The Farm Boy
by Cheshirecat101     More by this Writer
After a successful cruise on the sea together, Trunks and Gohan decide to vacation a little closer to home this time on a farm. A few of the rules have changed but the game is the same: Trunks is in control, and Gohan must obey. (Sequel to Sailor Bet)

Gohan woke up to the splash of freezing cold water across his skin. He spluttered quickly coming awake, from the pile of hay he slept on, and shook his head to quickly orient himself. He quickly remembered this would be the first day of their vacation. When they arrived at the farm last night he had fallen asleep here in the barn while Trunks had slept in the farm house.

Of course, it would be Trunks that thought of starting their unconventional vacation this way. Why ease into it when he could jump in head first?

Gohan remembered what got him here in the first place...After their first vacation, on the cruise, there’d been some negotiations on what their next vacation would entail. It wasn’t as if they both hadn’t enjoyed themselves on the cruise. They definitely had but it’d been the first experiment with a new concept. Since the concept was so new, it needed further discusion, additional ideas, and limits laid out. Many conversations went into the planning of this trip; some things were agreed upon readily, others discussed and negotiated on. The deal was for this vacation Trunks was in complete control. He would be the dominant one in the relationship. Gohan loved the loss of control, he both craved and enjoyed it. This vacation helped them bring a welcome change and balance to their relationship. Trunks enjoyed the power that being dominant gave him. He admitted to Gohan that the control over someone he knew to be so tightly wound and powerful in his own right was a rush. Gohan told him that he liked the loss of control. Giving up his rights and decision making to someone else was freeing. This allowed them both to give to the relationship in a new way and for a limited time push their boundaries and limits more than they did in their day to day life. They were both happy with what this vacation gave them. This second vacation on a farm Trunks rented out would be an all new experience for both of them.

“Rise and shine, sweetheart,” Trunks said with a slyness in his tone and his eyes, something very much like a cat that had eaten a very juicy canary.

Gohan was feeling very distinctly canary-like at the moment. Trunks could be a genius at whatever he put his mind to and this trip would likely prove no different. Gohan was soaking wet and cold but still his senses raced with the excitement of the unknown and a bit of dread of what he would be made to do.

“Time to get to work,” Trunks stated, leaning against the barn door watching Gohan with an amused look.

“What do you have for me to do today, sir?” Gohan asked, tone polite, if a bit breathless.

Trunks smiled, in the way that Gohan knew spelled trouble. “Well, first off,” he said, slowly, and playfully drawing out what he said. “I have some chores around the farm for you to do. You can start with the chores and after that you will make me breakfast. Of course, I’ll be watching to make sure you do a good job.” He paused, blue eyes sparkling. “And maybe, you’ll even get a reward if you do.”

Gohan tried to ignore how his arousal stirred, hot and light in his gut, a gentle brush of heated fingers across his abdomen. He knew exactly what kind of rewards Trunks meant. “Of course, sir, what do you want for breakfast?”

Trunks was already on his way out of the barn, and waved a dismissive hand, like he didn’t care. “Surprise me,” he answered, and headed back towards the main house, where he’d be staying during the vacation all the while Gohan slept in the barn, sleeping in an itchy hay pile.

Well, the hay wasn’t that bad, comfortable enough to sleep, at least, with minimal tossing and turning, but that wasn’t the point of it anyway. The point was humiliation, degradation, being treated like something lesser than Trunks like his servant, his slave, his passing tramp who happened to pick up work on the farm for him. A form of roleplay, just taken to its limits. A fact that was supported by what he was wearing, his outfit was a garment made of rough burlap. While it covered him, the fabric was not comfortable but made more for durability and being affordable.

Gohan started his chores by milking the cows. He mucked out their stalls, hosed down the area, laid fresh hay, and moved the cows out to pasture. Putting his mind on the work at hand and knowing the tasks needed done for the well being of the animals made it easier to overlook the foul smell that mucking out the stalls made more pungent.

Gohan fed the cows and gave them fresh water. Once the cows were satisfied, he then set to cleaning up the barn, he cleaned up the stall he slept in, mucked out the stalls where the horses were kept. He fed the horses, gave them fresh water, and brushed them down.

He then, went to the trees and picked the ripe oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and apples. He made sure to even pick the fruit from the tops of the trees. He placed the fruit in bushel baskets and left the baskets outside the kitchen door, he would put all of it away later.

He then moved on to the chicken coop. He removed the old, dirty hay and replaced it with fresh, swept the floor, and gathered the fresh eggs. He did not have a basket so his shirt worked just as well,using a hollow in his shirt to transport them to the kitchen.

The kitchen of the farm house was warm, a cheerful fire going in the fireplace, Trunks was lounging at the table with his feet up on a nearby chair. For a moment, Gohan was overwhelmed by affection for the man that he’d devoted his life to, the only man that he’d ever be willing to do this with. Then Trunks looked up, raising an eyebrow as if impatient, and Gohan got to work.

He washed and wiped off his exposed skin and then set to work. He cleaned off the fresh eggs and then added them to the basket that was sitting on the counter. He then set to work making breakfast for them both. He made pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and fresh squeezed orange juice from the oranges from the ones he picked earlier. Once he was done cooking he dished out two plates. One for Trunks and one for himself but set down Trunks’s plate first along with his juice. He waited to be given the signal that he could eat his own breakfast.

“You’re in the wrong position, old man,” Trunks said idly, and pointed at his feet. Gohan resisted the temptation to sigh or roll his eyes, instead he knelt down by Trunks’s feet and held his plate in his lap, eagerly waiting to be told that he could partake but Trunks didn’t let him. No, Trunks ate his entire meal first, slowly taking each bite and drawing out the meal. Gohan’s food growing colder as the time passed. Finally, when the last bite of egg and hashbrown had been swallowed and the orange juice drained of the last drop, only then did Trunks signal that Gohan could eat with a small wave of his hand.

“You have three minutes,” he said idly, and Gohan wasn’t sure what would happen after those three minutes and he didn’t want to find out. He ate as quickly as he could shoveling in large bites of food with his fork, barely chewing, and forcing the next bite in while trying not to choke, trying valiently to finish it all in the time alloted, ignoring his drink to try and get as much fuel as he could into his body. Luckily, he had cooked hearty foods that were filling.

As he was about to take one of his last few bites, Trunks pulled the plate from his hands and threw it up in the air, where the food turned to ash in front of his eyes, Trunks’s powers disintegrating it in a second before his eyes. Gohan watched, disheartened, as the bits of ash floated to the ground in front of him, and then looked up at Trunks, eyes slightly narrowed, but Trunks simply smiled sweetly, got up and said, “Clean up and meet me outside. We have a long day ahead of us, after all.”

Gohan made quick work of washing the dishes, wiping down the counters, stove, and table. He made sure to put away all of the food that he had gathered earlier so that it would stay fresh. He made sure to clean the kitchen well so that Trunks would be satisified.


Long didn’t begin to describe the day a better description could be: arduous, trying, exhausting, or interminable. Trunks had Gohan doing chores all over the farm. The farm needed to be tended to, instead of a number of farm hands Gohan would need to do the work, with Trunks supervision, of course. Gohan, unused to farm work found the work demanding, physical, and rewarding.

Well, vacation was a loose term. This was a break from their normal duties and stress. The manual work aside, they were spending their days together at least...

Trunks made full use of every second of Gohan's day, making sure he did not rest. Gohan had to clean out the pigs' sty. Then, ensure the pigs were fed and watered. He then cut the grass around the house, with a push mower, not the nice powered riding mower that was sitting in the garage. Trunks had him pulling weeds from the flower beds, pulling weeds from around the crops that were getting overgrown. He picked strawberries, other various berries, tomatoes, and potatoes. He fixed fences, cleaned windows, and put screens on them for the coming summer heat. He was run ragged, his whole body screamed from the exertion and was so exhausted he was ready to drop into his haystack and sleep the night away. As Gohan put the last of the equipment away in the barn, he found Trunks waiting in front of the haystack, smirking slightly.

“You’ve forgotten something, Gohan,” Trunks said and Gohan nearly groaned. He caught sight of what Trunks was mentioning. Trunks's boots were filthy. Trunks's smirk widened when Gohan looked up to catch his eyes again. “My boots need a good cleaning. I would do it, but you know, delicate hands. I don’t want to ruin my nails.” He punctuated this by looking carefully at his nails as if to determine if his nails were indeed damaged or dirty.

He gave a shark, sly smile, and Gohan considered rebelling for a moment, his aching back and shoulders telling him no, don’t do it, fight, don’t give in. Instead he said, “Of course, sir,” and followed Trunks to the well spigot. Trunks sat on a hay bale that was conviently placed by the spigot.

Gohan fetched a brush from the barn and turned on the spigot. Ice cold water washed over his skin as he began to scrape mud and god knew what else from Trunks’s boots with his bare hands. The gunk washed down the drain in front of the spigot. Finally, he had enough grime cleared to begin using the brush. He scrubbed away at Trunks’s boots until he could see their black color again, continuing with the brush for a moment more before switching to a clean rag. He turned off the water. He began to polish and dry the boots, moving with slow, careful, aching hands, and wasn’t surprised as Trunks braced one boot against his shoulder as he cleaned it, as if preparing to push Gohan back into the dirt.

Gohan’s dark eyes lifted, skipping past the boot, up Trunks’s slim and muscular leg, and up to his crotch, where Trunks was beginning to palm himself through the fabric of his pants. Trunks’s eyes were dark when Gohan’s finished their journey. Their gazes met over the tension in the air, the sudden tightness in Gohan’s abdomen, the dryness in his mouth. Quietly, Gohan finished up the boots and Trunks gently removed his foot from Gohan’s shoulder.

“Anything else I can do for you, sir?” Gohan asked, knowing there would be an answer. The silence simmered for a moment before Trunks answered, “Come here and open up that pretty mouth for me.”

Gohan shifted closer as Trunks opened up his pants, pulling his member free from the confines of his clothes. The thick, tumid length twitching at the cool evening air surrounding it. Gohan slid between Trunks’s legs, coating his own knees and patchwork pants in dirt. Trunks took a gentle hold of the back of his head, guiding him forward, until Gohan took Trunks into his mouth, sucking gently.

“Mmmm,” Trunks murmured, stroking Gohan’s hair for a moment before gripping it firmly, pulling him down, making Gohan take him in deeper. Gohan worked on relaxing his throat, taking Trunks’s full and considerable length in his mouth and down into his throat. He nearly choked, and tried to pull back, but found Trunks holding him in place, an easy dominance coming from the painful grip he had in Gohan’s dark hair.

“Not until I come,” Trunks said, something slightly dark in his voice. Gohan began to suck as best he could, Trunks dissolved into a shudder and a moan. His hips rocked, just a bit, into Gohan’s mouth, and Gohan choked for real, his gag reflex kicking in and creating suction on Trunks’s member, Trunks moaned and began thrusting for real, fucking Gohan’s mouth and throat.

Gohan held on as best he could, his own erection throbbing with the desire to be touched, to participate, despite the fact that he was choking and could barely breathe. Trunks’s dominance over him aroused him, making him want more, more contact, more friction, more anything, really. Trunks’s hips were moving hard and fast now, his grip in Gohan’s hair painfully tight, and after a moment, he came with a quick surge into Gohan’s mouth. He pulled out and leaving a dribble of cum down Gohan's chin. Gohan, his lips red and breath panting with the effort, looked at Trunks a little dazedly, the loss of oxygen slowing his actions.

Trunks, meanwhile, looked pleased as punch, as he tucked himself away and then reached down to grab a handful of Gohan’s hard cock. Gohan gasped, whining slightly a moment later. “Aww, does my little slave want to come?” he whispered in Gohan’s ear, Trunks's breath hot against his skin as he leaned in close. Trunks pulled back enough to look Gohan in the eyes, breath ghosting, just barely, over his lips, and Gohan expected a kiss that never came. Instead, Trunks pulled back entirely, shoving Gohan back into the dirt with his foot.

“Too bad,” he said and smirked before he headed off into the house with a “Goodnight, Gohan,” thrown over his shoulder.

Gohan was left dirty, frustrated, and alone, lying in the dirt and cursing every god there ever was that he’d ever agreed to this. At the same time, his throbbing cock was reminding him that he rather liked this treatment, even if it didn’t get him what he wanted just yet.


Freezing water was Gohan's wake up call yet again. Gohan cursed his way into being awake. When he opened his eyes he saw Trunks standing with the bucket above him, smirking at him. “I have a special task for you today,” he said, and placed the bucket down, hands returning to his hips. “And I’ll let you sleep in the house tonight if you can manage it.”

Gohan perked up a bit at that, wiping water away from his face he started the slow process of getting his abused muscles into motion. His body taking its time while Trunks impatiently tapped a foot, arms crossed against his chest.

“You really are getting old,” he said when Gohan was finally up and half sang, “Breakfast!”

Gohan finished his morning chores are quickly as he could. He tended the animals, cleaned up the barn, picked the ripe fruit, then rushed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He didn't want to keep Trunks waiting.

Gohan again cooked a large breakfast. This time waffles, sausage, orange wedges, and home fries and fresh squeezed lemonade. He worked to make everything perfect to please Trunks.

Trunks followed the routine from yesterday and finished his entire meal and then Gohan was given leave to eat.

Gohan barely managed to get his last bite in before Trunks took away his plate, and though his stomach hated him for it, he knew he’d need the fuel later.

He cleaned the kitchen and then saw what Trunks had planned for him.

He stared at the machinery for a minute, a little dazed and surprised, then said, “So, I’m to be a plow horse today.”

“Exactly!” Trunks said delightedly, clapping his hands together with entirely too much glee, in Gohan’s opinion.

The plow was clearly heavily used, and ready to be used again, outfitted with straps for Gohan to slip into. The restraints would force him to pull the plow through the fields while Trunks, of course, took a seat atop it, in the chair usually reserved for someone guiding horses. Well, apparently it was time for Gohan to be a horse, at least he had more than enough strength to handle the plow.

Surprisingly, Trunks’s hands were gentle as he guided Gohan into the straps, being oh so careful while he secured him in, making sure not to jostle his sore body more than was necessary. As Trunks pulled away, there was a light touch to Gohan’s shoulders, a hand run across the line of them with gentle intent. Gohan held back a shiver from the soft expression, reassured by the touch. After all, it was hard sometimes, to go through a vacation like this without some misgivings, some doubts about how Trunks felt, how much he cared when he treated Gohan as a lowely nothing but Trunks always found a way to reassure him.

“Well?” Trunks said and Gohan realized that he was completly secured, Trunks had taken his seat atop the plow, reigns in his hands. “Giddyup" Trunks ordered firmly with a twinkle playfully shining in his eyes.

Gohan began to move, pulling the heavy machinery through the field and feeling his bare feet dig into the earth with every labored step. The plow was heavy, and sure, he had the strength to pull it, but the dirt of the field provided resistance and he felt each step shudder through his core, all of his muscles pulling, straining, as he got the plow to move. Once it was in motion, it was a little bit easier to keep going, and he quickly settled into a rhythm, only to be interrupted by occasional, smart lashes of a whip across his back and shoulders, just the light sting of the tip as Trunks encouraged him to move faster, push himself farther to till up more of the field.

The work was difficult, but Trunks never hit too hard, never pushed him too much. Gohan had always found a certain type of joy in physical labor, as humiliating as it was to be someone’s plow horse, driving Trunks around while Trunks completely controlled him, to be reduced to the level of animal and nothing better. Yet he enjoyed it, enjoyed the strain in his back, shoulders, legs, and even gluts as he pulled the plow, hands holding the straps across his chest, his head down as he continued to work.

He could feel Trunks’s pleasure with how hard he was working, Trunks's pleasure radiated from behind him, an occasional glance back telling Gohan his intuition was right. Trunks was very pleased with how he was doing, how seriously he was taking this and how hard he was working to be the good little submissive worker that he’d signed on to be for this vacation. They worked through the better part of the day like this, Gohan pulling until he was ready to drop, and a second before he was ready to collapse, call it off and disobey, Trunks said as if sensing Gohan's breaking point, “That’s enough for today.”

Thank god. Gohan waited patiently as Trunks freed him from the straps and buckles, watching his lover’s face to see signs of whether he’d get a reward or not for his good behavior. Then, Trunks smiled at him, and despite it being more of a smirk than anything, Gohan could see the gentleness hidden behind it.

“My boots need a good cleaning and so do you,” Trunks said, hands on his hips as he looked at Gohan with something sharp in those piercing blue eyes. Gohan nodded, heading back over to the well spigot, letting Trunks sit and put his feet up on his shoulders as Gohan began to scrub Trunks's boots again, the sun just starting to set over the horizon and lighting the sky up in fiery tones of golden pink and orange.

He scrubbed away diligently, and when he was done, he bathed himself in the well water, goosebumps erupting on his skin from the fresh, frigid water that ran over his nude body, his burlap outfit discarded on the hay bale by where Trunks had been sitting, and where he was now lounging, watching Gohan bathe with keen eyes. The heat of Trunks’s gaze did something to combat the cold of the water. Gohan took his time with his bath until Trunks threw him a towel and said, “Dry off, you can come inside for dinner, and we’ll see what else.”

Gohan did as he was told, drying off with the semi dusty towel Trunks had given him, and redressed in his still mostly dirty clothes. Once dresses he followed Trunks into the house. It was hard not to notice the half arousal Trunks was sporting, and Gohan was getting into it himself, wondering what kind of reward might be waiting for him, for his hard work, and his uncomplaining silence.

Tasked with making dinner, Gohan cooked roasted rosemary potatoes, chicken, rolls, and vegetables. The entire time he prepared the meal and cooked he would sneak glances at Trunks lounging in a chair. Trunks looked very satisfied with himself but yet had a look of hunger drifting in the background.

Dinner was a disappointment, to say the least. Trunks ate like a king while Gohan was left with scraps—plenty of them, but still scraps. The ends of the crusty pieces of the roll, the fattier parts of the meat, the ends of the potatoes . He ate quickly, afraid that it would be taken again before he finished. Trunks ignored him for almost the entirety of the meal, despite Gohan being right by his side, kneeling at his feet while Trunks ate at the table like a civilized person, like the Master here.

Afterwards, however, when the dishes were cleaned and Gohan waited, hovered by the door to see if Trunks kicked him out again. Trunks smiled, and beckoned him to follow to the bedroom, excitement began to swirl in Gohan’s stomach. That increased as he found Trunks undressing already, and a soft, plush bed waiting for them. A bottle of lube was sitting on the nightstand, Gohan began to undress as well, watching Trunks’s every move.

“I figured that such hard work deserves a good reward,” Trunks said, turning to Gohan, completely nude, and smiling. “I want you to fuck me.”

And oh, that set the heat loose in his stomach, uncoiling and then wrapping tight around his member, hardening it as he pulled off his pants, naked now, ready and eager. This was one thing they’d discussed, negotiated before coming here; Gohan didn’t always want to be on the bottom, despite Trunks being dominant here. Trunks had agreed with a sly smile and a subtle comment about missing Gohan’s cock when it wasn’t inside of him. He’d been teasing, mostly.

Trunks sank down onto the plush bed, on his back, and Gohan sank in after him, eager cock rubbing just slightly against Trunks’s thigh, the weight of it heavy and hot. He took the bottle of lube from the nightstand, beginning to warm some up on his fingers, Trunks watched him with desire pooling in those blue eyes, turning darker by the expanse of his pupils, a black hole consuming a planet whole.

One finger glided in and Trunks relaxed around him, their eyes still connected as Gohan began to prepare him, waiting for an order, a reprimand, anything. Gohan expected some sign of dominance from Trunks, but he was mildly disappointed as the minutes ticked by and Trunks remained quiet. Gohan continued to prepare Trunks by sliding a second finger in and when Trunks was ready a third. The silence lasted up until the moment that Trunks was fully ready, Gohan removed his three fingers and began to line himself up ready to have sex.

“No, wait,” Trunks said, and Gohan stopped immediately, looking at Trunks for further instructions. “I want you on your back, now.”

A bit puzzled, Gohan complied, switching spots with Trunks on the bed, but that confusion cleared into anticipation as Trunks straddled him, and began to sink down onto his thick, more than ready cock. A low moan erupted from both of their throats in unison, something deep and needy in their synchronization, probably because this was the first time during the vacation that they’d actually consummated anything. Gohan knew that he needed this and Trunks probably did too.

Slowly, Trunks began to ride him, hips moving up and down fluidly, Trunks's hands gripping onto Gohan’s shoulders as his eyes slipped shut, lips parted in a silent moan of ecstasy, simply enjoying the feel of his boyfriend buried deep inside him, the feel of the head of his penis catching against Gohan's entrance with each roll of his hips.

Gohan stayed absolutely still, as difficult as that was, knowing that he hadn’t been given permission to move, after a minute, Trunks smiled down at him, eyes opening as he purred, “Good boy, staying so still for me. I want you to jerk me off. Slowly, slowly,” he added as Gohan was about to go for the task with gusto.

Gohan’s hand wrapped delicately around Trunks’s shaft each stroke slow, measured, careful, and Trunks gasped, eyes slipping shut again as he slowly rode Gohan, enjoying the dual sensations while Gohan was starting to get desperate to finish, heat building in his abdomen that had nowhere to go when Trunks was moving his hips so slowly. He desperately wanted to thrust up into that tight, wet heat, the delicious friction that Trunks was providing was just not quite enough right now. Trunks was in control here and Gohan simply had to wait. He had a feeling that Trunks was going to want to finish first anyway, a sign of control over the situation, over Gohan.

“Come on, faster,” Trunks gasped through heavy breaths, speeding up his own hips, and Gohan complied. Gohan's breath panting as Trunks nearly bounced on him, his hand moving quickly along Trunks’s member, everything fast, close hot until—until Trunks came with a groan, spurting over Gohan’s hand. Trunks's muscles pulsing and clenching around Gohan’s member, Gohan gasped, thrusting up a few times—no reprimand, thank god—and then finished as well, spilling into his partner.

They stayed still for a minute, both just breathing in the silence, and then Trunks slipped off Gohan, lying back onto the bed, and said evenly, “You’re still sleeping in the barn tonight.”

Gohan couldn’t help it; he groaned. Trunks’s eyes were needlepoints as he looked at Gohan. “Are you disobeying me?” he asked, and Gohan was quick to come back with, “Of course not, sir. I only hoped…”

“I don’t care what you hoped. Out,” Trunks ordered sharply, in that dominant tone that had remnants of heat curling in on themselves in Gohan’s stomach, and reluctantly Gohan got up, messy and needing to clean up again.

He washed in the freezing dark, using the water from the well spigot, and dried off again, leaving the towel hanging to dry in the barn. He flopped down on his pile of hay, exhausted and ready for an easier day tomorrow, despite how good his reward had been for his work today.


Surprisingly, an easier day is exactly what Gohan got. After his morning chores, he prepared a large breakfast of hashbrowns, apples, berries, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. Trunks allowed him to eat his meal which was much than the scraps that he’d been getting. Trunks's good mood seemed to continue. It seemed that Trunks went easier on him for the whole day, letting him recuperate a bit, let sleeping muscles lie as he gave him lighter tasks that Gohan could accomplish rather easily. Never something that strained him too much, though he was dirty and sweaty and exhausted by the end of the day as usual.

After dinner, when Gohan expected to get kicked out immediately like he had last night, maybe not even any sex this time, Trunks beckoned him into the bathroom where steam was rising from the open door. Gohan realized eagerly that he was going to get a hot shower. Oh god, yes, he needed that.

“Go on,” Trunks said, encouraging him, and helped him to undress before undressing himself, following Gohan in.

It started with just a shower, Trunks’s smooth hands moving over Gohan’s calloused, bruised skin, especially where there were marks left over from where he’d had to pull the plow. Gentle touches covered in soap eased over Gohan's aching muscles. He wasn’t surprised when Trunks turned him around and Gohan braced his arms against the wall all the while touches eased and massaged further down. Trunks's hands meandered down until he slipped a finger inside of him. Gohan maked a soft noise as he was worked open by a slow, gentle hand. Trunks slid in another finger, being slow. Gohan rocked back against the fingers inside of him, groaning low in his throat as Trunks hit sensitive spots. His body shuddering with the combined gentle treatment and effort of keeping himself standing up, when all his body wanted to do was shake.

Gently, Trunks left a trail of open-mouthed kisses along his shoulder, then bit down gently, sucking a mark of possession on Gohan’s shoulder blade that had Gohan gasping gently as those fingers twisted as well, then pulled away entirely. Trunks lined himself up and pushed into Gohan. Trunks didn’t move for a minute, his hands sliding along Gohan’s arms until they found his wrists, pinning them against the shower wall, taking dominance over the situation in more ways than one.

“Stay still,” Trunks murmured, voice warm in Gohan’s ear. Gohan obeyed, though his muscles were straining with the effort. Finally, Trunks began to move, slow rolls of his hips at first, accompanied by a deep moan that sent a shiver down Gohan’s spine, knowing he was the source of Trunks’s pleasure, the knowledge arousing him more.

Trunks took a loose hold of Gohan’s cock, pumping him firmly for a minute before his hips sped up, becoming sloppy, rough, haphazard. Gohan was pressed against the shower wall, the heat of the steam and water around them clearing away any sweat that formed on Gohan's skin as he was fucked with just a touch of care and another touch of ruthlessness, the careful balance that Trunks established as the dominant party here. Gohan was first to come, moaning softly as he finished, climax washing over him and all evidence of it immediately washed down the drain. Trunks was next, the clenching and spasming of Gohan’s muscles tipping him over the edge, and he continued to rock gently into him through his climax, gently pulling out when he was fully done.

“Clean yourself up,” he panted and washed up quickly before stepping out of the shower to dry off.

When Gohan was done, he turned the shower off. He dried his body and clothed in the dusty cloth again. Trunks dismissed him, sending him off to the barn again with a dismissive wave before he stopped, grabbed his hand, and pulled him back into a soft kiss. Gohan eagerly, gently kissed back before Trunks released him, swatted his ass, and said, “Get some rest.”

As Gohan settled into his hay pile again, he couldn’t help but think that if every day was like that, he really would enjoy this vacation but that wasn’t quite how it turned out.


A rough kick in the ribs brought Gohan awake in an instant, fists raised as if prepared to defend himself, but that only made Trunks laugh. “Come on, no need to be so defensive,” he teased, and nodded his head towards the door. “I have a surprise for you.”

Gohan’s interest was admittedly piqued at that, but all of his anticipation deflated into confusion when Trunks opened the barn door. There was another man standing there, his straw hat pushed back on his overly tan head, a slight smile on his face as he looked up at Trunks, who was at least six inches taller. It was a safe bet this was a local farmer.

“This here the worker you were talking about?” growled the stranger and Trunks nodded.

Trunks had been busy it seems. Apparently, he was not just checking is emails on his phone these last few days. Gohan had seen him randomly check his phone at times when he was in the house preparing the meals. He wished he had paid better attention.

“He’s a passing hobo, doing some labor for me in return for food and shelter,” Trunks said. Gohan realized with a sinking feeling what was about to happen. “But he’s all yours for two days and I expect him back here promptly when the time is up. Really make sure you get your money’s worth out of him.”

He gave a sly wink to Gohan, so the farmer wouldn’t see, and Gohan was perfectly ready to throw a fit when the farmer said, “Well come on, boy. I ain’t got all day.”

Gohan seriously considered rebelling, for a minute, flat out saying no, ending the vacation and the illusion of Trunks’s control over him abruptly. Only it wasn’t entirely an illusion and Gohan had already signed up for this. So, he started to follow the farmer out, casting a glance back at Trunks, who was smirking at him. What a ‘fun’ surprise.

Gohan rode back in the cabin of the truck with the farmer. The farmer tried small talk to get aquainted while they drove. Gohan learned that the farmer, Rich, was a widower and lived alone on his farm. He often would get local help when he needed it and welcomed the company of the people that passed through. After fifteen minutes they made it to Rich's. The farm was in good repair and the farm house old but quaint. Rich showed Gohan where he would be sleeping for his stay, the room was small but homey with a large bed and a window that overlooked the farm. Gohan was pleased he would get to sleep in a real bed again inside a clean house.

Gohan began work by fixing fences, fixing posts that needed replacing, painting the new sections of fence. He moved on to mucking out stalls for animals, cleaning the barn, and even cutting the grass around the house with the push mower.

The farmer did his own daily work, he did paperwork, put the animals to pasture, took care of sick animals, and plowed the field, he did not have time to spend his day overseeing what Gohan did. Gohan was given tasks and he went and completed them. Given Rich's trust and wanting Trunks to be proud of him he worked to do the tasks as well as he could. Doing the manual work gave Gohan a sort of pride that he didn't know was possible. Not once did Rich express dissatisfaction from the work Gohan did.

At the end of the first day, Gohan cooked up a large supper and he and Rich sat and ate at the table. Both men conversed about the tasks they did during the day, making the meal comfortable. Gohan didn't have to rush to finish his meal and once the meal was over and cleaned up he was able to take a long shower and sleep.

The next day, Gohan rose at the crack of dawn made breakfast for Rich and himself. He then went back out to work, chopping wood, stacking hay bales, picking fruits and vegetables. Gohan worked through the sore muscles and tiredness. All the while, Rich continued his work from the day before: plowing, tending to sick animals, and pulling weeds around the house gardens. Once the day was done, Gohan cooked a large supper of ham, beans, roasted potatoes, and mixed vegetables. Both of them again conversed about the farm work again during the meal it was inocuous chatter but it did make the meal more pleasant. Gohan found an appreciation for the work that Rich does on a daily basis. It was hard work and farmers did this every day come rain or shine. After cleaning up from the meal Gohan went back to bed again.


While Gohan toiled away at the new farm Trunks had the obligation of making sure the farm he had rented stayed maintained. Trunks picked the fresh fruit and vegetables and ensured they were stored correctly each day. Trunks cleaned the animals pens, replaced the hay, gave them fresh food and water. He checked his phone often to see if Gohan was causing any issues but he doubted there would be any real problems.

Trunks chuckled a bit to himself thinking of how surprised Gohan was with being rented out. Trunks was fortunate to find some help wanted ads online locally for farm and general labor. After screening a few of the locals, he was able to find someone that would be fair handed yet still work Gohan as he needed. Trunks missed Gohan terribly but knew that the time apart would bind them even closer in the end. Well, at least that is what he hoped....


Once Gohan woke up the next morning, Gohan prepared breakfast for both him and Rich. He made a simple breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast. They ate breakfast and Rich thanked Gohan for his hard work and welcomed Gohan back any time he needed work and a place to stay.

On the drive back to the rented farm, Gohan thanked Rich for his hospitality and promised to come back should he travel back through the area. Gohan couldn't believe how quickly the two days had passed. He actually felt better in some ways, worse in others—the sore muscles, the stiff and aching back, the calloused hands—but better in others because he’d been able to sleep in a real bed and eat without threat of food being taken away. Besides, the two days away had really made him miss Trunks, crave his company, his touch, just his very presence. He found Trunks waiting for him when Rich dropped him back off, the two having a conversation about Gohan’s good work before the farmer drove off again, and Gohan heard the click of a picture being taken.

Trunks was smirking as he tucked his camera away again. Gohan staring at him in disbelief. “A souvenir,” he explained, smiling at Gohan sweetly, and said, “My boots need a good cleaning again. Then, we’ll have dinner.”

Gohan was slow to move, already considering if he’d ever be able to get Trunks to delete that photo and deciding that no, that was probably never going to happen, ever. So, he headed to the spigot for the well, turning on the faucet and beginning to wash boots that were somehow incredibly muddy despite Trunks having been here alone, not directing Gohan’s farm work for the past couple days.

Just as he was getting started, he felt a gentle touch along his jawline, and looked up to see Trunks making soft eye contact with him, saying without saying it that he’d missed him. Gohan smiled and began to clean his boots, starting with his hands, then the brush, then the rag until they shone, until he could nearly see his reflection in them. He felt a gentle hand stroke through his hair, and lift his head, catching sight of the darkness in Trunks’s eyes just before he felt a gentle hand reach down and grab a rough handful of his cock. Gohan gasped, shifting his hips forward into the touch automatically. Arousal was sparked in an instant, and as Trunks continued to stroke him, fanned itself into a flame. Gohan was soon rocking into Trunks’s hand insistently, until abruptly, Trunks removed his hand, and Gohan expected another tease.

Instead, Trunks put his boots back on the ground, and nodded to them, Gohan raised his eyebrows. A nod from Trunks, and he understood what he was meant to do. How he was meant to humiliate himself. If it allowed him to come, he would accept it eagerly. He slowly pulled his arousal free from his burlap pants, stroking himself for a moment before he began to rub his pre-cum slicked cock against Trunks’s clean boots, smearing creamy, almost translucent white against the shoe as he began to pleasure himself using the friction against the leather.

It was hard, at first, to get into it, knowing he was being thoroughly humiliated, but that…did something for him. Helped him along, actually, and soon he was humping Trunks’s boots in earnest, grunting as he kept his head down, focusing on the friction between his cock and the material of the boots. A sharp hand tugged his hair and head up, until he was making eye contact with Trunks, who was slowly palming himself through the fabric of his pants. The sight of Trunks turned on by Gohan and only Gohan increased his pleasure. He rocked his hips faster, moaning as he finally spilled all over the boots, thick strands of white cum destroying the cleanliness he worked so hard to achieve.

“Oh no, it looks like they’re dirty again,” Trunks said almost idly and smiled with ire. “Clean it up. Uh, uh,” he said when Gohan reached for the rag, that smile turning wicked. “With your tongue.”

Gohan sank down, nearly lying on his belly in the dirt and began to lick his own cum off of Trunks’s boots, his tongue moving in broad, quick stripes. His humiliation complete as he cleaned with his tongue and mouth. He sucked up the worst of it, tasting his own bitterness on his tongue, before he began to lick in earnest, the taste of leather and cum mixing together on his tongue. He worked as quickly as he could. Finally, Trunks yanked his head off with a rough hand in his hair, and kicked the rag over to Gohan so Gohan could finish polishing off the boots.

Like that, he was done. He looked up at Trunks with red swollen lips and a tainted tongue. Trunks smiled, clearly pleased, and said, “Come in for dinner.”

That night, Gohan cooked a nice meal of steaks with garlic butter sauce, baked potatoes with bacon, chives, and butter, rolls, and carrots. They both ate like kings, Trunks allowed Gohan to eat the same things that he’d prepared for Trunks, though he still kneeled by his side. He had unlimited time, and Gohan enjoyed the meal for what it was; rich and full and hearty, just the fuel he needed after all his hard work the past couple days. Trunks spent half the meal with his hand gently stroking Gohan’s hair, reminding him that he was wanted, he was loved, and he was missed. Gohan had never felt that more acutely before.


He was awoken with a gentle kiss. Gohan smiled as he saw Trunks smiling at him, hands gently on his cheek. “Time’s up,” he said simply, and Gohan knew exactly what he meant. The vacation was over. Gohan was no longer bound to be Trunks’s slave worker, doing whatever he asked, whenever. The last few days of their vacation had been a blur of hard farm work and even harder sex.

But now it was all over, and Gohan smiled up at Trunks, shifting onto his stomach as Trunks straddled his ass, beginning to massage his sore shoulders and back. Gohan was finally able to relax. He’d need a couple days of recuperation after this, a few days of rest where Trunks would undoubtedly take care of him, cater to nearly his every whim, not a reversal but equals again.

Suddenly, Gohan rolled over and pulled Trunks down into the hay with him. Trunks spluttered a protest as the golden strands of hay got caught up in his purple hair, in his finer clothes, in everything.
”And what do you think you’re doing?” he asked indignantly and Gohan found it cute.

“I’ve been wanting a roll in the hay with you ever since we got here,” he said. Trunks frowned, opening his mouth to speak, protest, but Gohan simply cut him off with a kiss, rolling around with him again.

In the end, Trunks didn’t protest when their clothes came off and that clever mouth was working at his cock or when Gohan was thrusting hard inside him, or when he came, hard, onto Gohan’s and his own stomach. The two of them snuggled up together to rest a bit in the hay.

“So,” Trunks said after a minute and Gohan braced himself. “What did you think?”

Gohan paused for a minute, fingertips running through Trunks’s purple hair, a light, loving touch. “You sold me out,” he said a touch reproachfully. After a minute, Trunks smiled, snuggling down against Gohan’s chest and squeezing him tight.

“I did miss you,” Trunks said softly and Gohan felt his heart melt at that, even more as those baby blues peeked up at him. “But overall?”

“I did like it,” Gohan said, smiling back down at his younger lover. “It was good, giving up that sense of control and trusting you with myself.”

Trunks nodded, tucking his head in against Gohan again. “I liked it too, knowing I had that power over you and you were willing to do anything for me.”

“I’m always willing to do anything for you,” Gohan said softly and felt Trunks’s smile as he kissed Gohan’s chest lightly.

“So,” Trunks started and looked up to make eye contact with Gohan, smiling wickedly. “What should we do for our next vacation?”


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

