Loss Of A Hero
by Chibi Serenity Chan     More by this Writer
Well I just hope you like this story it’s mostly ‘bout Mirai Trunks remembering his sensei (Mirai Gohan) and his death during the androids destruction.

Song Used: Nickleback – Hero

01: Prologue
“And they say a hero can save us……”

I look up at the autumn, walking down the long road of dead leaves falling to the ground. I miss him, I really do. I still keep walking to the place where I can be with him. The wind's icy air blows through my long lavender hair, throwing it around which ever way the wind takes it. I put my hands into my pockets from the cold. As I walk to the place where I can be in peace with my sensei, I remember that me and him used to walk this way when I was little and when the androids weren’t attacking as much. I remember playing tag with him having little chats with him just normal things. I chuckle as I look into an open area. I was just a little boy, I was running around contentedly, then I tripped over a rock and when I fell I started crying, then he came he picked me up and took me over to a larger rock where he calmed me down. “I was such a baby” I said to myself. I continued walking coming closer, I feel my heart beat just a little faster, my eyes start to water. “Dammit” I mumbled, I was hoping that I would get over it, not cry when I came close to his grave, and not remember the bad times. But I failed. Tears come, it feels like its pouring out of my eyes. I shut them tight, as I reopen them my vision is still blurry. I wipe my eyes with the sleeves of my jacket. I still continue walking over to his grave. I look to his tombstone. “Son Gohan, a loving friend lost to the hands of the androids, may he rest in peace now”. More tears fall, “why don’t they stop?” I start to feel my hands shaking, the rest of my body feels that way too. “Gohan, why did you go, why did you leave me, you were my friend, a father, a brother why did you leave me?” I fall to my knees, crying hoping that he would answer, hoping that he was just playing a cruel joke and come over to me. But hoping doesn’t get you anywhere. “He’s gone Trunks, there’s nothing you can do about it, he’s gone so get over it!” I say to myself. After a while of my crying fits, I calm down a little and sat next to his grave removing some dead flowers and replacing them with fresh cut flowers.


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