Try Again
by CrimsonTide     More by this Writer
After the verbal abuse from his wife and betrayal of a friend, can Goku ever trust again?

Art Source:
Rape Male Pregnancy Abusive

Try Again 1

That's the only word that could describe the barren landscape that stretched on as far as the eye could see. This particular corner of an otherwise thriving planet seemed dead and alone; forgotten by all walks of life. And this is exactly how the lone figure perched upon a rocky cliff felt as he gazed out upon the unforgiving terrain. He felt alone and unneeded. Unwanted perhaps, except, of course, if there was a threat that needed to be dealt with. He almost wished the Earth would be attacked. At least then this feeling of abandonment might go away... if only for a short time.

Goku sighed as his negative thoughts pulled him into a deeper depression as he stared out at the empty horizon. The sun was just starting to rise, and the sand and rocks that surrounded him were now taking on an orangey hue. It almost appeared as if the dead terrain was coming to life.


Light or dark, this place would always be the same in the end. Empty. Goku was the same. Smiling and happy on the outside to all those who crossed his path, yet still miserable and alone on the inside, just below the mask. There was no changing that.

Goku sat silently as the land became brighter and brighter in the early morning hours. A cool breeze ruffled his hair gently; and the same breeze caused weakened and unsteady rocks to crumple and fall to the ground with a steady crackle. The Saiyajin peered over the cliff on which his feet dangled and watched as dust was kicked up by the rare movement. Moments later, however, the show was over, and all became still and silent as it had been before.

Taking a deep breath of the cool morning air, Goku stood and looked over the landscape one more time, lost in thought. The Saiyajin had to be home before ChiChi woke up. Otherwise, the woman would become angry because he'd snuck out to 'train' again.

~''Can't you stay put with your family for more than two seconds? Spend your days training if you insist, but at least stay at night! Can't you consider my feelings for once in your life?!''~

ChiChi's words still echoed in his head as if she were screeching at him that very moment. Goku wondered why she even cared whether or not he was there at night. Usually she'd be mad for no reason and didn't even want him in the same room. They hadn't even been intimate with each other for months. Well, by Goku's definition they hadn't been. ChiChi would do what she wanted when she wanted. It didn't matter whether the Saiyajin wanted to participate or not. And she wanted him to consider her feelings?

Goku drew in a deep breath and held it for a moment before slowly exhaling. It was getting harder to pretend.


''Hey dad! Where ya been?''

Goku glanced up at his youngest son as he entered his home, quietly closing the door behind him. Goten was perched on the couch with a large grin on his face. Cartoons flashed on the TV in front of him.

''Just took an early morning walk.'' Goku replied, returning his son's cheerful smile. ~''So carefree,''~ he thought. ~''I hardly remember what that's like.''~

''A walk, huh?''

Goku's gaze turned from Goten to ChiChi, who was wrapped in a robe with her arms crossed as she glared at him in suspicion.

''Must have been a long one. You weren't here around three this morning.'' the woman said as she poured herself a cup of hot coffee.

Usually Goku would have just laughed like the idiot everyone thought he was and came up with some excuse, but he just wasn't in the mood today. So instead, he said nothing and just took a seat next to his son and pretended to be interested in the animated characters on the television.

''Hungry?'' ChiChi asked after a moment of silence.

''No.'' Goku replied absently.

The sound of shattering glass caused him to jump and he quickly looked back at his wife. She had dropped her cup on the floor and was now staring at him as if he were crazy. The Saiyajin instinctively brought his hand to the back of his head and gave her a lopsided grin.

''Ah! I already ate.'' he lied.

''Where?'' ChiChi countered. She should have known that he couldn't wait for her to wake up before he ate.

Still rubbing the back of his head, Goku took an interest in the ceiling as he fumbled for words, his mind drawing a blank. ChiChi, however, answered her own question for him.

''Did you go hunting again in the woods?'' the woman asked, her face wrinkling in disgust. She didn't give the Saiyajin time to answer before she continued. ''Honestly, Goku! That's disgusting! Just like an animal! At least you didn't come back here with blood stains on your clothes this time, but you probably weren't wearing them.''

Goku's expression turned to a frown as his wife continued to mutter about his 'barbaric' actions; about how inhuman he could be sometimes.

~''Earth to ChiChi. I'm not human.''~

She tended to forget that all the time. Or maybe she didn't. Perhaps the woman enjoyed mocking, teasing, whatever it was she was doing. Either way, Goku was growing weary of the whole routine.

''I think I'm gonna go fishing, ok?'' Goku said as he stood and headed for the door.

ChiChi frowned and raised an eyebrow. ''You're still hungry? Fine. Just take a bath before you come back this time, will ya? You smell awful after you've been fishing!''

The Saiyajin wasn't sure if the woman was still talking as he stepped out of the house and closed the door behind him, but he was relieved when the nagging was silenced.


Goku walked for what seemed like hours, and maybe it had been, because he soon found himself entering the city. The busy, bustling, crowded, not to mention noisy area was a place the Saiyajin normally avoided, but he didn't mind the atmosphere today. Maybe he just needed to be around people to ease away his depression. It'd been some time since he'd talked to anyone besides ChiChi. But as brief as their conversations were, he could hardly even count it.

Goku couldn't help but grin as he watched cars fly by, people shout at each other, whether in anger or in greeting, kids play, shop owners display their merchandise. It all reminded him of the very first time he'd seen the city. He'd been completely mesmerized. He hadn't even had a clue these types of places existed until then. And the city still amazed him at times. It was always growing and changing.

''Goku? Is that you?''

The Saiyajin blinked himself from his musings as a familiar voice cut through the noise around him. He turned, and after a quick scan, he spotted Yamcha jogging toward him through the crowds. It'd been awhile since he'd seen the scarred fighter, or rather, ex-fighter. Yamcha had given up martial arts a long time ago for his own reasons. Probably because he felt left in the dust by Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and even Trunks and Goten. Either that or he had gotten lazy and girl crazy. Despite his lack of training, Yamcha was still as fit as ever and the black muscle shirt and snug jeans he wore did nothing to hide that. The women he passed didn't fail to notice either.

''Hey! It's been awhile since I've seen you, Goku! How ya been?'' Yamcha asked once he'd managed to negotiate his way through the crowds.

The Saiyajin smiled and shrugged. ''Ok, I guess. How 'bout you? Found a girl you're not afraid of yet?''

The ningen's face immediately turned a deep shade of red before he burst into a nervous laughter, playfully punching his friend on the arm. ''Aw, come on! You know I'm not afraid of women anymore!...Except for Bulma.''

Goku couldn't help but chuckle and nod in agreement.

''So what are you doing here anyway?'' Yamcha asked, motioning toward the bustling community around them.

Goku took a quick glance around himself before shrugging. ''I dunno. Just started walking and this is where I ended up.''

Yamcha nodded slowly as he regarded the Saiyajin with thoughtful eyes. He seemed distant. ''Something bothering you, Goku?'' he asked after a moment, seemingly catching the younger man off guard.

''Uh, no! Why?''

''You seem a little down, that's all.'' Yamcha replied, still thoughtful.

Goku just smiled and shook his head, finding it difficult to lie to one of his oldest friends.

The older man was silent for a moment before he smiled and put his hand on the Saiyajin's shoulder. ''How about a drink?''

Goku was slightly surprised at the offer. He'd never had alcohol before in his life. ''This early?'' he asked.

Yamcha raised an eyebrow. ''Early? Wow. You really must have been walking a long time. It's almost five.''

''Oh... Ok then.''


It wasn't long before Goku found himself being led through one of the most popular bars in the city. The Saiyajin didn't think it was possible that anything could be louder than the city itself, but it was tranquil when compared to this place. There was a large stage where men and women were dancing to loud music, and their skimpy outfits caused the drunken customers gathered around to whoop and holler. The whole display only made Goku blush and take up an interest in the floor. The whole interior was dark, lit only by a few dim lights overhead and candles that sat on the tables. Waitresses scurried around like mad to keep the liquor flowing to the customers, who, by the looks of it, had had quite enough already.

''Here we go!'' Yamcha said once they'd reached a dark corner of the bar.

Goku blinked as the man removed a 'reserved' sign from the table's surface and slide into the booth seats that curved around the majority of the table. The Saiyajin was quick to follow.

''This is your table?'' he questioned. He was forced to raise his voice a little to be heard over the rest of the commotion.

Yamcha smiled and nodded in response. ''Yeah! I'm a regular here!''

Goku was about to respond when a woman approached their table with a pad of paper in hand. ''What'll you boys have today?'' she asked cheerfully, winking for reasons unknown to Goku.

''How about a round of lime tequilas. And give my friend here a little extra. It's his first drink.'' Yamcha said with a smile.

''Sure thing! We'll loosen him up soon enough.'' the woman replied, casting another wink toward Yamcha.

Goku raised an eyebrow in confusion as she turned and left. ''Did she have something in her eye?''

The other man just chuckled.


''So... Do you meet a lot of people here?'' Goku asked as he glanced around the bar. It seemed that being drunk caused people to do strange things, because the Saiyajin could have sworn he saw two men kissing.

''Sure do. I don't usually keep in touch though.'' Yamcha said casually.

Goku blinked in confusion and turned to him. ''Why not?''

''It's never as much fun once the buzz wears off.'' he said with a laugh. This, however, didn't help clear up the younger man's confusion.

''Here ya are!''

The same waitress as before smiled as she placed two tall glasses on the table, each with a lime slice on the edge of the rim. ''And we gave you extra just like you asked.'' she added, directing the comment toward Yamcha. He smiled and nodded as he handed her a wadded up bill, which she slipped into her shirt.

''Thanks, babe! Just call if you need anything else.'' With that, the bubbly woman left to tend to other tables.

Goku looked at the drink in front of him for a moment. He didn't even have to bring the glass to his nose to smell the strong scent of alcohol. And it wasn't all that appealing to him either.

Noticing this, Yamcha laughed and took a sip of his own drink. ''Aw, come on! At least try it before you say you don't like it.''

Goku watched him take another sip of his drink before turning back to his own. He hesitantly brought the glass to his lips and let the liquid pool into his mouth, trying to ignore the even stronger scent that was coming from the drink. He quickly swallowed the alcohol in order to relieve his taste buds of the drink, which wasn't at all pleasant to his sensitive pallet. To help rid himself of the bitter flavor, Goku grabbed the lime slice and promptly squeezed the sour juice into his mouth.

Yamcha laughed at the display and patted the Saiyajin on the shoulder. ''Don't worry. The more you drink, the better it gets.''


An hour had passed since the pair had come into the bar, and Yamcha was now on his third tequila. Being a frequent drinker, the man wasn't as affected by the alcohol as most other people, though he was beginning to feel a slight buzzing sensation in his body.

Goku had only finished his first drink, not wanting to offend Yamcha by refusing to finish it. Though now he was feeling strange. He felt almost numb and for once his mind was silent, as if he were on the verge of sleep. It was comforting from the way he'd been feeling earlier that day and he sighed as he leaned back into the comfortable booth.

Yamcha glanced at the Saiyajin, noticing how relaxed he was. It was a big difference from when he'd first seen Goku earlier that day. He had looked miserable. Now he just looked... irresistible. Yamcha blinked as a thought crossed his hazed mind; a thought that brought color to his cheeks. And yet, it excited him at the same time.

''Anything else?''

Yamcha jumped as he turned and looked at the waitress that had been serving them all night. She looked between the two before raising an eyebrow at Goku. ''You think I put too much in his drink? You wanted him relaxed, right?''

''No, he's fine. I think I've had enough though. I'll leave you a tip when we go.'' Yamcha said with a smile, which was mirrored by the woman before she turned and left.

The older man turned back to Goku and tapped him on the cheek in an attempt to get his attention. ''Goku?''


''I'm taking you back to my place for tonight, ok?''


Deciding that that was an 'ok', Yamcha slid out of the booth and pulled Goku's arm around his shoulders, then wrapped his free arm around the Saiyajin's waist to help support him. After slowly and shakily, thanks to the tequila, making his way around the other tables and out the door, Yamcha took to the air, figuring it was easier to fly home rather than walk. If he hadn't been so buzzed, he might have noticed the bug-eyed people staring at him from the ground.

''You're heavier than I remember.'' Yamcha muttered as he tossed the sleepy Saiyajin onto his bed. Goku mumbled something under his breath as he bounced on the soft mattress before curling up to a pillow, enjoying the silky feel of the sheets against his skin.

Yamcha looked on for a moment as he considered what he'd been thinking about earlier in the bar. He'd found the younger man to be very attractive. Even as a teenager he'd given him some notice. And now, seeing the Saiyajin curled up in his bed... it was almost too much to resist. ~''I can't,''~ Yamcha thought with a frown. ~''It wouldn't be right... Not now.'' ~

Sighing in defeat, the ningen flopped onto the other side of the bed and stared at the ceiling, hoping that sleep would claim him soon. He was surprised, however, when Goku suddenly threw an arm over his chest and rested his head on his shoulder, his hair tickling Yamcha's neck and chin.


Silence was the only response he received, and he assumed the Saiyajin was only moving in his sleep, unaware of what he was doing.

But just as Yamcha's eyes began to drift close, a barely audible sound reached his ears.

''I'm lonely.''

The ningen could hardly hear the words whispered by the Saiyajin, but there was no mistaking them. Yamcha slowly sat up as to not disturb the other man. He was sure he was still asleep, but much to his surprise, he discovered that Goku's eyes were open, though still hazy, and the Saiyajin had a heart wrenching expression on his face, one that was completely out of character for such a happy person... or who was supposed to be a happy person.

''Lonely? What about ChiChi? And Vegeta? Don't you two spar?'' Yamcha questioned. He immediately regretted it however, when the Saiyajin's eyes became bright with tears; tears that he had held back for so long. ''Goku,'' Yamcha quickly gathered the younger man into his arms and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe the sobs that wracked the Saiyajin's frame.

''They hate me.'' Goku choked out as he buried his face in the crook of Yamcha's neck in an attempt to hide his tears. ''And... No one else has time for me anymore.'' he said between sobs. Yamcha gently rocked back and forth as he listened to the other man release built up emotions. Emotions that he was sure had been pent up for quite some time.

''I have time for you.'' he whispered as he ran his hand through the Saiyajin's hair.

Goku steadily began to calm himself and soon pulled out of Yamcha's embrace to look him in the eyes.

''But for how long?'' he asked, recalling the older man's comments about never keeping in touch with his 'friends' at the bar.

Yamcha answered by leaning forward and capturing the Saiyajin's lips with his own, electing a gasp from Goku, then a moan as he snaked his tongue into the younger man's mouth, exploring. Yamcha couldn't withhold his own moan as the sweet taste of his soon to be lover filled his senses, leaving him wanting more. The ningen slowly lowered the other man back to the bed before breaking the kiss, electing a small groan of disappointment from the Saiyajin.

''I can make you feel wanted again.'' Yamcha whispered as he slipped Goku's gi shirts off, then quickly removed his own. Within seconds his mouth descended onto the Saiyajin's nipple, electing a hiss of pleasure from his partner as he began to suck and roll his tongue over the quickly peaking nub. The other was given the same attention a moment later. The soft moans and squirms from the man beneath him were arousing Yamcha faster than he thought possible, and he rubbed his hips against Goku's in an effort to relieve some of the painful pressure that was building within the confines of his pants.

It wasn't enough.

Growling in frustration, Yamcha claimed the other man's mouth roughly as he tore both his and the Saiyajin's pants off in one fluid motion, leaving them in nothing more than their shoes, or boots in Goku's case. Startled by the sudden action, Goku pushed Yamcha back by his shoulders, breaking their kiss.

''Wha... What are you doing?'' he asked. The Saiyajin, being as innocent as he was by nature, didn't even consider that two men could sleep together. And now that the fact they could was becoming clear to him, he wasn't sure how.

Yamcha chuckled at the confused expression and planted a few kisses on the Saiyajin's chest as he settled himself between the other's legs.

''Let me show you.'' he said huskily as he spread Goku's legs and scooted into position, slightly tilting his soon to be lover as he placed his thighs beneath the younger man's.

Growing more uncomfortable and nervous, Goku started to pull away, but was halted when Yamcha grabbed hold of his hips.

''You wanted to feel needed, right?'' the older man asked.

He received a nod in reply.

''Then let me have you.''

Goku was given no chance to respond before Yamcha thrust into his virgin entrance, causing a white-hot pain to lace up the Saiyajin's spine. Goku screamed in agony as his hands fisted into the silky sheets beneath him, though his cries of pain seemed to go unnoticed as Yamcha pulled back, only to thrust himself back into Goku's tight heat, unaware that he was tearing the delicate tissue with each movement and spilling blood onto the sheets below.

''Yamcha!! Stop!" Goku cried as he desperately pushed at the other's shoulders in an attempt to throw him off. His strength, however, seemed to fail him. The man above him grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms above his head to minimize the Saiyajin's movement.

Yamcha opened pleasure filled eyes and looked down at the pleading man beneath him, increasing the pace of his thrusts as the pressure in his nether regions began to grow.

''Your drink,'' he started, pausing to thrust once again. ''It was drugged. I didn't intend to take advantage...I just wanted you to relax... but alcohol's a bitch.''


''And now,''


''So are you.''

With a few final thrusts, Yamcha threw back his head and screamed in pleasure as he came hard within Goku, then collapsed heavily on top of the shivering Saiyajin.

After a few moments, it became obvious that the dead weight on top of him was asleep, and when he tried to move, Goku realized that Yamcha was still buried within him. He grit his teeth and growled in effort as he shoved the other man off him and slowly rolled onto his side and curled up, breathing heavily.

Slowly, his eyes became heavy again, and they began to drift shut on their own accord. But then, a startling and horrifying thought came to mind.

~''He might try this again.''~

The Saiyajin's eyes flew open at the thought, and using all the strength he had left, he pulled himself to the edge of the bed and stood, though he didn't stay that way for long. His balance, or rather, lack of balance, caused him to fall to the floor heavily.

Goku blinked in confusion. Something was off, and it wasn't that he was drugged. Out of the corner of his eye, the Saiyajin caught sight of something beside him, twitching slightly. Goku gasped when he realized that the object was none other than his tail, which seemed to have a mind of its own as it flopped around on the floor. He sat there for a moment, staring at the newly grown appendage. He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or upset. After all, his tail was a serious disadvantage and weakness... but he also loved having it. He felt complete with it.

And then, an idea hit him. He remembered that Vegeta's tail was not a weakness when he first came to Earth. Maybe he-

~''No.''~ Goku dismissed the option completely with a bitter frown. ~''He'd probably get mad about it growing back, call me a baka, and then try to strangle me with it.''~

The Saiyajin sighed and quietly crawled across the floor to his shirts, carefully slipping them back onto his sore body. After pulling on a pair of Yamcha's pants, since his were ruined when they were torn from his body, he wrapped his tail around his waist and hid it under the loose fitting clothing.

Goku forced himself back to his feet, using the wall to support himself as he headed for the door. He didn't care where he ended up at this point, he just wanted to get away.


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