Dark Nightmares
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Sequel to Golden Dreams.

Trunks put a move on Goku. Now Vegeta makes his!

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Chapter 01
Vegeta lay next to his lover in the dimmed privacy of their hotel room, a small smile curving his lips. They argued and nearly came to blows over the recent situation involving Trunks. But fighting soon became loving as it always did between them. Neither of them could move after hours of fierce passion, and Goku was still asleep. Vegeta enjoyed watching him.

Hn. Gladly will I fight if this is the result, even if it kills me, ne?

Possessively he cradled the dark head in his arms. His smile disappeared.


Goku purred in his sleep. Vegeta tasted the mop of dark hair idly, letting his tongue roam free. His mate was quite delicious, actually.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed. The images in Goku's mind haunted him. A low growl escaped his throat as he thought of Trunks.

I know what you're doing, you kono ama! Wiggling your ass and batting your eyes. You seek to confuse my mate with your antics, make him think.

He looked down at Goku once more. The sensuous lips were slightly parted as he rested comfortably in Vegeta's arms.

Vegeta glowered in the darkened room. How dare you lure him into a dream, like a siren in distress? I almost wish you would call him back, because if you do...I will be there!

He shifted a little, tilting Goku's face towards his own. His tongue resumed its session across handsome features, trailing along the heavy brows and over long lashes. Goku stirred gently when Vegeta covered his lips.

"Mmm. How long you gonna taste me, 'Geta?" he murmured sleepily.

Vegeta licked the sensuous mouth. "Until I get enough. I never do" he plunged a hot tongue inside.

Goku moaned into the kiss. His mouth captured the hot intrusion hungrily. Tongues curled and slithered, swirling wet heat. Moments later they were gasping for air.

Vegeta smiled darkly as they pulled apart. "I'm too sore...damn!"

Goku heaved as well. "Fool. Why'd you kiss me like that? Now I'm hard again!"

Vegeta growled, placing Goku's hand on his erection. "You aren't the only one."

Arching and groaning, they pulled each other to completion quickly, crying out as bursting wet pleasure flooded their bellies. They lay sated, arms wrapped around each other. Tails twined between their legs.

"Are you trying to kill us both, Vegeta?" Goku rasped, warm breath gusting on their slickened skin.

"You tell me" Vegeta panted back. "I may as well finish what you started."

Goku closed his eyes in bliss as Vegeta molded against him. They were silent for quite some time.


"Don't start, Vegeta. I told you, there's nothing going on between Trunks and me."

Vegeta raised up on an elbow, gazing down into equally dark eyes. "Not yet there isn't. But I know he has you confused—"

Goku snorted. "I was drawn into that dream of his. Had I been awake when he summoned me the entire episode wouldn't have happened."

Vegeta growled. "He may be my son, but he'd better back off!"

"I tried to explain to him why it wouldn't work. In all honesty I'm not totally convinced he believes that."

Vegeta blinked in disbelief. "You mean...the little fool wants a three way?!"

Goku nodded in irritation. "Believe it."

Vegeta swore a string of curses. "The stupid prick! You can't combine several bonds like that—"

"He understood after I explained it to him. Apparently he's never experienced a full bond before."

The saiyan prince considered that. "Of course, I see it now. He'd never have a kata-link without a full Saiyan."

"No, only a runtek bond."

Vegeta sidled alongside Goku, his features grim. "Hn. I could feel his emotions for you through the runtek. It didn't take a genius to know he would pursue you."

Goku blinked. "You knew beforehand? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't certain of his motivations. I only knew he had strong feelings. It could have been a crush, or sexual desire."

Goku stretched out under the sheets. "He's very determined."

"I don't care!" Vegeta snarled, fangs bared. "He'd better keep his distance, or—"

"Ssh, koibito" Goku nuzzled his Prince. Vegeta's hormones were going into overload, strengthening his scent.

"Remember, I still turned him away. He knows I don't love him."

Vegeta calmed somewhat, nipping Goku's ear.

Goku purred again. "He may have brought out my instincts, but I still didn't give him what he wanted."

Vegeta looked him over slowly. "True. But in case anyone forgets—" he abruptly lunged forward.


Vegeta clamped down into his throat. Goku jolted as his mate savored the warm flood in his mouth.

/Let him feel this, then./

Goku moaned, eyes rolling as pleasure fogged his senses. "Damn...jealous...impossible...aah"

Vegeta lifted his head in satisfaction, licking crimson from his lips. "You love me yet, koi. And I plan to stop this before it gets started."

Goku growled, turning his face against Vegeta's shoulder. He returned the bite, instinct demanding it. Both Saiyans shuddered at the tide of ecstasy that ripped their senses. Goku fell back, lips a bloody smear. Vegeta collapsed over him, his body limp.

/Masaka. You're hopeless./

/Look who's talking./

They lay in silence awhile before Vegeta rolled over to a sitting position. His dark eyes sparked with fire.

"Hn. Things are complicated enough without that hentai sticking his nose where it doesn't belong!"

Goku propped himself up against the bedstand. "Hopefully he'll respect my wishes."

Vegeta paused a moment. "Interesting. The fact that you're married didn't seem to deter him."

Goku pointedly said nothing, raising an eyebrow.

Vegeta gave a sidelong glance. "Hn, don't say it!"

"He thinks to simplify matters."

The Saiyan prince thought that over. "Nani?"

Goku scratched his head. "I have no idea how long he's known about us."

"At least he kept his mouth shut."

"What could he say without compromising his own intentions?"

Vegeta frowned. "Wait, so he thinks to bond with you...exclusively?!"

"He definitely wants a bond. The question is, will he accept things the way they are, or—"

Vegeta shook his fist with rage. "Kisama! Does he expect me to just disappear...or leave?"

Goku pulled him close. "Easy, Vegeta. I said my piece to Trunks, and he seemed to agree. Besides, I'll know if he tries that stunt again."

Vegeta nuzzled. "Hn...very well...I don't intend to spend the rest of the day talking about it."

Goku glanced at the wall clock. "Damn!"

Vegeta pulled off. "What's wrong?"

"It's 4:15. I've got to go" he said regretfully, slipping out of Vegeta's arms.

"Oh? Back to the screeching harpy?"

"That's enough, Vegeta. You know we have a middle school PTA meeting this evening for Goten."

Vegeta slitted his eyes. "It's that time of year, apparently. Pan has one next week."

Goku nodded, gathering a sheet around his waist. "Yeah. All the schools seem to be having them at about the same time."

Vegeta watched him. He flopped on his stomach, arms folded across the bed.

"Will I see you later?" softly.

Goku leaned down and turned him over. They kissed frantically for a few moments.

/You'd better leave while you still can./

/I think you're right./


Vegeta lay in bed listening to shower spray coming from the bathroom. Goku stepped out moments later fully dressed, his hair still dripping.

Vegeta's dark eyes roamed in appreciation. Casual sports gear suited his lover perfectly. That marvelous physique was made for the denim jacket and cut off tank top. Not to mention those spandex shorts…

Goku gave a lazy grin. "Hentai. Stop looking at me like that before I jump your bones again."

Vegeta gave a half smile, waving his tail slowly. "I think you will come back, ne?"

The Saiyan Prince had powerful hormones, and they were doing a job on Goku's nerves. That chiseled body was a distraction, too. He forced himself to look away.

"Maybe. I can't promise, okay?"

Vegeta made a display across the bed, stroking himself with his tail.

"I'll just imagine...that I'm with you in the meantime."

Goku nodded, his control strained. As he walked past the bed Vegeta gripped his tail gently, letting it run through his hand.

Goku spun at the ticklish touch. "Cut it out, will you? I have to go..."

Vegeta kissed the tip and sucked it. Goku shivered as sweet sensation

washed up his spine. He pulled his tail loose, but Vegeta gripped his free hand.

"Kuso! Are you insane?!" Goku growled. Vegeta smiled ferally, yanking him down in a display of strength. Goku found himself sprawled full length over the naked Prince.

"Chikuso," he swore again. Vegeta smiled at his excitement. /Temper, koi./

Goku glared. /I'm leaving./

Vegeta licked his neck. /Of course you are./

Goku flipped him over, but Vegeta anticipated the move and held his hands firmly. They rolled end over end on the mattress.

Goku hissed through his teeth. Vegeta's scent was everywhere, in the sheets, the mattress, his clean clothes…


The hot spicy flesh taunted and teased him. His own skin began to heat in response.

"Enough of this, Vegeta" his voice was rough, barely controlled. Goku was losing it rapidly. The strong body rubbing against him fired electric shocks to his groin.

Vegeta sensed it. /I'm tired of you leaving my bed. Now stay a bit./

"Fool!" Goku choked a scream as Vegeta dove down on his erection, sucking it through the tight blue fabric. Strong hands reached around and slapped his ass hard. Goku arched and bounced from the assault. Fingers tangled in Vegeta's thick mane as he cried out, seeping through his shorts…

Vegeta fisted his tail at the root. /Come for me, love./

Suddenly that PTA meeting would just have to wait…


Vegeta smiled as he showered. He knew his Kakarot, despite the brat's intentions. Even for a Saiyan the man's appetites were insatiable.

And only I can match that, he thought smugly.

His mind wandered to the past, remembering Radditz. Kakarot's brother looked impressive, but he was utterly lousy in bed, a total wuss. The cretin couldn't get it up more than once at best. Nappa was a complete joke, crude and stupid. He had to break his arm for touching him once.

Vegeta toweled himself dry. Besides, the big lummox always smelled bad. For a man that big he had the smallest cock I've ever seen in my life.

Silent smile. Radditz had the body but no ability or instinct. Nappa had neither the looks nor the package to satisfy anyone.

Vegeta's tail twitched. But oh, my Kakarot...I truly have the best, as befits a Prince. Hn, the royal class would burst with envy on Vegitaseii, for I would have a super saiyan on my arm!

The Saiyan Prince slipped on a robe and returned to the bedroom. Picking up the remote he activated the television.

I think I'll wait. He may return later if the witch doesn't take his head off for being an hour late.

Vegeta laughed softly. Of course, that's my fault. But a good mate never lets his kichou leave unsatisfied, ne?

"Hn" Vegeta crinkled his nose, looking about. He debated calling the valet for clean linen. Their scents and activity permeated the room.

This place is ripe. He smiled slowly. Not that my Kakarot would care…

Vegeta clicked the channels absently. His thoughts returned to Trunks.

I know what Kakarot was trying to avoid saying. That whelp thinks to claim my mate exclusively?! Like hell...I'll make him regret the day we ever met!

"Perhaps it's time we had a father and son talk."


Trunks, Yamcha and Tien were having a great night on the town. They had been to several 'hot spots' and were clubbing it. Their latest conquest was a place called The Bin. It had a nice crowd, good food and good music. The three young men sat at a corner booth and checked out the atmosphere. A giant disco ball glittered overhead, casting bits of color everywhere. Fake palm trees dotted the isles.

Yamcha peeped out on the dance floor at a flashy redhead. "Man, look at her! Isn't she something?"

Tien sipped his drink. "Yeah, you've only said that three times already!"

Trunks laughed, picking at his plate. "Why don't you ask her to dance? You've certainly spent enough time looking at her."

Yamcha blushed a little. "Gee, I don't know. You think she'd go for a guy like me?"

Trunks clicked his tongue. "Well you certainly won't know unless yougo after what you want!"

Tien snickered. "Hey, Trunks. Who's your eye on?!"

The demi-saiyan blinked. "Hah? Who, me?"

"Yeah, you. You've been in la la land the last few days. You spy somebody out there on the floor?"

Trunks shrugged. "Uh, no. I mean there's some nice views out there, but—"

Yamcha elbowed Tien. "Bet there's some girl he won't tell us about."

"C'mon, Yamcha. Give me a break."

The dark haired man glanced at the redhead again. "Maybe I should take your advice, huh? I mean, what can asking hurt? The worst she could do is say no."

Tien jerked a thumb. "So go for it, dude."

Yamcha picked at his hair. "Wish me luck" he sauntered out on the dance floor.

Tien and Trunks watched with idle interest, letting the music soothe their mood.

Trunks grinned. "I hope he gets lucky."

Tien laughed. "He's always trying, that's for sure."

Trunks was thoughtful. "Everyone deserves to be happy."

"True. You okay? You seem a little...pensive."

Trunks shrugged. "Nah. I'm just a sucker for love."

Tien sipped his drink. "Yeah, been there, done that. So who's tugging your heart strings?"

The demi-saiyan considered his words. "I just...have you ever loved someone that wasn't available?"

"Ah. That means married in code."


"Not really. I once knew a lady recently separated from her husband."

Trunks felt his face flush. "It's more complicated than that. The person...is already involved with someone else."

Tien stared. He all but slammed his drink on the table. "Trunks! You mean to tell me...you're in love with someone who's cheating already?!"

Trunks nodded.

"Dude, that's insane. Why would you want to get tangled up in a mess like that?"

Trunks sighed. "I know it doesn't make sense...part of me says it's crazy. The other part...doesn't care."

"Look. It isn't worth it, okay? Why would you want someone like that. If they're cheating on one person already, why wouldn't they cheat on you as well?"

"I...in this case, I don't think it applies."

"What are you talking about?!"

"What I mean is...the person I love won't leave their spouse."

Tien snorted. "That's typical. And what about the lover?"

"He...may not be around for the long haul. I think I can convince the person that I'm a better choice."

Tien looked at Trunks as if he were a refugee from the psycho ward. "So...you want to compete with the lover, and force them out of the picture?!" he couldn't believe his own question.

Trunks made a 'shushing' gesture. "Keep it down, Tien! You want the people at this other table to hear?!"

Tien noticed amused stares nearby. "Oops. Sorry. But dammit, Trunks. Have you lost your mind?"

The demi-saiyan swished his drink idly. "Maybe I am crazy."

The bald z warrior shook his head sadly. "You've really got it bad, my friend. And what about this person that rocks your world? Is the feeling mutual?"

Trunks swallowed. "He has affection for me, but I sense the feeling could grow. All I need is time to convince him."

Tien noted Trunks said he. "Trunks, are you gay?" he asked quietly.

Trunks looked down again. "I don't know for certain. I've liked girls, too. But this is different, Tien. I...I love him! I can't seem to stop myself."

Tien sighed, looking his friend over. Always something new to find out.

"Listen, Trunks. Here's my advice: steer clear of the whole mess. Even if the guy likes you, it can't work. You're gonna get burned. And anyone who lays around like that can't be worth it!"

Trunks looked stricken. Oh, but he is!! "The circumstances are unusual I know, Tien. But...it isn't what it appears to be."

Tien frowned a little. "Okay, I said my piece, Trunks. It's your call."

The demi-saiyan drained his drink, his mood serene. Maybe it was the music. Or the liquor. Perhaps unloading his soul helped. But his mind wandered once more, thinking about what could be.… Goku! If only I had you here, I could—

"Earth to Trunks!"

"Ha? Oh!"

Tien looked at him disapprovingly. "You're in la la land again."

"My apologies. I may have wandered off a bit, I was feeling mellow."

Tien paused. "Trunks, I'm going to say something. Don't get offended, but—"

"But what?"

"Stop thinking with your dick. You've got to get control of yourself, get some perspective."

Blue eyes regarded his friend. "I hate to admit it...but you may be right."



Vegeta growled in agitation as he watched the news from his hotel room. Chaotic emotions battered his mental shields for the last two hours, and he'd had just about enough of it. Knowing the source of those emotions enraged him.

Kuso! The overheated freak. Can't he get my mate off his mind for two seconds? This nonsense is driving me crazy!

He snarled at the screen, canines on display. Absolutely no mental discipline. He sprays his feelings like hormones everywhere. The fool can't even maintain his shields consistently!

Vegeta sipped his wine grimly. I should have a meeting tonight with him, but my Kakarot may return. Time enough, however.

"And we will talk."


It wasn't a pleasant ride home. Chi Chi and Goku had been arguing about his late appearance for the PTA meeting.

"Goku, why were you an hour late? We knew about this meeting way in advance. It's a good thing the school principle arrived late also, or you'd have missed most of the program!"

Goku looked at her as he drove. "Chi Chi, I told you already. Traffic was terrible coming cross town. Didn't you hear about the accident on the bridge?"

She stared. "Why come that way, then?"

"Are you kidding? Have you ever tried detouring on the Ventura Expressway?"

"Hmpf!!" Chi Chi folded her arms and stared out the window.

Goku quirked a smile. Buying a second car was an ingenious idea, besides the obvious reason for transportation. It gave him an excuse for whenever—


"What is it now, Chi Chi."

"Sometimes I wonder what your priorities are. We had this date scheduled on the calendar over a month, and you still couldn't make it on time!"

"I'm tired of arguing about this, okay? It wasn't as if I forgot!"

"There's always an excuse when your responsibilities are involved, Goku" Chi Chi snapped.

He was genuinely angry now. "You have the nerve to say I don't live up to my responsibilities? I suppose next you'll say I don't provide a good home!"

"I wasn't going to say that. What I mean is...you're so distracted sometimes. It's like you want to be somewhere else—"

Right now I do, the tall saiyan thought silently.

"Chi Chi. You live in a nice home. I love my children, and provide for them. I've been the best husband I could be for you. Now what the hell else do you want?!" he was shouting now.

Chi Chi paused. She'd rarely seen him so angry. "I'm...I don't know, Goku. I guess...I wish we were closer sometimes."

Her change in attitude dissipated his anger. "What makes you think we aren't close? Where's this coming from?"

"I'm not saying it's anyone's fault. Maybe our personalities...aren't the best fit."

"Chi Chi, everyone has disagreements, differences of opinion."

Her dark eyes were bright with emotion. "Maybe I'm a romantic, I don't know. But there seems to be something missing...a spark between us. I don't know what it is or why?"

Goku was silent a moment. "Maybe a change of scenery would help."

Chi Chi was hopeful. "What?"

Goku gave her that famous smile. "How about a vacation?"

Chi Chi brightened. "That sounds wonderful!"

"I know we haven't spent as much time together as we used to, with all the calamities that keep coming up..."

Chi Chi nodded, looking out the window. "Do you know how stressful it is to me, thinking you could die all the time?"

"Babe, I'm sorry. I never meant to put you through that. It's just...what could I do? In the larger picture, the world was in danger."

A sigh. "I know. It sounds crazy, but I was always jealous of your need to be a hero."

"I just try to do the right thing, Chi Chi."

She had to smile at that. "That's my Goku!" impulsively she grabbed him in a kiss.

"HEY CHI CHI!!" Goku panicked, his hands all over the steering wheel. They careened off the roadway and into a side ditch. Startled pedestrians fled in all directions.

Chi Chi blushed, her arms around the broad shoulders. "Oops."

Goku grinned. "The insurance company is gonna love this."

Seconds later they heard the warbling of police sirens. Two squad cars pulled up.

"Oh, great" Chi Chi peeped across her husband. An officer approached their driver's side and bent down at Goku.

"Well. If it isn't the last of the red hot lovers."


"Tien, do me a favor and don't tell anyone about this conversation, okay?" Trunks pleaded.

"Sure, man. I don't rat out information on friends. Besides, I don't think I'd even want to relay this all over the place."

Trunks nodded. "Thanks."

Yamcha was bubbling as he approached the table. He held a scrap of paper in his hands.

"Yatta! I got her phone number, dudes!"

Tien grinned. "Good deal."

Trunks sighed. "Hey guys, I'm in for the night. Think I'll head back to Capsule headquarters."

Yamcha looked at his watch. "But it's not that late."

"I know...but I've kinda had my fill for one night. Maybe later this week, huh?"

"Yeah, sure."


Trunks loved flying. It gave him quiet moments to think, free from distractions.

If I'm going to convince Goku, I'll need to prove I can be strong and useful, not just a lover. But how?

He looked below at the bustling city skyline. The setting sun was a panorama of oranges, reds, blues, and purples.

Beautiful. The sun looked just like this that night on the beach…

"Kuso!" he swore at the lost chance. I should never have stopped...he was almost mine!

Suddenly he felt a ki surge of enormous power. It could only be…

Goku? he looked down. In a small park below there seemed to be a great commotion.

What's going on down there? I'd better take a look.

The demi-saiyan swooped down to the scene. Goku and Chi Chi were talking to the police with a small group of rubberneckers looking on. Trunks noticed their car had a bent wheel and was stuck in a ditch. A tow truck rolled up.

Goku tilted his head skyward. Trunks?!

The officer turned as well as the flying figure approached. "Who's this?"

"A friend" Chi Chi responded. "Trunks! What brings you this way?"

Trunks looked briefly at Goku. "Well...I was flying this way and saw all the activity. What's going on?"

Goku grinned, folded his arms. "Well, we had a little accident as you can see..."

The officer handed him a citation. "Okay, everything checks out. Be more careful in the future, mister."

Goku nodded. "Sure."

The police left the scene, their work done. Curious onlookers went about their business as well.

"Well at least the mob is breaking up" Goku observed.

Chi Chi pointed. "Honey, the tow truck driver is waiting..."

"I'll go talk to him" the tall saiyan moved off. Chi Chi hugged Trunks.

"Not an earth shattering crisis, you think?" she joked.

Trunks grinned. "I hope we all survive. How'd you end up in a ditch

like that? I thought Goku was a pretty good driver."

Chi Chi gave him a sly wink. "I distracted him."

Trunks forced down a stab of jealousy. "I see..." Chikuso!

"You aren't hurt, are you?"

Chi Chi waved it off. "No way. Over that little bump?"

They turned as the truck driver put a huge hook underneath the car. Slowly he backed up. Goku approached them presently, his dark eyes flashing at Trunks before he spoke.

The demi-saiyan felt his ears tingle. Did he just look at me??

"Looks like this won't take long. The wheel cover is damaged, but the car is driveable."

Trunks nodded. "Looks like you don't need my help, then."

Chi Chi looked him over. "Trunks, do you have any plans for later?"

"Well actually, I'm on the way home. I was hanging out with Yamcha and Tien but decided to cut out early."

Chi Chi hooked his arm. "You're coming home with us, then."

Both men stared at her. "What?!"

The petite beauty laughed. "Seems to me you could use a good home cooked meal. Come on" she dragged at his arm.

Trunks looked helplessly at Goku. "Yeah, but..."

The dark features were open. "It's okay, Trunks. When she's determined there's no stopping her."

Trunks marveled at her strength for one so small. "So I see."


The car ride across town was a strange one. With the wheel housing somewhat bent their ride was uneven and rough.

"Gokudoyouthinkyoucanslowdown?" Chi Chi gritted her teeth as they bounced around mercilessly.

"I'm taking it as easy as I can. If I go too slow I'll get another ticket" he turned briefly to the back. "You okay back there, Trunks?"

The demi-saiyan didn't know how to answer that. His mop of pale purple hair was sticking in all directions from the constant tossing.

"I...if I can keep my kidneys I think so!"

Goku stifled a laugh. "We're almost there. Everyone hang on!"


Goku appraised his passengers as they staggered from the car.

"You two don't look so hot."

Chi Chi was wobbling in a crooked line down the walkway. "You're really funny, Goku."

Goku smiled. He looked at Trunks curiously. The demi-saiyan was totally frazzled, purple shocks everywhere in a tangled mess.

"Chi Chi's right. You could use a good meal. Come on" he motioned Trunks inside.

He's smooth, I'll give him that, Trunks thought. But he'd have to be, with father on the sidelines.

Trunks followed them inside. Now what?


"You two guys stay out here in the living room while I cook."

"Sure, Chi Chi. Come on, Trunks. There's a ball game on, and I think we can catch the last two innings."

Trunks nodded, cautious. "Sounds good to me."

Chi Chi nodded with satisfaction as they went down the hall. Trunks is such a nice young man. I hope he finds someone to make him happy.


Vegeta was growing impatient. Perhaps Kakarot can't make it after all. Ah, well…

He extended his senses. Where are you, koi? I would know.

The saiyan prince blinked. He sensed familiar ki in close proximity…

What? They're together?...I'll tear him apart!

He peeked into the kata-link. No, wait. The woman is with them. Kuso! What madness is this?

Vegeta laughed out loud to himself. "Baka! I can't believe this. They're having dinner together!"

Vegeta laughed out loud. "Baka! I can't believe this. They're having dinner together, and the stupid woman doesn't have a clue!!" he howled in hysteria at the thought.

Life is a freak show…


Trunks sat stiffly on the sofa, forcing his eyes to stay on the large viewscreen.

"Relax, Trunks. I won't bite you."

The demi-saiyan turned. "Ah...well. I guess I do seem a bit uptight."

Goku smiled slowly at him. "Just be yourself and stop thinking so much."

Trunks smiled back now. "If you say so...I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not."

Goku tilted his head mischievously. "Why wouldn't it be?" Raven locks shaded the handsome face as he smiled.

Trunks felt his pulse rate go up. His eyes roamed quickly, taking in the perfect physique under a cropped tank top and spandex shorts. Those walking boots set off rounded calves...perfectly.

Why the hell does he have to be wearing that now? That top is so thin...I can almost see the shape of his—

"Trunks" the baritone voice was edged now.

The demi-saiyan forced himself to attention. "It's just...awkward for me, especially after what was said at the beach."

Goku's expression hardened a bit. "I thought we resolved that."

Trunks edged to him. "Maybe. Maybe not" his cheeks flushed with heat.

Goku eyed him sternly, dark eyes flashing with a strange light. "Your shields are a mess, Trunks."

"You know why!" the demi-saiyan hissed. "I can't control how I feel."

Goku looked briefly down the hallway. "This isn't the place. I mean it!"

Trunks was nearly on top of him. "Where, then?!" he demanded.

Goku lowered his eyes, growling softly. "I've said all I can say, Trunks. Don't misunderstand!"

Trunks looked him over slowly, seductively. "Can you honestly say you don't want me?" he purred. A lavender tail came free of his waistband, gliding over muscled thighs in slow strokes.

"Kuso! Are you insane" Goku pushed the furry appendage off. "If I have to throw you out the window to make you understand, I will!"

Trunks traced a line over the strong collarbone brazenly. "How would you explain that to Chi Chi? I'm a dinner guest, remember?"

Stunned, Goku realized just how much Trunks wanted him. He'd even risk my anger.

Trunks nodded, as if to confirm his thoughts. "I want to prove my strength, and not just as a lover" his voice was silky soft.

"Stop touching me, Trunks."

Trunks nuzzled his cheek along the smooth jaw. "Make me" he purred.

Goku inhaled the mop of purple hair, enjoying its sweet fragrance. Without realizing it, he reached up to smooth stray strands.

Trunks ran his hands along the spectacular physique, dipping fingers in peaks and valleys of rippling flesh. Goku began to purr.

The demi-saiyan closed his eyes as he nuzzled, enjoying the scent of...of…


Trunks pulled off abruptly, growling. Goku stared at him in confusion.

"You've been with...him!!"

Goku gave an evil smile.

Trunks sniffed again. "Chikusho! Why didn't I notice it before? His scent is all over you!"

Goku abruptly gripped his wrist in a painful hold. Trunk's eyes went wide in shock, horror.

"What do you think you're—"

"You will keep your voice down in my house" Goku hissed.

"Release me."

"All in good time" Goku looked him over. "I'm tired of your teasing."

"Do something about it, then" Trunks challenged. "Stop pretending you don't want me!"

The dark eyes were wild now. "I'm not pretending anything. Have I made a move on you?"

Trunks blinked. "No, but—"

"Hey guys!"

The two jumped apart as Chi Chi came down the hall. She eyed them curiously.

"What's with you two?"

Goku gave a crooked smile. "Nothing, honey."

"Well I just wanted you to know dinner's ready in ten minutes, okay?"

"Sounds great. I'm starved" Goku rubbed his stomach for emphasis.

Trunks stared in amazement. And I was impressed by his moves against Frieza.


Goku patiently waited for his wife to get a safe distance away. When he turned to face Trunks his smile disappeared.

"Cool off."

Trunks glared. "It's your call, Goku."

"It is. We aren't having this conversation again."

"I wish I could believe that."

"Are you dense or stupid? How clear can I make this?"

Trunks gritted his teeth. "Neither. It's just hard to believe you when it's clear I turn you on."

Goku took a deep breath. "Trunks, listen to me. I don't want our friendship to suffer because of this. You know my position."

Trunks looked away a moment. "What if...there were less people involved?"

Goku stared in disbelief. "Nani?"

"Are you sure you're happy with Chi Chi?"

"What kind of question is that? Are you over the edge or something?"

The demi-saiyan winced. "Maybe. I must admit this is all overwhelming for me."

Goku stood up and paced, fighting a decision. Trunks watched him oddly, noting how the black tail had puffed like a hairbrush. Goku was clearly agitated.

"Goku? I'm not trying to cause trouble—"

"But you have. Didn't I warn you about starting fires carelessly?"

Trunks sighed. "I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that!"

"Not intentionally."

"But...I don't understand? If things are so great with you and Chi Chi, why?" he didn't finish.

Goku looked down the hallway once more. His voice was deathly quiet.

"This is for your ears only."

Trunks nodded, breathless.

"You expected us to have a poor marriage, ne?"

"True. I was surprised she's so happy. No offense!" he quickly added.

Small smile. "No, I know what you mean. But understand something. Although I was raised on earth I am a saiyan. That being said, there are many things about me...that Chi Chi can't relate to or understand."

"That makes sense."

"Make no mistake. I do love her, but—"

A pale purple brow lifted. "But not 'that' way?"

"I had my sons to consider as well. I raised them in a happy and stable household, free of controversy or distractions."

Trunks swallowed, choosing his words with care. "So that's why...you went elsewhere?"

Goku curved his lips. "It wasn't that far to go."

"I don't follow your meaning."

"You aren't supposed to. It's none of your business."

Trunks bristled. "Exclusive, is it? Then why are you attracted to me!"

"Because you're attractive," Goku stated the obvious.

"Are you making fun of me?"

Goku stopped pacing. "No. This is becoming serious. Too serious."

They paused, each lost in their own thoughts.

"So what does this mean for us?" Trunks finally asked.

The tall saiyan stood in front of him like a statue. "We're friends, Trunks."

Blue eyes were wild as they looked up. "And?"

Shaded smile. "Kami, I can appreciate your determination. If circumstances were different, I...might well consider your offer."

"Hey guys! Dinner's ready!!" Chi Chi shouted from the kitchen.

Trunks remembered to breathe. Goku tapped his shoulder.

"Enough, let's go eat. I'm starved!"


Vegeta got dressed. He was seething. The entire episode played out across his personal mindscape, and he wasn't pleased.

In fact, he was pissed.

"Slut. He's openly pursuing Kakarot, regardless of the consequences! The fool wants to play with fire? Fine. I'll be the first one to burn him!"


"Where's Goten, Chi Chi?" Goku asked as they ate.

"Oh, he staying overnight with his buddy, Orechan."


"Would you like some more vegetables, Trunks?"

The demi-saiyan grinned. "Chi Chi-san, if I eat anymore I'll burst!"

Goku watched him absently. What am I going to do with you, Trunks?

/Leave him to me./

Goku startled. /Vegeta!/

/That's right. I saw the whole sordid scene./

/I'm trying to eat dinner!/

/You're always eating. I should kill you myself!/

/ Who would keep you warm then, Vegeta? Ashiteru./

/Hai, with a slut all over you. I should break his arm!/

/Anata. I'll make it up to you./


Oops. "Oh, yeah, Chi Chi?"

The dark haired beauty tapped her fingers impatiently on the table.

Trunks was staring.

"Something I said?"

"I wouldn't know. I only asked you three times if everything was good or not!"

Goku laughed nervously. "Of course, hon! You're a great cook!"

"Hmpf. For a minute I thought your hearing was going—"

The phone rang.

Saved by the bell, Goku thought.

"Now who could that be? I swear, people are always calling when you sit down to eat—"

Chi Chi bolted down the hallway to answer it. Goku and Trunks ate in strained silence.


"What is it, Trunks?"

/If he touches you once more I'm coming over!!/

/Vegeta, stay there!/

/Hn. So you will come?/

/Yes, now leave me be!/

Goku blinked. Trunks was staring wide eyed now.

"What's going on, Goku? I can sense several emotions—"

"Don't analyze."

Crystal blue eyes narrowed in suspicion. "He's talking to you, isn't he?"

Goku refilled his plate. "I don't know what you mean. This food is delicious."

Trunks smirked. "Goku, remember what you told me when we first met?"

The dark saiyan turned curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"You said you were good at keeping secrets. You were wrong. You're great at keeping secrets."

Goku quirked a half smile.

Trunks lowered his eyes. "Atsei bishonen Goku. I couldn't resist saying it."

Goku's smile faded.

/Of course you are. The slut states the obvious./

Goku flushed. /Vegeta, out of my head. We'll talk later. No tatakai, ne?/

/Hn. Hai, no tatakai Kakarot. I'd rather ravish you instead. Ja ne, koi./

Trunks noticed the transitions of expressions. "He doesn't like me complimenting you?"

"You assume a great deal, Trunks."

"I can feel his emotions, you know."

"You're being misled. Now you mind doing more eating and less talking?"


Trunks said his awkward goodbyes and flew home. He was exhausted mentally.

I'm going to take a hot shower and hit the sack. Maybe all this will seem clearer in the morning.

He entered the Capsule Corporation complex. Most of the surveillance was activated by micro chip.

Good thing I keep my pass key, he pressed his magnetized ID card against the sensor device.


Trunks smiled as he went inside. I need to plan a strategy.


Goku waited. Slipping out of bed he quickly dressed, pausing a moment to watch Chi Chi sleep. Silently he placed a finger to his forehead.

Instant transmission…

Vegeta sensed him almost immediately. As soon as he'd turned, Goku was standing behind him.

"Kakarot, I—" his eyes grew wide in appreciation. Goku had on a low cut red crop top and leather pants.

Vegeta roamed his eyes low. "Kakarot...I had no idea you wore


Goku grinned. "Well, Chi Chi got me these last year for my birthday. She said she was tired of seeing me in jeans all the time."

Vegeta walked in slow circles around him, purring. A black tail coiled around his beloved as he moved. "Hn, for once I agree with the woman. Perhaps I will buy some leather for both of us, ne?"

"You look pretty kawaii in that robe."

Vegeta stroked the cleft in his chest. "And you look delicious. I almost thought you wouldn't make it tonight, koi."

Goku embraced him, nuzzling. "It's been a bizarre day."

Vegeta tensed, growling.

"Nani? What's wrong?"

Vegeta pulled back, fangs bared. His tail puffed. "You smell like a perfume factory. I won't tolerate it!"

Goku growled softly. "Nothing happened."

"Hai, I know. But I won't have you come here scented like that woman and the slut at the same time."

Goku gave a wicked smile, his tail waving tauntingly. "And what would you suggest I do about it?"


Trunks stood under the warm spray, gathering his thoughts.

Kami, what a day. I can't remember being through so many emotional ups and downs. What am I going to do? If I come on any stronger, I'll just drive Goku away.

The demi-saiyan lathered himself furiously.

I can't afford to back off, either, with father in the picture. Kuso! I'll have to deal with him eventually. If I could only get Goku to come to me, and...and…

Trunks smiled with a dawning comprehension.

Of course! Why didn't I think of it before?


"Yatta!! Gods, Kakarot!!" Vegeta shrieked, his face contorted in pleasure. Goku had him bent over the edge of the tub, with one leg up across the ledge. He was braced in an awkward position, his torso bent downward with an arm propped against the shower stall. Hot water spray cascaded down over them both. Goku tortured his mate with exquisite strokes as he penetrated, nearly pulling out before slamming into the tight heat repeatedly.

"Stop it, aaaiii!!"

Goku growled, panted over his shoulder. "I'm not done with you, prince. You accused me of cheating!" he slammed in once more.

"Ohya! Not anymore!!"

Sharp teeth bit into Vegeta's shoulder. "I haven't got all night. Give up?!" he hissed, fighting his own need. His control was slipping fast.

"Kisama!! Go to hell!" Vegeta snarled, his body bending and quaking with each thrust. His tail slipped between them, flailing wildly across Goku's backside like an instrument of punishment.

The other saiyan roared and arched, the strapping strokes fueling his lust as he hammered away. Vegeta yowled incoherently now, his muscled physique rippling with tension. Ceramic tile cracked and gave way in his frantic grip.



Goku reached underneath Vegeta and yanked hard on the heavy erection. It sent them both over the edge. Vegeta spasmed uncontrollably, nearly tossing his lover from his back. Goku closed his eyes as tight heat gripped and contracted him in waves of hot delight. Sweet agony ripped their senses as they convulsed and cried out a final time. Goku felt a flood of sticky heat run down his fist and forearm from Vegeta's erection.

They rasped, clenching as orgasms wracked them senseless. Goku had no idea if he went blind or insane. The pair collapsed into the tub, boneless and spent. They lay quietly as heavy shower spray rinsed away their activity.


Hours later the two still sprawled lazily in the tub, their bodies glistening from moisture. Arms and legs flopped over the tub's edge carelessly. The air was hot and opaque from steam.

Vegeta purred, nipping Goku's tail as it slinked across his face. Water still ran down them both in streams, making rivulets over perfect bodies.

"Hn. Perhaps we should turn off the shower now."

Goku purred also, rubbing cheeks. "It's like making love in a rainstorm."

"Hai, but the room is all steamed up now."

"I don't care. Do you?"


They were quiet a bit, languidly coiling tails. Goku glanced at the cracked ceramic tiles.

"How are you going to explain the damage to the wall?"

Vegeta drowsily tilted his head, enjoying the streaming water over his face.

"Lie, and say it was already there? I hadn't thought about it."

Goku licked his ear. "You nearly made me go Super Saiyan again."

Vegeta gave a brilliant fanged smile. "Hn, I thought you had, koi. It felt like you split me in half."

They kissed softly for a bit. Goku sighed, spying the small wall clock. "Kuso, I'll have to leave soon. It's twenty to five. Chi Chi wakes up by five thirty."

Vegeta curled against his lover. "At least Bulma knows not to bother me when I arrive late."

An uncomfortable silence permeated their warm afterglow.

"There is still the matter of little purple hair" Vegeta snorted.

Goku closed his eyes, nuzzling. "What do you plan to do?"

"A father son talk is long overdue. Perhaps it's well we didn't meet earlier, my temper was poor."

Goku tasted the smooth jawline. "This will all work itself out eventually. Damn, koi. I don't want to go."

Vegeta looked at him with lidded eyes, lashing his tail across them both. "You know what I wish. But it will be dawn soon."

Tender kiss. "It's dawn already. Ohayo gozaimasu."

"Ohayo gozaimasu."


Goku flew like the wind. The skies were getting light. Hints of purple and orange blended in the atmosphere.

I'll have just enough time.

He went west in a wide arc, hoping to shorten his flight.


Chi Chi yawned sleepily. Unconsciously she flopped to her side, expecting to feel a familiar warmth and strength.

Not this time.

"Hmm?" still groggy, she reached out behind her, running her hands through bed linen.

"Goku?" Chi Chi blinked blearily and focused on the empty space next to her. She looked out the window, hearing birds ringing in the dawn. Muted colors seeped through lightening skies.

Odd. He must be up early. He usually sleeps until around noon.


Goku slipped in the side kitchen door. He looked about. Good. Now if I can get out of these clothes…

He crept up the stairway, stripping as he went. The clothes were carefully tucked in his arms. Where's the hamper?


The tall saiyan nearly jumped out his skin. "Ah...Chi Chi!"

She was smirking, dark hair a tangle. "I've asked you not to walk around the house nude!"

He laughed nervously. Think quick. "Well, yeah babe. Sorry."

She looked him over curiously. "What happened to your pajamas? You were wearing them in bed earlier."

He looked down at himself to buy time. "Well, you were sleeping...I woke up in the middle of the night—" he gestured suggestively.

Chi Chi blushed. "Oh for goodness sake!"

Goku grinned. "I started to wake you then changed my mind. You looked so peaceful lying there."

She folded her arms, enjoying the view. "Hmm. Well you might have disturbed me" she eyed him like a pork chop. Her eyes fell to the clothes he held.

"What's the story with those?" she pointed.

"Oh ah well..." Think!! "I left these lying around from awhile back. I was going to wash them, they're pretty ripe."

She snatched the articles from him. Goku thought he'd have a stroke.

"Whew! They're alive, all right" Chi Chi wrinkled her nose and waved the air. She frowned, staring more closely.

"Wait. Aren't these the leather pants I got you for your birthday?"

Goku nodded, grinning. Now what?

"They're warm."

"I was holding them, remember?"

"Hmm. Well, they'll have to go to a professional cleaner."

"Honey, I can—"

"No, never mind. I'll put this on my 'to do' list for later. Besides, I'm already up now."

Goku nodded soberly. That was close.


Trunks had a fitful sleep. He sensed a powerful ki closing on Capsule headquarters.


He stared out the bedroom window. A familiar figure was rapidly closing on the eastern complex apartments. Trunks glanced at his digital desk clock, frowning.

It's almost six! Where the hell has he been all night—

Blue eyes widened in cold realization. "Shimatta! It can't be..."

Slapping on a robe he went downstairs.


Vegeta sauntered into the kitchen, smiling like a cat.

I love being bad…

He pulled a cabinet door open with his tail, coiling it around a mug.

A nice quiet cup of tea will do. Then I need sleep. There's nothing like a night of hot, hard Kakarot…


Vegeta nearly dropped the mug. Must be more exhausted than I thought. Why didn't I sense him?

"Hn. What do you want, boy? Why are you sneaking up on me?"

Trunks smirked. "I walked right in, father. Perhaps you're the one who's sneaking around."

Vegeta's tail brought the mug to his hand. He set it on the table, turning his back momentarily.

"I'm too tired for your nonsense. What do you want!"

Trunks sat at the table, tempted to have it out right there and then. "Just wondering where you'd been. Even mother was curious."

"She doesn't dictate what I do, Trunks. And since when is my social life important to her?"

Trunks snorted. A social life named Goku. "So where were you?"

Vegeta filled the kettle. "Look at my clothes, boy. Out! You might say I was clubbing it on the town."

"Oh, I see," Trunk's voice was laced with sarcasm. He observed the tailored suit his father wore.

Well he does look good in pinstripes.

"What are you staring at? Ah, I see. You're not used to seeing my more stylish attire."

Trunks paused. "You look good in most everything, father. No doubt your charms were appreciated tonight."

Dark eyes narrowed on him. "Hn. You're being smart. And the conversation you really want will have to wait."

"I think we should discuss it now!"

"I do everything on my own terms, boy" the kettle whistled, causing a break in the conversation. Vegeta turned it off.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I want a quiet cup of tea."

Trunks sniffed. "What perfume are you wearing, father?"

The saiyan prince stared at him. "Perfume? Okashina. I never wear perfume!"

The demi-saiyan inhaled again. "I think it's a night fragrance. Very potent. What is it called, Essence of Saiyan?"

Vegeta growled softly. "It's fortunate for you that I'm far too fatigued to give your insolence the proper response."

"My apologies. We only want the best for ourselves, father. Something we have in common, ne?"

Vegeta glared at him, death in his eyes. Trunks grinned smugly before making his exit.


Goku curled under the covers, grateful for the opportunity to finally get some real sleep. Sometimes lust exceeded stamina, and he'd finally reached his limit.

The dark saiyan smiled in his fatigue. I doubt Vegeta can move any better than I can about now. My Prince was served well tonight.

Yawning, his eyes drooped in sleep.


Vegeta was worse than sore. He literally staggered upstairs before collapsing on the bed. Arms and legs protested all movement, and everything from the waist down hurt.

Hn. Horny bastard! I think you've killed me. Ah, but what a way to die…

With a lazy smile on his handsome features, Vegeta slumped over in sleep.


Trunks went back to his own bed as well. He enjoyed taunting Vegeta more than he realized.

Now to put my plan in motion. I hope this works.

Stretching out, he let his mind wander and began to dream…

One night together, my kichou. Then you will know.


Trunks opened his eyes. He smiled in jubilation. Yatta!! I've returned to the dimension of dreams!

He viewed the reality of his choice. The familiar skies of amber were above, featureless and bright. A liquid golden sea rippled in silence, stretching to infinity.

Trunks was quite pleased with himself. He paused, staring at his feet. A solid gold island isn't very comfortable. Let's make it something more romantic…

He concentrated. Blooms of yellow flowers covered the land like a soft pallet.

"Much better. Now I need to do something with my appearance."

Trunks focused again. Seconds later he wore a brocaded kimono-style jacket with a deep neckline and matching zubou. The fabric glimmered like quicksilver laced with light.

I want to look my best. Hope this works.

He stood alone, beckoning with arms outstretched. Come, Goku...my isle of paradise awaits…

Goku felt something touch his sleep. Pinpricks of light pierced his consciousness.

Nande Kuso?! Where'd that come from!

Pinpricks became tendrils, taunting and reaching for him. Pulling him forward…


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

