Wedding Bell Blues
by Daisygirl     More by this Writer
Gohan and Videl’s wedding day has arrived, but not everyone is celebrating the joyous event. As hidden secrets come out, who’ll be left heart broken?

There she stood in a beautifully white dress, a rose in her ebony hair, and beautiful jewelry that accented her striking sky blue eyes, the very epitome of beauty. Any man would be jealous enough to kill for the most eligible bachelorette, Videl Satan.

Today way the day she’d do as she please and marry the man she loved. She smiled at her reflection. Her soon to be mother-in-law nitpicked over every miniscule detail.

Videl rolled her eyes as Chichi turned away to leave the room as the maid of honor entered, fussing over whatever little thing she didn’t care for. (One of them was the harpy like in-law).


…..~Elsewhere in the elaborate mansion~…..

The best man did his best to smile. He’d come back for his best friend only months before, only to find out that his only crush and secret love was engaged. Blue eyes were quickly dried of any sign of tears as he heard the door open only to see the god-like groom himself.

“Hey Mirai, mind doing me a favor?” The lavender headed time traveler only looked on with a positive nod, not yet trusting his voice having recently swallowed a lump of sorrow. Gohan noticed his demeanor but didn’t let on as the grin never even slightly faltered. “Sharpener’s looking for Erasa, and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind going to tell her. She’s with Videl… And I think Bulma was looking for you as well.”

Mirai took in Gohan question with concern. He figured the alternative motive was to get Videl alone to see her, even though most of them were making sure Gohan did nothing of the sort. It WAS after all, bad luck for the groom to see the bride on his wedding day.

“Sure Gohan, I don’t mind.” Mirai gave a slight grin, but Gohan caught the tinge of sorrow behind the sapphire shine.

Gohan mentally congratulated himself, not sensing anyone else between him and his destination.


…..~Elsewhere in certain perspective~…..

A mockingly scold, a soft timbre, “Does anyone else know you’re here?” Blue eyes narrowed on her target with a playful tone.

A dark eyebrow rose in an ‘are you serious’ manner. A Son grin plastered on his face. “Do you REALLY think I’d be so careless?”

“Of course not, but everything will be ruined if ANYONE finds out you’re here.”

He shrugged and took and carelessly took a seat, knowing they’d better get down to business before getting caught. She shook her head at his lack of apprehension.

“So, did you get the tickets?” She smiled in a hopeful manner. He waited for a minute, torturing her in the delay. He then pulled a hidden envelope out of the inside tux pocket.

“You’re the best Gohan.”

“Only for you ‘del.” He smiled brightly again.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

Gohan saw through her hesitation and never even had to think twice over what he wanted. “I want this as much as you do Del, and I’d never hinder your happiness, even if it was.”

She heard the sincerity in his voice and smiled. That was always Gohan for you. “But what about…?” She couldn’t even finish her sentence, too concerned on the possible outcomes of what was evolving between the two fiancés.

He shrugged and she sulked at his lack of response. “Look Videl,” she turned to look at him straight in the eye, hearing all seriousness in his voice, “You can’t please everyone, and it’s about time that you did something for yourself. Maybe it’s about time we both did.”

She smiled in understanding and nodded. “Do you think you’ll be able to play the part?” Gohan seriously considered the question, not knowing if their ruse would be believable or not. They had planned down to the smallest aspect of what could and would happen.

“I guess we’ll see. See you later then.” He gave her one last award winning smile, and slipped out the door.

Down the hall, the best man saw him approaching. Something about this whole thing seemed wrong. Videl and Gohan seemed to play the parts of best friends rather than lovers. Gohan’s smile was more of his ‘I got a secret’ scheming smile, than one of love struck you’d think one would have on their wedding day.

Mirai wondered what it all meant. He shook the thought from his head. Gohan was practically a married man. He should he happy for his friend, not hoping that he was second guessing himself. Surely Gohan only went to Videl to reassure her that everything was perfect for the happiest day of their lives. But, then why did it feel so wrong. He knew the answer in his heart, only unrequited love.


…..~Elsewhere on the lavished lawn~…..

Gohan smiled brightly as the piano gracefully lifted Pachelbel’s Canon into the air. The warm spring sun shown down on the backyard of the Satan Mansion. Everyone had turned to see the bride walk down the isle. Even Erasa had made it to her spot beside the brides place at the alter. The pianist faltered slightly, as the bride still had not made it to the door.

Murmurs quietly drifted from the crowd. Mirai noticed Gohan’s bland expression and became increasingly concerned for him. Surely Videl had just slightly hesitated.

Chichi became more and more frustrated and finally decided that she’d drag the girl out by her veil if she had to. She had to secure Gohan’s future ONE way or another. Who would have ever guessed that she’d be an in-law to the second richest family in the country. It had been sheer LUCK that Gohan was in the same class of the spoiled princess of the World Champion’s, Hercule.

Gohan would be financial and socially secure for the rest of his life if the they where married. Where in the hell was the bride?

She stood in the doorway with a sorrowful expression on her face. There was the letter addressed to Gohan on the vanity in the dressing room, apologizing for not being able to commit. Gohan just stared blankly at Bulma as she handed him the letter.

Gohan scanned the letter, already knowing what it said as a single tear glistened in the late afternoon sunset. Mirai put a hand on his shoulder as the disappointed groom shook his head in denial. Mirai caught a certain gleam in his eyes that he couldn’t quite place.

“I’m so sorry, son.” Gohan shrugged away from the hug that Goku was attempting to hold him still with. Gohan knew none of them would understand. There was nothing worse than marrying someone you didn’t love, even if it still was your best friend.

“I gotta go.” Gohan rushed away from the crowd happy that no further incidents disrupted his plans. Even if he wasn’t getting married today, it wasn’t the end of the world, and everyone there acted like someone had just died. He wondered if anyone there had even suspected.

He had only told one other soul of his true intentions, and of course the intimidating looking Namekian wasn’t one to betray him. Gohan pulled out his cell and hit the speed dial button for his best friend.

Mirai felt the cell vibrate in his pocket. He screened the call, and seeing Gohan’s number figured he’d need support and had turned it on right after Gohan took off. “Hey, you doing ok?”

“Can we talk?”

“Um…” Mirai figured they were talking, but knew Gohan would need the support in person, “sure, where are you?” He listened as Gohan relayed his location and wondered exactly what was going on in the younger demi-Saiyan’s mind. There was a slight pause, thick with unspoken tension. “I’ll be there soon as possible.”

Gohan had sounded upset on the phone. Mirai rushed off to the beach Gohan had told him to find him at.


…..~Elsewhere at the young lovers’ location~…..

Gohan smiled. Videl really did look beautiful in the white dress that accented her every curve. He smiled at his best friend, happy for her on her wedding day.

He looked in the direction from where he could feel the approach of a very familiar ki. He took to the sky and decided that he’d explain a little to Mirai before they landed. At least then the lavender haired man’s inherited temper wouldn’t kick in and he wouldn’t rip off Videl’s head before they had a chance to explain.

He jumped into the air with a carefree expression on his face and headed towards the approaching figure.

Mirai gaped in amazement and appall. Here was the man that was left at the alter on his wedding day, smiling as if there wasn’t a problem in the world. His eyebrows arched in incredibility as he looked the younger Saiyan over. Gohan smiled sheepishly and blushed as he noticed the way Mirai was eyeing him.

“Gohan…?” He didn’t really know what to say, but as Gohan grabbed his wrist and started to fly to some unknown destination, he made it easier on himself and willingly flew at the other’s side. “Are you ok?”

“Great, but we gotta hurry.” Gohan grinned as he spotted the three other’s waiting on the beach for the ceremony. Mirai looked on in confusion.

Mirai stubbornly halted, refusing to move any farther without knowing what exactly was going on. “Gohan…?” Mirai’s eyebrows folded in confusion. “What’s going on?”

“Mirai, I’m not marrying Videl, but I promised I would be there for her wedding. I’ll explain later, but they do need two witnesses. Come on. I’ll explain everything else afterwards.”

Mirai nodded, but followed Gohan in landing on the white sandy beach in the spring warmth. Gohan hugged Videl and shook the hand of a young man he thought looked familiar. He couldn’t quite place where he knew him from though. Gohan looked at his confused expression and decided things should be explained a little bit more thoroughly.

“Mirai this is Erick, Erick this Mirai.” Gohan watched as they shook hands and politely exchanged smiles in a formally fashion. “Erick is Videl’s fiancé.”

Once again an expression of indubitable confusion graced the young prince’s face. “But… you two… and Gohan… you…” Words tumbled from his mouth in a incompressible jumble.

Videl smile, “were in an arranged marriage.” She finished the other’s sentence. Neither of the black haired young friends had wanted to marry? The very idea of it shocked Mirai. His jaw became slack and eyebrows hit his hair line. “We’re ONLY friends.”

“Best friends,” Gohan corrected in a playful tone.

“Then what about the wedding?” Mirai didn’t understand why they did what they did if neither intended on marrying.

Videl’s expression grew sorrowful. “The only reason my father refused to let me date anyone else was because he believed if I married Gohan, his secret about the Cell Games would REMAIN a secret. If I married Gohan, he figured he could go on with the charade of being the hero without Gohan’s family saying anything to prove negative.” She smiled at Gohan, knowing he had his own reasons for staying away from media attention. “Not that I believe he ever would anyway.”

“And my mom refused to believe that I shouldn’t marry anyone less rich than the world’s richest young lady. We only agreed to it so neither of us would have to suffer our parent’s wraths. Not to mention both of us were in love with other people that our parents wouldn’t approve of.”

Mirai gasped at Gohan’s last statement with a gleam of hope in his eyes. He quickly put that thought away. Gohan had been engaged since before he had permanently moved back to that time, which meant Gohan couldn’t have been in love with him.

He finally smiled at the couple in understanding. He was there for a witness of the union between Videl and Erick because he was the second closest person Gohan chose to divulge his secrets to. He smiled at the thought that at least Gohan trusted him that much.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Erick lifted the veil of the dress intended for the demi-Saiyan’s union to her. An applause of the two witnesses and minister who announced the vows, the two young newly weds were eager to head off to their honeymoon destination.

Videl pulled Gohan into a hug and whispered something Mirai caught. “I hope you find your true love soon, don’t be stupid and pass the opportunity to admit it. I know you’ll be happier if you do.”


…..~Elsewhere at the secluded sea~…..

Gohan was reclined on the sand watching the sunset after the most emotionally trying day of his life. A smile graced gorgeous lips. Mirai couldn’t pull his eyes way from the sight. Maybe he’d at least get a chance to proclaim his love seeing that Gohan was no longer in a committed relationship.

“Hey Gohan?” Mirai didn’t know if he should pry, but he just had to know the real reason. Maybe he’d be able to figure out the object of Gohan’s affection by process of elimination.


“Why didn’t Videl think Hercule would approve of Erick?”

“You may have noticed, but Erick isn’t the physically strong type. Videl was grounded from dating anyone who was supposedly ‘weaker’ than him. Erick is sweet and really smart though. He’s already been offered a full time scholarship for a Master degree in Biochemistry.” Mirai nodded in understanding. “He went to school with us and was Valedictorian, I was Salutatorian.” Mirai remembered hearing that. He wished he had been there to see the other graduate.

“Gohan?” Mirai hesitantly looked for any clue as to why Gohan was in the same predicament.

“Yeah?” The reply carefree and lazy.

“Why did you say your mother wouldn’t approve of your wishful lover?” Mirai saw the scowl that folded those smile and sighed in regret. He whispered, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I understand.” As best as he tried, Mirai couldn’t help the sorrow that had slipped into his voice.

Gohan shook his head as he sat up but continued to face the sunset. “It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you Mirai, I… it’s just that… I didn’t think you’d understand.” Gohan stumbled for the right words. “I didn’t want to say anything because my mom knew who my first crush was and didn’t approve at all, which is one of the reasons she was pushing me so hard into getting married when you returned…”

“Me?” Gohan blushed and hung his head at seeing Mirai’s expression.

“I’m sorry I never told you, but I thought maybe…” Gohan’s sentence was cut off as another pair of lips pressed firmly in a shy manner against his own. Thoughts of tears was quickly proved invalid as the first star of the night twinkled above the newly formed couple.

Mirai pulled away shyly. “I never said anything because I thought you were happy with Videl and I didn’t want to complicate or ruin anything.” Gohan smiled at the beautiful blush that was made all too evident in the orange glow of dusk.

“I love you Mirai. I’ve been in love with you ever since you left for your time. I thought I was only hoping against hope at the wish of your return.”

“We’re going to one hell of a time explaining this to everyone.”

Gohan chucked at how much Mirai had sounded like his father. “Yeah, but when I’m with you, I know I can make it through just about anything.

Mirai knew it too. They would make it together, through everything.


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