Maybe I Should Have Known Better
by Dark Pearl     More by this Writer
You love them, they don’t know, you swear to get them sooner or later. Maybe you will and maybe you won’t but what would you do if you were going to lose them forever?

This can be considered an A/U mostly because I am making Sharpner and Hercule look like complete Bastards and messing around with people’s ages. Trunks and Goten are 19 and Gohan and Videl are 24 and about ready to leave college.

Chapter 02: It Just Won't Quit
“You mean she can have visitors now?” Erasa asked excitedly.

“Yes miss you are allowed to see your cousin now if you desire.” Said the nurse at the check in station.

“Please. What room is she in?”

“234 B.” The nurse answered and Erasa went. 18 was also interested in what was going on with Videl Satan and she simply followed. Grateful for once that Gero gave her the ability to move quicker then most people were able to keep track of. Erasa went immediately to the room like there was nothing else on her mind. Erasa disappeared into the elevator and 18 was able to squeeze in just behind her.

“Sorry I guess I had my mind on other things.” Erasa apologized when she realized she could have held the door open for someone.

“That’s alright.” Said 18 “No harm done. You were worried about whoever you came here to see.” Erasa looked at her for a second. “You aren’t dressed like hospital staff and I checked in right after you so I overheard you receiving permission to see your cousin.” 18 explained.

“You’re right I do worry about her.” Erasa answered. They pressed the button for their floor.

“Oh you are going to the third floor too?” Erasa asked.

“Yes.” Said 18. The elevator stopped and Erasa quickly left and headed to the room she was looking for. 18 followed at a distance. The door had mostly closed behind Erasa but not enough. 18 could still see what occurred inside the room. “Hey Erasa.” Said Videl from the bed. “How are you doing?”

“Better now that I’ve seen you.” Erasa admitted.

“I look terrible.” Videl answered “And I have like three days worth of bed head.”

“No.” Erasa answered “You have to be the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen.” With that she kissed the raven haired woman. Videl was surprised but she didn’t fight it either. “Erasa?” Videl asked softly, when the kiss was over. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine I just missed you so much.” Erasa answered “I hope I didn’t offend you or anything. I just… You’re okay. I was scared you were going to leave me.”

Videl slowly sat up in the bed and motioned for the blonde to sit near her. “Erasa.. are you… in love with me?” She asked.

Erasa looked like she was ready to run like a scared animal. But Videl had a hand on her arm first to prevent such an action. “It’s okay. I won’t be mad, I was just…curious.”

Erasa nodded her head. “I think I am. Sorry.”

“Why would you be sorry for something like that?” Videl asked

“Well I mean I know you like Gohan and I am supposed to like Sharpner.” Erasa admitted. “Plus you know lately your dad has been so unpredictable I figured the last thing he needed to find out is that one of your friends likes girls better than she likes guys.”

“What about you and Sharpner?” Asked Videl curiously.

“well about that… it’s just not working out ya know? But it’s how things are for now so you just deal with it.”

Videl nodded at what Erasa said understanding completely. “Erasa. Did you ever like going out with Sharpner?”

Erasa looked away from her friend. “Uhmm…”

“Why were you going out with him in the first place Erasa?” Videl prodded gently.

“I figured it was the only way he would stop bothering you and Gohan.” Erasa answered. “I mean it was obvious, you liked Gohan and not him at least to me but he didn’t seem to be getting it and I thought if he had a girlfriend too, he’d stop bothering you guys.”

Videl looked at her friend. “Erasa.” She said softly, she felt gratitude for what the other girl tried to do but it hadn’t been as necessary as the other woman had thought.

“I do like Gohan and we are good friends, but we aren’t attached as you might think.” Erasa looked at her so did 18. This was interesting.

“We’re both bi.” Videl explained. “But we also knew that my dad and his mom would probably not be too happy about it. So we used the other for mutual protection. We weren’t using each other we did enjoy our time together but sometimes we would go out clubbing and it was perfectly fine if one of us found somebody to spend time with as long as the other got a chance to check that person over first.”

Erasa nodded. “So as long as the other one met this person first it was okay?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Videl answered. “While we were out we let it be known we were just best friends looking out for each other but if we didn’t find anyone we would leave and spend time together.”

Erasa looked at her. “We would hang out, go to dinner take walks.” Videl explained. “What we would do if we had found somebody.”

Erasa nodded at that. “So you didn’t exactly go out looking for someone to have a one night stand with?” She asked.

“No.” Videl answered. “And again if we did find somebody like that we would pass that person by the other one first. He looked out for me and I looked out for him. Most people we encountered understood that. A few even invited us for a threesome but we turned them down. If there was sex between me and Gohan it was just us.”

“Oh.” Said Erasa. “Uhm… so if I did like you I’d have to get Gohan’s okay to ask you on a date? I mean once you are out of here I mean.” Erasa blushed then. She wasn’t sure why and felt foolish but she did. Videl smiled.

“Yeah eventually we should tell him you like me.” Videl told her. “But it can be our little secret right now if you like.”

Erasa looked at her. “What?”

Videl kissed her then. “I like you too.” Videl explained. “But I thought you liked Sharpner. So I stayed out of it, romance triangles are tiresome enough, without adding fuel to the fire.”

Erasa nodded she understood. “So what do we tell them?” She asked softly.

“Gohan will know and understand, Sharpner is a prick and deserves whatever he gets.” Videl answered darkly. She never had forgiven Sharpner for the way he had treated Gohan in high school and for trying to make a fool out of him at the world Martial Arts Tournament. Erasa looked at Videl, and Videl looked apologetic. “Sorry, he got on my nerves sometimes but I knew you liked him. Now that I know how unhappy you are with him I can be as unfriendly about him as I like.”

“So.., does this mean we’re more than friends now?” Erasa asked hoping everything they were saying meant what she thought it did.

“More than friends but less than lovers, at least for now.” Said Videl with a smile. “Remember when we got drunk at Randy’s post graduation party?”

“Yep.” Said Erasa. “I think that’s when I realized I was falling for you.”

“That’s when I realized it too.” Videl answered. “Alcohol sure makes things less complicated doesn’t it?”

“Remember what you told me?” Erasa asked. “You said that I should let myself be happy with whoever I chose to be happy with. That the asshole that called himself your dad’s best student had no claims on me and when I decided to lose him for good to give you a call and you would make sure I had a night I would never forget. I think you intended to take me to an orgy or something.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” Said Videl “I probably meant I would take you clubbing and make sure you had the time of your life.”

“You wouldn’t have to take me clubbing for me to have the time of my life.” Erasa admitted.

“What would I have to do?” Videl asked.

“Want me.” Erasa answered. “And let me give myself to you.” She blushed even more when she realized what she had admitted THAT. “I mean… I…”

Videl smirked. “Oh sure, wait till I am stuck in one of these beds to tell me you want me to seduce you.” She grumbled.

Erasa laughed, Videl seemed to have fully accomplished her goal in cheering her friend up.


18 decided that it was time to leave, she found out all she needed to know. She quietly made sure the door was completely shut and the Do Not Disturb sign was on the knob so no on else would disturb the two girls and left. Once she was out of the building she called 17 on her cell. “The Satan girl isn’t going to be a problem.” 18 said.

“Really?” Asked 17 over the phone “How exactly do you figure that?

“She has other things on her mind right now.” 18 answered. Maybe she would tell 17 later everything she had seen and heard. Maybe not, but the important thing was they were free to learn of Gohan’s feelings, if any, for Trunks with out having to worry about his “girlfriend”. “So have you found that Valise girl yet?”

“Found her.” Said 17 “I am just not sure on how to approach her.”

18 found this interesting. “What do you mean? You don’t want to scare her?”

“Something like that plus I don’t want the terror twins on my back either. Don’t worry I’ll come up with something.” He assured her. 18 however was not reassured at all by this. “Whatever just don’t traumatize the girl.” She answered and hung up. Now just a little bit of waiting and they could figure what to do next.


It had been 72 fucking hours and he still wasn’t able to see him. This was getting seriously frustrating. Gohan was not cleared for visitors outside of his family yet, and there was little too no information about his accident. He could get his vengeance now, by tracking down the ones responsible for this. Yes, that would make him feel much better. After all the damn police department were more or less sitting on there asses and not doing anything about it. No one had died and there wasn’t enough manpower or evidence to go on. The accounts from the witnesses weren’t enough and there were no suspects yet.

‘Bitch, bitch bitch, whine whine whine. Shut up and do something.’ Trunks thought to himself. But they weren’t so now it was up to him to get justice for what had been done to his friends before anyone else got hurt. He went to the police impound and found the two cars. The lazy ass guard was watching TV no surprise there as long as he was careful he could be there for as long as he liked without fear of detection. He was short on time so he got right to work. First, he needed to find out who owned the cars before they were destroyed. He waited till he knew he wasn’t being watched he changed and took the cars with him. He placed the cars in the side parking lot of a mechanic he knew well, and went into the garage. “Hey Billy.” He called. “Are you in?”

“Trunks! Long time no see what have you been up too?”

“Eh, not much I suppose.”

“You’ve been keeping out of trouble?”

“Only if it doesn’t find me first.” Trunks answered. “I need a favor.”

“Why don’t I like the sound of that?” Billy asked.

“Don’t worry you won’t get into trouble just me.” Trunks assured him.

“Are we doing something illegal?”

“If doing our own investigation because the police chief is an under funded lazy bastard is illegal then yes.”

“What does it involve?” Billy asked.

“Cars impounded for street racing.” Answered Trunks.

“Why are you interested in street racing?”

“Some friends of mine got in an accident involving to street racers and a tractor trailer.”

“Shit! Are they okay?”

“They’ll live. They’re in the hospital right now.”

“I’m sorry man.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“They got out of their cars and ran.” Trunks spat. “They didn’t stop to help, they didn’t call for help, they ran like hell.”

“You saw them?”

“Not a clear view, just two figures running away and the car doors were open who else could it be? A spectator could lie and call for help. They were the drivers.” Billy nodded in understanding. “I got the cars out of the impound can you help me find the bastards that did this?”

“I’ll try to at least get you pointed in the right direction.” Billy responded. Trunks nodded that was the best he could ask from his old friend.

“I owe you, Billy thanks.” Said Trunks softly.

“Yeah, yeah I know and how are you going to repay me huh?” Billy asked. As he began working on the cars.

“I don’t know.” Trunks responded “I could arrange it so you can get the parts when they are junked if you want.”

“We’ll discuss it later.” Said Billy. “I’ve seen our old friend Jordan he was asking how you were.”

Trunks smiled. “I bet. You can tell him, I’m doing alright.”

“What happened with you two anyway? Did you get together or what?”

“We got together, then we realized while we may have been good together, we may not be the best for each other. We parted on good terms.”

“You found someone else didn’t you?” Billy asked.

“Nope, he did and he’s happy the last I heard so don’t go giving him a guilt trip over it.” Trunks answered.

“so were you’ve been?” Billy asked. “I haven’t seen you at any of the old haunts lately.”

“You know how it is.” Trunks answered. “I think I found someone I like but he’s taken and if I spend too long sulking I am going to have to worry about certain people finding out why.”

“Yeah the press, you don’t care but they may bother other people right?”

“Right.” Trunks answered if it was just him he wouldn’t give a damn what anyone thought, but there was his kid sister and his mom to worry about. He wasn’t so sure what his dad would think about the whole thing either but he KNEW his dad would blow up any camera that showed up on the lawn. Not really caring what happened to the person using the camera.

“Well that’s old news. What can you tell me about the cars?” Trunks asked.

“They’re good. Who ever put these babies together knew just how to throw people off of tracking them but they forgot one thing.” Billy answered. “I know how the games work.”

Trunks smiled at that. “Let’s get them good and hard.” He muttered.

“Uhm Trunks? Not good images there.”

“Sorry I just… they are going to pay for this.” Trunks said harshly. Billy nodded and continued his work. When he was done he was able to give Trunks the names of who the cars were registered to by getting their names off of the credit receipts for some parts that got installed. Trunks thanked Billy and left further investigate who caused his friends’ accident. The owners of the cars were Hal Lewis and a Sharpner Royce. Why did that name sound familiar? Wasn’t that Videl’s friend Erasa’s boyfriend? That had to be it. He would find out soon enough….


It was a rather nice day when she heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Valise asked.

“Package for you miss.” Said the voice on the other side. Valise opened the door.

“If you would sign here please?” The man asked. Valise did and was given the package, the delivery man left without any further explanation.

“Well that’s odd.” Said Valise out loud “I don’t remember ordering anything.” But it did have her name and address on it. “Well maybe Goten ordered me a present.”

She opened the package all there was was a video cassette and a note. So she played the video, and got the show of her life. “Well.. that’s so SWEET!” She said in wonder. She read the note and called the phone number. “Uhm is this the hentai hot-line?”

“Yes which of our representatives can I refer you to?” Asked the friendly voice on the other line.

“Representative number 17.” Said Valise looking at the note. There was music as the lines changed.

“This is representative 17 of the Hentai hot-line may I help you?”

“You sent a video to 545 Rose Lane in West City?” Valise asked

“Yes, did you enjoy it?”

“Well actually yes…”

“Would you like to see the original?”

“There’s another one?” Valise asked surprised.

“Yes.” came the reply.

“Actually I would.”

“Okay then, but first there is a release form for you to sign so your boyfriend doesn’t decide to kick my ass alright?”

“Why would Goten want to hurt your donkey? He’s usually very nice to animals.”

“Uh nevermind. I’ll arrive at your address shortly.” said the voice on the other line and hung up.


“I don’t- Alright I do but you could’ve handled that better.” Said 18.

“What do you suggest we do?” Asked 17 “She watched the video right? She wasn’t upset.”

“I can’t believe you made a copy of the tape into material for a porno movie.”

“Two guys having sex in a t.v. room of a hospital isn’t your idea of material porno movie? What kind of porno do YOU watch?”

17 asked as they drove back to Valise’s house. “I don’t usually watch it I read it.” 18 answered. Since this revelation was made as 17 was ringing the doorbell he decided not to say anything. Figuring that the second he came up with a satisfactory reply Valise would be there to hear it and that wouldn’t be appropriate. He realized he thought this and wondered if he was losing his mind. His next thought was centered around how did Goten survive having such an innocent for a girl friend when he was an average half alien male with hormones? Maybe it was no wonder he finally cracked and had sex with his best friend it was the only way he would be able to get any!

“Hello can I help you?” Valise asked opening the door. “Oh hello Mrs. Chestnut I’m afraid Goten isn’t visiting right now. Would you like me to give him a message or something?”

“Actually I came to see you.” Said 18. “My brother and I found out something you may find interesting and we are here to talk to you about it.”

“Is this about the video I got in the mail?” Valise asked.

“Yes.” Said 18 and they put in the video from a few nights before.

“Wow.” Said Valise. “That was… wow.”

“It seems to get better every time you watch it.” Said 17.

“I just have a couple of questions though.” Said Valise.

“Sure.” Said 18.

“Is this one the real thing?” Valise asked.

“Yes, we found it occurring in the hospital the night Gohan and Videl were in a car accident.” Said 18.

“Do you think Goten meant everything he said?” Valise asked.

“Yes I think he did.” Said 17.

“Okay what does it exactly mean when Goten says he thinks I am more than just a fuck? And why is Goten begging Trunks to do it harder and faster and where are all the roosters they keep talking about?”

“Err… you want to handle this?” 17 asked 18. 18 just sighed this was going to be interesting to explain.


It had been three days. Where was that ungrateful wench? He had come back from a disastrous race to see that she wasn’t here. He hadn’t seen hair or hide of her for days, no calls either. “If she knows what’s good for her she better call soon.” He muttered as he stumbled around. Gods it was hard to find good dependable help these days. She had simple little tasks to do, keep the place clean, have meals ready when he came home, be there when he was in the mood. She pretty much had free reign of her time other than that. “Maybe I did give her too much freedom.” He mused to himself. “If she can’t be here to do what she’s supposed to do.” He decided to stay home today and see if she returned.


She had seen what time it was, and as much as she didn’t want to she had to get home. As much as she didn’t want to leave her friend Sharpner was waiting for her. So Erasa took her leave of Videl and went home as quickly as she could. “There you are.” Unfortunately not soon enough, Sharpner was waiting and he didn’t LIKE waiting.

“You’re back early.” Said Erasa softly. “You said you would be out of town until tomorrow.”

“So you decided to take of on a short vacation and leave the apartment a wreck hmmm?” Sharpner asked. She got a good look at his eyes.

Damn he was high or drunk or both, it wasn’t going to be easy to convince him of his make now. Even if she was right and it was his mistake. “The place was clean when I left, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had come back early and would need me, sir.” That should do it, right tone, eyes down apologetic. Maybe he wouldn’t hit her this time. He thought it over, “You’re right I did say I would be back on Friday, things didn’t happen like I expected. Come on.” He gestured that he should follow and she did. He ignored the mess from his latest binge. Beer cans and a few bottles all over dirty clothes take out boxes. Other objects had been thrown around he must have been upset when he came back. It wasn’t her then, his deal had gone sour or something. She followed him into the bedroom. She laid down obediently and the chains were put on. He liked seeing her helpless when they had sex. It made him feel like he had complete control. The chains were also for restraint if he wanted to mix pain in with the sex as well. Erasa sighed, well the bruises from last time were gone but there was that scar from three months before. Hopefully he would be careful not to mark her too much this time. Those could be a bitch to hide when she wanted to go out in public.

He bit her shoulder possessively, “I’ve been lonely these past couple of nights.” He said looking at her. He was probably lying he probably called up a service. He wanted her to feel like she deserved this. Damn him for being so much stronger then her! Of course last time she struggled too much she was locked in her room for several weeks no phone or anything. She lost her assignment at the temp service that time. She explained that there had been an emergency in the family. Sharpner had gotten mad and made her quit the temp agency. That’s when he said he expected meals when he was home and a clean apartment. That’s when she started staying inside a lot more. She felt the cold metal when he tapped her breasts with the chains.

“None of that I want you here with me.” He said sternly. “Not day dreaming.”

“Sorry, I was worried.”


“Videl was in a car accident a couple of nights ago, I’ve been visiting her. That is why I wasn’t here.”

“You weren’t home at all.” Sharpner reminded her as he gave both nipples a painful twist.

“I was staying at a friend’s they were closer to the hospital. You said you were going to be gone until Friday. And I was catching up with Marie from school.” Erasa explained. Sharpner kissed both nipples apologetically. He accepted this answer.

“Was any one else hurt in Videl’s accident?” He asked

“Yes sir, a truck driver and well… Gohan Son.” She wouldn’t have mentioned it if he hadn’t directly asked. He didn’t like it when his questions weren’t answered completely. He had burned her a couple of times on her breasts with a cigarette to teach her that lesson. There was knocking on the door. “Are you expecting anyone slut?” he asked She shook her head

“No, sir. I wasn’t.” She answered. He ignored it. The knocking continued. He made a noise of frustration. She knew that look. He grabbed a something she couldn’t see and shoved it in her. She tried not to cry out at the freezing metal object that was shoved up her ass. He was mad now, he had to be. He pulled it back out again roughly. She whimpered in pain. He slapped her across the face. “Quiet, I am going to enjoy this one way or another without interruption. She wanted to tell him it hurt and ask him to stop but that would make it worse. He went into her roughly normal way this time but it still hurt that she gave out a scream. He looked at her in anger but kept going. That’s when the bedroom door slammed open and she saw something she never thought she would see again.

It was the Gold Fighter from back when she was in High School and he looked PISSED.


“Are you okay?” He asked softly, it had to be the third time in like five minutes but he was sure that the asshole had hurt her. He wrapped her in one of the sheets and took the chains off. Sharpner had taken advantage of his distraction long enough to get out of there but Trunks knew he could track him down later. His main concern was the blonde woman in the bed sheet. “I’m going to take you to the hospital they maybe able to give you something for the pain and you’re bleeding.”

‘Asshole you don’t keep going when they scream for you to stop. That is rape,whether it started as consensual or not.’

“Is it really you? I thought you would be taller.” She admitted. “I mean it’s been like 6 years since any one has seen you.”

“Seen me?” He was feeling a little confused.

“Yeah, I mean you’re the Gold Fighter. The guy they say helped when the bank got robbed. Aren’t you?”

The Gold… Gohan it had to have been Gohan so that’s why he asked Bulma for a costume. He saw people needed help and went Super Saiyan to hide his identity but the ruse would only work for so long.

“Right. Hang on tight miss.”

“Hold on?” He made sure to wrap extra blankets around her and took off flying out of the window with Erasa in his arms.


After making sure that Erasa would be alright. Trunks went to hunt down Sharpner that made three crimes the other blonde needed to pay for. One, Being the organizer of a ring of street racers that went all over the place. Two, being one of the racers responsible for Gohan and Videl’s accident and Three, Abusing his girl friend. You didn’t treat women like that. Or anyone really, but especially women and children. Sadly that is when his phone began ringing. He groaned when he saw who was calling him, he really didn’t have the TIME for this!

“Hey Katie what’s going on?” He asked pleasantly. ‘Great just what I need.’

“Trunks why have you been avoiding me?”

“I haven’t been avoiding you, you wanted to take a break and go out with other people I agreed.” Trunks replied.

“You haven’t been returning my calls.” She returned.

“I’ve been a little busy. A family friend has been in a car accident and I’ve been with my mother doing what we can to help the family out right now.”

“A family friend? Let me guess Goten Son is involved right?”

“Well yeah actually it’s his brother.”


“Excuse me?”

“If you aren’t at work you’re with Goten Son.” Katie answered. “If I want to spend any time I have to make sure you don’t have plans with HIM first. I swear if I didn’t know you’ve only dated girls. I would think you two were lovers or something.”

“Goten’s my best friend and it’s not like that.” Trunks retorted.

‘Okay once but that was something else completely.’

“Then why can’t anyone see one of you without the other? What’s it take to separate you two? The jaws of life?”

‘More than you are capable of you pathetic human.’ came a thought that took Trunks by surprise.

Great, on top of every thing else he didn’t need a fight with Katie right now.

“Look can we talk about this later? I’m a little busy right now.”

“What are you on another date with your precious Goten?” Katie asked sarcastically.

“Actually no I am tracking down a suspect in a case the police are working on actually.”

“Right, and what does that case have anything to do with you Briefs?”

“The case has to do with what happened to Gohan that’s why.” Trunks answered.

“Whatever Trunks just don’t come crying to me when Goten won’t give you a blow job. He’s straight you know.”

“He’s been my best friend for years if anyone would know I would.” Said Trunks.

“Unlike you right briefs?” Asked Katie and before Trunks could make any response to her accusation she hung up.

That didn’t go very well. Well that was unimportant, now he could continue his hunt for his prey.


“Where the hell is she? It’s been three days she better not be shacking up with that Gohan boy. She has her reputation to think of. As well as mine what is it going to look like if everyone thinks my daughter is some kind of slut?” Hercule Satan World Champion had returned from his trip to find that his daughter was gone and hadn’t been home for awhile.

“Sir, you have messages on the machine. Perhaps one of them is from your daughter explaining her whereabouts?” His driver suggested. He didn’t like the mood swings he had seen his boss going through lately if he didn’t know any better he would swear he was on drugs. There were two calls from girls that Hercule didn’t know but supposed they were Videl’s school friends. And one from West City Memorial hospital saying that Videl had been in a car accident. So that’s where she had been probably hadn’t been released yet. What did she do to get herself in such a situation? She was probably out with that no good Son kid again.

“Driver I need to go to West City Memorial hospital.” Said Hercule

“Are you sure they will let you in to see her?” The driver asked

“Of course I am the Martial Arts Champion of the World! Why wouldn’t they?” Hercule retorted and they drove to the hospital.


It hadn’t taken long to get into the hospital and get Videl’s room number from the receptionist. Hercule paused long enough to sign a few autographs then went to his daughter’s room ignoring or missing the do not disturb sign that was hanging on the handle. In the room his daughter was sound asleep on her bed and another girl, sat on the bed next to her watching over her as she slept. The other girl obviously didn’t see him because she bent down to kiss Videl briefly before getting up off the bed. What the Hell? It was that girl Eraser or something like that. What did she think she was doing? The girl turned to leave and saw Hercule was there. “Hello Mr. Satan, Videl’s asleep right now but she should be up in a little while.”

“What do you think you are doing with my daughter?” Hercule asked.

“Nothing.” Said the girl, apparently having no idea what he was talking about.

“My daughter isn’t like you and I don’t want you giving her wrong ideas.”

“What are you talking about?”

“My daughter isn’t a freak like you and I don’t want you bothering her again. You dyke.” Hercule responded.

“Mr. Satan.”

“I saw you kiss her. You didn’t even care that she wasn’t awake to slap you; She was asleep and that’s why you took advantage of the situation.”

“I would never take advantage of Videl, Mr. Satan. I…” She stopped.

“You love her don’t you? Well news flash my daughter doesn’t date girls not while I still have breath in my body and if you even THINK about touching her again…”

“Sir you are hurting my arm.”

“More than that will hurt if you come near my daughter again, dyke.”

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Hercule turned and saw Videl was awake and sitting up. “Leave her alone dad.”

“You don’t know what she is.”

“I don’t care. She’s my best friend and you are leaving her alone.”

“Not anymore she isn’t you’re not spending time with her. She’s one of those kind of people.”

“What people dad?” Videl asked

“She’s gay Videl. And people like that have no place in decent society.”

“So what you are forbidding me to be friends with her now? Because she isn’t what you want her to be?”

“That’s right. You don’t need to be exposed to people like that darling. They’ll give you strange ideas.”

“What ideas are those?”

“Women marrying other women, men fucking other men. It’s all wrong and against nature.”

“Isn’t that a little harsh?” Asked another voice from the door way. “Coming from a weakling and fraud like you anyway.”

Hercule turned and saw something he didn’t think he’d see again one of those weirdos with the blonde hair and blue eyes that were at the cell games.

“What’s wrong world champ? Surprised to see me again?” He asked.

Herucle stared. “You can let go of her arm now.” Said the Gold haired weirdo again. Hercule did what he said.

“You really don’t have any say here dad. I am staying friends with Erasa.” Said Videl

“But she kissed you!” Hercule retorted. “She likes you that way!”

“And I really don’t care.” Said Videl “Because I feel the same way!”


Erasa looked at Videl. Was Videl really going to tell her dad that she was bi? About them?

“I love Erasa, Dad and she loves me and there is nothing you can do to change that.” Videl stated.

“Sure I can.” Hercule replied. “I can cut off your funds for school.”

“I have my own money dad. So go ahead.”

“I’ll disown you.”

“I don’t care you haven’t been acting like my dad for the past three years anyway. And you are just a big fraud, taking credit for something you probably never did!” Hercule roared and went to punch his daughter but someone stepped from the doorway and grabbed Hercule Satan’s fist before he could hit Videl.

“Never. Ever. Try. That. Again.” He said slowly and quietly, squeezing Hercule’s fist in his hand.

“Gold Fighter?” Erasa asked, it could be, but he seemed to have changed clothes. Hercule was groaning from the pain of having his hand clenched in the other man’s.

“You are going to get cleaned up. You are going to get some counseling and if I EVER hear that you are making your daughter’s life hell again… I’ll be back and we can have a sparing match of our own. And Hercule?”


“I won’t be as easy on you as Gohan Son was.” With that comment he released Hercule’s hand. “Are you girls okay?” He asked turning his attention to Erasa and Videl.

“Yeah I think we are.” Said Erasa.

Videl nodded. “Who are you?” She asked.

“No one in particular.” He answered. “Let’s just say the guys that showed up at the Cell Games were friends of mine.”

“They’re the ones that beat him weren’t they?” Erasa asked curious as she went to Videl.

“My brother did.” He answered, “It nearly cost him his life, like it did my father. Don’t let Hercule fool you. Cell was an alien fighter created to destroy the world and he was fought and destroyed by some of the bravest fighters on the planet.”

He smiled at them as he saw Videl take Erasa’s hand in hers “Congratulations. I wish you luck.” He told them

“Thanks.” Said Videl. Then he left the room.

“Who was that?” Asked Erasa

“I’m not sure.” Said Videl. “But I get the strange feeling like I know him some how.”

“Me too.” Said Erasa “Weird.”


“So someone has finally decided to pay me a visit.” He said jokingly.

“Hey come on Gohan. We were here you were asleep not the best circumstances for conversation.”

Gohan laughed “Yeah I know. So what’s been going on while I was out? Is Videl alright?”

“She’s fine Vegeta managed to get Sensu beans to both of you when the staff wasn’t around they are just keeping you for observation mostly. You got some pretty bad damage you know, I suppose it was from shielding Videl.”

“I figured I could take it better than she could.” Gohan answered. “She’s a good friend and I didn’t want to see her hurt if there was anything I could do about it.” Goten looked over at him.

“Just a good friend huh? The way mom talks about it the two of you are one step away from the alter.”

“Mom doesn’t know as much as she thinks.” Gohan answered, then looked apologetic. “You know her she wants to see us happy with families of our own. She’ll be real happy with you. I’m probably going to be a disappointment to her.”

“Why do you say that?” Goten asked.

“Videl and I aren’t engaged. I don’t think we are ever going to be. We had to tell Hercule we were thinking about it to get him to leave Videl alone.”

“I see.” Said Goten. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Maybe later it isn’t important now.” Said Gohan.

“Right.” Said Goten. “But if you do I’m here you know?”

“I know.” Said Gohan. There was a knock on the door.

“Hi, mind if we join you? We were going stir crazy wondering if Gohan was…. Gohan you’re awake!” Said Erasa.

“Yep. How’s Videl?”

“Just fine. When they’re done with the tests I should be out by the end of the week.” Said Videl.

“Erasa?” Goten asked. She looked a little weak.”I’m okay.” She told him. “It’s been a rough day.”

Gohan looked to Goten, who nodded and got a glass of water for her. “Here.” He said handing her half a sensu bean “Chew this and drink some water it will make you feel better.” Erasa did as he instructed and had to admit after a few minutes she felt great. “Wow! what’s in that stuff?” She asked.

“Nothing illegal.” Goten assured her. “Capsule Corp is working on it. We got some samples because our family are their favorite guina pigs.”

“Goten.” Said Gohan.

“It’s true.” Goten responded “How many different things has Bulma tried out on us without us knowing?”

“Point.” Said Gohan.

“What are you talking about?” Asked Videl.

“You don’t want to know.” Both brothers answered in unison.

“But if you change your mind we’ll tell you later some of the stories are pretty funny.”Continued Goten

“No they aren’t.” Said Gohan.

“Well if you didn’t live through them, if you did you’re really embarrassed.”

Videl looked at Gohan’s face. “Maybe you should tell me some of these stories sometime Goten.”

Gohan sighed. “Why me?” He asked the uncaring world. Which didn’t answer, but he didn’t expect one anyway. He did notice how close Erasa was near to Videl and that subconsciously she had taken Videl’s hand when she realized she quickly let it go.

“Videl? Is there something you want to tell me?” Gohan asked.

“Not really.” Said Videl.

He gave her a look. “Right.” He said. He looked at Erasa who blushed under his gaze. “You need to work on that or you won’t last ten minutes when people start asking if you two are a couple.” He told Erasa.

“But we’re not…” Erasa started

“You’re going to be though.” Said Gohan.

“How can we? I mean Videl’s going out with you.” Said Erasa.

“You didn’t tell her?” Gohan asked Videl.

“I tried to explain but I don’t think she really got it.” Said Videl.

Gohan laughed at that. “Okay maybe I can spell it out for you.” He told Erasa. “And you too Videl. I know what’s going on with you two. I could tell as soon as you took her hand Erasa that you were attracted to Videl. And since she didn’t pull away I am going to say that Videl doesn’t mind.” He looked at Videl who nodded. “So I don’t see the problem other than Videl is supposedly going out with me.” Erasa looked at him curiously. “We have an agreement and one part of that agreement is if we ever find someone that makes one of us happy and we want to see where that relationship goes with that person we are free to do so. As long as the other one doesn’t object the choice we made. Which I don’t, so you two are free and clear. She’s yours Erasa. Take care of each other okay?” They both nodded, and then kissed. “That didn’t seem so hard.” Said Gohan.

“I think it sinks in better when both people tell you it’s alright.” Said Goten.

“I guess so.” said Gohan and jokingly added when the kissing started expanding deeper. “Hey some of us are trying to think pure thoughts here! So either tone it down, get a room or invite us to join you.” Videl and Erasa stopped at that point looking embarrassed.

“Sorry I couldn’t resist.” Said Gohan.

“We know.” Said Videl and Goten together. There was a knock on the door.

“Sorry may I come in?” The officer asked.

“Sure join the party.” Said Goten.

Gohan looked at him and then to the officer said. “Yes sir you can.” Goten offered a chair and the officer sat down in it. “A very interesting day.” He said. “Very interesting. You will be happy to know that we have the drivers responsible for the accident Mr. Son, Ms. Satan and Mr. Keith had three days ago in custody. We also have found their chop shop were they make their cars from stolen cars and parts. In fact I think we can have most of those responsible for two rival underground street racing rings all processed and awaiting trial by tomorrow morning.” He noticed Erasa there. “Miss… will you agree to give a statement? And press charges?” Erasa nodded. “Thank you. Do you have anywhere to stay?”

“I can stay at a friend’s.” Erasa answered.

“Very good. Then we have all we need against him. Even if the defense attorney tries to say some of this is circumstantial well have enough to make things stick.”

“Good.” Said Erasa, she looked different when she said that. “Maybe time in prison will set him straight again but I wouldn’t bet on it.”

“You never know.” The officer told her kindly.

“You said you have the drivers in custody.” Said Goten.

“Yes and they are the leaders of the two rings.” The officer explained. “The one identified as Sharpner Royce was in the worst condition. They were turned in anonymously at the police hospital.”

“Police hospital?” Videl asked.

“There was difficulty apprehending them and they got a little banged up miss.” The officer explained. “The official that checked them in said it was karma. Well anyway I was told to tell you, that the three of you needed to make statements. Is it alright if we do that now?” The three of them nodded.

“I better go, Valise is expecting me to call.” Said Goten and left them to it.



Gohan was busy doing his research for his classes. He had been a little behind but it was excused for his accident. However, he didn’t want to get too far behind or his grades would suffer. Which was the reason that he was up tonight so late seeing what he could get done. He decided to turn to turn on his CD player so he could be sure of staying awake while he worked. As he listened to the music some much too familiar lyrics began to play.

And I never really sleep anymore, and I always get those dangerous dreams
And I never get a minute of peace, and I gotta wonder what it means And I gotta wonder what it means

Maybe it’s nothing and I’m under the weather. Maybe it’s just one of those bugs going round.
Maybe I’m under a spell and it’s magic. Maybe there’s a witch doctor with an office in town.

Oh is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds or just a little cheaper than spit?
(I don’t know what it is)
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit

And there used to be such an easy way of living And there used to be every hope in the world.
And I used to get everything that I went after But there never used to be this girl, but there never used to be this girl.

Maybe I’m crazy and I’m losing my senses. Maybe I’m possessed by a spirit or such
Maybe I’m desperate and I’ve got no defenses Can you get me a prescription for that one perfect touch?

Oh is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
It’s a stairway to heaven or a subway going down to the pits

(Is it some kind of love?)
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit

Oh is this a blessing or is it a curse?
Does it get any better? Can it get any worse?
Will it go on forever or is it over tonight?
Does it come with the darkness? Does it bring out the light?
Is it richer than diamonds or just a little cheaper than spit?

(I don’t know what it is) I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit
I don’t know what it is but it just won’t quit

There was a time when nothing ever really mattered
There was a time when there was nothing I didn’t know
There was a time when I knew just what I was living for
There was a time and the time was so long ago
There was a time and the time was so long ago
And I never really sleep anymore

‘Okay I think that I shouldn’t listen to that one again if I want to get my work done.’ Gohan thought to himself, he didn’t need distractions right now and the thoughts that song brought to the surface were bound to be a MAJOR distraction.

He had felt that same way for quite a while now except it wasn’t a girl in his case. ‘No offense Videl, but the two of you are probably going to get through this together and you deserve to be.’ It was a guy and that guy probably wouldn’t share his feelings anyway. Not that made the dreams, the fantasies or the thoughts that this song mirrored so much go away any time soon. How long had it been since he realized he liked this guy? When it first happened would be impossible since he was attracted to both genders but when he recognized it for what it was that had to have been what two years? Maybe three? But a response to those feelings would not be proper in their situation so he ignored them and tried to go on like they didn’t exist. Not always an easy task but he could at least stow the feelings away in the back of his mind. Where they stayed out of trouble and if he had to wake up in the middle of the night to deal with the problem himself no big deal. The relationship they did have remained intact.

‘Maybe I DO need a break from all this!’ Gohan thought to himself. Before he could decide what he wanted to do with his free time he heard a tapping on his window.

He went out and opened it and admitted Piccolo inside. “Hey, Piccolo what brings you here?”

“Just checking in to see how you are doing.” Piccolo answered. “How have you been?”

“Lots of sleep and catching up to do for school but I’m good.” Gohan told him.

“Good. Have you seen anyone recently?”

“Sure Goten and Trunks were both by to see me when I was in the hospital, Erasa and Videl did too. I got a few phone calls from the others and Krillen and his family visited me here last week to check up on me. Mom keeps insisting I go back home for a while. I think the accident scared her pretty bad. I’m going back at the end of the semester to reassure her but I’m not changing schools or moving back near home just yet.”

Piccolo nodded this was expected from Chi-chi.

“Dad’s been to visit me several times in the hospital and here. I think to help quiet mom down but the visits were nice.”

“How is Videl?”

“She’s doing fine, better than she has been in awhile actually.” Said Gohan. “I haven’t seen her much though.” Piccolo looked at him. “She’s busy with school and stuff.”

Gohan quickly supplied. He was pretty certain Piccolo would not be interested in the details of all that.

“I heard you to may have taken a break. Your mother wasn’t too happy from what I heard.” Piccolo explained.

“Only because I have been all school and no play ever since.” Gohan replied. “She thinks I’m unhappy. Truth is I’m not. I’m overjoyed for Videl and Erasa.”

‘Oops, so much for not too many details. Ah, he’s a Namek chances are he won’t care or realize what I meant.’

“They’re… a couple?” Piccolo asked.

“Yeah. They’re happy though so that’s all that matters right?” Gohan asked.

“Gohan. Are you trying to use an indirect method to see my opinion on the relationships humans have with each other?”

“What? Not intentionally.” Gohan answered.

“Okay then. You said they were happy and implied no one was being hurt. I don’t see what the problem is.” Piccolo answered. “Is there something you would like to talk to me about?”

“Not really why?”

“You seem like something is bothering you.” Piccolo answered. “And for the record I can always tell.”

“Just school and the usual. I am curious about what happened when I was out.”

Piccolo laughed. “You would be. They were found and turned in. The police don’t know by who but I suspect it was Trunks personally.”

“Trunks? Seemed a bit more like Vegeta’s method, but he would be upset at the time.”

“He was worried about you. I know that because of what they did to you at the hospital you weren’t the one that intimidated Hercule. He found that a girl was attracted to his daughter and was giving them hell.”

“Erasa. Do you know who stopped him from bothering her?”

“I have my suspicions but the result is that he’s getting counseling and got cleaned up. He was taking drugs for a while. He’s also stopped bothering Videl about her relationships.”

“Great. She hadn’t said anything but I thought she was looking a lot more happy.” Said Gohan. Piccolo nodded and remembered the day he had found out.


He had gone to trace the Super Saiyan energy he had felt at the hospital worried that it had been Gohan’s but it was Goten’s instead.

“What happened?” Piccolo asked him, when he had found the younger Son.

“Not an issue.” Said Goten


“Hercule was making Videl miserable and I got him to leave her alone.” Goten admitted.

“You called him a fraud?”


“And when he tried to hit Videl you stopped him?”


Piccolo thought about this for a minute. Then he recalled that trainers would usually give their charges treats to reinforce certain behaviors and responses as well as reward certain efforts.

“Have a cookie Goten.” He gave Goten a large chocolate chip cookie from the hospital gift shop. Goten looked confused but ate the cookie.

“You then proceeded to tell him in the presence of Erasa and Videl that Cell was alien fighter that would have destroyed the world had he not been defeated? And that it was done by some of the bravest fighters on the planet?” Piccolo continued.

“Yes.” Said Goten.

“Then you told Hercule that he if ever tried to make Videl’s life hell again, you would more or less kick his ass?”

“I implied that yes.” Goten answered.

Goten seemed to train more for fun or recreation then anything else but to see him take a more serious stance on this type of thing told Piccolo that there maybe hope yet for him. “Have another cookie.” He told Goten and gave it to him. “How’s Gohan?”

“He’s doing alright he should be waking up in a few minutes.” Goten answered.

“You better go see him then.” Said Piccolo.

“What about you?”

“Less I am seen in this place the better.” Piccolo answered. “I’ll pay him a visit later.

End flashback

As Piccolo thought about this he saw Gohan’s c.d. player, it was paused.

“What were you listening to?” He asked, wondering if some song was partly responsible for Gohan’s mood. Gohan hit the rewind button and played the song he just finished listening to for Piccolo.

“So have you figured out what it is yet?” Piccolo asked.

“I think I know who it relates too,” Said Gohan. “I am still figuring out what to do about it all though.”

“‘But there never used to be this girl.’ or guy depending on the case.” Said Piccolo.

“It’s a guy and he isn’t that recent I just didn’t know what I felt until sometime ago. But it’s not important.”

“Why isn’t it?” Piccolo asked.

“It’s better off he doesn’t know. I mean I guess I am saying that because it is convenient for me. I don’t have do deal with Mom’s reactions when she finds out I’m bisexual. It doesn’t have consequences on my or anyone else’s relationship with that person… I mean my heart won’t be irreversibly shattered if he doesn’t feel the same way but on the other hand I don’t want him hating my guts and not wanting to have anything to do with me or anyone connected with me either. So I guess I am very carefully testing the waters right now.” Gohan admitted.

“Hmm.” Said Piccolo, thinking over what Gohan had said. “That makes sense I suppose. What would you do if he did feel the same way you did?”

“Dance for joy when no one was looking.” Gohan answered with a smile showing that he was kidding with his answer. Then more seriously he said. “I suppose I find a way to tell him how I feel and see how he took it and then ask him out for dinner or something.”

“I don’t suppose you are going to tell me who it is are you?” Piccolo asked.

“Better off not.” Gohan answered. “You may try to interrogate him or something.”

Piccolo gave Gohan an injured look. “Would I do such a thing?” He asked.

“If you thought it was in my best interest you would take out the local army of the nearest five planets. So yes, I would not put it past you to have the person I was interested in checked out. You would probably even try to find out how he feels about me in some way and see whether or not I was wasting my time pining over him.”

The worst part of all this Piccolo realized was that he couldn’t argue with Gohan on this. He did indeed feel a form of…responsibility for Gohan and his safety. He would deal with anything he saw as a threat to the young boy that long ago warmed him to friendship. Later, to his almost dismay he learned that he would many do or feel many things for Gohan that he didn’t for anyone else. Gohan had more or less become Piccolo’s surrogate son when he wasn’t looking. He had wanted to hurt those responsible for the accident but Trunks beat him to it. So he stayed where he had been in close range to the hospital should anything occur. Bulma even created an image device that would allow him to visit Gohan when ever he wished without causing alarm to the others in the hospital.

While his older friend was in his thoughts Gohan got a good impression of what the older man was probably thinking about. “So they never were just coincidences were they?” Gohan asked, Piccolo’s attention returned to the half Saiyan. “Those times when I was younger when ever I seemed to need you. You were always there looking out for me like… well like you were my uncle or something. Like despite how you may act around everyone you actually cared about me.”

“Yes.” Piccolo finally admitted. “You were my friend and my student but in other ways you were… you were like the son I never had.” Gohan felt relief come through him that his emotions for his friend weren’t one sided. There were many times he thought of Piccolo as a surrogate father figure. Especially during the seven years while Goku was away in Other World.

“I get the feeling you were thinking around the same lines.” Said Piccolo Seeing his younger friend’s relief.

“Yes actually.” Said Gohan.

“Hmm…” Said Piccolo. “Fine I promise I won’t go checking out this person or interrogate them unless I think it is really needed. But… you still wouldn’t tell me would you?”

“Only because I’m not so sure how he feels about me.” Gohan explained. “He doesn’t know I think about him that way yet remember. A seven foot Namekian fighter hunting him down to have a talk is not the most reassuring thought in the world for him anyway.”

“Alright I get your point, but you are okay?” Piccolo asked.

“I’m doing fine, other than this crush that seems to be running my life I’m okay.” Gohan told him. “I’ll figure out what to do I promise.”

“I’ll leave you to it then.” Said Piccolo. “If you need me, you know how to reach me.”

Gohan nodded, but it was only after he was gone that Gohan whispered. “Hai, Tousan I do know how to reach you.”

After that he decided that he should try to get some sleep he could battle the uncertainties of his heart in the morning.


The next morning came before Gohan knew it. Then again so did the afternoon it was around 1:00 before he was ready to greet the world. Considering he was up till about 4 am last night he wasn’t really that surprised, but he should get up. After all he had invited guests over for dinner today in a way of thanking them for their patience and help while he recuperated. Trunks, Valise and Goten would be over around 6 giving him around four and half hours to prepare. However when he went to get his mail he found a strange package. Inside was a video tape with the request that he play it immediately thinking that it might be something from one of his class mates he figured it wouldn’t kill him to play it right now he had plenty of time to prepare for his guests….


Twice he had played the video twice before his brain fully registered what he was seeing. There was no way, he thought it was highly unlikely like he would have to fight for it or some such thing but here it was right there in front of him evidence that he had been hoping he could find some hope that his feelings weren’t completely in vain or wasted that he had a chance… all of it had been granted by this video given to him by heaven only knew who or how they had gotten it. The question was, now that he found this precious information what was he going to do with it? Surely not waste it or bury it somewhere it had to be studied and appropriately integrated.

First thing he did was call Goten.

“Hey Goten? It’s Gohan. I’m sorry but something unexpected has come up and I’m going to have to cancel with you and Valise. Yeah, unavoidable I’m sorry. I’ll tell Trunks don’t worry about it. Can I get a rain check? Thanks. Don’t worry I wouldn’t leave you completely stranded I made reservations for you. Yeah I’m covering it. You’re welcome. Thanks for understanding. Yeah, I love you too little bro. Bye now.”

Well that had been simple and he hadn’t exactly lied to Goten either had he? Something unexpected had come up and it couldn’t be avoided. He had to deal with it or lose his opportunity. He began getting the house ready for his remaining guest. Trying to remain calm, if he was correct and the video was accurate then maybe he hadn’t lost his chance with Trunks Briefs after all.


It was five-thirty he was early he knew but he thought he would take sometime to visit with Gohan before Goten and Valise arrived. He had talked to Gohan at the hospital several times and called a few times after. In fact a week ago he and Goten along with Gohan had a rather distracting afternoon together.


“So what do you guys want to do?” Goten asked.

“Goten, it’s a beautiful day and we don’t have any classes, maybe we should just enjoy it for what it is.” Trunks suggested.

“I’m kinda with Trunks here, Goten. As long as we don’t have to be in school. Who really cares what we do?” Gohan asked.

Trunks and Goten looked at him. “Okay who are you and what have you done with my brother?” Goten asked.

Gohan laughed “Alright I deserved that. It’s just that things have been pretty… intense lately I thought we would all enjoy a break don’t you?”

“He has a point.” Said Trunks to Goten

“Yes, but how do we prove it is really Gohan?” Goten asked Trunks.

“Guys… what are you… GUYS!! We are in plain sight! What the hell…” Goten and Trunks did a quick glance and saw no one and then went super saiyan. Throwing playful punches at their older friend and sibling. Gohan blocked most with ease, not missing a beat. They kept going until…


Goten and Trunks were laughing as Gohan fell back into the lake and Gohan emerged transformed. Not looking very pleased but far from truly angry. “What on Earth has gotten into you two?” He asked. Fortunately going Super Saiyan allowed him to dry off quite quickly from his drenching.

“He transformed I think it may actually be Gohan.” Said Trunks to Goten.

“Maybe.” Said Goten “There is only one more way to be sure.” They team attacked him again this time tickling their victim into submission. “Wha… ha ha… come on you two… stop that.. ha ha.. that tickles.. Don’t… come on you guys cut it out.”

Gohan gasped trying to get free from his captors but found all his efforts to be futile.

“Well he is ticklish in the same places as Gohan.” Said Goten.

“I agree with that.” Said Trunks.

“Oh for crying out loud.” Said Gohan “Has it ever occurred to you, that though I enjoy my classes on the whole better then you, maybe I have teachers that drive me insane too?”

“And now he is speaking blasphemy.” Said Goten

“That would only be the case if mom were here.” Gohan reminded his younger brother who he was trying to resist giving a wedgie.

‘You are the adult here. You are the adult here. Uh hell with it.’

“Eep.” Managed Goten as he discovered that his boxers were now up around his ears.

“It’s me okay? Can we put all this silliness aside and have some what we would all mutually call fun now?” Gohan asked.

Goten nodded and he was released. “I swear get the two of you in one place and it’s like you are 7 and 8 years old again.” Gohan muttered. Goten and Trunks both lowered their heads as if they felt scolded. They didn’t mean to get the older man in a bad mood. Gohan sighed he didn’t really believe what they were showing but asked his next question anyway. He was starting to feel a bit guilty about what he had said.

“Would anyone like to go out for ice cream?” Goten and Trunks immediately cheered up assuring Gohan that he hadn’t injured their feelings all that badly. “Let’s go I know this great place.” said Goten animatedly. Gohan and Trunks allowed themselves to be pulled to the direction of the ice cream place by the hyperactive younger Son.


Goten was right the place did have good ice cream the three ate their sundaes as they talked until Goten noticed that Trunks eyes had wandered to what Gohan was doing to his sundae. Which didn’t seem to be very friendly in fact if Trunks didn’t know any better he would swear Gohan was using the ice cream to flirt. And Trunks found himself almost growing jealous of the sundae. Wishing that he was the one that Gohan was using his mouth on like that. Gohan sucked some whipped cream of a cherry and then licked it to be sure it was completely clean. Trunks felt his blood beginning to pool south. Then Gohan began to work on the banana part of the sundae…

“Hey Gohan are you eating that sundae or seducing it?” Asked Goten.

“What? Oh sorry.” Said Gohan as if it just occurred to him what he was doing. “Hey Trunks are you okay?” Gohan asked.

“Huh? Oh I’m fine.” Said Trunks, trying to do the best he could to hide the fact that he was aroused as he was by Gohan’s “seduction of the sundae” as Goten was referring to it.

‘ I would love to be the one he was doing that too…’ Trunks thought. ‘He could do that to me any time he wants.’

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Goten asked “You’ve hardly touched your sundae.”

“Yeah I’m fine you know, real nice day and I started daydreaming.” Said Trunks. Fortunately they believed this pitiful excuse for an excuse. And didn’t ask anything else about it. He was also then fortunate as Goten received a call from Valise and Gohan was distracted by some other occurrence. Either case he was able to sneak away from the table and deal with his “problem” without fear of detection from either of the other two saiyans.

End Flashback

Now He was outside Gohan’s apartment trying to slow his heart rate down. Once more he quickly looked himself over he couldn’t help it for some reason. That is when he realized he was wearing the sweatshirt that Gohan had forgotten at his place. Hmmm… it still smelled like Gohan. He went to take it off but realized as long as he seemed to need it Gohan wouldn’t ask for it back right now. So the sweatshirt stayed where it was.

It took him a few minutes to get the nerve but he knocked on the door. That’s when he noticed the door was unlocked, which was more or less Gohan’s invitation to enter. Gohan had probably sensed him coming in the building so he unlocked the door. Made sense, he was probably busy with dinner. Trunks carefully let himself in, after realizing that his watch was wrong and it was only four- fifty he locked the door. Then he proceeded to the kitchen where Gohan was working on dinner. “Hey any thing I can do to help?” Trunks asked.

“Could you chop up those vegetables for the salad?” Gohan asked from the stove. Trunks washed his hands and did just that and tossed them in the bowl with the lettuce and greens. “There’s dressings in the fridge if you want them.” Said Gohan again from the stove area. A timer went off and Gohan pulled a tray of buns out of the oven. Trunks found a basket and towel and helped Gohan with them. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Said Trunks and that was it for that conversation the sauce on the stove pulled Gohan’s attention away once more. “Trunks?”


“There’s meatballs in the fridge if you could…” Gohan didn’t finish before Trunks produced the already prepared meat balls and was helping put them in the sauce Gohan was working on. “There’s bottles of drinks in the…”

“Right.” Said Trunks and retrieved those as well it was almost as if he was ready Gohan’s mind but he had also helped Gohan with dinner before and knew where he kept such things. All he required was the cues of to get what and when.

“If you are thirsty help yourself, I have a coffee maker set up on the one counter as well.” Gohan continued.

“Thanks.” Said Trunks. Nice of Gohan to think of him like that but it was interesting that Gohan had been almost avoiding eye contact from the start. Well he was probably busy but he was paying a lot more attention to the meal then most people did. He must have insecurities about the preparation of the meal. Trunks laughed Gohan didn’t need to worry Saiyans would eat just about anything so there wasn’t really any fears. Yet Trunks did find himself giving into the urge to draw attention just a little to the fact he was present. After all how would he know how to proceed this evening if he had no clues on how Gohan felt about him? So while he was in the pantry he made a point to knock over several cans. “Trunks?” Gohan’s voice came. Trunks ignored it since it was clear that Gohan had his back turned when he inquired and muttered a couple of curses when he hit his elbow hard against one of the cans. “Trunks?” This time it was clear that Gohan’s attention had been obtained. “Sorry everything is okay. I think.” Said Trunks.

“Do you need some help there?” Gohan asked.

‘I’ll tell you where I would like some help.’ came a thought via Trunks’ libido. “No I think I’m okay.” Trunks managed to get out, but that didn’t stop him from moving around a bit more to “clean up the mess” and get what Gohan had asked him to retrieve. Trunks returned trying to pretend that he had no idea about the show he had put on for Gohan while he was on his hands and knees. Gohan seemed to be trying to ignore that fact too. So Trunks brushed past him gently on his was to the counter. Close enough that they touched and both got a good whiff of the other’s scent. Bath gel, Gohan smelled like a rather exotic smelling bath gel and Trunks was now trying to ignore what a turn on it was. “You need anything else?” He asked Gohan.

“That strainer,” Answered Gohan. Trunks retrieved the strainer.

“Thanks my hands are a little full here.” Said Gohan.

‘I wouldn’t mind them being full of something else.’ Trunks found himself thinking and trying to ignore the images that particular thought had produced.

Trunks then retreived the some more things “Okay where do you want me?” Trunks asked. “To put this stuff I mean.”

Gohan looked at him and then at the things Trunks was holding. “On the counter would be great.” Said Gohan.

‘On the counter? No problems there. When should strip for you?’

“No problem.” Trunks answered. His eyes tried to keep connection with Gohan’s but wandered when Gohan put some stray sauce in his mouth to taste it. It was hard for Trunks not to moan as he watched Gohan suck the sauce off his own fingers. Forget the original plan of telling Gohan tonight if he stuck around long enough he would have ample material for all kinds of Gohan centered fantasies to keep himself pleased for some time.

“Trunks are you okay?”

“Yeah it’s just getting a little warm in here that’s all. I’ll go set the table okay?” Trunks answered. Gohan nodded and Trunks left the room.


Once Trunks left the room, Gohan breathed a little easier. Damn him for being so sexy! Gohan wondered briefly if cooking food was an aphrodisiac for Saiyans or something. Because the mingling of the cooking food as well as Trunks’ scent was causing his libido to send O.S.S. signals to the rest of him. He was so ready to pounce on Trunks it wasn’t funny. The show from the pantry, those sexy eyes, the fact Trunks was wearing Gohan’s clothes (again an unexplainable turn on) He nearly misinterpreted what Trunks had said about where he wanted some of the items. He wanted Trunks but not on the counter, more like the couch or the bedroom which ever one they could get too before Gohan had Trunks clothes off…

‘Down boy down. You don’t even know if he will accept your feelings. No… handcuffing him to the bed post while you have your way with him is a BAD idea.’

This had to stop, at this point Gohan would have Trunks’ clothes off before dinner or his chance to explain his feelings even occurred. After a few minutes Gohan was able to successfully to control himself. Which meant that Trunks had no fear of being the meal on either the counter or the dining area table. Not yet anyway.

He finished preparing the meal, and waited for Trunks. Odd, the dining area was awfully quiet. Gohan left the kitchen to find Trunks. The table was set but there was no Trunks where could he be? “Gohan!” came a voice, it was soft barely above a whisper. If Gohan had remained in the kitchen he may not have heard it. Overcome by curiosity Gohan went to the source of the sound. It had come from the bedroom/bathroom area.

He slightly pushed on the cracked open bathroom door and took in the scene before him. Trunks with his eyes closed whispering Gohan’s name and well… “doing him self a favor” as it was often called. Gohan remained completely quiet as he watched doing nothing to call Trunks attention to him. When instinct seemed to take over completely. He walked up quietly behind Trunks. ‘After all.’ the thought came to him. ‘A good host is supposed to look after the comfort of his guests.’

Completely silent Gohan moved behind Trunks And gently took over.

“Huh?” Trunks too far into his haze to ask too many questions.

“Shh.. relax, I’ll take care of this.” Gohan said softly in his ear. Trunks simply moaned and leaned back on Gohan. Trunks began moaning and saying Gohan’s name even louder. He was rewarded by a nip at his ear and kisses down his neck. There was a whimper when Gohan stopped.

“Please… don’t” Trunks whimpered. “I… need..”

“Trust me.”

Gohan answered and started again. This torture was done twice more, equaling three denied orgasms. Trunks was at the point he really no longer cared who was helping him or if Gohan in another part of the house could hear him and was begging and pleading for release. The pleading finally moved Gohan to a bit of pity. “What do you want?” He asked in a voice that didn’t sound like his.

In fact he wasn’t even thinking like himself. His instincts were taking full control now, the one he wanted was right here whacking himself off in Gohan’s bathroom whimpering HIS name. Add this to the video and he had all the evidence he needed that Trunks was at least physically attracted to him. Trunks seemed to still be in a haze and had now got himself in position to kiss Gohan. Gohan responded to the kiss fully and allowed Trunks to deepen it. “Please.” Trunks said again after the kiss was finished. “I don’t know… just do it now.” That was all the invitation Gohan’s primal side needed as he lifted Trunks up and carried him to the bed stripped off his clothes.

“Beautiful.” He whispered running a hand over Trunks. “Beautiful.”

“Huh?” Trunks asked as things started becoming a bit more clear and his position on the bed seemed to be a problem. He was slowly slipping off of it. “Hold…hold on a sec.” That got a growl from the man over him. “Hey hey it’s okay I..” When it became obvious what Trunks was doing the growls turned into purrs.


Trunks finished repositioning himself trying to come to grips with what exactly was going on here but so far it came down to two things:
A) He was horny as hell.
B) Whoever this other person was they were more than willing to help him out.

so there wasn’t exactly a problem here. ‘Gohan’ the thought stopped him. Gohan was waiting for him maybe he should…

‘Should what? Go back in the kitchen? He’ll know what is going on and heaven only knows how he’ll react.’

‘But I love him.’

‘Right and who loves you? Gohan loves Videl remember? Goten has Valise, Gohan has Videl and you have no one. The bitch broke up with you remember? Well you could’ve done better anyways so it doesn’t matter.’

This was true although he wanted to tell the voice in the back of his head to go to hell, it was true. Gohan didn’t even know he was interested did he? And who’s fault was that anyway? UGH this was getting complicated. New sensations came over him as whoever he was with decided to get his attention back on them. But Trunks did decide one thing it was time to come to terms with a few things. “Yes… no… hold on a minute here.” He managed to get out. Again the slight frustration with being told to stop. There was a growl and the touch became more persistent. Whoever this was knew he did want this and was trying to tell him they weren’t fooled. It was true he did want it…but… ‘But what?’ the thoughts came back.

‘Go away.’ Trunks thought to it. ‘I have to get control over this if I don’t…’

‘You will lose control to some unknown person who wants to fuck you in Gohan’s apartment?’

Wait a minute this WAS Gohan’s apartment and they were the only ones here…

‘Took you long enough genius. This is your own fault you know. Spend half of the dinner preparations flirting get yourself all riled up and him…’

‘I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!’ Trunks retorted and found his voice. “Go…Gohan?” he asked part of him hoping he was right otherwise there could be a problem here. There was no verbal answer besides a grunt. Okay maybe it was Gohan but if it was… he was out of control now. Great.

Just then… “AH!!! YES!!! PLEASE!!” He couldn’t help it really, Gohan had just taken Trunks entire length into his mouth. He needed to take control of this and yet found that he definitely didn’t want to… and then it happened he was finally allowed to come. “AH..AH…OH GODS GOHAN!!!!” Trunks screamed it if that wasn’t enough Gohan had gone super Saiyan as he continued giving him a blow job which of course only applied more pressure and everything else causing Trunks to completely lose it himself.

When he finally was able to breathe again Trunks once again tried to reason with the situation.

“You talk to much.” Was the only verbal reply that Gohan gave him in his state.

Okay it was official Gohan was horny and apparently had every intention of doing whatever he wanted with Trunks. Which Trunks was more than happy to go along with EXCEPT that:
A) Gohan may just be drunk
B) Again Gohan had somebody already, and Trunks didn’t do that kind of thing.
C) Valise and Goten would probably be here any moment.
D) There could be interruptions at any point and if this was really Trunks only hope of ever getting some thing like this to happen he DIDN’T want it interrupted but again Gohan probably wasn’t thinking straight either and if he was drunk this would be taking advantage of him.

“No. You really really got to stop Gohan you’re drunk.” Trunks managed to get out. It hurt to do this but he couldn’t let this continue under these circumstances. It was a dream come true but he would hate himself if Gohan didn’t hate him when he finally came to his senses. Gohan seemed to at least slow down so that made it easier for Trunks to pull away from him. Again Gohan growled at being stopped.

“No. You don’t want to do this.” Trunks told him. “You’re drunk Gohan. You have a girl friend who is not going to be happy when she finds out. And Goten and Valise are going to come here any minute. Alright we got to…” But what ever more arguments he was going to come up with got drowned out by the moan as Gohan ignoring his warnings continued exploring his body. It just felt so good. He was getting to the point that damn the consequences he was just going to beg Gohan to fuck him and get it over with before Goten and Valise found them. And they would deal with any other consequences later as long as he had Gohan in him before six thirty which was when Valise and Goten were sure to be there. Goten was known for his tardiness.

“Please… just do it now. Hurry… I do want you … just fuck me now before they get here.” Trunks pleaded “PLEASE!” But Gohan was in no more hurry to follow these instructions then he was Trunks’ warnings. Which was getting frustrating so Trunks began trying to get as much body contact as possible to pass his message. Rubbing his re-awaking groin against Gohan. Trying to get his message across. But all efforts seemed to be in vain and ignored. Why did he insist on torturing him? Well if Gohan wasn’t going to take care of him…

“Whoa!” cried Gohan as he felt himself fall down. What fall? Why would he… He shook himself. ‘Mine! My Mate Mine!’

‘No!’ Gohan told it firmly. ‘NO!’ It took a few minutes but he managed to get the beast back in it’s cage. He got up of the floor to see a very erotic sight Trunks on his bed probing himself with two fingers while stroking a growing erection with his other hand.

‘Hey sexy need a hand?’ Gohan pushed the thought to the back of his mind he didn’t need any promptings from the peanut gallery. He was a little fuzzy on the past twenty minutes but he had a pretty good idea what had happened.

“Trunks.” He said softly.

“Leave me a lone.” Trunks answered. “You’re drunk and I’m drunk and you are not going to be happy when this all wears off.”

“I’m not drunk Trunks. At least not from alcohol.” Gohan answered.

“What?” Trunks asked.

“The drinks we had were non-alcoholic.” Gohan explained.

Trunks looked and for the first time saw the lump straining against Gohan’s pants and blushed.

“And yes it’s your fault.” Gohan answered the unasked question.


“Don’t be.” Gohan told him. “As for the other accusations. No I am not dating anyone so I don’t have a girl friend who will be upset about me fucking you.”

Trunks blush went deeper at that. H e had heard him every word. “But if you heard what I said.”

“That was a bit more of a primal side of me you were dealing with. Sorry. I’m afraid it only had one thought one it’s mind.”

“And that was?” Trunks asked

“To make you his mate.” Gohan answered. “I can’t say he has bad taste. I should listen to his opinions more often.”

“Gohan?” Trunks asked again as something became more clear to him. “You find me attractive?”

“Yes.” Gohan answered, “But I would say it’s more than a physical thing.”

“Why… didn’t…”

“I was supposedly with Videl, but she was a cover I’m bi. We both are so we looked out for each other. As for the second I didn’t have any reason to think you would be interested. I’m your best friend’s nerdy older brother. The one with a superhero complex. Remember? Not all that interesting.”

Trunks opened his mouth and then closed it. That hadn’t been what he was going to ask it was educational all the same if he was quiet long enough… “Videl has found someone so I am free.” Gohan informed him. “As for Goten and Valise they won’t be going us tonight. There was a slight change of plans.” As he said this he slowly approached Trunks and joined him on the bed. “They aren’t?” Trunks asked confused.

“Nope. So it’s just you and me. You can leave running and screaming if you want I won’t stop you. But I kind of hope you’ll stick around.”

“Running and screaming? Why would I want to do that?”

“Because if lack of interruptions persist my primal side or I will have you back on that bed doing all sorts of unspeakable things to you until you beg for mercy, scream my name or you get fucked mindless which ever comes first. ‘OH MY GOSH I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!’ Gohan realized to late that his last comment was spoken out loud and not just in his mind. *EEP!* ‘Now he will do the aforementioned or kick my ass. I’d deserve it though.’ Gohan thought glumly.

“So… Goten and Valise aren’t coming?” Trunks asked.


“I’m your only guest for this evening.”


“You aren’t expecting any other visitors or phone calls in the next… well for the rest of the night?”

“Not particularly no.”

“And you weren’t just kidding about agreeing with your other side that I’m attractive.”


“That’s it huh?”

“There’s more to it than that but right yeah.”

“Really? Care to explain?”


“Why not?”

“You don’t want to know trust me.”


“Really. Now if you’re done here…”

“You really aren’t going to finish what you started are you?”

“Do you want me too?”


“You heard me.”

“Gohan… you’re not kidding are you?”

Gohan left for a few minutes, when he returned he was holding a small box and the cord that plugged into the phone and the wall. He had that look in his eyes again. He was serious. “No one ringing the doorbell, no one calling on the phone.” He answered “Dinner’s taken care of no worries It’s just us. If you want out I suggest you run now because after this you will receive no other warnings.”

Trunks shivered at that warning but made no effort to run “What’s in the bag?” He asked.

“The rest of the ingredients for something I am rather looking forward too…” Gohan answered. “If the main one doesn’t get any funny ideas about leaving.” Again Trunks shivered. “If… if this is what you wanted… why…?”

“Didn’t I do what you asked earlier?” Gohan asked softly. With each second he seemed to be turning back into the way he was only a few minutes earlier. “Simple… you weren’t in the right mood. I’ve been waiting too long to end it so quickly. This isn’t a one night stand to me. It isn’t a pity fuck and if you were going to think it was anything like that it was better to let you wait.”

“You aren’t just teasing?”

“No. You’re mine tonight… you have five minutes.”


“If you want to leave you have five minutes to get out of here before I change my mind on letting you leave.” Came the answer the tone wasn’t Gohan’s usual tone. This was something in between Gohan and his feral side. Someone that could be reasoned with.

“Who says I want to go?” Trunks asked.

“I was hoping you would say that.” Said Gohan softly. “Lay down.” Trunks did.

“Good. Now I am going to do something I’ve never got a chance to do as a kid. Eat my desert first.”

Trunks looked ready to ask something but a look from Gohan silenced him.

“I have a sweet tooth you see.” Gohan explained. “One that I never grew out of. Did I really turn you on with what happened with the sundae that day Trunks?” Trunks nodded. “I bet you felt a little jealous of the sundae didn’t you?”

Trunks nodded again.

“I was hoping you would feel that way.” Said Gohan. “I love you. I want you to know that.”

Trunks nodded he understood. “I love you too.” He answered. “I’ve liked you for a while but I thought…”

“I was straight?” Gohan asked.

“More or less.” Trunks answered.

“I like guys more than I like girls.” Gohan answered. “How about you?”

“I don’t know yet, I just know I’m in love with you. So far this makes 2 guys I like girls but they…”

“Can be annoying?” Gohan supplied. Trunks nodded. “The last one thought I was having an affair with Goten behind her back or something.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope. She was positive I was either fucking him or pining after him because I wanted to be with him instead of her.

“She know he has Valise right?”

“Yep, went as far as to say that he was straight unlike me.” Gohan shook his head.


“Tell me about it.” Said Trunks.

“But I think as fun as that distraction was we should get back to matters at hand hmm?” Gohan asked.

Trunks nodded he wasn’t sure what was going on but he was looking forward to it.

Almost as if he could sense what Trunks was thinking Gohan started removing things from the bag first was a pair of hand cuffs. “It’s alright it will only be for a little bit.” Said Gohan. “And don’t worry we will only go farther down that route if you want to. For now it is to keep you from… squirming too much.” He cuffed Trunks to the headboard

“You okay?” He asked noticing the difference in Trunks’ breathing.

“I’m naked, and handcuffed and you still have too many clothes on.” Trunks complained.

Gohan chuckled at that. “Not for much longer. I just want to have a little fun first and then you have me all to yourself and you can handcuff me if you like.” He told Trunks. “Let me know if they bother you okay?”

“Okay. Just hurry.”


“I want to know what going to happen next.”

“Patience now.”


“Patience. It will come soon promise, when’s the last time you’ve gotten laid Trunks?”

“A little over three years… come on I’m dying here!”

“I have every intentention on finishing this I told you now trust me here okay?”

“Okay sorry.”

“I forgive you.” Gohan answered and pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and a jar of cherries and a can of whip cream. “All you need is some ice cream, and some bowls and we can have… Oh.” Said Trunks.

Gohan smiled. “We don’t need ice cream or bowls.” He answered. “They’re for you. I told you I have a sweet tooth and you are much better than ice cream right now.” He kissed Trunks and then got to work.

Gohan said it would be a few minutes but it was worse then the sundae, and better. Trunks was enjoying what was happening a lot, but part of him still yearned to touch Gohan and to have Gohan inside him. Foreplay was fine and all that but he would rather have sex after all this time waiting. And Gohan’s grin grew wider as each touch and each lick seemed to push Trunks further to begging again.

“You just like hearing me beg don’t you?” Trunks asked.

“Maybe.” Gohan answered with a grin, as he began licking some whip cream off of Trunks nose.

“I get the feeling you’re more interested in the sugar then me.” Trunks told him.

“Not at all.” Gohan answered “I’ve just waited for this too long to rush it.”

“You have? How long?”

“About as long as you.”


“Weren’t you listening to me?”

“Yeah but…” Gohan put a cherry in Trunks’ mouth.

“I didn’t know if you felt the same and you were a minor. You probably would’ve thought I was some pervert. ” Trunks shook his head.

“Really? How about when you were fifteen? That’s when I first noticed you were growing up. Second time you were Seventeen and that’s when I realized you had to be one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Okay let’s be real I first thought you were hot okay? Then I thought about how beautiful you were. Then I ignored it, until… I couldn’t anymore… I wasn’t even sure what it was but I sure couldn’t ignore it either.”

Trunks didn’t say anything he would have but Gohan had gone back to playing with Trunks’ erection with his mouth, so he couldn’t say anything. Well he could but they were basically along the lines of “Shit” “Fuck” “Yeah just like that” “Please Kami do it harder” and “I love you Gohan”. Yet the argument wasn’t completely worthless as Gohan seemed more than happy to do exactly what Trunks asked and more. “Here.” Gohan said “I bet those are being a pain right now.” He removed the hand cuffs. Trunks took that opportunity to switch their positions so that he was on top of Gohan. He kissed him deeply, which Gohan returned then he stripped clothes that he found so aggravating off of Gohan. He then teased Gohan’s nipples and erection, Gohan reacted quite well and he was growing pretty hard too. Trunks played with organ some more. “Trunks…”

“My turn you promised.” Trunks answered. Using the same torturous techniques Gohan used on him. and using the whip cream and chocolate syrup on him as well. “Besides if I don’t do something you’ll never get around to it.”

“To what exactly?” Gohan asked with a smirk.

“You know very well what!” Said Trunks

“Do I?” Trunks rubbed himself against Gohan making it VERY clear to the older man what he wanted.

“If you don’t soon I am going to explode.” Trunks told him. Gohan kissed him slowly down his neck.

“I’m sorry let me back up and I’ll fix that for you.”

“You better.” Trunks growled playfully.

Gohan flipped them back over, he reached to the bag again and got out some lube.

“Strawberry?” Trunks asked. “I guess I am one big sundae to you aren’t I?”

“Better.” Gohan answered. “I can’t love a sundae the way I love you, sundaes don’t make very good conversationalists and if I did to a sundae what I am going to do to you it would get pretty messy.” With that he carefully began to prepare Trunks for entry “Let me know if…”

“I’ll be fine, just…”

“I will but it has been a while.”

“Yeah but I think I remember how.” Trunks answered a second finger joined the first. “Come on hurry up.”

“I am not going to hurt you forget it.” Said Gohan. “Patience it gets better.”

“It better.” Said Trunks. A third finger joined the other two and Trunks moaned as they brushed his prostate.

“See I do know what I’m doing.” Gohan told Trunks. “Now will you trust me?”

Trunks nodded. “Good.” Said Gohan and removed the fingers Trunks whimpered at their loss, and moaned again when something bigger then three fingers entered. “Gohan.”



“I won’t.” Gohan answered and Trunks laid back as the fulfillment of about every fantasy he ever had about the older Son took place.


Forty or so minutes later

“Feel better now?” Gohan asked. Trunks looked up from where he had been busy snuggling Gohan and nodded.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” Trunks asked. “I never got to be seme before.”

“No problem you were fine trust me.” Gohan answered. “I’m not used to it either but I think we both enjoyed ourselves don’t you?”

“Where are those handcuffs? I don’t plan on you going anywhere.”

“On the floor but I am not planning on leaving you yet. Are you hungry?”

“A little.” Said Trunks and kissed Gohan again.

“I meant for actual food.” Gohan explained after the kiss was finished.

“I suppose, but that would mean getting up.” Said Trunks.

“How about if you let me up and I bring it in here?”

“Nope I got you and I’m keeping you.” Said Trunks childishly and hung on.

“How many of those cherries did you eat?” Gohan asked. Trunks shrugged.

“Don’t know but I don’t think there is any more whip cream or syrup.”

“You’re on a sugar high aren’t you?”

“Nope. I’m on a you high.” Trunks corrected.

“Watch it I may actually start believing all those things you were saying about me.” Gohan laughed.

“Things?” Trunks asked curiously.

“I believe you made me a god at one point.”


“Come on the kitchen isn’t that far away. We’ll eat and then go right back to this if you want. Or we can actually talk things out like normal people.”

“HEY!!” Gohan laughed and moved out of the way of Trunks’ swatting at him. “Maybe I should take a shower first.” He mused.

Gohan swore Trunks ears perked up at that comment. “Could I join you in the shower?” Trunks asked.

“If you want.” Gohan answered. Trunks was off the bed and yanking him into the bathroom before you could say “Dragon Ball Radar”. Whether or not Trunks was as obsessive compulsive about cleanliness as his Father or because he was looking forward to another chance with Gohan was uncertain. “Wash my back Gohan?” Trunks asked.

“I can wash more than that.” Gohan said with a smile.

This dinner invitation was about to extend into a sleep over invitation.


“That was good.”

“Definitely.” Said Gohan.

“You make a good cook Gohan.” Said Trunks.

“You make a wonderful assistant.” Gohan returned they were walking into the living room when a tape poking out of the VCR caught Trunks attention. “What’s that?” He asked curiously.

“Nothing important.” Gohan said dismissively.

“What’s about?”

“School work.” Gohan said again hoping the topic would be dropped.

“No it isn’t. I would’ve never thought you were the type, but considering who you live with, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“Type?” Gohan asked.

“It’s porn isn’t?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Come on let’s watch it.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why think I’ll get all horny again and do to you what you did to me?” Trunks asked.

Gohan sighed, he was beaten and he knew it. One of the most annoying things about being in love was that when that person made a some what reasonable request; it was impossible next to possible to refuse them.

‘Great just great he is going to be so pissed when he finds out.’ Gohan thought. But he sat on the couch with Trunks and played the video all the same. “Oh my… Gohan I…”

“I am guessing it came from a security camera feed. And that whoever discovered it sent it here. Trunks I… I did see it before you came here. It helped give me the idea that it might be okay to flirt with you and see what your exactly feelings for me were I’m sorry I wasn’t on the level with you about that.”

“You’re sorry? I didn’t think anyone we weren’t..”

“I know I watched the whole thing remember? I know it was just because you two were upset and everything else.”

“Are you keeping this?”

“I was… yeah I know I’m a pervert but that wasn’t as much as a gross out as you would think.”

“No it’s okay. You liked it huh?” Trunks asked.

Gohan blushed and nodded. “How about we do it right here on the couch and I’ll show you which Son brother I would rather have?”

“Actually yeah I wouldn’t mind… Well I guess I was wrong then wasn’t I?”

“About what?”

“That I thought I should’ve known better then to think you would ever like me.” Gohan admitted.

“Okay that’s not funny because I felt the same way.” Said Trunks.

Just then there was a knock on the door. “Okay that totally sucks.” Said Trunks “Can we just ignore it?”

“It’s Goten and Valise.” Said Gohan checking with his ki.

“I thought you said you uninvited them.”

“I did they must have re-invited themselves.” Said Gohan.

“Maybe if we… right Goten would sense us no good there. Trunks muttered. “Do we have to let them in?”

“Yes. I’ll chase them away as soon as possible okay love?” Gohan asked.

“Okay.” Trunks mumbled, a little upset his time with Gohan was being intruded on. But he managed to pull his good manners together before Valise and Gohan came in the door. “Goten, Valise hi.” He said as Gohan admitted them.


Goten raised an eyebrow. He had a feeling something was up. He chided his best friend through their mental link. Trunks answered. Goten stopped as he saw Valise inspecting a wrapping on the floor. “Oh you got a video from the Hentai Hot-line too?” She asked Gohan.

“Video?” Asked Goten

“Too?” Asked Gohan

“Which one did you get?” Valise asked and rewound the tape and started playing it.

“I don’t think you should…” Started Gohan.

Goten’s jaw dropped when he saw what the video was showing.

“Oh I’ve already seen this one.” Said Valise. “It’s pretty good though.”

“You’ve already seen it?” Asked Trunks turning pale.

“You’ve already seen it?” Asked Goten as well turning pale.

“Who sent you that video?” Asked Gohan

“The Hentai Hot-line.” Said Valise. “I don’t know how I got on their list but when I called them about the first video they sent me this one.”

“There were two?” Asked Goten in shock

“Yes?” Said Valise wondering what was wrong. “Goten are you okay?”

“I’ll be okay as soon as I kill something.” Goten muttered under his breath. But looked at Valise “I… well you see…”

Valise kissed him. “I know they told me. They explained what you meant when you told were telling Trunks about how you felt about me.”


“Nobody important.” Valise answered “Don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t worry about it?”

“They decided to explain it to me because you couldn’t.” Valise answered and kissed him even deeper. “Goten?”

“Yes, Valise?”

“Would you… will you be willing to one of these days..” She looked embarrassed. “I wouldn’t mind trying it.”

“Trying what Valise?”

“Having you do to me what you did to Trunks.” Valise explained. “That’s the reason you did right? Because you didn’t think I’d like it?”

“Something like that.” Said Goten.

“Why don’t we find out?” Asked Valise.

“Okay if you want to…” Said Goten.

Valise smiled “I do.” Then in to Goten’s utter surprise and maybe even embarrassment.

She asked Gohan. “You don’t mind if experiment with seals with your brother do you?”

“Not at all.” Said Gohan trying not to laugh at her misinterpretation.

(I’ve have been told that Fuck is actually french for seal now whether it is the animal or the object I don’t know.) ”

In fact we were about to do that ourselves so. You get the living room and we get the bedroom okay?”

“GOHAN!!!” Shrieked Goten and Trunks in such unison you would have thought they fused again.

“What?” Gohan asked innocently.

“I like the idea actually.” Said Valise.

“Okay.” Said Gohan and went to the bathroom and returned with a box and gave it to Goten. “I trust you know what to do with these.”

“GOHAN!!” Goten blushed. “I don’t think…”

“Always be prepared.” Gohan reminded his brother, he then took Trunks arm and lead him into the bedroom.

When they got there Trunks gave him a look. “I’m in trouble aren’t I?” Gohan asked.

“You might say that.” Said Trunks calmly. “Gohan?”

“Yes, koi?” Gohan asked.

Trunks held up the handcuffs “You’re the one wearing these this time.”

“As you wish.” Said Gohan putting them on.


“So when were you going to talk me about this?” Asked Valise.

“I didn’t know how you.” Goten admitted. “I care about you but I didn’t want to pressure you.”

“You’re not.” Answered Valise calmly and removed her shirt slowly for him. “I love you, Goten.”

“I love you too Valise.” Goten answered.

It was a very long and noisy night at Gohan’s apartment, but things that needed to be said were said. Feelings that needed to be admitted were admitted. And somewhere in the distance…

“They do know that bedroom window has curtains don’t they?” Asked 17. When couples had switched rooms.

“Be quiet 17.” Answered 18. “and enjoy the fruits of our labors will you?”



“What do you want to do next? Check up on Erasa and Videl?”

“That would be fun, they ought to be getting started any time now.”

“This is going to be a very rewarding night.”

“Hell yeah.”

The End


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

