Love Will Always Get Us Through
by Dreamofbeing     More by this Writer
A story about what happens when two demi-saiyans follow their hearts even when their own demons and others threaten to tear them apart.

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Chapter 01
He woke up crying in the night. His clothes soaked with his sweat, and his heart racing like crazy. Managing to calm down, the young raven-haired demi-saiyan named Goten looked around his darkened room. Sighing in relief, he lied back down on his bed.
'What a nightmare,' Goten thought.

It had shaken him to the core so much, but he didn't know why and then he suddenly remembered. His mother had come into his room early in the morning when he woke up, lying a nice suit at the corner of his bed.

"What's this?" he asked her.

"It's your brother's lucky suit of course. It doesn't fit him anymore, but it's in great condition. It's yours. It will bring you some luck."

"I appreciate this mom I really do, but I don't want Gohan's old suit."

"Why not?"

He thought about what that suit represented. If he put it on, he was becoming a son controlled by his mother in every aspect of his life. She would have him married with kids and living right next door from her, forever, and it sent an unwanted chill down his spine.

"I want to buy my own suit." He read her eyes to see disappointment, but her mouth formed a smile.

"Well I'll just hang up the suit in your closet just in case you change your mind."

He had been strong enough to reject the suit, but it still hung in his closet as a possibility. It was getting harder every time she tried to control him. He knew at some point he wouldn't be able to take it anymore, and he would leave. That day was getting closer and he knew it.

He imagined the look on her face when he did tell her. A frown with wrinkle lines around her mouth and eyes. Her eyes would tear up, and she would start to cry for a while. Afterwards she would say anything she could to make him stay but it wouldn't work. He'd walk out the door, feel bad for a while, and he'd hope that feeling would pass after a while.

'Kami this is too much thinking for,' he looked over at his alarm clock, and his eyes bugged out, '4AM in the morning!' Lying back down, he closed his eyes, hoping another nightmare wasn't waiting for him.

While he was able to sleep without any more trouble, someone outside had witnessed his emotional turmoil in the night. Walking into the light, the form revealed itself as a young lavender-haired, demi-saiyan named Trunks. His blue eyes filled with worry for his best friend, which he had known ever since the raven-haired man was born.

He let out a sigh, realizing he hadn't seen his friend ever since they defeated the Shadow Dragons. He blamed himself entirely. He could have seen Goten whenever he wanted, but he always found an excuse not to. The real reason he felt he wasn't ready to confront nor was he ready to tell his best friend.

Taking one last look into the window of his friend's room, a feeling ran through his body. It was telling him to stay, but he turned away and took off into the night. He didn't notice Goten had seen him fly away. The only thing he could think of was, 'why is he here now?'


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