As In Love With You As I Am
by Dr. Trunks Briefs     More by this Writer
In the bleak future of the androids, 16-year-old Trunks copes with the sudden realization that he is in love with Gohan. Driven by a cocktail mixture of human hormones, Saiyan instinct, and no one to talk to about them, can Trunks survive this swirl of foreign feelings?
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Chapter 01 : Light reflects from your shadow
I can recall the exact moment in which I fell in love with Gohan.

For most people, love is gradual. It builds up over time, probably starting from a crush, then it develops into something deep and lasting. You meet this person, and over a course of a few months or years, they tangle themselves up in your life. You wake up one morning and notice this person is often on your mind. You notice you don't want to make huge decisions without them. You notice your voice goes an octave higher when you talk to them. You notice the most random things bring them to the forefront of your mind:

That's her favorite color.

That smell reminds me of his shampoo.

That kind of sounds like her name.

This feels like his hair.

All of a sudden, with the tiniest cue, that person fills your mind and your senses and your heart.

But not for me.

Gohan has always been important to me. Hell, he's one of the only two people on this planet I actually care about. Him and my mom. But before that day, Gohan was almost like my dad. My big brother. My protection. My provider. He was the only reason I was alive, and I loved him. But until that day, I wasn't in love with him.

I was 16 years old. Peak of puberty, lonely as hell, and pretty socially awkward. I'm skinny as a rail and short for my age, so most people still think I'm a little kid or something. They talk down to me, talk over me, talk about me as if I can't hear them, and talk for me as if I can't make decisions on my own. They all do it, even teens my age, and I dislike them for it. Except for my mom and Gohan – at least they treat me well. It's everyone else I dislike.

Me, Gohan, and my mom run this shelter-type place under the busted up, old Capsule Corporation building. It doesn't look like much from the outside, since the androids pretty much destroyed the whole city, but underneath it's a haven for permanent residents and sojourners alike.

My mom and Gohan, the wonderful people they are, don't ask for anything in return from the people who stay with us. Well, they ask for peace, which is something the people try to give. It's all they can give, really. Some can give their services, like doctors and therapists and teachers and engineers, but most others just kind of survive under our roof.

See, before I was born, the world was pretty normal. There were billions of humans, all huddled together in their respective civilizations, working with their respective companies and families, and living what I guess would be a normal life. Then, after I was born, the androids attacked and destroyed everything. Civilization crumbled, over half of Earth's population was killed, and humans suddenly became closer to their ancient nomadic ancestors than the car driving, pizza-eating, TV-watching humans they were before the androids. If they weren't killed by the androids, then they died on the road via starvation, civil war, animal attacks, mortal wounds, sickness, et cetera.

I call them humans because I'm not. Well, I'm half human, thanks to my mother. I'm also half Saiyan, an endangered alien species genetically similar to humans. Gohan is half Saiyan, too, which is one reason I guess I fell in love with him. We're the same. We understand each other. We can do things no one else on this planet can – not even the androids. And I don't mean just the super speed, super strength, or ki control. I'm talking about Saiyan habits: purring, imprinting, envelopment, cub behavior, and among other things, the desire to find a mate.

I fell in love with Gohan on June 9th. He'd been gone for three months without contacting us, not even to let us know that he was still alive. This wasn't uncommon for him – after all, it was his job to scout for survivors and send them our way for sanctuary. He would be gone for months at a time, and since there weren't any telephones or computers, the only way we knew he was okay was by announcements on the radio. But radio waves can only reach so far. I always worried over him while he was gone. Mom would tease me and call me a worry wart but I knew Gohan's job was the most dangerous out of all of ours. After all, being out there, he ran the risk of encountering the androids. As powerful and skilled as Gohan was, the androids could overpower him.

Earlier that day, I was doing my job, which was to help the residents with anything they needed. Vague, I know, but I did stuff like fetch medicine from the vault, build shelters, quell fights, and tend to the disabled or pregnant. On June 9th, I was helping one family set up their shelter. They were a new family, recently sent over by Gohan, and only wanted to talk about him. Of course, I didn't mind, but their teenage daughter wouldn't shut up about how hot he was and how heroic he was.

I felt jealous. I didn't know why. Why was I jealous? What was I jealous of, anyway? Was I jealous because the mere mention of Gohan's name made this girl swoon or because she was just another girl who fell for him? Was it because she talked to him more recently than I had? Wait – her brother asked me a question. I hadn't heard it.

"What?" I ignored his sister babble about Gohan.

"I said, you know Gohan, don't you? People were saying you're his best friend. Is that true?"

"Yeah." I didn't feel like talking much. I hadn't really felt sociable lately.

"That's really cool, man. But you're a kid – no offense but why is he best friends with a kid?" I felt offended.

He's best friends with me because we're the same, you idiot. We've been together literally all of my life. We share a bond deeper than anyone else on this planet can even begin to comprehend. I'm not just a kid. I'm Trunks and he's Gohanand that's why we're best friends. Fucking idiot.

But I didn't say any of that.

"I don't know," I replied lamely. The teenage boy kind of looked at me weird but didn't press any further. Maybe it was because I took so long to answer.

"Hey, Trunks," a boy from a different family called me. I turned from my task and looked at him expectantly. "Your mom wants you," he pointed in the general direction of the entrance to the haven. I nodded and thanked him and got the hell away from that new family.

Mom is the matriarch of this place. She built everything here: the generators, the reinforced walls, the water purifier, the robots that helped us, the climate controller – everything. If it needed to be built, she was the engineer for the job. And if it required power, Gohan was the one who powered it. He was able to turn his ki into electricity. Between scouting trips, he'd recharge the generators and help Mom power any new inventions she had. Mom and Gohan went hand-in-hand, really. And then there was me. Fetching crap for residents. Doing chores. Nothing really important.

The haven was basically one gigantic bunker. It was a huuuge room, filled wall-to-wall with shelters and families and common areas. As I jogged through the haven on little paths between them, I didn't expect the fall. I can't remember what I was brooding about. I can't even remember what I saw.

When I rounded that corner, I didn't expect to see him. Standing there next to my mom was Gohan. Oh, I remember everything about the way he looked at that exact moment. Short black hair tousled, dark purple shirt and black pants shredded beyond saving, caked blood on pale flesh, new scars littered all over… He was smirking at me. Even though he looked like he just crawled out of a grave, he was still smirking at me. That stupid, beautiful, lop-sided smile playing in obsidian eyes…

My heart gave out. Or maybe it was my legs that gave out. After stopping dead in my tracks, I suddenly sank onto the floor, sitting on my bottom. My vision went blurry and my eyes started to sting. Something tight formed in my throat and I felt my face contort into an expression beyond my conscious control. Something alien took over my body and pulled me back onto my feet. I sprinted to him, arms outstretched, heart in my stomach.

He caught me as I tripped into his arms. I flung my arms around his neck and buried my very hot, wet face into his bare, bloody shoulder. I was sobbing like a little bitch, saying his name over and over, clinging to what remained of his shirt and not caring if I was squeezing too hard. I don't think he cared, either, because I heard him chuckle and felt him lift me. My jelly legs immediately went around his waist. …Maybe that's why people thought I was still a kid. 16-year-old boys don't usually go crying like little toddlers when their fathers and older brothers suddenly appear out of nowhere after several months of being on life-threatening missions, do they?

"Who gave you permission to grow so tall?" he asked. His voice was gentle and earthy in my ear. I choked out something incomprehensible, only making him chuckle more.

I really didn't expect him to be there that day. Usually he used his ki to flash me a message, letting me know he was coming but this time he didn't. The bastard wanted to surprise me and Mom was in on it. I knew because later people told me how Mom had a shit eating grin on her face.

Even though I was crying and snotting all over Gohan's shoulder in the least attractive way, I could still tell when Gohan was carrying me out of the main haven and into our private quarter. And when I say our, I mean mine, my mom's, and Gohan's rooms, our living room, and our kitchen. Gohan sat on the couch with me in his lap, still holding me, and enveloped me in his ki.

Oh, yeah, envelopment. Apparently, it's something parent Saiyans do to their cubs to calm them. Older siblings and other adults do it to cubs too, but it's mostly a parent-cub thing. Gohan has done it to me for so long that I don't remember when he started. Gohan's dad did it to him all the time without even knowing it, so it must be an instinctive behavior as well as a social behavior. Whatever it was, it calmed me right the fuck down. Almost immediately I stopped my bitch crying and felt a soft purr start in my throat. I felt a deep, vibrating purr from his, too. It filled my ears and head and chest, comforting me further.

"Happy birthday," he whispered and kissed the side of my head as if I were a little boy again.

Oh. That's why he didn't tell me. June 9th was my birthday. I hugged him tighter, not wanting him to let me go. He didn't fight me. He just sat there, arms wrapped around my back, head on my shoulder, hugging me for as long as I wanted. I have no idea how long we were wrapped up together that way.

"I love you," I whispered. It kind of slipped out. I didn't mean to say it.

"I love you too," he replied, nuzzling me. His deep purr reverberated in my chest. I don't think he meant it in the same way I meant it but hell, I'd take it.

Slowly, I pulled away, my arms still wrapped around his neck. I only pulled away far enough to see his face, making it quite obvious I wasn't ready to let go. He let me lead.

Even under the caked blood, wounds, and scars, Gohan had a perfect face. Milky white skin was pulled taut over high cheekbones and a strong jaw. His nose, though it had been broken multiple times in the past, was straight. He had thin, pink lips and thick, dark eyebrows that gave him his sweet, gentle disposition. But what were most striking to me were his eyes. Dark grey, almond-shaped, and lined with thick, black lashes, they still looked so light and loving despite all of the shit Gohan had been through in his life. Despite all the shit he was still going through.

Truly, Gohan was beautiful. He took my breath away. This man, who supported the burden of the entire world on his shoulders like some kind of Atlas, loved me. Despite all of his hardship – losing all of his friends, his parents, his entire way of life at the hands of the androids – Gohan was still generous. He had love to give. Gohan was a man who would give you the shirt off his back in the freezing rain. He'd give you his food so you could eat, even if it meant he'd go hungry. He'd give you his bed even if it meant he slept on the floor. He'd listen to your problems even though he had too many of his own.

Everyone loved Gohan. Everyone in this haven loved him. He was their hero – their provider. Their protection. Outside the haven he was a legend. An angel. People have admitted to me that they didn't believe he existed until he found them. Until he saved them.

People loved Gohan. Some people were in love with Gohan. But I'm the only person he's ever told that he loves back.

At that moment, I knew I loved him. At that moment, I knew I was in love with him. But he only loved me as a friend. I was his little brother; his best friend. I was a kid to him. A cub.

My heart thumped wildly as he gave me that stupid, lop-sided smirk.

Oh, God, what the fuck was I going to do?


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