A TrunksXGoten Fanfic
by Dreamofbeing     More by this Writer
Two demi-saiyans fall in love.

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Chapter 01
Trunks Briefs, the President of Capsule Corporation, was buried in four stacks of paperwork on a Friday morning. Cups of coffee had been left at the only part of his desk that wasn't covered. He brushed his purple locks away from his face and sighed. He heard his door open, and he looked up to see the splitting image of his mother.

"Hey Trunks, how's the paperwork going?"

"Exhausting, I haven't slept for two days."

"You see this is what happens when you decide to move out on your own."

"What happens?"

"You can't even look after yourself."

"I'm fine Bulla and the reason I left was because mom and dad were becoming more sickening with their public displays of affection."

"I think it's sweet."

"You say that now."

Bulla smiled at him, and his spirit lifted a little.

"So, what are you doing here anyway?"

"I came in to check on my big brother, and I see you need a break. We should take a drive. I have my car. What do you say Trunks?"

"Alright." He stood up from his chair and headed towards the door.

"Really, you're not going to argue with me?"

"No, I really could use a break."

They walked out of the building to Bulla's car parked in front of the building. They got in her car and as Bulla started the car, Trunks buckled up.

"So, where are we going, Bulla?"

"We're going to see an old friend you haven't seen in two years."


"Yep, I know you miss him a lot since you don't get to see him."

A genuine smile appeared on his face, and his heart did an unusual thing; it skipped a beat. Bulla saw the sparkle return to his blue eyes.

"You're attitude just turned 360 degrees."

"Have you seen him lately?"

"Last week, he was sparring with Gohan. I was just watching, and Goten stops in the middle and comes over to me. He asked about you, and I told him that you were very busy with your responsibilities as President of Capsule Corp. I could tell he felt bad that he couldn't help you."

"That's Goten for you, always wanting to help people."

"Well, you didn't forget who his father is?"

"I know Bulla but despite what everyone thinks, he is nothing like his father."

"You would know better than I. You're his best friend after all."


Bulla parked her car in the pet shop parking lot. They both got out of the car, shutting the doors behind them.

"So, he works at Satan's Pet Shop. I can see it."

"His personality does fit this profession. He's patient, loving, and he loves animals. It's perfect for him."

The automatic doors slid open as Trunks and Bulla entered. Bulla noticed Trunks loosening his tie.

"Can I help you kids?" asked an old woman.

"Yes, we're looking for one of your employees, Son Goten."

"Oh yes, he's in our backyard playing with the dogs. You know he's on his break, so I'll take you out to him."

Trunks and Bulla followed the old woman to the door leading to the backyard, where a bunch of suited men watched a raven haired boy run with their dogs.

"Goten's quite popular with the dogs," said Billa.

"He's popular with their owners as well," said the old woman.

Trunks felt something well up inside him that he couldn't identify. He was unaware that his eyebrows drew into his nose to make an angry look in his eyes. Bulla looked over at Trunks to see his hair, eyes, and brows about to change color.

"Trunks calm down." He felt his sister's hands on his shoulders.

Luckily, no one had been paying attention to the changes in his physical appearance.

"Trunks, what happened?"

"I-I have no idea." His quizzical eyes said to her.

"Trunks take a moment to breathe, and I'll go talk to Goten."

"Good idea." Trunks headed towards a tree on a hill, leaning his hand on the bark. He took a breath.

Bra took her eyes away from her brother, heading towards Goten.

Goten let the dogs run on by themselves as he walked up to Bulla.

"Hey Goten, you look like you enjoyed yourself out there."

"Yeah, it's fun to run with the dogs."

"The dogs aren't the only ones having fun."

Goten looked over to the owners who were staring at him. He turned away quickly in embarrassment.

"They were watching you run with their dogs."

"I'm sure they were just glad that their dogs are being well taken care of."

"Are you sure that that was all they want taken care of?"

Raven eyes widened at her comment.

"You are a perverted person."

"I was just teasing you Goten, and I wanted to tell you that I brought someone with me."

"Please don't say you brought one of your girlfriends that my mom has been forcing me to marry."

"No, I didn't even know Chi-chi was doing that to you. I'm sorry Goten."

"I'm just glad my mom hasn't lined up bachelor's outside my door."

"Probably because Vegeta would blast them to oblivion so who did you bring with you?"

"Come with me Goten."

Trunks heard them walking closer to where he was leaning, and he got off the tree, facing Goten and his sister.

"Hey Goten."

Goten recognized that voice from his childhood, and he smiled.

"Trunks!" He suddenly jumped into his friend's arms, knocking Trunks down on the ground.

Trunks had the wind knocked out of him. He looked up to see Goten straddling him by the waist, and he felt his heart react surprisingly. He didn't notice Goten remove himself from his body.

"Yo! Trunks, you there man?"

Trunks escaped his mind to see Goten calling his name.

"I must have spaced out. Sorry about that."

Trunks stood up to face his smiling friend.

"You look like shit, Trunks. Another late night?"

"It can't be helped, Goten."

"I'm not sure this job is healthy for you."

"You do know that you encouraged me to take the position right?"

"Oh yeah. Well I would never ask you to quit Trunks but you got to take care of yourself."

"That's what Bulla said."

"Well she's right you know."

Bulla smiled at Goten's comment.

"Don't encourage her." Bulla frowned at him, crossing her arms. "I have my own place now."

"That's awesome Trunks. I wish my mom would let me go, but she's determined to marry me off before I move out."

Trunks felt the familiar feeling inside that he experienced a few minutes ago.

"Trunks, where are you?" asked Goten.

"I'm sorry Goten, I don't mean to space out on you. It's just been a long week."

"It's ok Trunks, I know how hard you work. Maybe you should take the day off and get some rest."

"There is no w-

He was interrupted by Bulla's voice.

"Oh hi mom, Trunks can have a day off. Thanks mom, see you later, bye." She closed her phone. "You're all set."

"I guess I have no choice."

"I'll take you to your place, Trunks."

"Sounds good, Bulla."

He turned to Goten, and he smiled.

"Come over after work, Goten. It would be nice to hang out and catch up."

"Cool, see you later."

Bra drove Trunks to his place in silence. She wondered why his appearance had changed at the pet shop. She decided to ask him tomorrow when he was feeling better. She watched him unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the car. He waved at her as she drove off to her home, living with her parents.


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