The Sergeant
by DanaFanel     More by this Writer
This story takes place in the Sergeant Universe as described on the forum and for which several pictures were done. So it’s my take on what’s happening between those three.

Author’s Notes: This work was inspired in part by art work posted by Thundertori on this site. I hope I did the images justice.

What beautiful day it was today, gently a breeze spread small white clouds cruising through the air. A chorus of buzzing of bees and a melody of birds would be heard as the sun beat down from above with just the right about of heat for mid-spring. Unfortunately, two people who wanted nothing more than to enjoy this little taste of joy were running for their lives indoors.

“Oh man, he is going to be pissed at us for this you know that,” commented Gohan as the black-haired man began to loosen his tie as he slipped his glasses to the top of his head. He was running late for two reasons, one was the wet bomb prank his class had thrown him into as a traditional end of the year joke. The second reason was the fact that Trunks had gotten rather hot and bothered seeing him dripping wet and a heavy make out session in Trunks's car was only stopped from going any further by the note that they were late and Sarge was waiting.

The before mentioned Sarge was actually Sergeant Baki Hanma, recently hired by the two young men who had desired constant training. Vegeta was no longer available, not with little Bra becoming glued to his hip and Piccolo would pull punches with the two. The interviewing process took forever; no one seemed to give off what Gohan and Trunks wanted, someone kinda harsh but never cruel. Sarge was their last person, and the second he glared at them, and the two laid eyes on the Sarge, they sat up a little straighter. Sarge growled and flicked his toothpick away and stood by the offered chair.

“I’ve only got a few questions for you two. Payment and any ‘restrictions’ you two have, then I’ll decided on whether or not you two are worth my damn time,” growled out the red-haired man, his posture showing he was tense.

“Well, there are no real restrictions, just common sense like if we are really sick or injured or…” started Trunks, though he ended with a small gasp as Sarge grabbed his shirt and pulled him face to face.

“DON’T GIVE ME THAT STUPID SHIT, NO SHIT IDIOT, I DON’T RUN MY PRIVATES UNLESS THEY GIVE ME EVERYTHING EVERY TIME! Now, give me 50 sit ups…DID I STUTTER?! GET MOVING PRETTY BOY!!” shouted Sarge as he tossed Trunks to the ground. And thus went their first encounter with Sarge.

“Yay, I know but Gohan, you look so good dripping wet,” growled Trunks as he pulled Gohan towards him by his waist, sneaking a kiss on the other man’s neck. Trunks sighed as Gohan moved free and chased after him as they entered through the back door of their changing room, trying their best to be quiet.

“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?” came a sharp voice from just inside the door frame, causing both demi-saiyans to jump a foot in the air and stand at attention. There, leaning against the wall, obviously expecting them, was Sergeant, their drill instructor, in all his pissed off wonder. The Sarge was a tall red-headed man that could probably either scare the heck out of Trunks’s father or be adopted by him, they still weren’t sure. The scowl across his face was that of either Chi-Chi or Piccolo in Gohan’s imagining, making the black-haired man tense up even more.

“Sir, we apologize for the delay. My students are graduating this year and they dunked me in water. I had to change my top, sir,” barked Gohan, whose glasses fell back across the bridge of his nose from this head with the force behind his words.

“I DON’T GIVE A SHIT WHERE YOU WERE OR WHAT HAPPENED. MY TIME STARTED 15 MINUTES AGO AND I EXPECT MY PRIVATES TO BE HERE ON TIME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!” shouted the Sarge, his own nose just barely away from touching Gohan’s as he grilled the teacher.

“YES, SIR!!” shouted both of the other men as Sergeant glared death at them.

“You two didn’t hire me to let you slip up more. YOU HIRED ME TO GET YOUR SORRY ASSES IN SHAPE AND HOW THE HELL CAN I DO THAT IF YOU AREN’T HERE?! You have two minutes to change, I don’t care what you have on or anything, we are leaving in 120…119…118” spoke the Sarge as he watched his watch for each second to tick by.

This sent Gohan and Trunks into a fury of tossing off their suits and trying desperately to get into their training cloths. With literally a second to spare, Gohan and Trunks were suited up and standing at attention.

“Move your sorry asses to the trail and weight up, 2 tons each limb and 5 tons on your back and I don’t want to hear a single fucking whine out of either of you, GOT ME?!” snapped Sarge as he grabbed his own pack by his side.

Both men shouted a yes sir and took off for the weight room. Trunks had long ago invented a material that could weigh tons in a very small size. Gohan reached for their wrist straps and began loading up the small black weights, having to power up some just to lift them. Soon, the two men were loaded up and stood before their trainer to meet his approval.

“You’re running, the whole trail. You know where the trail splits, no stopping for anything short of you dying on me until you get there. MOVE!” called Sarge as the two demi-saiyans broke into a break neck run, Sarge close on their heels.


The trail was hard as always, weight or no weights. First, was the nearly vertical hill, a swim across a river, climbing over a cliff and 4 miles of rocky and blistering hot pathway. Just as the Sarge commanded, they went as fast as they could, collapsing in a heap at the large shading tree that marked the split in the training trails. One way would send them back into the blistering sun; the other would send them to another river and waterfall. Either would be harsh but the boys knew Sarge was going to pick the one he felt would be best punishment for them today.

“10 minutes, got that?” commanded Sarge as he started down the hot path, going to check it out to see just how hot it was and if any trees from the last storm crossed the path.

“Oh dear Dende in heaven, please make it so we are never late to training again. You so owe me Dende,” half-called Gohan with a weak point to the sky hoping his young green friend was watching. Gohan flopped onto his back and used his other arm reach for his canteen.

“Yeah Dende, step up here. Have some storm roll in and drench us good, man,” added Trunks as he leaned again the tree, panting harshly between his playful commanded of the Earth’s guardian.

“Oh man, Sarge really is going to kill us this time, I just know it,” groaned Gohan as he sat himself up. “And it wasn’t this hot before was it?” questioned Gohan as he sipped on his water before pouring it over his head, moaning in pleasure as his head began to cool, his black hair gluing itself to his face. He didn’t take into account the fact that with the moan and the water on him, he looked like he had just finished a round of sex. This pose was not lost on Trunks who set his pack aside and pulled Gohan to his feet.

“Gohan, didn’t I tell your earlier that you and water makes me really hot?” growled Trunks as his hand crept underneath Gohan’s tight water and sweat soaked tank top, his fingers gliding over the tight muscles and felt and heard Gohan’s sharp intake of breath, smirking as Gohan’s eyes darted to his in warning. Trunks’s smirk grew as he leaned in to kiss Gohan breathless, as he began to pull down those tight shorts Sarge made them wear, while he got to wear pants to protect his legs from sun and bush. Gohan’s hand shot to catch his wrist and snarled at him.

“You idiot not now, Sarge will be back any second. We don’t need another reason for him to try to run us to death,” snapped Gohan as he tried to untangle himself from Trunks's grip, gasping softly as Trunks pulled him hard against the other demi-saiyan's hard body, walking Gohan backwards to a favorite bush of theirs. “Damnit Trunks nooMMPhhmm,” Gohan’s protest ended with a touch of a moan as Trunks slipped his tongue into the other man’s mouth.

Trunks grinned into their kiss, licking gently along the underside of Gohan’s tongue, feeling him shake over once. ‘Sorry love, I know how to get you to agree to anything and everything,’ thought Trunks as he sucked on Gohan’s tongue like he would a different appendage. His palms flatted out against Gohan’s abs and rubbed up his ribs, then move to take his top up with them. Trunks smirked down as his friend and mate tossed back his head and whined softly, turning his head to open up his neck. Trunks took the invite and set his mouth on the flushed skin before him, sucking harshly to form a bruise for later. Trunks pushed Gohan down to his knees and then pinned him to his butt, now biting at the bruise, Gohan whining and was almost purring at the attention.

Gohan arched into his partner's hands as he pushed up the tank top past his nipples before the lavender-haired man bent down to take one of his nubs between his teeth and licked it with quick flicks of the tongue. Gohan growled as he hooked his leg around Trunks’s waist and pulled the man to push their groins together, bucking his hips to drive his quickly hardening cock against his. “Damnit Trunks, we don’t have TIME! So hurry up and do something!!” whined Gohan, now just as horny as the lavender-haired man.

Trunks snickered as he tore away his own tank top and yanked Gohan’s shorts off and wiggled himself in between his thighs and bucked their groins together, moaning as his own cock connected with Gohan’s, wrenching a half-cry from the other man. “Shush Gohan, Sarge will be back any second you said,” grinned Trunks as he pulled his cock out of his shorts and rubbed them together. As the two’s moans grew, a certain red haired Sarge came back.

Sarge snarled as he saw the discarded packs and weights, and just was about to yell when he heard some moans and saw a pair of boots sticking out from behind a bush. Smirking a ‘oh you are dead now’ smirk he walked over and stepped behind Trunks.

“What the hell are you two…do…ing” asked Sarge as he took sight of Gohan’s flushed body his shorts gone and Trunks in a similar state of undress but in-between the black-haired man's legs. A bright blush quickly appeared over his and Gohan’s cheeks as Sarge quickly pieced together the goings on here.

“Sorry Sarge, bad time to catch us,” whispered Trunks as he looked back over his shoulder with a predatory look in his eyes.

“The hell do you AHH” started Sarge as Trunks hand shot around his waist pulling him close and ripping off his pants and underwear in one quick move, and before the Sarge could even think of a protest, he felt Trunks’s warm mouth slide around his cock, causing Sarge to gasp and grip tightly to the lavender-haired man’s shoulders.

Trunks groaned softly as he had to remove himself from Gohan to wrap his arm around the Sarge’s waist to make sure he wasn’t getting away. His tongue wrapped around the quickly hardening organ and sucked it down his throat with a warranted groan. Trunks hated to sound like a whore but he loved the feel of a cock down his throat, how open his partner was under his motions, and just how the skin flushed and the moans and gasps. Sarge was especially a treasure since his normal stoic and gruff self was gasping as his fingers dug into Trunks’s hair, his thighs shivering as his knees nearly buckled.

Sarge gasped and shook, before biting his lip to try to continue himself. “Tr-Trunks stop release me…GOD” shouted Sarge as a second tongue began to travel along the cleft of his ass as Gohan had moved from the ground to kneel behind the Sergeant and began to work his tongue around the entrance.

The demi-saiyans winked at each other and Gohan dug in tongue into the Sarge just as Trunks purred deep in his throat causing Sarge to shout out and whine softly. Gohan kissed each butt cheek before sitting back on his butt. Reaching up he took Sarge by the waist and pulled the Sarge to sit on his lap, though Trunks never stopped his sucking. Gohan’s began to kiss along the Sarge’s neck as he pushed a finger into the quickly lubed hole, purring as Sarge began to reline on his shoulder, panting and arching his neck. “God Sarge, you’re so fucking hot like this,” moaned Gohan as he bit along the neck, leaving a deep bruise.

Sarge gritted his teeth as his skin continued to flush from the fevered sucking and deep rumbling purrs in Trunks’s throat, Gohan’s finger began to search deep inside of him. Sarge hated how uncoiled he became with sex. He was a Sergeant damn it, he should not be blushing and squirming like a damn virgin. Of course that thought was shoved roughly from his mind with a gasp and whine as Gohan’s finger connected with the small bundle of nerves deep inside of him. “Harder, Gohan,” moaned the Sarge as one hand pulled at lavender hair and the other gripped onto to Gohan’s.

Trunks moaned and reached down to push off his short and started to unfasten his underwear and fully released his cock as his sucking increased its pressure. God, he wanted to Sarge to cum, never seeing the Sarge so open to them or anyone.

Gohan growled at the command and jabbed the spot harder as he slipped in a second finger. “Do you want to play with us some more, Sarge? How about you shoot your load deep inside Trunks's throat, he’d loved to chug down your load,” snarled Gohan as he chewed on Sarge’s ear.

Sarge arched and spasmed out as he came with a shout and accidentally pulled out a few strands of hair from his partners’. He collapsed against Gohan trying to regain his breath.

Trunks hissed as his hair was yanked but as the thick cream came into his mouth, he ignored the pain and swallowed down the cum quickly and with pure enjoyment on his face.

Gohan snickered as he kissed along Sarge's face licking away a drop of sweat as he continued his prep and added a third finger to stretch the hole that he planned on, with permission of course, to take as his own.

Sarge growled softly as he regained his breath, glaring mainly at Trunks who had quite literally dug him into this. “Trunks go face that tree over there and stick your ass out, now,” commanded Sarge with more lust and warning than angry.

Trunks shivered and groaned at the command, quickly realizing that this little play would indeed continue. Now, Trunks was so hot and horny that he could barely stand and walk the short distance to the mentioned tree. As he did, he did a cat stretch, reaching up the bark with his arms before dipping his back to raise his ass, making him the most defenseless and open that he could. “Please sir, I need it hard and brutal, please,” pleaded Trunks as he turned on his charming, ‘come to me’ eyes.

Both Gohan and Sarge growled with lust at the display, and Gohan pulled out his fingers and released Sarge with a gentle kiss to the cheek.

Sarge rose from Gohan’s lap and flexed himself, ridding himself of the sweat soaked tank-top, and moved over to Trunks, running the backs of his nail along the boy’s spine, smirking at the strong shiver that went up it. Then, he took notice of a small scar at the very base of the boy’s spine. He knew this scar, he knew of it ever since the boys had explained their ancestry. And now was the perfect time to play with it, he though as his nails ghosted along that scar.

Trunks half shouted and shook hard over his body as Sarge targeted his tail scar, whining as he pushed himself closer to Sarge, sending another pleading look over his shoulder. “Please sir, I can’t take much more,”

“Oh please Trunks, you are far from your limit,” snickered Sarge as he pushed that spot and rubbed it slowly, having to use his other hand to pin Trunks more to the tree as he gasped and panted and squirmed so lovely at his motions. He decided to give no warning, maybe as pay back or just because he got the feeling Trunks wanted it this way, but he released his evil skills of the scar, grabbed both ass cheek and plunged himself inside, earning a cry from Trunks and a groan from deep inside his own chest.

Trunks nearly collapsed as Sarge plunged into him; air stopped flowing to his lungs for a few moments, before a deep groan followed. Yes, he loved it rough, be it a Saiyan thing or his own personal thing but the harder the better. “Please sir, fuck me, fuck me hard,” whined the Saiyan as he pushed his back closer to Sarge.

“Wait for me Trunks. God you look so hot like that, like a nasty little whore,” snickered Gohan as he moved over to kiss his mate, who moaned into the kiss. “Sir, may I?” asked Gohan as he ran his palm down over the Sarge’s tight butt.

Sarge shivered softly at the turn in Gohan, god the man looked like the master of a domination club or something. He nodded though as the black-haired man palmed his ass, giving him a bit of a blush as he spread his legs just enough to expose his ass to the predatory man.

A mildly cruel smirk crossed against Gohan’s face as he moved behind Sarge, kissing his shoulder as he pushed his fingers back into him, pushing all three against that bundles of nerves and using his ki to warm and pulsate the bundle.

Sarge’s eyes shot open at the warmth, pressure and vibrations, causing the man to cry out at the foreign view, slamming his cock into Trunks, who groaned and pushed back.

“God Gohan, don’t do that to him, not this time,” whined Trunks, knowing just what Gohan was doing from the small spike in his power.

Gohan grinned and kissed the back of Sarge’s neck as he lined himself up with the entrance and pushed in slowly, pulling Sarge onto him and out of Trunks, which made them mildly protested, before slamming in the final inches, rocking the three of them together.

Trunks gasped and arched as Sarge was slammed back into him, clawing at the bark and gritted his teeth. “Gohan quit being an ass,” snarled the lavender-hired sayian, quickly figuring out that Gohan was on one of his power trips.

“Sir, please find a way to shut Trunks's mouth,” whispered Gohan into Sarge’s hair as he pulled out of Sarge and pulled those tanned hips back with his own.

Sarge sighed and leaned back on Gohan as he got the idea quickly enough. Pulling out, he molested that special scar just about Trunks's ass as he slammed himself back in, hissing and moaning as Gohan slammed into him at the same time.

Trunks bucked and whined and pushed back as Sarge slammed into him hard and god that hand on his tail spot. Then, Sarge hooked an arm under his leg, pushing himself in deep, and slammed into his nerve bundle, driving a hoarse scream from his throat.

Sarge growled low as he took the squirming man before him and felt the powerful thrusts inside of him from the powerful man behind him. The pace of the three was hard and fast and deep, and Sarge’s throat would be hoarse for the next three days from all the moans and half-cries that were escaping him.

Gohan had to throw a curve ball and with a yell, the man’s hair turned golden and the power surge sent through him into Sarge and partly into Trunks, caused all three to shake and scream murder. Gohan growled low, and half picked up Sarge so just his boots toe touched the ground and squished the three of them together, setting a literally inhuman pace in fucking Sarge who just moaned and cried out as the pace took him in and out of Trunks.

Sarge lost his air and was losing his mind at the sheer power that coursed through his body, and reached around to grab Trunks's cock, knowing full well that he was close.

Trunks hissed and cursed loudly, mainly AT Gohan for pulling all of this. Damn power trip, it was the best fucking ride but the smug look after sex like this pissed him off. Trunks cried out again as Sarge slipped his hand around the Saiyan’s engorged cock, and quickly screamed himself to release, his fingers breaking long splits into the poor tree.

Sarge felt the inner muscles clenched around his cock and lost himself deep inside of Trunks with a silent scream, clawing harshly at Trunks's thigh and stomach.

Gohan watched his mate and friend come and soon roared his own release, his arms crushing around Sarge’s stomach and waist.

The three collapsed to their knees as they panted for breath, Gohan slowly released his death grip on Sarge’s stomach before slowly pulling himself out, crashing on his back. God, he was tired now.

Sarge collapsed to his side, clutching his heaving chest, eyes closed as he tried to bring himself down from the sex and power high.

Trunks clung to the tree as his whole body shook with pleasure and afterglow. "Sir, are you alright?”

Sarge coughed and rolled on to his back. “Fine, but you two own me 50 laps for holding up the run,” panted the Sarge who wasn’t going to turn down a break after such a session.

There was a pause, before Gohan reached over to Sarge’s shoulder and kissed his chest. “Can we do one more round and make it 100 laps?”

Sarge’s head snapped up and his eyes were huge, but of course, his protest was stopped by a now Super Saiyan Trunks’s lips.


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