For Love And Life Alone
by Daisygirl     More by this Writer
Gohan has trouble dealing with postBuu life. Tagged as a loner and freak, will he hold on to hope that Mirai will return as more than a friend before life gets the better of him… Love and hate collide in a roller coaster called LIFE!
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 02: The Thoughts I’m Haunted
I looked at the light shining in through the window and wondered why Mom and Dad hadn’t woken me up to go home late that night. I stretched as I walked, making my way towards the delicious aroma that was coming from the kitchen. I figured Bulma had programmed the chef bots to fix a big enough meal for nearly half a dozen Saiyans, but was greeted by an entirely more shocking image. Vegeta stood there with a white apron and light blue oven mittens on both hands pulling a try of cinnamon rolls from the oven. I had to bite me lip to keep from snickering as I turned around and leaned on the wall beside the doorway. I didn’t even know Vegeta could cook, but the apron and mittens, on our self declared Prince, made it too much of a sight to see.

I know he must have sensed me though, ‘cause he didn’t hesitate to call me into the kitchen, “I know you’re out there boy, better get in here right now. We need to talk.” I had to take a moment to breathe deeply and straighten my face before I confronted him again. He had removed the apron and mittens, placing them out of site. He gave a pointed look towards me and then to the table. He sharply commanded me, “Sit.” I swallowed hard and avoided eye contact as he chose the chair across from me. He reiterated softly, “We need to talk.”

I was perplexed on what he would have to talk to be about, but didn’t argue. I nodded and waited for him to continue. “Do you even know what we need to talk about?” I shook my head in the negative as he smirked at me. Bulma walked in to join us, having overheard what was going on, and was as curious as I was. “I know you love him,” Bulma glanced at me inquisitively as my bottom jaw hit the table and back to Vegeta as he continued, “but we don’t even know of his predicament at the moment. Nor do we know if he’ll return. We don’t even know if he’s still alive or…” Vegeta seemed hesitant to continue as he looked me up and down.

I folded my hands in my lap and bit my lip. I sure as hell wasn’t going to cry in front of him… “Don’t you think I’ve wondered about that countless times since then?” I whispered finally looking for what emotion was held in his eyes, but he’s to damn unreadable. “How… How did you even know?”

He leaned forward to prop his elbows up on the table and rest his chin on his fists, his gaze unchanging. “Veg…” Bulma was silenced by a wave of his hand and a significant glance at me. “Please, don’t think I can’t sense it, and I know damn well it’s not the brat.” He smirked, “Didn’t think anyone would figure out your little secret? You love him and I’m not apposed to it, but don’t get your hopes up too high. Got it boy?”

I was stunned. I never suspected Vegeta to care so much, or that anyone else had known. I stopped him with a question before he left the table, “Who all knows?”

Bulma was still astonished by the revelation, so I figured she hadn’t up until that point. Did my parents know? What would Mom think if she found out I was in love with another guy? “Well, your mother wasn’t in the least bit surprised. I don’t think she really approves, but that maybe in part that she wants you to move on if he doesn’t return. I’m not too sure if she would resent the relationship or not.” I gasped as a single tear made its way down my cheek. I was glad he didn’t reprimand me for being as emotionally weak as I wiped my face with my sleeve.

“She would never approve if it meant that I couldn‘t have kids,” I rebutted.

He tilted his head back and smirked cockily at me. I was nearly ready to loose my temper, I had had enough of the topic and the fact that my stomach was growling nearly as loud as I was talking wasn‘t helping. It wasn’t appeased by the smell of the cinnamon rolls alone. “Who says you two would be able to mate?” I was confused by his statement, but wasn’t given the time to ask for an explanation as the terror twins tore down the hallway for breakfast. I grabbed my share before they made it to the door, as to not be trampled on again.

“So, why didn’t my parents want to wakes us up to go home last night?” I asked Bulma between mouthfuls of food. I figured they just wanted to be alone, without kids in the house for the first time in a good while, but I also just wanted to make sure things were ok. It never hurt to ask.

“Your father said he’d come by this afternoon, they just thought it best not to wake you both up.” I nodded and raised my eyebrows disbelievingly. “That and we wanted to talk to you as well. We talked at dinner last night, and we were wondering if you wanted a party.” I looked up at her incredulously. “I don’t know… Maybe if you ask, some of your friends from school will come and you can find a way to make them understand…” I shook my head, frustrated by the thought of it. “I mean, maybe you can let them get to know the real you.”

I couldn’t stand to look at her anymore. I was nothing more than a freak to them, which was all they’d ever see me as. I abruptly pushed back my chair and stood. Ten-ten noticed my sour mood and decided to interrupt my trail of thoughts. “Gohan, are you ok?” He looked worried for me and stood to hug my leg before I left the kitchen. I ruffled his shaggy hair and smiled warmly at him, reassuring him that I was just fine.

I had told everyone else that I was fine, I just wanted to be alone, but inside, I knew I wasn’t. I was beginning to doubt myself and if Mirai Trunks would return for me. Oh, sure I loved him, but had he meant it as more than friends, as I had… Was he even going to return at all…? He’d be the only friend my age that I could relate to… if he returned. The one who knew and understood me inside out, but it had been so long ago. I sat and wondered how much time was he going to let pass in his world, how much older would he be. I sighed hard and swallowed a sob as I sat on the same bank of the lake we had admitted to our affection. Ironically, it was the same lake that Trunks and Goten both kissed at not too long ago. I wanted to be happy for them. Ten-ten had Trunks, and that was the way it was supposed to be. Paradoxically, Ten-ten wouldn’t have even been born if it hadn’t been for Trunks… did that make any sense? Dad was supposed to die before he ever had a second child, but I was glad to have that changed, and it wasn’t like I was jealous of ‘Ten. Trunk and Mirai Trunks were two totally different people. One just happened to be the object of my affection, and the other of my brother’s.

I stood and shook the feelings off as I sensed someone else approach. To my surprise it happened to be my former mentor. Piccolo dropped down on the bank next to me. I could tell he was trying not to frown, but wasn’t doing a particularly good job of it. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him. “So, what brings you all the way out here today?” I tried to make my voice as enthusiastic as I could without sounding sarcastic or fake. Apparently, he saw straight through my act. He would always know me too well for me to be able to deceive him, that’s how it had always been.

“Gohan, we need to talk, ok kid? I can sense a lot of distress and sorrow from you right now.”

“Why did everybody all of a sudden become so worried? I’m fine. Really.” I let myself fall to the ground and sat there looking across the lake. “It’s not like crying about it will do any good if I can’t get them to see that I’m not the monster they think of me as.” Piccolo gracefully folded his legs underneath him and sat there listening to me rant. Little did I know, that was all I was really wanting, someone to listen to me. I grew more and more frenzied as I continued as best as I could. “And now, everyone seems to want me to give up on finding out if the one person who I’d be able to relate to, coming back or not. It’s not fair. Dad never had this problem growing up ‘cause he didn’t even know what he was.” I was almost oblivious to the fact that even part of my collar had become damp with tears. “Even if Goten and Trunks have to go through this, at least they’ll have each other.” Piccolo moved closer and let me lean on him, I sighed as I pulled away after a few minutes of trying to control the sobs that wracked my body. I was so ashamed of myself. Here I was telling someone who cared so much as to give his own life for me that I had no one who understood me. I was a disgrace to him, my own sensei. “I’m sorry Piccolo, I didn’t mean… I…”

He stood ready to leave. I figured he had had enough of my immature attitude. “Gohan, I understand you want a friend your age, but you can always come talk to me.” He smiled kindly and motioned for me to follow. “Dende feels the same way, and don’t think for one second he doesn’t understand you, because he understands everyone…” I chuckled and mentally berated myself for forgetting just how good I had it. Even if high school was my living hell, I had survived battles far worse than what could be compared to the drama and events that were the social surroundings every teenager dreaded. It wasn’t the real world. That was one lesson I had learned the hard way, which my school mates hadn’t. They wouldn’t know how hard they really had it until that realization hit. “Would you care to take out all your frustrations on me? It’s been so long since I’ve sparred with you.” I grinned meekly, and nodded my response as we headed for the desert region he had chosen for my year of solitude training from him so many years ago.

The spar went on as usual. Me being a ‘Mystic’ Saiyan, pretty much meant that I was unmatched. We both had our fair share of bruises and other contortions, but I think he got the better end of it. I smiled reminiscently as I thumbed my split lip. I looked to him as he spoke, still slightly breathless. “Well, you still have that power boost from Old Kai. There isn’t many who could compare with that at the moment.”

I busted into laughter as he looked at me with incredulity. “If you think that, just try taking on Trunks and Goten as a set. I might not be competition too much longer it they keep growing at the rate they are.” He smiled amused, but I think he was more relieved to hear me laughing. He nodded and smirked. “Vegeta still wants Trunks to be able to beat me and Goten. How am I gonna keep up with him spending all that time in the Gravity Room while I’m stuck at school?” I humorously added sarcasm to see him smile and shake his head at me. I smiled softly, “Thank you Piccolo.”

“I didn’t do anything special kid. You seemed perfectly capable on your own.” I shook my head and stared at the ground. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m always here. You know where to find me.” I watched as he levitated a few feet and waved as he blasted off to his regular meditation spot. I was sad that the weekend was ending so quickly. I noticed the sun was almost ready to touch the horizon. I blasted off towards home as to not be scolded for being late to supper.

I walked through the front door, noticing that the house was empty. I made my way to the refrigerator and found my mom’s note.


We were invited to Capsule Corp. for dinner, so get cleaned up and come join us if you want. Hope to see you there. If not, we’ll see you after diner. We’ll start diner about 8:00, so you should be able to get there on time if you were home by sunset.


I checked my watch and sure enough, I had plenty of time to get cleaned up and meet them. I didn’t really feel like joining them for anything special. But considering the fact I had blown them off the entire afternoon, I kind of owed it to them to show up. I sighed heavily walking out the front door ready to join them for diner, blasting off into the cool evening air.

I touched down in the back yard of Capsule Corp. thirty minutes before supper. The smell was tantalizing, making me thankful I had shown up. I walked in to be confronted by my father and brother wrestling playfully on the carpeted floor. Mom and Bulma were sitting on the couch laughing at their antics. I thought no one had noticed me enter the living room, but I was rammed to the floor by a nine year old terror. I growled at myself for letting down my defenses and being caught-off guard. This was the sort of thing I had to be prepared for the moment I walked through the door. Mom and Bulma laughed even harder as Trunks and I joined in the little wrestling charade as Dad had I finally had Goten and Trunks both pinned down. Thankfully dinner was ready. That little stunt, along with my earlier spar had my stomach protesting as loud as Dad’s.

Dad eyed me with a wide knowing smile. I noticed the look he gave me but didn’t say anything. He and Vegeta were thankful that I continued training since the Buu fiasco. I had gone on a seven year training hiatus. Not something that I look back on as being too proud of. I was incapable and unprepared to face a monster that threatened my world. I had gone from the world’s strongest warrior, to top nerd. I’m glad that I’ve made the time for both studying and training, satisfying both my parents’ goals for me. Neither of them would have forced me to be what they wanted me to be, but I’m glad to be both a warrior in my father’s footsteps, and the first scholar who’d get a collage education in our family, the way my mom wanted it to be. I’ve found myself in the middle of the road.

“Thanks for dinner, Bulma. That was delicious.” Dad commented as he leaned back in the chair balancing on the back two legs.

“Tch, you give credit to that who is not responsible… You should thank the robots. They do all the REAL work.” Everyone laughed at Vegeta’s comment as Bulma glared daggers at him. He only lifted his glass as in a salute to his mate.

“Well, we invited you guys over cause you all are such close friends, Krillen wasn’t able to make it, and Yamcha had a date, but we couldn’t wait to tell our friends.” Bulma smiled shyly as Vegeta got up and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “We have some pretty big news.”

“Oh, well what is it?” Mom asked kindly, trying to hide her curiosity.

“Well, I… I’m pregnant!” Bulma stated enthusiastically as Trunks’ jaw dropped. “I’m having another baby.” Vegeta held her possessively.

Everyone’s attention was averted to Trunks who was jumping up and down excitedly. “I’m gonna be a brother! I’m gonna be a brother!” He chanted as Goten joined his excitement. The two burned off their energy and headed for Trunk’s room.

“That’s GREAT Bulma. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Thanks Kakkarott.” Vegeta smirked at his former rival.

“Well, um Goku… We were hoping you and Chichi would be the God parents. You know, just in case…” Bulma finished uneasily, but Vegeta smiled and nodded reassuringly.

“We’d be honored Bulma.” Both my parents nodded as I noticed the demon duo had escaped from immediate view. Our family finished our congratulations and farewells as Dad carried a sleeping Goten in his arms. Dad called Nimbus as softly as he could to get it’s attention without waking up his mini clone. Mom hopped on the cloud and held Goten in her lap as Dad and I both levitated on our own. We waved to Bulma and Vegeta as they entered the house.

My mind drifted to the subject of the conversation I had had with Vegeta that morning. I wanted to ask him about it if I got the chance to talk to him alone. I still remember that look in his gorgeous deep blue sad eyes and the way he let me cry against his strong shoulder, wrapping his arms around me to comfort me. I frowned at the thought of never seeing him again. I shook my head to clear my thoughts enough to focus back in on reality. I still wasn’t going to give up, though. It was drawing near to eight years, but I wasn’t giving up on him. I wasn’t going to give up on love, if he did love me the way I did him. I’d be nearly the same age as he was shortly, I think that was the main reason he seemed so hesitant to have any sort of committed relationship with me.

“Hey, you ok?” Dad smiled hesitantly as he noticed my bleak mood. I faked a smile and nodded, turning back to face forward I was glad he didn’t notice my eyes slightly shining from tears that I refused to let fall. Our future prince was still on my mind as I drifted to sleep.


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