behind him.

Vegeta chose that moment to have a panic attack as he struggled to regain his breathing while rubbing his chin. He’d rather give up everything he had if it meant not sleeping with that man again. He had scars from the last time he did. When he regained his composure, he decided it was time to bathe, since there would be no more customers after curfew. After a long bath, he put on something a little cleaner then made his bed and took the blanket hanging on his chair and climbed on his bed, since his bedding was dirty. He turned out the lights and curled in a fetal position where he was as his thoughts took over his restless mind, like they do every night.

~Your own, personal, Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares
Your own, personal, Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers, someone who’s there~

~“Will my life always be this way? It’s no better than it was before I came here. I just…I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I don’t know what to do. I just want to get out of here. I’m so disappointed in myself. Surely there’s something I can do. Maybe…I can find a different job in another town. I have too much of a reputation here. It wouldn’t make a new job any better. Oh, but who’s going to hire me? This is…this is the only experience I have.”~

~Feeling unknown and you’re all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone~

With that last thought in mind, Vegeta curled around himself a little more before he started to dose off. However, the phone rang on the nightstand, bringing a shrill sound to his quiet and dark room. He sighed. He didn’t want to talk to anyone. He just wanted to close his eyes and escape reality for a few hours. However, the ringing didn’t stop. Growling in annoyance, he reached over and picked it up off its receiver and barked into it. “What do you want?!”

~Lift up the receiver I’ll make you a believer~

Some static interference was heard for a brief moment before a kind and sincere voice was heard on the other line. “To help you.”

Vegeta’s mind went blank in surprise at the answer. That was unexpected. “Who is this?”

More static for a couple minutes until the voice rang clear. “You can call me Kakarot.”

Vegeta raised a brow at the name. “Kakarot? Are you a customer?” How would he even get his number? Only the saloon and the other prostitutes can even access this number. So was he calling from downstairs or from another’s room?

The static always interfered right before the man spoke. “No.”

Vegeta scowled. “Then what do you want?”

“I told you, I want to help you.” That kind voice answered calmly.

Vegeta sighed. “Sure you do. Look, if you don’t have anything useful to say then I’m going back to sleep.” Just when he was about to do just that, the voice stopped him.

“You were still awake. I figured this would be the best time to talk to you. After all, it’s the only time you talk to me.” The voice that claimed itself to be called Kakarot went on smoothly.

Vegeta raised his brow again as the conversation began to turn strange. “How did you know I was awake? And I’ve never talked to you before. I think I would remember a name like that.”

The voice turned into a sad tone. “I know everything about you Vegeta. I’ve been listening for a long time. You probably don’t think I listen, but I do.”

Vegeta’s words were stuck in his throat as a chill went up his spine. “How…did you know my name?”

“I just told you, I’ve been listening.” The voice sounded like it was pouting.

“Listening?” He didn’t understand what the man meant.

“Yes. I listen to your thoughts, your prayers. That’s why I want to help you.” The voice responded honestly.

Vegeta’s breathing picked up. “This isn’t some kind of joke, is it?”

“I assure you, it isn’t. I have nothing to gain from this, except, maybe the gratification in helping another. I know how much you’re suffering. It isn’t easy working the occupation you have, but I know that you can do better. You can end it…your suffering. Of course, it won’t be easy. However, if you want it badly enough, you can get the life that you deserve.” The gentle voice went on sincerely.

Vegeta was gaping like a fish out of water. “How do you know that? You don’t even know me.”

“I told you, Vegeta. I know everything about you. I know that you ran away from home when you were fifteen. Not only because of your abusive father, but your poor lifestyle as well. I know that you scavenged for food and took whatever was offered or found, much like how you’re living now. I know how disgusted you are with yourself, how you feel like you’ve let yourself down and how you have no hope for what is to come. If you let me, I can give you that hope.” The voice continued honestly.

Vegeta couldn’t help the tears that rolled down his face. He knew it was all true and he’s been wallowing in the truth and grief for so long. It was just a whole different concept when it was said out loud. He rested his head in his free hand and sobbed silently. The static on the other end was his only companion as the voice of Kakarot waited patiently for his response. “I…I don’t know…what to do. I just…I don’t have…” Vegeta said in between his sobs and trailed off.

“Hope.” Kakarot finished for him.

Vegeta sniffed. “You say you can help me. How?”

“Just have faith Vegeta and I can give you the hope and confidence that you need.” The gentle voice went on.

Vegeta seized his sobs as he stared into the darkness at the floor in exhaustion. “Faith, you say? I’m afraid I have no such thing.”

The voice sounded like it was smiling. “You will.” As if knowing Vegeta’s fatigue, Kakarot decided to end their conversation. “I will call you tomorrow. Will you answer?”

Vegeta thought on the question for a moment. “I…suppose.”

Kakarot sounded excited at the answer. “I’ll hold you to it. Please hold on. I’m not giving up on you, so please, don’t give up on me.”

Vegeta hesitated before answering. “Okay.”

That seemed to please him. “Sleep well, Vegeta.”

Vegeta grunted in response. “I’ll try. Good night.”

“Good night.” The sweet voice ended before it cut off and there was nothing but the dial tone.

Vegeta looked at the phone for a minute as if wondering if that conversation actually happened, then put it back on its receiver and curled back onto his bed. Before he could even have a thought on what just happened, he fell asleep.

~Take second best put me to the test
Things on your chest you need to confess
I will deliver you know I’m a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith~


“I said no! Now get out!” Glass shattered.

“Come on, what’s the harm in it? I’ll pay you extra.”

“I’m not doing that! Now get lost!” A dull thud.

“Now, now. Think twice before you say no to me.”

“I did, now get out before I call the boss!”

Vegeta listened intently to the argument next door. His friend has been having problems with that customer lately. He’s wanted to do unspeakable things with him, things that even he would turn down…even if it was a hundred dollars. Now the argument was getting so intense, Vegeta was thinking about interfering. Although, it’s against the rules, but he felt like he should help him.

“I believe your boss is out at the moment. I checked before I came up here.”

“You sleaze! What are you up to?!”

“What I’m trying to get right now. So, do you want to say no to me again?”

There was silence for a moment until the other spoke. “I…no. No! I won’t do it! No matter what!”

“You whore! You should be doing whatever I want you to do!”

“No! Let me go!”

When the screaming started, that’s when Vegeta stood from his bed and ran out his room. He didn’t bother knocking as he burst through his neighbor’s door. “Hey, pal! I believe he said to get lost!” He panted at his actions, not realizing what kind of consequences awaited him.

As soon as he entered, the man gripped the whore by the arm and put a pistol to his head in surprise at his entrance. “I suggest you leave before something bad happens.”

Vegeta stood frozen. What should he do? He looked to his friend who panted in shock at the sudden change of things. He saw nothing but fear and helplessness…and that’s what he felt in that moment. What should he do? He gulped before making up a bluff. “The boss is here. Leave now or I’ll scream.”

The man sneered. “You’re lying. I was told he’d be out all day. Now,” He cocked the gun, the clicking sound made both of them jump. “Leave.”

Vegeta looked back and forth to his friend and the gun pointed at his temple. He couldn’t leave him…he was the only friend he had. What kind of friend would he be if he just left him? Although, he’d be saving his life…wouldn’t he?
As he really began to panic he thought of the only thing he could. He screamed. He stopped and jumped back in surprise when he heard and saw the gun go off. He gasped when blood exploded from his friend’s head and he fell back limp on his bed. The man holding the gun looked at the now dead whore in surprise before standing and pointing the gun at him. “Look at what you made me do! Now, how are you going to make up for it?”

Vegeta didn’t even look at the man since his eyes were glued to the body. His body reacted before his mind could permit it. “No!” He rushed to his friend’s side, but was grabbed before he could. “NO! NO! Let me go!”

The man held onto him tightly. “You should’ve listened to me. Now you’ll have to pay the price.” The man turned Vegeta towards him and suddenly crouched so he could bend him over his shoulder then stood.

Vegeta kicked and pounded at his back. “You bastard! YOU BASTARD! Put me down now!” Tears formed and fell when they started walking away from the once living and breathing person. “No. Let me go.” He said in defeat.

However, the man didn’t listen as they left the room and headed towards another one that didn’t have a corpse occupying it. On their way, people gathered in the hallway to investigate the bone chilling noises that were just heard. The man pointed his gun at them. “If you value your lives, I suggest going back to where you came from.”

Everyone froze at the gun, but did as the man said and gradually dispersed. However, one person didn’t and that person shot the man in the head from behind. The man’s head jerked forward as the bullet rushed through him then his body went lax as it fell to the floor and dropped its burden. Without thinking, Vegeta struggled his way out from underneath the body that pinned his legs and scrambled away a good distance. He stared at the body in shock as blood oozed out of the man’s head, his pistol lax in his hand. Vegeta slowly looked up to see who killed him and gasped when he saw it was his boss. He really was back after all. The man lowered his pistol and put it back in its holster then advanced towards Vegeta and lifted him off the floor and threw him over his shoulder, like he was on the other man’s not long ago.

“W-Wait, boss please!” Vegeta clutched onto the man’s back as he was hauled back into his room and thrown on his bed.

The boss man grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back. Vegeta cried out at the treatment on his scalp as he shook in fear. “You better tell me what happened!” The man threatened.

Vegeta shivered at the man’s words as tears of fear trailed down his face. “I…I’m sorry, boss. I had to…I-I wanted to help him.” He cried out again as his head was pulled back more by his hair, causing him to arch.

“You broke the rules didn’t you?! Didn’t you!” The man yelled in his face, pissed off beyond all hell that one of his best whore’s went against his word.

“Yes!” Vegeta answered, afraid of what will happen to him if he didn’t tell the truth.

The man yanked Vegeta’s head back, causing it to hit the bed and pulling a handful of hair on the way. “Now you owe me even more money. You better make up for what I’ve lost and that includes my best whore. I expect you to work double time to make up for it.” Vegeta sobbed at the death of his friend and at what his boss had ordered him to do. He yelped when his hair was grabbed again. “Understand?!”

“Y-Yes.” Vegeta sobbed out while trying to relieve the pressure on his poor scalp by gripping his boss’s arm and pulling weakly.

However, the man didn’t register the action. “That’s my whore.” The man released him, causing him to lie back on the bed. He leaned over him while running a hand up his leg. “Now, since I know you don’t have the money…” He trailed off, letting his hands do the talking for him.

Vegeta shivered and sobbed at the other’s intentions, but did nothing to stop him, since there was nothing he could do. Without warning, his clothes were suddenly ripped off and he was left naked and cold. The man wasted no time in releasing his manhood and plunging it into tight warmth. Vegeta threw his head back and screamed at the rough entry. He struggled, trying to move away from the onslaught, but his arms were pinned and the heavy body above pinned his body as well. He threw his head back and forth as the torture continued at a faster and harder pace. Finally, what seemed like never ending torture, the boss made a final plunge deep inside him and came. Vegeta screamed at the hot liquid that injected itself into him and the wounds that were made. After a moment, the boss pulled out with a grunt and released him. Vegeta stayed in that position as his boss said his parting words and left. After that, Vegeta sobbed into his soiled blanket for the rest of the day.
~Your own, personal, Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares
Your own, personal, Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers, someone who’s there
Reach out and touch faith~

When night came, Vegeta still hadn’t moved from his position on his bed. He stared at the darkness…at nothing. He tried not to think about it…about the pain, the fear, regret…guilt.

“Why? Why didn’t I stay in my room and leave it be? Why did I feel the need to help him? He’d still be alive if I didn’t interfere…but he’s not. He’s gone…he’s dead because of me. I refused to listen…I refused to do what he said. I was afraid. I was afraid that he would get hurt anyway. I didn’t want him to get hurt, I wanted to save him. Instead, I killed him. I killed him!” He gripped the bedding in his anguish. ”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…I didn’t want him to…” He began sobbing again. “I can’t stand myself. I got my friend killed. I deserve this…I deserve whatever else is coming for me. I deserve what the boss has ordered for me to do. I guess I do belong here. I belong in hell.”

~Feeling unknown and you’re all alone
Flesh and bone by the telephone~

His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang. He didn’t move after a few minutes then after the fifteenth ring, he slowly stirred.

~Lift up the receiver I’ll make you a believer~

On the twentieth ring he answered it. “Who is it?” He asked in a flat tone, his voice cracking from all of his crying.

Static greeted him before a soothing voice answered. “It’s Kakarot.”

“Kakarot?” Vegeta vaguely wondered. Certainly he was dreaming again.

“Yes, Vegeta. Do you remember me?” Kakarot went on in a gentle tone as if calming a child.

After a moment, Vegeta answered. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m glad you answered. However, words cannot express how sorry I am that this has happened to you. I wish I was there.” Kakarot went on in a regretful tone.

Vegeta cleared his throat so it wouldn’t crack while he spoke. “You can come on up if you want to.” He went on sadly, remembering what he promised his boss.

There was a moment’s hesitation before Kakarot answered. “No. I won’t come up for that. Only if you’re ready for me to help you.”

Vegeta began sobbing again. “Then please…help me.” He begged.

“I will, but only if you trust me.” Kakarot said sincerely.

Vegeta took a few breaths that sounded more like gasps. “I…I don’t know.”

Kakarot went on in a pitied tone. “I understand. You can talk to me about it if you want.”

Vegeta hiccupped. “I…I killed him. It was my fault. I should’ve stayed in my room. I shouldn’t have interfered and now…my only friend is dead. I don’t know why I did what I did. It could be because…he was the only other male doing this line of work with me. I didn’t feel so alone knowing that. I had to help him, even though I shouldn’t have…I did anyway. And now, two people are dead because of me.”

“Now, now Vegeta. Please don’t blame yourself. You did what you could. I’m sure it would’ve happened anyway. Either someone gets hurt or someone dies. Fate isn’t kind to everyone. It has plans for us all.” Kakarot cooed.

Vegeta sniffed. “You…really think it…would’ve happened anyway?”

“No. I know it would’ve. It was just his time. Think of it this way, at least he’s in a better place. He no longer has to suffer.” Kakarot tried calming him.

After a moment, Vegeta agreed. “Yes. That’s true. I wish…I could be with him right now.”

Kakarot quickly reprimanded him. “No, Vegeta! Don’t think like that. You still have so much ahead of you and it doesn’t always have to be like this. You can still live a fulfilling life. You just have to try.”

“You sound so certain. How do you know it will happen?” Vegeta asked hopelessly.

There was a moment of static before Kakarot responded. “Because I have faith.”

“Faith?” Vegeta asked skeptically.

“Yes. Faith. Have faith in yourself Vegeta and have faith in me. When you do, your life will soon change for the better.” Kakarot promised.

For some reason, Vegeta couldn’t help but believe the mysterious man. If all he really needed to do was have faith…trust in the man, then he can help him. The sooner he helps him, the sooner he can get out of this hellhole. “Alright. I have faith in you. I…trust you.”

The sound of static was heard for so long that Vegeta wondered if the man was still there. However, the reoccurring static told him that he was. “I’m glad. I will visit you soon.” Kakarot answered in what seemed like relief before saying his departing words slowly. “Sleep well, Vegeta.” Before Vegeta could answer, his body went lax and collapsed back on his bed, sleeping soundly. The phone hung over the side of the nightstand as it swung on its cord. The only sounds were the static as it gradually became louder and louder before cutting off.

~I will deliver you know I’m a forgiver~
~Reach out and touch faith~

Vegeta gradually woke from his restful sleep as he yawned and stretched out on his bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before eyeing the phone that still hung off of its receiver. With a questioning look, he put it back and stared at it for a moment before he heard a knock on his door. He sighed tiredly when the past day’s events caught up to him then stood and made his way to the door. When he opened it, he realized it was one of the women prostitutes just a few doors down. Her happy complexion and pitied features didn’t match well with her blonde curls and fancy red burlesque dress.

“Hey, sweety. How’re ya holding up?” She asked sweetly.

Vegeta gave her a small smile, glad that someone still cared about him…besides the mysterious Kakarot. “I’ve been better.” He answered meekly. Suddenly, a troubled thought came to him as he wondered if his friend’s body was still next door. “Is he…? I mean, of course he…he’s not still…” He didn’t want to say it. He feared if he did, he’d burst into tears again.

The girl held her hands together behind her back as she looked down sadly. “They…buried him last night, after the boss left your room.”

Vegeta studied her for a minute before seeing through the lie. “No they didn’t.” If anything, they probably just threw him in the trash. After all, who would want to waste their time burying a whore?

The girl agreed. “No, they didn’t.” After a few moments of awkward silence, the girl ended it. “Well, you have customers waiting. If there’s anything you need…” She trailed off and shined a small smile at him.

Vegeta returned the smile. “Thanks, Bunny.”

Her smile grew and she step forward to give him a brief hug then left.

Vegeta lied back on his bed with a sigh. He’s never had so many customers before. His boss wasn’t kidding when he said he’d be taking up the customers that…his friend…had. Then again, he is the only male working there now. He looked out his window from where he lay and looked at the full moon. He was glad the day was over, everything hurt. The worst was probably his hips and you-know-where. However, he knew that it was going to start all over again tomorrow. Then the next day, and the next day…and the next day…the thought alone made him want to cry again. This torture won’t end.

He was brought out of his musings when there was another knock on his door. He looked towards it but didn’t move from his spot. “No more customers tonight. Come back tomorrow.” He answered tiredly.

However, the knocking continued. Vegeta sighed in frustration before gingerly getting up and opening the door. “I said no more-!” He was stunned into silence when he saw the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen. He wore nothing but a brown vest with matching chaps and a hat, his feet bare. His skin was pale and what hair was seen was raven colored. His eyes were a deep chocolate that Vegeta just wanted to drown in for eternity…and he was tall. He gulped.

The man smiled…no, not smiled, beamed at him. It was blinding but at the same time, Vegeta couldn’t look away. “Can you make an exception? I promise I’ll be the last one.”

Vegeta’s jaw slacked slightly, leaving his mouth gaping as he nodded mutely at the beautiful man. Not taking his eyes off him, the man entered the room as Vegeta slowly closed the door, also not taking his eyes off of him. Neither said a word for a few minutes until the man finally took off his hat, as if the thought just hit him.

“Oh, where are my manners. I’m Kakarot. Nice to finally meet you, Vegeta.” He held out a hand and beamed at him again.

Vegeta choked back a gasp when the man took off his hat. His hair was wild! But gorgeous nonetheless, it really contrasted with the rest of him, but oddly matched. He leaned back more into the door with a sigh as his eyes turned dreamy. What a beautiful person. However, he shook himself out of his dreamland when the man introduced himself and held out his hand.

“K-Kakarot?” Vegeta eyed him skeptically before placing his hand in his. “You’re…Kakarot?”

Kakarot shook his hand gently before slowly pulling away and placing that hand behind his head. “Yep. I told you I’d visit soon.”

Vegeta stared at him in surprise for a moment before nodding his head dumbly then blushed. “So, now what?”

Kakarot scratched the back of his head and looked away. “Well…”

It took a moment for Vegeta to get the hint before he looked at the floor in understanding. “Oh. I see. Of course.”

Slowly, he let the robe he was wearing slide down his shoulders and arms before hitting the floor; leaving the black leggings, the only thing that he was wearing, on.

Kakarot watched the movement as his hand came from behind his head and lowered to his side. “I figured it would be the best way to help you. After all that you’ve been through. However, I’ll only do it if you trust me.”
Vegeta hugged himself before looking into Kakarot’s kind eyes. Those eyes…they matched his voice, both were caring and gentle. With a man like him, Vegeta would trust him in a heartbeat, but he knows better. Even though he said he did before, but at that time, he didn’t know what the other had planned for him. He looked away, the answer was obvious more in his eyes than it would be in his voice. Kakarot stared at him calmly before responding.

“I see. I suppose I’ll leave then.”

With that, Kakarot walked forward towards Vegeta, who was blocking the exit, and grabbed a hold of the doorknob, expecting the other to move. To his surprise, Vegeta grabbed a hold of his wrist in an attempt to stop him.

“Wait.” Kakarot paused at the touch and the slightly panicked command. “You…promise you’ll help me?”

Kakarot turned his calming gaze to the smaller, who still wouldn’t meet his eyes. “It’s why I came. However, if you don’t want my help, I understand.” He turned the knob, but the grip on his wrist tightened.

“Then I trust you.” Vegeta whispered, his gaze matching his words while meeting Kakarot’s beautiful eyes.

No words were exchanged as Vegeta slowly moved his hand up Kakarot’s bare arm. He stopped at his shoulder, causing him to be closer to the other. Kakarot lowered his arm at his side as he let Vegeta move his other hand up his bare chest and slide his leg up his thigh. Vegeta watched his hand move up Kakarot’s chest then trailed his eyes up until he met the other’s eyes again. He saw patience, kindness, and pity. Vegeta didn’t know why, but it made him both angry and sad to see all those emotions together in one gaze. However, he pushed the thought aside as he gathered his concentration…something he always did before going to work.

“I-I trust you.” He repeated shakily.

Kakarot brought up his arms to hold him, but hesitated on the way. If Vegeta went this far, then he has to encourage him to keep going. His arms continued to rise until one wrapped around a trim waist and the other gently caressed a smooth cheek while his thumb traced the jawline. Vegeta’s mouth trembled a bit at the touch, but didn’t say or do anything. Kakarot looked into hesitant eyes before saying, “I promise this will be the last time you’ll have to do this.”

Vegeta looked at him skeptically. “Will it?”

Kakarot’s thumb moved to soft lips and traced them as well. “Yes.” He smiled slightly when he saw the skepticism was still in the other’s eyes. “You’ll find out soon.”

Vegeta nodded once, not wanting the warm and curious touch on his lips to stop. Eventually, his eyes became heavy lidded then closed. He panted slightly as the touch continued. However, after a moment, it stopped. He opened his eyes slightly to see why, only to see Kakarot’s face right up to his, his eyes closed. He pulled back when he realized he wanted a kiss. Kakarot opened his eyes in surprise at the action.

“I-I’m sorry. I-It’s just that…I don’t…want to fall…” Vegeta trailed off as he looked away with a blush.

“In love?” Kakarot finished for him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Vegeta nodded, but didn’t meet the other’s eyes. “It’s okay.”

He brought Vegeta’s gaze to him by gently grasping his chin and turning it towards him. “You won’t. I promise.”

Vegeta gave him an apprehensive look. “You sound so sure about everything.”

Kakarot smiled. “There’s more to me than meets the eye.”

Vegeta looked at the other up and down. “I suppose...”

Kakarot smiled sweetly before leaning down towards Vegeta’s face again, however, instead of going for his lips, he turned his head and went for his temple instead. Vegeta’s heart calmed somewhat at the other’s change of location, but he still watched him suspiciously, in case he changed his mind. Kakarot traced down Vegeta’s face with his lips and breathed, “Relax. I won’t hurt you. I came here for you, to end your suffering. Please, trust me.”

~Your own, personal, Jesus
Reach out and touch faith~

At Kakarot’s words, Vegeta visibly relaxed. He didn’t realize how tense he was until he practically melted into the other’s touch. His eyes became half lidded again when that heated mouth trailed down to his neck and placed gentle kisses along it. Vegeta sighed and hesitantly gripped untamed raven locks when those kisses trailed along his collar bone. Unknowingly, he tipped his head back more so Kakarot could get better access. He moaned when Kakarot held him closer and when those kisses turned to sucking, however, it wasn’t enough to make any marks. Vegeta held onto him tighter as well, not wanting that heated touch to end. After a while, it did when Kakarot moved up to try to steal a kiss again. Vegeta pulled back a centimeter at the close proximity while Kakarot hesitated in his advance at the action. However, Vegeta didn’t protest when Kakarot closed the gap between them and placed a slow, sweet kiss on still ones. Kakarot coaxed Vegeta’s mouth to move along with his as their lips fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. A minute later and Vegeta was clinging desperately to Kakarot, as if afraid that this blissful moment will end. Another minute went by and eventually Vegeta pulled back for much needed air.

“Th-That was my…f-first kiss.” He panted.

Kakarot smiled warmly. “I know.”

He then stroked Vegeta’s face with his thumb, as if wiping something away. It took a moment for Vegeta to realize that he was crying. He pulled back in astonishment and touched his face in wonder. He brought his hand back to see the result himself and gave his hand a confused look.

“It’s okay. It’s all part of the process.” Kakarot assured. Vegeta didn’t know what he meant, but suddenly it didn’t matter. One look into those kind and trusting eyes and he went back to melding his mouth with the others’. What felt like hours later, Vegeta winced and pulled back slightly when his bruised hips were touched.

“Sorry.” Kakarot breathed, but continued to lightly massage the area while meshing their lips together again.

Kakarot hoisted Vegeta to settle around his waist and into his arms. Vegeta subconsciously wrapped his legs around a muscled torso while continuing to devour the gorgeous man’s mouth. Kakarot distracted him with that then moved them over to the bed. Carefully, he set Vegeta down on the bed and stood, causing them to disconnect. Vegeta panted for air as he watched Kakarot with heavy eyes. The lovely being slowly but swiftly discarded his vest then his pants. Vegeta gripped the bedding and bit his bottom lip at the display, blushing darkly as all that beautiful flesh was revealed to him. When Kakarot finished, he stood proudly, unashamed of his excited member. He cocked his head to the side and gave Vegeta another warm smile, as if expecting him to do something. Without thinking, Vegeta hesitantly reached out to touch hard muscle, but paused.

~Reach out and touch faith~

He gulped slightly before throwing his hesitance and suspicions aside then proceeded to reach out and touch what he desired. He brushed his fingers down sculpted abs and traced them lightly before kneeling up on the edge of the bed and trailing his hand up along with him. Kakarot breathed evenly and stayed still so he could let Vegeta do his exploring. Vegeta’s other hand joined in on the curious touch as it went to a muscular but cherubic face then brushed up into untamed locks. His hair was surprisingly soft, even though it sprang back to where it was after he ran his fingers through it. He smiled slightly at that. He trailed his hand down the side of that angelic face to a corded neck. He lightly traced the adam’s apple and collar bone before exploring broad shoulders and a lightly panting chest. Vegeta stopped at that notion and looked to Kakarot’s face, which looked to be enjoying his touches since his eyes were half lidded and a soft smile graced his features. Vegeta returned the smile before returning to his quest. He’s never done this with any of his customers before. Then again, he’s never wanted to.

What made him want to do it with Kakarot? What made him so special?

He wondered vaguely as his hands briefly trailed down the other’s sides before stopping at his hips. Feeling brave, Vegeta’s smile widened when his touch kept going down muscular thighs and stopped again. He blushed when Kakarot’s smile widened as well.

However, Vegeta decided that’s where his quest would end as he brought his hands back up the other’s sides then jumped over to his hands. He held those big calloused hands in his own before leaning up and placing a shy kiss to compliant ones. Eventually, Vegeta trailed his hands up big arms then settled them across the back of Kakarot’s neck. Kakarot returned the embrace and deepened the kiss. Vegeta moaned into it and pressed harder into the kiss as he became more into it. Kakarot went with it, pressing back just as much. Not being able to take it anymore, Vegeta pulled Kakarot’s head towards him, signifying that he wanted them to lie down. Kakarot let go of him so he may crawl on the bed, letting Vegeta guide him as he did so, never breaking their kiss. Carefully, Kakarot laid himself on top of the lithe form below. Their bodies fit together much like their mouths did. Both moaned at the friction between them as their kiss became rougher. It was Kakarot’s turn to explore the body beneath his as his fingers caressed through auburn hair and taut muscles.

“More.” Vegeta panted into the other’s mouth.

Kakarot paused in his ministrations. “More?” He asked in surprise.

To emphasis his point, Vegeta wrapped his legs around that muscular waist and brought him closer, causing the source of their need to rub together. “More.” He repeated a little more forcefully.

Kakarot hid a smirk before coaxing the other’s head back by running his fingers through that flame shaped hair so he may look into his eyes. “If you wish.”

~Reach out and touch faith~

Kakarot held one of Vegeta’s thighs to him as he distracted him with a few kisses to his neck before carefully plunging the tip of his manhood into a tight quivering entrance. Vegeta arched completely off the bed as he held the back of Kakarot’s neck in a death grip. He cried out at the feeling of being wonderfully stretched. Never in his life has he been impaled like this and not feel pain. It was amazing. He gasped for air as he clawed at Kakarot’s back, leaving scratch marks in their wake. Kakarot didn’t wince nor tense, almost as if he didn’t feel the pain at all. He continued giving Vegeta’s neck and chest his attention then pushed a little more into that taut body. Vegeta tried taking in as much air as he could, but it never seemed to be enough. Kakarot paused for a moment so that he could adjust.

When it seemed like Vegeta was getting air into his lungs, the door to the room burst open and Vegeta’s boss graced them with his presence.

“Hey! We’re closed! I suggest you leave and come back tomorrow!” The boss rudely ordered as he pulled his pistol out and aimed it at Kakarot’s head. Vegeta didn’t even seem to register that he entered the room, however, Kakarot did. With his eyes still half-lidded, he gave the man a cold look then the boss’s expression turned blank and lowered his weapon. As if possessed, the man turned and left while closing the door behind him without saying a word.

Kakarot turned his gaze back to the arching form beneath him then continued to push all the way until he hit a spot that made Vegeta cry out even more.

“Ohhhhh, Kakarot!!” Vegeta couldn’t believe what he was feeling. He’s never felt anything like it. All he’s ever felt when doing this with his customers was pain and shame, but with Kakarot, it was indescribable. It was amazing, wonderful, glorious, right, all of the above and more. He didn’t think it was possible to feel this good.

Kakarot smirked at the other’s reaction then began to move. Okay, when Vegeta thought it felt wonderful before, it felt even better now. It was like making love to an angel. He couldn’t stop making sounds, even if he wanted to. He cried out, moaned, whimpered, and sobbed at every move that the man made. He couldn’t help but say his name in every sound that he could manage, which caused Kakarot to drive even deeper into him and move in any way he could.

“Aaaaahhhhh! Kakarot! S-Stop! Please-ah!” Kakarot immediately stopped after Vegeta cried out his words. He looked at him with slight worry before seeing him collapse back on the bed as he panted for much needed oxygen. “I-I can’t…breathe…ugh.”

He rested his forearm on his forehead for a minute before wiping away the sweat that formed there. He moaned loudly when his entrance pulsed around the good sized appendage inside him. After another moment, he wiped away something that was tickling his face and realized it was more tears that were falling.

“S-So…odd. I…can’t…stop crying.” He panted as he continued to wipe away the tears.

Kakarot leaned down to kiss those salty trails away. “It’s all part of the healing process. You’ll feel better once it’s over.” He murmured into wet cheeks.

Suddenly, Vegeta noticed something off about Kakarot. “Hey, how come…you’re not…tired…like me?”

Kakarot smiled. “I told you, there’s more to me than meets the eye.”

Vegeta looked at him skeptically. “So you’ve said.”

Kakarot steadied himself as he prepared to continue where they left off. “Ready to continue?”

“W-Wait. Go slower. I’m…not ready for that pace yet.” It was odd to Vegeta that he had to be treated like a virgin, even though he’s done this hundreds of times. Then again, he’s never made love to anyone. It was always just sex and nothing else, but this…this was something more…something else. It worried him. Was he falling?

Kakarot gave him a confused look. “But I was going slow.” He stared at him as if he were a puzzle. “I guess you need more work than I thought.”

Before Vegeta could answer, Kakarot barely moved when he cried out again.
“Ohhhh yes!” He sobbed every time he cried out. He threw his head back and forth as Kakarot continued to just barely move in and out of the already abused entrance, but strangely wasn’t painful.

“Here it comes. You’re first one.” Kakarot whispered as he expertly continued his tortuously slow pace.

With his last push in, not only did he pull himself out, but he pulled out a long cry of pure ecstasy from the writhing form below. Kakarot smiled softly when he felt hot cream shoot onto his stomach. His smile grew when the cream kept coming in torrents before Vegeta collapsed back on the bed. He lied there and panted until he caught his breath. Kakarot leaned down again for a chaste kiss as Vegeta lazily returned it before pulling back. “It’s not over yet.”

“Wh-What do you mean?” Vegeta asked a little nervously.

Kakarot looked down between their stomachs and Vegeta followed his gaze. His eyes widened when he realized he was hard again. He laid his head back with a groan while wiping more sweat off his brow.

Kakarot stared at his current lover with a loving smile until he recovered somewhat. “Ready for more?”

~Reach out and touch faith~

Vegeta groaned in exhaustion before finally nodding and snaking his arms around the other’s shoulders. “Give it to me.”

Kakarot let a small smirk show before smoothly re-entering the compliant body below him. Vegeta arched and let a sharp cry release as that wonderful cock directly hit that pleasant spot inside him.

“Aaaaahhhhh, Kakarot!” He sighed in bliss.

Kakarot’s smirk grew before he wrapped his arms around that arching waist and lifted him so they were both in a sitting position. Vegeta moaned out at the change of positions as that lovely appendage went even deeper in him. His mouth gaped open as he tried to bring air into his lungs. Kakarot stayed still so they can get used to the position. They touched foreheads for a moment until Kakarot rolled his hips upward. Vegeta cried out in bliss and hung on tighter to hard shoulders, afraid he might get bucked off. However, it was a slow pace as Kakarot continued the rolling motion of his strong hips. After a few thrusts, Vegeta couldn’t help but go with the motion as his hips rolled forward, causing his erection to rub against taut abs. His moans grew louder as their actions continued. Kakarot stared intensely into Vegeta’s half lidded eyes, the roll of his hips continuing to hit that heavenly place inside the other every time. A few more thrusts and Vegeta released one of Kakarot’s shoulders so he may grip his own hair. The intensity of their slow pace getting more and more so.

“Ohhhh, Kakarot! Kakarot! Ahhhhh!” He threw his head back and cried out passionately as he shot his load on Kakarot’s chest, painting him the color of his passion. He panted a moment before throwing himself forward and resting against his lover.

Kakarot held onto the tired form and patiently waited for him to regain his breathing before pulling out and turning Vegeta over on all fours before slowly re-entering him. A moan forcefully dragged itself out of Vegeta before purring out a moan. His arms held him shakily as sweat and tears dripped onto his pillow. His insides were sensitive after their intense lovemaking and having that impressive appendage enter him again…well, words were lost. Kakarot released sore hips and rested them on the bed so he may hold himself up then leaned forward over a glistening back, causing him to go even deeper in the willing and tired form below. Vegeta gasped at the action as Kakarot licked the salty liquid off the back of his neck and traced his tongue down to the side of his neck. Vegeta tipped his head back so the other may get better access and began to rock his hips back against the other’s powerful hips that stayed still. He moaned every time his back side came into contact with the other and moaned louder when that sinful spot was hit again.

“Uhhhh Kakarot…Kakarot…” He chanted as one of his arms came up and placed his hand on the back of Kakarot’s neck so he may keep his head where it was and gripped the hand that was still on the bed.

Kakarot continued his ministrations on the other’s neck then lifted his head so his cheek rubbed against a slick one. Both slid together as Vegeta continued his movements and panted and moaned continuously. Kakarot whispered Vegeta’s name every now and then as he came closer to his end. Suddenly, Vegeta stopped and his body tensed. His screams of passion reverberated off the walls of the small room and echoed around them. With Vegeta’s slick entrance hugging Kakarot so tightly, he tensed as well and poured his creamy passion inside the now exhausted and loose form. Vegeta collapsed on the bed with the other still leaning over him. Kakarot panted lightly, but didn’t pull out quite yet as he watched the lithe form below gasp much needed air into tired lungs. After staring lovingly at his handy work for a few minutes, Kakarot slowly pulled out of Vegeta’s red rosebud and lay down next to him on his back. Vegeta panted lightly and moaned as he felt Kakarot’s thick passion leak out of him. He stared dreamily at that angelic face that smiled peacefully at him then slowly, but shakily lifted himself in a sitting position. He closed his legs when he continued to feel the other’s seed dribble out of him. He blushed darkly before crawling over to his lover and climbed on top of him.

He straddled a muscular waist then ran his hands up chiseled abs and a steadily rising and falling chest before raking his nails lightly back down. Kakarot trailed his lax hands up muscular thighs and messaged them as Vegeta continued his caresses. Vegeta gave him a cute yet mischievous smile as he trailed his hands back up and lifted his hips so he may give the other a sweet and long kiss. The kiss was hot and wet then got even more so when Vegeta added his tongue to the mix. Kakarot moaned at the taste of the sweet morsel and eagerly sucked it into his mouth. Vegeta added his own sounds to the other’s actions as another wet muscle danced with his. Vegeta gripped soft locks as his head bobbed along with the motions of his mouth. Kakarot purred when he felt his own passionate liquid drip onto his stomach from Vegeta’s entrance. Vegeta answered with a whine of his own as their loving kiss continued and all too soon, ended. However, Vegeta didn’t want to breathe so he kept the sweet gesture going by giving the other little short kisses then touched foreheads for a moment and pulled back.

Vegeta lowered his hips down on Kakarot’s stomach, causing his wet entrance to slide down hard muscles before stopping on waiting hips. He smirked before lifting himself then reached down and took a hold of an already excited appendage and twirled it around his entrance before slowly sliding himself down on it. He moaned loudly as he continued his decent until fully seated. He panted at the wonderful feeling of being filled then flashed a smirk/grin. Vegeta leaned back and rested his hands on the bed then lifted his weight off of Kakarot and shifted to his arms. Steadily, Vegeta began moving his hips up and down on Kakarot’s slick shaft while throwing his head back and moaning like a virgin in heat. The angle gave Kakarot a spectacular view of seeing himself sliding in and out of Vegeta’s quivering hole. Kakarot’s moans matched Vegeta’s at the actions and the sight…no wonder he was the best.

Kakarot had to touch Vegeta in some way so his hands trailed under quivering thighs and stayed there while letting Vegeta do all the work. After a few minutes, Vegeta’s pace quickened and his cries grew louder. That’s when Kakarot decided to help by thrusting his hips upward and meeting Vegeta’s movements, which caused the whore to cry out more, his voice going an octave higher. Before he knew it, his body suddenly stiffened and arched while shooting torrents of his load on his chest and stomach. Meanwhile, Kakarot shot his own seed into the tense body above while steadily pumping in and out of him. Vegeta’s entrance squeezed around the hard appendage still pumping into him, milking it of everything it had.

After the stars passed his vision and his body relaxed, Vegeta flopped back in between Kakarot’s legs and on the bed, no longer able to keep his weight up. Every once in a moment, Vegeta’s hole pulsed around the thick shaft inside him; causing it to twitch to life every time it did. Vegeta answered the hardening appendage with little moans and whimpers.

After a while, Vegeta slowly sat up and gave Kakarot a tired look. “You’re…insatiable.”

Kakarot gave him a lazy smirk. “I can’t help it that everything you do turns me on.”

Vegeta lifted himself some more so that he was fully seated on Kakarot’s hips once again, his cock still inside him. “Now…you know why…I’m the best.”

Kakarot traced his fingertips over firm but plush buttocks, then trim hips, up a small waist and panting chest, rubbed dusky nipples then trailed back down to trembling thighs. Vegeta’s breath hitched at the other’s actions. Never has he been touched in such a way…oh God, he really hoped he wasn’t falling. “Don’t worry, you’re not.”

“What?” Vegeta looked at him in surprise.

“You’re not falling in love with me. I’m making sure of it.” Kakarot explained as he lightly caressed his thighs and hips in a calming gesture.

Vegeta stared at him skeptically. “How are you doing that?”

Kakarot smiled that smile that made Vegeta want to kiss him breathless. “It’s a secret.”

Vegeta hummed skeptically. “Of course it is.”

Kakarot just answered with that adorable smile of his and continued to caress that smooth skin. Vegeta let out a breath of air, finally able to catch his breath since they started their lovemaking. Kakarot sat up then and embraced the lithe body on top of him while slowly initiating a kiss. Vegeta responded to the kiss just as slowly, relishing in the feel and flavor of the other. He was so warm…comfortable…he felt safe in the taller’s arms…he could stay in them forever. Oh no, he was sure he was falling…then again, is that really such a bad thing?
Vegeta’s thoughts quickly melted away when he brushed his lips over a strong jaw and down to a corded neck. His wet lips latched onto the skin there and suckled, causing his lover to gasp lightly. He smiled into that pale skin at the other’s subtle reaction and continued his ministrations.

Not being able to take the torture anymore, Kakarot seized Vegeta’s thighs and pushed him back on the bed while pushing his legs upwards. Vegeta cried out at the new position and gripped the sheets below. Kakarot went back to latching onto kiss swollen lips as he drilled into the lithe form below. Vegeta mewled and begged beneath him, urging him to give more…and give more he did. Kakarot tested his whore’s flexibility by spreading his legs open and pushing them back on the bed. Vegeta gasped at the stretching sensation in his thighs and arched, trying to relieve some of the pain. However, he soon forgot it when he realized the vulnerable position he was in along with the feel of that steely rod dipping in and out of him at a hard and fast pace. He moaned breathily as his head became light headed from all the gasping he was doing. He tried thrusting back to meet the other’s movements, but with the hold on his legs, all he could do was squirm. Kakarot moved his lips and tongue from Vegeta’s hot mouth to a writhing torso, never disconnecting from the glistening skin below. Vegeta’s cries became louder, screaming of his need and how much he wanted it. It was Kakarot’s turn to smile into tan skin as he slowed his pace to leisure thrusts.

Vegeta screamed his frustration, “Kakarot! More!”
He tried bucking, thrusting…any sort of movement with his hips but they were still held down.

Kakarot finally disconnected his mouth from the arching torso so he may smirk mischievously, but somehow, he made it look angelic.

“What’s the hurry?”

Vegeta let out a huff of impatience. “My sanity!”

Kakarot chuckled. “You’ll be fine. Don’t be so dramatic.”

Vegeta let out another huff. “You can’t just…start out strong…like that…and then…slow down. It’s…bad for my…health.” He panted in between words.

Kakarot hummed in thought. “I suppose I could show you some mercy. After all, it’s why I’m here.” He smiled softly.

Vegeta blushed at the look before crying out in want at the swift movement of Kakarot’s hips. “Ohhhh God! Yes! Please! More!” He shook his head from side to side.

Kakarot ran his fingers through flame-shaped hair before answering his lover’s begging. Vegeta’s cries grew louder and louder until he eventually exploded. He tore at the bed sheets as his climax hit him hard. Kakarot gasped when he felt his cock being held in a wet, hot hug. Eventually, he poured everything he had into that needy hole until he had nothing left. He stopped himself before he could fall on the smaller form below and panted until he regained his breathing. Vegeta did the same. After a few minutes, Kakarot carefully pulled himself out, causing all his semen to pour out of his lover. Vegeta moaned lustfully at the cooling and empty feeling then closed his eyes for a moment and opened them. A thought suddenly occurred to him as he lifted a hand to trail down his face. He brought it back so he could see it and noticed that it was dry.

“At least…I stopped crying.”

Kakarot lay back on the bed with a sigh. “You stopped a while ago.”

Vegeta lowered it. “Oh.”

He sat up shakily then made his way over to his lover’s side and made himself comfortable by resting his head on a steadily rising and falling chest. After a moment, he realized his eyes were heavy. He fought to keep them open.

“That was the most wonderful thing I’ve ever experienced.”

Kakarot smiled sadly. “I know.”

He ran a hand through sweaty flame locks before kissing the other’s temple tenderly. “Although, it’s never taken me this long before. I guess you needed a lot of work.”

Vegeta smiled at the gesture and hummed tiredly at his words before cuddling more snuggly into the other.

“So, what happens now?” He mumbled sleepily, trying with all his might to stay awake.

Kakarot smiled at him as he stroked the smaller’s glistening face. “Now, Vegeta, you sleep.”

Vegeta’s eyes closed even more at the contact and blinked sleepily. “No. I’m afraid…that this will all be a dream when I wake up.”

Kakarot touched their foreheads together. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you something to let you know that tonight really happened.”

Before Vegeta could respond, his vision blurred to black and the last thing he saw was Kakarot’s hopeful smile.


Vegeta moaned lightly as the remnants of sleep began to disappear from his mind and body. He stretched and yawned before rubbing his eyes open and slowly sat up. His body still sang its praise from the wonderful treatment it received the night before. He arched his back and moved his neck from side to side, popping a few joints back in place and gradually bringing himself to wake. He suddenly paused in his movements when he realized that nothing hurt. He looked down at himself to see any evidence of his previous customers being with him. He cried out in shock when he noticed the bruises on his hips were gone and there was absolutely no pain in his backside. It was almost like…he hadn’t had sex at all. He looked around and at himself for a while before he finally accepted that he was healed and all of the rough sex he had with his previous customers using and abusing him was erased.

He stared at the wall in front of him for a while, in complete shock, before finally remembering of the man he spent the night with the evening before. He looked to his side, expecting to see the glorious being sleeping soundly next to him, only to notice that he was alone. He looked around, hoping to spot him standing in his room somewhere or coming from the restroom or maybe getting something to eat, but he knew…he knew he was never going to see that gorgeous man ever again. Vegeta sighed sadly, already missing what he had for a brief moment in time.

He was brought out of his sad musings when his eye caught something out of the corner of it. On his night stand was a bundle of money. It looked like the same amount he made shortly before his boss robbed him of it. His eyes widened at how much money was given to him. He had to reach out and touch it to see if it was real. He didn’t need to count it to know that it was enough for him to leave this place. With that thought in mind, he quickly scrambled out of bed and ran to his closet to retrieve the briefcase he arrived with and stuffed his personal belongings in it.

While he did this, he felt something brush his collar bone and suddenly realized that something was tied around his neck. Vegeta reached up to feel what it was and noticed that it was some sort of thin, lacy material. He untied it from his neck and pulled it off to inspect it more. It looked to be a little white scarf. It was see-through and bared a tiny red crucifix that was sewn into the corner of it. He smiled sadly at the small gift then brought it to his face and smelled it. It smelled like him…like earth with a hint of rain. He pulled it away to stare at it in longing before shoving it in his bag and going back to packing his things. When he was done, he realized that he didn’t have anything suitable to wear out in public, except for the clothes that he came with, but that was a long time ago and they didn’t fit him anymore. The other clothes he had were meant for prostitutes to wear and he couldn’t wear those. In fact, he didn’t bother packing them. He went back to his night stand to grab the money. He’ll just have to buy something to wear. When he reached it, he noticed that the clothes that Kakarot arrived in were still there. He touched the brown leather for a moment before realizing that he could wear them. He quickly put them on and vaguely realized that they were a bit big, but they will have to do. He grabbed the hat that was also left behind and put it on his head before leaving his room.


“Good morning! Welcome to the First Christian Church! We hope you enjoy the service!” A woman in blue and white greeted Vegeta as he smiled in return and entered the church.

He looked around at the white interior of the building. He noted the brown pews and the dull color of the crucifix that was nailed to the wall at the front of the room. The ceiling was high, giving the one room building a spacious feeling. He looked next to him to see the farmer grinning at him and also taking in the scenery. The man clapped him on the shoulder.

“I can’t believe you never set foot in a church before! How does it feel?” He asked with humor.

Vegeta took a deep breath, a grin still plastered to his face before he finally shrugged. “Feels like a new experience.” He answered cheekily.

The farmer laughed. “Let’s hope learning about our savior will be as well.” With that said, the man guided Vegeta to sit in one of the pews.

Vegeta’s been working for the farmer for a few weeks now. He gets paid pretty well for herding sheep, milking cows, and tending to the rest of the farm animals and other small chores. The kind man even gave him a place to sleep since he explained that he had nowhere to go. He met the farmer shortly after he escaped from the hellhole that provided as his home for a while and begged the man to give him a ride to the next town. The farmer studied him for a few moments before asking him if he’s had any experience on a farm. Vegeta said he had no work experience but he was willing to get some so he may start a life in another town. The farmer gladly hired him and gave him a ride to his farmstead a couple towns over. He explained that he made frequent stops into towns close by to sell milk and trade supplies. It was all part of his business.

Soon a pastor made his way to the front of the room and stood in front of the crucifix. He signaled everyone to be quiet before he started the sermon.

“Good morning! I would like to start this sermon today by introducing a new face!” He gestured toward Vegeta and the farmer. “Please introduce yourself and tell us what brought you to our church!” The man said enthusiastically.

Vegeta looked at the pastor and everyone in the room a bit nervously. The farmer whispered words of encouragement and patted his back, urging him to stand. Vegeta stood and cleared his throat, bringing everyone’s attention to him. “Well, my name’s Vegeta.”

“Hello Vegeta.” Everyone greeted.

Vegeta paused a moment after everyone greeted him in an awkward silence before continuing. “A-And…” He started nervously before coughing slightly and giving everyone a warm smile. “And the reason why I came here is because….I was saved.”

Something caught the pastor’s eye when he looked down at Vegeta’s blue buttoned up shirt. In the pocket on the front there appeared to be a white handkerchief folded up to hang out the front and there on the corner of it was a little red crucifix.

~Reach out and touch faith~


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

