Together Means Forever (part 2)
by Dreamofbeing     More by this Writer
Second part to Together Means Forever PART 1.

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Chapter 01
Trunks needed a break from work, so he decided to use his company's pool. Walking into the room in his swim trunks, he smiled. This was just what he needed to relax before heading back to his office.
Diving into the pool, the cold water hit his body and he sighed before swimming some laps. He let go of all the work he had to get down today and thought about his mate. He knew this new obstacle is something they would break down, but he could feel Goten pulling away from him. He didn't like it because they had always been close. 'I have to find a way to make him feel better,' he thought as he heard footsteps walking into the room.

Getting out of the pool, he figured it was one of his employees. On closer inspection he found Marron waiting for him at the other end of the pool. 'Great, I wonder what she wants?' he thought as he walked over to her. "Hi Marron."

"Your secretary told me where you were."

"All right. So, what brings you here?"

"I love you."

"Marron I—

"Just here me out Trunks," she said as her hand rested on his bare chest and blushed. "I heard that you and Goten were having problems and—

"Where did you here a thing like that?"

"I was at the bakery where Goten works. He and Videl were talking."

"It's none of your business what goes on between me and my mate. Did you think you could come here and convince me to end my relationship with him?"

"He doesn't appreciate you like I do Trunks. You'd never have problems if you were with me."

"If you had any feelings for me at all, you would accept that I love Goten. Yes, we're having some problems right now but we will fix them. I'm committed to him forever, and there's no way I would let that go for someone I don't love. I'm sorry Marron. You need to move on."

"He'll never be completely happy with you. Why not end the relationship before anyone gets hurt? Besides you don't look happy. If we were together, you'd always be happy."

"You don't know that, and you don't get to decide my relationship. I may not be happy right now, but he's made me happy for years. I think it's time for you to leave."

"Trunks, please. I—

"I've made myself perfectly clear about where we stand. Leave me alone."

Trunks got straight back to work after his dip in the pool, putting his conversation with Marron out of his mind. He had better things to do. When his workday was over, he walked out of the building. Looking in the direction of his capsule home, he didn't feel like going there just yet.

Walking around the city, he looked around. He wasn't looking for anything in particular. It was just he didn't realize he hadn't stopped and appreciate what was around him. He had always been so busy with work that his life had become routine. Work. Home. Eat. Sleep. Wake up. Work again. He loves his job, but he always felt like something was missing. He thought of his mate again. Searching his ki, he found Goten was at their home. He didn't want to go any deeper then that.

Stopping into a fast food joint, he ordered some food, took his meal, and sat down. He downed his food in seconds and then leaned back in booth he was seating in. Looking out through the window to the city of lights, he sighed.


"Mom, what are you doing here?" he asked as she joined him in the booth. Holding up her shopping bags, he smiled. "I should have guessed."

"Well I could ask the same question to you mister," she smiled. "Your father told me about what's going on between you and Goten. I'm so sorry sweetie. I know this is probably putting a strain in your relationship, but you'll get through it."

"He's distancing himself from me. I think he's scared."

"You know I was scared to be with your father, but that didn't stop me. My feelings for him were something I couldn't ignore. You need to let Goten know that there's nothing to be scared of. You're in this together."

"I will mom. We're mates for life, and I want us to be happy."

"That's the spirit!" she exclaimed. "Anyway I let your father know and I just wanted to let you know I came out with a clean bill of health. The doctor said that I'm very healthy for my age."

'I'm glad. I'm sure dad was relieved to."

"Yep he sure was," smiled Bulma. "He was so relieved that we—

"Mom! I don't want to know that. Is it too much to ask to try and control yourselves?"

"Come on Trunks. Don't act like you don't know what that feels like. You and Goten—

"No! We are not talking about me and Goten's sex life," he sighed. "I can't wait until Bulla has sex. Then you can bother and embarrass her about it."

"If your father has his way, your sister will be virgin forever."

"Well I think this conversation is getting way too uncomfortable for me. Let's go home."

Trunks came through the door, put his things away, took off his shoes, and made his way into the living room to see a round cake with his name on it on the coffee table. He smiled as he saw the knife right beside the cake and cut into it. It was his favorite cake, red velvet. As he swallowed a piece, he sighed in contentment. 'The guy really knows how to make a cake.'

Making his way into the kitchen, he saw Goten putting away containers filled with food. Closing the fridge, he turned around to see Trunks holding the cake he made for him. Trunks smiled. "It's really good chibi. Thank you."

"I—I know I've been distant, and I'm sorry. This isn't your fault, no matter how much you think it is. We both decided to bond, and we shouldn't apologize for it because we love each other."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, and I understand that you're scared. This is a new kind of situation for the both of us, but we can do this together."

"All right," said Goten as he sat down next to his mate, watching him eat his cake. "So, how was your day?"

"Better now that I'm home. Work was exhausting but fulfilling at the same time. Plus I was hoping for a moment to relax on my break. I went to the pool for a swim, and Marron was there."

"Oh no."

"She insists that she's in love with me and tried to convince me to let you go. I just hope she got the message."

"I hope so to because I'm not sharing you," said Goten as he lied on Trunks' shoulder. Suddenly he saw a piece of cake coming at his mouth. Opening his mouth, he let Trunks feed him. "Mmm that's a good cake."

Trunks smiled. "What about your day chibi?" he asked as he fed him another piece of cake.

"Mmm. Well it was great. We were really busy today, but it was nice to see all the excited faces. I got a call from Gohan during my break."

"Oh yeah what did he want?" Trunks asked as his arm found its way around Goten's waist.

"He wanted to celebrate Videl's new job at the bakery tomorrow night. It's a surprise for her, so I have to go to the market and pick up some stuff for dinner. I'm cooking at the house, so Gohan and Pan are going to keep her occupied until 7PM. Are you going to be able to make it?"

"I'll be there, but I might be late. I'm not sure."

"Don't worry," Goten smiled, "I'll leave you some food."

"You're the best," said Trunks as he ate his last piece of cake. "Delicious," he smirked.

Goten blushed. He was surprised when Trunks took him in his lap and kissed him senseless. He deepened the kiss as he felt Trunks carry him towards their bedroom.


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