My Bloody Chocolate!
by Chibi Serenity Chan     More by this Writer
Gohan is a chocoholic and Trunks is getting upset about his husband's problem. when Trunks confronts him will Gohan take it like a man? Or go crazy and kill Trunks!
Graphic Violence

Hello people I’m Trunks Vegeta Briefs and my husband is a chocoholic; Son Gohan, he loves chocolate to an extreme and would protect it if it came to any harm or in particular anyone’s mouth beside his. I really don’t know how he keeps in shape when he eats about fifty pounds of chocolate a day! But that’s an advantage we Saiyan-jins have, fast metabolism and a gravity room. Anyways this had become a problem that even my father can’t handle, so I stop trying to take the chocolate away from him and let him be. I love him to death and would do anything to make him happy but this…this is really bothering me, it’s an inner demon he has to beat!

“Hiyas Trunks-Chan!” he says hugging me from behind licking the nape of my neck.

I blush, “Hehe hiyas Rice-Chan” I answer smelling chocolate on his breath which makes me cringe. He rubs his nose on the back of my neck; shudders went down my spine feeling him do that.

“Well, Trunks-kun why don’t we do some ‘special’ training right now you’ve been getting flabby…” he says with a evil grin on his face, I growled I have not been getting ‘flabby,’ the bastard. But instead of declining his offer I nod and he threw me over his shoulder.

Lemon scene has been deleted due to wild monkey sex! XD

I yawn stretching my arms and legs, “That should burn a few calories…” he said smugly wrapping his arms around me.

“Yea…” I mumbled snuggling close to his body I was about to kiss him then notice he was eating something. He was eating a fucken Milkyway! I growled as he stared at me like he did nothing wrong.

“Whas rong?” he disorderly asked while eating with his mouth full.

“What’s wrong! You’re a chocoholic! You eat chocolate every damn day and almost killed me last week for throwing away a half-eaten bar that was five days old!” I screamed seeing his face of displeasure.

“It tastes better when it ages! Like old wine and cheese when aged the taste is exquisite!” he screams back defending his beloved chocolate, my eye twitches and frustration.

“Gohan, it had ants on it and was moldy!” I yelled showing my fangs; he shows his too and got off the bed.

“IT DID NOT! YOU LIAR! Your just mad cuz I love to eat chocolate every night more than I eat you!” he screams back, oh no he just didn’t! Instead of yelling back making futile attempts to make him stop I’ll do something worse. I walk over to our safe where we keep important document, emergency money, stuff we need to keep to ourselves, I open it up taking out Gohan’s secret stash of chocolate that he got imported from Germany and Paris and showed it to him.

His eyes got wide and started to whimper, “P-please…Trunks-kun I love you just please don’t do what I think your gonna do to them…” he said almost in a whisper making his lower lip quiver and eyes tearing up. I grin evilly, saying what he did needs to be punish so yes I am doing what you think I’m gonna do.

“Really, you love me?” I ask almost teasing him; he nods his head rapidly getting on his knees begging for me to stop.

“I love you! You’re my universe; I would do anything for you! Without you I’m nothing! Please…PLEASE don’t hurt my chocolate!” he cries out while a river of tears roll down his cheek, now I’m not made of stone and seeing him so broken up is making me feel guilty for threatening his stupid chocolate, so I won’t destroy it.

“Fine I won’t hurt you bloody chocolate…I-” I stop in mid-sentence seeing the chocolate that was in my hand melted…how in the hell did chocolate melt in my hand! I thought it melted in your mouth not your hand!

“M-m-m-y CHOCOLATE!” he screams in rage pushing me to the side roughly landing on my ass. I guess the chocolate melting because I didn’t realize I was forming a ki blast in that same hand, whoops.

“Um…sorry?” I said watching his facial expression closely seeing seething rage forming, his eyes glowed eerily and this blood red aurora formed around him. I’m in deep shit…

“Sorry? SORRY! You know how much all of that cost? You know how much I look for this and do you know how hard it is to find dark chocolate truffles? It’s really hard and expensive you asswipe!” he yells, well at least he isn’t killing me…yet.

“…er…I’m really, really sorry?” I said smiling as much I could; he wouldn’t hurt his koi…would he? He took one step toward me and I moved back walking for him to kill me, his eyes were twitching and foam was coming out of the corner of his mouth. I inhaled shakily and said my last prays to Kami, I heard heaven was nice this time of year, oh hell the way I’ve been acting I’ll be going to hell, at least I’ll be warm.

“You injured my darling chocolate…Trunks…” he said the last part like it was the worst thing in the world.

“Go-Chan I’m ver-”

“SILENCE!” he cut me off and grabbed me by the collar picking me up to his level, staring face to face with the killer…my husband. His eyes were black and so was his hair either he was not in his hyper mood or he went mystic (I really don’t know if that level is called mystic, you know the one where he fought Buu in after coming back from supreme Kai’s planet…let me know) please Kami let me live, I’ll be nice I’ll donate money to charity, I’ll feed the poor, I’ll be nice to my dad! I felt like crying my husband was going to kill me because I ruin his chocolate!

“You’re dead!” he screams at me and sure enough he killed my ass…literally.

I woke up a few hours later well I assume it was a few hours because it was dark. I rubbed my ass it hurt so bad and felt like I was gonna die.

“Hiya hunny, how are you feeling?” I heard a voice and noticing who it was!

“Gohan! Please don’t hurt me I didn’t do anything wrong I…” he kissed me lovingly and blushed.

“Trunks-kun, I’m sorry I went ballistic it's just I really, really treasure that chocolate and when I saw it destroyed I snapped, please forgive me…” he said with pleading eyes making him look like a chibi. I couldn’t stay mad at him long; it wasn’t in my heart to see his hurt faced even though he did beat the shit out of me.

“…yea I forgive you…just try not to kill me again please…” I joke seeing his face lighten up. With a tight embrace we did some… special “training”.


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