Boys Chase Girls
by Dr. Trunks Briefs     More by this Writer
Gohan is happy. He has a girlfriend, friends, family, good grades, and he doesn't have to keep secrets anymore. Gohan is happy. He has a future -- a REAL future that doesn't involve killing alien monsters. He's happy, okay?! So... why does he feel so... unhappy...?

Co-written with Lord Truhan.

Chapter 01 : The Great Saiyaman, Rescued!
“Do you like boys, Gohan?” he remembered his mother asking him. That day, it was a mild, sunny day at the foot of Mount Paozu, yet he was stuck inside, studying at the kitchen table while his mother prepared lunch. To make her ask such a question was the growing rebellion of her son – a rebellious side she feared would come as he aged. He’d always been on the… feminine side, so she attempted to instill in him a strong understanding of what he was expected to do as her only child:

Grow up, marry a nice girl, and father a few children of his own.

Of course, she never said these things so blatantly. As rebellious as the young boy had been lately – truly, he was becoming a delinquent – such an obvious and strict order for his future would be thrown out the window and he’d do the exact opposite, just because. Without his father around, who was stuck in space and refused to return home, Chichi was finding it increasingly difficult to handle her boy’s worrisome behavior.

And lately, especially with the statement he’d just made, it was his sexual orientation that had her sweating. She refused to show her nerves, though.

The conversation started like this:

“I saw you playing with that little girl from the village – her name is Lime, isn’t it? She’s really cute!” Chichi had said. Gohan hummed his passive agreement, but it was hardly the confirmation she was looking for. “She really seems to have taken a liking to you!” she pressed on, sneaking a look at the boy.

“We’re friends,” he said finally, never looking up from his workbook. Chichi gave him a sly smile, but he didn’t see it, being as deep in his studies as he was.

“If you like her, then you’d better be nice to her, young man! Girls don’t like delinquents.” He didn’t respond. “Do you like her, too?”

Flipping the page to start on the next set of problems, Gohan gave a small nod. Eyes lighting up, Chichi clasped her hands together and momentarily forgot the food cooking on the stove.

“Really?!” she said, excited. Gohan’s eyes snapped up to his mother, having not really been paying attention to her. He slowly sorted backwards through their conversation, his face heating up.

“N-Not like that!” he insisted. “We’re just friends! We play together – that’s all!” He didn’t want his mother to get carried away because she misunderstood his relationship with a girl. He was only seven years old, but for some reason his mother was bent on knowing if he had any crushes on any of the village girls. “I don’t even like girls!” he insisted, blushing madly at his workbook.

Chichi’s excitement came to a sudden stop with her son’s declaration. She stared at him, wide-eyed and fearful, but he refused to meet her eyes as he scribbled nonsense in the margins of his book.

“Don’t be silly. Of course you like girls. Boys like girls.” She tried to sound firm, but couldn’t stop the slight waver in her voice. Was this it? Was this Gohan’s greatest act of rebellion? She’d been fearing it since he returned from the torment Piccolo and those Saiyans put him through.

“Not all boys like girls,” Gohan replied, still not meeting her eyes. He nervously drew shaky swirls between the formulas. “I read an article about two boy penguins raising an egg together. So, not all boys like girls…!” He could feel his mother’s gaze burning into the skin on his head. If there was something his mother did not like to hear, it was an argument.

“Those are penguins, not boys,” she replied, having completely forgotten the food on the stove by this point. “Little boys like little girls.” This time, she definitely made sure to sound firm. Gohan didn’t respond, his hand coming to a stop.

Chichi stared hard at her son. The boy was beautiful, truly. Long, soft black hair, dark grey eyes, long, black lashes, flawless skin, and full, pink lips… He really took more after Chichi, herself, than Goku. But boys… Boys should be strong and rough. They should be able to provide and protect and fear no one. They should grow up tall, powerful, and intelligent, and they should take a wife and have children.

Gohan, he… Gohan was different.

“Do you like boys, Gohan?” she asked finally, fearing his answer. The food on the stove was burning, but her eyes were locked on her young son.

“…I don’t like boys,” he replied quietly, after a moment of silent thought. Chichi took in a soft, shaky breath, feeling worry settle in the pit of her stomach at his weak assurance. Gohan began working in his book once more, “I like science and dragons.”

Ten years later, Gohan found himself remembering that conversation. Squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head, he turned onto his side, beneath his bed comforter, and concentrated on his task. Though he was alone in bed in the early morning hours, inside his mind he was wrapped up with Videl, hot and sweaty and naked.

He wrapped his long, slender fingers around his hot, throbbing shaft and pumped slowly, trying to imagine it was her hand, instead. Small, soft, unsure hands on his most intimate organ, touching him and inviting him to take more.

Despite the vivid imagery, he began to soften instead, driving him to more frustration. By this point, he was tempted to get up and retrieve the dirty magazines that Roshi and Krillin gave him for his 16th birthday, but a shred of him was still determined to cum from imagining his girlfriend.

He shifted onto his back and raised his knees, throwing his free arm over his face. Though he and Videl hadn’t gone as far as sex, Gohan drew on his imagination to bring him closer to the edge. He desperately envisioned his girlfriend’s sweet, soft face, tinged pink and watching him with uncertainty as he spread her legs and drove inside of her.

His hips moved with his fantasy, rocking against his hand as the end grew near. Just a little more… Her sweet perfume, soft lips, plush breasts, hot, hot heat…

Finally, he jerked and warm globs of cum shot onto his bare stomach. Riding out his orgasm, his head fell back against his pillow and he panted, spent from his early morning activities.

Sighing, he opened his dark grey eyes and glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 6:03 AM. 45 minutes. For 45 fucking minutes he’s been trying to drive that damned dream out of his head by imagining sex with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend. He has a girlfriend. Rubbing his face, Gohan released another sigh. He has a girlfriend; he likes girls. So why is he having wet dreams about getting fucked by guys?

Particularly one guy…

But that guy was gone, and gone for good.

45 minutes or not, he finally managed to cum to the fantasy of having sex with Videl. It was a small step, but a step in the right direction, nonetheless. But, he suddenly thought as he sat up, careful not to get cum stains on his sheets, if I were thinking of him then I’d have cum in only a few minutes…

He didn’t mean to think of it. Growling, he bumped the heel of his palm roughly on the side of his head as if to knock the very thought out of his mind.

After the defeat of Majin Buu, Gohan and Videl decided that they should start dating. Well, it was really Videl’s idea and Gohan went along with it. Before then, he hadn’t really thought of her as anything more than a friend, but all the tragedies that Buu put them through made him see her in a new light.

Videl was pretty. She was smart and brave and she understood Gohan on a deeper level than any other girl he’d ever known. Gohan liked Videl a lot – he worried about her safety and comforted her when she was unhappy. Since he already liked her, it was only logical that they should be together. They had fun together, going on dates, and recently they started doing more intimate things than just kissing.

Last week, for the first time ever, Gohan felt what it was like to have someone other than himself touch him there. His heart was pounding, he was nervous, and he was eager…

But after a few minutes of stroking and touching, even while fondling and kissing her… he just couldn’t get it up. He was humiliated, even though Videl insisted it was probably just his nerves. The day after, they tried again, and an intrusive thought of him forced its way into Gohan’s head. He responded to it immediately, against his will.

The more he tried to push the thought away, the stronger it became. His hand on Gohan’s cock, his lips on Gohan’s neck, cheeks, lips, and ears… Gohan came within minutes. Guilty, Gohan couldn’t tell his girlfriend that it actually wasn’t her ‘natural talent’ that made him cum so quickly.

Since then, Gohan has been having wet dreams about him. He hadn’t seen the man since Bojack, but everything about him was still so fresh and vivid in his memory. His toned arms, chest, and back, his sharp, blue eyes, his deep, warm voice…

His heart skipped a beat, but guilt settled in immediately after.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Gohan scolded himself as he wiped his belly clean. Stop thinking things like that. Stupid, stupid, stupid…

Even though he woke up so early in the morning, Gohan still barely made it to school on time. A pair of big, periwinkle eyes met him with a smile as he rushed in, paper falling out of his bookbag.

“Morning, Gohan,” Videl greeted, watching her boyfriend quickly slide into his seat beside her.

“Am I late? Did the bell ring?” he asked, looking around nervously.

“Geez, Gohan, maybe you should start waking up earlier,” Erasa said with a grin. “One more tardy and your mom will hear about it…”

“Can’t you fly faster than a jet plane or something?” Sharpner asked from the other side of Erasa. “Kind of seems like you’re trying to be late.”

Though the world forgot about Majin Buu, Gohan’s powers and family history were not things that were included in that wish to Shenron. Even now, tabloid magazines dove deep into his and his family’s personal lives and published it for all the world to read. They especially loved it when Gohan and Videl decided to be a couple.

What was more juicy than the World Champion’s only daughter falling in love with the Delivery Boy?

The public loved their young couple and consumed anything and everything about them, right down to the tiniest spat between them. Having grown up in the limelight, Videl barely noticed it, but Gohan felt the invasion with every grated nerve.

As class started, Gohan’s thoughts kept turning to his dream. He would shake his head and rub his eyes and throw himself back into the lecture, but still, thoughts of him came back, and his body was reacting.

Videl took notice, since she sat right next to him at their table. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his face twist as if in pain or anger. Did he have a fight with his mother this morning, or something?

“Gohan, how would you solve #64?” the teacher asked. Gohan blinked, eyes wide. What?


“#64, Gohan. How would you solve it?”

He looked down at his textbook, but there was no problem #64. His heart started to race as his classmates’ eyes turned to him curiously. A few began to snicker as he flipped through the chapter, desperately looking for whatever #64 the teacher was asking for.

Videl reached over and flipped his book to the right page and pointed at the problem just as the teacher’s face turned to a scowl. Before Gohan could answer, though, the teacher snapped, “If you’re going to come to class, Gohan, pay attention. Next time, it’s a write-up. Now, is there anyone who has been paying attention that can answer the problem?”

Gohan sighed and rubbed his burning face, humiliated. When a piece of paper slid across his desk, he glanced down to see a familiar handwriting.

“Are you okay?” it read. He smiled a wry smile and nodded his head. Videl pulled the paper back to her desk and scribbled another note just below the previous one, “Liar. What’s wrong?” This time, Gohan shook his head, smile dropping from his face.

The problem was that he was hard as a fucking rock under the table, and it was because of his gay wet dream the night before. But, he couldn’t scribble that on a sheet of paper. He couldn’t tell Videl. He couldn’t tell anyone.

“We’ll talk later,” she wrote, then, leaving the paper on Gohan’s desk. He breathed a sigh of relief through his nose, again turning his attention to the lecture. Though he hoped the problem would go away, it didn’t. Though it became less intense and easier to hide, as lunchtime drew closer, his erection and the intrusive fantasies were back full-force.

Giving up, Gohan subtly leaned back and glanced behind him, as if he were looking at the clock. If I sit close to the table, Videl won’t be able to see me do it… Luckily, he and his friends always sat in the back row, so there was no one behind him to see him commit the act he was thinking of committing.

Sliding forward on his seat and resting one arm in his lap, Gohan carefully and quietly unbuttoned his pants and took himself out. There were panels at the front of the auditorium-style desks, so no one would be able to see him handle himself. As long as he kept his arm still and only used his wrist, not even his girlfriend would notice what he was doing.

Just get rid of it. Get rid of it and be done with it.

Swallowing, Gohan pretended to read along with his eyes, but let the intrusive thoughts of him fill his head. His hands on him, his breath in his ear, his sweat dripping down onto Gohan’s skin… After a few minutes of subtle tugging, warm, white liquid splurted onto the underside of Gohan’s desk. He managed to stop himself from twitching, but couldn’t stop the satisfied, shuddering sigh or the soft blush on his cheeks.

Videl looked over to him, blinking curiously. What was that? His face is red. Does he have a fever? Is that why he wasn’t paying attention today? Something was definitely wrong with her boyfriend, but she wasn’t sure what it was. Gohan had a bad habit of keeping secrets, even if it was something small like “what’s bothering you.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him cradle his head with both hands, donning an expression of defeat. All morning he looked frustrated, as if he had an argument, but now… She frowned and looked back to her textbook.

They both jumped when Videl’s watch suddenly started ringing. Sitting back in his chair, Gohan watched her expectantly as she answered the call.

The police chief’s frantic face appeared on the screen, “Videl! There’s a robbery in progress at Satan City Bank! We’ve got the guys on the roof of the building, but they’re loaded and opening fire to anyone who gets near! We need to fast – I think they have an escape copter on the way!”

“Got it. On my way,” she said, determined, and cut the connection. “I’ve gotta go, I’m sorry!” she apologized as she ran out the door, leaving her books behind. Gohan jumped to his feet, as well, but was stopped by the teacher.

“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked, glaring at him.

“Bathroom,” he said as he ran for the door.

“Gohan – no, wait! Ugh.” He was gone.

Though everyone knew he was Saiyaman, he refused to admit it. After all, Saiyaman was a vigilante, and openly admitting to being him would land Gohan with fines and maybe even jail time, despite all the good he’s done for the city. Sure, he used the name for the tournament, but no one could prove that he and the person stopping crimes in Satan City were one in the same.

Gohan made it to the bank in no time, catching up with Videl quite easily. Just as the police chief said, the bank robbers were on the roof, shooting at anything and everyone who dared to come close.

“It’s not nice to shoot down copters,” he shouted over the commotion, landing directly behind the robbers. They jumped and turned, greeted by the sight of the city’s red-caped hero.

“What the fu – It’s Saiyaman!”

“Don’t you have school, little boy?”

Gohan smirked as they leveled their guns on him.

“I heard you’re pretty smart, kid. Too bad we’re going to have to scramble your brains,” the leader said with an evil grin before unloading the clip on the teenager. Gohan caught every bullet with ease, smirk never fading, and let the last bullet whiz by his head. The robbers stared in shock at his speed – it was as if the bullets were hitting a steel wall.

A loud boom behind him drew Gohan’s attention. The rogue bullet managed to pierce a nearby police unit in just the right way to force the blades to stop, sending the copter into a tailspin toward the ground.

“Oh, no you don’t!” the leader shouted as Gohan turned to rescue them. He snatched his cape and yanked it back, but instead of getting the boy, the only thing he pulled back was the red fabric. Gohan, capeless, bolted into the air and caught the copter out of midair.

“Turn it off!” he shouted as loud as he could, watching as Videl’s little yellow vehicle buzzed nearby to rescue the officers. They did as they were told, jumping in with Videl and capsulizing the damaged unit. In the distraction, another copter landed on the roof of the bank, ushering the robbers inside.

Gohan shot back to them, landing next to it.

“Get out of there now or I’m coming in to get you out, myself!” he warned. The pilots laughed and hoisted rifles into their arms. The robbers, who knew better, tried to stop them, but the pilots shrugged them off.

“What’s a skinny little pansy boy like you gonna do to this, huh?” one asked while flouncing his rifle.

“Yeah, why don’t you go home to your boyfriend and ask him to put his cock up your ass one more time? Or you could stay here and let us put lead up your ass.”

Gohan, blushing, growled and jumped on top of the copter, grabbing the blades and breaking them off. The robbers and their pilots’ eyes doubled in size as they began to panic. With how skinny and dorky Saiyaman looked and acted, it was hard to believe he was really as strong as they said he was – but to see him with their own eyes!

Before they could unload the rest of their weapons on him, they suddenly found themselves without weapons at all.

Videl landed her vehicle on the roof and jumped out along with the other officers, ready to beat the robbers into submission, but they were caught by surprise when the empty-handed robbers ran to them and hid behind them. Their eyes were wide and terrified of the green-clad hero near the heap of broken machinery and bent weapons.

“Please don’t let him get us! Pleee-hee-hee-heeeeze!” they cried. Videl snorted a laugh, trying to keep herself contained, but lost it when the officers started laughing, as well.

“Sai-Saiyaman,” one of the officers wheezed between laughs, once all the robbers and their accomplices were cuffed. The hero smiled at him, knowing what was coming, as he clipped his cape back into place. “Saiyaman, you’re under arrest for interfering with police – aaand he’s gone,” he said as he watched Saiyaman back up to the ledge of the roof and hop off, out of sight. As if he expected anything else. They didn’t want to arrest Saiyaman, but there was a law to uphold.

The citizens and officers below watched in awe as their hero jumped from the building without fear, falling a few storeys, a confident smirk present.

He shrieked in surprise, however, when he was suddenly snatched out of the air, knocking his sunglasses off his face. His breath caught in his throat as he was carried with ease, cradled protectively in strong arms. He met sharp, blue eyes, stern as they stared back at him.

“What are you thinking, jumping off of a building?! You would’ve died if I hadn’t…”

“T-T-Tru…” Gohan stuttered, making his ‘savior’ trail off in mid-scold.

“Gohan?” he questioned, realization evident on his handsome face. The very same face Gohan hadn’t been able to get out of his head for the last week. The very face he couldn’t stop staring at years ago. The same face that stirred the feelings he buried and reburied out of shame and fear; ones he fought and denied since he was a little boy.

“Trunks…!” he squeaked, watching an excited grin pull at the other boy’s lips.


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