Twist Of Fate
by Arigatomina     More by this Writer
The world of Yu Yu Hakusho collides with the world of Dragonball Z. Set during the movie “The History of Trunks”.

Just in case anyone’s wondering, I’ll be taking liberties with the plot of “The History Of Trunks” for this fic, as I doubt a visit from the Yu Yu Hakusho universe would leave the DBZ boys untouched.
Graphic Violence

Chapter 02
The voices barely reached her workshop, but Bulma recognized the muffled tenor that accompanied her son. The boys thought they were being clever, but she had noticed Gohan visited more often these days. She paused in her work, pale eyes glancing to the doorway. Either they’d come down and say hello, or they’d figure she hadn’t heard them. She waited for a minute before turning back to the computer, and she would have immersed herself in her continued experiment had a low voice not caught her ear. That was different. Listening more carefully, she realized they hadn’t come all the way inside; she could barely hear them. With a flick of her fingers, she set her computer to stand by. Her back cricked when she stood, and Bulma flexed for a second before running a hand over her pale greyish blue hair. Then she headed for the stairs.

The kitchen was empty when she passed through it, and Bulma frowned, listening to the voices coming from the living room. Trunks was standing in the open doorway, looking outside. An unfamiliar voice was saying something, and she tilted her head to the side, moving forward silently to peak over her son’s shoulder. Just as she’d thought, Gohan was standing outside, but a strange red-haired person was the one talking. Trunks jumped when she put a hand on his shoulder, and she smirked at him, glancing from his wide pale blue eyes to Gohan’s interestingly guilty expression. “Inside or out?” she smirked, raising an eyebrow at Trunks. “You’ll let the flies in.”

“‘Kaasan.” Trunks turned in the doorway, backing up a step as he took in his mom’s glinting eyes. Every time she looked at him like that he just ~knew~ she was going to ask him what he did all day. He’d never been forbidden not to train, but he was pretty sure he and Gohan would both be in for it if she found out. But that wasn’t the issue now. Blinking quickly, he turned to speak to Kurama. The red-haired youth had spent the last four minutes trying to convince his friend to come inside, without much success. He glanced in his direction and nearly flinched when the male in question stepped by him with a polite smile.

The blue-haired woman raised an eyebrow at him when he stepped forward, but Kurama merely smiled at her, taking her hand. “Hello,” he said softly, his wide eyes exuding innocence and respectability. It was his absolute *best* perfect student image, and he shook her hand with just the right mixture of brevity and respect. “My name is Kurama. It’s a pleasure to meet you. You must be Trunks’ mother?”

Bulma blinked for a second, a smile tugging at her lips. “Bulma,” she finally said, shooting an amused look at Trunks’ startled expression. “And I am his mother. I take it you’re a friend of his?”

“He survived an attack,” Gohan said suddenly, moving forward so the woman’s eyes focused on him. “We haven’t had a chance to talk yet, but they aren’t human. I thought we could talk here, if you don’t mind.”

“They’re not -” Bulma’s mouth snapped shut abruptly and she stared at Gohan for a second before turning sharply and leaning to the side so she could see around Kurama. Sure enough, there was another one standing outside. Hiei was glaring off to the side of the house, arms folded over his chest, and Bulma did a double-take. The hair, the scowl, the stance; if it hadn’t been for the black cloak she might have spent more than four seconds wondering who else Vegeta had a kid by. As it was, her eyes lit up and she turned a bright smile on Gohan. “Well, get them in here and tell me what’s going on.”

Trunks let out a soft sigh and Gohan relaxed a little, glancing at Kurama. He could tell Bulma was hooked on the mystery of the two strangers, but that didn’t solve their current issue. “Well?”


Blinking, Kurama glanced back at Hiei. The youkai didn’t look at him and he sighed, shaking his head at Gohan. “Give me a minute or two, would you?”

“Sure,” Gohan nodded quickly. The green-eyed male gave him a slight smile before moving back to Hiei. Bulma and Trunks both looked at him and Gohan, shrugged. “I guess he really doesn’t want to come in.”

“Give them a minute,” Bulma prodded, turning back into the living room. Trunks followed her and she glanced back at Gohan. The young man straightened and moved away from the door, leaning against the wall opposite the couch. Settling herself on the love seat, Bulma tilted her head and looked from Gohan to Trunks. “So, you met them at an attack, did you?” Trunks’ pale blue eyes widened and fell to stare at the floor, and Bulma’s eyes glittered, darting to Gohan.

“We weren’t there during the attack,” Gohan said quickly, not daring to look at Trunks. “Trunks flew over after the androids had already left.”

“Oh?” Bulma encouraged, her expression seemingly innocent. “Then you weren’t together?” The black-haired saiyan managed to look surprised and she had to give him credit. He really did seem to think they were fooling from her. But that just showed how young they were. She already knew he was training her son; the only thing left was whether that was all he was doing with him. Somehow, she didn’t think Gohan could get away without blushing if they were doing more than merely training together.

“No,” Gohan said, glancing to Trunks. The boy’s wide eyes were glued on Bulma, and he could practically see the worry along his brow. “Trunks passed over the city not long after the attack and found Kurama. I came by a little after him.”

“And the other one,” Bulma nodded. He relaxed when she stopped drilling him and she flashed a smile. “He looks stubborn.”

Gohan sighed, a slight smile curving his own lips. “He does look a little like him, doesn’t he? I found him after I met Trunks and Kurama. The androids were attacking him.” His smile faded and he frowned toward the open doorway. “What really reminds me of Vegeta is that he tried to attack ~me~ for interfering.”

Trunks was staring at Gohan and Bulma stood, catching the boy’s attention. “I’ll make some tea for our visitors.”


Hiei had a habit of being stubborn, but Kurama knew there was something wrong when the youkai didn’t look at him. It wasn’t until he stepped in front of the smaller demon and leaned down that the red eyes flicked to his. Tilting his head, Kurama smiled. “Hiei, what’s wrong?” His friend and lover stared at him for a second before scowling sharply and Kurama blinked in surprise.

“You haven’t noticed.” Hiei frowned, looking around him in irritation. He should have known better. Kurama liked to irritate him, but it wasn’t like the kitsune to push him into actual anger.

“Noticed what?” Kurama asked. “I know we’re not in the Ningenkai ~I~ knew, not if there are androids and beings like Trunks and Gohan. I’m sure Koenma would have heard something if ningens were being killed like the ones in that city back there. They’re the ones we need to talk to, so why don’t you want to go inside?” His friend was scowling at the ground and Kurama sighed, folding his own arms. “If you don’t tell me, I won’t know.”

“I thought you felt it when you were youko,” Hiei muttered. “There are no portals.” Green eyes widened and Hiei nodded sharply. “I can’t sense a single one. But it’s more than that, Kurama; I can’t sense the barrier ~or~ the Reikai.” The fox was staring at him now in growing panic and Hiei’s voice lowered, his own worry taking the form of anger. “And there is no Makai.”

“But that just isn’t possible,” Kurama whispered, his arms falling to his sides as he looked around them. They’d passed enough neglected ruins to know the damage had been done some time in the past, but even a time shift wouldn’t eliminate the other realms. Staring at Hiei’s cold eyes, Kurama shook his head. “I knew this place wasn’t familiar but I haven’t been in half the Ningenkai.” Hiei didn’t say anything and the silence wrapped around them for a long moment before Kurama straightened suddenly. “All right. Then we didn’t just fall into the Ningenkai. It must have been a portal to a completely different realm.”

“A realm no one knows about?” Hiei asked, raising an eyebrow in skepticism. “That’s unlikely.”

“Oh, doubt it all you want,” Kurama sniffed. “What’s more likely? That the other two realms disappeared?” The black-haired demon rolled his eyes and Kurama tugged on Hiei’s white scarf, pointing toward the open doorway. “Let’s go find out what we can. If there aren’t any portals to the Makai, then we can’t exactly get back on our own, right?” Hiei scowled at him and he shrugged, pulling lightly as he sidled toward the door. “You don’t have to be sociable or anything. Just let me do all the talking.”

“You would anyway,” Hiei snorted. “What was that greeting you gave the female?” Green eyes snapped to him and he raised an eyebrow when Kurama actually blushed a bit. “Really…”

“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Kurama frowned, shaking his head so his warm cheeks cooled. “I was just trying to be polite.”

“You should have turned youko,” Hiei commented, his eyes sparking as he moved to flank Kurama. “You could have made a better impression.”

“For your information, the look she gave you was much more suggestive.” Red eyes blinked at him and Kurama smirked. “Once she caught sight of you I was afraid I’d have to intervene.”

Hiei frowned for a second before snorting softly. He wasn’t going to fall for it. Kurama flirted with nearly everything that breathed, that was just the way the kitsune was. “Pet her hand all you want,” he said, stopping the redhead just outside the door and lowering his voice. His eyes glinted when Kurama blinked at him, and he reached a hand up, curling it around one long red forelock. “But if you cuddle up to that ~one~ again, you won’t get a chance to ask your questions.”

“You’re ~jealous~,” Kurama breathed, green eyes wide and bright as he smiled at the little youkai. A strong hand jerked down on his hair and he winced, his head pulled to the side. “Ow!”

“Baka.” With a dark frown for the kitsune’s former excitement, Hiei let go of that silky red hair and folded his arms again. “Go be sociable.”

Tossing the abused forelock of hair off his shoulder, Kurama shot a knowing look at Hiei. “I plan to. But you should definitely go with me. I might accidentally ~cuddle~ someone in my eagerness to get answers.” That comment earned him a glare and he turned quickly, entering the odd dome house and smiling when he found the two males seated on the couch. Trunks looked past him and he glanced over his shoulder to Hiei. The demon had entered and was standing near the open door. “Why don’t you shut that,” he smiled, “we wouldn’t want to let flies in.”

“Ch’.” Hiei shut the door and resumed his position, his glare seeking out the dark-haired male without fail. Gohan frowned back at him and he folded his arms over his chest. Movement caught his attention and he looked to the doorway on the right, the blue-haired woman smiling at him before glancing at the others.

Bulma’s smile widened when Gohan and Trunks stood, and she barely kept from laughing at them. They really were naïve to think she wouldn’t notice where they’d been sitting. She hadn’t heard anything from the kitchen, but they’d been on opposite sides of the room when she left, and ensconced on the couch when she returned. She’d have to be oblivious not to suspect something. But now wasn’t the time to torment the two youths. Her gaze returned to the scowling black-haired male near the door and she waved a hand toward the kitchen. “Tea’s ready. Everybody in the kitchen so we can talk.”

The kitchen looked about the same as any Kurama had seen, though the fifth chair didn’t match the others. Taking a chair near the wall, the red-haired teen watched the others enter after him. He was surprised when Hiei actually sat in the chair next to him. Usually the jaganshi stood as far as possible from gatherings, and that was when he was with friends. But his friend didn’t look at him when he glanced over, so he didn’t say anything. Gohan took the chair next to him, and Kurama noted that Trunks took the opposite one, leaving that odd seat open for Bulma.

She’d drug her own chair up from the basement, and Bulma sat in it, shifting to make herself comfortable. For a long moment the four males looked at her, as if waiting for something, then Kurama stood again. The green-eyed teen didn’t say anything, but her lips twitched when he took the tea kettle and poured each of them a cup. From the easy way he moved, she could tell he’d done that before, and she had an idea he wasn’t just being polite to make a good impression. There seemed to be a mature grace behind the boy’s innocent and respectful expression. Once he’d sat down again, she smiled and picked up her cup. “Well, Kurama, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” The redhead blinked at her and her smile widened. “Gohan said you weren’t human?”

“Actually, I am, and I’m not.” Kurama glanced around the table, pausing briefly to frown at Hiei’s smirk before letting his gaze stop on the woman again. “I have two forms,” he said slowly, “this one, and my natural form. But before I go into that, I should tell you that we come from a different world than this one. In our world, the earth has three realms: the Ningenkai, the Reikai, and the Makai. The Ningenkai is, of course, the human world.” Bulma’s eyes were oddly bright, but she nodded quickly and Kurama continued. “The Reikai is the spirit world, where the spirits of the dead go to be sent onward after death. The spirit world also protects the Ningenkai, mostly from youkai.”

“And you’re a youkai,” Trunks said, remembering what the silver-haired Kurama had said earlier. “A youkai, from the…”

“Makai,” Kurama nodded. “Yes, Hiei and I are both youkai.”

“What’s a youkai?” Bulma asked. Kurama had said the word as if they would recognize it, but it didn’t sound familiar.

Snorting at the fox, Hiei sent him a mocking look. “They don’t have a Makai.”

Kurama’s lips pursed but he didn’t react. “Youkai are demons. There are many species of youkai; some humanoid, others resembling animals from the Ningenkai, and still others that don’t look like anything you would recognize. Youkai live in the third realm, the Makai, and they’re separated from the human world by a barrier the Reikai put up. When I came here, it was through a thin area in that barrier; a rift, if you will.” He couldn’t help but notice how Bulma was frowning at him and he sighed. “I’m confusing you.”

“No,” Bulma frowned, “you just don’t look like a demon.” The little black-haired male scowled at her and she stared for a second before smirking suddenly. He could glare all he wanted, but he ~still~ didn’t look like a demon. “I thought demons were evil spirits kept in Hell. That’s Christian lore.”

“Yes,” Kurama nodded, “many ningens practice that religion in our world. But youkai are living creatures, just like humans. When we die, our spirits go on just the same. And that’s why I’m both human and youkai. I told Trunks that I was from the Makai originally. That’s because I was born a youkai. I died once, and my spirit managed to escape into the human world and fuse with a ningen baby. Now I spend most of my time in the Ningenkai, with my human family, and only shift to youko aspect when I go to the Makai.”

“So, if you die you can just go into someone’s body and keep living?” The idea was disconcerting, and Bulma shook her head. “Can all youkai do that?”

“No. It was very unusual. And I could only go into the body I ended merging with, a foetus still in my mother’s womb. I believe there was something wrong with the baby that made it compatible with me.” Something rattled on the table, and Kurama paused when Hiei frowned and pushed his empty cup to him. He could tell from the youkai’s expression that he was bored. Filling the cup again, he shrugged. “I travel frequently between my ningen family, and the Makai. It was a rift in the Makai that we fell through to get here.”

“You fell.”

Kurama’s eye twitched and he sent a slow look at Hiei. “Yes, ~I~ fell. In fact,” he glanced at Trunks, “I landed on that building only a few seconds before it fell. I was so startled I didn’t even realize the city was being attacked until you told me. I apologize.”

Trunks blinked in surprise. “Why would you apologize?”

“For acting like a victim,” Kurama explained, “instead of helping those people.” The lavender-haired boy’s eyes fell to the table, and he looked at Gohan. “That city was fully populated, wasn’t it?” The other young man gave a solemn nod. “I take it that wasn’t the first attack, either. These androids you talked about, they have to be the ones who caused the tear between our worlds. We’ll need to seek them out if we’re going to get back. They’re your enemies, but now they’re ours as well.”

“What difference is there between a ningen and an android?” Hiei frowned, his expression suspicious. He’d sensed the two they were talking about. Whether they were ‘androids’ or not, they were definitely human. The sheer amount of reiki was disgustingly obvious.

“Actually,” Kurama admitted, looking at the two males, and then Bulma. “I’m not sure what these ‘androids’ are. I assume they’re humans who’ve been created out of technology; some sort of robots?”

“They aren’t human at all,” Gohan said. “They hate humans. That’s one of the reasons they’ve been killing people since they were created. They take ~pleasure~ in people’s fear and pain. It’s been years since they first started, and they’ve managed to wipe out most of the larger cities. The people have been in hiding since then.”

Watching the black-haired male’s dark eyes, Kurama leaned forward. “The Ningenkai in our world was large, with many continents and countries. Have these androids attacked all over, or just in this area?”

“They’ve attacked cities all over the earth,” Bulma glared. “They couldn’t ~content~ themselves with just one area.”

“But they ~do~ spend more time here than anywhere else,” Trunks put in, his pale blue eyes seeking out Kurama. “We think they’ve a base somewhere around here, a place they go back to in between attacks.”

Hiei’s eyes snapped to the boy, his glare making Trunks blink in surprise. “You haven’t looked?”

His mouth opened at the insulting tone of voice, but Trunks closed it again, not quite looking at his mother. “No.”

“The androids are far too strong for that,” Gohan spoke up. He knew how much not being able to fight bothered Trunks, and he wasn’t about to let some stranger come in and make the boy feel worse. “They are stronger than anything this earth has ever known.”

“But you aren’t just human,” Kurama said, his eyes glinting at Gohan. If Hiei had been set to use his kokoryuuha on the black-haired male, then Gohan wasn’t exactly weak himself. “Where do you stand in comparison with the androids?”

“I’m half human. I can hold a fight with one of the androids, but against both there’s no contest.” Gohan admitted.

“He and Trunks are saiyans,” Bulma said, her back straightening as Kurama glanced to her. “Their fathers came from a planet in a different galaxy.” Wide green eyes met her and she smiled, shaking her head. “I noticed you didn’t mention other planets when you talked about your world.”

“No,” Kurama said softly. “The Reikai has had contact with one group beyond earth, but they originated in the Makai and were sealed in space. I’ve never heard of any intelligent life ~originating~ beyond the three realms of earth.”

“Then you’ve missed a lot,” Bulma smiled. “We’ve had visitors from dozens of planets, long before the androids showed up. Saiyans were among the strongest.” Her smile turned wistful as she looked at the two half-saiyans. “But Trunks and Gohan are the last.”

“I see.” Kurama thought silently for a minute, then glanced at Hiei. “You fought the androids, where do they rank?” The dark youkai frowned at the table and shrugged.

“S level, by ningen standards.”

“I don’t know if we’d be able to take them,” Kurama admitted, looking at Gohan, “but you said you could hold your own against one of them. If Hiei and I take the other, would you be willing to look for their base?” Dark eyes frowned at him and he shrugged. “We can go on our own, if you think it would be too dangerous for you. These androids have to be the ones who opened the way to our world. There’s no sense of a way back, so we ~have~ to find them in order to get home again.”

“How would the androids know about your world?” Trunks frowned, glancing from Kurama to Gohan. “If they had a way of opening portals to other worlds, they would have done it sooner, wouldn’t they?”

“Yes,” Gohan said sharply, “there aren’t enough humans here to keep them occupied indefinitely. Chances are they didn’t make a tear on purpose.”

“But it happened during an attack,” Bulma interrupted, “if it was an accident, what was different this time from all their other attacks?”

Shaking his head, Gohan glared at the table. “Nothing. There was nothing different about that city, or the way they destroyed it. It was just another city; buildings, a few factories, and the residential area. Their attack was actually less than usual. If I hadn’t been near there, I wouldn’t have known they’d attacked until the news report.”

This caught Kurama’s attention, and he turned to look at the black-haired half-saiyan. “You can’t sense them?”

“The androids don’t give off life energy the way we do,” Gohan frowned, “so it’s difficult to find them. But at least they can’t sense us, either.”

“You don’t feel their reiki?” Kurama glanced at Trunks, taking in the younger boy’s narrowed eyes. “That’s what we call the spirit energy humans use. When they were fighting Hiei earlier, I sensed their reiki. That’s how I knew they were human. You and Trunks also have a large amount of reiki, but it’s mixed with something I’m not familiar with.” The two males frowned at him and his brows drew together. “That must come from your saiyan side.”

“You can sense the androids?” Gohan’s hands curled into slow fists and he had to concentrate not to get too excited. “How?”

“I can’t explain it,” Kurama sighed. “In my youko form I’ve more spirit energy of my own, and that allows me to sense the energy of others. It’s a common phenomenon in our world. Unless a person is suppressing his energy, he can be found rather easily.”

Hiei closed his eyes for a second, not bothering to lift the band off his jagan. “They’re suppressing it now.” His red gaze snapped to Gohan and he scowled at the surprised male. “Like you did before.”

“What?” The dark-haired youkai really seemed to have some sort of grudge against him, and Gohan couldn’t help but be irritated by it. That wasn’t any way to thank him for saving his life earlier. But he had an idea ‘thanks’ was the last thing he’d get from the angry male.

“Yes,” Kurama said, his eyes widening a bit as he, too, turned to look at Gohan. “You increased your reiki considerably earlier, when your hair changed colour. I could feel the increase in that other energy as well. And then you seemed to simply…turn it off. It was impressive how quickly you blocked that energy.”

“Blocked it?” Gohan blinked for a second before catching Trunks’ small smile and he scowled a bit. “I didn’t block it, I just descended. It takes a lot of strength to stay at that level, and there was no point doing it then. Besides, even if the androids can’t sense us -”

“And we don’t ~know~ that they can’t,” Bulma put in.

“- there’s no reason to take risks,” Gohan finished.

With a proud tone, Trunks nodded, looking at Kurama. “He was a super-saiyan.”

“Then that’s part of your saiyan blood?” Kurama asked, not missing the way the lavender-haired boy’s expression fell when he nodded. “And that increase is what lets you match the androids?”

“One of them,” Gohan said. “But any time I start to get the upper hand they team up on me.”

“It sounds like you need a partner,” Kurama commented.

That soft comment cut to the quick, and Trunks hid his fisted hands beneath the table. He was supposed to be Gohan’s partner. He was the only other saiyan, it was his ~right~ to help kill the androids. But he wasn’t ready. No matter how much Gohan trained him, he just couldn’t seem to improve enough. And if the two youkai were half as strong as Kurama made it sound, he wouldn’t be needed. His jaw hurt for a second before he managed to clear his face. The green-eyed youth was giving Gohan a small smile that made him want to challenge Kurama right now. And it was a ridiculous urge. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen Kurama kiss Hiei, not more than an hour ago. “You must be strong,” he said, forcing a slight smile.

Pale blue eyes were looking at him with a mixture of pain and anger, and it took a full three seconds before Kurama understood his mistake. Leaning back, he sighed. “Well, Hiei and I make quite a pair of fighters. I like to think we compliment each other nicely.” A hot glare was now burning into the side of his neck, but Trunks’ smile looked less forced and Kurama smirked at him. “I’m sure if we team up with the ‘saiyans,’ your androids won’t know what hit them.”

“Oh, no,” Bulma murmured, her eyes glinting. “Trunks doesn’t fight, just Gohan. My son has never been trained, and he’s far too young to be fighting.” Both half-saiyans dropped their eyes, and she nearly smirked at the light flush that covered Trunks’ cheeks. Kurama blinked at her in surprise and she smiled, giving him an innocent look that rivaled the one the teen had given her earlier. “The androids haven’t been attacking too frequently lately, so you’ll probably have a few days before they surface again. You’re more than welcome to stay here until then. I usually stay down in my lab, but I’m sure Trunks would enjoy the company.” Her son didn’t look up, but she noted the way Kurama looked from one saiyan to the other. He was obviously a quick one. “How old are you, Kurama?”

“Eh?” That was a change in subject if he’d ever heard one, and Kurama relaxed, his tone easy. “I’ve lived in the Ningenkai for about nineteen years now. Of course, I was considerably older before I was reborn in human form. I never paid much attention to age when I was in the Makai, but I’d estimate I’m a few hundred years old.” The two saiyans looked up in surprise. “Youkai age much slower than humans.”

“Saiyans do, too,” Bulma said, her expression doubtful, “but not ~that~ much slower.” Her gaze flicked to Hiei and she noted that he was leaning on the table, staring into his teacup with a very bored expression. “And you?” Red eyes snapped up to her and she couldn’t help but smile when he immediately scowled.

“Who cares?”

A quick smile tugged Kurama’s lips and he looked fondly at the black-haired youkai. “He won’t say. I think he’s about half my age. Hiei’s just jaded, that’s all.” His friend gave a snort and resumed staring into the teacup, one finger tapping the edge of it. “But we’d be honoured to stay with you,” he told Bulma, “just until we can get back to our own world.”

“Well, then,” Bulma smiled, “that’s settled. I think I’ll get back to work for a while. Trunks? Why don’t you get them settled?” Her son nodded quickly and she stood, stretching to get the kinks out of her back. It seemed that all she did anymore was sit. “I’ll make some dinner in a few hours. Will you be joining us, Gohan?”

“Actually,” Gohan said slowly, being careful not to look at anyone but Bulma. “I was wondering if I could stay here myself. The androids have seen Hiei, and I wouldn’t put it past them to go looking for him. I’d rather stay close, just in case.”

“Now that’s a good idea,” Bulma said brightly, “I should have thought of it myself. Just make sure to give your mother a call so she won’t worry.” The young man gave her a quick nod and she turned toward the stairs, pausing in the doorway. “You know,” she said slowly, blinking in innocence as she glanced back at Gohan. “I don’t think you’ve stayed here since Trunks was eight. Why, it’ll be just like old times.” The tall half-saiyan gave her a somehow pained smile and she shrugged. “I’ll call you when dinner’s ready. Kurama, Hiei, it’s nice to have you here.”

“Thank you,” Kurama said politely. The blue-haired woman smiled again and he waited until she disappeared down the stairs before turning curious eyes on Trunks. The lavender-haired boy was staring at his feet and Kurama stepped to him, pausing alongside the boy. “I don’t think you’re fooling her,” he commented, not looking to the side when wide eyes flew to him.

“What -”

“Would you show us around?” Kurama continued, his voice rising to a normal level. “I’ve never been inside a dome house before.”

“Of course…” Exchanging a long look with Gohan, Trunks led them back into the living room. The tour wouldn’t last very long, but he thought it was probably a good idea to wait until they were out of hearing range before asking what the redhead had meant by that soft comment.


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