Royal Delivery
by AnNIE4     More by this Writer
Two royal cubs Gohan and Mirai Trunks get kidnapped from their parents Vegeta and Goku from planet Vegeta. The boys are destined to become lovers.

Author's Notes : Royal Delivery is set on planet Vegeta. It is a AU (Alternative Universe) my main characters will be Gohan and Mirai Trunk they will be OOC (Out of Charter.) Most of the old gang will be there: Nappa, Turles, Bardock, Raditz. Our Vegeta is the King and his mate is Kakarrot. This will end up been a Gh/MT. Warning it will have impactions of rape and abuse. I call Mirai Trunks just Mirai. It helps me
when I might have added chibi Trunks into any of my chapters. The story starts out with Gh/MT as chibi’s living in the royal palace. At some point they will end up being kidnapped. This could end up being another long story. Some chapters might jump a days or years as it would be too long to add everything. When I’m aiming at the problems they have when they returned to the palaces and how they have changed when they are at an age to claim a mate. I like to try show as much of the character’s emotion as I can. Vg/Gk I will try and keep these two characters as close to their personalities as I can. But Goku will be more of a mother figure in this story. They will all have their tails. I would say it would have adventure, drama, heavy angst, and some mystery and defiantly will end up a romance. I also like to add some light comedy into my stories, when I can. I would definitely say Rated R. My stories do tend to start off slow. Sorry about that. Plus they can suffer from errors in spelling and grammar. But
hey I’m trying As this is a new story updating will be when I can finish a chapter. Review when you can. I love to hear from you…

Chapter 01
Two small boys huddled together as they walked. One no more than four years of age, the other around eight, they wandered through the wide lit streets of planet Vegeta with its normally warm orange/brown glow in the sky that presented itself through the day only to be replaced with the purple/red sky that blankets the planet at night. The bustling streets were filled with its Saiyanjin population out on their morning duties. This is a warrior race that prides itself on strength and on its growing power as it conquers more planets in and around its borders to add to their grand empire.

“Mirai” Are we there yet?” The dark hair chibi asked as they made a turn down another quiet street.

“No Chibi, we still have a few blocks to go. I think.” His lavender haired partner-in-crime stated. His hand tightened around his bond brother’s small fingers.

“I’m scared. What if we can’t find uncle Turles?” The boy asked.

“We will find him Gohan.” Mirai gave a reassuring smile to his brother by parents not by blood. Mirai’s mother had died giving birth to him while Gohan’s mother died in battle leaving his papa alone when Gohan hadn’t even reached his first year. They were left never knowing their own mothers.

It wasn’t long before Gohan’s papa was taken as a mate by the Prince, and now King, Vegeta after the death of Vegeta’s father. Gohan and his papa moved into the palace when Mirai was around five. They were quick to bond, even with Gohan being only a baby. They were, what the Saiyans call, bond brothers. Everyone could see this. Bond bothers meant they both have unconsciously claimed each other as a mate in the future. It was a natural progression not forced by any. The boys were both closer now than any mate could be, even without their signature claim marks. This would happen when they come of age at sixteen.

“Why do they keep staring at us? Do you think they know who we are?” Gohan asked not liking the looks the men were giving them.

“They shouldn’t, we’re out of our royal clothes. Father and papa have kept us pretty much hidden from anyone outside the palace.” Mirai thought out loud wishing the men would just go away.

“I’m scared, what’s wrong with them?” Gohan move closer to his brother as two drunks slowly headed their way, looking at them as though they would make for some good sport.

“I don’t know chibi, stay close to me.” Mirai pulled his brother behind him as he narrowed his blues up at the burly man who was drenched with the smell of alcohol.

“What have we got here then!?” The man leaned over to snatch Gohan from his brother only to have Gohan hide back behind Mirai. They had never left the palace before and had been well protected from this type of behaviour.

“Well, look at that. Do your parents know you’re out?” The thinner of the two men said as he pointed at Gohan poking his chibi face around from behind his brother and glaring at them. Height wise, he only came up to his brother’s chest.

“Oh he’s a cute one.” The man said listening to the young cub growling a warning to keep away.

“Leave him.” Mirai snapped with his own growl emanating from deep within his chest as he pushed his brother further back allowing his tail flicked from side to side.

“And you are going to stop me boy?” The large man chuckled to his friend who was quaffing down some more ale.

“Yes! No-one touches my brother.” Mirai snarled.

“Huh! Is that so?” The burly man laughed at the boy as he grabbed Mirai and pulling him away from his brother as the other man went to grab the younger cub.

“LEAVE HIM!” Mirai yelled as he fought hard to free himself from the bigger man. The other man had grabbed Gohan and pulled him further away from Mirai. The younger prince turned to fight back when he felt a tug on his tail. With one quick movement his struggle was weakened. A blood curdling scream emitted as pain jolted through his small body. With one hard crack the man had broken the boy’s bristling brown tail sending the boy into unconsciousness.

“CHIBI! LET ME GO …YOU BASTARD!” Mirai screamed trying desperately to get to his little brother, who was now dangling in the air in the laughing man’s grasp, as they gloated about their prize.

“Let the cubs go.” Both men turned to see a tall well built man with dark skin and arms followed across his strong chest.

“Huh another that thinks he can stop us. Go while you still can. Your stomach won’t be able to handle what we will do to these boys.”

“I said, let the cubs go.” The man’s dark eyes shifted to the unconscious cub with his odd angled tail in the tight grip of the weaker man, then to the older boy still struggling to escape his captor in front of him.

“I’ve seen you before. You’re General Turles.” The now nervous little man lowered the boy without letting go his hold.

“Can’t be! He disappeared a year ago looking for his father, the Colonel, and General Raditz.” The burly man said giving the struggling boy in his grip another hard tug back to his chest.

“And now I’m back. Now let the cubs go if you don’t want the King and his mate to hear about this.” The General stated.

“Why would they care about these two?” The man motioned to the two boys.

“You’re manhandling the royal cubs. I don’t think my brother or his mate, the King, will be pleased.” Turles growled out

Both men started to panic and released the boys as they backed away from the General who had raised his hand. “Hey Don’t. We didn’t know… Look no harm.”

“Too late.” Turles fired a powerful ki without any remorse at the two frightened souls, allowing them to disintegrate where they stood. He turned to the boys now on the ground.

“Mirai are you all right?” Turles rushed over and kneeled next to the older boy cradling his unconscious brother.

“Yes but chibi?” Mirai’s worried blues look down at his brother with Gohan once expressive tail lay at a painfully odd angle behind the chibi.

“Come on, I’ll take you both back to my place. Turles picked up his nephew in his strong arms and made his way back through the heart of the City away from the low life hiding its ugly head in the back streets on south side of the city. Two sets of dark eyes stood hidden in the shadows hatching a new plan while watching the small group with interest. Turles looked down at his lavender haired nephew. “Stay close.”

Mirai rushed to keep up with the pace of his powerful uncle carrying his brother to safety. “Yes uncle.”

“What are you doing outside the gates? You know better.” The General looked down at the cub at his side trying to keep up with him.

“We overheard the guards say that you had returned,” Mirai said rushing to keep up with the quick pace and dodging others as they move from his uncle’s path. “We wanted to know if you had found Grandpapa Bardock yet.”

“You couldn’t wait!?” Turles snapped, annoyed that he could have lost his only nephews to couple of drunks.

“No sorry uncle.” Mirai cringed at his angry uncle.

“Save the sorries for your fathers.” Turles growled as he held the boy closer in a protective grip.

The Saiyans have very strong family ties and are pack creatures by nature and very protective of their young cubs.

The door slid open at Turles’ place allowing the three into the medium size living room with a kitchen on one side and various other doors opposite the front door leading to other areas of the house. The General took Gohan into his room with Mirai beside him. “Get the pillows.” Mirai did as he was asked and arranged them in a nest-like so that his uncle could lay Gohan in the middle. “I’ll be back, stay with him.” Turles left and returned soon with some strapping to bind the boy’s broken limb.

Shortly after binding the small tail, Turles left to put the gear away. It wasn’t long before Gohan’s whimpering caught his brother ears. “Chibi, how do you feel?” Mirai asked crawling up on to his uncle’s large bed to curl up against his brother. Gohan was hugging one of the large soft pillows, cradling it with his tail laying over another one at his side.

“My tail hurts.” Gohan whispered as his brother stroked his long thick black mane and moving a stubborn lock from Gohan’s paling round face. Mirai tried to comfort his brother. Normally a warm deep purr would emanate from his young brother’s small chest, but not today, the pain was too much for the young chibi.

Turles walked in to his room when he heard his nephew’s speaking. “Yes they broke it. I had to bind it until we can get you to a healing tank. You both need a flogging. Your fathers are going to go ballistic when they find out about this. How long have you been gone?” The General moved towards the bed and looked at the two cubs trying to cuddle as possible. They looked up at the stern face of their uncle. Turles had to hide the smirk that was threatening to show itself at how nervous his nephews were.So you should be. You gave me a heart attack back there. I could have lost the both of you.

“We left at ten.” Mirai whispered, not willing to look up at his uncle as he continued. “They were both in council. I thought it was a good time to go. They will be in there for hours.”

“You have been gone for hours. When they find out you are both gone they will send search parties and that could be any moment now. We need to get you back quickly. I’d rather not be killed by my own brother’s hands.” Turles growled at them. He was thinking of sending a telepathic message to his brother but that would bring both the boys’ fathers here in an instant. The cubs needed some time to calm down before they had to listen to the wrath of the King. His brother might be a little more lenient towards his sons. But still they would be in for one hell of a scalding from both protective parents. No I have to take them back

“Sorry uncle we didn’t think.” Mirai piped up looking very upset.

“That’s right you didn’t think. I want to get to the healing chambers before I take the two of you back. Your fathers will find you missing anytime now. We had best go. Stay close. Turles leaned down and gently picked up his young nephew again and headed for the door with Gohan looking over his uncle’s shoulder at his upset brother trailing behind with his head hung feeling ashamed. Gohan’s small hands wrapped themselves tightly around his uncle’s neck enjoying the comforting purr coming from the strong warrior as he attempted to calm the boy from his pain. Gohan’s dark lashes grew heavy and started to close he lowered his small chibi head on his uncle’s broad shoulder drifting off to sleep with the comforting rhythm of the purr.

Back at the palace the yelling of commands echoed throughout the vast halls of the royal fortress. Guards hurried in pairs as they searched the grounds for clues as to the whereabouts of the missing royal cubs. “Sorry My lord there is no sign of the two young princes anywhere in the palace.” The man called nervously, his head bowed low from the furious eyes of the King. The man’s fist was clenched hard up against his chest plate where the small royal emblem covered his heart.

“Send more guards. I want every inch searched. NOW!” The King barked

“Yes your majesty.” The man bowed moving back a step before fully turning and passing the unmoving line of guards that lined the walls of the throne room.

“Where could they have gone Vegeta?” The taller warrior asked his mate. Kakarrot had just got back from his own search. The boys had lowered their ki and blocked the telepathic calls from both their parents.

“I don’t know Kakarrot. They shouldn’t have left the grounds. They know the rules.” King Vegeta stopped his pacing and settled in one of the lavish royal chairs with its Saiyan designs and cushioned in the royal colours, blood red.

“What if they heard that Turles is back? They might have gone looking for him.” The handsome young mate asked, still pacing on the raised floor reserved for the Royals alone.

The King slammed his fist down hard on the arm of the large chair “Ggrrr.” They will be punished severely when I get my hands on them both

They both turned to see a guard rush in. “My Lord, General Turles has just arrived through the gates with the two young princes.”

“Bring them here!” Vegeta growled dangerously low. His eyes narrowed. His sons had a lot to explain.

“Yes my lord.” The man bowed and hurried out. He could feel the tension from the King and was glad to be gone.

“And CALL ALL THE SEARCHERS OFF.” The King roared at the retreating man.

“Yes my lord.” The man bowed once more with his fist respectfully hitting his chest plate in a salute before disappearing through the massive wooden doors of the throne room.

Goku approached his irritated mate in an attempt to calm him. “Vegeta don’t yell at them.”

“I won’t yell at them…. I’LL SHOUT AT THEM.” Vegeta growled as his fists tightened into a ball waiting anxiously to see his two cubs.


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