by Dharma Serenity     More by this Writer
What would have happened if Radditz succeeded in kidnapping Gohan?

Warning, very dark material here. Not my usual style.
Abusive Graphic Violence

Chapter 01
Notes: Well, this is the darkest thing I've written here so far. It's just naturally following my exploration of Gohan as a character – I started with a story of him completely innocent and have progressed to such a point as this. This is very dark. There is kidnapping, incest, rape, torture, beatings, just really dark, depressing and violent stuff here, full of angst, but, there is still a pretty intense relationship story here, so if you have any curiosity and a strong stomach, read on...

Feedback: Please let me know what you think. And please don't be too harsh with me for my first attempt at a dark fic. I had to explore this avenue eventually, so please understand. If you want to read something of mine 180% in the other direction, read The Christmas Wish. ;) If this is the first fic of mine that you are reading, trust me, this is not my usual style.

He was cold, and his body hurt everywhere. He shivered, ignoring the itch on his face.

The itch got worse as the blood trickled down his forehead, so he leaned his face towards his shoulder and rubbed. He couldn't reach the aggravated area so he gave up.

He shifted, as best he could in his shackles and tried to find a better position. Of course it was impossible and he fought the impotent tears that threatened.

He leaned his head down in defeat.

"Why is he doing this? Why doesn't he just get it over with?" Trunks weak voice echoed in the dank cell.

Trunks had a fleeting image of a brave man, his mentor, telling him he was a wreck and that he would train him. "I am your Master and you will be my pupil." The man's smile, he remembered, had made Trunks feel safe.

Then he remembered, earlier that day, the look that Gohan's face took on just before Gohan struck him.

Gohan was so strong. It felt as if Trunks' head would pop off his spine when Gohan hit him like that.

Feeling himself lose his balance, Trunks lifted his head up quickly, and fought against the balance problem so that he wouldn't land painfully on his back again, on top of his wrists shackled together, the chains of which ran their short length to the shackles at his ankles.

He was getting weak from lack of food and rest and didn't know how long he could continue to crouch in that position. Trunks thought he might chance lying on his side again, but he was afraid of the rats attacking him once more. But at this point, he wasn't even sure he cared.

Another image flooded his memory, that of the heroic Gohan from his own timeline, in his recovery bed, a couple of days after Trunks' Mom had amputated his arm. He remembered the weak smile. Trunks let the tears finally come, knowing that in just a few hours he would no longer have those precious memories that he had clung to for so many years -- because he would probably be dead himself.

Trunks heard footsteps on the cold cellar stairs and his heart started to hammer in his chest. Trunks moaned in fear.

The cell door opened with a loud jangling of keys and heavy steps walked in shining a brutal light at him.

Mirai Trunks looked up through greasy hair at Raditz, who laughed at the state he was in.

"Mmm, someone's been naughty. Seems like Gohan had to teach you a lesson or two." Raditz made sure the flashlight glared painfully in Trunks eyes, blinding him, as he walked over, grabbing Trunks brutally by the hair. He pulled hard enough that Trunks neck strained, a strangled moan escaping from his cracked lips.

Raditz turned Super Saiyan and smiled down at his captive. Trunks met his gaze trying not to look as frightened as he felt. Raditz laughed.

"Don't worry. I'm leaving you to my nephew. He may not be taking you now, but he's getting good and needy, so when he does finally take you, you're going to be fucked inside out." Raditz winked. "That boy has a lot of pent up rage in him. I can't wait for him to crack. And I'm going to make sure I watch when it happens." Raditz laughed at the sickened look on Trunks' face.

Roughly, Raditz released Trunks' hair making sure to throw him off balance, forcing Trunks to land painfully on his back. Trunks shoulder's strained and he fought against the urge to cry out in pain in front of this bastard. Raditz put the toe of his boot to Trunks' anus, nudging it suggestively.

"Hmm, you do look good. Maybe if I fucked you now, good and quick, he'd never know, huh?"

Trunks threw his head back, breathing raggedly, his will to hold back from expressing his pain losing. Raditz laughed at Trunks' obvious discomfort.

Hurried footsteps were heard coming down the cellar steps and Raditz quickly retreated from Trunks' body. Another flashlight was thrust into the cell.

"What are you doing, Father?"

Raditz had gone back to his normal state. "Having a look at your little prisoner."

Gohan looked at Raditz, suspicion evident on his face. He walked over to Trunks and looked down, Trunks' pain filled eyes looking back at him blankly – Trunks had long ago given up the pleading looks for mercy.

Gohan looked down at Trunks and turned to his uncle. "Father, keep your hands off of him."

Raditz put his hands up, pleading innocence. "I've done nothing to him. He was like that when I walked in."

Gohan continued to stare at his uncle, showing his disbelief openly.

Gohan's hand reached down and instinctively, Trunks tried to squirm away. The brutal hand closed on his upper arm and Trunks closed his eyes, knowing the pain to come. He was yanked up to his squatting position once more, Trunks' broken wrist wrenching in maddening pain. A pain filled moan escaped Trunks' lips.

Gohan looked down at Trunks and wanted to just end all of this. Once and for all.

He felt such anger, such pain, such emptiness.

Gohan looked at the blood caked and greasy hair that fell in front of the face he found it painful to even look at.

"Father, get out."

"Aww, Gohan, let me stay. I know what you are about to do. I want to watch."

"No. Get out."

Raditz was about to protest further, but Gohan turned to him and cut him off, "GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

Gohan's long hair flared to golden life as electricity crackled the angry air around him.

Raditz backed up, looking nervous, but for good measure, he said in an angry tone, "Sure Gohan. Fine. But if you kill him, don't dispose of his body before I get to use it."

Trunks heard all of this as if he were far away, shock taking over his senses so that he could find release.

Gohan didn't say a word, only glared at his uncle. Raditz left, but not before he looked once more at Trunks fleetingly.

With his uncle gone, Gohan turned and looked down at Trunks. He saw the twisted wrist behind him and like an automaton, he bent down and unlocked the shackles, Trunks body trembling in response. With the release, Trunks, weakened, fell forward using his good arm to support him. Trunks could feel the shackles being released from around his ankles and fought against the urge to sigh, not knowing what other horrors his captor had in store for him.

Trunks lay on the ground, feeling like dirt as he sucked in air. He stared at Gohan's boots, fearing another quick kick to his face. The last one had broken his nose.

Trunks heard the unmistakable sound of a sword unsheathing -- a very familiar sound --and then Trunks felt the cold steel of his own sword pressed to his throat. He swallowed, saying his final prayers.

The sword was used to lift his head, so that his eyes could meet that of his captor's.

The cold look told him that he would die that night.


Fifteen years before...

The child cried, the rough, large hands of the mean man that was supposed to be his uncle causing countless bruises on his small, pale torso.

"Daddy!!!" The young child cried, choking on the last syllable, his cries coming so thickly now.

The green man crawled after them, shooting one last feeble blast at Raditz' feet, sending dirt up in a spray that stung the little boy's eyes, as he hung uselessly from the big man's hand.

The little boy cried further as the mean man soared up into the air with him, the dirt in his eyes preventing him from having one final, precious look at his Daddy dying on the ground below him.

* * *

Piccolo lay on the ground in pain, most of his lower body completely gone from the blast he got in response when his special beam cannon attempt failed the second time.

Sounding far away, he could hear the wails of Goku's friends over Goku's now lifeless body. Then he heard all three of Goku's friends cry out in shock as he disappeared. He smiled in the dirt, thinking to himself, I guess Kami's not done with him yet.

Piccolo felt eyes on him, and breathing heavily he looked up at the scared trio, too scared to try to even help him after he tried his best to help their foolish friend.

Piccolo had finally managed to catch his breath, and mustering up his strength, he screamed and a new pair of legs shot out from his battered torso.

The blue-haired girl fainted. The little bald guy threw up. The old guy just gawked as Piccolo got up, testing his new lower half.

Piccolo looked at Goku's three friends for a moment, then walked over to where he had thrown his cape. He didn't owe them anything, but then Piccolo had a fleeting image in his mind of the little boy's face, the dark, innocent eyes pleading with him as he was taken away...

"Goku will be back. Kami took him. That's why he disappeared."

The old man looked at him, gasping. But then he started to smile. The little bald guy, wiping his mouth clean, pumped a fist into the air and hooted. "For real?!"

Piccolo looked at them in impatience. "Don't celebrate yet. That jerk said something before he left with the kid. He said there were two others like him, and they would be here in a year. He's going to meet up with them and then they are coming back to destroy the planet."

Krillin and Master Roshi went silent in shock.

Krillen braved walking up to Piccolo as the green man put his turban back on. "But you're going to get Gohan back, right? And try to catch that guy before he can get away?"

"No." Piccolo turned, his heavy cape lightly hitting Krillen.

Krillen yelled at his retreating back, halting Piccolo. "What do you mean you're not going after him?!"

Piccolo turned. "It's too late. Didn't you see him take off?" Krillen blinked at him.

"Over that hill, there's a crater. That's where he had his ship. He flew over there and then he took off in his capsule with the kid. They're gone."

Krillen looked at Piccolo, his mouth opened in shock and fear. Piccolo saw the sadness, the hopelessness in the man's eyes, and something tugged at him. He didn't like the feeling, so he turned around again.

"But what about what he said? They're coming back, right? What are you going to do about it?!" He bit at the green man, angrily.

Piccolo smirked at the little guy. At least he had guts. "I'm going to train. And not that it will matter much, but you might want to as well."

Piccolo tried again to walk away, but the little guy grabbed his wrist. Piccolo bared his teeth at him and hissed. Krillen still held on.

"You said Goku's coming back. Well, fight with him again. With Goku and you, we can beat those guys!"

Piccolo grunted a bitter laugh. "Well, you're going to need Goku, but both Goku and I were no match against that guy and he said his friends are even stronger. And then, your friend, when he comes back, has to learn not to be such a gullible idiot."

Krillen looked angry. "What do you mean?!"

Piccolo lost his patience. "HE LET HIM GO! AGAIN! AFTER HE FOOLED HIM ONCE. HE LET HIM GO AND I MISSED!" Krillen backed away from the angry green man.

Calm after his outburst, "Goku's to blame for him getting away with his own kid. And now the brat's going to pay for it." Piccolo twisted his lips in bitterness at the saddened bald man, trying not to think of the little boy's pleading eyes. "Your friend Goku believed too much in family love and all that crap. And his 'brother' showed him how wrong he was." Piccolo shook his head. "When are you humans going to learn that you can't trust anybody?!"

Piccolo walked away, leaving the bald man to stare after him.


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