Deep Circle
by Chayron     More by this Writer
Different but the same world; Three affection seeking Saiyans; The enclosing death and true nature; Long way home and even longer way to reality.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 01
Note 1: This fic is completely independent form all my other fics.

Note 2: This fic is darker than my previous two. Be warned: here is not so much action and the plot itself is slow evolving, and some people might find it boring to read. The story has 25 chapters and they are longer than usual. This means that the story is finished, and I have all 25 chapters that are ready for you, but I need my beta-reader to correct the grammar and such (it would be so much easier if I knew English much better, I could simply post them all!).

Note 3: Due to lack imagination and experience, and also for your own convenience, the new world (Vegetasei) is almost the same as our Earth. Don’t write me to inform that I wrote a complete nonsense, I know that myself; I have no idea how the ‘real’ Saiyan world would look like.
This fic also has many things and aspects that live only in my imagination, and, despite I tried to explain everything, I understand that this sometimes can get confusing. In that case – just ask.

Note 4: Character age during Buu saga:

Goku – 30
Vegeta – 44
Gohan – 18
Trunks – 8
Goten – 7
Krillin – 38
Tenshinhan – 41
Yamcha – 41
Bulma – 41
Chichi – 37

Thank you.

Have a nice reading!


Sleeping Sun by Nightwish

The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest

For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime

I wish for this night-time
To last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you

Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go

Two hundred twenty-two days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say

I wish for this night-time...

I wish for this night-time...


Hell, his head hurt. What’s more, he was sick. He groaned, painfully, clutching his damn head, swallowed back waves of nausea and tried to think.

Where was he lying? The substance under his back felt hard and cold. He reached out with his hand feeling the area around him; surmising that it felt like floor or ground.

Damn, did Vegeta finally beat him?

Huge gulps of air started to calm his raging stomach, making the nausea retreat a bit. But along with the bigger intakes of air he got various smells, some of them his mind registered as disturbing: fire, burning flesh, some weird smells too, which he wasn’t able to recognize. Strange noises were echoing from somewhere farther, sounds of footsteps probably off to the left…or right… That WAS quite disturbing; he reasoned.

Maybe Trunks and Goten were making barbeque for the whole school? Must be. Food. He groaned, the bile in his throat rising again. He didn’t know how long it took for him to trust himself until he opened his eyes.

The vomit rose again at the sight of the metallic colored ceiling. What the hell did he eat?

A groan or two escaped his lips as he forced himself to stand up. He looked around, his blurred vision sending strange images into his head. Had he not felt so bad, he’d probably have accepted this as true – some sort of metallic room, or even workshop, only without tools and windows... No…not really a Gravity Room, probably Goten’s room. The kid must have gone mad again; the previous time Goten’s room was painted all in black. Nonsense! This wasn’t Goten’s room. But a slap on his face didn’t make the stupid vision disappear; only made him feel like vomiting again. Think, he ordered himself. Where is all that noise and stench coming from?

He clumsily staggered to a wall with a panel on one side and writing on it. There seemed to be a door of some sort. He observed the structure, searching for a handle or button, and tried to push the door open. Nothing. He considered breaking it, but postponed the idea for at least five minutes.

“Open, you, damn thing,” Goku breathed out annoyed, able only to mutter. He froze as the door slid open. “Cool.” He blinked then moaned, clutching his poor head as the hammering in it increased with the sounds behind the door.

“Shut up, bastards…” Goku mumbled, carefully picking his way through a long, white painted corridor, his bare feet tapping over the cold surface. He headed for the next door where he could see lights, blue, yellow, and red blinking at the end of the corridor. There were writings on the wall: Sector 25 and Low Gravity Area. As if that would tell him something!

Finally. Another door. This time the noises were much louder. Not good – his head threatened to burst into a million pieces.

“Open, you, damn, thing,” he said again. Worked like magic. The door obediently slid to the side to reveal the source of noise and stench behind it.

He just stared, his mouth open, eyes wide. Completely, utterly, totally stunned. Shocked into an inability to think. His lips closed after a minute, though. Mumbled something, a curse, most likely a colorful one. He blinked his eyes once, twice, three times then rubbed them with his fists, and stared again.

“What the...?!” Felt his sickness retreat at the impossible image that bombarded his senses.

A battle. A very bloody one. Bones crushed under assault, flesh torn. Not many blasts though, or they were not powerful as if the combatants were restraining themselves.

All right, a battle was a battle. He had seen some of them in his life before. That was not a reason to panic or act like a completely lost child.

The one reason to panic was that there were plenty of Saiyans everywhere. They were punching, kicking, snarling, and growling. He could see their brown tails wrapped around their torsos.

The second reason to panic was that there were Frieza’s relatives running everywhere and they were winning.

Goku gasped as his eyes fixed on a black, long, thick mane. His brother, Radditz! The Saiyan was fighting with his back to him at the same time barking orders to the rest of the Saiyans.

That was a dilemma. Whose side Goku was on? Did he really need to be on someone’s side? Was this real at all?

His questions were answered as two Ice-jins spotted him while he had been standing in the doorway, gaping. He must have had a pretty stupid expression on his face, because they lunged at him almost laughing. The laughs died away, however, as after getting closer, their scouters started beeping crazily.

He rammed his fist into the largest one’s pink snout, cracking the lizard’s scull, then vomited on the other. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, (although his body and brain felt much more relieved) he decided to apologize – everything was allowed in the war but really…

While the pink alien stared at him in surprise and disgust, he smacked his him upside his head with the power enough to knock anybody out permanently.

It seems he had already chosen sides.

Goku cursed his body for refusing to power up to Super Saiyan. He was still too messed up. He decided simply to go through the ‘battle field’ and incapacitate all the lizards on his way out. He didn’t want to kill; those first two attacked with intent to kill him, so he just repaid in kind.

Goku dodged a kick, sent his own bare foot into other’s chest and the alien went flying across the hall, or whatever it was.

Now Goku saw where the smoke had been coming from – there was a huge door on his left, behind whose glassy panels he could see rapidly moving flames licking the walls. He must finish this fast, if he didn’t want to burn alive with this whole party.

Goku flashed in front of a momentarily stunned Saiyan, punched his opponent, and then ran to another pinkie; hit that one hard into the side of his neck. His recovering eyes then noticed Radditz fighting five lizards at once. He rushed to his brother and plucked them all from the longhaired Saiyan, knocking them out.

Radditz’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. Big eyes fixed on Goku, following his every move, almost forgetting that he was in the middle of battle. Radditz smacked his beeping scouter. And he just got it new! But then he froze – it wasn’t broken – it perfectly showed others’ ki. Radditz turned back to his brother to see the dance on the floor: he dodged, jumped, kicked, punched. He had never seen such grace before. He never knew the kid was so strong. The KID? He frowned, sending his headless opponent to the ground and attacking the other, first in sight. Kakarott didn’t look like a kid anymore.

Radditz cursed as he got punched in the stomach. There was no time to muse over his brother’s strange change in fighting style and appearance.

Radditz scowled when he was informed through his scouter that the fire finally was under control. He could see that himself! –Behind the glass in the door! The flames were lessening and there was a warrior with an extinguisher. The battle was coming to an end. They managed to defend themselves.

Radditz smirked as the same voice informed him that they overtook the enemy’s ship. Cooler, or whoever planned this attack, would be unpleasantly surprised: about sixty Saiyans sorted out fifty lizards. That was something new. They probably would think that they had some secret weapon. Radditz turned to look at his brother. Well, one could say that. Now he had more time to watch Kakarott. His brother was bouncing from one fiend to another, knocking them out. That was strange too – they never took prisoners, unless they needed information, but he ordered them not to. He shrugged, before breaking the scull of his opponent. They’d have to slice their throats.

Radditz watched his brother for some time. Damn, Kakarott was good! Did he not show his strength and skills to avoid serious battles? Clever bastard. Anyway, now he can forget that – after this ‘spectacle’ he’d be in the front lines. He frowned. Well, not that there were any other lines. There would be no warrior who wouldn’t know about Kakarott’s miraculous conquest.

Radditz shook his hairy head again. The damn kid was much stronger than him. If his scouter wasn’t fooling around – Kakarott was twice as strong.


He watched how his brother finished the last one, and then began to walk over to Kakarott, crushing sculls of any lizards still alive on his way. Then he saw his brother sway slightly, his eyes rolling back in his head and Kakarott thumped on the ground like the felled trunk of a tree.

“Kakarott, Kakarott,” Radditz ran to his little brother, worried.

The rubble behind Radditz, next to the entrance to the training hall moved a little.

“I’m all right, stop shouting, moron.”

Radditz turned around and froze. So did the other dozen warriors behind his back. Radditz saw his brother rise from under the rubble. He was bruised and bleeding, but as long as he was able to stand it meant that nothing serious happened to him.

“Kakarott...?” Radditz stared at his brother, his mouth gaping.

“Yeah?” Kakarott brushed dust of his white armor with his good, uninjured hand.

Radditz slowly turned around, back to the floor where he was heading a minute ago.

“If you’re here, then who the hell is he?” he asked, staring at the unconscious warrior.


“Captain, a call from home.”

Radditz turned his head to the warrior and nodded. He slowly stood up from his seat and strolled into the corridor. Humph! Authorities. Maybe even the Royalty itself.

Radditz cursed inwardly – he had no wish to speak to anyone, much less explain what happened, and why he and his men were still miraculously alive. After that incident, he felt disturbed, nervous and unsure. For fucks sake! – There was a man on the fucking ship who looked exactly like his brother! How the hell did he get on board? Who the hell was he? Did Bardock have more sons? Did he have more brothers?

Radditz cursed under his breath, dropping down into the seat adjacent to the communicator. “Captain Radditz,” he almost growled.

“Hey! Alive! Son of a bitch! And to think I almost cried my eyes out!”

Radditz smiled at Raaven’s voice, much better than any royalty. He listened to the Saiyan’s quick prattle, a wide grin reaching his ears.

“We all held vigils and said prayers for your souls already! Can’t believe it! We only now got word about the attack! How was it? When are you coming back? Are there many injured? Are you injured? How is the ship? Did you get the enemy’s ship?”

“Shut up, Raaven,” Radditz groaned while holding his head in his hands. “Just because we sleep together, doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to drive me crazy…”

“Shhh!” Raaven’s voice rose. “This is an open channel, you, moron! This is an official call!”

Radditz cursed loudly, his cheeks burning. NOW he could hear various, agitated voices somewhere in the background.

“How many men heard that?” he groaned.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, only about forty operators!” Raaven hissed. “Check the call next time!”

“Alright, calm down,” Radditz sighed. “So you want me to report I suppose, since this is an official call?”

Radditz told everything that happened: about the battle, about the mysterious and powerful warrior. He could hear voices arguing and discussing in the background.

Radditz was ordered to bring the warrior home, and while on the way, try to find out where the Saiyan was from, and how it happened that no one knew about him. For the time being he was solely responsible for the orange dressed Saiyan.


After eight hours of sleep, Radditz found his brother in his ‘twin’s’ room. The stranger had been carried into medical bay after he had fainted and even got his own room. Meanwhile simple warriors were limited to whatever space they could find and had to use mattresses, arranged near walls.

Kakarott sat straddling the chair, his hands resting on the back, his eyes fixed on the stranger’s face. Radditz observed the pale warrior who was lying on the bed and then turned to Kakarott. They both exchanged looks then Radditz sighed and sat on the ground, next to Kakarott.

“How is he?”

Kakarott shrugged. “Alright I suppose. Doctors gave him a look and rushed to others. So there’s nothing wrong with him.”

“Listen, maybe you have some idea … as to what the bloody hell is going on here?” Radditz raised his head to look at his brother. He sighed and just shook his head in defeat as his brother looked just as lost as he.

“How is your arm?” Radditz pointed at Kakarott’s arm, which was knotted in a cloth on his chest.

“Fine, the bone is already healing, but you could put me on the list for tanks.”

Radditz nodded, his long hair sweeping the floor around him. With so many casualties and injuries during these past years the medical facilities were always busy, the regeneration tanks becoming the privilege of elites or highly ranked warriors such as he.

Kakarott turned to Radditz, grinning widely. “Hear you finally admitted to making out with Raaven…”

Radditz cursed. “Father will kill me…”

“If Raaven’s lovers don’t catch you first,” Kakarott laughed. “Hell, how’d it happen? I mean Raaven… Raaven? You were what, completely desperate?”

Radditz bared his canines at his younger brother, startling him. “Shut up!” his tail angrily lashing behind him in frenzy. “My lovers aren’t your concern. I chose Raaven. I like him and I’m going to mate him!”

Kakarott stared at Radditz in disbelief. “A mate? We are talking about Raaven here. He doesn’t mate. The longest relationship he has ever had lasted for two weeks… Mate? He’s an Elite, Radditz, he’s twice as strong as you…”

Radditz growled threateningly. “Better shut up, you don’t know anything! We’ve been together for two years now!”

“What?!” Kakarott gasped. “How the fuck did I miss that?! Are you crazy?! He’s Elite! Shit, if somebody gets wind of your plans to mate him…”

Radditz scowled at his brother. “So what? Do you think in these times anyone cares about who fucks who or who mates who? Everyone is running around with only one thought in their heads – death is close.”

Kakarott watched his brother for some time then shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. There are more and more cases where different classes mate… I suppose the old taboo isn’t so taboo anymore…”

“It’s because of this damn war. We always had wars, but this is probably the last. Nobody is looking at what others do, nobody is looking at the future, and everybody is doing what they want. There’s no point anymore in keeping one’s bloodline pure – there won’t be any heirs anymore to proliferate the line.”

Kakarott stared at his brother for some time with a thoughtful look on his face. “Oh,” he said finally. “I never thought about it in that way…” he scratched his spiky head.

Radditz rolled his eyes at the ceiling. “What a surprise… Well, you’re too young to mate anyway…”

Kakarott scrunched his nose. “Like you know something…”

Radditz’s head snapped at this. “Who?”

Kakarott smirked at him then stuck his tongue out at his brother. “My lovers aren’t your concern,” he repeated Radditz’s phrase.

“You’re my youngest brother. Everything that concerns you is my concern!”

“Uh…” Kakarott smiled at Radditz unimpressed. His brows rose playfully.

They both turned their attention back to the bed to the now rousing warrior. They saw his fingers clench. The stranger groaned then rubbed his aching head. Radditz and Kakarott watched the warrior’s every move. They heard him mumble something in a language they didn’t understand, but what really didn’t sound like a greeting. Then finally the stranger’s eyes opened.

“Kamisama, you! Holy Jesus Christ!” Goku recoiled from the both Saiyans, his back hitting the wall, almost knocking himself out again. “What the fuck you are doing here?!”

“Well, his reaction and bodily functions seem to be undamaged,” Radditz, concluded. “But did you get what he said?” he asked Kakarott.

Kakarott shook his head. “We should call reinforcement, just in case he tries anything…”

“Who the fuck are you?!” Goku recoiled from his shock a bit. “I don’t have a twin!” he stabbed his finger at Kakarott’s chest. He was so confused that he started getting angry.

“Oh, he speaks…” Kakarott pushed Goku’s hand away from his chest. “That’s the question I wanted to ask… How come you look the same as me?!”

“Shut up,” Radditz pushed his younger brother out of his way. “First, who are you?”

“I’m Son Goku,” Goku sat up on the bed, dropping his legs over the edge. “I know who you are,” he pointed at Radditz with his finger. “But who’s that?” he motioned to Kakarott’s side with his thumb.

“I’m Kakarott, his brother.”

Goku already opened his mouth to protest, to say that he was Radditz’s brother, but then his lips locked. This all didn’t make any sense. Either he was dreaming or he was in very deep shit. He could hardly think what explanation there could be to all this. He was somewhere (hell, he had no idea where), there were plenty of Saiyans and plenty of Ice-jins, and he was talking to his dead brother and… well it was a bit more complicated to tell who was that second one. They both looked almost the same, but he could see that this so called Kakarott was younger than him.

“How old are you?” Goku asked Kakarott. Goku still didn’t believe that it was all real so he simply tried to wait out the time until he woke up. It shouldn’t last long – knowing Chichi, she’d soon start banging on his head with one of her frying pans.


Hmmm…eight years younger. Really younger. Hmmm… If that Kakarott represented his conscience, shouldn’t he be the same age? Hmm… Goku scratched his head deep in thought. Well, probably some variations from the norm in the dream were possible. But if Kakarott was his conscience, who was Radditz then? And shouldn’t they switch the places? – He felt guiltier for killing his brother, and what about Kakarott…hmmm…tricky… Anyway, he’d ask Chichi, no better Piccolo after he woke up.

“Hey, quit dreaming,” Radditz impatiently clapped his hands before Goku’s nose.

“With pleasure,” Goku nodded. “Hit me.”

Radditz looked at his brother with an odd expression on his face. Kakarott twirled his finger at his temple. “Okay.” And Radditz punched Goku right into his left eye without any warning, sending the other Saiyan somersaulting into the same wall again.

“You, asshole!” Goku bounced back at Radditz.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Radditz waved his hands against his chest. “You ASKED me to punch you!”

“Right,” Goku stepped in front of Radditz who had jumped several meters away from Goku. Goku sheepishly put his hand behind his head. “Thanks.”

Goku suddenly got the feeling that he wasn’t dreaming. The possibility of this reality being true slowly began to sink in, making him panic.

He didn’t wake up. That damn hit hurt and he still didn’t wake up. He could feel his eye swelling, but there was no sign of waking up.


Goku felt his breathing hitch, his heart stop then begin to threaten to burst out from his chest. The two Saiyans stood there, staring at him, waiting for something.


Where were the others? – Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Chichi, Krillin, Yamcha, Bulma, Trunks, Tien, Eighteen? What the hell was going on? How did he get here? Where was that ‘here’?!

“W-where are we?” He had to ask twice because the first time his voice just didn’t come out. The feeling of numbness and unreality overwhelmed him.

“On Kala-2701, battle ship. We’re heading home, to Vegetasei,” Radditz gave more information than was asked. He could see that the stranger was in shock. In spite of knowledge that he was capable of taking care of himself Radditz somehow felt protective of him. Probably that was because of the similarity to his brother.

“S-s-spaceship…?” Goku stuttered. His legs simply gave out and he’d have landed on the floor if not for Radditz grabbing him by his shoulders and sitting him on the bed. Goku grasped his brother by his hands then tugged at Radditz’s mane, touching his cheeks.

“R-real…” he mouthed almost inaudibly. “R-real…” his body began to shake uncontrollably not being able to understand what was happening.

“How did you get here?” Radditz asked feeling more than a little odd as the stranger began to touch him all over.

“I…I…I don’t know,” Goku’s wide eyes met Radditz’s surprised ones. “I just woke up on the floor, my head hurt, I heard noises, went into that direction, saw you all fighting, two Ice-jins attacked me, I killed them, there was fire, I didn’t want to burn so I decided to end the battle, then I blacked out.” Goku pleadingly stared at Radditz, waiting for some explanation.

Radditz watched Goku’s face for some time. Either the guy was telling the truth or he was a damn good actor. But his long experience in making captives talk told him that this one was telling the truth. He could see that by the way the stranger held his body – complete stiffness, interrupted by jerky movements of the hands, head, and eyes big in shock, paleness. And tail…wait, where was his tail?

Radditz leaned over to see Goku’s behind. Nope. No Tail. Radditz felt sudden surge of anger. Bastards! How dared they?! Later, he calmed himself down.

“So, maybe you have amnesia?” Radditz asked. It seemed to be the closest thing. It still would leave many things unexplained such as how Goku appeared on this spaceship or why he had such a strange accent…

“Amnesia?” Goku mouthed an unknown word, blinking. Sounded like a medical term. And then his eyes widened again. He was speaking Saiyan! He could understand Saiyan! How the fuck was that possible?! He couldn’t speak nor understand it before!

“It’s when you forget things, the previous life, happenings…” Kakarott explained.

Goku felt like he was on the verge of fainting. Did he really have amnesia? Nonsense, he argued with himself. “No, I don’t have any amnesia. I remember everything except how I appeared here, on this ship,” Goku rubbed his temples.

“So what you have you been doing before, before you got here? Your life I mean… which legion were you in?” Radditz asked. He felt relieved – he needed only name and number and everything would be clear.

“What legion?!” Goku began to shout not being able to cope anymore. “I’m not from here! I have a family: a wife and two sons! Those creatures were killed a long time ago! We had Cell, we had Buu after that!”

“Soo… You aren’t in any legion… Did you avoid army?”

“Oh my fucking god!” Goku almost punched Radditz. “Shut up with your army and legions! I’m the fucking army! Me and Vegeta!”

“Ummm… You mean King Vegeta or Prince Vegeta?” Radditz pondered. Now he was starting to conclude that the tailless Saiyan’s brain was damaged. Probably that was the reason why Goku never was taken into the army – he had mental problems. Pity… But how did he appear on the ship anyway?

“You mean Vegeta’s father is alive?” Goku slumped back on his bed. Well, why not – if his brother and that other are alive, why not Vegeta’s father too? Maybe his own father was now making sandwiches and waiting for him to come back home. “Say,” Goku just sighed, “is Bardock still alive?”

Radditz suspiciously eyed Goku. Did Goku eventually have something to do with his family? “Yes, he is.” He worriedly looked at the tailless Saiyan who began to laugh hysterically, both his hands fisted in his spiky hair.

Note 5: Character age in the new dimension (the world where Vegetasei still exists):

Kakarott – 23
Vegeta – 37
Kamala (coming soon) – 25
Vedeno (coming soon) – 5
Radditz – have no idea, and I’m to lazy too look for it
Raaven – have no idea either, but let’s presume that he’s the same age as Radditz
Bulma – 33
Chichi – 29

P. S. Goku not only travels to another world but also several years back in time (you can count how many (as Goku was counting the age difference between him and Kakarott), but, believe me, it’s really not worth it).


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