Sand Cycle
by DanaFanel     More by this Writer
It was just a normal day of training for Gohan, Trunks, and Piccolo…until…

Author’s Notes: I wrote this in less than 12 hours with breaks and it’s based off the picture “Oasis Fun” by Thundertori thanks to a close friend of mine, Lord Truhan who commissioned it. So Lord Truhan, this fic is for you, you baka!
Group Sex

A roll of thunder passed over a clear open sky in the middle of the afternoon. Gohan’s fist slammed into the future version of Bulma and Vegeta’s son. Trunks of the future snarled loudly and swung back at his fellow teen, missing just barely, but enough for Gohan to get an opening grabbed him by the arm and lashing Trunks hard toward the sandy ground below. Trunks was hacking up a lot of sand and just as Gohan was about to kick him, he raised his hands in submission.

“Trunks…are you ok?” asked the black haired and eyed teen as he knelt down closer to Trunks who was coughing and brushing sand out of his nose and mouth.

“Yeah", cough, cough “god, tell me again, why we are sparring in this huge desert?” asked the lavender haired teen as he tried to stand up and brush himself off. “I need some water Gohan, it’s all over me now,” growled the older teen, shaking his head and seeing nearly a pound of sand fall from it with just the first shake and more followed.

“We’re here cause it was an area just outside my old training grounds with Piccolo, so I would have the advantage,” snickered Gohan as he grabbed for his friends muscled arm and looped it over his own shoulders. “Just relax, there is a small lake near by so you can wash your head and rest in the shade,” commented Gohan as he led Trunks away, just in case the other teen got sand in his eyes.

As the teens headed over to the small lake, Trunks replayed the events that led to him having his arm around his old friend. In Trunks’s time it had not even been a year since he had returned from defeating Cell. Trunks had come back due to the death of Bulma in his time. One of the strongest and in your face women of the world had died through a freak illness. Capsule Corp. was now in the hands of his grandfather again and would be for at least another year while Trunks was in the past, learning management skills from his younger mother. Trunks would soon be turning 20 and he would be returning to his time a few days after his 21 birthday if everything went well. Until then, he studied business management during the weekdays and sparred with his father or the Son family on the weekends. Work and training kept his mind off missing his mother.

Trunks had decided to set his time machine for this time and as it turned out he made the right decision. A few months earlier and he would have been in the fight with Buu, and would have most likely ended up dead along with the others, and he didn’t fancy getting killed again, the first time hurt enough. He still remembered the shock of landing outside Capsule Corp. and entering to see his friends and family dancing to the music, even Piccolo and his stone cold father were tapping along to the beat. The sight of his mother’s face, amazed and happy to see him nearly broke his heart all over again but the hugs all around made it better quickly. The only one not to happy to see him was himself really, his younger self had delivered a good hard kick to his shin before being drag off by Dad with a bruised backside.

After that Trunks had settled right in, learning quickly from his mother, and even got to the stage of power that his father was, ascended Saiyan as his dad called it. The power was great but he was still getting his ass handed to him regularly by Vegeta and Gohan. ‘Just like now’ thought the teen as he and Gohan stepped under a palm tree and into a small grove of them. “Hey Gohan, tell me…was Piccolo’s training as harsh as I’ve heard it to be? I’ve heard that he sent you over cliffs before you could even fly,” whispered Trunks a small grin crossing his face as he saw Gohan’s face contort in embarrassment.

“Yeah, Piccolo had a real passion for throwing me over or into something and waiting for me to get out or up from whatever he threw me at. He also loved drilling insults into me,” snickered Gohan as the two made it to the lake’s edge.

Trunks had about a second to smirk before he saw a flash of green and purple go sailing into Gohan’s back, throwing the teen into the lake. Trunks blinked and looked again to see a tall and mildly peeved Piccolo now standing beside him instead. “I still have a ‘passion’ for it when my idiot student doesn’t watch himself,” called the tall green man to a circle of ripples in the lake where Gohan’s head was peeking out of.

“Piccolo-san! Good afternoon, sir,” spoke Trunks as he bowed in fear of being the next one to get sent flying into the lake. “We were just over the dune and…um…hi” worried the teen as his neck craned at the sight of the cranky green man.

“What are you two doing out here anyway?” snarled the green Namek as he crossed his arms and pulled his usually ‘pissed at the world’ look, luckily not directing it at either of them.

“We’re out here to train, Piccolo-san and Trunks needed to wash up because he got sand in his mouth,” spoke Gohan as he swam in the lake for a bit. “Oh Trunks, you got to get in here it’s so nice. Thanks for pushing me in here Piccolo…no WAIT!” called out Gohan as Piccolo threw a small energy ball at him, blasting the water a few inches behind him.

“I didn’t throw you in there to cool you off! I threw you in there so you would watch your mouth!” snapped Piccolo as he wandered along the bank to a large rock and took his normal meditation position.

“S-So Piccolo-san, are you out here a lot?” asked Trunks as he stripped off his shirt and began washing his mouth out first, then his face.

“Anymore I am, Dende is…going through a phase, I guess, talking about everything he sees, and it’s driving me nuts. Gohan, go visit him sometime, he’s been wondering about you,” spoke Piccolo peeking an eye open at the still swimming black-haired teen.

“Sure, want to come with me tomorrow, Trunks?” asked Gohan as he sent a big splash towards his friend, which ended in a wave that drenched Trunks from head to toe, making the older demi-sayian cough a new.

“Gohan, you better watch it or I’ll…HEY” started Trunks, powering up and hovering just in time to miss Gohan’s next wave of water sent his way. “Oh, that does it!” called Trunks as he dove into the water and the two began to fight and splash and just make a mess.

“DAMN IT ENOUGH!!” shouted a now drenched Piccolo growling deep in his throat, glaring death at the teens. “You were here to train, get back to it and leave me in peace!”

“But we need to get the sand out of Trunks, right TRUNKS?!” shouted Gohan as he dunked his friend and held him under the water for a few moments, the lavender haired teen was gasping and coughing loudly as he broke the surface.

“GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE I KICK BOTH OF YOUR ASSES!!” snapped the pissed off green man as he turned his back to the struggling teens, who were quickly climbing out of the water in response to Piccolo’s threat.

As the boys took to shore, Gohan decided to pull something that was the absolute worst thing to do with an already pissed off Piccolo. Leaning down Gohan picked up a rock about half the size of his fist, pulled his arm back and threw the rock straight into the back of Piccolo’s head. It was only after the dull ‘thwack’ sound did Trunks realize what Gohan had done and turned in understandable fear towards Piccolo.

It was as if the whole world slowed for the boys as Piccolo stood up, slowly peeled off his turban, and turned his head just slightly. There on the face of one of the strongest and talented men of the world, was a half smile of pure unholy cruelty waiting to happen and eyes that promised a slow painful death.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” screamed both boys as they both powered up as fast as they could and tried desperately to get into the air. Unfortunately, two long arms and hands grabbed each of them by the ankle. Slowly, their heads turned to see a pissed off and yet pleased Piccolo smirking at them.

“This is refresher course 101, on why you should NOT to piss me off,” spoke Piccolo in a deathly calm voice.


Two hours later the small band of fighters set themselves down against the bank of the small lake yet again, however this time they looked as if they had a mountain fall on them, and for Trunks it had. The lavender haired teen couldn’t fully stretch his arm and leg now and his whole body was messed up with bruises, cuts, and dirt. Gohan was hunched over, arms wrapped around his stomach as he panted for air, he too covered in the marks of battle, leaning heavily on Piccolo whose clothes were nearly gone and his upper arm had a ring of blood from where it re-grew after Trunks blasted it off. Piccolo gently set Gohan down on his meditation rock and collapsed a short distance from him.

“Not bad boys,” was all the green man said as he dipped his water gourd into the lake and drank it down. The Namek scratched at his new arm, the blood making an itchy ring.

“Oh God, I haven’t been this banged up since Dad lost his pants during our fight and took it out on me,” whined Trunks as he rubbed his sore arm. His limbs would be worse in an hour or so he was betting. Trunks hopped over and sat by Piccolo, trying to stretch his leg out as best he could. “Pissing you off is a bad thing, Piccolo-san,” snickered Trunks, giving the Namek a half smile, watching as Piccolo, not technically smiling, but eased his face some and his eyebrow twitched.

“Remember the lesson or I will repeat it,” spoke Piccolo cracking his neck and flexing his back. “You too Gohan…Gohan?” question Piccolo as he noticed Gohan breath wasn’t coming any easier even after a few minutes rest. “Gohan?”

Gohan groaned at his name and his head fell to his shoulder, sweat pouring down his face as he whined at his two friends.

“GOHAN!” cried Piccolo in worry as he reached for the sickened teen holding him steady. “Trunks, gets some water for him to drink and dunk some water on your shirt to cool him off.” Spoke Piccolo as he pulled Gohan down some more so he was leaning against the rock instead of sitting.

Trunks hovered over the deepest part of the lake, hoping the water to be at its coolest here and dunked Piccolo’s gourd and his own shirt into the water and quickly rested on Gohan’s other side pushed the shirt to cover the other boys head. “He didn’t seem sick earlier, has he ever gotten heat exhaustion or stroke?” questioned Trunks, not a doctor in a sense but knew enough.

“No, Gohan? Kid, you’ve got to try talking to us, come on,” Piccolo patted the teen's face, trying to get the dazed looking Gohan to look at him.

Suddenly, a loud feral growl came from Gohan’s throat, causing both of the other men to jerk back. Gohan’s eyes flickered to Super Saiyan blue but his hair didn’t match his eyes, and in one quick move, Gohan had a hand around each of the other two’s throats shoving them to the ground and continued to snarl.

“No, we got to get out of here!” half-shouted Trunks as he clawed at the teen’s hand. “He’s in cycle,” gasped the teen as Gohan completed his way to Super Saiyan, the snarl never stopping. Trunk raised his legs and gave a sharp kicked to Gohan’s ribs, sending the other teen flying before grabbing Piccolo's arm and trying to drag the other man away.

“Cycle? What the hell is cycle and why are we running?” shouted Piccolo as he tailed Trunks to the trees.

“It’s something Sayians do I guess, a time when they look for strong mates, not really for kids but just strong mates. It’s hard to explain and now isn’t a good time, just move,” called back Trunks, nearly colliding into a tree.

It was sudden and painful; the fist that slammed into Piccolo’s back, sending the man shouting to his knees, wincing at the pain in his spine. He looked up just in time for Gohan to grab his face and pull the green man into a deep kiss, shocking the man even further. Gohan’s tongue lapped along his old teacher’s, unknown to the both of them, sending pheromones with his thick saliva into Piccolo’s mouth. Soon Gohan released Piccolo and tore after Trunks again, leaving Piccolo panting for air and confused.

Trunks snarled and broke into his own Super Sayian power and made a couple of sharp rights and looped an arm around Piccolo’s waist pulling the older man onto his should as he made his way back to the lake, feeling and hearing Gohan hot on their trail. Just as Trunks made it to the clearing and was about to fly off a sharp kick to the inside of his knee brought him down, Piccolo falling away to his side, groaning as if in pain. Trunks threw a punch toward Gohan but felt his fist caught and his arm pulled to the side.

“Gohan, listen to me. You don’t want to do this. You don’t want us for real, you’ve got toMMMMphh,” Trunks protest died in his mouth as Gohan’s tongue entered it, the other teen grabbing hold of his longer hair to make sure Trunks could not get away. Soon Trunks’s world began to slip away…

When Trunks woke up, he sniffed around for his new mate, wanting him now like never before, and snarling loudly when he saw him in the arms of his fellow chosen one. Piccolo’s hand were smoothed out along Gohan’s chest, the man standing behind a powered-down Gohan as his fangs dug into Gohan’s back, wringing a pained yet please cry out of him. Trunks growled loudly at Piccolo, not believing the man would take THEIR mate while he was out. Piccolo caught sight of him and smirked, tsking as he moved his hands down Gohan torso slowly, just ghosting his claws, causing goosebumps to raise up along his skin.

Gohan whined softly and leaned back more on Piccolo for support while standing, his arm looped behind Piccolo’s neck to hold him closer. Gohan opened his half closed eyes as Trunks tried to stand up, whining a soft invite and moving his own hand down his thigh so Trunks could get the point. “Trunks, please,” whined the demi-Sayian again.

Trunks made his way over to the pair, ignoring both the stabbing pain in his leg from running and the snarl from Piccolo, neither mate really wanting to share. Gohan grinned though and threw his free arm around Trunks and brought him closer, kissing the lavender haired teen, loving the moan that came from him. Piccolo wasn’t to be outdone as planted kisses along Gohan’s neck and shoulder, sucking hard on some spots to try to bring up a mark. Trunks snarled and snapped at Piccolo who growled back until Gohan’s hands pushed both of their faces away from each other.

“If you two don’t start playing nice, neither of you are getting me,” purred Gohan as he moved away from them both, pulling at the waistband of what was left of his pants, his other hand running down his chest.

Piccolo and Trunks looked at each other through the corner of their eyes and nodded, both moving with blinding speed to take Gohan down to his side in the dirt, Piccolo back to his position behind Gohan but tilting his head back to give him a mind blowing kiss as Trunks grabbed at Gohan’s pants and pulled them off, hands running down the smooth skin on hard thick muscle and enjoying the feel. Trunks mouth descended down along Gohan’s chest kissing his way to a nipple before sucking it between his lips, pushing down on the young teen’s hips as he bucked and a strangled moan passed between his and Piccolo’s lips. Gohan gasped and tore his mouth free of Piccolo's as the namek’s large hand caressed him through his flimsy underwear, though he was mindful of his sharp nails, before his fingers began to pull down the flimsy cloth and cupped the hardening flesh beneath, Trunks’s hand soon joined Piccolo in the pleasing of their mate.

Gohan’s back arched and he began to squirm between the two of them. “Trunks, undress please. Piccolo keep doing that, uhhh,” groaned the teen as Piccolo did just as he was asked, starting to jerk Gohan off with earnest now. Trunks stood up now and shed his pants and underwear quickly and was about ready to rejoin Piccolo when Gohan’s hand wound around his cock and started jerking him off, causing Trunks to moan throatily. Gohan moved their positions, moving to his hands and knees and bringing Trunks's cock to his mouth and began to suck gently as Piccolo continued to kiss down his back, jerking Gohan off and seemed to be humping Gohan dry.

Gohan tried to concentrate in his hormone driven state to satisfy the two men he chose for himself, reaching behind himself to feel for Piccolo's thick cock that was against his leg and began to rub back, groaning deeply around his mouth full of Trunks as Piccolo gave a deep growling moan, feeling him shift away and the sound of clothes being moved until Gohan felt some of the naked raised textures of Piccolo flesh against his backside. Gohan moaned as his arms wrapped around Trunks's waist, trying to pull as much of Trunks's flesh into his mouth as he could, moaning eagerly. Gasping and removing his mouth for a second, he breathed “Piccolo, take me please, quickly,” whined Gohan as he put his mouth back on Trunks’s cock sucking on his hard, loving the gasps and pleas that fell from his friend’s mouth.

Piccolo growled and pushed Gohan’s hips higher as his mouth descended along his crack, licking hotly against Gohan’s opening, his tongue slipping in to lube up the passage that would soon be his, concentrating enough to absorb his nails and moved a thick finger into the small hole, growling possessively as Gohan moaned louder against Trunks, his hips bucking now against the thick digit inside of him. By now Trunks had fallen to his knee, his fingers twisted into Gohan’s hair as his back and neck arched, the lavender-haired teen begging Gohan to bring him off. Gohan’s motions were far from experienced but he was loving on Trunks as best he could and loving all the sounds he could pull from his fellow teen, moaning around the thick cock from the pleasure of giving Trunks pleasure and the pleasure of Piccolo’s finger finding a special spot inside of him that made his hips buck wildly.

Trunks couldn’t take it anymore, feeling Gohan’s mouth around his cock, watching as Gohan bucked against Piccolo’s motions, hell even Piccolo’s face of passion wasn’t helping, and with a short yell, Trunks climaxed, driving himself deeper into a mildly shocked Gohan’s mouth, shaking bodily as each spurt of his seed fell into Gohan’s mouth, moaning even more as Gohan swallowed after each spurt. Trunks bent over Gohan, his hands spreading along his back as Gohan tried to suck his cock back to life anew, hissing loudly as he felt Piccolo’s sharp nails scratch under his chin and lifted his head as the green man gave him a chaste kiss and a quick nip to his lower lip. The two growled at each other again, but Trunks back snapped back again, forcing Trunks back above Gohan as Gohan’s fingers traced down his crack, molesting him there as his cock did rise and Gohan continued to try to get him off again.

Piccolo flashed a smirk as he licked the drop of Trunks blood off his lip and added a second finger, pushing against the pleasure spot he found deep inside his mate, soon working in a third and stretching him gently but rushed. Even Piccolo’s patience was running thin as he watched Gohan buck wildly, his flushed body, sweat glowing off his skin was driving Piccolo nuts and with a snarl he pulled Gohan away from Trunks completely, much to both of their displeasure and onto his still semi-clothed lap, kissing him hard as he pushed Gohan onto his lap, positioning his cock right at his entrance. “Gohan, you move. I’m not hurting you,” gasped Piccolo, who no matter how hormone ridden would always still worry for his safety.

Gohan smiled and leaned to nip at his teacher’s long ear, grinning as his eyes squeezed shut and he shivered. Winking at Trunks, Gohan breathed deep and slowly pushed himself down along Piccolo’s shaft, whining at the burning pain but he powered up and was soon completely on Piccolo, turning his head to kiss Piccolo deeply again. He then reached for Trunks and Piccolo set him back on the ground on his side as he curled up along side the teen, holding onto the teen’s thigh as he spread his own legs and used his feet for extra push as he began to take Gohan, slow but hard for now. Gohan gasped and whined before he reached again for Trunks. The lavender haired teen was still on his knees, his cock twitching as Gohan reached for it leaning up on his other arm as he pulled it into his mouth, moaning around it with each thrust from Piccolo.

The three tried their best to work well, Piccolo growling loudly as he sank his teeth back into his earlier mark as his thrusts became harder and faster. Gohan moaned deeply in his throat around Trunks bucking to meet Piccolo’s thrusts as his hand and mouth try to bring Trunks over the edge once again. Trunks’s hand was once again tangled in Gohan’s hair as he tried to brace himself with the other, panting and gasping as he tried to hold himself back from thrusting himself down Gohan’s throat. Soon the trio’s power levels began to spike as they began to move against each other in earnest, Piccolo’s eyes glued shut as he pounded his full strength into Gohan, nails digging in along his knee and thigh, panting and snarling with each thrust. Gohan’s eyes were water now as his tongue and lips worked frantically between his half cries and attempted pleas for more between the two as his hips slammed back against Piccolo. Trunks arched back over so far his long hair nearly brushed the ground as he tried to thrust himself into Gohan’s mouth, his voice raising in whines and pleas, gasping as Gohan’s moans vibrated into his cock. Finally, as his power skyrocketed, Trunks let out a deafening cry as came again into Gohan’s mouth, this time clinging to his mate’s hair as he thrashed. A split second later, Gohan pulled his mouth away and screamed himself, his own seed splashing onto the ground as Trunks’s seed came to his face. Piccolo’s snarl/cry seemed to silence the air itself as he came inside Gohan, minute thrusts with each spasm of seed to flow into him.

Trunks collapsed to his side, gasping desperately for air as his body went limp of the heat and pleasure of his core. Gohan rolled his head onto his arm as he panted, eyes with watering from the pleasure. Piccolo gasped for air as his forehead rested in-between Gohan’s shoulder blades, moving his hips just so that his limp cock slipped out of Gohan but he was still curled tight against his back, moving his arms to hold the teen tight to himself.

Slowly, the trio gained their breath back and Piccolo and Trunks began to lose the power pheromones and hormones passed onto them by Gohan, they both began to blink dazedly, turning to look at Gohan as he chuckled rather sinisterly. “How about some more guys?” asked Gohan as he moved his hand and pulled Piccolo to another kiss with even more potent pheromones than the last batch and reached for Trunks now…


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