Our Winter
by Flipfloppandas     More by this Writer
31 drabbles about Goten and Trunks' winter as a couple. Sequel to 'Our First Summer'.

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Chapter 01 : Thanksgiving Break
"Knock! Knock! Knock!" Goten yells up to the ceiling, his back pressed against the wooden door. There are people down the hallways pointing and snickering at him, and he's glad to amuse them.
It's nearly ten seconds later when he hears a loud "Shut up!" coming from the other side of the door, before it swings open. He turns around, and comes face to face with his lavender-haired boyfriend, who is watching him with an irritated expression.

Goten smiles and leans in, pecking Trunks on his lips. "Good morning, babe." Or at least, it was morning in the states.

Trunks rolls his eyes—Goten knew that he could openly kiss Trunks in this hallway, because after almost four months of the Son popping up around here, it was quite obvious that they were a couple—and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Are you ready to meet my new roommate?" Trunks asked.

"Sure thing." Trunks' old roommate decided that the 'whole college thing' wasn't working out for him, and moved out not too long ago. There had been also been another student who needed a roommate, and moved in with Trunks a few days ago, hence why Goten had never met him.

Goten stepped into the room, only to turn and press his lips briefly to Trunks' cheek. "So where is he at?"

"Uhh..." came from a voice that Goten did not recognize. He turned in the direction it came from, and found out that he did not like what he saw.

A young man stood over by the window, looking rather awkward with his arms crossed over his chest. He was tall, with brown skin, and well-defined muscles shown from his sleeveless shirt. His chocolate eyes were large, his skin looked smooth, and his braided hair looked strange, but still rather interesting.

This guy was handsome, and very much at that.

'I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous,' Goten chanted to himself. He had thought that he was ready to handle Trunks being in the proximity of attractive males by now, but apparently he wasn't. Not that he had much practice; Trunks' last roommate wasn't all that appealing. Stringy blond hair, grungy frame, and bloodshot eyes—Trunks had told Goten of his suspicions that the guy was a stoner—just the thought of that dude stealing his Trunks was nearly laughable.

Goten wanted that guy back, and right now.

"This is my new roommate, Tyrese Hill," Trunks says, oblivious to Goten's uncertainty.

"Er... Hello?" Tyrese says to Goten, holding out his hand.

Goten repeated the English word as he shook the boy's hand. "Hello."

And then, Trunks was speaking English. English words that Goten could not understand. A hodgepodge of mess was being spoken between the two roommates, and Goten could do nothing but watch in envy. He heard "Son Goten" throughout that mess, but that was all. He crossed his arms, and silently stared at the wall in annoyance and repeated his mantra in his head.

Well, he was silent, until Tyrese leaned down a bit, so Trunks could whisper in his ear. Goten—involuntarily—squeaked.

The other males in the room jumped in surprise, before Trunks started laughing. The Son flushed.

"Goten, I don't think you need to be worried." Trunks says in Japanese, cocking his hip, and folding his arms over his chest.

"Who said I was worried?" Goten grumbles.

"Your face," Trunks replies, amusement written all over him. "But I'm telling you, there is no reason to be worried."

The Son can't help but roll his eyes. "And why is that?"

"Because, Tyrese is straight, and has a girlfriend he's been dating for almost two years a few hallways over. Her name is Erana Finch; nice girl. I should take you down to say 'hi' sometime."

Goten's lips form an 'O', before he blushes. Well that was embarrassing.

"Gomen," the noirette says to Tyrese sheepishly.

Trunks translates for him, and the dark-skinned boy laughs a bit before nodding in Goten's direction. Tyrese then looks at his cellphone, and turns away.

Trunks laughs again, before moving towards his bed. "Let me capsulize my stuff and we can go."

Goten nodded, and turned towards the window. The Americans apparently celebrated a holiday known as 'Thanksgiving'. Goten didn't particularly care about the holiday since his family was not partaking in it, but was thankful for it all the same, since it meant that Trunks would be coming home for nearly a week.

Even though Goten himself had to be in school during the visit...

Goten dropped his head against the window. The glass was cold as little white flurries trickled past it, leaving the grass below frosted. Goten thought it was a little early to snow, but then again, he wasn't quite familiar with the weather patterns in America.

Goten turned his head, and saw Trunks saying his goodbyes to Tyrese, before making his way over towards him.

"Ready to go?" Trunks asked.

Goten then furrowed his brow and grumbled. "No." It was cold, and he did not want to go back out there.

Trunks laughed, zipped up Goten's jacket, and pulled his hat over his ears. Goten leaned in for a quick kiss, but Trunks backed away.

"Hey," Goten says in frustration.

Trunks ticks his head in Tyrese's direction. "I like him, and I'd rather not scare him off, kay?"

Goten recognizes the English word, "thank you" coming from Tyrese, and Goten—over his original embarrassment, because he is a Son, and standard humiliating experiences don't affect him for long—laughs.

"Alright let's go," Trunks says, unlatching the window.

"Wait we're..." he looked over in uncertainty at the new roommate.

"Look at the poster over his bed," Trunks replies.

Goten indeed looks over, and is surprised to see a picture of Tien on the wall. The hairless man is young, smirking, and levitating a few feet off of the ground.

"Fun fact about Tyrese," Trunks says as he drops from the window. "His favorite fighter is Tien Shinhan, despite him competing in the world martial arts tournament long before our time. So yes, Tyrese knows people can fly."

"Oh well in that case." Goten leaps from the window, and sticks his hand back inside. "Sayōnara, Tyrese-san!"

The boy ticks his hand in Goten's direction. Goten smiles, and does a flip just for Tyrese's amusement, and catches up with his boyfriend, who is already leaving him behind. When he reaches Trunks, he bumps into him, causing the lavender to laugh, and bump into him as well.

Once Goten's body is still again, he asks, "So, what were you whispering to Tyrese about?"

He sees the corner of Trunks' lip quirk. "About how I've got an amazingly jealous boyfriend who will not consider the fact that the majority of men in the world are straight, and it would be rather unlikely that I would not only get a gay roommate, but one that was better than the one I already have."

Goten flushes. "Very funny."

"Oh don't worry, it was."

"Whatever," Goten replies, taking Trunks' hand. "You aren't going to ruin my good mood. You're going to be home for a whole week!"

"Almost a whole week," Trunks corrected. "Besides, you're still going to be in school, and I have a paper to write."

"Didn't I just say 'you aren't going to ruin my good mood'?" Goten says, pulling Trunks closer, and nuzzling his nose against his cheek.

"You might have mentioned it," the elder replies. "Now get off. It's hard to fly when you're clinging to me."

So what did Goten do? He curled his arms around Trunks' waist, and wrapped his leg around Trunks' knees of course. Why? Mainly it's because Trunks deserves to be punished for messing with him about Tyrese earlier. Also, well, because he would not be 'Goten' if he didn't get on Trunks' nerves every once and a while.

From Trunks complaints and efforts to break free, Goten figures he's successful.


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