It had been a tradition for as long as anyone had known. That a young person of the third class had to be deflowered by the Lord of their area. For those that lived in the capital that meant they had the "privilege" of that being with the King. It didn't matter which sex they were, all had to submit themselves or be imprisoned, where the same thing would happen, only not with any Lord, and not just once.
The King was called upon once a month to perform his duties. There usually weren't many to be "done". Most of those to come to him were males, due to the growing lack of females being born. But then with the genetic makeup of the third class as it was, that didn't really matter. Of course not all of them were bearers; the gene wasn't always passed on. Deflowering did not involve breeding anyway. The age was too young for that, which was the purpose of the age limit. Too young to conceive, but old enough for it not to harm them.
The King had been doing this service for a long time; he had never missed a session. But with the arrival of the Icejins, he found more and more of his time being taken up by them. So as a precaution he decided that it was time that his son learned what it was all about, as he would be taking over at some point.
Prince Vegeta came into his father's office, 'Ah, son. I am glad you are here. In a few days I have a duty to perform. But as that is the day Lord Freiza is to arrive, I would like to talk to you about being my replacement if that is needed. It is quite legal for you to do so as my own heir.'
The young prince nodded to his father.
'As the Lord of this area I am required to deflower the virgins of this land. Any young third class that comes of the age of thirteen will be sent here and I will perform the service that is required. All that is involved is that you have sex with them for no less than five minutes, you must come inside them or it is not valid. You have had sex before, haven't you son?'
'Of course Father. I fuck with whom I please.'
The King smiled. 'Just watch it around those bloody Icejins, they're filthy bastards, I don't trust them one bit.'
There were four males to attend the King that month. He was just finishing up with the third one when his secretary came for him. It seemed Lord Freiza had arrived.
'Send for my son, he can take care of the last boy.'
'Yes sire.'
The king moved off to meet the Icejin Lord. While his son was sent for to perform his duties with the last of the four.
'Why do I have to do this father?' asked Kakarott.
'Would you rather go to prison? It has been a part of life for as long as I can remember. Both myself and your brother have been through this.'
'I'd rather have the choice to pick the one I wanted to lose my virginity to.'
'We all would son. But it is law. The King is good, I've never heard of anyone leaving him with any complaints. Accept it son, it only has to be done once after all,' smiled his father.
'Very funny,' said Kakarott. Then he headed off to the castle. All he wanted to do was be a solider like his father and brother. But they and gone through this as well, his father to the former King and Raditz to the present.
When he got there he found that there were three others before him. They all sat in the same room until called, none of them spoke, and they all seemed a little embarrassed to be seen by the others, knowing what was about to happen to them. And having to watch as the other three went first did not help. The only good thing was that a table of food sat on one side of the room. The others had nibbled at their food, Kakarott was able to eat more when left on his own, he just could not help himself. Already he had been there for several hours. He heard that the King took at least an hour's break between his duties. But when the hour had past since the third had gone in and he was still there, he began to wonder what was going on.
Finally he was called to go to the room the others had disappeared into. Passing through the door, he found a plain dark room rich with furs, but there was no bed like he had been expecting, there was only a waist high bench, covered in both furs and fresh towels.
The man that had called him in turned to him. 'Please remove all of your clothing. The Prince will be with you shortly.'
'Hey wait, Prince?'
'The King has been called away on important business. His son the Prince will be taking his place.'
'What? Has he, done this before?'
'No, you will be his first.'
Kakarott was stunned. He was about to lose his virginity to a virgin!
The man seemed to see his stunned expression. 'This may be the Prince's first deflowering, but I can assure you, he is no virgin, he's five years older than you, boy. Now strip and get ready for the Prince.'
Kakarott nodded and did as he was ordered, stripping naked and sitting his clothes on the bench.
'I will prepare you for the Prince. And afterwards I will inspect you for the confirmation certificate.'
Kakarott just stood there a little worried.
'You do know what is about to happen, do you not.'
'I've had sex education.'
'So then bend over the bench where the towels are and I will ready you for the Prince.'
'He doesn't do that himself?' asked Kakarott moving closer to the bench and noticing that the man was putting on a protective glove over his hand.
'No, he only does the servicing. When he is finished and leaves the room, I will return for you.'
'Oh,' he said as he moved over to the place he was told to go.
'You can grab hold of the other side of the bench, it will help, and if you do not tense up so much, that will help also.'
'Easy for you to say,' muttered Kakarott as he positioned himself. He jumped when the hand touched his buttocks.
'Spread your legs and bend over further, let the bench take your weight.'
He found that the further he bend over the higher his ass seemed to rise behind him, And as he spread his legs he felt the other man step between them and slide his fingers down his crack before circling around his hole. He could not help tensing up and trying to get away from the teasing finger. It was all so impersonal and he did not like it at all. But he had to do this; it was the law for all third class to go through this. It didn't seem fair to him.
He bit his lip and tried to relax, he did not want to go to prison, he had heard what happened to a virgin there, and anything was better than that. All he had to do was bend over and think of "of" freedom. At least after this was over he would be free to join a training academy and begin his training as a fighter like his father and brother. He kept thinking of those future plans as the finger invaded his body and moved about inside him, soon to be joined by a second to start stretching him and them a third, before they were removed from his body. He hissed as they left him, he only hoped the next part was a bit better, but he doubted it. He'd seen his brother's rather large cock, and had always wondered how the hell it would ever fit inside an asshole. While he had attended sex education, he had never actually witness the act of male on male sex; he only knew what was supposed to happen.
'The Prince will be with you in a moment, I suggest you remain in that position and do anything he tells you to do.' Then the man left him.
He wondered if anyone could see him like this, it felt so humiliating to him. Then he heard a door open and someone enter the room. He had never seen the prince, he knew what the King looked like, but he had never seen the Prince, and in the position he was in, it looked like he was not going to find out either.
'Hmm, nice ass,' he heard from behind unexpectedly. Then a hand touched his hips and he jumped, 'What, scared boy? You should feel privileged to be fucked by your Prince; you are my first, that should be an honor to you. One day I will take over this from my father and you will have been the first of those.' The hand moved down and teased at his opening, this time the fingers were bare and slick with the oil used to stretch him with. It entered him and he wondered why seeing as he was told the Prince did not have to do that, the other man had stretched him. 'Hm, I see he did a pretty good job, you're nice and tight, that's what I like about virgin asses, they are always tight.' Kakarott squirmed under the Prince's touch, he was not as "clinical" as the other man, he seemed to be exploring for something the further he pressed inside. And then all of a sudden something was touched inside him that had him gasping out and seeing stars. 'Liked that huh? Just wait until I hit that spot with my cock, you'll like it even more. I'll have you screaming boy, screaming my name, screaming for more.' He touched that place again and Kakarott groaned. The Prince laughed and withdrew his finger and changed his position. Soon Kakarott felt something else at his entrance, something bigger. 'Here we go' said the Prince and he pushed himself inside.
Kakarott clutched at the furs under his hand and threw his head back as he was stretched by the head of the Prince's cock. The Prince seemed to take a breath before pushing further inside. Kakarott tensed up with the burn of the thing and moaned in pain.
Vegeta stopped, 'Damn it relax, its better that way.' The Prince put a hand on Kakarott's hip and another on his bare back. 'Come on; settle down, it'll pass kid.'
'Who, ya, callin'.. kid?' he grated out as he tried to relax a little.
Vegeta laughed then, and realized that the body he was inside of was now relaxing, adjusting to his girth, and with the loosening he began to push in further in small thrusts until he was fully seated inside the tight passage. He could feel that the boy was still adjusting to him and gave him a little more time before he began to pull out and thrust back in slowly. His father had said he had to take five minutes with the boy, and he knew he could do that easily. He was still getting few pained cries from the boy and decided to change angle to try and find that spot again, that would take the kid's mind off of things. He pulled out and did just that thrusting in hard, it took a few times but he did eventually find it and the result was most satisfactory. The boy bucked up at him, crying out clutching harder at the furs. Vegeta did it again and again, before settling back into a rhythm of pleasure for himself and from the sound of it the boy too. He leaned down a little further over the boy's back tempted to lick the sweat he could see emerging along the shoulder blades. 'Mmm,' he purred, 'So soft your skin is, you taste good.' He licked over the boy's shoulder and up his neck to the hairline, nuzzling sometimes, then lightly sucking at the soft skin. He probably wasn't supposed to mark to boy, but he just couldn't help himself. He always liked to leave his mark on those he fucked, even if this one was not of his choice, he wanted to mark him, have him try to hide it from his friends and family. Have them know that he was no longer a virgin. And the boy seemed to be responding to that as well as lifting his body to the Prince's as he thrust harder inside him, everyone once ion a while hitting that place again, gaining a cry. He decided then that he wanted the boy to cry out for him, to beg him for more. So he hit that place a few times more, then angled away, he could feel the boy squirm from him, wanting more, but he did not say what he wanted to hear, so he did it again and again. Teasing the poor boy.
'No, no,' he heard the boy cry out beneath him. He nipped some more at his shoulders and along his neck and nuzzled his way over the boy's ear.
'What's that?' he breathed into it. 'What do you want, boy?'
Vegeta angled back and hit that place, 'Like that, boy?'
'Yes, yes, harder, more.'
Vegeta chuckled over the begging, but he wanted more for himself too. So he sped up a little hitting him again and again and again in quick succession. The boy bucked harder at him too.
He licked the boy's neck and ear again, 'Say it, say my name, scream for me boy.' Then he thrust even harder for a many times, before slowing again to suck on the ear. 'You want to scream my name, don't you?' Then the hand on the boy's hip moved down and under seeking the erection he knew he would find there. It took only one touch to have the boy come and scream, 'Ahhhh. Vegetaaaa.'
The Prince could feel the boy bearing down on him, but he held out, thrusting deep as he chewed on the boy's ear, before he could take no more. He thrust in again and came his mouth being torn from the boy's ear as he came hard and filled the boy with his seed. He rode a few aftershocks with his head lying on the boy's head. Even as he panted over the boy, his mouth was drawn to the boy's ear where he could smell something. Salty and sweet at the same time. He was drawn to it, something at the tip of the boy's ear. He must have cut it on his teeth when he had come. He licked the fluid away soothingly, savoring the taste that spread over his mouth. He felt himself loosing inside the boy as his cock softened and pulled back and out of him.
Kakarott lay there panting as he heard the Prince pick up a towel, clean himself off and leave the room without another word. A short timer later he heard someone else come in. He figured it was that man.
'I have to examine you to make sure that you are no longer a virgin.'
He felt a hand o n his rear again, then he was poked despite the fact that he could feel something leaking down his legs.
'Very well, I can give your certificate. There is a shower over there, use it, dress and I will escort you out of here.'
Slowly he eased himself up and off of the bench. He used the towel he had been laying on, which he noticed was wet with his own come and cleaned his groin before grabbing his clothes and making his way to the shower he found behind a curtain. He found himself moving slowly, feeling a pain at the base of his back. He wondered how long that would last, a definite reminder of what had just happened. All he wanted to do was get home. He rubbed at his ear as he went into the small room; he looked at his fingers as he brought his hand back down, noticing the blood that he found there. Vegeta's teeth had nicked his ear, not much damage, but it hurt a little now that he thought about it. He got into the shower and hurriedly cleaned himself. As long as this was over he could go home and face the next part of his future, to begin training.
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