All That Is Between
by Falling Fire     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks comes back regularly to visit his lover Gohan. While enjoying each other’s company they can’t help but be wary of what those bite marks mean.

Chapter 01
This was not the first time Trunks had found himself at the mercy of the touch of a man, to him, had died many, many years ago. No, he had traveled to this dimension a multitude of times. He had come here searching for everyone who had left him behind in the future of a world that existed no more and found them. A world where all who had died in his reality walked here without the pretty little halos and wings you received when you died in any realm. A world where Son Gohan, the eleven year old boy who had defeated the ultimate android, was alive and a boy no more. He was a man who laughed, cried, and he kissed, a lot.

Trunks shuddered as a hot tongue flicked against his ear, making the following whisper cool against his heated flesh. “You came back.” He was pulled tight up against Gohan’s chest, his own moving up and down as rapidly as the one he could feel pressed into his back. His heart echoing the rapid beats of the one beneath that very same chest. Trunks turned his head as far as he could to try and catch those living lips of the master he missed so much in his own time but he couldn’t reach and Gohan was to busy sucking on his opposite shoulder to notice his attempt.

“Told you I would,” was the breathless reply. He turned his head to the other side. Trunks had to admit he felt a bit silly, maybe even perverted getting all hot and bothered and not being able to speak properly from a kid sixteen years younger than him but it had been so long since they had seen each other. Trunks loved this dimension and everyone in it. He loved the feeling of his lover’s strong arms wrapped around him, reminding him that if it wasn’t for the genius of his mother, who was a halo bearing, blue haired woman in the next dimension of his universe but not here, none of the happiness he had felt those eight years ago when he realized he had the means to travel back in time for his father, his friends, and Gohan would have been possible.

Since the time of the androids and Gohan’s youth Trunks had been returning to the past to visit the younger demi-saiyan. With each visit being almost every other year, and his need for the companionship of his own lost Gohan, Trunks started jumping through time more frequently. He couldn’t stay in the world he loved so much for very long because a Briefs Trunks was already living there. Happy on his own accord not because he had his entire family ripped away from him and then miraculously given back from the glory of technology. No, his mirrored self was happy because that had never happened, because he grew up with the promise of tomorrow, not the fear of losing today.

When he did visit though, the younger purple haired youth never knew. No one did except for the reason of his return. Gohan was the only person to know that Mirai no Trunks came to a dimension not belonging to himself almost every month for no other reason than Gohan’s own company. “Shit.” He exhaled the breath he didn’t know he had been holding when that younger, dark haired reason’s teeth pierced his flesh. The tongue that had teased his ear was now lapping at crimson droplets forming at the bite wound between Trunks’s shoulder and neck.

Yes, it had been incredibly too long since their last rendezvous. “How long has it been, Gohan?” The moist heat on his shoulder was gone and the sting Gohan’s mouth had kept at bay shot through the nerves of the larger demi’s shoulder. The arms on his waist twisted him around and he was looking into those midnight dark orbs that haunted him in his dreams when away from this messy college dorm room, Gohan called home.

“About a year,” their lips crashed for a fleeting moment, “too long, Trunks. You said you would be-” another kiss, this time gentler but not longer, “be only a-” Gohan licked his older guest’s lips, trying to finish what he was saying. “…a another month b-but mmph!” The speaking Saiyan let a moan escape into Trunks's mouth when he was cut off.

Trunks slid his tongue inside the warm welcoming cavern that his lover offered. He licked the roof of his mouth and tasted every slick surface he could reach until he was reaching so far their teeth clashed. The long violet haired Saiyan pulled back and reached his two hands up to hold Gohan’s chin and stare back into those evocative, haunting eyes. “I know, I’m sorry, I’ll explain later.”

Trunks was sorry he had not come back like he usually did but every time he came, no matter how much he enjoyed the other’s company, no matter how much he enjoyed the sinful pleasure of their activities, it was hard to keep leaving. Hoping no one found out, no one heard, or saw. It was hard to leave the love of his life over and over again and have a fear embedded in his heart that there was always a chance of no tomorrow, no next month to see Gohan again. He’d thought that if his visiting could be reduced to the once every other year interval it had been, that difficulty would lessen. Those visits though had been during a time when the two of them were friends, when it was alright to let the rest of his and Gohan’s family know he was there. Now, they were lovers, they needed each other and all the time between the worlds that separated them and they couldn’t have it. It was hard to come back knowing he couldn’t stay.

His younger lover nodded frantically and started walking forward, causing Trunks to stumble blindly backwards until he was pressed up against the oak desk covered in papers, text books, and a laptop. Gohan ripped the yellow CC shirt straight down the middle and freed his head from Trunks’s fingers to end down and capture one of his nipples in the wonderful mouth Trunks loved to plunder. His calloused hands reached behind Gohan’s head and buried themselves in the messy jet black locks. He bit his lip and concentrated on the mouth working his pebbled nipples and the sting of his reopened bite scar had practically disappeared.

While Gohan focused his mouth’s attention on Trunks’s upper body, his fingers fumbled with the zipper concealing his lower treasures. “Heh,” Trunks snickered breathlessly. His arousal straining to be touched by those working fingers. “Why-why don’t you j-just tear ’em?” Gohan head snapped up and a look of lust was darkening his features. He tucked his hands into the waist band of his princely lover’s pants and pulled. He quickly covered Trunks's mouth and kissed away the grunt of a slight pain having one’s pants ripped off caused. He pulled back and admired the lean, completely naked, and fully aroused body in front of him. His eyes drifted from Trunks’s pale blue irises, down his chest, past the purple curls, along the muscles of his thighs, and down to his… boots?

“Yeah, those need to go.” Trunks stated, following Gohan’s eyes. He smirked when his younger companion lifted him up onto the desk to allow him room to toe off his shoes and fling them off in a corner somewhere. Once the boots were gone, Trunks decided his socks were alright to stay and Gohan reached behind him, shoving all of his books, papers, pens, and what looked to be a very expensive laptop crashing to the floor. His hands traveled back around Trunks’s waist and pulled him to the edge of the desk, settling his rear right in front of the fly to his own pants. “Much better.” The only way Trunks could respond was letting his jaw fall open for Gohan was too quick in sinking his razor sharp, demi-Saiyan fangs into that abused flesh that marked Trunks as belonging to him and only him.

They were more than lovers. Trunks didn’t exactly know what, neither did Gohan but that bite three years ago had forced them into something far more intimate and involved than bed buddies. None of the other people they had screwed sported wounds on their necks. They had no one to ask what it meant either. Vegeta in the present timeline, both of them agreed, would piss all over himself and them if he found out the alternate version of his son was sleeping with one of Goku’s offspring. Then, the Vegeta he had never known as a father in his own time, was dead. Goku knew about as much as either of them did about Saiyans and their bedding rituals and however smart Trunks’s mother was, Bulma wouldn’t have a clue what a bite meant. She would probably just chalk it up as some kinky blood fetish or something but they knew, both Trunks and Gohan knew there was something more to it and that scared them.

Maybe that’s why it was so hard to leave or even to come back. Maybe it was that fear of the unknown that kept them constantly separated. Fear of both their futures, fear of what that bite could mean, fear of no tomorrow, no next month. Trunks’s fear of his own father and Gohan’s fear of being ignorant to something because there was nothing in this world or the next that the boy hadn’t spent hours studying and because of this he couldn’t really be unknowledgeable about things this important but he was.

The sound of a zipper brought Trunks back out of his daze. He licked the drool off his lip and rolled his head sideways to meet Gohan’s bloody mouth. He savored the coppery taste of his own blood mixed in with the sweet nectar of his lover’s mouth. Trunks moaned into the caress of flesh as he felt the hardness of Gohan’s arousal brush against his own. Their lips parted and Gohan turned to look as he dug through a drawer in the desk. He faced Trunks again, the smirk that only the lucky older Briefs got to see, playing on his lips. Gohan pulled one of Trunks’s hands that was at his side, in between them and squeezed some of the oily substance into his palm.

Another bruising kiss, this time much longer than the one Gohan had blessed him with while trying to talk and he sucked on the hot tongue moving in and out of his mouth. His hand seemed to act on it’s own. It moved without Trunks having to think where to put it, how to spread the lubricant, or how to pleasure the man he crossed dimensions for. Now, it was Gohan’s turn to moan. His questing tongue retreated as the deep groan bounced off his teeth and onto Trunks’s. His rolled his hips into the body before him and moved the hand on his length away.

Taking a shuddering breath and looking into the eyes he loved losing himself in, Trunks prepared his body for the thrust that would bring Gohan’s world, this one that he was a visitor to, crashing down all around him. “Go-g-” The thrust came. It was slow, blistering hot, and it stretched Trunks until he was afraid his tissue couldn’t handle it and it might rip just like his clothes had. It seemed like this initial push would go on forever until Trunks felt the hardness retreating, felt it moving just as agonizingly slow as it had going in and then it seemed gone. He felt empty for a split second before everything around him fell and his legs curled encircling his lover’s waist, meeting every quickening thrust and slamming himself on the impaling bone Gohan offered.

Trunks reached up, pulled his face to Gohan’s shoulder where a scar that looked exactly like his had caused his mouth the water. He hissed as Gohan rocked against his prostate and bared his teeth, lowering his head until his hair fell around his face and hid his actions. He pierced flesh, tasted the first drop of what he could only describe as heaven when his eyes opened wide, and he released his passion onto the still clothed chest before him. He tried to scream Gohan’s name but his voice was lost in the roar of his lover’s explosion in power and ecstasy.

The room turned gold, Gohan’s hair burned the color of the sun and all Trunks could see through his spotted vision was the promise, the certainty of the life inside Gohan in the here and now staining his shirt bright, beautiful red.


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