House of Vegeta 2: Chronicles
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
The saiyan saga continues! Stories of the present and past.

Art Source:
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 1
He howled and yowled.

The reigning ruler of Vegetaseii perched atop a high tower wall in
the west gardens, his powerful form chiseled like sculpted bronze.
Barely twenty six, he nonetheless was in early bloom of male
majority. Barely clothed in dark training shorts, he crouched
sensuously on the stone ledge. A thick stroke of red black fur waved
sinuously behind him.

In delight, Vegetann clacked sharp teeth together. Rulership was a
wearisome burden, thrust upon him by line and blood. Circumstance
gave him the crown at the tender age of fourteen. But he bore it
well, for he was strong beyond any.

His only cub was hidden, secure in his other life. His mate held the
chibi safely in secrecy. Well formed and powerful, the small one
might one day rule.

But visions and inner sense told Vegetann of more...a destiny of
might and power unseen by any of royal line. The might of super

It was already true. But there would be more. His blood was pure, his
loins potent. The shagga (shamans) foretold so before his birth. No
ordinary house would he sire. No ordinary mate would he have. Their
offspring would be unlike any other...

Silent feet bounded behind him. A long cloak floated in moist breezes
kissed by sweet summer blooms. The wild eyed king ignored them, lost
in his own thoughts as thick clouds rolled across a full moon.

Vegetann shook his dark mane, growling a primitive singsong. Sharp
nails dug into ancient brick. Muscled thighs rippled as he tensed to
spring into the jungle below...

Powerful hands grabbed him by the tail, yanking him back from the
ledge. Shrieking like an unholy banshee, Vegetann spun, swiping sharp
nails at his attacker. The lithe form slipped from a potentially
fatal blow.

"BEDDATKA!! Cresan'e de nuttei hr'eyonka!!"


"Fool! You dare disgrace your parents with this display?!"

The king glowered with flaming eyes. Ublakka stared back defiantly.
She was one of the elder court, and not in the least intimidated by
the burly saiyan.

A snarl. "Stand back, woman. You dare speak to me that way?!"

Her tall form advanced, less fluid with age. Tiny lines etched facial
features. "Aye, wretch...for I know every secret of the house, as
well you know."

"If you're referring to my father..."

A smirk. "Ai, and more. For I was confidant to the queen herself. She
felt his hidden son, one spoke of in hushed whispers-"

"Silence!!" Vegetann roared, fangs slicing the night. "I've no
patience for conversation this night, woman. I would run!!"

"Shikshei! Already your foolishness and hot blood have caused
calamity. You stand the battlements and howl like a slargg in heat!!"

A reddish black tail swished. "The moon comes...I'll not debate with
a dried up crone too old to burn!"

Dark eyes flashed in turn. "The moon is the moon, idieze (idiot).
Long have I known it's pleasures, so don't lecture me!"

The king turned once more with a lethal grin. "Perhaps I'll favor you
out of pity."

"Before you were born did your father favor me!"

Vegetann moved at her. "I know the tales, Ublakka. Keep them or I'll
burn you down where you stand."

"Would that I had the power to reward your insolence. Ha! But for a
turn here or there, I might be your queen mother."

Snarl. "On a cold day in hell. Stand aside, I go!"

Ublakka grabbed him once more. "Consider, mad one. This impulsiveness
has gotten you one chibi-"


The aged saiyan spat. "The inner council and royal court have done
what they can to conceal your indescretions. Don't be a fool! Would
you cast away your throne and heritage for the sake of jungle run?!"

Soft growl. "I cast nothing away...I weary of being king all the
time, Ublakka."

The tall woman sniffed in disdain. "Ai, too much like your sire. And
your dam was prone to worms."

"I don't have worms! My blood burns like any...I am still saiyan!"

"But king first."

Dark eyes sparked with fire. "You appear somewhat unstable, old crones run hot under moon?!"

The elite purred thickly. "Perhaps, but I have sense enough to get
inside. Istanie! The guards even watch your display."

"And yours. I've often wondered at a silver streaked oozaru. Most
attractive, eh?"

She punched the broad chest squarely, catching the King by surprise.
With a grunt and thump he fell on the stone landing.

"You dare?"

Ublakka balled her fists, glaring. "I dare anything, even the wrath
of a loon."

He roared at her, tail bristling. "I am Ou Vegetaan, royal heir and
descendant of the Vegeenaz, prime. You will not address me in such a
manner!" he stood abruptly.

Ublakka stood back from his crackling form. "It is enough, then...I
do but attempt to save you from yourself!"

"Am I a cub? I've had season since sixteen!"

"And merely an older cub now. But hold, the skies!!" she looked up,
hair spiking suddenly.

In raw delight, Vegeta Ou glanced skyward. Thinning clouds rapidly
dissipated, exposing the full moon.


Ublakka shrieked, bounding down the stone stairways in frenzy. Vegeta
laughed, a wild thing now.

"Run, crone, run!! Long have I waited to see an elder freak."

Cackling madly he watched her disappear several hundred feet below
into deep jungle. The moon rose higher, beckoning. Guards disappeared
from the battlements, also melting into forest. Roars were heard in
the distance. It was beginning.

There were alotted times for oozaru, since no saiyan could avoid that
state for any length of time. The elite were especially secretive
about their jungle run, since public image was everything. Better to
be shrouded in mystery and keep the lower classes in awe. Planetary
funds were constantly replenished to accomodate jungle run and the
usual devastation caused. Isolated cases of transforming were
forbidden, however, and subject to heavy fines or imprisonment.

This was no such time. Few had ever seen their Ou in oozaru form, and
those that had were sworn to secrecy. Being ruler imposed additional
restrictions, often driving Vegeta to near madness from suppressing
his instincts.

Not tonight. Without conscious thought he chirped, purring a primal
singsong known to saiyans since the beginning. Arching his powerful
body high above a stone arch, he scented the wind and waited.

An eerie, rattling growl soon sounded from thick jungle. Sniffing,
Vegetaan tilted his head higher. He bellowed a choppy snarl, tail

Potent spice and musk wafted through murky night air. Crooning purrs
nearby exploded into full throated roars. The call was answered.

Vegeta bounded from the arch, his huge flame of hair spiking and
growing. Coal red eyes waited, not too far away. Gracefully he glided
down into green landscape, the canopy enveloping him in dark shroud.
The moon was high now.

Bronzed arms like cable grabbed him as he landed near a stream.
Vegeta turned into the embrace. His lover was likewise of potent
build, glistening in nudity. Hard lengths pressed together as tongues
touched. Tails coiling tightly, the pair nuzzled, crinkling their
noses in delight. Scents and sounds in the jungle drove them wild. It
would be soon now.

"Hruargh...I waited..."


"Come!!" the saiyan known as Bardock bounded away, tail lashing.
Vegeta followed him on a tether. Muscled forms took to the trees,
swinging with frenzy and power. Manes shagged wildly around glowing
red eyes.

"Growrrr...the cub??"

"He grows, and is strong."

"There is another..."


Clawed feet and hands scaled the treetops. "It is but recent-"

"You didn't tell me!!"


"I won't leave this time!"

The saiyans embraced again, grunts and growls replacing speech. They
tumbled, landing in a canopy of bushes.


Little else was said as two oozaru stormed the night. Monstrous hairy
fists raised in defiance against the golden outline of the moon.
Shrieking, they trampled everything in their path.

//The night is ours.//

And beastly pleasure awaited.


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