A Night Could Never Turn Out As Perfect
by CitrusNonnon     More by this Writer
After a long day of finishing schoolwork, Gohan starts a new book series…until Trunk comes in. Despondent at first, Gohan does his best to cheer him up, and with a bit of alcohol finds out his friends true feelings.

There were perks to having your homework finished, which usually considered free time as one of the best courses of action. For Gohan, this meant curling up on the couch with a good book and reading through it with the lights on overhead at ten in the evening with the dogs barking away in the distance in an almost peaceful way.

He smiled, placing a cold glass of water on the coffee-table, taking a seat on his couch, getting ready to spend the night with his favourite pastime. His mother had presented him with a series that he had not been able to get around to reading. Films for the books had already come out, but as a true nerd, he wanted to read the books before even thinking about watching the movies. Apparently, they were about this little boy that had his parents killed when he was small and had received a lightning scar. He became a wizard, according to his mother.

Whatever the case, he was told that he just had to read it. So, here he sat, pulling The Philosopher’s Stone toward him and cracking it open. He read the short synopsis before beginning and then looked over the names of the chapters, as if to prepare for their contents.
Gohan admitted, it did look interesting, at least at first glance.

He moved his back to rest against the arm of the couch, holding the book before him and turning to the first page.

*Ding Dong*.

“The boy who lived -” Gohan stopped, raising his head as his doorbell rang throughout the house and caused a confused college student to blink. Gohan moved to stand, placing his book down on the table and making his way out of the living room and to the door.

He peeked through the peep-hole to see his purple-haired family friend standing outside his door with a rather unpleasant expression on his face. Immediately, he began to wonder what could have brought the other to his doorstep with such a downcast emotion.

There was no way that Gohan could have known what he was doing by opening the door to his friend, but he did it all the same, slowly turning the large lock and then the smaller, pulling open the door until he saw all of Trunks Briefs standing before him.

Trunks’ expression changed from dark and broody to a happy grin. “Ah, good. I was afraid that you would not be home, Gohan.” He looked behind him at the darkness not illuminated by streetlamps. “I am really sorry for dropping by unexpectedly and so late… but I was hoping I could ask you to let me stay here for a few days.” His smile faltered, but he managed to salvage it.

He was not fooling anyone. Gohan could tell that it was forced.

Indeed, the fact that Trunks was standing before him with no obvious means of transportation had Gohan look outside with a curious gaze, frowning slightly. “No problem, but… how did you get here? I don’t see your car.”

Trunks rubbed the back of his neck. “Well… the thing is that dad kicked me out of the house before I had a chance to grab anything like the keys to my Mustang or any clothes.”

Now that Gohan could get a better look at him, Trunks did look extremely exhausted and quite warred. It must have been a rough conversation with Vegeta. “It’s not like I could let you just wander the streets, now can I?” Gohan smirked. “What kind of friend would I be?”

“A poor one?” Trunks managed a rather teasing jab.

Gohan chuckled, nodding. “Come on in.” He moved aside to let his friend enter through; closing the door once he had entered, locking it as it had been before.

Trunks stood in the entry way, looking around to see if anything had changed since he had last been in his friend’s home. He could find nothing and simply watched Gohan’s movements at the door.

The now host proceeded into the living room, taking an immediate left and heading into the kitchen for the refrigerator.

“Look… I’m really sorry for dumping this all on you…” Trunks followed, stopping just behind Gohan, resting his hip against the counter with a grateful smile – this one real – on his face.

Gohan shook his head, as if to say that it was fine and that he didn’t mind – which he didn’t – and turned his head to smile back at him, opening the fridge and peeking his head inside and biting his lip thoughtfully. “How about a beer?”

The idea of alcohol seemed to cause Trunks a bit of trouble, struggling with it, at least, from what Gohan could see. After a minute or two and Gohan eventually raising his gaze to stare at his friend, he voiced a completely different thought. “Are you sure you don’t have anything… harder? If you catch my drift.”

This brought out a light chuckle from his college host. “What kind of a question is that? Of course I do. All you have to do is ask.” At that, he reached in and grabbed one of his beers (wishing to stay relatively sober and perhaps a bit buzzed) and pulled out, closing the refrigerator door and standing on his toes to reach the cabinet up above and removed a bottle of Scotch. “Will this do?”

“Heck yes!” Nodding happily, Trunks walked forward, a bright grin on his features as he took the bottle in his hands and stared at it in an admiring way. He knew that Gohan wasn’t much of a drinker, but that was okay because he always had something in stock for Trunks to satisfy his thirst for it. He’d been in Gohan’s house many times, in fact, enough times that he walked straight to the cabinet that held the glasses and obtained one.

“Well, you enjoy that, ‘cause I’m going to stay sober, if you don’t mind.”

Trunks turned around and playfully stuck out his tongue, pouring himself a large glass of just plain alcohol.

That was, after all, how he preferred it. Most people liked to have the alcohol mixed into other drinks, but not Trunks. To him, the taste of alcohol was a saintly thing, only deluded by the addition of anything else. Whether it was soda, oranges, or anything else, really, it was just a huge waste.

Gohan rolled his eyes, walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch while patiently waiting for Trunks to follow, which he soon did after scavenging around the kitchen, gently plopping down and putting his feet up on the coffee-table.

This brought Gohan to bite his lip and stare at where Trunks’ feet now lay, wondering why Trunks had been over to his house countless times and yet he still didn’t understand that he hated it when the other put his feet there. He managed to keep from telling him off and rolled his eyes, ignoring it as best as he could.

He took a giant gulp from his drink and then glanced around, seeing that the television wasn’t on and then noticing that there was a book set out on the end of said coffee-table. “So… what did I interrupt you doing?”

Gohan shrugged. “Not much of anything. Mum keeps raving about these books and how great they are, but I’d never been able to get around to reading them. So, she gave me the series and I was just getting started on it. Like I said. Not much.” He pressed his back against the back of the couch, raising up an arm and draping it over the top in a comfortable fashion.

It really wasn’t that big of a deal. He’d much rather be hanging out with his friend anyway.

Trunks raised an eyebrow and scoffed at it. “That seems like such a long waste of time. I don’t understand why you just don’t watch the films like a normal person. There’s no point in reading the books.”

This small statement had Gohan frown, shaking his head rather vigorously. “I would have to completely disagree. If you think about the information that are in books and how much the films cut up and shove it all into less than 2 hours, you realize that there’s a lot missing. There are very few that actually depict the book well.”

Trunks rolled his eyes. “Right. Like what?”

“I think that the 10th Kingdom did a very good job keeping to the storyline. It is in three disks, but hell, that’s well worth the time. I felt like I didn’t even have to read the book, but I had anyway.”

“Of course.” Trunks couldn’t help but tease.

Gohan rolled his eyes, picking up his beer and taking a sip of it with a soft exhale after it went down. “Well… whatever. How about we watch a movie or something to keep ourselves entertained? It’s better than just sitting here making small talk, yeah?”

His guest shrugged, gulping down the rest of his glass and sitting up to refill it. “A movie sounds good, but do you have something in mind? Or are you just throwing it out there?” Trunks smirked, swirling around his drink before taking another large gulp.

“You’re into action, aren’t you? I don’t have a bad selection, but most of mine are about-“

“Chick-flicks?” Trunks interrupted, poking fun at his friend.

Gohan blushed, once again rolling his eyes as he pulled out his movie drawer and started to sift through what he had seen recently and what he might be interested in watching. He wished that Trunks would offer to come and pick a film because often Trunks would just tell him to pick another movie instead of offering any help toward the actually choice. “I’m not sure what you’d be into, but I do have…” He trailed off, finding something that might catch his guest’s attention.

Trunks raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side. “Yeah?”

“How about…” Gohan bit on the inside of his mouth and pulled out ‘The Nightmare before Christmas’. “This movie?”

He held it up for Trunks to see.

However, despite Gohan’s polite and kind gesture, Trunks did not even look at the cover or the title before agreeing to it. Since Trunks was an argumentative person, Gohan frowned, rubbing the back of his neck as he glared at his friend. It made Gohan wish that he’d picked any movie that he’d first seen instead of weighing the stupid pros and cons of picking a film for entertainment. If he could have chosen anything and the other would have been fine with it, what was the point?

“Sure. I’m up for anything.” All he wanted to do was drink the alcohol he was given and get into such a drunken stupor that he wouldn’t remember the fight he had had with Vegeta and what it was about. Spending time with his friend was definitely a much better alternative to the shouting match that he and his father broke into. It was a little depressing to think that he’d fought with his father about something so silly and stupid as… well, it was not important. The point of being where he was was to forget the stupid argument.

Gohan kneed the drawer closed and strode over to the DVD player, bending over to press the eject button and waiting until he could insert the disk into the slot when it popped out. He stayed focused on it until the slot retreated back into the system.

Trunks’ like-wise purple eyes fell to half-mast and then blinked softly as he eyed the nice rump before him. He had a clear view of it and as he noticed that he was actually staring at his host’s ass, he raised an eyebrow, as if to reproach his action. Maybe he was already drunk, and after two glasses of Scotch, who knew anymore?

“Alright, it’s in. Hopefully you’ll like it.” Gohan straightened up, turning around and heading back over to the couch where he took an Indian stance instead, folding his legs under his buttock and then folding his arms before him while pressing his back into the couch’s cushion.

His purple haired guest did what he could to keep his eyes from drifting away from the television screen and toward Gohan, but the more he drank, the more he found it difficult to do anything that his brain commanded anymore.

Just as the monsters in Halloween Town began to sing about “Making Christmas”, Trunks began to slide down and lose all of his bodily functions. He hiccuped, bringing Gohan’s attention to his inebriated guest. If Trunks was even watching the move anymore, Gohan was not able to tell.

He just sat there – if you could count slumped to the point that his back was where his buttock was a second before and his head where his back was as sitting -, eyes often flashing up and then back down as if they were attempting to keep the body they were attached to awake.

Trunks pulled his drink up to his lips and missed his lips, the alcohol spilling over his neck and shirt.

Gohan rolled his eyes, reaching over and wresting the glass from his inebriated friend. “You’re obviously too drunk, time to get you into bed.” Gohan shook his head with a loving smile, as if he could not believe that Trunks had done that to himself. He stood, moving to turn off the television and did the same with the DVD player as well.

Trunks just mumbled in jest, “You… but… me… we… that… skeleton…,” but each sentence was as incomprehensible as the last. Even if Gohan had all night long to decipher them, he might have been able to, but Trunks was libel to choke on the alcohol he was still trying to throw down his gullet.

“Uh huh, okay, Trunks. Let’s get you up and into a nice warm bed.” He emphasized warm in hopes that Trunks would find that he was cold and would feel more inclined to get someplace warmer.

Gohan gripped Trunks’ underarm, pulling him up to stand, taking the other arm and placing it over his neck while helping him to hovel toward the stairs.

As far as he could tell, his plan worked. Perhaps a little too well.

The idea of getting warm caused Trunks to more hug his host, almost groping him with his random movements. Because of this, it was extremely difficult. It seemed that Trunks wasn’t even able to control his legs and it might’ve just been easier for Gohan to carry him bridal-style up the stairs and into the bedroom, but Trunks had always disliked being treated in such a womanly way.

The mere thought was cute and in many ways a form of hilarity.

Gohan reached the bedroom door, opening it with one hand in an awkward fashion, then using his arm to push it ajar and practically having to pull Trunks to the bed. It was hard to even get him to sit on it, but he managed it, before attempting to get some night clothes for the two of them.

Trunks seemed to cry out and startled Gohan as he turned around and saw Trunks looking quite displeased.

“What?”Nothing seemed to be wrong…

“Don’t… don’t go…”

His warmth must have made Trunks completely aware that he was in the room with someone. Gohan couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for just trying to get a pair of clothes. He returned to the bed and climbed onto the bed. “Fine… I’m here.”

Those bright purple orbs gazed at him before he fell onto his back with a quiet girlish giggle, putting on a stupid smile.

“Y’know… I have seen you drunk so many times before and you always act extremely odd. Why do you keep doing it? Aren’t you… embarrassed?” Gohan figured there was no harm in asking the question, but as he could have guessed, the answer was odd.

“I’m on Gohan’s bed…” Trunks slurred. “Never thought I’d be ‘ere…”

This statement had Gohan stop in his attempt to place Trunks under the covers.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Trunks said nothing at first, lolling his head to the right and then to the left again, keeping that stupid smirk on his face. “Don’t tell

Gohan… but…” He giggled again, pulling his legs up into his chest and hugged them against him.

Gohan waited, blinking curiously. “Don’t tell him… what?”

“Don’t tell ‘im that I love ‘im.” He said this and then giggled again.

It was such an odd thing to say. Gohan didn’t know what to say. What could he say? If he said anything, the boy wouldn’t remember a lick of it in the morning. And if one followed that logic, why not just tell him the truth?

“That’s funny.” He climbed into the bed pulling the balled up Trunks to the top of the bed and lifted the covers up to soon cover him with them, taking his comforter and draping that over the drunken boy.

Trunks then slowly unclenched his body and spread out a little more, grabbing the pillow and hugging it as close as he could to his body.

“I never told you, Trunks, because you were always being hit on by women. Whenever we would walk through the halls the girls would just swoon the moment you looked at them.” Gohan turned off the lamp –the one that he had accidentally left on that morning – climbing under the covers as well. “I’d get so jealous that I only wanted you to look… look at me. So… yeah. I guess you could say that I love you too.”

The drunk shook his head, letting go of the pillow and instead hugging Gohan’s torso and pressing his cheek against the other’s chest. “Dad found out… that I like him… he didn’t like that. Didn’t like that…. though…”

With that, everything seemed to click.

Trunks came here to me because he liked me. Vegeta and he must have been fighting about this… I wonder if he found out from dad… Gohan’s eyes softened as he ran his fingers through Trunks’ long purple hair. He won’t remember telling me this… but fuck if I care.

“I love you, Trunks.” Gohan made sure that he looked serious as Trunks raised his head and looked into his dark brown hues. “Forget what Vegeta thinks, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy. If you’re happy here… with me… you can live here until the end of time.”

Trunks pressed his face into Gohan’s chest, mumbling something.

Gohan caught the end of it and just smiled.

There were some tears falling from his eyes. “I love Gohan… Don’t… don’t tell me he doesn’t. Don’t…”

Gohan parted some of the purple hair and kissed his forehead. “It’s alright, Trunks. He does. And he always will.”

Trunks nodded his head and it seemed to take him very little time to pass out in Gohan’s arms, falling into a deep slumber.

It wasn’t until an hour or two later that Gohan finally began to follow. He just laid there with his arm cradling Trunks’ sleeping head, watching the other slumber peacefully.


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