Black Sabbath
by Gothic Prince Vejita     More by this Writer
Gohan and Trunks experience some strange things, but is it even real?

That thing with how Vejita was the evil being, well, it was supposed to reflect the Hell of Vejita’s early life. And Icer raping Gohan, well now someone else will know what Vejita felt when Freeza had his wicked way. And it was all a dream, so it never really happened in the first place, did it?
Song Used: Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath
Graphic Violence Abusive

What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black, which points at me
Turn ’round quick, and start to run
Find out I’m the chosen one
Oh, noooooooooooooooooooo!

Chibi Gohan bolted upright, after having a dream that Mirai Trunks, his beloved, had died at the hand of a great evil. He looked at the foot of his bed, and saw the same evil black figure that had been in his dream. “Who are you?” Gohan questioned.

The black figure did not answer, just merely said, “It’s time to either pledge allegiance or piss off!”

Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desires
Satan’s sitting there, he’s smiling
Watch as those flames get higher and higher
Oh God please help me, oh noooooo!

Just then the evil figure’s eyes glowed crimson. Then the evil figure said, “Saiyan! You do not love the second-generation prince of your race! No saiyan can love, not even your father! He’s changing, so are you! All your remaining Saiyan comrades are! Even your beloved Mirai Trunks! Your turning cold and ruthless just like all the Saiya are destined. When you turned Super Saiyan 2, you should have been on the outside looking in. Cold, emotionless, flat-green eyes!”

Gohan then innocently said, “Kurilin told me that when I ascend, one eye is flat-green, the other aquamarine.”

“None of your innocent childish small-talk! What matters is that they were both emotionless!”

Just then Gohan said, “Your wrong! Damn wrong! When Kurilin was killed by Freeza, my father’s love for Kurilin was what made him able to reach Super Saiyan!”

The evil figure then said, “Maybe he loved Kurilin back then, when he still had his Earthly innocence, but now, who knows. He probably doesn’t even love you, his own son, even though you’re one of his own kind!”

Gohan still felt like arguing, “My love for my boyfriend when he was killed by Cell was what made me reach Super Saiyan 2 in the first place. Why would something he caused destroy our love…our bond?”

The evil figure was also determined to keep arguing, “Lies. Lies! You insolent little brat, when you die, you will forever burn in Hell! The Saiyans are the demons of the universe, they are all damned to go to Hell!”

Gohan just got up and ran away, but as he did, the flames around him grew higher and higher. As Gohan ran from the evil figure, he spotted something in the distance. “Trunks-kun?” He ran faster to get to his beloved. “Trunks? What are you doing here?”

The other Goth prince then answered, “I don’t know. Me and ‘tousan were training in the gravity room, next thing I know I’m here.”

“I’m scared, Trunks-kun!”

“Don’t worry koi, it’ll be okay,” Trunks replied, taking his koibito into a comforting embrace.

Child crys out for its mother
Mother screaming in the fire
Satan points at me again
Opens the door to push me in
Oh, nooooooo!

Just then Gohan heard a feminine scream. Him and Trunks both turned around to see Chichi in front of them.



Just then she was completely enveloped in flames.


“Gohan-chan!” was her dying scream as she met her fiery end.

After Son Chichi’s demise, the dark, evil figure pointed at the pair of demi-saiyans. The sound of a door opening could be heard behind them. Gohan looked over his shoulder as his beloved screamed, “Gohan-san! Don’t!”

But it was too late. Gohan was just flung into the door, which shut immediately behind him.

Trunks then screamed, “Gohan!” as he ran over to the door. He could here his young lover behind the door screaming, “Trunks-kun! Help me! It’s so dark. I’m scared. Wait, what are you doing to me?! Stop it!”

I’ve gotta do something! Gohan’s being attack!

Just then he heard the dark figure laughing. Hey wait, I know that laugh! Trunks-Vejita Briefs turned around and just then he saw the evil figure’s dark hood come down, and revealed…Vejita?

“Tousan? This has to be a dream. The Vejita I know would never do anything like this!”

How the hell can I come to kill my own father?

Just then he heard Gohan scream in agony behind the door. Then he snapped and flashed golden with Super Saiyan power! He charged in blind rage at his father, and punched him so hard he landed in a wall far away. He charged at Vejita again and punched him until he fell on the floor.

Trunks then jumped far away. Vejita had just gotten up and went Super Saiyan as well. He stared his son down until he charged up to Ultimate Super Saiyan. Trunks charged at his father again and punched him so hard his fist came out Vejita’s back.

Trunks jumped back again. “If I could do that in Super Saiyan just think what I could do in Ultimate.” Vejita just got pissed and shot his Final Flash at Trunks. It sent Trunks tumbling back several feet, also breaking his arm. Then Vejita shot a thin beam of energy that tore right through Trunks.

Several minutes later he got up, despite the pain that shot through him when he made the slightest movement. “I’m still alive you bastard!”

There was extreme rage in his eyes that even gave the almighty Prince of the Saiyajin a fright. Trunks’ power level went way up, and his muscles grew immensely. The famous Ultimate Super Saiyan that Trunks nearly killed Cell with not too long ago. His hair grew just a tad bit longer, and his shirt completely ripped away. Right now, he resembled Buroli so damn much.

“Alright, Vejita! Let’s see you survive this! KA-ME! HA-ME! HA!”

“Stupid boy, GYALIC GUN FIRE!”

The two colossal blue-white beams of energy collided; father vs. son, prince vs. prince, saiyan vs. saiyan. Vejita seemed to dominate at first, but then Trunks seemed to summon up more energy. Vejita seemed to have made the final Ki raise, but as the energy started pushing Trunks back; Trunks’ body returned to normal size, silver lightning bolts appeared in his aura, his hair stood straight up, and his power level increased dramatically. He had ascended, like his koi.

Trunks’ Kamehameha had killed Vejita. He had finally done something he’d always dreamed of, he’d proven his worth to his father. Sure, Vejita was dead, but he could be brought back easily.

“Hang on, what gave me the rage to ascend? That’s right Gohan’s hanging on by a thread! I’ll just use Instantaneous Movement.”

Instead of disappearing the traditional way, flames engulfed him and disappeared. In a very fiery pit in Hell, on the ground a small area of flames appeared on the ground, and from it emerged the Saiyan prince!

Trunks could see Gohan fifty feet ahead of him. He ran towards his beloved, but the closer he got, the more the tears fell. Gohan was partially naked, pants missing, black shirt shredded. He was lying in a pool of his own blood. As Trunks approached his beloved, he thought, “How can such a small form bleed so much?”

He kneeled next to the almost lifeless body of his lover, and put two fingers to his neck to check his pulse. Trunks cried tears of joy upon discovering that his koi was still alive. He got a senzu bean out of his pocket and put it in Gohan’s mouth, saying, “Gohan, swallow it.”

The cuts on Son Gohan’s body disappeared, and he got up, and the first thing he did was wrap his arms tightly around his beloved.

“Trunks, you saved me!”

“No, I didn’t, you were raped. I was too late.”

“It’s okay, Trunks. I’m alive aren’t I?”

“That’s true. So do you want to kill them?”

“Just Icer, the one who did this to me,” he said, materializing some clothes.

“Then we’re going home?”

A nod.

Just then, a member of the Ice-Oo-Jin race, Icer, came around the corner, then Son Gohan yelled, “Icer, I was off-guard last time, but I won’t let that happen again!” bursting into Super Saiyan 2.

He flew at Icer and beat the fucking shit out of him. He doubled over on the ground in pain, having his testicles kicked at least three times in the midst of Gohan’s furious attack. Just then, Gohan shot a blast at him that burnt off his genitals.


Then Trunks yelled, “Icer, think fast you asshole!” attacking him furiously with his sword. After he was done, he jumped back and landed next to Gohan, preparing a combined attack.

Just then Icer said, “I dodged your sword attack, so what makes you think I won’t dodge the energy blast as well?”

“But Icer, you didn’t dodge my sword attack!”

“What?!” Just then, Icer’s vision split, he could feel his nose bleeding, and when he looks at his arm, he could see numerous cuts. It wouldn’t be long before he would explode.

“You couldn’t have!”

“Gohan, lets finish him off now, and save ourselves the bloodiness of the explosion.”


Icer tried moving out of the way, but when he did, he felt a very sharp pain, and could see a very large gash on his abdomen. The energy blast incinerated him just before he exploded.

Just then a whole army of Hellfighters started chasing them, led by the red-hot Demon himself.

“Trunks, I suggest we start running!”

Is it the end my friend?
Satan’s come around the bend
The Saiyans running cause their scared
The Saiyans better go and beware
No, no! Please noooooooooo!


Just then Gohan shot up in bed, and looked next to him and saw…his Trunks-kun, who had just open his eyes.

“Gohan, what’s wrong?” he asked, seeing the tears that he had wept in his sleep. “I had a nightmare.”

Trunks wrapped his arms around Gohan and said, “Shh, it’s okay koi, it’s alright.”

“Trunks, it was so horrible. This dark figure said horrible things about our race, and it told me that Super Saiyan 2 had turned me into a heartless killer, and that I didn’t love you anymore.”

“Gohan, you’re not a heartless killer, and you love me; my death at Cell’s hands was what caused you to go Super Saiyan 2 in the first place.”

“I know, I know! But he wouldn’t listen, he called our race demons, and I just ran until I found you!”

“Found me? Oh, Kami, Gohan. I think I had the same dream!”

“You poor thing! Well, I’ll think I know what’ll help us both feel better.”

“What, Gohan?”

Gohan didn’t answer, just clambered onto Trunks’ hips, straddling his lap.

“You want to make love?”

“Maybe, maybe not. We could just kiss and stuff. Anything you want, Trunks.”

“Okay, Gohan,” Trunks said, glad his koibito had given him a choice.

And throughout the night, they healed each other from the horrible nightmare they had just experienced.


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