It Never Ends For King Nothing
by Blossom Morphine     More by this Writer
Some father/son quarrel takes a turn for the worst...
Rape Incest Abusive

Chapter 01
They were at it again. Always, the same fight, the same arguments. And always in the same arena: The Gravity Room. Both fighters too stubborn and too determined to get their way always were quick to start their battles without even exchanging a word. A mere glare in the others direction would set the other off and they would be at each other's throats again.

"You just don't get it, do you brat?", Vegeta growled as he brought a knee into his son's stomach. "You are far too weak, too human, to know the importance of training."

"I'm not weak", Trunks choked out as he fell to the hard tile. "I just want to spend some time with Goten. I have a social life, y'know. Other things to do than waste away in this room." He rose on shaky legs, never taking his eyes off his father, in case another attack came. "It's like you're in this self-imposed exile. You never try to make friends with anyone, or at least try to be partners with kaasan in raising me."

"That's because if she had any more influence on you than she has now, you would be more of a soft-hearted weakling." His sire sneered, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Trunks narrowed his eyes. "At least I have a heart. Unlike you, who never lets himself have love and laughter in his life. You're like a empty shell, what with no heart or soul to occupy it. Just a twisted mind. All this to reach a goal you will never reach, no matter how hard you try."


Vegeta made a fist and sent it into his face, causing his son to get a split lip. Blood flowed down his chin, but he didn't bother to wipe it away. Trunks knew he had hit a cord. He was now on a roll.

"It's true. You have sacrificed your soul, along with any happiness you might have had, for power. All your life, it has always been about you and your goal to be the most powerful fighter in the world, and even about being supreme ruler of the universe. That's all that is important to you. Nothing else. How sad."

Vegeta pushed his power level up in anger. "How sad? You pathetic little yaro, you know nothing of me. You never have. No one does. What can possibly be more important than power? Nothing."

"But that is all you have. Nothing." Noted Trunks. He shook his head. "You know, when I was little, I used to look up to you. I thought you were just the greatest person out there. But then, I noticed that all you had was in you was vanity, pride, jealousy, cruelty, and hatred. It was even more clear to me when I found out later that you had actually gave yourself up to the Madoshi Babidi just so you can have the power-up that came with the enslavement to defeat Son Goku. Even with the world at stake, all you could still think about was yourself. When I found out, I knew then, you were no great man. You were just a vain and spoiled child who threw temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. Your no otousan to me. Just a sperm donor. I don't know how kaasan ever let you in her bed."

"Easy. Your okaasan wanted company after that pathetic baka dumped her ass for some other bitch. I wanted sex. It worked out perfectly. Because, as I said, she was easy." A cold smirk lit his face.

"No she isn't!" Trunks hissed. "You just took advantage of a onna who was going through a rough time in her life. Just like you've always taken advantage of people's weaknesses to gain your own ends. Monster."

"More of one than you will ever know." Vegeta agreed. "Now, are you going keep talking or fight?"

"Not anymore. No more fights. I'm tired of fighting. It never really hurts you, does it? No, of course not. But words can. You see, I've noticed something. You always respond to the words that actually have meaning to you. So, I did a little research. I found out about a group called Metallica. Do you want to know a song of theirs is called? It's called King Nothing."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow, curious despite himself. Their was something about the iciness and the almost eager look in his eyes that made him want to listen.

Trunks took something out of his pocket: A very small boom box with a CD player. He placed it on the floor. Bending down, he pressed the play button. Music started to play. Trunks looked up. "I'll know for sure that you are hurt by words now." The same cold smirk that had been on his sire's face earlier was now gracing his.

Words began to play:

/ Wish I may
Wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold
Dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown King Nothing?
Where's your crown? /

Vegeta looked at his son in shock. "What the fuck is this?"

Trunks smirk grew wider. "Just wait. It gets better." He gestured to the boom box.

/ Hot and cold
Bought and sold
A heart as hard as gold
Yeah! Are you satisfied?

Wish I might
Wish I may
You wish your life away
Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Huh! /

Trunks chuckled darkly. "You'll never be pacified." He began saying the words along with the singer.

/ I wish I may
I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star
I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how /

"That so perfectly describes you." Trunks said. He looked down at the boom box, missing the look of utter rage that was growing on his sire's face.

/ Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish
You may regret it
Careful what you wish
You just might get it

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown King Nothing?
No Nothing

No you're just nothing
Where's your crown King Nothing?
No you're just nothing
Absolutely nothing

Off to never never land /

As the music faded Trunks looked up at his father, grinning...until his saw the expression on his face. He had never seen his father look so hateful before. And what was worse, it was directed at him. A faint fear at the back of his mind slowly began to spread.

In three seconds, Vegeta pushed the brat against the wall and trapped both hands above his head. He put his mouth close to his son's ear. Rasping, "You insignificant yaro. How dare you disrespect me this way. I am your father. You have no right to pull something like that." He paused. "You know, when I was a child, I often would get into confrontations like this with my own father. One day, I went too far, and was punished for it. I never talked back at him again. I believe it will have the same affect on you." Another pause. "Tell me brat, are you wearing anything underneath your shorts?"

Trunks, confused, said only, "Nani?"

Then he felt a hand at the front of his shirt, grabbed a handful and tore it off. His shorts and boxers were taken in the same way. Cold realization hit him. Dear Dende no! He tried to struggle, but his father's hands held him.

"You can't, you monster!" Trunks said.

"I told you, I am more of one than you will ever know." Vegeta reminded him. Then, he placed his lips on his son's neck where it met his shoulder. He kissed it roughly, nipping it, before sharp incisors sunk into the soft skin. He lapped up the blood that welled up, ignoring the pained screams of his progeny. "Your mine now, you pathetic yaro."

Using his free hand, he pulled out his member, which was already hard with arousal. He spread smooth thighs using his knees. "This is going to hurt a lot, brat. So make sure you scream." So saying, he plunged all the way to the hilt, tearing Trunks' inner walls. A painful shriek filled the room.

Vegeta paused only a moment to savor his son's tightness, before he pulled out and thrust back into him, not waiting for Trunks to adjust. His blood lubricated his father's cock, as he slammed in and out of him relentlessly. Trunks couldn't hide his suffering as painful cries spilled from his mouth.

Kuso! He never thought the brat would be this tight. His ass walls were practically crushing his cock. This would teach him to respect him. No one talked to him that way. No one. He'd be damned if his own brat did. Fueled by anger, he thrust faster and harder into his spawn, enjoying the friction between their bodies.

It continued for what seemed an eternity for Trunks. He bit his lip to keep from screaming at intervals of his 'punishment', causing more blood to spill down his chin than from his earlier injury,but they always came. Finally, he felt his father's body shake, and with a short cry, spilled his seed inside him.

Vegeta stood there for a few seconds, panting, then pulled away from his son. He let go of his hold on Trunks' wrist, causing Trunks to fall to the floor, and took a step back, standing on wobbly knees. Pulling up his shorts, he cast a disgusted look at his son. "Who's the pathetic and sad creature now?"

He was almost out the door when he heard the answer: "Still you."

He paused.

"You have to prove yourself through acts of violence. That is the only way you know how. The actions of a pathetic and sad creature indeed. I'll never respect you. Just as you will never reach the goal of the strongest fighter. It will never end for you, King Nothing."

Vegeta tried to ignore his words and he stepped out of the room and shut the door, leaving his bleeding son on the tile floor, muttering "Where's your crown King Nothing..."


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