In Your Eyes
by Chibi Serenity Chan     More by this Writer
Gohan divorces Videl and needs to get out more, out in the clubs looking for ladies his eyes caught a certain blue eyed angel dancing the night away without a care in the world will sparks fly or sparks die?

Song Used: Kylie Minogue – In Your Eyes

01: Chapter 01
What on earth did I do to deserve this? My wife left me, I don’t know if I can see my daughter and I’m lonely! Kami, I did nothing but good on Earth! I save the fucken planet, Kami, dammit! But like my mother said things happen for a reason, well, it better be some good reason because I don’t know what it is! Leaving me because I ruined her life and wasn’t home for her needs.


I was home everyday at five-thirty maybe a tad later when I had meetings! And ruined her life? What a load of bullshit! If there was someone ruining their life it would be her ruining my life! Every time I came home it was always ‘Gohan you’re late, you know how hard it is taking care of Pan all by myself?’ or ‘Gohan you’re such a lazy bastard you can cook dinner tonight it's not like you have stuff to do!’ Kami, there were some days when I just wanted to hit her but I didn’t because I have dignity and manners and respect for women especially ones who drive me up the wall, no offense to my mother.

I lay on my dark azure comforter staring out at the starry night hoping for something exciting to happen, no luck. Now and days my life seem like long, tiring, journey that will only get worse as the days go by. I stare at the picture frame where I have a picture of my little girl.


Dear Kami, I miss her so much! I haven’t seen her since she was three, now she should be five and a half. Kami, I would give anything to see her, anything! It breaks my heart knowing my little girl is growing up everyday doing things that every father should see, hear her lovely voice, being able to pick her up when she falls, cradle her when she cries…dry her tears.

Now, I’m depressed and crying…kuso! I dry my tears with the end of my hand. I’m demoralized, weary, lonely, and crying what a good combination that is. The sky seemed to glisten with the stars around. The city was too polluted with lights that you could barely see the stars only a mere glimpse of them. The forest was so quiet and dark that the stars just glisten with its beautiful array of lights. I walk to the window looking out even more seeing a few shooting stars. Hell, why not make a wish not like it was gonna come true or anything…

I wish that I’ll be happy, possibly get a new mate who truly loves me not for some cheap one night-stand…

I sighed lying on my back looking at the colorless walls.

“I can’t believe I did such a childish thing…Kami, I must be desperate…but then again this thirty-two year old divorcé man is desperate…” I murmur to this empty house and heart. I turned on the T.V to maybe drone out my gloomy thoughts. After about a good ten minutes of channel surfing I found a show that caught my attention.

“Hello and welcome to our show where you can find your soul mate! Tonight we are at the famous club in Tokyo, ‘Starry Night for a Tenshi’, a night club where the food and drinks are good and so are the people! Even if you aren’t looking for a hottie, almost everybody walks out with a phone number or someone around their arm! So, if you’re looking some hot fun or someone to do some lovin’ with come to Starry Night for a Tenshi!” a female with a tube top and a mini-skirt spoke. Hn, a night club it wouldn’t hurt right?

The phone number and address appeared on the screen while I fumbled with a paper and pen writing sloppily down the information possible get me a date maybe a mate.

“Why must I be so desperate to go to a club to find someone…Am I that pathetic?” I question to no one but some slight chance of hope that someone will answer. I think I’m so lonely that I’ll even talk to a ghost or bug right now. With that heartrending thought I fell back on the bed while tears stream down my pale face as the starry, moonlight night began its long, lonely journey.


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