Midnight Madness
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
sequel to Candy Hearts

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Chapter 02
Yamcha and Goku were silent as they flew home, each lost in his own thoughts. When they arrived at the Son house, Goku paused before opening the door.

"Yamcha...your faith in me meant a lot" the dark eyes were shining.

His lover looked at the sky. "Let's get inside, Goku. I don't want any accidents."

The saiyan growled softly as he was pushed inside. "I thought you believed me—"

Yamcha turned on the hallway light. "Yes, but I'm not stupid, either. You can't control it, love. And you wanted to change again, both of you. I could see it!"

Goku was floored. "How could you possibly know?!"

Yamcha dragged him down the hall to the bathroom. "I want to show you something" he shoved the saiyan in front of a mirror.

"Shimatta—" Goku stared at his reflection. His eyes were nearly red once more, although the irises were still visible.

He gazed softly at Yamcha. "Sorry I lied...I just..."

Soft brush of lips. "It's been a long night. Let's go to bed."


Yamcha had his hands full trying to calm his saiyan down. Goku was edgy and agitated.

Not to mention hot as a...monkey.

The saiyan had stripped naked and crouched on the bed like a cat. Yamcha stood at the foot of the bed in his robe trying to reason with his lover.

"Try to get some sleep, Goku. This night has been difficult for all of us."

Goku growled deep in his throat. "I don't want to sleep, I don't need to rest."

Yamcha shook his head. "I disagree—"

The saiyan abruptly flared golden, his flame of hair glowing bright amber. Wild blue eyes narrowed.

"Come to bed. I want you...now!!" a thick yellow tail thumped the mattress in emphasis.

Yamcha didn't have to be saiyan to notice Goku's scent. The saiyan's hormones were in total overload, fragrancing the room with spicy musk.

It had an effect on his body, too, though not precisely a saiyan response. Yamcha felt oddly relaxed, yet more receptive to sex. He was determined to resist as long as possible.

"You'll ask me with consideration, Goku, or sleep alone."

The saiyan snarled, his fangs on display. "You stand on formalities with me now? I want what I want, Yamcha. Enough games!" he lunged at his lover with blinding speed.

Reacting with almost equal speed, Yamcha hit him point blank in the chest with a ki blast. The force knocked Goku back against the bed stand.

The z warrior stood fast, his palm still extended. The golden saiyan sat back in disbelief, his eyes round.

"You blasted me?" the thick tail curled in on itself.

Yamcha glared at him. "You deserved it. I may not have saiyan strength, but I won't be treated like a bed slave. Don't you see what's happening?"

Goku balled himself up, tail lashing in frustration. Crazed blue eyes narrowed to slits. "Grrrwrrr. No." he glanced out a side window. Pale beams leaked into the bedroom, faded and silvery.

Yamcha followed his eyes. "Dammit!" he moved to close the blinds.

"I don't need to be in complete darkness!" the saiyan shouted

Yamcha was firm. "The windows stay closed until morning."

"RUARRGG .Have it your way!!" Goku clicked his fangs.

Yamcha turned on a large floor lamp that illuminated the bedroom in a soft sensual glow. He approached the bed slowly.

Small smile. "Does that feel better?"

Goku stretched out on the bed languidly like a Greek statue, the warm lighting accenting his golden state. Yamcha sat on the edge of the bed when a golden tail swiped his face with ticklish strokes.

He twitched a grin. "I take it that's a yes."

Goku chose his words carefully. "Have patience with me...this is...difficult."

Yamcha stroked the curvy shoulders. Tense tremors rolled through the powerful frame.

"Easy, love. The moon is aggravating your instincts."

Another growl. "I know that already!" the tail puffed like a hairbrush.

Yamcha sidled alongside his lover. He didn't remove his robe, however.

"Listen to me" he kept his voice low and soothing. "I'd like to make love too, but I don't think that's a good idea. For one, I don't think my body would hold up after everything that's happened tonight."

Ice blue eyes slitted. "And the other reason?"

"I have to reconcile your Oozaru transformation in my mind."

Goku looked him over slowly. "You had senzu."

Yamcha sighed. "True, but I'm sore and exhausted."

That fuzzy tail tickled his face again. "I was just playing under the moon."

Yamcha shook his head slowly, dark eyes burning with intensity. "No. You meant to kill us. We can talk about that in the morning."

"Yamcha!" Goku moaned, rubbing up against him. The z warrior held him gently as the saiyan grabbed him and dry humped, grinding hips. Seconds later he released over Yamcha's robe, saturating it with sticky thickness.

"Relax, Goku. Just relax" soothing fingers stroked the muscular back, taking care to avoid the tail and sensitive areas around it.

There was no reply, but Yamcha could sense the tension ease. A deep purr rumbled in his ear. He smiled against thick golden hair that flickered before turning raven once more.

"You feel good, Yamcha" Goku crooned again, his voice drowsy and thick. His lover yawned lazily, even as a silken black tail wrapped his waist.

"Oyasumi, Goku."


Tiny sun rays peeked through the shuttered blinds. Yamcha blearily opened his eyes and inhaled the rich musky scent of saiyan, stronger even than his own. Strangely enough he felt aroused and relaxed at the same time. Goku shifted, turning to his side. Yamcha admired the finely chiseled features.

We have to talk, Goku. There's too much about you I still don't understand...I have to know what I'm getting myself into.

A bizarre thought flitted through his brain. I'm in love with a monkey in human form.


Goku eventually stirred against him. Black eyes opened sleepily.

"Hmm. Yamcha?"

"Yeah .Doing better today?"

Lips like hot silk brushed the warrior's eyelids. "Maybe. That depends."

Yamcha cuddled. "Oh? On what?"

Goku sat up abruptly and tore Yamcha's robe open. Muscled thighs straddled his lover as strong hands held him in place, effectively pinning him down.

Yamcha grunted as the heavy erection pressed against his groin. The saiyan's scent was grating his nerves now.

"Shit...you need to bottle that stuff...for an aphrodisiac, Goku!"

A fierce purr burst from the saiyan's chest. "I won't take no this time" coal black eyes glazed with open lust.

Yamcha panted, glancing at the waving tail. "We still...need to talk."

Goku licked his lips, seeing Yamcha's growing hardness under his own. "Who gives a damn about talking?"

Yamcha heaved, his excitement making him smile. "You know...sometimes it's good to go slow, Goku..."

The raven hair shaded wild eyes. "Grwwrrrrll. I never go slow" he plunged down on Yamcha's lower lip, biting it hard. Yamcha yelped in surprise, his body bucking underneath the saiyan powerhouse.

It was going to be a long morning…


Yamcha had no idea how the bedroom got so wrecked. He lay dazed on the carpet as Goku lapped puddles of cream from his belly.

"Insatiable..." he murmured.

Eyes of dark fire looked up at him, the haphazard mop a sexy tangle. "Hn?"

Yamcha laughed weakly. "This place is a mess."

Goku edged up on an elbow and looked around the room. Afternoon sunlight burst in strongly now, casting harsh shadows against the wall.

Lazy yawn. "It's not too bad."

Yamcha struggled out from underneath him. "Are you kidding? Someone would swear a bomb went off in here!"

It was true. The top mattress was turned over on the floor. Bed sheets and blankets were tossed over furniture everywhere.

Yamcha blinked in stupefication. And how the hell did the bed frame get so far from the wall?

A fuzzy tail teased his nose, distracting the idle thought. Yamcha sniffed. That damned cinnamon again…

"Who cares? We can always straighten up later" sharp teeth nipped Yamcha's neck.

A gasp. "Let me up, dammit. It's nearly two in the afternoon, and I've got to eat something."

"Of course, love" Goku purred softly, smiling in seduction. "How inconsiderate of me" he rolled on his back, pulling Yamcha on top.

The ruffled z warrior heaved in surprise. "Wait, what—"

Strong hands tangled in thick hair, pushing his head down. A silky tail wrapped around his shoulders, holding him in place.

Yamcha flushed at the thick shaft bouncing beside his jaw. "You hopeless hentai!! This isn't the kind of 'eating' I meant!!"

Coal eyes burned on him. "It isn't?"

"No .Now for Kami's sake, let me up. We have to get out of this bedroom sometime!"

Sharp teeth flashed at him. "One last time, please? Then we can get up."

Yamcha pressed against saiyan strength, to no avail. "Like I have a choice" he smirked.


That 'one last time' became 'three last times.' Yamcha had hoped sucking off his lover would quell some of the saiyan's excess energy. If anything, it fueled the sexual mania even further.

Even more surprising to him was the response of his own body. He'd never been so turned on in his life. Everything was swollen and hypersensitive. Bulma never affected him like this, and sex with her was good. But this...was extraordinary.

Bronzed bodies clashed in fury, one being stronger. Yamcha moaned in pleasure as Goku hammered him into submission.

It felt so good. He would have begged for the moment to last forever, but knew it couldn't.'

Kakarot...ghods...wonderful..." Yamcha gasped in ecstasy, heat and sensation bursting through his skin. A tail stroked his body slowly, curling a trail of warmth over tender spaces before tightening around his thigh. The sensual tickle nearly sent Yamcha over the edge.

Goku's frenzied pumping picked up intensity, as the hot saiyan pressed his lover further forward. Yamcha cried out in delight and pain, his face ground into the carpet as fire washed across his groin. Hands desperately gripped the plush rug with each thrust.

Rippling muscle strained for completion as Goku's breathing became more rapid, breaking into heated rasps. A roar and cry as he jerked one last time, fingers digging into pliant flesh hard. Liquid fire wrenched from his loins as he burst into the sweet heat below him.

"Hahh....ahhh....uhhh....haiiiii!!!" hips yanked in concert as orgasms washed over the lovers in waves.

The motion triggered Yamcha's explosion. A strangled scream ripped from his throat as he ground into the carpet, his own sticky flood seeping everywhere.

Gonna die happy… Yamcha's eyes rolled back before the world went dark.


He hurt horribly. Yamcha grunted, feeling genuine pain and soreness from hours of folly.

Purring rumbled in his ears. Yamcha grimaced at the warm weight on his back. Goku covered him like a blanket, his tail squeezing a thigh. Sharp canines nipped along his neck and ear.

He'd had enough. Yamcha swung an elbow out, connecting with Goku's ribcage. The saiyan rolled off with a grunt.

"Get off, you humping monkey!!"

Normally Yamcha never would have done something like this, but his lover was neither normal nor human. Goku merely lay on his side, purring contentedly.

Yamcha struggled to sit up, looking him over. Apparently his manic saiyan was finally sated.

"Had enough finally?!" the tousled warrior challenged, eyes flashing.

Goku smiled warmly. "Hai. You look so lovely like that."

Yamcha stared. "Like what, you lunatic!"

Another purr. "All scruffy. It makes you look tasty enough to eat" the saiyan reached for him.

Yamcha held out a palm. "Touch me again and I'll blast you!"

More rumbling, and a sleepy expression as the thick tail swept across bronzed thighs.

"Stop that. And knock off that noise!"

Goku stopped purring. "Sorry."

Yamcha rubbed his sore neck. "Kami, I must be dead. I'm bitten, bruised, and beat up...I should call the cops!"

Goku yawned. "You'll feel better once we get something to eat."

Yamcha winced, holding his backside. "I'll feel better after a hot bath. Aren't you even sore?!"

His saiyan angled up slowly. "Hai, somewhat. But I'll manage."

Yamcha staggered to his feet. "Time for that bath..." he turned to go down the hallway.

Goku followed him, tail swishing high. "I know, love..."

The z warrior gasped as he paused at the door. Somehow he found the strength to push Goku away.



Goku decided to make himself useful. After showering in the second bathroom, he slipped on a robe and went into the kitchen.

A small smile lit his swarthy features. I'll make Yamcha a meal for a king.


Yamcha felt considerably better after his hot bath. He was weary, almost deliciously so. Muscles still protested motion, but at least he could move. A delightful aroma teased his nose.

The dark eyes closed briefly. What's cooking in the kitchen?

Walking carefully, he went to investigate.


Yamcha wasn't disappointed. His eyes widened in surprise at the red linen table set. There were round goblets filled with mango juice, and a steaming service for two with coffee. Homemade biscuits filled a basket next to plates of spiced shrimp, rice, mixed vegetables, and steak. A bowl of fresh strawberries laced with sugar and cream made a central display.


The dark saiyan turned and smiled. Yamcha liked what he saw. Thick shocks of raven hair ragged everywhere, shading the fine features. A purple robe hugged muscular curves Yamcha knew all too well.

"Wow. You fixed all this?"

Goku grabbed his lover. Yamcha was bronzed and gorgeous, his dark features a perfect contrast to his complexion. The saiyan pecked his cheek.

"Sit down. Let me do all the work, okay?"

"Hmm" Yamcha grinned and plopped down at the table. He sniffed. "Man, I am starved. And this all looks fantastic!"

Black eyes sparked with affection. "I'm glad you like it" Goku joined him.


They ate with gusto. The food was so delicious, Yamcha decided to finish before they began their talk. Eventually dishes were cleared away.

Yamcha patted his stomach. "Unbelievable. And here I thought only Chi Chi could cook!"

Goku put some more fresh coffee out with whipped cream this time. "Surprised, huh? I'm a quick learner."

Yamcha motioned for him to sit as he nibbled on a mint stick. "Let's talk."

The saiyan's easy smile dropped. "Okay."


Burning eyes lowered on Yamcha. "Did I mention you look so kawaii in that white terry cloth robe? I want to taste you all over—"

Yamcha gave a half smile. "Don't change the subject. I might have you spayed at this rate!"

The saiyan grunted in offense. "I wasn't going to do anything—"

"Not if I don't turn my back!"

"You misunderstood—"

"Like last night?" Yamcha used the opening to start.

"What do you mean?"

Yamcha tapped his fingers on the table. "I have some concerns, Goku."

"About me" it wasn't a question.

"That and other things."

The saiyan frowned, stirring his coffee. "What other things, Yamcha! Get to the point."

"I won't lie to you. That oozaru thing terrifies me. How do I know that someday it won't cost me my life?"

Goku pinched his face in pain. "What would you have me say? I'm a saiyan. I could wish it weren't a part of me, but what would be the point? I have no choice but to accept it."

Yamcha sighed. "I know all that...and I know under normal circumstances this wouldn't be an issue..."

"You forget I killed my grandfather not knowing. Krillen knew the truth, but everyone lied to protect me since I was so young. When I found out the guilt nearly destroyed me."

Yamcha took his hand. "And now? Are you reconciled with it?"

"Somewhat .Having knowledge of my true heritage helped, as did some sessions talking with King Kai."

"Did it help?"

"Tremendously .He gave me perspective, and said that grandpa...understood and forgave me."

A shadow fell across the saiyan's face. Yamcha gripped Goku's hand harder.

"Hey...sorry. I didn't want to dredge up memories like that, it's just—"

A sigh. "No, your concern is legitimate. I can only say that you've got to trust me, Yamcha. Trust me, and have faith in us."

Yamcha kissed his palm. "Okay...but if it happens again you'll excuse me if I freak."

Goku looked about absently. "I've had an idea for awhile now, and especially since this situation has presented itself..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Maybe I should have Vegeta train me in oozaru form."

Yamcha folded his arms, snorting. "Yeah, I'm sure that will help!"

Goku noted the change in his demeanor. "What's your problem with that?"

"Based on what I've seen, he'd only make it worse. For someone who supposedly controls that form he didn't seem all that different from you."

Goku considered his words. "Maybe...but his judgment is unimpaired. What he did he wanted to do."

"That's what has me worried!" Yamcha blurted in frustration. "Why would he want to kill anyone if he can control it—"

"It's a tight balancing act, Yamcha. That form shouldn't be maintained for any length of time, or control becomes a moot point."

"Then why train?!"

"You misunderstand me. Vegeta can control his body and mind, but not his saiyan instincts. So while he may regret his actions later, he has no qualms while in Oozaru form. And it's worse for me. Would you rather see me go on mindless rampages?!"

"No...but I still don't like the idea of Vegeta being involved."

Dark eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What's really bothering you?"

A pause. "I saw the way Vegeta looked at you last night—"

"Looked at me! What the hell are you talking about now?"

When you first changed back. There was so much heat I could strike a damned match!"

Goku flushed. "I'm getting a little tired of this—"

"I've been around, Goku. Give me a break. Vegeta would've jumped you if we weren't there...or maybe you would've jumped him!"


"You should've seen your faces...the two of you almost looked high."

The saiyan snarled. "You've been thinking about this all night? Masaka!"

"Not exactly, but it's bothered me since we got close. Or maybe not so close."

Canines flashed in a display. "I'm going to say this one last time...I was with you last night, not Vegeta. I didn't call out his name, I haven't begged him to be with me. Is your skull always this thick?!"

Yamcha rubbed his hair furiously. "Huh. Maybe I just need sleep. But there's something between you two, Goku, whether you admit it or not."

Goku sipped his coffee. "That's your opinion."

"No. You're blushing, and all I did was mention his name!"

The saiyan eyed him dangerously. "Maybe I should drag you back to bed—"

Yamcha smiled wearily. "You'd have a comatose lover. I wouldn't last two minutes as tired as I am."

Goku propped his head in his hands. "I wish I could convince you. Maybe you don't trust me, is that it?"

"It isn't about trust...not exactly."

"Now what!"

"Is there anything else 'saiyan' I should know? I don't want any surprises..."

Goku fell silent. He looked away uncomfortably.

Something was up, and Yamcha didn't like it. "Goku!"

A slow smile. "Well...it concerns sex..."

Yamcha pushed away from the table. "You've had enough for three people!!"

Goku laughed, his expression open. "Come on, Yamcha! That wasn't what I meant—"

The z warrior eyed him warily. "Don't even try for it. Now what's this about sex?"

"We...ah...saiyans have a cycle..."

"What's that mean?"

Goku blushed a little. "Well, call it the 'itch', you know? Where we have to mate, and—"

Yamcha paled. "Are you saying you go into heat?"

Big grin.

"WHEN!!" Yamcha wanted to know.

"Ah...next month?"


"Uh...five times a year."

Yamcha winced. "And for how long?!"

A fuzzy tail coiled his calf under the table as the saiyan purred.

"Shimatta..." Yamcha swore, looking down. Goku smiled even wider.

"A week."

"A week?" Yamcha squeaked. "You have my permission to stay away!"

"I'll manage if you can't handle it."

Yamcha pulled the tail from his leg and looked it over. "And just how will you 'handle it?'

"The tail promptly coiled his wrist. Yamcha pulled it loose again.

"Will you cut it out—"

The mischievous fuzzy whip curled around his neck. Yamcha laughed, yanking it free for the third time.

"Keep playing, huh?" he ruffled the tip gently.

A loud purr was his response as the furry appendage fluffed out like cotton. Yamcha realized his mistake, releasing it quickly.

"I want no doubts about my attentions, Yamcha" Goku growled.

"You want ice dumped on you? Stay where you are!"

A pause. "There's no affair with Vegeta."

"Where'd that come from?"

Goku lashed his tail about. "Stop buying trouble? Why would I want Vegeta when I have a luscious bandit? Your eyes are beautiful, and your skin is so soft—"

Yamcha flushed. "Flattery still won't get you any. I told you I'm worn out."

The saiyan licked his lips. "Hell, it was worth a shot. Can I just hold you, then?"

Yamcha sucked on a strawberry seductively. "We'll see."


Yamcha insisted on straightening up the bedroom. His saiyan lover didn't see the point.

"You're ridiculous, Goku. What would Chi Chi think if the place was like this when she arrived?"

"It won't be. We have another two days, so why straighten it up now?"

Yamcha made a face. "Well at any rate, we need new sheets in here. Where's the linen closet?"

Goku pointed down the hall. "Why, is something bothering you?"

"Yeah, this place reeks. I'm opening a window" he moved to do so.

Goku yawned and sat on a chair. "Suit yourself."

A gust of air blew through the bedroom. "Now for these sheets—"

"I still don't see what the big deal is..."

Freaking monkey! "Goku, are all saiyans so...driven by their...ah...'senses'?"

The dark head cocked at him curiously. "Hn?"

"Instincts" talking animals…

Fanged grin. "Come close. I'll tell you" the jet black tail wagged slowly as Goku curled his tongue out.

Yamcha snatched up the old linen. "Kami take it, are you in rut or something?!"

The swarthy features darkened as if in concentration. A slow smile spread on his lips.

"Actually, no. At least not yet. You think me an animal, Yamcha?"

The warrior paled. "What? No..."

Another yawn. "It's all right, I sense your feelings. But it turns you on, huh?"

Yamcha didn't want to examine that too closely. "I don't know if I want to go there—"

"Live scents don't bother saiyans. We can tell the difference between fear and arousal, anger or happiness."

Yamcha was fascinated despite himself. "You can actually 'smell' a person's mood?"

"Of course. But it's nothing you focus on as a rule, unless you're thinking about it."

Yamcha crinkled his nose at a particularly offensive bed sheet. "What about me?"

Goku sniffed. "You're slightly turned on, but mostly apprehensive."

Dark eyes lifted in astonishment. "That's right—"

"I think your fatigue has something to do with it. Not to mention the other unresolved stuff in your mind."

Yamcha rolled up the sheets. "Goku...I trust you. Your track record speaks for itself."

"You know that, but you don't feel it. That's okay, I understand."

Yamcha stared out the window. "Things are going so well. I'm just worried that...outside forces might ruin it."

A growl. "I see. Would this 'outside force' be Vegeta?!"

"I didn't say that."

Another sniff. "Stop lying...your scent just changed."

Yamcha slammed the sheets down and stalked over to Goku, grabbing the collar of his robe.

"Okay, you want a straight shot? Vegeta's hanging around the edges. You think I don't know he's just waiting for an opportunity?!"

Black eyes glazed in shock. "I don't care what you think he's 'waiting' for—"

A snort. "You should. I'm not doing a three way, Goku. That's out!"

The saiyan stood abruptly, his tail puffing into a fur ball. "Three way?! What the hell—"

"You heard me. I'm not going to share you every other night with that prick."

"You haven't listened to a word I've said!" Goku challenged, shaking him.

"That's because your words make little sense in light of what I've seen."

Goku growled. "You haven't seen anything."

"No? Vegeta's little scene at the club? What was that about, hmm?"

His saiyan lover released him. "Nothing, just a misunderstanding—"

Yamcha laughed derisively. "He clearly was expecting something from you, and I don't mean holding hands!"

Goku pushed Yamcha up against the wall, snarling dangerously. "I'm fed up with this. I should—"

"Careful, I might think you have something to hide" Yamcha glared defiantly. "By the way...some of my friends at the club informed me about your little 'kiss' in the parking lot!"

Goku paled, backing away. "What?"

Yamcha pushed him off. "Oh, yeah. It was all the talk. I heard you snatched the 'badman' outside and nearly took him over a parked car!"

The saiyan nearly turned purple. Yamcha smiled in satisfaction.

"I don't need a saiyan's nose to know the truth here. Your reaction tells me everything I need to know."

"There's nothing to talk about" Goku was sullen, his hands dropping to his sides.

"Not admitting it doesn't make it go away. Maybe it's chemistry. Maybe it's a saiyan thing. Or maybe..." Yamcha paused, "you're in love with him."

Goku jerked his head away in anger. "Maybe you're looking for excuses."

Yamcha was silent a moment. "Did you kiss him?"

Eyes like flint burned with intensity. "Yes. Are you satisfied now?!"

Yamcha folded his arms with a smirk. "As a matter of fact, I am."


The z warrior took his hands gently. "I just want you to be truthful with me. I know I have no real claim on you since you're married—"

"Yamcha, please. No more, okay?"

The bandit smiled softly. "You already know what I feel" lips brushed against long black lashes.

Goku purred, nuzzling his face in the mop of black hair. "You're something else, Yamcha. We're so good...so right together. You make me feel wonderful."

Passionate kiss. "I was hoping you'd say that."


True to his word, all Goku did was hold his lover as they watched the large movie screen downstairs. Wild contrast in color and shadow cast over them in the darkened rec room.

Soft nips on a shell shaped ear. "So, was that our first fight?" the saiyan rumbled.

Yamcha sighed, curling back into Goku as a thick tail wrapped his waist possessively. He stroked it gently.

"Hmm. I guess. Maybe we should fight all the time, then" he arched his head back for another kiss. Goku happily obliged him.

"Mmm. That delightful perfume again."

A lick on Yamcha's nose. "What perfume?"

"Yours .It's like cinnamon spice...sometimes it gets me hot, but right now it's so soothing."

Muscled arms tightened around the z warrior. "Glad you like it."

They nuzzled and cuddled, drifting off as the movie played on. Goku sighed in total contentment, his face buried in Yamcha's thick hair. His eyes closed in quiet…

A spark grazed his mind, stroked his soul. So far away, yet closer than the nearest touch.


Obsidian eyes opened a crack. /Vegeta?/


/Dame da!/

/Your separation is a strange one./

/I still have Gohan to consider. Chi Chi agreed./

A pause. /I must admit, you and the bandit make a nice couple./

Goku's eyes widened in silence as he held Yamcha. /Thank you./


/Don't start!/

/I love you, baka. Musaboru, day and night...it was all I could do to keep from jumping you yesterday./

/Ghods! Don't do this to me, Vegeta.../

/Forgive me, I can't help myself./


/We have to talk, you know./

/I know./

/And your plans?/

/Yamcha is mine! I mean it.../

/Hai, we'll see.../

/I'll need you to train me, ouji./


/My oozaru form.../

/Agreed. It will be difficult, Kakarot, since you are an adult. Training normally must take place during childhood to be effective./

/I understand./

/It frightens your bandit, ne?/

/Hai, he fears for his life yet loves me./

/Earthlings are odd creatures./

/Sometimes. We'll talk later, Vegeta./

/Hai. But I would hear it before I go.../


/So many nights...so many things said./


/Just between the two of us. No one else need know./

/I love you, Vegeta. Nothing has changed./

/Ja ne, koi./

/Ja ne./

Goku closed his eyes once more, feeling oddly at peace with love's contradictions.

The End


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