House of Vegeta 3: Highlights
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Feature stories of the saga. Past and present, overlaps the Chronicles. More saiyans, more chibis! And enter...Brolli!

Art Source:

by X-xChiChix-X
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 1
Kakarot curled tightly against his mate who was sound asleep. A
strange mewling teased his ears, waking him from solid slumber.

_The chibis?_

A dark, tousled head popped up from layers of animal furs. Kakarot
glided silently from their huge bed, slipping on a robe. The sounds
were unmistakable now. Small growls and snarls came from the baby

Curious, Kakarot approached the pallet with silent feet, tail waving.
A huge grin broke out on his face.

_Well, well!_

Two bundles of dark fur snarled in sleep, tails tangled together.
Wild little manes had grown down their backs. Kakarot tickled their
foot pads. Fat legs kicked wildly at the touch.

Kakarot turned. "Vegeta, wake up! You've got to see this."

His bleary mate flopped around under covers. "Hurmmmnth."

"Krukka!" Kakarot went over and shook him. "Wake up, I said!"

Vegeta popped up abruptly, wild hair sticking everywhere. "What is
it?! You ruined a perfect sleep!"

"The cubs have their first pelt! It's adorable, you've got to see..."

The ouji bounded up in excitement, instantly awake. He slapped on a
robe. "It's finally happened?"


The beaming parents grinned madly into the plush pallet. Vegeta
unhooked the fat little tails.

"Wonderful! It seems this solstice got them going, eh?"

"Ai, and the texture's so soft!" Kakarot stroked velvety fur that
covered Nuru and Tezar head to toe except for their face, feet, and

"Grarrgg" bright eyes popped open as wobbly heads lifted.

"Awake are we?" the Ouji plucked up a purring Tezar. Kakarott picked
up Nuru. The proud parents cuddled their chibis.

"Well I know someone else who'll want to see this!" Vegeta couldn't
stop smiling.

Kakarot grinned idiotically. "A midnight surprise, eh?"


Amused guards smiled at the oujian as they glided through the quiet
chambers with two sizeable hair puffs. One particularly beefy guard
couldn't contain himself.

"Ho, oujian...the little ones have first pelt, I see!"

They approached with the chirping chibis. "Ai, Goonn" Vegeta
smirked. "A late surprise this evening!"

The crude guard winked at the cubs. "Lovely. Their fur shines like
water! My own chikki (grandbabies) got theirs last week."

Kakarot bounced a squalling Nuru. "Ai, many chibis turned this month.
We've a showing for the Ou and Regent Bardock!"

"They'll be pleased, no doubt. Eventide, lords!"

"Eventide!" the ouijan pressed on, finding it impossible to stop


They approached the imperial doors. Kakarot sniffed.

"Say, Vegeta-"

The ouji shrugged. "Ai, I know. Raditz has been here...odd."

The parents glided inside. They weren't the only ones with a
surprise. A smiling Raditz greeted them, clad in a robe also.

"Gedarse! I don't believe this!" he laughed in delight, seeing the

Kakarot stared. "What? You mean??"

Raditz pointed at the floor, smirking. A fuzzy Xenna shrieked in

The Ouji cracked up. "Xenna's got her pelt, too!!"

"Unbelievable!" Kakarot laughed, plopping Nuru next to her. The cubs
sniffed each other and started rolling wildly.

Tezar screamed, not wanting to be left out. Vegeta dropped him down

"All right, you little monster. Go on!"

The air filled with squalls and shrieks as the chibis played. Their
parents shouted above the noise to talk.







Two very agitated and annoyed parents came up behind them, holding
their ears.

"Shut off the damn noise!!" Bardock bellowed.

"Ai, give it a rest" a bedraggled Ou snarled, glaring. "What means
this idiocy in the middle of the night!"

"The chibis have their pelts!!" the adults yelled simultaneously.

Dark eyes went wide. "Eh??"

Kakarot pointed at the fur floor. "See?"

Blinking in stunned surprise, the grandsires stared at their chikki.
Bardock bellowed with laughter.

"Furballs! Lovely..."

The Ou chuckled. "Amazing, they all turned the same night."

"Their eyes really shine. See how the light catches on their pelts?"
Vegeta no ouji noted with pride.

Bardock plopped to the floor, scooping them up. "Hn...fuzzies! Maybe
you'll make good pillows, eh?"

The chibis screeched, squashing into him. The Ou sat next to them,
rolling Xenna into his lap.

"Abe'se, princess." he scratched her wild mane. Xenna purred,

Kakarot watched them, noting his parents' dishevelled appearance. "We
didn't interrupt or disturb anything?"

Bardock glanced up at him. "Nothing that isn't already disturbed."
His son made a face.

The ouji laughed. "You walked into that one, Kakarot. It seems a lot
of chibis changed this month, with the variance between crescent and
half moon."

Raditz glanced out a window at night skies. "Ai, there's a crescent
tonight. Quite beautiful, actually."

Bardock stroked his grandsons tenderly. "Hn...soft. What a nice
surprise on a quiet evening."

The Ou chuckled as Xenna nipped his fingers. "Quiet until loud
children burst in here."

"AAOUUU!!!" a tousled head shook back. Startled, everyone stared at

"Now what was that for!" the Ou demanded. "Idiot."

Sheepish. "I ah...just felt good."

"Go howl somewhere else. But you can leave the chibis here."

"Of course..ssnnrrrlllll...."

Vegeta no ouji stared at his mate. "No, I get it, heaAAOOOROUUU!!"

Bardock blinked. "What's going on here?"

Raditz was snarling now at the window, shaking his head also. "Feels
GRROOReeat..." his tail fluffed out.

The Ou clutched his head. "Grrruargh...the window!!"

Bardock stood abruptly. "But it isn't a full MrooOOOOOONNNN" his
voice dissolved into growls. The chibis started clawing the carpet.

Vegeta Ou made a move to pull the window shades down. By the time he
had done so, conversation became grunts and howls.

He turned. His shaggy family was covered in fur. Wild manes had
sprouted to crazed porportions. Spiky fur burst from shoulders and
backs. Sets of red eyes glowed eerily.

"This is your fault RARRRDITZZ" the Ou attempted, clutching his
throat. Speech was becoming too difficult.

Sharp teeth glistened. "Loook a little wild yoooOOORSelf,
sabagggrrrr..." Raditz started shrieking, shaking his head again.

"ARuGHH...bones BURNNNNnngrrrr!!!" Bardock screeched. His hair
literally stood on end now.

"AARR feel GOOOOOOOD!!" Kakarot bellowed, leaping for the ceiling.

"MEAH TOOOOOOOO!!" the ouji cracked an earsplitting roar, bounding up
after his mate. They dangled from a crossbeam by their tails.

Fur spiked under the Ou's robes. Annoyed, he ripped them off, not
wanting restraint. "GrWOORGG..." grabbing the chibis he bounced up as

"Hehee HEEEAAGRR!!" with wild glee Raditz also went up, wrapping a
thick tail around a post.

Bardock stood shrieking at his fuzzy family, fists shaking. "GRUARHH

The others chittered, laughing as Bardock strained to talk. With a
grunt and howl the dark saiyan gave up his futile attempt at speech,
joining the others.

The hairy saiyans dangled from the crossbeams, howling and roaring.
It was going to be a long night.


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