Honey Trap
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Yamcha couldn't believe the luck. When Goku agreed to go out with him on the town he thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

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Chapter 01
Yamcha couldn't believe the luck. When Goku agreed to go out with him on the
town he thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

_Goku's so unassuming. I hope he's thinking along the same lines I am. I'd
really hate to make a fool out of myself._

The handsome man looked in the mirror, reviewing his appearance. A white silk
shirt set off taupe dress slacks and burgundy belt. Gleaming cufflinks and
croc leather shoes finished the look. The newly short hair he sported nearly
made him look saiyan. Yamcha adjusted the gold chain that graced his neck as
he pondered possibilities.

_Wonder if I could pass for a saiyan? Not that it would matter, I've got too
much on my mind tonight. And one way or another Goku will know how I feel._

The buzzer rang.

Yamcha held his breath. "Showtime. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Goku..."

His guest stood in the door momentarily. "Hey, Yamcha. Am I too early?"

The z warrior smiled. "No, I'm about done. Sit in the living room, make
yourself comfortable."

Flashing that famous smile Goku came inside. Yamcha looked him over. The tall
saiyan wore a deep blue designer suit, tapered at the waist. A flashy custom
shirt of palest aquamarine highlighted the swarthy features. Silver collar
pins accented circular neck banding .

Yamcha noted that suit hugged every bulky curve.

_Should be illegal..._

"Hey, Yamcha. You okay?"


Goku grinned. "Well, you're staring. I didn't overdo it, did I?" he turned,
indicating his clothing.

_Is he kidding?_ "Hell no, Goku. You just...look great, that's all. I'm not
used to seeing you so dressy."

The tall saiyan laughed. "Hey, I may have grown up in the woods, but I _did_
wise up eventually. Chi Chi pestered me about adding variety to my wardrobe
long ago."

Yamcha chuckled. "Yeah, I can imagine..."

"She got me a couple of these outfits for special occasions."

Yamcha felt a sudden warmth. "You consider this a special occasion?"

Goku grinned, shrugged. He plopped down on the couch. "Well, sure. Let's face
it, most of the time I'm either fighting or training. This is a nice change
of pace, especially with Chi Chi out of town visiting her father."

Yamcha moved to the wine rack. "Would you like a small drink before we head

Goku thought it over. "Well, I _did_ fly here..."

"I'll drive you home."

Goku smiled gently. "Sure, Yamcha. Sounds good."

The z warrior curved his lips in satisfaction. _Oh, yes, my fine saiyan. I'll
see your blood burn for something besides battle!_

"Where are they, Yamcha?"

Yamcha looked over the wine bottle he selected. "Where are what?" dark brows
pinched in confusion.

Goku gave a shaded smile. "The broken hearts? I understand you've left quite
a trail of suicides!"

His friend laughed. "You're crazy, Goku! I wish it were true. It seems like
the only heart that gets broken is mine."

Eyes like coals reviewed him slowly. "It seems hard to believe...a guy with
your looks would have so many problems."

Yamcha felt heat prickle the back of his neck. "You think I pass the grade?

Handsome facial planes tilted up at him. The easy smile faded. "More than
enough. Maybe you just haven't met the right person."

Yamcha palmed the wine bottle uncomfortably. "Sometimes you don't get what
you want, Goku. I've learned that the hard way" bitterness tinged his voice.


Startled, Yamcha stared up once more. Goku stood abruptly and gripped his arm.

"Is that any reason to give up? Kami, you've got a long time to find a mate!"

Small smile. "I guess I am sounding ridiculous. C'mon, let's go into the
kitchen and have this drink."


It was a beautiful warm summer evening. Yamcha drove his pride and joy, a sky
blue convertible porsche. Goku leaned back and enjoyed the ride, his thick
mop of hair flying in the wind like a flame.

"Gorgeous night, huh? Man, look at all the activity down here on the strip!"

Yamcha laughed as they waded through crowded intersections. "You'd better
believe it. Seems like everyone is out this weekend!"

As they pulled up to a light, some young women eyed them closely from the

"Oooee" Goku chimed. "Should I say it or get in trouble?"

Yamcha snickered. "They look dressed and dangerous, that's for sure!"

A bouncy redhead and her friend crowded at the car.

"I'm Linda. This must be our lucky night!" green eyes were predatory.

The two z warriors grinned at each other.

Her friend wiggled against the door. She had short orange hair and wore a
black spandex dress.

"I'm Mandy. Sayyy...what are you two hot guys doing tonight?"

"Uh, well...we're clubbing it" Yamcha said casually. He glanced quickly at
the light.

"Hmm. Want any company?"

"Well...we were just-"

Someone from behind blew a horn. A big gutted man in a pickup yelled from the
driver's side.


Goku turned, irritated. "Chill out!"


"Man, what a fool!" Yamcha snapped.

Linda sniffed indifferently. "He's a real jerk."

Goku looked back again. "You know him?"

Mandy jabbed a thumb. "Not personally. But the pig's been circling the block
and heckling all the women."

Yamcha glared in his mirror. "Oh yeah? C'mon ladies, get in!"

Goku stared at him. "Yamcha, are you crazy?!"

"OOO!!" Mandy squealed, climbing over Goku's lap. "This is gonna be one hell
of a night, I can feel it!"

"HEY!" Goku gawked as the woman squeezed in.

"I'll take Yamcha!" Linda squeaked happily, sliding in behind the driver.
Slender arms encircled the z warrior's neck from behind.

Another siren blow of a horn.


"Shut up, asshole!!" Mandy turned in Goku's lap and gave the trucker a finger.

The saiyan closed his eyes in dismay. _Kami, let no one see me that knows

"Okay everyone, hang on. I'm gonna blow this sucker!" Yamcha nailed the gas,
throwing his passengers back from momentum.

"You drive worse than I ever did!" Goku yelled as they took off.

"I kind of like it. My cousin is a drag racer!" Linda shouted with excitement.

Mandy eyed Goku closely, running her hands over his shoulders and neck. "Hey,
big guy. You work out? Mmm!"

"Uh, well. I'm a fighter. We both are."

Linda perked up. "Oh? I knew it was something like that. You guys are so well
built and all."

Yamcha blushed a little as they went at reduced speed along the strip. Gawks
and stares followed them as they continued through crowds partying the night

Mandy ran a finger along Goku's chiseled nose. "Hey. You two are fighters? I
find that hard to believe."

The darkly handsome saiyan stared at her, slightly annoyed. "Why?"

"Well your looks for one thing. Most fighters I've seen are all beat up."

"We're into martial arts."

Gray eyes widened "OH."

Linda was surprised also. "So you guys enter the tournaments?"

Yamcha nodded. "All the time. The prize money is fantastic."

"That how you got this car?"

Yamcha laughed. "Let's just say I'm a good investor."

Goku felt a surge of panic as he sensed a familiar ki. _Very_ familiar...

"Yamcha!!" he hissed, giving a sidelong look.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mandy asked, curious at the outburst.

Yamcha blinked, apparently sensing it as well. "Ah...ladies. We have a

Linda stared at the crowd as they rolled through. "What are you talking

"Shimatta!! It's too late!" Goku nearly shouted. Mandy held her ears.

"Hey, you wanna let me know when you yell like that-"

At a nearby corner barely thirty yards away with Gohan with a group of his
friends. Both Goku and Yamcha spied him talking and laughing.

The saiyan's eyes were wild. "He hasn't looked this way yet. Go around the
other corner, Yamcha!"

"Cripes, it's Gohan!" Yamcha stared as well. He turned hard on the wheel as
they lurched right.

"Who the frack is Gohan!" Linda nearly fell over as they jerked again.

Suddenly Gohan turned, frowning. A blank expression tried to register the
situation he _thought_ he saw...

"If he senses me...damn!" Goku put a hand over his face to cover it.

"Drop your ki, Goku!" Yamcha yelled.

"What, is that some freaky thing you guys are into?" Linda blurted.

Pedestrians everywhere stared or scattered as Yamcha squealed around the

Mandy pointed. "Wait...you mean that cute guy with the dark hair? He kind of
looked over here, but I think it's too dark to see."

Yamcha shook his head. "He'll know it's us anyway. We need some distance."

"Why do you care if that guy sees you?"

Linda stared at Yamcha and Goku, suspicion forming on her features. From his
vantage point Gohan turned in their direction once again as a bright blue
porsche squealed tires in a noisy display. Goku wasn't about to take any
chances. Without thinking, he grabbed Mandy's head and shoved it down into
his lap.

"Get down!!" he yelled, holding her still momentarily.

The woman snarled in rage, her voice muffled. "You pervert! Let go of me!!"

Linda reached over to help her friend. "Let us out of here or we'll scream!!"

Goku yelped as she grabbed his hair suddenly. "Kuso!" he swore.

Yamcha desperately looked for a quiet spot to drop them off. "Calm down, he
didn't mean anything. We just thought Gohan might have seen us!"

"Who gives a damn?!" Mandy sat up abruptly, her hair a mess. "That doesn't
give you any right to freebies!"

"It wasn't like that" Goku threw his hands up pleadingly. "I wasn't trying
anything, I swear!"

Mandy stared hard at his open face. "I shouldn't believe you...except that
you seemed so worried about that guy. You owe him money or something?"

"Well...ah...not exactly. I wasn't expecting him down here, that's all."

"Oh?" her eyes narrowed in curiosity. She glanced at Yamcha, who shrugged
with a silly grin.

"What's the deal here then. First you give us a ride, then you don't want to
be seen with us?!"

Yamcha swallowed. "You ladies misunderstand. If Gohan saw us here it would
start all kinds of trouble. It's awkward to explain."

The women said nothing, arriving at similar conclusions.


They went at reduced speed down another less crowded street. Goku relaxed a

"I think that did the trick."

"Yeah, and I think a trick's been played on us" Mandy snorted in disgust. She
straightened against Goku and looked away.

Linda likewise appeared disappointed. "Okay, show's over. You had your fun.
Now let us out!"

Yamcha nodded quietly. He pulled over. "Sorry for the craziness, ladies. I
hope we didn't cause you too much-"

"Spare us!" Linda waved him off as she climbed out. "What a damn waste. Hell,
you could've just told us, you know!"

Goku wasn't sure he understood her. "What do you mean?"

"Nice innocent routine, guy" Linda huffed. "But it doesn't cut it, okay? I
can't believe we didn't figure it out earlier!"

Goku shrugged. "Sorry. I'm married."

"Oh that's a good one!" Mandy winked at her friend. "Funneee. You guys go and
play. We're looking for legit prospects, not eye candy. Can you dig?"

Yamcha blushed a little. "Yeah...we...dig."

Linda flipped a hand at them as they walked off. "Oh, and go find Gohan. I'm
sure he'll understand, if he doesn't get jealous. Sneaking around is hell,
isn't it?"

"Nande kuso?!" Goku was almost angry.

"Whats wrong? Will daddy take the keys if he finds out? Get someone else to
be a showpiece!"

"Are you crazy?" Yamcha blurted in amazement.

Mandy shook her head slowly, looking them over again. "Unbelievable. Should
have known you were too pretty" she turned on her heel.

"Oh brother" Yamcha rolled his eyes. _This isn't good, considering what I've
planned tonight._

Goku glared as they disappeared in a crowd. "Can you believe those two?!
Damn, some people need to have their heads examined!"

Yamcha was subdued. "Yeah, well. People tend to jump to conclusions."


Goku was still irritated when they approached the restaurant.

"Goku, cool off. It isn't worth it, okay?"

"Huh" the dark saiyan snorted. "I know it shouldn't bother me, but I hate it
when idiots like that make assumptions."

Dark eyes sparked with an inner desire. "Forget them, they don't mean
anything. This night...is for other things, Goku."

Goku turned slightly, giving him a warm smile. "You're right. Sometimes it's
just hard for me to cool off once I get worked up about something."

Yamcha could only smile as he found a place to park. _That's what I'm
counting on._

They went inside _Braziers Cafe,_ one of the hottest restaurants in town. The
establishment was known for a variety of cuisine from around the world. The
art deco style was ritzy with lots of neon and chrome.

Goku looked about in appreciation inside. "Looks like a five star facility."

Yamcha smirked at the reservation desk. "There was some debate between the
national cuisine committee whether or not it's four star or five."

A tall, snotty waiter with a hooked nose eyed them, overhearing. "Five star.
Really, do you think an establishment such as our would be anything less?"

Yamcha coughed. "Ah, well, yes. Reservations for two at nine. Name is Yamcha."

The balding man looked them over. "You dress well enough to eat here at
least. I believe we have a table. This way" he motioned for them to follow.

Goku made a face at his friend. "Someone needs an attitude adjustment."

Yamcha snorted. "Yeah. Besides, his suit is off the rack. He needs to give it
a rest."


Yamcha grinned as he watched his friend eat. _I should have brought my other
credit card as a backup._

"Delicious" Goku whaled down his eighth plate of lasanga. He ate with
surprising delicacy, not splattering his clothing once.

"Goku aren't you full yet?" Yamcha nearly laughed, finishing his fruit salad.

The saiyan grinned, perfect teeth flashing. "Well...some dessert will do."

"Tell you what...why don't we go to this coffee house I know? It has a
simpler entree, and desserts are a specialty."

Goku stretched. "You're spoiling me, Yamcha."

The z warrior sighed, feeling a bit melancholy. _Ghods, I don't even know how
to approach him with my feelings...what if he's disgusted?_

"Hey" rich baritone was soft. Yamcha looked up from his reverie.

"You okay? You've been preoccupied all night."

Yamcha stared into equally dark eyes. "I need to tell you something, but not

Goku looked around slowly, as if seeing inner visions. "Yamcha, I want you to
be honest with me. Why do we need to go somewhere else to talk?"

Yamcha straightened, gathering his resolve. "It's personal, and I wanted to
do it in an atmosphere where we wouldn't be disturbed or stared at."

Eyes like black diamonds glittered strangely. "How personal?"

Yamcha's throat went dry. "Extremely. There's just...too much unsaid."

Goku regarded him silently, a frown curving his lips. Yamcha panicked.

_He knows! Goku always could sense inner truths. What can I say now?_

"Yamcha" the voice was stern.

"Yeah?" his friend looked downcast.

Dark eyes were lidded under shaded features. "Let's go."

The z warrior stammered. "What?"

Goku gave a strange half smile as he sipped his drink. "Let's have that talk.
I feel something...in your heart."

Yamcha looked at him directly. "You can? What else?"

"Only that it burdens you. Now let's leave. Mysteries always interest me."


They arrived at another cafe across town with a distinctly different
clientele base. Goku casually observed the walkway as they approached, his
stride slowing a bit as Yamcha went ahead. He noted the cafe sign, boldly lit
in loud green and yellow with red lettering: DEN FOR MEN.

"Shimatta!!" he swore under his breath. Men of all ages and descriptions were
standing outside. Some were smoking, others talking in groups. Yamcha spoke
to someone at the door. Goku picked up the pace as appreciative stares hit
him from all directions.

_Kuso, I'll kill him. It's a gay club..._

Suddenly someone approached him before he could catch up. A heavyset and
quite distinguished man with thick silvery hair touched his arm. He was
ruggedly handsome, wearing a well tailored grey suit.

"Hello! I noticed you walking up to the entrance."

Goku grinned uncomfortably. "Hello."

The man looked him over. "You aren't a regular around here, that's for sure.
What's your name?"

"Goku. Now I really have to go..."

"Oh, you're here with a friend?"

"Yeah. One that I'm about to kill. He didn't tell me we were coming here!"

"Hmm. My name's Brad. I come here all the time. It's a pretty nice place."

Goku looked around at more curious stares. "Why won't they stop looking at

Brad laughed, a rich hearty sound. "My friend, you've got 'it'."

"It? Meaning?"

"The look. The stride. There's something else about you that's really
different. I can't put a finger on it."

Goku eyed him closely. "Are you ki sensitive?"

Brad coughed, eyes wide. "Uh...that something you young guys are into?"

Goku waved him off. "Never mind. Nice meeting you, but I need to find my
friend Yamcha-"

"Oh, you're friends with him?"

Goku blinked in surprise. "You know Yamcha?"

"Hey, Goku!!"

The two men turned. Yamcha bounded back down the walkway, looking somewhat

"Sorry, man. I stood at the front gate running my mouth. I thought you were
behind me."

Goku nodded briefly. "I was talking to Brad here."

Yamcha blushed now. "Hey, dude. How's the family?" he avoided Goku's shocked

Goku pointed at Brad. "Wait. You're married?"

Brad sighed. "Separated. My kids are grown."

The saiyan paled. "Incredible."

"What's with him, Yamcha?"

"Well...he's married too."

A broad hand clapped Goku's shoulder. "I understand. It's hard to pretend,
isn't it? Unfortunately the larger segment of society isn't too accepting

Goku flushed red in anger, knocking his hand away. "I don't know what the
hell you're talking about" he stormed towards the parking lot.

_Ghods, no. This will ruin everything!_ Yamcha bolted after him to amused
stares. "Wait, Goku! Please."

The saiyan turned slowly, a statue. "You didn't tell me this was a gay
establishment. What the hell are you trying to pull, Yamcha?!"

"Nothing! But I told you...I needed to say a few things."

"HERE?!!" Goku threw his arms wide. Two men stood nearby, snickering.

The friends paused at their rudeness. One man was a curly headed blonde in a
brown suit. The other was black haired in a sport jacket and silk slacks.

Blondie spoke first. "Hey, Lucas. Looks like a lover's spat!"

"Hmm" the dark haired man eyed Goku. "I'd like a crack at him myself. Wonder
if that's one of Yamcha's new interests."

Yamcha glared at them. "No class" he muttered. Goku turned as well, annoyed.

"And I suppose this place is going to guarantee the privacy you wanted?" he
indicated the two strangers nearby.

Yamcha lowered his voice. "Look. Let's just find a quiet booth, okay? You
like desserts. They have flan with whipped cream, and the biggest banana
splits you've ever seen."

Goku paused. "Banana splits?"

Yamcha grinned. _Always attack his stomach._ "You bet. With everything. All
the ingredients here are homemade, none of that artificial stuff."

Goku looked up a moment. "Hmm..."

"Strawberry shortcake!" his friend pressed.

The saiyan curled a smile. "I guess a short stay won't hurt. But there'd
better be no more surprises like this. I've already had a close call with a
ridiculous situation tonight."

Yamcha chuckled. "That seems to be my specialty. Tell you what, Goku. We'll
just settle for nice, cool, and calm. How's that sound?"

"Perfect. Now let's eat!" the tall saiyan strode past him towards the main

"You got it" Yamcha had a glow, following. _Maybe this can still be a night
of dreams._


Goku excused himself to use the facilities while Yamcha ordered dessert. The
z warrior pondered his next move.

_I've had problems being direct before, but I think that's the way to go
here. Goku wouldn't accept any less. Kami, I want him so much! Yet, I'm

Dark eyes were glassy as Yamcha brooded at their table.

_I hate speeches. Hell, I don't even know if he goes that way. But I've got
to try. If I don't say or do something I swear I'll burst._

A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Tonight is really turning out to be an


Goku was having an adventure of his own in the restroom. He sensed someone
approach from behind as he washed up at the sink. Dark brows lifted in


It was the blonde from out front. "Sorry, it's just a little close in here.
My name is Steve-"

"I saw you and your friend outside. You were overhearing our conversation."

The man threw up his hands. "Didn't mean to. Sometimes Yamcha's voice carries
a bit."

Goku towelled his hands dry. "You know Yamcha?"

"Not personally, but he comes here quite often."

Goku considered that information. "Does he come here with anyone?"

Steve chuckled knowingly. "Oh, I get it. No. I think he's just messing

Black eyes sparked with an odd fire. "What makes you say that?"

The blonde paused at his expression. "Well...what I mean is, he seems so
lonely. We've chatted at the bar a few times."

"Does he tell you anything?" Goku's curiosity was in full swing.

Steve scratched his head and leaned against a stall. "It's weird. He seems
nice enough, and good looking. Can't understand it at all."

Goku smiled a little. "Maybe there's someone special?"

"He hinted at it a few times. I felt bad for the guy, tried to see if he
would open up, you know?"

"Did he?"

"Kind of. One day during happy hour he kept going on and on about some guy
that he trained and fought with. Said he figured he'd have no chance."

Goku blinked. "But why??"

Steve shrugged. "Who knows? Anyway, this guy Yamcha mentioned sounds like a
cross between a movie star and a barbarian. Pretty wild, huh?"

The tall saiyan made a face. _Do I even want to know?_

Steve headed for the door. "All I know is, he's really hung up on this dude.
Says he doesn't know if it's mutual or not."

"Thanks for the info, Steve."

Blue eyes regarded him closely. "If I didn't know better..."

Goku's eyes held a warning. "Stay out of it, friend."

Steve looked him over again before scooting out the door. "Well...if you're
available...I come here quite often."

Goku could only sigh as he followed the man out. "What a night."


Goku approached his friend who was still staring blankly at the table. In his
preoccupation, Yamcha didn't even hear the saiyan call his name.


Deep eyes looked up, startled. "Ah...oh! Sorry, Goku."

Goku sidled into the corner booth secluded by artificial plants. "Now what's
on your mind, Yamcha? You've been acting strange all night."

Yamcha cleared his throat. _Now or never._ "There's...a reason I wanted to go
out on the town with you tonight."

Eyes of blackest velvet were on him. "I know."

A gasp. "What does that mean, 'you know.' I haven't said anything yet!"

Goku glanced away a moment. "Just tell me, Yamcha."

The z warrior stared at his friend, noting the dark light that danced across
his handsome features. Yamcha knew that look. Whenever Goku saw a challenge
he had that same expression. His throat went dry.

"I have to tell you this...I have feelings for you, Goku. Strong feelings."

Goku sat back. "I see."

Yamcha fidgeted with his hands. "Actually, I think...I...love...you."

The saiyan abruptly reached across the table, holding the busy hands still.
Yamcha looked up in surprise.

Obsidian eyes glazed with heat as Goku lowered his voice. "It's all right."

Yamcha felt the courage to press on. "I know this seems like it's out of
nowhere, but...we're at the point in our friendship now that I felt something
needed to be said."

Small smile. "You say it well. But when did you know?"

"When you fought Frieza. I would've given anything to fight at your side. All
I could do was watch helplessly from King Kai's place."

The saiyan eyed him softly. "Yamcha...Frieza would have destroyed you."

The z warrior laughed hysterically, emotions spilling over. "I wouldn't have
cared...at least we would have been together!"

Goku could see his friend was losing it. Strong hands gripped Yamcha's

"Easy, easy. Don't come apart on me, okay?"

Dark eyes glazed with tears of frustration. "Later, when you got the heart
virus I stayed with Chi Chi until you recovered. I should have been concerned
for her feelings, but-"

"You don't have to-"

"No! Let me say this, Goku" Yamcha felt the words tumble out. "All I could
think of was how strong and beautiful you looked, fighting for life. I
couldn't..._wouldn't_ leave until you were better. I wanted to hold you, kiss

Goku looked about nervously at amused stares nearby. Yamcha's voice was
rising, giving them an audience.

Dark brows pinched together. "Yamcha! Keep it down, they're all looking at

His friend stopped, clapping a hand over his mouth. "Gomen nasia!" he gulped
for air.

Goku gave a slight nod. "Ii desu. Just calm down, please?"

Yamcha tried to regain his composure. "Didn't mean to outburst like that...I
almost feel like a fool" the dark head looked down.

"What's foolish about love, Yamcha?" Goku's voice was silky.

Yamcha stared. _That tone! What's he saying?_

"You knew how I felt?!"

Goku appeared introspective. "Not exactly, but when you mentioned the heart
virus...I had dreams. I could see and hear what was going on around me, sense
emotions. And yours were so strong, they rivalled Chi Chi's."

Yamcha blushed. "I..ah...why didn't you say anything about it?"

Goku gave that famous half smile. "I was touched, Yamcha. And a little
scared. You really caught me by surprise, and I didn't know how to react."

Yamcha sighed sadly. "Well, our dessert should be coming soon. I suppose we
should eat it and then go."

Goku blinked. "Something I said?"

Yamcha shook his head in pain. "Don't humor me, okay? I know you don't feel
the same way, but I had to get this off my chest."

Onyx eyes were steady. "Are you in a hurry?"

Yamcha gawked. "What??"

"As a saiyan, I can appreciate your passion, Yamcha."

"Goku, please tell me...how do you feel about this? About what I said?"

Now the saiyan appeared uncomfortable. "As I said, your emotions touched me.
I couldn't believe...it's really ironic, considering we didn't start on the
best of terms."

Yamcha had to smile at that. "I know. It seems like ages ago. But even then I
admired you."

Goku observed him keenly, as if for the first time. "You're really
attractive, Yamcha."

Yamcha felt his pulse rise. "Don't tease me, Goku. You still haven't really
said anything."

A sigh. "Confused. And concerned."

Dark eyes blinked in amazement. "You're never confused about anything."

Soft chuckle. "Oh no? Right now, I'm terrified."

"I can't believe that."

Goku rested his chin in his hands. "My separation from Chi Chi has been
difficult on both me and the boys. Sometimes I get so lonely, Yamcha. With
the exception of Vegeta, no one really understands me."

"You still have friends. And me, Goku" Yamcha said with feeling.

Obsidian eyes sparkled. "You, Yamcha?"

"Itsumo. You've always been there for me, Goku. Let me be there for you as

Goku looked over his friend. "I always liked that scar, you know. Makes you
look like a saiyan."

Yamcha laughed at that. "Ghods! I'd make a poor saiyan."

Goku eyed him intensely. "You have the passion of one."

The booth felt warm all of a sudden. Yamcha edged closer. "Goku...can I kiss
you?" the voice was velvety low.


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