by Gutterball     More by this Writer
Do you really need one for a PWP? Tempers fly, as do hormones. Sex ensues.

Art Source: https://xxgogetacatxx.deviantart.com/art/VegetaXGoku-64405125

They had never really managed a friendship. Though Vegeta no longer hated his rival, he couldn't honestly claim that he liked Kakarot, either. He tolerated the big idiot, stood near him at those dreaded yearly gatherings, even trusted him not to steal food off his plate if they happened to be eating at the same table.

High praise, indeed.

But he spent no unnecessary time with the fool, had no idea of Kakarot's likes or dislikes, and wouldn't have cared if he didn't see his rival at all outside of a spar. Thus, the mystifying tension that always hummed beneath the surface of their infrequent meetings seemed both rootless and infuriating.

If he neither hated nor liked the fool, why be so...unsettled?

As he dodged Kakarot's infinitely hard fist and responded with a roundhouse kick that would have turned the fool's empty head around on his shoulders had it connected, he couldn't help but feel that annoying tension buzz in his flexing, sweating muscles, boiling in his blood, making his teeth grit in frustration. If the big idiot's unusual scowl was any indication, Kakarot felt it, too.

Their bi-weekly spar had ranged further than usual, taking them out of the remote foothills and into the sparsely populated flatlands still well outside of true civilization. The prince only noticed because he had to haul himself out of the remains of an old barn after a stunningly vicious hit that he could hardly credit coming from the normally clean-fighting younger saiyan.
But the addition of a few structures and various pastoral junk made for a new dynamic to the usual fight, so he simply shoved back into the air, leading with his left only to flicker from view, speed around behind, and drop his elbow into Kakarot's unprotected back.

This time, Kakarot created the rubble, crashing face-first into an abandoned junk-heap of a car. Panels of metal went flying, as did a wheel, both headlights, and a veritable storm of dirt and debris...but not Kakarot. Vegeta hovered above, fists clenched and ready, but moments passed with no sign of the big idiot. He floated down a few feet, peering through the obscuring dust cloud, but all he could see was the vague outline of a still body.

Wondering if perhaps he had done the impossible and cracked that thick skull enough to knock the fool out, he dropped further and touched down gingerly on the torn and buckled metal that used to be the car's trunk. His first impression, that the fool might actually be seriously injured, came from all the blood sprayed across the devastated hood of the car, but that impression was quickly relieved when Kakarot groaned and shifted.


The younger saiyan grunted, flattening his palms against wrinkled metal and trying to roll over onto his back. Taking momentary pity, Vegeta lowered himself to one knee, hooked an arm under Kakarot's elbow, and flipped the big lug over. Face pale and teeth clenched, his old rival winced his eyes shut and grunted again.

"Still alive, then. I thought for sure your head was harder than some human-made alloy, Kakarot. You disappoint me."

"Back off, Vegeta."

Forced through clenched teeth, the words held more heat than he expected from the jovial idiot. He frowned, leaning down a bit to see if perhaps the fool really was injured. Kakarot cringed -- cringed! -- and pressed himself back into the wreck of the car, eyes now squeezed tightly shut.

"Kakarot, are you hurt?"

The big dope groaned again, the sound not pained so much as...desperate? Afraid, even?


He leaned further still, then nearly fell over in shock as a hard, almost punishing hand gripped the spikes at the back of his head. His own eyes as wide as Kakarot's were squinched shut, he tried to pull away and didn't budge so much as an inch.

"Dammit, Vegeta...."

And as he watched with dread fascination, his old rival opened his eyes, stared up at him for a long moment, then leaned up and...and kissed him.
Even as shock held him as immobile as the iron hand in his spikes, he couldn't help but admit that he should have known. Tension. There had always been tension between them.

Had it always been hate? Had it ever been?

Wary curiosity slowly won out over the flare of shock, and he kissed back. Kakarot's mouth was warm and sweet, after all, and not offensive when prevented from uttering that irritating giggle. In fact, when the fool leaned up further into the kiss, Vegeta couldn't prevent a low growl of appreciation.

Feisty, then. Kakarot would be feisty.

And just like that, he went on the offensive. His mouth fed at his rival's, tongue thrusting and teeth catching at warm, wet flesh. Heat pooled in his groin and stomach, both melting and tightening the tension there, the tension between them. It sank into him like warm taffy, the feeling both sweet and slow, filling his gut and lungs and muscles and seeming to spill out his very pores in the sweat that sheened his skin.
And Kakarot seemed just as heated, kissing with an intensity and attention to detail that Vegeta wouldn't have credited to the usually innocent expression the fool affected. He'd had no idea that such an irritatingly saccharine tongue could spar so effectively against his own outside of an argument.

The iron-hard hands that he was more used to avoiding were busy, too, once they released his spikes. They didn't seem so hard, though, as they clung to him with smooth, strong caresses. The callused, clutching fingers digging into the muscle of his back should have irritated him or even hurt, but he barely noticed beyond the pleasing sensation of so much strength being expended for the sheer intent of pulling him closer.
He reveled in it, in the solidifying heat burning in his groin and up his spine, in the size of the man below him, in the strength in that long body. So he hadn't expected passion in Kakarot's arms. So he hadn't expected sex from the innocent idiot.

Who was he to argue when handed something he wanted? Even if he hadn't known he wanted it. Such piddling details were no longer important.

Their clothes -- surprisingly still intact after their brutal spar -- disappeared under heavy, lingering strokes from hands more used to fighting than caressing, more suited to dealing damage than pleasure. Though he'd have never thought to take such amused pride in Kakarot's groans and sighs, he couldn't help but bring about more, stroking this spot again, pressing that area once more, shifting to feel the slick glide of sweaty skin against sweaty skin and to taste the younger saiyan's responding groan purr against his lips.


The big body shuddered, and he abruptly decided that he'd done enough playing around. If Kakarot truly wanted to play, there was no time like the present. He shifted just enough to plant himself between brawny thighs and groaned as the coil of heat in his gut tightened just that much more. He stroked his arousal against satin skin and hard, shifting muscle, not quite believing -- even as the fool raised his hips to meet him -- that the infuriating tension that had built to this moment would culminate in him fucking his oldest and most respected rival.
And then he was inside, and Kakarot clung to him both inside and out, whispering his name over and over in a heated litany against his neck. He paused to savor the sensation, thanking all the gods he'd ever heard of that he'd never succeeded in destroying the big, beautiful idiot.

"Kakarot...by all the gods...."

"Don't stop, Vegeta...."

But he didn't want to move just yet, didn't want to start something that would all too soon be over. A long, purring groan against his neck tested his resolve, and he shuddered even as his own purr vibrated his throat. Wet heat clutched him until he felt completely enveloped in Kakarot, in the only other saiyan alive, and he by-the-gods wanted to enjoy the moment to its fullest.

And then, Kakarot cheated.

He howled as the fool both grabbed his ass and sank teeth into his shoulder, the pain a pleasure that shot his resolve all to hell. He broke, pulling away until he was barely inside and then thrusting forward with all of his strength. Twisting metal shrieked and Kakarot roared, his teeth tearing out of the wound he'd made, and the cacophony was the sweetest music, the pain an excruciating aphrodisiac, the heat between them as exhilarating as the fiercest battle they'd ever fought.

Tension. It built higher than ever before, mutated in the blaze of their twinned energies as they lost control and ascended. The influx of strength and size brought a near-scream from Kakarot's throat and a thunderous roar from Vegeta's, and before he could think to hold back, he climaxed like the end of the world, his rival's name on his lips and his blood on his rival's.

The fury of energy died down slowly, Kakarot descending long before Vegeta and shuddering as all of that bared power seared through him.

"Gods, Vegeta...so strong...."

He grunted, pleased despite himself, and laid his cheek on the idiot's chest. He was...content. For the first time in their long, unpredictable acquaintance, he felt at peace with himself and with the third-class idiot that had so shocked him with a single kiss.

Damn good thing, that kiss.

His own ascension left him, and Kakarot's shudders tapered off in a sigh. It didn't take long for incredulity to set in, though he felt no urge to leave the warm and somehow comforting clutch of his rival's body.

"Did you know?"

Taut muscle tensed. "Not until you bent so close."

He nodded. At least the fool hadn't been harboring a crush. He wasn't sure he could deal with that revelation, even after such a good fuck. Relieved and again tension-free, he wriggled to a more comfortable position and sprawled over his...lover?
Frowning, he opened his eyes and stared off into the distance. Was Kakarot his lover now? Was this a one-time thing? A simple release, or a beginning? Had the fool even wanted it before that kiss?

He planted his hands on the warped, buckled metal and pushed up to look down at the man he'd just inexplicably taken to his body. Kakarot looked...different...to him now. More, somehow. The familiar spikes more chaotic. The jovial, idiot face almost beautiful with its flush of satisfaction. The dark eyes hazed with pleasure instead of glittering with stupid good cheer.

What did it mean?

Even as he watched, Kakarot's expression changed, a frown overlaying the lingering pleasure. "Why are you looking at me like that, Vegeta?"

"Like what?" The words were a bare whisper, as if he couldn't catch his breath.

"Like you've never seen me before."

He had no idea what to say, no clue what words would fall out when he opened his mouth. "Perhaps I haven't."

Apparently, that wasn't what Kakarot wanted to hear. The fool's expression darkened, and he pushed up to his elbows, his eyes dark and suddenly furious.

"Don't get any ideas, Vegeta. You may think it's romantic to boink me in the back seat of a car, but it doesn't make me yours, and it doesn't mean that anything's changed between us."

Again, he had no foreknowledge of what would come out when his mouth opened. He certainly didn't expect the loud, full-throated laugh that erupted.

But it felt damn good. Felt right.
And it obviously was right, because after a moment, Kakarot joined in. It wasn't the irritating, fruity giggle that grated on his nerves, but a low, hard belly-laugh, pleasing, feeding his own until he lowered himself back over the heaving body below him. The twisted, abused car let out a tortured groan at this new ill-treatment, and they laughed harder, laughed until Vegeta felt himself growing hard again, ready and throbbing inside his old friend.

He could admit it, finally. If nothing else, Kakarot had been his friend as well as his rival. The gods only knew what the big idiot was now, but that could wait.

For now....

"Cry truce, Kakarot?"

Another string of husky chuckles. "Whatever, Vegeta."

He rocked forward a bit, reveling in the immediate clutch and writhe as Kakarot let his head fall back against the car's buckled hood. Large, strong hands gripped his back and those infinitely powerful legs wrapped around his hips, holding him close. He could get used to this.


He could definitely get used to that low, throbbing purr. He'd never heard his own name sound so....

"Can we at least find someplace a little more comfortable before round two?"

Blinking, he jerked back up to stare down at the big dope. Kakarot's face was flushed and tight with need, but the fool had squinched one eye shut, and the other winced with either discomfort or embarrassment.

"The steering wheel is jabbing me in the back."

Or both.

Grinning like the idiot he'd always called his old friend, he stared down at the one person who could make him laugh even as his erection throbbed with anticipation. The grin felt awkward, sloopy even, but he didn't deepen it to his usual smirk. He didn't need to. Not anymore.
He lowered his mouth until his lips brushed Kakarot's chin.

"Deal with it."

A low chuckle. "Whatever, Vegeta."

Yeah. He could get used to this.



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