Christmas Presents Opened
by Dharma Serenity     More by this Writer
Sequel to The Christmas Wish. Trunks and Mirai go to Gohan's house to continue their night of pleasure that was ended too soon.
Group Sex

Chapter 01
Trunks opened his eyes to find his own face smiling down at him.

“Time to get up, Sleepy Head!” Mirai chirped as he shook the younger man awake.

Trunks blinked repeatedly at the bright sunlight filling his bedroom. Mirai sat on the edge of his bed, putting on his boots. The bed jiggled with his movements as he did so.

Trunks a little embarrassed to be awakened by Mirai, knowing he wasn’t wearing anything under the blankets pulled the covers around himself protectively. “What time is it?” Trunks asked, rubbing at his eyes to focus.

“It’s about 10 am. I thought you had slept enough.” Mirai winked. “Besides, we should go visit Gohan.”

Trunks’s belly did a flip-flop, waking him completely.

“We SHOULD?” Trunks asked shyly.

Mirai smiled at him warmly. “Yes, we didn’t have time to say a proper ‘Good Bye’ to him last night with everyone around and he looked a little disappointed. I think we should, don’t you?”

Trunks felt his face go hot as a blush steadily rose to his scalp line. Mirai acted as if he did not notice.

“I don’t know…” Trunks faltered.

Mirai turned to face him. “What’s wrong? You don’t want to see Gohan?”

Trunks, feeling uncomfortable, “It’s not that…”

“Is it me?” Mirai looked at him openly, plainly letting Trunks see how disappointed he would be if the answer were “yes.”

“No.” Trunks looked down, feeling the heat of his face overwhelm him. He felt a strong hand pat his knee through the blanket.

“Trunks, we will take things very slow. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, ok? If you do want to do things, you shouldn’t feel any shame over it. Ok?”

“I don’t feel shame!” Trunks said defensively but his face still remained red.

“Then what is it?” Mirai asked quietly.

“I don’t know. I… I guess it is embarrassing. I mean, for you to see. You know?”

Mirai smiled at Trunks warmly. “Will you be embarrassed when Gohan watches?”

The down turned face shot up, eyes wide in shock as he looked at the older version of himself, speechless, Mirai laughed.

“Trunks, as I said, nothing will happen unless you want it to. Ok?”

Trunks looked down again, uncomfortable to continue the eye-contact. He nodded.

“Well, come on. You look alert enough now, get dressed or are you going to take a quick shower?”

Trunks replied quickly, “I’ll take a shower. I’ll meet you downstairs.” He looked up, making it clear he wouldn’t leave the safety of his blankets until Mirai left. Mirai laughed, roughly rubbing Trunks’s knee through the blanket as he got up.

“Ok, ten minutes, no more!” Mirai ordered.

* * *

While downstairs, Mirai phoned Gohan and said that he and Trunks had an idea to pay him a visit. Gohan stammered on the phone but sounded pleased. Mirai told him that he and Trunks would see Gohan in about half an hour.

* * *

Freshly showered and changed, his hair still a little wet, Trunks flew behind Mirai. Trunks watched Mirai as they flew and felt his stomach tie itself in knots.

* * *

Gohan greeted them at the door, looking a little nervous himself. The only one that seemed self-assured was Mirai. Mirai smiled openly at Gohan as he followed him inside. Trunks trailed behind feeling like he was in the way.

Gohan saw Trunks hanging back and turned a face that was eager to reassure the younger man. Trunks, seeing that look, felt better.

Mirai looked around at the stark, almost empty house. Videl had taken all the furniture that her father had provided them as a wedding present.

“Haven’t had time to redecorate?” A lavender brow arched Gohan’s way. Gohan blushed then shrugged at Mirai.

“I haven’t really thought much about it.”

Mirai turned to look at the staircase leading to the next level. “You do have a bed, don’t you?”

Both Gohan and Trunks went crimson.

Gohan stammered, “Umm, yes. Yes, I do.”

Mirai smiled, his eyes sparkling. “Great!”

Gohan felt a tingling at the promise in that smile.

Mirai looked at his younger self. “Trunks, do you want to go upstairs first? Kind of get settled?”

Trunks felt his loins kick to life. He couldn’t believe this was really about to happen but he felt the excitement of it. “Umm, I don’t know. I guess, ok.” Trunks was so shy, Gohan just wanted to hug him.

Trunks passed both men, not looking at either of them as he started to climb the stairs.

Mirai turned to Gohan, dimples lighting his face. “Have anything to eat?” Gohan nearly fell over. He wanted to eat NOW?! Gohan thought.

“Yes, in the kitchen.” He said, feeling dumb.

Mirai turned in the direction Gohan pointed and went to investigate. Gohan would have followed but he was nervous and didn’t want to be in the small space of his kitchenette alone with Mirai at the moment. He just wasn’t ready yet. He looked up the stairs wondering what Trunks was doing and had a brief image in his mind of the young man disrobing. He felt his breath quicken at the thought.

Mirai laughing, came back out with a tray full of different kinds of food. Gohan, a Saiyan after all, had a nice stock of food, the one thing he took the time to keep a lot of in his sparsely furnished home.

The tray had on it two cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, a jar of black olives (pitted), grapes, a bowl of ice-cubes, a bowl of orange jello, strawberry syrup, a bottle of canola oil, a knife and a corkscrew. Under one arm he had a large bottle of red wine. And in the fingers of one hand Mirai held three wine glasses by their stems.

“Lead the way.” Mirai encouraged.

Gohan’s face was flushed becomingly. He looked overheated and Mirai knew that a glass of red wine would only add to the heat Gohan was feeling. Gohan would have to do something to cool off then and Mirai looked forward to it.

The dark-haired man turned to climb the stairs.

* * *

Trunks heard the other two men climbing the stairs and frantically dove under the covers, just having removed his underwear. He pulled the blankets up high, to just under his chest, his knees almost defensively up in front of him. Gohan’s scent all over the bedding threatened to overwhelm him. He liked the feeling of his bare skin against the covers. He waited in nervous anticipation for the door to open, feeling shy, yet eager.

Gohan opened the door politely for Mirai, as Mirai carefully walked with his tray of treats.

Trunks looked at both men then looked down shyly again, seeing the contents of the tray and wondering what the cucumbers were for.

Mirai saw a chair and walked over to it, putting the tray down on its seat. He pulled it over to the bed, careful not to spill anything.

He sat on the edge of the bed and started working at opening the bottle of wine.

Trunks looked up shyly at Gohan, to find him only looking back at him with a sweet and curious look on his face. Trunks glanced away briefly but then looked back, a bit more bold this time. He saw the red splotches on Gohan’s cheeks spread in response, but Gohan still continued to look at him silently.

Mirai uncorked the bottle and then poured 3 glasses. He passed one to Trunks with a smile. The other he stood to hand over to Gohan. He then took the third glass and raised it up high in a toast.

“To being with those that you love.” He smiled as he took a sip. The other two followed suit.

“This is nice wine, Gohan.”

Gohan nodded, “Thank you.”

Mirai took a healthy sip and made his way over to Gohan casually.

Gohan felt it coming and was almost afraid to move. Once things started here, he had a feeling they would move fast. It was almost the calm before the storm. Gohan and Trunks almost wanted to savor the innocence left in the last few moments as Mirai moved closer to Gohan.

Mirai, only a foot away from Gohan now, took another sip. He looked at Gohan’s glass, still barely touched.

“Aren’t you going to have a little bit more?” Gohan tipped the glass to his lips and took a sip. Mirai stared at him, love filling him as he watched Gohan’s eyes close to take the sip, his ash dark lashes lighting like feathers upon his creamy-white cheeks. Gohan started to lower his glass, his hand shaking slightly and Mirai took it from him. Mirai then leaned up and took Gohan’s still wine moistened lips in a gentle kiss.

Gohan opened his mouth, loving the taste of Mirai, the warmth of his lips. Mirai put his tongue into Gohan’s mouth gently, sweetly kissing him as he did the night before.

Gohan started to put his arms around Mirai, but Mirai pulled away, a smile on his lips. He turned around and put the two glasses of wine on the tray.

He walked over to the bed and reached for Trunks's glass. Trunks, fully aroused under the blanket now after watching that kiss, handed the glass over with trembling fingers.

Mirai turned and put the glass on the tray, then sat down on the bed and turned around to face Trunks again. He smiled at his younger self, and reached a strong hand to stroke Trunks’s cheek. Trunks’s breath quickened, a little in fear. Mirai saw the look and continued to caress Trunks’s cheek, his eyes sweet and warm on the younger man.

“Don’t be nervous Trunks, just enjoy this.”

“All right.” Trunks said quietly.

Mirai turned around to look at Gohan, his hand falling from Trunks’s cheek onto one of Trunks’s raised knees as he did so. Mirai smiled at Gohan, letting him know that this was for him. He reached his hand under the blanket, taking Trunks’s cock in his strong, callused hand. Trunks closed his eyes, his arms bracing himself on the bed as Mirai started to pull and caress the younger man. Mirai moved his hand up and down faster, eager for Gohan to hear the moist sounds of Trunks’s body under the blanket.

Trunks tried to control it for some reason, still shy, but finally a moan and deep breath escaped as Mirai’s manipulation on him intensified.

Mirai changed his position on the bed so he leaned against the headboard too, right next to Trunks. He switched hands, but used the first hand to pull Trunks’s left leg away and wide open.

Gohan could now see through the blanket the shape of Mirai using his hand on Trunks, who was beginning to moan more openly. Trunks dug the back of his head into the head board, the blanket slipping lower so that Gohan could see the strong abdomen, the enticing navel and a slight hint of dark, purple pubic hair leading down to the activity under the blanket.

Mirai changed the way he manipulated Trunks, alternating stroking the wet tip with his thumb and then a nice long stroke up the shaft. Trunks, eyes closed, mouth moist, open and inviting, moaned continuously now. Everyone in the room could tell he was so close.

Gohan watched it all, his pants tightening uncomfortably, sweat starting to drip from his temples and down his neck. He felt one drop of sweat run down his back and just wanted to tear his clothes off and jump on the bed so he could finish Trunks off himself, but he wanted to watch also.

Mirai started to whisper in Trunks’s ear but still loud enough for Gohan to hear, “You’re so close, Baby, huh?”

Trunks could barely speak but managed a breathy, moan filled “Yes!”

“Are you going to cum for Gohan?”

“Yes!” No hesitation whatsoever. Gohan’s blood quickened and his breathing became audible.

“You going to cum for me?”

“Yes!” Trunks started to whimper in need of release. Gohan could see Mirai’s other hand beginning to pull the blanket away so that more of Trunks’s body became visible. He then pumped the young man very fast, Trunks’s whimper wrenching from him in a scream, the blanket yanked away completely to reveal white liquid beginning to froth and overflow from Trunks’s cock. The young man moved into the orgasm rising off the bed, his head and shoulders digging into the headboard rocking the whole bed as he continued to scream in his overwhelming pleasure.

Mirai pumped his fist over Trunks’s cock until it became spent, Trunks’s moans dying down to ragged, pleasure filled breaths. The man’s chest was covered in sweat. Gohan couldn’t believe how beautiful he looked. Trunks lifted dreamy lids to look at Gohan, to see a hungry look on the pale man’s face. Trunks saw that Gohan’s knuckles were white where he gripped the bedpost.

Mirai let go of Trunks and stood up, going round to the foot of the bed where Gohan stood. He held up his hand covered in Trunks’s cum to Gohan’s lips. Gohan, face flushing afresh, took a tentative lick, his eyes staring into Mirai’s. Mirai smiled at him. Gohan then, closing his eyes, licked and licked, moaning at the taste he was experiencing. Mirai put his finger in Gohan’s mouth and Gohan sucked on it. Mirai’s eyes, full of lust, stared at the angelic face before him, sucking away on his hand. Gohan’s hands greedily grabbed at Mirai, but Mirai backed away, pulling his finger gently out of Gohan’s mouth, Gohan’s dark eyes opening slowly. He looked a little disappointed.

Mirai spoke, “Take five, Guys. I’ve got to prepare something.” Gohan looked at him startled. TAKE FIVE????!! Gohan thought incredulously.

Trunks, leaning heavily against the headboard, no longer caring about his nudity, looked at Gohan in equal disappointment and bewilderment. Watching what Gohan was doing to Mirai’s hand with his own cum on it had already started working up another erection for Trunks but now they’d have to wait.

Starting to blush again, Trunks reached for a wad of tissues from the box on the end table to wipe up what was left on his abdomen, but Mirai, who had been walking back to the tray, saw what he was up to and said, in a reprimanding tone, “No, leave it.”


“I said NO.” Mirai sat down emphatically on the edge of the bed and grabbed the knife and a cucumber. He started to peel the cucumber and Trunks looked at Gohan shyly, a question on his handsome face. Gohan shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

Mirai was doing a good job with the peeling, almost done. In another moment, the vegetable was completely skinned and he started to cut thin slices of it onto the tray. Once that was done, he put the knife down and stood up. He turned to Trunks on the bed. He grabbed all the blankets up into a big wad and threw them onto the floor on the other side of the bed. He then grabbed the surprised young man by his legs, pulling him down the bed so that he was lying flat on his back.

Gently, with a smile on his face, looking down at Trunks, he said, “Now, stay still.” Trunks obeyed, feeling his erection growing. He didn’t want to look and see it standing there, almost pointing at Gohan, feeling embarrassed, so he looked up at the ceiling instead, swallowing nervously.

Mirai turned around and scooped up the cucumber slices and started laying them all over Trunks’s body, smiling at him, a devilish glint in his eyes. The coolness of the cucumber slices on his skin felt good, but it also tickled him a little, so he squirmed slightly. Mirai shook his head at him, reprimanding him to keep still. He placed a slice on each of Trunks’ nipples. Once the slices were all over Trunks’s body, Mirai grabbed some of the cherry tomatoes. He placed one on Trunks’s navel. He then put a couple just under Trunks’s sack. Trunks stifled a laugh, feeling silly and ticklish at the same time. Gohan watched all of this in fascination. He started to undo his shirt, but Mirai turned towards him seeing this and shook his head “no.” Gohan stopped and continued to hold onto the bedpost, feeling the first tingling of frustration.

Mirai, smiling, now reached for some olives. He placed a couple between Trunks’s toes.

“Don’t let them go, ok?”

“Ok.” Trunks’s erection was already making it difficult for him to talk, a tremble in his voice as he spoke.

Mirai took two grapes and gently placed them in Trunks’s mouth. “Don’t swallow or chew these.”

Mirai straightened, surveying his work. It all quivered slightly with each breath Trunks took, but for the most part, the young man was covered in edible nibbles. Mirai turned to Gohan.

“Lunch is served.”

Gohan looked shyly at Trunks’s body and Trunks looked at him, wanting exactly what those words promised.

“You may start anywhere you’d like, Gohan but don’t remove any of your clothes yet, ok?”

Gohan swallowed nervously.

Mirai pulled another chair over to the bed, next to the tray and sat down, gathering up his glass of wine, settling in to watch.

Gohan climbed onto the bed carefully so as not to disturb the food on Trunks’s body. The first thing he wanted to do was taste the grapes. He kissed Trunks, scooping one grape with his tongue and chewed it, his mouth on Trunks’s mouth the whole time. Trunks eagerly, needing the contact, kissed back around the one remaining grape. Gohan enjoyed hearing Trunks moan earlier so he didn’t want anything getting in the way of that, so he scooped the other now warm grape in his mouth and chewed that as he kissed Trunks.

Mirai watched Trunks fight the urge to throw his arms around Gohan and smiled as he sipped his glass of wine. He wanted to masturbate, but also wanted to drag this pain out a little longer so that when he joined them on the bed, his body would just explode in sensation.

With the last grape eaten, Gohan lingered to kiss Trunks for a little bit. He broke away slowly, seeing the lust in Trunks’s eyes, wanting to make him feel so good.

He looked down at Trunks’s body and made his decision. He had wanted to taste this since he first saw it while Mirai had finished Trunks off. He went over to where the cherry tomato sat in Trunks’s navel. He bent his head and bit the tomato, bursting it so that the juice ran all over Trunks’s navel and trickled onto his abdomen, mixing with the remains of Trunks’s earlier ejaculation.

He scooped up the remaining half of the tomato with the tip of his tongue, which brushed teasingly against the inside of Trunks’s navel. Gohan chewed it quickly, and then lapped up the juice from Trunks’s belly button. Trunks started breathing heavily again. Gohan then licked all the juice and cum off of Trunks’s abdomen, the young man shivering underneath him. Gohan then trailed his lips up to one nipple and chewed on the cucumber sliced there but not before he clasped it in his teeth to circle it teasingly against Trunks’s nipple. He then sucked on the nipple and only left it after chewing it just a little, causing a moan to escape Trunks’s lips. He did all the same to the other nipple, feeling Trunks’s body quiver in response. He went down to where the other cherry tomatoes were and buried his face under Trunks’s sack to chew away on one tomato. As he chewed, Gohan’s chin teased Trunks’s scrotum, the closest he had come so far to touching Trunks’s cock, making Trunks moan out loudly.

Gohan ate a few more slices of cucumber off of Trunks’s thighs next, trailing trickles of juice filled saliva all over the young man. With the food mostly removed now, Trunks gave in to the urge to move underneath Gohan.

Trunks grabbed at Gohan’s erection through his pants, but Mirai stopped him.

“Not yet, Trunks.”

Gohan thought he would cry at the end of such brief pleasure. Gohan expressed his need with his mouth all along Trunks’s legs, down to his foot. He chewed a few olives, making sure his tongue enticingly entered between each toe. Gohan could hear Trunks’s breathing increase. Gohan caressed Trunks’s inner thigh as he did this, and without being told to stop, he went back for the last cherry tomato, taking the opportunity to gently massage Trunks’s balls as he did so.

Trunks wanted so badly for Gohan to touch his cock, he ached for it but he kept quiet, drawing everything out as Mirai wanted.

Gohan trailed his tongue inside Trunks’s inner thigh, causing Trunks to shudder. Gohan snuck a look at Mirai and saw how much of an effect watching this was having on him. Mirai breathed heavily, practically glaring at Gohan, his need so naked now. It almost made Gohan a little afraid, to know that Mirai, when the time came, was going to want Gohan’s body the most. He guessed he was going to find out what the word “ravished” really meant. His heart in his chest hammered as he went back for the last of the olives, this meal nearly done.

When Gohan took several of Trunks’s toes in his mouth, Trunks said Gohan’s name in a whimper.

“Please! I need him.” Trunks turned to Mirai desperately. “Please! Don’t make me wait any longer.”

Mirai got up and stood over Trunks and spilled some of his wine on Trunks’s torso startling Trunks into silence.

Mirai, then looked at Gohan who had eaten the last olive. Mirai, just barely perceptible, pointed with his eyes at Trunks’s erection.

Gohan trailed kisses back up Trunks’s thigh and then took the very stiff member into his warm mouth. Trunks gasped.

Mirai then got on his knees by the bed and started to lick the wine off of Trunks’s chest and abdomen.

Trunks greedily buried his hands in Mirai’s long, silky hair, his body shuddering from the dual sensations. Mirai bit at a nipple, pulling at it, causing Trunks to cry out. The motion of his body underneath both men, their mouths busily working on him, the reverberation of Trunks's voice through his body, caused him to push into Gohan as he had his second, and far more explosive orgasm of the day. Trunks screamed repeatedly, playing the orgasm out.

Gohan almost choked a couple of times, the young man’s body barely able to control beneath him but he managed not to and tasted the freshness of that orgasm in his mouth, his own body threatening to explode in need.

When it was obvious that Trunks’s orgasm was complete, Mirai sprang into action, floating over Trunks briefly to throw Gohan on the bed beside Trunks and pin him down with his body.

Mirai looked at Trunks, giving him a signal to act. Trunks knelt beside Mirai and both men grabbed at Gohan’s clothes together, ripping all the clothing of him. Gohan, surrendering to their need, shuddered as each piece of clothing was ripped to pieces, dramatic tearing sounds filling the room but both versions of Trunks made sure not to hurt him or mar his pale, soft skin.

“Get the strawberry syrup, Trunks.” Mirai said as he pulled his shirt, still buttoned, up over his head. His hair spilling down, a little static-electricity in it, fanned out around his shoulders. Mirai’s body straddled Gohan’s and Gohan looked at his beautiful naked torso in front of him, Mirai’s hair and eyes just achingly beautiful. Gohan’s erection stood up against the bulge in Mirai’s jeans and Gohan moved his hips to rub it against him. Mirai smiled again but his hunger for Gohan was making this waiting game very difficult.

Trunks climbed back onto the bed, staring at the pale, naked skin of Gohan’s body pinned under Mirai and he longed to trail his hands all over him.

He handed the syrup to Mirai. Mirai smiled at Trunks, and then leaned in to give him a long, lingering kiss. Trunks, felt himself closing his eyes, feeling strange to taste his own mouth as he was but enjoying the feel of the kiss nonetheless. Both men could hear Gohan start to moan, the sight of them kissing driving him crazy. Mirai gave Trunks open mouthed kisses as he spoke to Gohan, “You like watching us, don’t you, Gohan?”

Gohan groaned his answer, “Yes!”

“How about watching the both of us pleasure you? Hmm?”

Almost desperately, “Yes!!”

Mirai turned to Trunks, giving him another sweet kiss. “Prop his head up with pillows so he can watch.”


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