Time of Discovery
by Dharma Serenity     More by this Writer
Gohan and Mirai train together after Mirai comes back from the future. When Gohan gets knocked out by a Ki blast Mirai takes him to his bedroom.

Gohan sent a Ki blast Trunks way but Trunks managed to grab and hold onto it, the force of it pushing him back 20 feet. Feeling the blast starting to singe his clothing, Trunks pushed up, sending the blast skyward where it exploded into a dazzling light show.

Gohan was glad to see that Trunks had kept up his training even though he was working full time as Capsule Corp President in his own timeline.

Trunks marveled at the easy strength in Gohan, but he was little surprised. He knew that when he visited again he would find Gohan fully grown, and probably much stronger than the little boy he used to be, the little boy that had proven to be stronger than all of Earth’s fighters, including his own father and Goku. Trunks had found himself staring at the younger man often, while they both mingled at the gathering of friends and family that was thrown in Trunks’ honor. Trunks couldn’t help but be reminded of his own Gohan.

Gohan had caught Trunks’ glances a few times and took the opportunity to suggest the spar. Since Trunks didn’t have time for a long visit, what with his duties at Capsule Corp, they decided on a spar in the Room of Spirit and Time.

They had been going at it now for weeks’ worth of time, perhaps an hour’s worth in the room. Trunks was enjoying getting to know Gohan again. He had felt, a few times, Gohan studying him as his own looks lingered over the younger man. It was as if the old friends wanted to burn the image of each other in their minds, until Trunks’ next opportunity to visit.

Trunks, determination and a hint of mischief on his face, sent a strong blast Gohan’s way. Gohan easily swatted it aside. As soon as he did, Trunks moved his fingers and sent the blast right back at an unprepared Gohan. The blast hit Gohan hard and sent him flying.

Trunks was dismayed to see Gohan unable to get up and flew over to him. He knelt over the injured young man. The blast had knocked the wind out of Gohan, but Gohan still managed to keep his Super Saiyan form. Trunks powered down as he checked Gohan’s injuries.

Gohan’s clothing had been burned, most of it practically off of his body, his chest and genitals completely exposed. Trunks was relieved to see that the clothing took most of the hit, only minor cuts and scrapes along the surface of Gohan’s skin. It was just the sheer force of the blast that seemed to knock the young man senseless.

Trunks grabbed Gohan in his embrace and carried him as he flew back inside. He landed and walked over to the canopied bed to gently place Gohan on it.

Trunks looked down at Gohan in concern, “Gohan, are you ok?”

Gohan smiled and weakly said, “Yeah.” Gohan craned his neck to look at his exposed body but collapsed back onto the bed before he could get a good look. “Am I hurt?”

Trunks looked Gohan over to make sure. He was about to tell Gohan that he looked to be unharmed, but Gohan interrupted him before he could speak. “Not that it matters anyway.”

Trunks stared at Gohan, shocked that he would say something so reckless. “Why say such a thing?!”

Gohan looked up, startled by the anger he saw in Trunks’ eyes. He shrugged. “I’m not very much to look at, so what does it matter?”

Trunks eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Are you kidding?!”


Trunks had a hard edge to his voice as he asked, “Why do you think that?”

Gohan shrugged again, looking uncomfortable. “Videl, my girlfriend, broke up with me. Left me for this other guy. Said I was too nice and not very, I don’t know, interesting.” Gohan laughed mirthlessly. “And she knew about my being a Super Saiyan and everything. And I was still `boring.'”

Gohan looked angry, a glint of tears collecting at the corners of his eyes.

Trunks placed his hand gently against Gohan’s cheek, brushing away one stray tear with his thumb.

“Hey, it’s her loss.”

Trunks trailed his hand lightly over Gohan’s face, fingers tracing a line from cheek to chin and down over Gohan’s Adams Apple. Trunks looked at Gohan for confirmation that this was all right. Gohan just looked at him, a question combined with wonder in his eyes, so Trunks continued. He moved his hand lower, fingertips feeling the dip between Gohan’s pectorals. Next he traced them over to lightly brush a nipple, which hardened on contact.

Trunks heard Gohan’s sharp intake of breath and looked at Gohan again. “Is this all right?” He asked in a husky whisper, letting Gohan hear the arousal in his voice.

Gohan nodded, eagerness and shyness vying for room in the look he gave Trunks, as his cheeks reddened.

Trunks smiled at him and moved his hand lower, fingers bumping along Gohan’s washboard abs. One finger caught in his navel and twirled there to tease him.

Trunks could hear Gohan’s breathing quicken and dared to trail his hand lower, fingertips brushing along the top line of blond curls. Gohan’s body tensed, but Trunks only saw eager curiosity in Gohan’s eyes as he ran his hand lower and gripped the base of Gohan’s shaft, which was already becoming hard.

Trunks stroked it once, fully, and saw Gohan’s eyes close, his lips parting to emit a moan of ecstasy. Trunks took the moan as a signal to try something, so he lowered his body until he was lying on his own stomach between Gohan’s legs.

Gohan sat up, propping himself up on his elbows. At first Trunks thought Gohan would protest, asking him to stop what he was about to do, but instead, it was clear that Gohan just wanted to watch. Trunks smiled at Gohan and then took the tip of Gohan’s cock in his warm mouth, swirling his tongue over the head. Gohan, blush prominent on his cheeks, shuddered, but the sounds coming out of his mouth indicated only pleasure.

Trunks moved his mouth down over Gohan’s shaft and continued to pleasure Gohan, expressing himself in the movements of his tongue and lips. Gohan spread his legs as he arched his body, wanting more. Moans and whimpers of pure need bubbled up from Gohan’s throat.

Trunks’ intense blue eyes met Gohan’s dark, lust filled gaze. The look was a promise. They had a year’s worth of time together, the day outside the room still young. This time together would afford them an opportunity to discover each other and reach a new understanding between them.


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