by Arashi Lioncourt     More by this Writer
Gohan and Trunks find a way to make doing laundry more entertaining...

Neither of them heard the soft click as the locking mechanism on the door was shifted into place nor did they hear Goten chuckle softly as he tiptoed back to the kitchen. The only part of the plan he had control over completed, Goten, in characteristic Son fashion, decided to eat while he waited for the results.

Gohan pulled on the door handle and nothing happened. The fact that the door was really and truly locked didn’t register until two minutes later when he still couldn’t get it to open.

“Is something wrong?” Trunks asked.

Gohan turned quickly to face him, his back to the door, as if he could somehow hide the truth from his sixteen-year-old companion. “Ah, nothing really,” Gohan replied, glancing nervously around the small room. “It just seems that the door is, ah…well, it’s locked.”

“The door is locked,” Trunks said, face deadpan. “You’re joking, right?”

“Um, no, not really,” Gohan answered.

“Let me try,” Trunks said, shouldering Gohan aside. All his attempts were useless however, and he gave up, frustrated. “Who puts a lock on the laundry room door anyway?”

“We do?” Gohan sounded hesitant.

Trunks sighed. “I can see that but why?”

“It had something to do with Dad trying to surprise Mom,” Gohan replied. “I think he tried to do the laundry one time so Mom would have more time to cook.” Trunks snorted at the word cook and Gohan looked sheepish as he continued. “Anyway, it ended in a disaster. The only thing he really accomplished was pissing Mom off and getting a lock on the laundry room door.”

“Sounds like a typical Son,” Trunks said. “Why don’t you just use a small ki blast to open it?”

“What?!” Gohan asked incredulously. “Are you crazy? Mom would kill me! There’s no way we’re doing that.”

“What time does your Mom get home?” Trunks asked.

“Her and Dad will be gone all day,” Gohan said. “They won’t get back until some time this evening.”

“Goten?” Trunks asked hopefully.

“Who knows?” Gohan replied. “It could be anytime.”

Trunks looked decidedly unhappy. “I suppose we should make ourselves comfortable then. That is, if you’re absolutely positive we can’t just blast the door open.” Again with the hopeful look.

“No!” Gohan replied vehemently.

“All right, all right,” Trunks mumbled, shoulders bunching in defense.

Gohan sighed and settled into a pile of laundry while Trunks opted to wait their time out on top of the dryer, legs dangling over the side.

“You know, this reminds me of one of those movies where two people are trapped together and they’re about to die but before they do they make a confession or something similar to the other person,” Trunks said. “Except, of course, we’re not about to die.”

Gohan looked up at Trunks from where he was reclining in the dirty clothes pile. “Do you have something you would like to confess to me, Trunks?” he asked, his face mock serious.

“Only if I get a blow job out of the deal,” Trunks responded. His eyes widened when he realized what he had said. They grew even bigger at Gohan’s response.

“I think that could be arranged.”

Trunks mouth fell open, eyebrows raising and eyes widening as the response registered. He could only stare at Gohan as his mind feebly tried to understand the full implications of what Gohan had just said. Gohan, however, was not helping him as his attention was focused on a dirty shirt. After what seemed an eternity, Gohan finally looked up again.

“So, are you going to tell me something or what?” Gohan asked. “It had better be good though, for this price.”

Gohan, shy, unsure-of-himself Gohan, had just propositioned him, and without blushing nonetheless. Trunks was understandably having difficulties with the concept but he eventually recovered his speaking abilities.

“You?” Trunks asked.

Gohan answered immediately. “Who else?” He hesitated for a moment then. “Unless you want me to get someone else to do it. Goten, maybe?”

Trunks wasn’t sure but he thought Gohan sounded slightly disappointed when he mentioned finding someone else and even more so when he mentioned his brother. Trunks hastily replied. “I’d want it to be you.”

“Okay then,” Gohan said, taking a deep breath and sitting up, “you should tell me something personal. Isn’t it usually a confession of love to the other person?” When Trunks nodded dumbly Gohan continued. “Well, since I’d like you to tell me the truth I think you should confess something else. Got any scandalous secrets, Trunks?” As he asked the last question Gohan leaned forward and smiled suggestively.

Trunks gulped. He supposed that now was the perfect chance to tell Gohan how he felt about him but he wasn’t sure he could do it. He glanced guardedly at Gohan, hypersensitive of the fact that he was being watched and he fidgeted as he realized Gohan’s gaze was riveted on him.

“Ah, the truth, huh?” Trunks hesitantly began. When Gohan nodded he took a deep breath and steeled himself. “Promise to believe me?” Trunks wasn’t stalling for time with the question but he could tell Gohan thought he was.

“I promise,” Gohan replied.

“Well at least you’re sitting down,” Trunks muttered.

“What?” Gohan asked, leaning forward. “I didn’t hear you.”

“Um, I was just talking to myself,” Trunks said. Then, he suddenly decided that to reveal his news as quickly as possible was the best method of delivery. “I’m in love with you,” Trunks hurriedly said, closing his eyes tightly as the last word left his mouth.

The silence was deafening. Finally, Trunks heard a soft rustling as clothes were moved around. His eyes flew open when he felt hands fumbling with his pants. They revealed Gohan undoing the button of his jeans and tugging at his zipper.

“Gohan, what are you doing?” Trunks asked breathlessly.

“Well,” Gohan replied, “you told me your confession and now it’s my turn to give you your…what you asked for. Could you lift your hips please?”

Trunks moved before he realized what he was doing. He realized it rather abruptly however when he felt the draft created by the complete lack of clothing below his waist. “Gohan?” Trunks asked softly.

Gohan looked up at him and smiled. “I love you, too,” he said, before taking Trunks’s flaccid member into his mouth. It didn’t stay that way for long as Gohan’s mouth worked it, slowly tracing its length with his tongue in an erotic display of affection. When it was fully erect, Gohan pulled back and lightly grazed his teeth along the ridge, causing Trunks to jerk and clutch convulsively at his shoulders. Gohan moved one hand to Trunks's hip then, to help steady the boy.

Gohan used his other hand to tenderly stroke Trunks’s soft sac. He could hear Trunks gasping above him as he teasingly licked up and down the younger man’s sex. When Trunks’s breathing grew even more ragged he slid the entire organ into his mouth once more creating a mild suction and drawing it to the back of his throat. As he let it slide back out, his tongue stroked the sensitive underside. Repeating this motion soon he had Trunks panting raggedly. His body tensed, hips jerking, both actions silent signals to his impending release and Gohan was ready when the cum flooded his mouth. He swallowed gently as Trunks’s entire body went limp.

When he was sure that he had swallowed all of it, Gohan allowed Trunks’s sex to slide completely out of his mouth. Trunks opened his eyes then and lifted his head from where it rested against the wall. He was about to say something as well but Gohan silenced him with a kiss.

“I love you, Trunks.”

Trunks answered him with another kiss. This time he sought entrance into Gohan’s mouth, which was gladly given. They enjoyed the explorations of each other’s mouths for quite a while, stopping only when Gohan eventually pulled away.

“Why don’t we lay down?” Gohan suggested. “It’s much more comfortable.”

Gohan didn’t have to ask twice, Trunks slid off the dryer and into Gohan’s waiting arms. Trunks pressed his body against Gohan and discovered Gohan’s hardened shaft. He looked up as Gohan rocked against him.

“Please,” Gohan whispered, his eyes communicating his need. Trunks pressed an urgent kiss to Gohan’s mouth in response. Not needing further urging, Gohan carefully lowered Trunks to the floor and the pile of dirty laundry there. He lost contact with Trunks’s body for only the briefest of moments, divesting himself of clothing in what seemed to be no more than a heartbeat.

Returning to Trunks’s side, Gohan helped the younger boy unbutton his shirt. Gohan then leaned down for a deep kiss as his fingers worked at the last button. He pulled back as he used his hands to open the shirt, eyes feasting on the smooth skin that was revealed. Gohan’s head dipped once more to seize a dusky nipple with his lips.

Trunks, hands moving restlessly along Gohan’s sides, was thoroughly enjoying the attention he was receiving. The intimate pressure he felt where Gohan’s member pressed against him was exciting him, his sex hardening once more. He spread his legs a little wider in invitation as Gohan’s hands glided across his stomach and down his hip, skirting his firm member and tenderly cupping the sac below. After a moment, he moved his fingers down a little farther, and gently rubbed at Trunks’s tight opening.

Gohan heard Trunks’s breath hitch as he caressed sensitive flesh. “Will you turn over for me, Trunks?” Gohan asked, lifting himself slightly away from the enticing body below him. He met lust filled blue eyes before Trunks rolled over, breaking his gaze.

When Trunks was on his stomach, Gohan gently pulled on Trunks’s hips, sliding a hand around Trunks’s thigh to help guide him into position. Once Trunks was up on his knees, forehead resting on his hands with half of his weight supported by his forearms, Gohan pressed a reassuring kiss to the small of his back.

His fingers found the tight opening once more, and, with a steadying hand on Trunks’s hip, Gohan spoke. “Do you want this? We can do something else if you want.”

Trunks glanced over his shoulder. “No, I want you.” There was a pause. “I love you.”

Gohan groaned at the sweet tenderness in Trunks's voice, his finger sliding a little ways into Trunks's tight entrance. He shuddered when Trunks pressed back against him, pushing the digit even farther into the tight heat. Gohan pressed his face against Trunks’s back. “Love you,” he whispered, just loud enough for Trunks to hear.

Pulling away for the last time, Gohan covered his member with saliva, coating one finger as well. He then slid the finger back into Trunks’s inviting heat, moving it in and out a few times before placing the tip of his sex at the younger man’s opening.

He rocked forward very slowly and gently, pushing carefully into the tight ring of muscle. He did this several times until Trunks was used to the feeling, and the boy’s hips began a small rocking motion. Taking that as his cue, Gohan steadily pushed forward until the head of his member had passed the ring of muscle. Trunks grunted when Gohan’s sex breached the opening and panted as his body adjusted to the invasion.

Gohan carefully eased his sex the rest of the way into Trunks. Once he was fully seated within the snug sheath Trunks’s body made, Gohan wrapped a hand around Trunks’s neglected shaft, causing the younger boy to jerk slightly. When Trunks pressed forward and then rocked his hips back, Gohan began to thrust shallowly. He plunged halfway into Trunks and then eased out, plunging slightly deeper the next time. Gohan continued that motion until Trunks pushed back, hard, against him, driving Gohan’s full length inside. Trunks cried out sharply as a shivering wave of ecstasy flowed through his body. Several more thrusts hit the same pleasure producing spot, and Trunks was sagging, limp once more as Gohan thrust rapidly into him. Trunks felt the warmth of Gohan’s completion as the older saiyan reached his release inside Trunks who, soon after, was flattened as Gohan collapsed on top of him.

Gohan rested on top of Trunks for a moment, waiting for his breathing to even out before rolling to the side. Trunks turned to face him, snuggling close and enjoying Gohan’s warmth. Gohan gently tucked Trunks’s arm under his own, and rested his chin upon Trunks’s head.

“Well, taking our clothes off here saved us a trip,” Trunks said, definitely amused. “The clothes underneath us are already dirty so no one will notice another stain.” Gohan only grunted in response. “It’ll be Goten’s fault if your mom does notice though,” Trunks continued.

“You think so?” Gohan asked.

“I saw a movie like that with him last week.”

Gohan pondered that for a moment. “Yeah, it’ll be his fault,” he agreed with a laugh.

Goten’s ear had been pressed to the laundry room door for most of the last five minutes. He couldn’t hear much, everything was muffled, but judging from the sounds that did make it through the door, he was pretty sure he could count his plan a complete success. Not even attempting to be quiet, he pulled the key out his pocket and inserted it into the door. Both Trunks and Gohan heard the click that sounded as the door was unlocked, neither of them moved.


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