Fate Intertwined
by Fan-to-fiction     More by this Writer
A young teenager and his mother move to another town to live with his stepfather. But a dark beast has taken a liking to him. But is the monster really that dangerous or not?

Just read to find out. I do not own Dragonball Z. That honor is for Akira Toriyama and others. This story can also be found on fanfiction.net.
Graphic Violence Deathfic Abusive

01: Prologue
It was nearing two o’ clock. A woman was walking down the street. She was nervous and had every right to be.

The buildings were looming above her and the leaves were rustling as if touched by an invisible hand.

It was full moon and it unnerved her.

She felt someone watching her. Quickly, the woman turned around and saw… Nothing…

She breathed out the air she hadn’t realized she had been holding in.

The woman began to walk again, faster now, as rain drizzled down. The street became wet and sight was minimal. She flinched when the thunder clashed with her eardrums.

Lightning sat everything in a ghost like state.

It was at that precise moment, that she saw it. A giant creature on a rooftop. It looked like a wolf and it was watching her.

Her heart banged wildly in her chest. The monster sprung down, big, strong claws gripped the ground. It stood on four legs, tail slashing through the air when he stuck his nose up high. Sniffing, smelling. The beast smelled her fear… And it smelled a prey…

Red eyes sought hers and they found hers…

That was all the woman could take. She cried out and ran. She didn’t care where to, as long as it was far, far away from the beast.

The monster noticed her departure and sprang into action. Running after her, he slowly but steadily gained on his prey…

His prey ran into an alley but instead of running faster, he slowed down, for he knew it was a dead end. She couldn’t escape…

The woman ran and ran and… Stopped. She was looking at a massive wall, a dead end… With no way to escape…

The black beast turned the corner. It found the woman on the ground. She looked up, crying.

For a split second It stood still. Then… It jumped.

It bit her neck, her arm, her chest, slashing with his claws, shredding her clothes. The woman screamed but her screams were unheard as thunder raged on.

The monster raised his head and howled. Blood colored his teeth. The moon shining on the grotesque body, showing off big muscle. Then, as a spear through the air, it ran… Back to the darkness where it was born in…


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