Never Forsake Thee
by Daisygirl     More by this Writer
Losing the one you love can be hard, but sometimes, moving on is just as hard. Has Trunks learned to live again, or will sorrow be his end?

Chapter 03: Bittersweet Wishes
Trunks buried his head under the pillow trying to block out the invading rays of the sun. He yawned and shifted. For the first time in three years he felt at peace with himself. He was actually going to be OK. It was what Goten wanted, and because of that, he knew he could finally move on.

He sighed standing in front of the window. His angel was OK. They’d be together one day, but he knew he had many years of living to do before getting there. “Thank you, Goten.” He whispered into the bright late morning sky.

Upon reaching Capsule Corp. kitchen, he smiled slightly amused by his parents’ morning customary verbal spar. Goku was sitting across the table listening to Vegeta and Bulma go at it, again. Yamcha chose to stay out of the way, not willing to anger Bulma any more than she already was.

“Morning…” He grinned, not the sad smile that everyone was so used to seeing, but an actual grin.

“Um… Good morning Trunks.” Every person present could hear the curiosity in Bulma’s reply. Not quite sure what to make of the sudden change in his demeanor, she was actually worried more than pleased by the smile. “Are you doing good?”

He nodded, still in a seemingly bright mood for him. “I’m great, Mom.” He smiled with a distant look in his eyes.

Bulma glanced at Vegeta and he seemed to have the same confusion in his eyes. This wasn’t the son they had forced out of bed to eat the day before. They both stared at Trunks as he fixed himself a huge plate of pancakes, bacon and eggs from the array of breakfast food cooked for the Saiyans’ insatiable appetite. Apparently Trunks seemed to have snapped out of what ever funk he had been in, seemingly overnight.

This can’t be a good thing. What is he really up to?

“Hey Goku?” Trunks turned to the older Saiyan, “do you know what Gohan’s doing today?”

The pure blood warrior studied the younger half-breed with an eyebrow raised in interest until he finished swallowing the food down. “Hum, I think he has an early class to teach, but I’m really not sure of his summer schedule yet.”

“OK, thanks.” Trunks quickly finished the rest of his meal in Saiyan speed and sped to clean up, “Thanks for breakfast Mom, I’ll see you later.”

With that, the four adults in the room watched in confusion as the young demi-prince took off out the door and sped into the air. Bulma blinked in confusion, still shocked to silence by her son’s sudden peculiar actions.

“What the hell was that about?” She demanded of the others as if they’d have an answer to the mystery that was Trunks Briefs. “You don’t think that… he’s going to do… something stupid, do you?” Worry and fear laced her voice. To be so depressed one day and seemingly cheery the next wasn’t normal, by neither Saiyan nor Human standards.

“I don’t think so Bulma… It’s odd, but the only thing I could sense was peace and calm, and slight joy. I’m not sure, but I think Gohan might know what’s going on, but Trunks is headed that way, so there’s no sense in asking him right now, but I think Trunks has finally found something to live for again.”

Vegeta had a knowing look thinking about what Goku was saying. “Humph, about damn time.”

Goku sighed. It had been only a matter of time, but it meant that one more reminder of his younger son’s life was seemingly fading. “Yeah… about time.” he admitted defeatedly.

Bulma questioned he ex and his mate, but neither seemed interested in interrupting their breakfast again.


Gohan sat over his desk studying material that he had yet to cover. Summer sessions where the hardest to teach. Too fast paced and never thorough enough in his opinion. He perked up at sensing the blue aura of another demi. Trunks was speeding to his position at a compromisingly fast pace in his current condition.

Wonder if he’s here about last night… I’m probably in for one hell of a fight.

The thought of having to face off against the angry younger demi was not good, he grimaced. Trunks was probably still hurt and seeing him so weak and still trying to fight was difficult to watch, much less being the one his anger was directed at. Having been lost in thought, the slamming open of his office door made him jump and knock his chair over backwards.

“Um, Trunks, how-how are you, today?” The expression on the younger demi’s face only confused him further. Instead of the expected anger he was greeted by a shy smile and apologetic eyes.

“Sorry, Gohan… I-uh, didn’t mean to startle you…” His voice laced with slight amusement and apprehension. He unitivedly paced in to plop himself down in the chair in front of Gohan’s desk. He was immediately rambling, Gohan had to force himself to understand the haphazard topic of conversation. “Gods, you must think I’m going crazy, I mean I wouldn’t believe it myself, but how do you explain what happened last night. I mean I was just so upset, but I know it had to be real. I don’t know if anyone will believe me, and I’m sorry, but I just had to tell somebody, and I know Mother, as well as she means would just try to justify it as lack of sleep, and I don’t think Goku could handle it just yet, but just please listen to what I have to say, Gohan. I mean…” Gohan was studying him with a slight smile and an eye raised, listening to the fast paced chatter.

Gohan had already figured Trunks might bring this topic up. He didn’t think he’d be so… complicated over it. “Gohan, are you listening?” Trunks asked in confusion over the other’s expression.

“Yeah, Trunks. And I agree, I don’t think my father would be ready to hear about this, but I don’t think Goten really meant to have him know.” The immediate poleaxed expression that graced the thin features was priceless.

“You mean…?”

“Yeah, Trunks… He was here, we had quite the interesting conversation.” Trunks studied his hands for a moment, lost in thought. He had convinced himself that it had to be real, but having another confirming it was almost mind-boggling. It was the next thing he heard that had him really questioning his growing affection for the older demi. “Most of our conversation was about you.” The voice was so smooth and thoughtful, serious but not patronizing in any way.

Brilliant blue met a dark chocoloate gaze once again. “Gohan… About that kiss…” Trunks’ slow meaningful words trailed away as the two leaned closer once again. Shyly lips touched and this time, neither regretted the evidence of their new relationship.

A brilliant light interrupted their moment alone in the small office together. Both broke away to cover their eyes. As the light faded, two amazed expressions could be seen by the newcomer.

A genuine awed smile was shared. They watched as beautiful golden-laced white wings were elegantly posed with that familiar innocent face. “Hi.” He merely smiled at the two.

“Go-Goten?” Trunks was in tears of joy, he edged closer and reached out to touch the warm skin. “But I thought you were…”

“A ghost?” Goten finished seeing that Trunks couldn’t, his warm voice was thick with amusement as grinned. “Yeah, I was, but it looks like I’ve finally earned my wings. I don’t see any need in my presence here anymore.” He pointed towards the newly acquired halo that accompanied the solidified form.

“You mean you were staying for me and Gohan to… to get us together?” Trunks asked in slight confusion. Goten had hinted at it the previous night but he hadn’t been entirely privy to it.

“I couldn’t leave, because I knew everyone was so sad. Dad had Vegeta to help him through and then I just knew. You two were meant to be.” He voiced lowered some, “I had to move on when you let me go, Trunks.” Trunks gasped almost silently. He lowered his head in shame.

“You mean, I was holding you back, wasn’t I?” Tears sparked his eyes, threatening to fall in self-loathing once again.

Goten lifted his chin and nodded for Gohan to comfort him as well. “What did I tell you about blaming yourself, Trunks?” He had a tone that demanded regard to the matter.

“Goten, I-”

Trunks was immediately cut off. “You better take care of my brother, Trunks. Or else.” He teased and playfully threw a punch at his chin, this time the blow didn’t pass through. Both the living demi’s nodded. Goten looked at Gohan, “That goes for you too, you know.” Gohan could only nod, his voice lost to the tears of a bittersweet reunion at hand.


At that moment all converstations about Trunks’ new behavior haulted. All three warriors with ki sensing abilites looked to the far direction of the half-breeds. Goku’s eyes widened in anadulterated shock.

Can’t be…

“Kakorrot…?” Bulma looked curiously betweent the three taunt warriors, but the waver of her ex’s voice was something she never thought she’d hear.

“Go…ten.” The awed whisper and sudden blur of movement left the Human alone in the now spacious kitchen.

The only thought that ran through her head was disbelief.


All at once, the small office Son Gohan currently occupied became painfully crowded as three instantaneous arrivals tried finding standing space.

Father and son locked eyes, in a bittersweet reunion, Goten was instantly in the arms of his idol. Goku held him and slowly swayed from side to side. “Goten… Gods Goten, Gods…” He continued to whisper sweet remembrances in the ear of the child he lost.

“I’ve missed you, Dad.” Finally pulling away the two had identical expressions of endearment and affection.

“How long?” Goten understood the short meaning.

“Not too much time, I’m afraid. I was only granted a short leap of absence to tie up some loose ends.” He tilted his head towards Gohan and Trunks, as the latter was leaning against the older demi arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind.

The two fathers shared a knowing glance. “Dad, I really wish I could stay, but…” Tears of regreted unspoken goodbyes haunted chocolate colored eyes.

“I understand Goten.”

“I love you, Dad.” He leaned into his father’s warm embrace again. “I miss everyone so much, but I have to go now.”

“Yeah. Take care son, I’ll be looking forward to meeting you once again, Goten.”

The youngest Son said his goodbyes and farewells to chose he had chosen to visit once again. Hugs and tears were shared as they watched their young angel take to the sky on newly acquired wings in full span. He spun and waved one last time before quickly fading away.

Goku stood looking at the demis in awe. Neither had seemed too shocked over the sudden appearance of the deceased warrior, and after calmly demanding an explanation and hearing of the ghostly visits, the three older warriors chose to leave the younger two to their own devices.


Gohan sighed and looked up at the bright stars in the velvety sky. He pointed one out not to far from the constellation Corvus, “That star… That was the star I told Goten it could be his, it’s special.” He smiled in recollection, thinking back to the innocent child he had help raised.

The two of them were cuddled together on a blanket looking up to the vast distance of space. It was so beautiful, and so unappreciated by the majority of the human race.


“Do you really think it’ll work, big brother?” The small six year old never understood why his daddy had stayed gone.

“Who knows Goten. But I think if you wish really hard and wish with all your heart, I know you’ll get to meet him someday.” Gohan’s voice stated in compassion and understanding for the younger demi. All too many times he had been left while his father was needed elsewhere.

“But there’s so many, Gohan. I don’t know which one will be the best.” The two of them studied the sky for another moment, looking at all the thousands of possibilities viewable in the distance of the rural mountains far from the drowning lights of the city. “Can you pick one, Gohan?”

“Sure, let’s see… Hmmm…” He pointed to one and descibed it’s location in retrospect to familliar shapes Goten had pointed out.

“Yeah, I see it… But why that one, Gohan?” Confusion laced his small voice, “It’s not bright at all.”

Gohan smiled. “No, it’s not, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not special Kiddo. It doesn’t matter the size of something for it not to be powerful.” He inclined to rest on his elbows as he looked down at the child still studying the star nodding in innocent understanding. ‘You just have to believe.”

“Ok, Gohan. I do.” Goten closed his eyes for a second and whispered too quitely for Gohan to hear. He then jumped up with a renewed enthusiasm. “Someday I know I’ll see Daddy.”

Gohan stood after him and affectionately ruffled his hair. “Well, from now on that can be your special star. And when we’re away from each other, all you have to do is look at that star when you miss me, and know that I’ll be missing you too.”

“Yeah.” The bundle of energy threw himself at the elder and the two engaged in a small friendly wrestling match.”
:End Flashback:

Trunks looked back up at the star. It wasn’t anything near the brightest, and it certainly wasn’t the biggest, but it was special. Now Trunks could look at it and remeber Goten everytime he looked into the warm star-studded sky.

He nuzzled into the warmth of the body next to his. “I love you Gohan.”

“I know, I love you too Trunks.” And as the two continued to stare at the star, it twinkled as if just for them, just to let them know they were being missed too, and that everything was going to be OK.


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