Forever's Gonna Start Tonight
by Hentai Institute     More by this Writer
Goku's dead and Vegeta's depressed. How will he cope, and is there help at hand?

Written by Angelus

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Vegeta sighed, staring out over the expansive sea of crystalline blue that bled with the vibrant crimson and gold of the setting sun.

It would be dark soon, and the Saiyan no Ouji knew that he should be heading home.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Not yet, not when he was having these thoughts again.
Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round

"Kakarott..." The very sound of the other Saiyan's name caused his heart to pound and his chest to constrict painfully.

Clasping a hand over his collar, the prince dipped his head. He hated days like this, absolutely abhorred them with a passion.

It seemed that nothing he could do was going to rid him of the thoughts he had about the taller man.

But there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it, either.

He couldn't possibly tell Kakarott-the Saiyan gave his head an angry shake.

No, not now. Probably not ever.

He never dreamed there would come a time when he actually preferred the company of the brain damaged Saiyan.

The man may have been an idiot, but Vegeta had glimpsed the hidden Saiyan nature within him, had sensed it in their battles-the instinctual need for violence, the bloodlust, the sensual dance and rhythm of a true fight.

Their children didn't understand the inbred desire for the feeling of flesh under fist, the inhuman pleasure derived from the infliction of pain.

Now there was no one left. He had been abandoned on this hateful planet and the reminders sickened him daily.

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears

The Saiyan prince felt his throat tighten and he growled, his gloved fingers pressing painfully against his collar bone.

"Damn you, Kakarott...Damn you for dying and leaving me..." Vegeta took an agonizing breath, clenching his eyes shut against the beautiful landscape.

The baka had been dead for years and still he was plagued by these debilitating emotions.

It had somehow been easier to admit to their existence once the man was gone, once there was nothing to be done about them.

"And now I'll spend the rest of my life pining-the prince of Saiyans pining-over that low class moron..."

It was shameful, really, that Kakarott had the ability to bring him to his knees, even in death.

The Saiyan no Ouji groaned, opening his ebony eyes.

The flaming orb was slowly being devoured by the rich silken sheet of the sea and Vegeta allowed himself to be lost for a moment in the pure rapturous quality of the scene before him.

It was rare for him to feel any kind of peace since coming to this Kami-forsaken planet, but he had come to have a soft spot for sunsets.

A last flickering of light before giving into the soft beauty of approaching night.

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by

The small Saiyan sighed, sinking to the earth.

"I fell for you, Kakarott. Fell for you hard. So hard, I don't think I'll ever stand on my own again..."

He wouldn't be returning home tonight. Not when he was there...It was bad enough the fates had cursed him with these pitiful feelings and then ripped away the source, but now they reminded him daily of what he could never have.

Goten was a pint sized replica of his father who followed his own son around like a lost puppy.

"Every time I look at him it's like a dagger in my chest...he looks just like you..."

Vegeta dug his fingers into the grass with a sharp, guttural growl.

It simply wasn't fair!

Kakarott had become his driving force when he had come to Earth; the obsession to beat the other Saiyan had been his motivation for living, and now that he was...dead...Vegeta found little pleasure in anything, including the fight.

It wasn't the same without Kakarott-he was the only person to truly test his ability as a warrior.

And he knew the other man had reveled in their battles; he had identified the lust in his eyes during their first violent meeting, one akin to his own.

A Saiyan bloodlust.

The Saiyan prince reminisced fondly on those battles.

They were the few moments in his life that had truly meant something to him, when his achievements had mattered and amounted to something.

He had never admitted to anyone how much their sparring had meant to him; not only to get stronger, but to be around another of his kind was sometimes all that kept him sane-all that prevented him from blowing this pathetic ball of earth and water to smithereens.

The prince furrowed his brow, pulling up tufts of dewy grass in his frustration.

Lately, he had begun to question his own sanity...

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild

Shifting his position to sit Indian style in the grass, Vegeta gazed unseeing over the darkening water.

The night was cool against his skin and he fleeting regretted not bringing a jacket before half-heartedly reprimanding himself for weakness.

What did the cold matter to a Saiyan prince?

The Saiyan no Ouji scoffed at himself, rubbing his temples. His thoughts were even more depressing than usual.

Maybe he should think about taking more of the anti-depressants like the woman suggested...

Vegeta shook his head, lowering his temples to his hands and running his fingers through his obsidian hair. He knew this train of thought, knew where it was taking him.

It went against all of his training, all of his was dishonorable for a Saiyan warrior to end his own life.

"But you did, you bastard...Sacrificed yourself for this stupid little planet and left me with nothing."

Vegeta looked up to the star-studded sky, his damp fingers massaging into the back of his neck.

"Not a Kami-damned thing, Kakarott! Damn you..."

Lacing his fingers along the nape of his neck, the prince brought his elbows to his knees.

"I hate you for what you've done to me..."

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms

"Hate you...Love you...I hardly know myself anymore..." The prince cursed fluently under his breath.

He wasn't sure about love-it was a concept that was certainly not encouraged in his childhood.

Frieza's idea of "love" had been a redefining of pain.

Vegeta shuddered and wrapped his arms around his torso. Somehow he knew there would be no such discomfort with Kakarott.

The Saiyan prince sighed heavily.

If only...

The Saiyan no Ouji raised his head, staring balefully at the rippling waves that licked the shore below him.

If only everything were that unwavering-the only consistency in his life was the pain that each day brought him.

Loneliness, a bitter, gut-wrenching ache that fed off the once vibrant core of his being.

A spasm of emotional longing coursed through his body and he shivered at the force of it.

It was becoming more and more difficult to pretend that it didn't matter.

Kami, how he yearned to feel Kakarott's strong, muscled arms around him, engulfing him, driving away these sickening thoughts that threatened to unravel him...

But he knew it was never going to happen.

Turn around
Every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry

He wished vainly that there was still a moon in the sky. Something...anything to bring him comfort.

The pain in his chest was spreading and his dark eyes burned with unshed tears.

He hated himself for it afterward, but he found it easier to let them come then fight them off.

Vegeta always ensured his privacy when he released the hold on his heart.

The only one he had ever cried in front of was Kakarott. And the only one he ever shed tears for.

"Damn you!" the prince pounded his fist into the moist ground. "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!"

The anger came readily enough, a welcome substitute for the overwhelming pain he was experiencing.

He squeezed his ebony eyes shut, gritting his teeth and biting on the screams as he fell backward, laying out on the dew-dampened grass.

Vegeta shoved his face in the crook of his inner arm, his body shaking with silent sobs.

Turn around...bright eyes...
Every now and then I fall apart

Vegeta cried until his body was sick with it, the nausea in his stomach growing to encompass his entire form.

The moisture from the ground was soaking into his clothes and he was shivering from the cold as well as his heartache.

He couldn't think anymore-his head throbbed with the effects of his mental and physical collapse.

When he removed his forearm from his eyes, he was blinded by the brilliant spots of white that flashed in his vision.

"If only I could have been that blind..."

The Saiyan prince shook his head, resting his arms at his sides.

It was useless-to not have noticed the other man, the Saiyan no Ouji would have to have been dead.

Kakarott was a Saiyan, and an attractive one at that-Vegeta wondered thoughtfully, how many battles he had lost to the man due to his straying eyes...Not so much in the beginning, never when it mattered.

But later, when he had accepted his secondary status, when they used the time to train and spar...

Vegeta sighed deeply, listening for a moment to the rush and lull of the ocean waves breaking against the sandy beach.

He had found himself in places like this often, allowing the soothing motions of the sea to coax him into restless slumber.

His insomnia had flourished after Kakarott's death. He couldn't sleep, didn't eat...didn't care...wouldn't fight...

He hadn't fought nearly as hard as he could have when the woman had taken him to see a doctor.

The little red pills had helped for the first few weeks following, but his Saiyan chemistry adapted to the foreign substance and it ceased to have any effect.

He didn't bother to tell anyone-he didn't want to hear it, didn't want a fuss, couldn't handle the inevitable attention it would bring.

Vegeta refused to be weak in front of any of the others and he knew they didn't give a damn about him anyway.

His temples pulsed in time with his erratic heartbeat and his breathing was shallow and raspy.

The prince was disgusted with himself, with his feelings, his lack of emotional control. He had all but ceased to care.

What was pride, when his soul was screaming in the agonizing clutches of desire and need?

Turn around...


The Saiyan no Ouji jerked violently into a sitting position, his sporadic breath halting all together.

Oh, Kami, it can't be, it isn't...He didn't dare look behind him.

If this was a mirage caused by his depression, he would surely die of disappointment.

A soft rustle of cloth behind him, a footstep.

Vegeta still had not managed to steal a breath, was sure that he was hallucinating.

He's DEAD for Kami's sake...I really must be loosing it...

Turn around...


Oh, Kami, it was his voice...the silken timbre a little higher than his own, and softer-it sent ripples of pleasure over his skin and down his spine, making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

The prince never thought to hear it again, never thought…H

is heart raced, pumping through his veins; he could feel it in his neck and wrists, throbbing in his skull.

The Saiyan no Ouji gasped in a ragged breath as a strong hand grasped his shoulder lightly.

He didn't dare look up...didn't dare...didn't...Oh, Kami, his scent...

Turn around...
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes

Vegeta swallowed and looked hesitantly up over his shoulder.

"Ka-Kakarott?" Kami, was that my voice? His eyes...kuso, as black as I remember...

The taller Saiyan was so close Vegeta could smell him, that familiar sweaty musk that used to drive him insane during their sparring matches.

It was difficult to hold his gaze; the prince wasn't sure how much the other Saiyan had heard and he could feel the heated blush creeping swiftly up the back of his neck and over his cheeks.

The prince lowered his eyes to the glistening ocean below.

"You're dead," he remarked quietly, trying desperately to ignore the warmth of the man's palm on his flesh.


Vegeta closed his eyes briefly and suppressed a shiver.

The larger Saiyan's words were caressing his senses with ease, chasing his dark thoughts to the shadowy reaches of his turbulent mind.

"Am I imagining this?"


He didn't want to know...but he had to ask...

"How long have you been here?" He barely heard his own question, his whispered words choking in his throat.

Vegeta was shaking, grasping frantically at any remaining fragment of his shattered dignity.

He couldn't of... heard me... oh, no...

"I don't have much time, Vegeta."

The nervous prince glanced up quickly at the softly spoken words.

Kakarott's dark, lidded eyes were filled with emotion, silently answering his uncertain inquiry-compassion, understanding...oh, kuso, was that sympathy?

Vegeta snarled, ripping himself out of the other man's grip and twisting to his feet.

"I don't need your pity, Kakarott," his voice cracked brokenly, but he pressed determinedly on, "or your fucking sympathy!"

As he spun his foot to stand, it slipped on the slick ground, causing the prince to land roughly on his hands and knees.

He cursed, back quivering with embarrassment and fury, tears of mortification and indignation in danger of slipping from his obsidian eyes.

No, not this time. He can't have my tears this time! Not again!

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart

That damndable hand on his back, his whispered words-Vegeta didn't hear any of it, scrambling backward and landing with a thud on his backside.

Pain shot through his system and he welcomed it, growling as the man he desired knelt a few paces from him, reached out to him.

"Stay away from me," the Saiyan no Ouji hissed as the tall man leaned forward, confusion plastered to his unusually serious features.

Kakarott didn't want him, would never have him-

He came here to tell me to knock it off, to tell me to my face that I don't stand a, dammit! I WILL NOT CRY!

Vegeta bared his teeth savagely and pressed his eyes shut tightly. He took a deep breath-

And inhaled a lungful of Kakarott's heady scent.

His black eyes snapped open immediately.

The other Saiyan was crouched not three inches from his nose.

Vegeta gasped, falling back on his hands, watching in disbelief as the other man closed in on him.

And then Kakarott was kissing him, his muscled arms on either side of the prince's body, holding him lightly pinned beneath his own, larger form.

His lips were searing, branding his mouth with their unnatural heat.

Vegeta's previous gasp had given the tall man all the opportunity he needed to slip his questing tongue into the prince's awaiting mouth.

Kami, he tasted divine-sugar, spice and everything nice.

Like warm cookies and wood smoke; the inside of his mouth was warm and wet, Kakarott's eager tongue teasing his own in tantalizing licks and suckles.

The younger Saiyan was devouring his lips as though he were trying to draw out his heart and soul.

The contact between them was exhilarating, and everything that Vegeta had dreamed it would be.

The Saiyan prince moaned unconsciously, his arms trembling under the unexpected weight of the larger man.

They gave out in the next instant, sending the Ouji crashing onto his back, breaking their passionate kiss.

There's nothing I can do...
A total eclipse of the heart

Kakarott seemed to tower above him, his dark eyes unreadable to the Saiyan prince.

He had not moved from his position and Vegeta was very aware of the other man's body-the heat and scent that radiated from his form was making the Saiyan no Ouji all the more conscious of his prone posture.

But it couldn't be-Vegeta's mind refused to accept the reality of Kakarott's affection.

"You bastard!"

Vegeta rabbit punched the other man in the nose, relishing the satisfying sound of crunching cartilage that accompanied it.

Kakarott's head snapped back at the force, but his body didn't move.

When he pulled his fist back, there was vivid red blood on the white knuckles of his gloved hand.

"Did you come back from the dead just to mock me? I hate you! Damn you, I hate you!"

The prince screamed his rage, his betrayal, his bottled emotion to the turned face of the other man.

Snarling, he drew back his arm for another rapid strike.

The hand that enclosed his bloody knuckles was firm, but not painfully so.

Vegeta swore profusely-Kakarott had always been stronger and faster, and again he was proving it.

The prince was growling and writhing, struggling without thought; he needed to get away from here, he simply didn't think he could handle the words Kakarott was going to say.

He had never expected the man to ever even know...


Turn around...
Every now and then I know you'll never be the man you always wanted to be

The Saiyan prince paused in his thrashing, panting hard, engaged in a vain effort to remove his fist from the taller man's grip.

His dark, ravaged eyes focused slowly on Kakarott, the panic in his chest dulling to a pulsing ache that followed the rhythm of his heart.

The Saiyan's face was impassively stern, his eyes burning down into those of his straining counterpart.

Vegeta fought to control his breathing, marveling at the change in the man's raven eyes.

Where was the stupid grin, the ever-present innocence, the naiveté that everyone else found so Kami-damned endearing?

Gone, replaced by an intense stare that Vegeta had only seen the other man employ in battle.

The blood trickling down his from his broken nose made the large Saiyan look strangely fierce and the prince jerked back involuntarily at the sight.

Kakarott growled low in his throat, tightening his grip on Vegeta's fist.

He pushed the smaller Saiyan back onto the grass, catching his other hand and swiftly pinning them both above his head.

The Saiyan prince groaned in humiliation and turned his face into his inner arm as he felt the Saiyan straddle his hips, resting back on his thighs.

He wanted to fight, needed to.

Kami, he wouldn't give in.


Turn around...
Every now and then I know you'll always be the only man who wanted me the way that I am

Vegeta released a soft, murmuring moan as the other man began to speak.


Kami, don't say my name again...

The hot breath on his ear made him shiver from the roots of his ebony hair to the tips of his booted toes.

"Look at me." No... don't let him see... how much... what he's doing...

"Vegeta... please... they're only going to let me stay a little while..."

Something in his voice, seductive and pleading.

The Saiyan prince opened his black eyes slowly, questioning.

Kakarott graced him with the ghost of a smile as he licked off the blood that trailed a crimson path down to his lips.

"Sort of a Cinderella deal, I guess."

Vegeta swallowed uncomfortably, licking suddenly dry lips. His whisper felt strange in his throat, but he finally managed, "It's already after midnight, Kakarott."

The vibration of Kakarott's chuckle carried down to his thighs, the rich sound rolling like thunder in the night.

As his laughter died, the prince remained tense under the taller Saiyan.

He wasn't sure what the hell was going on-Kakarott was still dead and had admitted that much himself.

So why was he here?

Vegeta blushed fiercely as he shifted beneath the other man.

And why the hell did he have the prince in such a...vulnerable position?

"They gave me until dawn," Kakarott was unsettlingly close to his face again.

Vegeta closed his eyes tightly; he could smell the blood on the man's skin and it was acting as a natural aphrodisiac to his Saiyan system.


Good Kami, at least that word was spoken clearly. His wide, dark eyes reflected the depth of that simple question.

Why did they let you? Why did you come? Why did you leave me...?

Warm, moist lips on his temple, contrasting the seeping cold of the ground beneath him.

Vegeta flexed his muscles against Kakarott's grip, arching his back in an attempt to push the larger man off.

Quiet laughter in his ear.

"You don't want me to leave, Vegeta..."

The prince tossed his head to one side, panting heavily, the rise and fall of his chest breeding an erotic friction between them.

Silky strands of Kakarott's raven hair were tickling his neck and the pressure of the man's hips against his groin were about to prove the larger man's statement correct to the letter.

Kami, did he want this? Surely Kakarott had not come back from the dead just to...

Vegeta flushed and stifled a moan as the other man's tongue found the sensitive dip in his throat, exploiting it shamelessly.

He was stretched out beneath the other Saiyan and he couldn't move...

No. That wasn't true and he knew it.

He could easily power up, throw the younger man off, beat him within an inch of his life, send him crawling back to the next dimension ...

But, Kami, those lips...

His waking dreams had been filled with the fleeting, imaginary brush of Kakarott's touch...

Turn around...
Every now and then I know there's no one in the universe as magical and wondrous as you

Pride... or desire...?

Vegeta groaned as the other man nipped gently at the tender skin of his neck.

The small flickers of pain were igniting a passionate fervor within the shorter Saiyan-he had ached for this closeness for years.

He couldn't believe that it was really happening; how many times had he gone through these same motions?

The cursing, the crying, the nurturing of that dry longing that raked like sandpaper through his body...

And now he was enveloped in the strong, sensuous scent of the only being in the universe that made him feel, truly feel.

Vegeta purred quietly in pleasure as Kakarott explored the ridges of his ear with the tip of his tongue.

His muscles were relaxing under the other Saiyan's careful ministrations and he didn't recognize his own voice whispering the tall Saiyan's name.

"Kami, Vegeta..." the words were murmured in a husky tone that set the Saiyan prince's heart to pounding.

"I..." a wet suckle on the ball of his shoulder, "have wanted you..." another kiss, this one a little harder, to the throbbing vein in his neck, "for years..."

The Saiyan no Ouji jerked at the feeling of Kakarott's seductive lips on the highly sensitive region of his throat.

His ebony eyes slid shut and a thick, guttural moan slipped through his dry parted lips.

Turn around...
Every now and then I know there's nothing any better and there's nothing that I just wouldn't do

He was sleeping.

This was a dream-it had to be. Any moment he was going to wake; Kakarott would still be dead and he could go on pretending to exist without him...

Vegeta's breath shook as he inhaled, his heart skipping a random beat that shot a wave of vertigo, centered behind his closed eyes.

The younger man withdrew from his chest, settling back on the tops of his thighs.

The other Saiyan still had a firm grasp on his wrists; the prince cursed silently when he realized exactly how arousing this position was for him.

He never allowed himself to be weak...but this man was stronger still-had proven himself time and again that he was capable of beating him fairly in battle.

The Saiyan no Ouji's face burned at the revelation. He was actually enjoying being pinned to the ground beneath the larger man!

Vegeta opened his eyes, prepared to launch himself up-to demand that Kakarott get the hell off of him and leave him alone.

This was insufferable, intolerable, undignified...

"You are so beautiful, Vegeta..."

The prince's thoughts were effectively wiped to a clean slate as his obsidian eyes widened.

"I don't know if I ever noticed that while I was alive. I was too busy, I guess, to really look at you..."

Sighing, the tall Saiyan fixed him with a gaze that held him on his back; he no longer fostered the will to move.

Kakarott's lips twitched in the beginnings of a smile. "My proud prince..."

Vegeta swallowed hard, something within him awakening and stirring at the unfamiliar title.

"I was shocked the first time I heard you like this. I had no idea..."

The Saiyan no Ouji's skin went cold at the words.

Kakarott had heard him? Every time...oh, Kami...

His mind engaged in a rapid replay of all the days that had preceded this one.

What had he said, what had he screamed...had he cried...

Vegeta felt like he would abruptly die of embarrassment.

"I've had alot of time to think, Vegeta. A lot of time."

What the fuck was he getting at?

"I've watched you, my prince, watched you for years. You made me fall in love with you and you never even knew it. I almost had Gohan wish me back because of you."

The smaller Saiyan was in emotional turmoil. He had thought it all in his head...

"I've always felt connected to you, but I never thought..."

It was Kakarott's turn to blush, a soft smattering of light scarlet on his cheeks.

"Let's just say being dead has proved to be an excellent learning experience. I'm not as naïve as I used to be."

The world seemed to still as his words trailed off and blended into the quiet noises of the night.

What did he mean-

Vegeta didn't think to move as his arms were brought from above his head to his stomach.

What the hell-

The Saiyan prince watched in mute fascination as one gloved hand was brought to Kakarott's lips.

He felt the man's teeth through the tight material as it nipped at his fingertip, pulling the white fabric from his first finger.

The prince had always thought the other Saiyan sexy, but witnessing this strange strip tease with his fingers was quickly making him forget the chill of the evening.

The younger man worked his way through his digits, then bit lightly at his pinky and jerked his head backward, ripping the glove from his hand.

Vegeta's black eyes slid to mere slits as the taller man's mouth suckled at his fingers.

He unknowingly began to purr as the soft lips journeyed downward to his palm, Kakarott's tongue flicking out to tease the sensitive padding of his hand.

The Saiyan no Ouji arched his back in response, instinctively wanting whatever the man had to give.

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever

He could see the obvious signs of the younger man's desire as he passionately tore off the remaining glove with his teeth, throwing it to the ground with a violent shake of his head.

Vegeta growled, purring deeply, highly aroused at the sight of the Saiyan's aggression.

Kakarott met his vocal admission with a husky purr of his own, leaning down to lick at the prince's parted lips.

"You don't know how hard it's been to watch you, Vegeta..."

The tall Saiyan was constantly interrupting himself with the smaller man's lips, making it incredibly difficult for the Saiyan no Ouji to concentrate. "and not touch..."

He didn't know what that felt like?!

...But then his strong hands were moving under the tight black spandex of his sleeveless t-shirt and Vegeta moaned roughly as the man's palms passed over his erect nipples.

"So passionate, Vegeta. Always so passionate--even in grief..."

Nani? A lie--he hadn't felt intensely about anything since Kakarott's death...

Vegeta hissed through his clenched teeth as the other Saiyan's fingers found the hardening flesh of his nipples, relentlessly kneading them between the calloused pads of his fingertips.

Whatever thoughts had prevented him from becoming completely aroused were erased at the forbidden sensation.

He growled, thrusting his hips forward before he knew what he was doing, forward into the pelvis of the other man...

He gasped at the contact, at the realization of what he'd done.

Oh, Kami...And then Kakarott was pressing back, rolling his hips forward, revealing his own growing erection to the prince.

The Saiyan no Ouji forced himself to meet his eyes...and was pleasantly shocked to see the same desire mirrored in their depths, like beautiful black glass.

His hands, now free from any material constriction, were no longer in the larger Saiyan's grasp-

he suddenly didn't know what to do with them as Kakarott leaned over his body, arms on either side of his head, the man's face just above his agonizingly close to his lips...

And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever

Tasting coppery blood as they met, fusing them together, his body bent upward, arms under those of the other man, clutching desperately at his shoulder blades.

Deeper than before, incinerating his resolve, his pride reduced to ashes in the face of Kakarott's Saiyan heat.

A break, to breathe, both panting-- hot breath on his neck as the younger man kissed and licked between each straining gasp for air.

Vegeta hardly realized he'd ripped the orange top of the other Saiyan's gi until the man sat up suddenly and, reaching up with both arms, tore it from his body.

Vegeta had seen the man without his shirt before-it was never uncommon for the Saiyans to fight bare-chested.

But now, Kakarott was so close...and the scent from his heated body was creating a painful strain below his waist.


The man grinned, running his hands once more under Vegeta's shirt before clasping it in his fist and ripping it open to reveal the small Saiyan's muscled torso.

"It's only fair, Vegeta..." he whispered seductively.

The prince's lust-filled eyes narrowed at the blatant show of aggression and he purred deeply, gripping Kakarott's granite thighs as he pushed his hips upward.

The tall Saiyan moaned softly as he was rocked forward, balancing himself on the prince's chest.

His dark, feverish eyes bore into the small Saiyan, striking a match and lighting a brilliant fire in his loins.

Giving into his desire, the Saiyan no Ouji reached up and threaded his strong fingers into the man's unruly raven hair, pulling him down and capturing his mouth in a duel of lips and tongue, wringing another ardorous moan from his counterpart.

Kami, how he wanted this...this mutual play for dominance was single-handedly threatening to unmake the proud man.

Years, he had waited years for a moment half as rewarding as this was promising to be.

And to know that Kakarott desired him, wanted him.

Oh, Kami, his taste, his scent, the responsive buck and thrusting rhythm of his hips...

Their moans were drowning out the sounds of the sea, both relishing the exploring hands, the soft, timid caresses as each Saiyan took the needed time to know and memorize the hard, sculpted physique of their newly acquired lover.

Vegeta growled as his lover left his lips, pushing himself up on his elbow to follow only to be thrust back forcefully by the other man.

Kakarott stole another deep, devouring kiss before sitting up on the Saiyan no Ouji's thighs.

"No, Vegeta," he panted, "I've wanted you too long to let you do anything stupid, like letting your pride get in the way and having you try and take off."

Vegeta blinked. He thought the prince was going to leave??


Something in his voice made the taller man pause.

The words caught stubbornly in his throat.

His rival...his lover...

Kakarott's head was wreathed in stars-bright, glittering objects that he had never taken the time to appreciate until viewed as a compliment to his dark eyes.


Safety in a kiss, more tenderly given, but weighted still with the fervor of their aching desire.

"It's alright, Vegeta...I know."

So gentle, soothing the uncertainty underlying the Saiyan prince's hesitation. Sweet lips on his ear.

"I've known since the moment I left--and you swore you'd get back at me for dying. And leaving you..."

And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together

He didn't stop the fingers that curled under the elastic waistband of his tight, black pants, didn't do more than moan as they were stripped from his body along with his boots, leaving his sweaty body bare against the pleasantly cool grass.

He watched silently as Kakarott toed off his own blue footwear, first one, then the other...

Vegeta was hypnotized by the movement of the man's body.

He looked stronger than the prince remembered, more toned, each muscle defined perfectly in the little light the night allowed.

The Saiyan no Ouji remained transfixed as Kakarott's fingers relieved his waist of the navy sash...his pants forming an orange pool at his feet that he easily stepped out of.

Oh, Kami, and then he was back, kneeling between his legs-when had he parted them?-and kissing, licking, nipping his lips with erotic passion.

Vegeta's fingers were in his thick, silky hair, one of his legs wrapping around the other man's hips, drawing them down.

He could feel the other's warm length against his thigh and a powerful shudder whipped through his body, throwing his head back as his own sex was stimulated by the chiseled stomach of the man now attacking his throat with growling, pleasurable abandon.

He took Kakarott's fingers into his mouth as they were pressed gently against his lips, suckling them like he wished he were doing to another part of the younger man's anatomy.

The other Saiyan must have known it; he was raked by a shiver of his own, followed by a muttered exclamation. "Kami, Vegeta..."

We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time

A gasp, a pant, a murmured moan, a grunted curse-this was the music they made as they pleasured one another with teasing kisses and taunting suckles.

The tall Saiyan removed his fingers from the prince's warm mouth as they locked eyes, both men quivering with the effort it took to control their tortured bodies.

Gazing into his eyes, Vegeta didn't realize what Kakarott had done with his fingers until they had passed over his stomach and were pressed against his tight opening.

The Saiyan no Ouji inhaled sharply through his nose, his heart quickening, ebony eyes wide...panicking...

His soft lips were fluttering against the small Saiyan's cheek, whispering gentle words of encouragement as he slipped two thick fingers into the taunt body of the other man.

Vegeta's nails bit painfully into Kakarott's back and he groaned and thrashed at the sensation.

It had been at least ten years since the Saiyan prince had been touched by a man, and even then Vegeta preferred to be the taker, only allowing this once or twice...

But then, Kami, the larger man began to move his fingers, igniting the prince's internal fire.

Vegeta clasped his lover's back as he cried out, the man's touch brushing against the place inside of him that made him want to absolutely scream...

I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks

And then he did scream as Kakarott's two fingers were swiftly replaced by his throbbing length.

Vegeta's arms were still secured around the other Saiyan's neck, clawing at his back in pleasure and in pain.

Oh, Kami, he needed this...

Kakarott growled above him as he began to thrust, holding his gaze, challenging him to look away.

He couldn't hold it...not like this-

but his burning eyes shut anyway as the younger man stroked that fire within him more strongly.

He was biting his lip; he could taste the blood that Kakarott was licking away from his mouth as he pistoned deep within his smaller counterpart.

Vegeta moaned and locked his ankles behind the other man's lower back as Kakarott set a steady pace.

Each individual movement driving the Saiyan no Ouji to growl and purr and gasp and curse...

Kakarott was moaning his name, his voice gaining volume as he built their mounting speed to a fast-paced frenzy-the passionate sound was sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his entire body.

Vegeta was on fire with the assault on his senses-the feeling of Kakarott's burning shaft within him, the musky, animal scent of the man and their physical yearning, the sound of his name being viciously torn from the throat of the very man he had never thought to have...

I really need you tonight

With a roar, the tall Saiyan leapt through the levels of Super Saiyan until Vegeta could feel the soft tickle of his golden mane on the inside of his thighs.

A moment of pleasure...and vying stubbornly for power over the other...and then he screamed as well, his dark shock of hair blazing to gold, the auras of the two Saiyans clashing, snapping, charged with radiant energy.

Forever's gonna start tonight

He couldn't hold it-his breath, his power-with a final burst of energy, Vegeta collapsed back on the grass, his arms and legs falling from his lover to either side of his exhausted body.

Kakarott's arms betrayed him and he landed on the smaller man with a soft, apologetic grunt.

The Saiyan prince silently basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, the heat trapped between their bodies insulating and keeping them comfortably warm.

Once upon a time there was light in my life

Slowly, Vegeta regained use of his senses.

The rushing in his ears died down to the melodic rhythm of the ocean and the pounding in his chest calmed into that of the other Saiyan's laboured breathing.

His head was spinning...and he wasn't entirely sure that his vision was reliable.

Were those stars real...?

If they were, they were awful faint...

Oh, kuso...


Kakarott pushed himself up on the Saiyan no Ouji's chest, gazing down into his fathomless eyes.

"You have to go."

The prince didn't mean for his voice to sound so harsh, so flat...

The tall man swallowed audibly and nodded slowly.

The younger man was searching his eyes...opening his mouth to speak...

Vegeta covered his satin lips with his own, demolishing his fears and silently willing the man to understand what he could not say, not yet...

But now there's only love in the dark

Kakarott's figure relaxed against his chest, melting into their tender kiss, caressing the Saiyan prince's cheek with shaking fingertips.

"You come back to me, you bastard," Vegeta whispered before allowing the man to pull away, "Or I'll wish you back just so I can kill you again."

He felt the man nod against him and the prince swallowed angrily around the lump in his throat as they both moved to stand.

The black water of the sea was beginning to show signs of blue and green as the sun rose behind them.

The younger Saiyan turned toward the proud prince, a soft smile adorning his handsome features.

"Don't say it," Vegeta growled, reaching for his discarded pants. "Just go."

He felt the other man's eyes on his back, regarding him. Kakarott would understand...he didn't handle good-byes well.

Not when Mirai Trunks had left, not when Kakarott had died the first time...

Turn around, bright eyes...

When he looked up again, the Saiyan was gone.

The sun had risen over the treetops and was bathing the sea in rich, molten light.

Vegeta crouched down in the grass and reached for the torn fragments of Kakarott's shirt.

"What an awful colour," he muttered, bringing the cotton material to his face, breathing in the warm, comfortable scent of his lover.

Memories flooded his mind, and with them came hot, scalding tears...but only a few.

Gathering his dignity and drawing upon his royal heritage, the Saiyan prince stood.

It may be awhile before Kakarott decided to return, but Vegeta would be ready for him.

The man had definitely gotten stronger and the Saiyan no Ouji planned on spending every moment between now and their next meeting in training.

At least now he had something to live for.

Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

