Heavy Bond
by Chayron     More by this Writer
This story is completely independent from all my other stories. This is an absolute AU. Vegeta-sei still exists. Besides Vegeta-sei there’s another power. Besides Vegeta House there’s another family that rivals it. The collision of those powers is threatening to start a war. To avoid the war, the decision is made to bind the both families. So this is where the story starts.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 01
A/N: Well… Heavy Bond smells of castles, princes, love, bonding and power. So yeah, don’t say I didn’t warn… Ah, there’s also a small M-preg mentioning, but none of the two main characters gets pregnant (thank gods). Well, the story was finished on the 4th of October, 2005. More than a year ago, so then I was still quite fascinated with the idea. Yes, and this means that the story is finished and I’m only posting beta-read chapters (a good way to shift the blame on my beta-reader for delays, heh).
Have fun!



The king was sitting at the heavy wooden table and signing a document. He raised his head as if he had remembered something suddenly.

“When is Hetela’s Duke exactly arriving?” the king asked his counselor who was standing on his left.

“He’ll be at the landing dock in two and a half hours,” the counselor quickly answered.

The king nodded then turned to his scowling son who was standing at the window and looking through it nonchalantly with his arms crossed.

“The meeting with his son requires all the formalities,” the king said. “See him to his rooms. Ask how the flight was and other bullshit. Be polite.” The king’s face turned stern. “And stop that, Vegeta. It’s just a simple formality.”


Kakarott stuck his head through the spaceship’s door. He observed the docks then stepped on the ladder to follow his father. Kakarott could already see the greeting delegation. Some of the representatives he already knew – those were faces of very well known politicians of Vegeta-sei. Being a son of the Duke that reigned the colonized Hetela’s planet, he had several opportunities to meet them. There always were plenty of trade deals and meetings. Despite Kakarott’s father chose wisely not to use the ‘king’ title and did only with the ‘duke’, both sides knew perfectly that Bardock’s reign reached as far as the king’s himself or even further. And despite this, the king of Vegeta-sei and the duke of Hetela managed to prevent the direct confrontation.

There hadn’t been any wars or other direct clashes for the power. Both sides tried to squeeze the most benefit from each other as best as they could, but avoided direct battles. They were the same race after all. Though, sometimes there were several threats heard or thick tension hung in the air, both rulers didn’t want to spill their subjects’ blood. They had made pacts and treaties, but soon the tension became too thick. Both rulers agreed that something had to be done about it. And the two biggest powers decided that to strengthen their relationship and to lessen the danger was needed a union. Hetela’s Duke and Vegeta-sei King decided that it would be a very good idea to mate their sons and thus eliminate the danger of war and open wide roads for the planets’ cooperation and friendship.

The other three men that were the most important here were standing in front of the group, the king and both princes. Two Vegetas and the youngest son of the king, Velari. The king was about eighty years old, which for a Saiyan was the very prime of life. The king was powerful and not only physically. Under the current king’s reign Vegeta-sei and its people reached the Gold Age. Though, one couldn’t exactly say that about the king’s life itself – the king’s mate died more than twenty years ago, while giving birth to Velari. No one saw the king grieving, but after his mate’s death, the king seemed to have become older, crumpled under all the responsibility and burden.

Prince Vegeta, the oldest son of King Vegeta, was 27 years old. Prince Vegeta was very well known for his stubbornness and for unpredictable moods. Already at age of 27 Prince Vegeta was probably the strongest Saiyan in the entire Universe. Prince Vegeta was also known for his reticence. But also he was known for his sharp wits and not less sharp tongue.

Prince Velari, 23 years old, was a contradiction to his brother. Though Velari already had proven himself to be not less capable in politics than his older brother, Velari was known for his more relaxed attitude and behavior. And although Velari still wasn’t as strong as his brother, he never yielded to prince Vegeta. Actually both brothers had never been seen fighting each other except sparring. Sometimes there were several shouting sessions, but none ever tried to hurt each other; Velari agreed with the firstborn’s right to the throne.

Kakarott followed his father down the ladder onto the wide red carpet. He saw the king and both princes coming closer. Kakarott, following his father, bowed his head, pressing his right fist to his left breast.

“King Vegeta,” Kakarott greeted respectfully. After the king answered his greeting, he turned to the princes. Kakarott had seen his fiancé several times in newspapers and one time live when he had been on Vegeta-sei six years ago. “Prince Vegeta,” Kakarott nodded at his soon to be mate.

The prince looked at him with indifference then nodded merely, accepting the greeting. Kakarott turned to the younger prince. “Prince Velari.”

“Hello, Kakarott,” Velari nodded, giving him the same respect Kakarott had shown him. Unnoticeably, Velari gave his brother a discontent glance. “You must be tired after such a long flight,” Velari said to Kakarott. “I’ll show you to your rooms. Let those two do the talking,” Velari motioned to the king and the duke who were already surrounded by their counselors and guards, and were almost invisible in that entire varicolored and noisy ball.

Kakarott observed his father and gave a nod in agreement. Kakarott motioned for his bodyguards to come closer. “Thank you,” he nodded at Velari. He was tired. Although the journey was comfortable, and he had all the convenience, he wasn’t used to space traveling and to being locked between the walls for so long.

The three of them turned to go to a black luxurious car that was standing at the end of the red carpet, waiting for them. They climbed into the car and began to move. Their bodyguards followed in separate cars.

Kakarott stared silently through the window while observing the quickly flowing scenery. He had been here six years ago, but didn’t remember much, he had been only a boy then. Now he could hardly make comparisons to how the place had changed and actually he hardly cared about that.

Through a corner of his eye Kakarott observed prince Vegeta again. He had imagined things not like this. Alright, he wasn’t happy about this mating either, but there was no need to be so hostile. Like it was all his fault that the cursed situation between their planets went so far! They weren’t enemies after all. At least he didn’t think that they were. But maybe prince Vegeta had another opinion. Kakarott shifted his gaze back to the window.


Kakarott sat carefully down on the edge of the bed. Observing the room, he brushed over his wet hair with the towel again. The room was too luxurious for his taste. He didn’t feel comfortable here. He liked simple and not too overcrowded space. And here the bed alone took half of the room. Well, the size of the bed wasn’t too bad, he always slept sprawled and taking the entire space, but it was the bed decorations themselves – the bed was covered in red silk, covers puffy and fluffy, and he felt like sitting on some living being that was shifting and inhaling him even deeper into that fluffiness. Pillows were huge. Who the hell could normally sleep on these oversized things?! One would surely wake up with a stiff neck. And the canopy! Gosh! Actually everything looked the same in this room – oversized and too pompous. He could see that at this point his father and he preferred simpler life. Or maybe the House of Vegeta simply wanted to show off, to impress them.

The room was very bright, with three huge windows with heavy cream-colored curtains. The tapestry was ivory colored. There was a big soft carpet that covered the entire room. A big right-angled table perfectly matched the bed – big to inconvenience, several chairs, a huge wardrobe and a mirror that took up almost the entire wall.

Kakarott turned to his suitcase to look for the clothes that would be appropriate for the foreknown luxurious dinner party this evening. After he found the clothes he thought should do, he tossed them onto the bed and began unpacking the rest of his stuff.

Kakarott looked at the mirror to appraise himself. He looked older than his real age. People had always been telling him that he looked several years older than he really was – a bit over eighteen. He looked over twenty. Kakarott brushed several bangs out of his eyes. He was also told that he was attractive. He wasn’t sure about that last conviction – every time he would look at the mirror, he saw a thin, spiky-haired guy staring at him with big eyes. Actually nobody ever told him that he was too skinny, but standing next to his father he always felt like that. He was even trying to eat more. Though, it hardly had any effect because he always ate until he almost passed out, anyway. Like all Saiyans ate.

And besides more weight, he would have liked longer hair. He always considered his hair too short, and his eyes were too big. His father was always telling him that everyone could read him like an open book through them. Otherwise, he thought that he was lucky enough – his nose was fine (not too big, not too small) and his lips were normal lips and his ears weren’t clapping in the wind. He had ten fingers and ten toes, two hands and two legs. It was not too bad after all.

Kakarott cast the last glance at himself before leaving the room.

During the dinner, his fiancé didn’t even look at him once. His father and king Vegeta were discussing something even now, during the meal, and he was grateful for the several encouraging nods that Velari gave him. He felt completely out of place. No wonder he didn’t have appetite – the thought that he was going to stay here, in this castle, was making him sick.

He did agree with the mating – it seemed to be the best solution, but now, as the day was approaching, he wasn’t so sure. He didn’t like his fiancé a bit. No, not the appearance or something like that; he saw how prince Vegeta looked long time ago after all. It was the air about him. Though not too high, the prince was trying, or maybe he managed that even without trying, to intimidate him. He didn’t understand why the prince was doing this. He wasn’t trying to contest the prince, wasn’t trying to question his rights; everybody knew who was stronger out of them, he accepted the prince’s right to be a dominant partner in this union. He came here only for a simple formality. He didn’t understand why the prince treated him like he would be the prince’s enemy. No, an enemy would be better, now the prince was treating him like a piece of shit.


He had slept bad and had several nightmares, woke up and didn’t manage to sleep any further. His head was full of thoughts. If he didn’t know that this union was essential and hadn’t given his word, he would have run away. Really, then, lying in that oversized bed, he was thinking how to escape this deal and castle. He wanted nothing more than to be back home, on Hetela, with his friends and father. And despite feeling childish and ashamed because of that feeling, he couldn’t suppress that wish. He didn’t want to stay here.

In the early morning, when he began to finally doze, there was a knock at the door and several servants entered to help him to dress for the ceremony. He drove out all the servants telling that he first needed to take a shower. Realizing that at such a tempo he was going to be late, he sent one of them to the kitchen for a snack and another to his father to explain why he wasn’t going to come down for breakfast.

He had been brought luxurious clothes in red and white colors. White and red colors were his house’s colors, but even in spite of these colors, the clothes had little to do with tradition – he had never seen anyone wear such design on Hetela. The only thing, besides colors that was speaking about his house was his family emblem – an eagle carrying a sword in its claws – on the right breast of the metallic armor. The emblem was as old as his line itself and reached the times when the Saiyan race hadn’t mastered the ki energy yet.

Kakarott brushed over the emblem with his fingertips. He put the armor away and began dressing, trying to do it without any outside help. With shaky fingers he buttoned his clothes then put the armor on and clasped the buckles. Finally he put on his boots. He refused the insistent suggestions to do something with his hair. Whatever the servants wanted to do, he was sure that in the end it would look even worse than his short spiky hair was already looking.

Completely dressed, Kakarott looked at the mirror, steadied himself, brushed over his hair with his fingers and marched resolutely out of the room. Trying to control his a bit shaky legs, he climbed down the carpeted wide stairs. He was met by guards and nobles that were already lined up at both sides of the end of the staircase. Prince Vegeta was standing in the middle of the semicircle waiting for him. Velari was standing a bit farther from his brother. Kakarott cast a glance to his father that was already standing in front of others, in the balcony next to king Vegeta. His father gave a short nod. The nod meant everything – pride, necessity, obligation, respect, love.

Kakarott returned the nod and approached Vegeta.

“Took long,” Vegeta muttered under his breath to his brother, “and still he looks like a damn villager.”

Kakarott didn’t show any sign that he heard that. He didn’t feel like having it out with the prince at this moment. Pretending to be deaf, not noticing a glare Velari gave to Vegeta, he turned away from his soon to be mate.

He felt like he’d been dreaming. Everything seemed to be too surreal. The hall, the balcony, the ground under his feet, the people crowding under the balcony to watch the ceremony, the sounds, the scents, the prince who was leading him to the balcony. It was like he had been wading in a fog.

He was standing next to the prince and staring at the prophet’s mouth while that was saying something. Like an echo the words were reaching him – the prophet mentioned something about the importance of this union, about the holiness of it. But he just managed to stare at the prophet’s mouth.

“Turn to face me, moron,” he heard the prince mutter silently.

He blinked and turned to face the discontent prince. He realized that he didn’t catch the prophet’s instruction.

“And now, the two will become one,” the prophet said in a loud and resounding voice. “Prince Vegeta and Kakarott, the son of Hetela’s Duke will unite within their souls and their union will bring peace to both sides.” The prophet gave the sign for the prince.

Kakarott blinked at the prince as that drew him closer by his arm. He still couldn’t believe that this was happening. He had never imagined the most important day in his life like this. He had never thought it might be like that. Like…like some nightmare. He had always believed the holiness and sanctity of the mating. The union was always something his people highly respected and valued. It was untouchable. It was a holy bond between two persons. It was the most joyous and important event in a Saiyan’s life.

If there had to be joy, he had somehow missed it.

The prince’s head lowered to Kakarott’s shoulder crook and then Kakarott felt the sharp teeth pierce his shoulder. The pain was unbelievable. He had to steady himself while holding onto the prince’s shoulders with both arms. Never had he imagined it might hurt so badly. He was becoming dizzy. Something in his mind was growing and then it began throbbing in pain. He swallowed back the wince that wanted to slip past his lips. He felt the urge to push the prince’s body off him, to reduce that pain he was experiencing.

“Stop squirming, idiot!” the prince growled around the bite, increasing his hold on Kakarott.

The hall began dangerously spinning before Kakarott’s eyes, and, to avoid getting sick, he closed them. It wasn’t helping much, probably only worsened the situation. He was so relieved when the prince’s teeth finally retreated from his flesh. He was grateful when the prince steadied him; he didn’t feel like standing at the moment. The prince hissed something at him, but he didn’t get through what the words meant. He was grateful that the prince didn’t let him slip to the floor. Somehow his legs were shaky and he wasn’t orienting in the space at all. He let himself to be guided back to the hall.

He wanted to simply go back into his room. He felt weak and dizzy. He caught several disturbed glances that his father sent him, but he managed to reassure his father that everything was okay.

He sat at the table that was set with plenty of wondrous food and drinks and could hear people having a good time. He missed half of the party – he was staring in front of him and trying not to be sick. He wasn’t sure if it was normal that he felt like this. He tried to remember if he heard anything about “side effects”.

“Kakarott, do you feel okay?” Velari came closer and sat next to Kakarott.

Kakarott nodded. He reached for a glass with juice. Velari managed to grab the glass before Kakarott could have spilled it with his shaky hand. He observed Kakarott’s pale face. He rose from the table and approached his brother who was sipping wine from his glass and watching several gorgeous young men dance an ancient union celebration dance.

“Vegeta, I don’t think that Kakarott feels well,” Velari whispered. “You should bring him upstairs, to his room.”

Vegeta snorted. “He’s not a baby; he can take care of himself.” He sipped his red wine, continuing to watch the dancers.

“Vegeta, stop it. You do know how it would look if one of you left now. Either none or you both,” Velari whispered again.

“Did he tell you that he felt ill?” Vegeta looked at Velari.

“No…but…” Velari’s face got a firm expression. “I know what I see, and if he gets sick here, it will be your own fault!” he hissed out, turned on his heels and went back to Kakarott. He motioned one of the servants to come closer. “Bring a glass of water.”

“Here,” Velari put the glass silently on the table, against Kakarott.

“Thanks,” Kakarott muttered, grabbing the glass and gulping it down. He noticed his mate coming closer to the table, to them.

Velari gave an insisting look to his brother.

“Come with me upstairs,” Vegeta said softly to Kakarott, indicating with his head towards the door. “You don’t look well.”

Kakarott nodded. He really didn’t feel well. He rose to his feet only to be steadied by Velari.

“Shit,” Velari cursed, rising from his chair and holding Kakarott. He raised his head to look at his brother. “He didn’t drink anything. It would be good for him to see a doctor tomorrow. Bring him upstairs,” he pushed Kakarott into Vegeta’s arms, “I’ll go with you and try to cover you both.”

Vegeta led Kakarott through the hall while they both had to answer congratulations and cheers. After they reached the top of the wide stairs, Vegeta had to carry Kakarott to his room.

“If he doesn’t feel better tomorrow, you’ll have to bring him to doctor,” Velari said, trusting the door to Kakarott’s room wide open. “And it better be that he is sick because of the food, because if you fucked up the bond…” he left it hanging. He waited for Vegeta to carry Kakarott in.

“Idiot,” Vegeta snorted, putting Kakarott onto the bed, “it’s impossible.”

“Undress him and put to sleep,” Velari shook his head, refusing to argue. “We’ll see tomorrow. And better pray that his father wouldn’t get wind of this.”

“Like I’m afraid of some old fool!” Vegeta hissed.

“You will be,” Velari snorted. “That “old fool” would kick your ass down to Hetela and back. And besides he can pass a word to our father.” He watched his brother unclasp Kakarott’s armor. “I’ll go downstairs to spread the rumors that you two are doing what is done on the first night after the mating. And don’t even think about coming back to the party. Stay with him or go to your room.”

“Do you think that I’m completely brainless?” Vegeta snorted. “Stop babbling and go back to the hall.”

Velari rolled his eyes. He turned to the door. He cast the last glance to his brother who was pulling the red shirt off of Kakarott.


He ran unsteadily into the bathroom, at once doubling and emptying his stomach into the toilet. He heaved for some time then leaned at the wall. But after several seconds the sickness was back.

After emptying his empty stomach he rinsed his mouth and went back into the room. After looking out of the window he saw that it was a deep night. After looking at himself he realized that he was half naked. He didn’t remember undressing. He hardly remembered reaching the room with his mate’s help.

Kakarott brushed his fingers over his spiky hair then sat up on the bed. He felt much better now. He wasn’t dizzy or sick anymore. He felt a bit weak, but it wasn’t too bad. He yawned and fell with his back onto the bed. He snuggled into the covers, deciding that he had enough of mating experience for one day and it was the time to get some rest.

After several minutes he fell asleep. Alone, in the oversized bed, having not a clue where his so called mate was.


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