His Birthday
by Awesome Incarnate     More by this Writer
Oh, no. Goten’s forgotten his brother’s birthday. But it’s okay; he has the perfect gift in mind…

Author's Notes : I wrote this for Veronica’s birthday.

Oh, shit! Goten sincerely hoped that nobody had noticed him sit bolt upright on the sofa all of the sudden. Tomorrow? How can it be tomorrow? How come I didn’t know?

It was a damn good thing his mother had just mentioned it, Goten thought, or he would have looked awfully stupid the next day.

Tomorrow was Gohan’s twenty-ninth birthday. And he had forgotten.

He needed more notice than this! It took forever to buy his brother a present. He just so saintly and perfect; he didn’t freakin’ want anything.

“You forgot, didn’t you?” Gohan poked him in the back of the head suddenly, bringing him back to the living room.

“No!” Goten squeaked. “And don’t sneak up on me like that!”

“You totally forgot, little brother. Admit it.” Striding around where his brother sat, Gohan settled himself on the other end of the sofa and sipped his coffee, as if to demonstrate that he was a mature adult who drank coffee, as opposed to the soda his little brother had just polished off. He was smiling.

“I didn’t!”

“You better not have, young man.” Chi-Chi scolded from across the room. She also was drinking coffee, Goten couldn’t help but notice. “Not after all the effort your brother went through on your birthday.”

Yeah, well, damn. Goten kind of wished now that Gohan had gotten him some lame book or something, like he had thought his brother would, so that he wouldn’t have to feel so guilty right now. But no, Gohan had had to go out and collect all the friggin’ Dragonballs and box them up for his little brother’s seventeenth birthday. Those wishes hadn’t gone to waste…and now it was time to reciprocate.

“I totally got you a present.” Goten did his best to sound offended. “Trunks is holding on to it for me so that you don’t snoop.”

Because he knew exactly who is was, Goten almost groaned out loud when someone knocked on the door. “Hello?” The voice of his boyfriend called out, opening the door and coming in. He practically lived there anyway.

“I’m in here.” Goten called, resisting the urge to put his face in his hands as Gohan snickered silently beside him.

Trunks entered the living room, spotting Goten and making for him. The youngest half-Saiyan moved aside a little so he could sit beside him, between him and Gohan. A quick kiss on Goten’s forehead, and then he said, “So, ready for the big day tomorrow?” He was looking at Gohan. Of course stupid Trunks had remembered. And not told Goten. Bastard.

“Oh, yeah.” Gohan put his free hand up behind his head and laughed. He did that a lot when Trunks was around. “Goten’s not, though.”

“You forgot? Goten!” Trunks whacked Goten lightly on the shoulder. Why did his boyfriend have to take Gohan’s side? If he loved his brother so much, he should just marry him.

Actually…Goten suddenly couldn’t help but notice that Trunks had purposely sat as close to him as possible, leaving a much room between him and Gohan as he could. And it was strange how Gohan seemed to be looking everywhere but at his brother’s boyfriend. Those, and a few half-remembered details from the past, gave Goten an idea.

“You know what? I don’t have to sit here and be accused like some kid. I totally got you the best present ever and we’re going to go get it right now.” Goten stood, dragging Trunks by the hand with him.

“We are?” Gohan was still looking amused in the background and Chi-Chi was shaking her head sadly.

“Come on, Trunks.” And he dragged the other boy from the room, and subsequently the house, and then into the air.

“So, we’re going to a store, right?” Trunks asked him once they were away from the house. “So you can wander around for hours trying to find something?”

“No. I know what I’m gonna give him.”

“Really? That’s a first.”

“Shut up.” Goten pulled Trunks level with him, kissed him deeply. “I need you to do me a favour.”

One of these days, I’m going to bite Goten’s tongue off. Trunks thought, landing softly outside of the front door of the small house. Then he won’t be able to talk me into things like this anymore. Trying not to crumple the envelope in his hand, he knocked on the door.

After what seemed like an unreasonably long time, the door swung open, and Gohan blinked at him, still wearing the same university sweatshirt and jeans he had been earlier that evening. “Trunks? What is it?”

Flushing deeply, Trunks thrust the envelope into Gohan’s hand. “Goten, uh…wanted me to give you this.” He looked off to the side as Gohan carefully opened it and pulled out the card, which had been bought the previous afternoon.

“Goten already gave me a present.” He hadn’t opened the card yet, obviously. “A dictionary.” Gohan seemed to think something was funny.

“I was there.” Gohan’s birthday celebration has been a few hours ago. Everyone had since left, but Trunks had waited, as directed, in the woods about a mile away until Goku and Chi-Chi had gone home.


“So, that was a fake present. This is the real one.” Trunks tried to look at Gohan, but his face nearly caught fire. He settled for the doormat.

“A card?” He looked at it, and then at Trunks. “Come on in.”

Trunks did, trying not to walk too stiffly as he was led into Gohan’s kitchen.

“Alright, then. Let’s see Goten’s great present. ‘Totally the best present ever,’ I seem to remember him saying.” And he flipped the card open and read silently, eyes widening and face flushing to match his companion’s.

Trunks didn’t need to hear it to know what it said:

Dear big brother,

Happy birthday! For your special day, I’ve decided to give you something you’ve always wanted. Trunks! For one night only, you have my permission to do to him whatever that big brain of yours can think up.

Have fun! And try not to break him, because I do need him back in the morning.

–Love, Goten.

“This…” Gohan’s face was unreadable, but his voice had anger seeping into it. “Trunks, this isn’t funny.”

“It’s…it’s not supposed to be funny…” His throat felt a little tight, making it hard to speak.

“Really?” Gohan stood, dropping the card on the table. “And what made my brother decide that it was okay for us to just jump in bed together?”

“Ah…well…” If only he could talk without that infuriating stutter! Trunks couldn’t remember ever being this unsure of himself. Well, at least it would be Goten who looked dumb after he said this. Hopefully it would be Goten who got beat up, too. “Goten seems to think that…um…you…well, might be sort of…interested in me?”

“Gohan totally wants to get in your pants, Trunks! Trust me, I can tell.” Goten said after he had pitched his grand birthday plan.

“You’re insane.”

“Am not. He acts way different around you, Trunks. It’s kinda obvious that he wants you.”

Gohan stopped short, the flush of anger leaving his face and being replaced by a small pink tinge, and an uncertain look in his eyes. “Well, that’s…stupid. I’m not interested in stealing my brother’s boyfriend.”

“But!” Goten waved a finger at Trunks. “But, Gohan is too perfect and goody-goody to make the moves on you, on account of me. So he’s just sitting there all repressed and crap.”

“I still don’t see what this has to do with anything.”

“The point is that I’m going to give him the opportunity to live out his fantasies with you—‘cause trust me, he’s got them—without having to feel bad about it.”

“And besides,” Gohan continued, moving around the table, “What about you? Don’t you love Goten?”

“Yes.” No stutter that time. Trunks could think of nothing he was more sure about.

“Then why would you agree to something like this? Why would he suggest something like this? You see why I would be suspicious, Trunks.”

“Ah. Well, um…Goten is under the uh, misguided impression that I…” Was there any way to phrase this that wouldn’t make him sound silly? “Sort of have a crush on you.” Well, if there was, that wasn’t it.

“Besides, you totally like him, Trunks.”

“What the hell? I do not, Goten.”

“Oh, please. You spent a year following him around like he was made of chocolate.”

“Okay, maybe I had a thing for him when I was twelve!” he stopped at a look from Goten. “Okay, and when I was thirteen, but that’s not the point. I don’t care about Gohan like that. I love you.”

“I know.” Goten grabbed his hand, pulling them into an upside-down midair hug. “That’s why I’m not worried about it. You’re not gonna leave me for Gohan, ’cause I’m too awesome.”

“You just keep thinking that.” It was an automatic response, though. Goten was right and they both knew it.

“Well?” Gohan demanded. Trunks started. When had he gotten so close?

“W-well what?”

“Do you?”

“Do I what?” Shit! Maybe he could talk his way out of having to answer that. Bald-faced lying was also an option.

“Don’t be dumb, Trunks. It doesn’t look good on you.” Gohan seemed to have forgotten the concept of personal space. Wow, he had nice eyes.

Trunks thought wildly, trying to find a way out. He could make a challenge, force Gohan to answer first, or he could just lie about it, or he could pretend the house was on fire…Stupid Goten, this was all his fault. If only he’d remembered his brother’s birthday, none of this would be happening.

As possibilities ran through his mind, Trunks forgot to pay attention to his mouth, which spoke without his consultation. “Yes.” Well, so much for beating around the bush. Hopefully his face would heat up just a little more and he would spontaneously combust.

Gohan backed off all of the sudden, looking away as his face pinkened. “Oh. well, okay.” He brought a hand up and rubbed the back of his head idly. “But still, that doesn’t change anything.”

“Yeah, I guess.” At this point, Trunks wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

“What about you?”


“I said, what about you?” Gohan looked back down at him. “If Goten’s serious about this, then how did he convince you? You don’t seem too excited about it yourself, Trunks.”

“Oh, uh, well…”

“I’m still not doing it.’

“Why not, Trunks? Come on, you want too!”

“I do not! And besides, it’s Gohan. I can’t just sleep with your brother.”

“I’m sure you’ll have better things to do than sleep.”


“Trunks!” Goten put on his whiny voice, which Trunks wasn’t impressed with, and made big sad eyes in his direction. “Please? I’ll love you for ever and ever.”

“You will anyway.”

“Fine.” The younger huffed and scowled, but then his face lit up with triumph. An impish smile eased across his lips, and he watched Trunks like the older was a plate of chicken. “What if I make you a deal?”


“If you do this one thing, this one, tiny, little thing for me, then I can repay you, big time.”


But he wouldn’t be deterred. “We’ll take that little red box out of your closet…”

“…Nothing.” Trunks looked down at the table, grateful at least that he couldn’t possibly get any more obviously embarrassed right now.

“I knew it! I knew he bribed you.” Gohan actually sounded happy about it. “What was it? Oh, is it some weird sex thing?”

“No!” Okay, maybe he might have answered that a little bit too fast and a tad vehemently, but what was he supposed to say? “Yes, Gohan. Your little brother’s going to put a collar around my neck and…” Yeah, that wasn’t the way this conversation needed to go.

“Oh, ew, it is.” Gohan made a face. “I don’t need to hear about it, then. So here’s what we’re going to do.” He clapped his hands to punctuate his declaration. “You can sleep here tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch, and in the morning, we’ll pretend we slept together and you can go get your weird sex thing. And everyone’s happy.”

“Except you.” During Gohan’s speech, Trunks had realized something. “No, Gohan.”

Yes, Goten had bribed him a little bit, but just because his boyfriend had offered…that…wasn’t the reason Trunks had agreed. He wasn’t some mindless puppy (even used in his mind, the analogy made him gulp) who just did what he was told to get a treat. He was here because Goten had given him permission to be with Gohan. And as much as he loved his boyfriend, that wasn’t a chance he was willing to pass up.

“You always do that, Gohan.” He said softly. Had to do this right, or he would blow it. “Always. You make everyone else happy, except for yourself. You deserve to get what you want sometimes, too.”

“I do, Trunks. I’m very happy.”

“I’m not here because Goten told me to come, Gohan. I’m here because I want to be.” Now Trunks stood up and invaded Gohan’s space, challenging him. “It’s your birthday. Take what you want for once.”

So he did. Gohan grabbed Trunks by the head and kissed him, forcefully and with spirit. Trunks kissed back. As a small child, he had idolized this man, and as a teenager, he’d wanted to jump him, and now… I still want to jump him. Wow, he’s a good kisser.

He got so wrapped up in it, the scent of Gohan, the touch of Gohan, the taste of Gohan…that when Gohan broke away, he made a sort of pitiful mewling noise. His arms were around the older man, somehow, and he didn’t let go.

“If I find out in the morning that you lied to me,” Gohan said, not an inch from the younger’s face, “I’ll pound you into the ground.”

“As long as it’s tomorrow.” Conversation ceased as Trunks gave Gohan’s mouth something better to do again. They turned, until Gohan was leaning on the table with Trunks on top of him. Not that that meant Trunks was taking the lead. Gohan took exactly as much as he wanted, no more and no less. Trunks tried, oh how he tried, to push, to grind, to do something, but he was met with a wall of resistance. There was no doubt as to which of them was in charge here.

Trunks freed a hand from behind Gohan and worked it downwards, reaching in between then and unbuttoning the top of Gohan’s pants. But then he was grabbed away, his hand pinned as solidly to the table as though it were nailed there.

“Not yet.” Gohan said, around the younger’s lips. “We only have one night; I don’t want to blow the whole thing right away.”

“I don’t think you’d complain once I started blowing the thing.” Trunks muttered, but did as he was told.

Not that there was anything horrible about that, though. Being there, locked together with Gohan, sharing air and just about everything else at the moment, was somewhere Trunks could happily stay for quite some time. Gohan was hot, physically, against Trunks, and wherever their skin touched, a strange tingling ran into the younger. Even knowing Videl had been as gay as him, it was hard to imagine how she could have given this up.

The tingling increased in intensity, and Trunks suddenly yelped into Gohan’s mouth as it all focused on one part of his body in particular. As the warm wetness spread across the front of his pants, Trunks pulled back from Gohan, trying to catch his breath. “Sorry.”

“I’m sure you can make it up to me.” Gohan muttered, pressing their foreheads together, and very deliberately lifting his hand from the table, freeing Trunks.

Who immediately abandoned Gohan’s head, dropped downwards to his knees, ignoring the older’s torso on his way to his destination. He had already undone the top of Gohan’s jeans, so it was just a matter of carefully dropping the zipper, and then making sure to grab the boxer shorts too as he started edging the fabric down…When he reached the point of no return, where one more tug was all it would take, Trunks couldn’t help but look back up at Gohan, just to make sure he hadn’t changed his mind. The older nodded, and Trunks blushed as he realized how silly he was being. The pants came the down the last inch quickly, and Gohan popped out, hard and eager.

Trunks stopped and took a moment to assess. Gohan was bigger than Goten, but only by a bit. Nothing that Trunks couldn’t handle. Which was good, since it was a little late to change his mind now. Gohan had a scent too, not overwhelming, but strong, inviting, urging Trunks to lay down and spread his legs right there…He shook his head. Later. Resisting the urge to look up at Gohan again, he grabbed it gingerly in one hand, rubbing it up and down, all over, sort of getting a feel for it. Here it was. Five years ago, Trunks would have given anything to have this in his hands. Now, well, it still made him a little bit shaky to think of what he was doing. And what he was about to do.

Without further ado, he opened his mouth and moved forward, allowing the tip to pass inside him, but no more for the moment. And he’d thought Gohan’s mouth tasted good.

“Trunks…” Gohan’s voice had taken on a decidedly different pitch, a lot less calm and collected.

Deciding that that was an affirmation of his skill and not something that needed to be answered, the younger moved further onto Gohan, sucking now, just a little bit. Trunks didn’t want to do anything too fancy, since this was likely Gohan’s first time, and all.

It didn’t take Gohan long, actually; Trunks had to wonder how long it had been for the poor guy. As soon as he was most of the way in, Trunks applied just that much more pressure, and Gohan went boom, holding back a shout as he filled the mouth of the younger.

Trunks made sure to swallow it all before disengaging and standing, nuzzling up to the panting Gohan again. “How was that?” Okay, that wasn’t what he’d meant to say. Something sarcastic, some offhand-sounding comment that made it sound like no big deal. Not something that made him sound like he didn’t know what he was doing! What was his problem? He never had any trouble being cool with Goten.

“It wasn’t bad.”

“Not bad!” What the hell?

“It’s okay, I understand. There’s nothing wrong with being nervous.”

“But…how the hell would you know?”

“Not my first time, Trunks.”

“What? When? Who?” Surely not Videl, and Trunks had never been aware of Gohan having another girlfriend, or boyfriend, ever.

“I’ve been around.”

A million snappy replies ran through his brain, before Trunks settled on, “Well…it’s not like that was my best effort or anything. I mean, I can do better.”

Gohan smiled. “Do you want to try again, then?”

“Yeah! I can blow you so good you won’t be able to talk.” He grabbed Gohan again, lowering down, but a hand fell on his shoulder.

“Let’s go in the bedroom.”

Gulp. “Even better.”

Gohan stripped his pants completely off and tossed them on the table before leading Trunks out of the kitchen, down a hallway of his one level house, and into the master bedroom, which was technically the only bedroom. Because of course Gohan used his guest room as an office.

Trunks felt his heartbeat increase as he crossed the threshold after Gohan. The last time he had been in here had been when he was twelve, and had snuck in hoping to see Gohan changing. The older had found him, and Trunks had just barely managed to come up with the story that he was playing hide-and-seek with Goten. Even worse, his future boyfriend had lied to cover him and held it over his head forever. He still brought it up from time to time.

Not noticing that Trunks had hesitated for that one second, Gohan crossed to the big bed and hopped on, climbing right into the centre and then patting the spot right in front of him. “Well, come on, then. Prove it to me.”

Right then Trunks realized that his ego had been played, big time. And of course it was too late to back out now, or he would never live it down. “Fuck.” He muttered under his breath.

Not quiet enough. “Later, Trunks.” Gohan said impatiently. “You have something to prove first.”

Suddenly nervous, Trunks walked as slowly as he could to the bed, climbing on gingerly and crawling over to Gohan. “Okay…” Of course, the older was sitting, which meant he was going to have to lean straight forward, prostrate on his belly. Perhaps Gohan had done that on purpose. Knowing him, it was likely.

So he took Gohan in his mouth again, and this time did everything he could to make his boyfriend’s brother positively scream.

Trunks then proceeded to grow steadily more frustrated over the next few minutes, as Gohan remained silent, stoic, and all those other things that meant he had better self-control than Trunks did skills. An ordinary person would have exploded by now. Well, Goten would have, anyway. He would have, too.

The younger just kept going, knowing he would win in the end. Gohan wasn’t a statue, after all. He wished he had some hidden talent he could pull out, but his hand was overplayed; he was already doing everything he knew how, and a few things he had just made up. Well, he was never going to hear the end of this.

Mercifully, Gohan came before the thoughts of his present could get any more morose. Trunks allowed himself a little mental victory shout when Gohan yelled, just a bit, as he grabbed the younger by the head and pushed up into him, shooting right down his throat and nearly choking him. But Trunks was good at this part, and swallowed it all with minimal asphyxiation.

Gohan held him in place for a moment, apparently forgetting where he was. Finally, his breathing just a little bit hard, he let Trunks up, and smiled as the boy looked him in the face again. “That was better.” He said, in the tone of a teacher telling a student that a sixty-one was still a pass.

“You’re lying.” Believing that help Trunks console himself. It wasn’t that he wasn’t good, it was that Gohan was a prick. Yep.

“No I’m not. It was better, Trunks. You should really have more self-esteem than that.”

Gohan was adorable, and perhaps the hottest thing on the planet spread out half-naked and hard like that, but boy, was he an obnoxious, insufferable, know-it-all jackass. Trunks had always found that to be an amusing quality when he was younger, because it was always directed at Goten. He didn’t like it now that it was being used on him. He climbed up on top of Gohan, bring himself face-to-face with the older, and kissed him hard, forcing him flat against the bed. “I have lots of self-esteem.” He muttered, invading Gohan’s mouth.

And then he was suddenly on his back, with Gohan on top of him. “Good for you. Now sit up so I can take off your clothes.”

“I can’t move with you on top of me.” Yay! Point for Trunks. He’d managed to talk without having to think about it first.

So Gohan sat up, pulling Trunks with him. They sat cross-legged in front of each other, and when Trunks didn’t move, Gohan reached over and slowly began tugging his shirt off.

That task done, he reached down and started to unbuckle the younger’s pants. “I can do it!” Trunks protested.

Gohan raised an eyebrow and withdrew. “Go ahead then.”

So he did, fumbling with the catch on his belt—it was stuck, or something, didn’t want to open—and then the button on his pants, but his shaky hands finally managed to get all of the restraints off. Why were his hands shaking, anyway? He was fine.

Gohan didn’t make a move as he drew the pants down and discarded them haphazardly on the floor, taking a breath before slipping his fingers under the waistband of his boxers, the front still wet from earlier. Forcing himself not to be nervous and not really succeeding all that much, Trunks just pushed them right down to get it over with.

“How precious.” Gohan was obviously suppressing a laugh upon seeing that his gift was wrapped. “Goten’s idea?”

“Yes.” And of course the younger had tricked Trunks into letting the now-damp ribbon be wrapped up and down the length of his shaft. Distracting him with that…tongue of his. He flushed at the memory.

“Well, everyone’s favourite part is unwrapping the present…” With a slowness that made Trunks want to die, Gohan reached forwards and carefully took one loose end of the soggy bow that had been tied right near the tip, and pulled. The bow came undone, and the older proceeded to remove the ribbon by nanometres, never actually touching the prize underneath. Trunks hated it. Hated being teased. Hated the fact that he spent the whole time it was happening hoping Gohan would just touch him, just for an instant. Hated the fact that Gohan didn’t. And then, hated that he made that little whiney noise when it was over.

“It’s okay, Trunks.” A pat on his thigh. “I won’t let you get cold.” Now that he as over his suspicion, Gohan was rather obviously enjoying this.

And Trunks would have retorted sharply—of course he would have, he wasn’t so enthralled by Gohan that he had lost the function to speak—had his temporary owner not chosen that moment to taste his gift.

It wouldn’t be fair to say that Trunks shouted necessarily, it was really more like an exclamation. Yeah, of surprise, more than anything. He simply hadn’t been expecting that.

Gohan, however, didn’t seem to care overly that he had caught Trunks off-guard. He explored the shaft with his mouth as though he were committing it to tactile memory. And every time he moved, every time he sucked, every time he did anything, he burned Trunks, a burn that ran up the younger’s shaft and spread through his whole body, until he felt sure he would be reduced to ashes.

And then it happened, and even though he’d been expecting it, Trunks still shouted in shock as he was engulfed in fire, burning from the inside out, until there was nothing left.

All of his muscles went limp at once as Gohan lifted his head away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Wow, Trunks. I didn’t know it was your first time, or I would have gone easier on you.”

It was not my first time! Goten’s done that to me for years! He wanted to actually say that, possibly adding on something about how much Gohan’s little brother enjoyed it and asked for it, but it was too hard to lift his head. Or make his mouth work. So, he settled for thinking it vehemently. Where had Gohan learned how to do that?

Now time to worry about it now; Gohan was crawling up the length of his body, starting at the bellybutton and kissing his way up, again torturing Trunks with his slowness. Couldn’t he do anything quickly? They only had one night here. Finally, though, Gohan reached his face, and after a peck on the chin, their lips connected, and energy returned to Trunks.

He kissed back, and around that he said, “Gohan…You’re…”

“Mm?” Spoken, if it could called that, directly into the younger mouth.

“You’re still…wearing…”

Briefly breaking off, Gohan looked down at his sweater. “Oh, yeah.” Two seconds later it was off and across the room, and Trunks got a quick look at Gohan’s chest—If nobody had modeled a statue after him yet, they should—before the older was lying on top of him again, their naked bodies pressed together, his hands on either side of his present’s head to hold it still. Trunks wrapped his arms around Gohan’s neck, just in case there were any atoms of air separating them, or something.

For how long that lasted, Trunks didn’t know. It certainly felt like a long time, laying immersed in Gohan, the older man’s hardness grinding against his, Gohan’s everything grinding against his. Trunks could easily have stayed there forever.

A hand disengaged from his hair and drifted down, down…searching. And finding. Gohan’s hand felt around awkwardly until it found its way over a leg, between, below, under, in.

Trunks yelped without meaning to. It didn’t hurt that badly, but it took him by surprise.

“Are you okay?” Gohan asked, his whole body freezing as he undoubtedly worried himself into a coronary that he had hurt Trunks. It kind of killed the moment, actually.

“The…” It was startlingly hard to talk; all that kissing must have made his mouth forget how. “My pants. In…my pants.”


“Just…” He waved a hand jerkily at his discarded clothes on the floor, needing Gohan and all of his IQ to just get the damned hint, since he himself was too busy being in a post-ravishment state to articulate a sentence.

Mercifully, he did. Getting off of Trunks for one terrible lonely and cold minute, the older reached down and picked up the rumpled garment, a small bottle falling from the pocket as he did so. He then picked that up, inspected it and smiled. “You thought ahead.” Trunks managed to smile back, and decided not to tell him that Goten had stuck it in there.

Gohan focused himself on opening the bottle, carefully setting the cap aside on the night table, and pouring a generous amount of thick liquid onto his hand. He rubbed it over his erection until it glistened, and them got some more for his fingers. Then he set the bottle beside the lid before finally leaning down and using his clean hand to make some room so he could see what he was doing.

The first finger was slow, almost hesitant. Trunks relaxed and let it slide in, hoping that Gohan would catch his silent approval. Perhaps he did, or maybe that glacier of self-control that encased him was starting to fissure; either way, when the second finger started probing around the entrance and then pushing in, it was noticeably faster than the first.

Had he any faculty at the moment, Trunks might have spent some time trying to figure just where Gohan had gotten so good at this. Fingers were some of the most benign things Goten had ever inserted into him a preamble for something bigger, and yet here Gohan was making Trunks hope he never withdrew his hand. A third digit eased its way in, all three now exploring all around inside as though they were planning on living there.

Trunks had managed to remain silent—largely—throughout the whole thing, hopefully maintaining some dignity, as long as Gohan hadn’t noticed how much he was squirming or that he was biting his lip off, that was. But when everything pulled away, and suddenly he was empty, he couldn’t help but make yet another pitiful sort of whining sound, like a sleeping infant who’d had his pacifier taken away.

Gohan crawled up the length of him again and stroked his hair from his face. Something was pressing against his newly lonely back end. “Trunks…”

“Wh..wha?” Well, that was close enough to words.

“Last chance. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Gohan!” That was definitely a whine. “Yes! Dammit, yes! Stop asking me that!” He strained against the man on top of him trying to thrash a bit to add to his tantrum. “I already told you I want it.”

“Okay.” A voice like a parent trying to console a petulant child said. But Trunks had no time to get any more indignant, as suddenly Gohan moved, and started to fill him up, which made it particularly hard to stay mad.

As the older had been slow in everything else tonight, so was he slow in this, drawing it out millimetre by millimetre. Either he was trying not to hurt Trunks—which was stupid, since it wasn’t at all painful—or he was enjoying torturing the younger. Trunks bet he knew which.

He was bigger than his brother. Not by a lot, but enough that it was noticeable; when he went where no man had gone before, so to speak, burying himself deeper than Goten had ever done, Trunks let out an involuntary moan. Gohan didn’t even try to make fun of him this time, too engrossed in his own business.

When he was all the way in, Gohan paused to catch his breath. Well, it was a lot more work than it appeared. Trunks was experienced enough to know this, and he wasn’t always on bottom.

Movement again. Gohan pulled back, not too far, before pushing back in. There was no point in trying to make him go any faster, Trunks had now learned, so he just let the older go at his own speed. Besides, it was his birthday and all.

So Gohan got a pace going, slow, but still going, at least. And it was awesome. Not that Trunks was the kind of person to have a list of his best sexual experiences, but if such a list did exist (say, in a locked box buried in his backyard by that one big tree, which also would hypothetically contain the set of clothes Goten had discarded their first time together and several secret pictures of his boyfriend in compromising positions) then so far this would rank as probably number five. No, wait. Whatever that was that Gohan had just done bumped it up to number four.

Once again, though, the older half-Saiyan couldn’t remain in control of himself forever. He started speeding up all of the sudden, grabbing Trunks by the hips as he did. His breathing became harder, and so did his thrusting. On his face was a look of intense concentration. His lips were moving, but he wasn’t actually speaking.

Trunks came, surprising himself. It was all very sudden. It was one of the better orgasms he’d ever had, too. And Gohan wasn’t even really touching him! He felt like he could easily go again any minute.

It was very hard not to be loud at this point. In fact, Trunks slowly became aware that he was actually shouting, mostly Gohan’s name, but also various cheesy ‘sex lines,’ which he had long since sworn to never utter. Well, shit.

But he couldn’t help it! This was, well, better than sex. It was like super-sex. Every touch, every movement, every everything was hypercharged, Gohan was ecstasy personified.

“Trunks!” Gohan’s hands tightened painfully on his pelvis, and he stopped moving. Heat filled Trunks, and he couldn’t help himself; another climax took him and he splattered an even bigger mess onto his own chest.

When some of the white receded and he could see again, Gohan was still in place, not moving at all. Then all of the sudden he just collapsed onto Trunks, exhaling deeply. He lay there for just one second before moving into a slightly less blissful, but more practical, position beside the younger.

“Happy birthday, Gohan.”

The older chuckled and snuggled closer. “Tell Goten thanks next time you see him, will you?”

“Sure.” They passed in silence for a moment, Trunks nearly falling asleep. Then he remembered what he’d been meaning to ask all night. “Hey, Gohan, you have to tell me, where did you get so…you know…” His face heated up again. “Good at…well, that.”

“Good at what?” Gohan asked, all innocence.

Trunks smacked his shoulder. “Someone had to have taught you how to do that.”

“Oh, yeah. Sure, I’ll tell you. But I want to ask a question first.”


“What was the weird sex thing that Goten promised you for doing this?”

Trunks promptly overheated, his face likely lighting up the room. He turned onto his side away from Gohan. “Well, I don’t need to know that badly.”

A chuckle, and then a shifting of the mattress as the older got up. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to have a shower before I go to bed.” Of course he was.

“Wait.” Trunks wasn’t aware of sitting up, but he managed to grab Gohan’s arm before he was too far away. His mind raced. It was too soon. He wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.

“What is it?” The younger realized that they’d been frozen for almost a full minute, Gohan waiting for him to speak.

“Uh…Well, you can’t leave yet.”


“Because…that was just Goten’s present!” Aha! He pulled Gohan back down onto the bed, on top of himself. The older looked confused, but then he smiled after Trunks spoke again. “I haven’t given you mine yet.”

“Hello?” The front door had opened with no knock, but at least Goten had the decency to announce himself.

“Kitchen.” Gohan called out.

His brother strode in. Gohan was washing breakfast dishes. The smell of bacon hung around the room, and there was toast crumbs on the table. Goten sat down, setting the little red box he was carrying down in front of him. “So, did you like your present?”

“Ah. Uh, yeah.” Gohan didn’t turn around, blushing. The sound of the shower in the back of the house stopped as Trunks finished.

“Good. I mean, I know you have a lot of dictionaries already, but I guess this one’s got some kinda cross-reference thing going on. The dude in the store was getting all excited about it, so I thought you’d like it.”

“Yeah. It was, uh, great.” Gohan emptied the water from the sink and sat next to his brother. “What’s in the box?”

“Oh, it’s just something for Trunks later. I just wanted to stop by here first and find out what it’s like to be mind-bendingly old.” He flashed the older a smile, but before Gohan could answer said, “Oh, hey, Trunks. What are you doing here?”

Gohan turned and saw the half-Saiyan in question standing in the doorway, still damp. “Goten? I was…”

“And why were you in Gohan’s shower? And aren’t those the clothes you were wearing yesterday?”

Huh? Hold on. Why was Goten…unless…that was impossible.

“And you said you couldn’t do anything last night because your dad wanted to train with you first thing in the morning! What’s going on, Trunks?”

Trunks didn’t seem to know what to say. Gohan didn’t know what to think. Had he been tricked? Last night had been amazing, but if it meant he had destroyed something, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. Had Trunks lied to him the whole time?

“Gohan, what’s going on here?”

“Uh, well, Goten. W-we, uh…” Oh, this was not good at all.

Goten glared at him suspiciously for about fifteen seconds—until the facade cracked and he burst out laughing. “You are so easy, Gohan! It’s almost not even fun. I’m glad you had a good time.”

Note to self: Kill little brother at a later date.

“Anyway, me and Trunks are gonna go. I have a whole day planned for us.”

Trunks had yet to speak, and Gohan glanced at him. He was staring at the box Goten had brought with him, eyes wide and his whole body held poised to bolt. This intensified as Goten stood and took the lid off. “W-wait, hold on. Can’t we wait, until we’re…you know, somewhere else?”

“No.” Goten stood and was across the room with the box before Gohan could see what was inside. “Why, are you afraid my brother will think you’re silly?”

“No, it’s just…” That was exactly what it was, actually. Trunks really didn’t want him to know about whatever was going to happen. It must be the weird sex thing. Gohan resisted twin urges to lean in closer and flee the room.

“I just don’t want there to be any confusion.” The box dropped to the ground, empty, but Goten was blocking Trunks from view. “So I think now is a good time to remind everybody that Trunks is mine.” He stepped away, revealing him to Gohan. There was nothing different, except for the thick red collar and leash that were tied around his neck. “My puppy.”

Absolutely refusing to laugh, though he desperately wanted to (he would certainly be bringing this up next time anybody mentioned the Great Saiyaman), Gohan settled for raising an eyebrow.


“Shh. Dogs don’t talk.” Goten pulled on the leash and led Trunks out of the kitchen. Gohan followed them from the house. “Bye, Gohan!”

“Have fun.” Trunks glared at him. Goten smiled.

“We will! Trust me.”

And then they were off, walking a short way from the front door before lifting into the air. Then Trunks broke away suddenly and raced back to Gohan, pushing himself into a very abrupt and very involved kiss.

Gohan kissed back reflexively, enjoying the taste one last time. Eventually Trunks broke off. Goten waited a few feet off, watching with amusement. “Bye, Trunks. Thank you.”

“I know what I’m asking for on my birthday.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

“Trunks.” The voice was impatient, commanding. Nothing like Goten at all. Gohan had to stop himself from laughing all over again.

“Goodbye.” The puppy ran back to his master, staring submissively at the ground. “Sorry.”

Goten sighed tolerantly. “What am I going to do with you? Sometimes I think you want me to punish you…” They took off into the air together and were soon gone.

Only after he was inside again did Gohan laugh. That had been his best birthday ever.


Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

The Nicest Birthday Gift The Nicest Birthday Gift One last Goodbye Kiss One last Goodbye Kiss

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