My Star
by Hentai Institute     More by this Writer
I think I loved you before I knew you...

Written by mi m'o.

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~ time
is never time at all
you can never ever leave
without leaving a piece of youth~

So you wanna be a star, ne? Hn. It's not the first time you've come to me with that request, kid. Though…this may be the first time I think you're actually ready to handle the responsibility.

'You think so?'

Hai, kiddo. I really do. Tonight. Tonight you'll be the brightest star in the heavens, Goten. I promise you that.

'Is it cold up there…? I mean, will I need to bring a coat?'

You're cute Go-chan. Why don't you just let me worry about that, ne? I promise, I'll take care of you. Have I ever lied?

'Ano…there was that one time you said you'd let me finish the popcorn…'

But then your oniichan came home, right? You know I had to go before he saw me--you remember? He almost caught me that time.

'Hai…gomen nasai, Trunks-san. I just dinnit want you to go yet…'

I know, kid.

'It's just so cold to sleep without you…'

I know, Goten. I know…c'mon. Why don't we get you something warmer, ne? We don't have a lot of time before I gotta go again.

'Trunks-san? When will we be able to stay together? Why do you always have to go?'

Goten-chan…you know why. I'm not supposed to be here anymore, remember? We had that talk…?

'I know, Trunks-san…but when I try to tell Trunks-kun, he looks at me funny…he says I'm telling stories.'

Goten-chan…I…you can't let anyone know about me, ne? You promised me you wouldn't tell--not even Trunks-kun. Remember…?

'Haiiii…I just…well…it's hard keepin' secrets, Trunks-san! It's not an easy thing, you know…!'

I know, Goten. C'mon…slip this on--you need to stay warm.

'Is it really cold up there?'

Hai. It's really cold, kiddo. We gotta keep you bundled up so you don't get sick, ne?


That fit you okay…? Is it too big…?

'Iie! I love it! It's great, Trunks-san!'

You like it, Goten?


Then it's yours, kid.

'Mine…you…you mean it, Trunks-san?'


'Sugei! You really say I can keep it?!'

Mm-hm. You sure you want it, Chibi…?

'Hai! I think it's great!'


'…It smells like you, Trunks-san…I like it a lot…'

Arigato, Chibi…c'mon, let's get going, ne…?


~ and our lives are forever changed
we will never be the same
the more you change the less you feel~

'Is it cold where you are, Trunks? Do you ever miss being here with me…?'

Hai, Goten-kun. I miss being with you all the time…

'Then why don't you come back…? Why can't we be together now…?'

It's not so easy, Chibi. I mean, I…there are things I need to do first…then if they let me see you again…maybe then we can…

'But you've said maybe for the past four years, Trunks…when is 'maybe' gonna be a 'now'…?'

Gomen nasai, Goten-kun…

'Trunks…I used to adore you…I used to live for every minute you were near me--I couldn't wait to get home on the weekend…I couldn't wait to see you again each and every time you went away…'


'Trunks-san…I…I just want it to be like it was, Trunks. I just want to be with you again…you said…you said you'd make me a star…you said I could be anything I wanted, and since I wanted to be like the stars, you'd make me that way…all these things…you said…'


'But you said, Trunks-san…you told me I'd be happy…'

And you were happy, ne? Always so eager to believe…it was so easy to bring you the moon on a platter, kiddo, you were always so willing and innocent…


Iie, Chibi. I never meant to dupe you, Goten. I never did.

'But you said--'

I remember what I said, Goten-chan…have a little faith, ne?


Hai…just a little longer…

'Are things always easier with faith…?'


'Things are always easier to believe in when you're younger, too….'

believe in me

'You think I'll be able to do it someday…? Really?'

Of course, Chibi. You're a tough kid. All you need is someone to show you how.

'Will you show me, Trunks-san…? Will you show me how to do it?'

Ano, Chibi…we don't have that much time. You should get your niichan to show you--I think he'd be a better teacher than I would, anyhow…

'But…but I want you to do it, Trunks-san. I like the way you show me. I like you--I want you to teach me. Onegai? Onegai, Trunks-san…?'

Chibi…you're cute, you know that kiddo? You really know how to get your way, that's for sure….

'Will you do it? Will you show me how…?'

Sure, Chibi-chan--but not tonight, ne? We have plans tonight…

'Okay…but you'll promise, right? You're not kidding on me again…?'

Hai Chibi, you believe me, ne…?

'Hai, Trunks-san. I always believe you…'

~that life can change,
that you're not stuck in vain~

'And what's your excuse now?'

I need an excuse? What'd I do?

'Trunks--yamero! You said--'


'Iie! No 'Goten' tonight, Trunks. This is the last time--dammit! Why'd you lie to me? I thought I could trust you--I thought you loved me!'

I do love you--

'Then why'd you do it? Why'd you go and sleep with him?!'

Goten, you don't understand--

'Understand? Understand?! What is there to 'understand', Trunks?! What is there I'm missing? You slept with my brother, Trunks! Enlighten me as to what it is I'm missing, ne? Give me your scholarly words of--

Goten! Yamero! What the hell is wrong with you?!

'Wrong? Trunks! You slept with my brother! It would be one thing if you and I weren't together, but this--I have every righ--'

You have no righ--

'Fuck you, Trunks! Fuck you! This is not what I expected at all from you--either of you!'


'I think it would best if you left, Trunks.'


'No. Wait. I'll go. And here--niichan's fingers are a bit bigger than mine are…but you already knew that, ne?'


'I'm sure you'll have no problem re-sizing it.'

Goten. You're not being reasonable--

'Piss off, Trunks-kun. I'm not a business affiliate to be placated. This is the last time, Briefs.'


'I hope you two are happier together than you obviously were with me…'

~we're not the same,
we're different tonight~

He fucked up big time, ne?

'Shut up, Trunks.'

And here I thought all you Sons were a great judge of character…

'Shut up, Trunks.'

Hn. Whatever.



'Shut up.'

Well, you were the one who wandered into my spot…

'Since when is this you're spot? It's a fucking forest, Trunks. Why don't you go…somewhere else…'

Oi. Just because he pissed you off doesn't mean--

'Look. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I knew he--they were doing it, I just…I thought I could ignore it….'


'No one wants to believe…they're not wanted…'


'I just wanted…to be happy, Trunks-san…I just thought, that since it almost worked with you and I--'

He's not me, Goten. If anyone would have known that, I thought it would be you…

'But…I just thought I'd…and then…he…'


'T-Tru-unks…san…why does this…but…I thought he loved me…'

He does, Chibi…just not the way…you thought…

'Does he? Does he really…?'

Hai, Chibi…he does…just not the way I did…. I do…

~and you know you're never sure,
but you're sure you could be right
if you held yourself up to the light~

'You really think so, Trunks-san? You really think I can do it…?'

Why not, kiddo? Why not give it a try yourself, ne? I bet you'll be surprised…

'Hmn! Okay! Ready?'

Hai, kid. Go for it.

'Okay…here I go…'


'Yatta! Yatta! I'm doing it! I can fly!'

Not too high there, kiddo! You ain't got all your wings yet--there are still a few things to learn.

'But you think I'll be able to make it all the way up there…? I mean, when I get really good at it and stuff…?'

Why not? I told you, you were going to be a star, Chibi. I told you I'd get you up there, ne? Didn't you believe me….?

'Hai! Can we go now?'

Go where?

'Up there! Up to the stars! I wanna see what they look like from up close!'

Stars? I dunno kid. I gotta go in a few minutes…

'Onegai, Trunks-san? It won't take long--you fly real fast! An' I promise I won't squirm! I'll behave! Here! You can even have your jacket back to show I mean it! Honest! See?'

Iie, Goten-chan. I gave that to you. It's a gift--you can't give back a gift, can you?

'Mm-hm! Ouji-san said it was Saiyan custom! If someone gives you something and you care for it a lot, you're supposed to give it back to them before they go! It means you love 'em a lot, and you want them to come home safely.'

Really. And Ouji-san told you all of this?


And where do you think I'm going to go that I need my coat back, kid?

'I dunno. You always go away every time I see you, and then you don't come back for a long time--and you haven't been coming back recently…so…'

I come back for you kid. I'm here now, ne?

'Hai. Now you are, but it used to be every Friday, and then it was every Saturday. And then it was the other Saturday, and not every one…and now…I don't get to see you…anymore…'

Chibi…c'mere, Chibi-chan…

'You gotta go, soon, Trunks-san…you gotta go 'way, and I dunno when I'm gonna see you again…'

Ano, Chibi…I'll be back, I promise…

'You always promise me that, Trunks-san…'

But I'm here now, ne? What more can I do…?

'Take me with you.'

Nani? But Goten--

'I don't like it here without you, Trunks-san…you make everything feel good--you don't make me wash my hands every ten minutes, too…'

Goten-chan…as much as I want to, I can't take you with me, kid. It's not a place for chibis to go…

'But I wanna be with you!'

You are with me, Goten. You're always with me.

'But you're gonna go 'way again! You're gonna go away and leave me here alone…and I don't wanna be alone, Trunks-san…I wanna be with you…'


'I'm right, aren't I. You're gonna leave me again…'

Iie, Chibi. I promise I'll always be around…but I'm really busy right now…

'I know…niichan says that whenever I wanna get him to tell me a story…'

Here. I know. Take this.

'What is it?'

It's me. Whenever you need me--or want to talk, you press this button…see? And talk into it here.

'Like this?'

Hai. Just like that. And when you talk, it will copy your voice, and then send me the message--like when you talk to Trunks on the phone.


Hai--but it won't be able to talk back just yet, so you gotta promise to wait, ne? I'll come as fast as I can when I get your message, okay?

'Hai! Domo arigato, gozaimasu Trunks-san!'

No problem kiddo. You know I care, ne?


Good. Now, why don't you wrap your arms around my neck. We got someplace to be.

'But I thought I had to go home…'

Home can wait kiddo…tonight…tonight, we meet the stars….

~and the embers never fade in your city by the lake
the place where you were born~

'You know, I waited for you.'

I know…

'I believed everything you told me--I even got into an argument with my mother about it all. She said I was delusional, and that the only time there were two Trunks' was when 'the young man from the future came to help fight androids'.'

Hn. What an argument.

'She said you went home and no one had heard from you again…and that you were more likely dead than anything else, and that I should stop trying to find imaginary friends and go out and make some real ones.'

Really. And what did you say in return.

'I told her she should do the same thing, and that she need to leave me alone sometimes.'

Strong words.

'And I told her I loved you.'

…Even stronger words.

'She took it from me--the little voice recording thing--and your jacket, too. She told me to get my head outta the clouds, that if you were still alive, and if you really did visit me, you were just like your father and you'd always be gone.'


'She told me I was a punk; I was crazy for thinking that I could love someone like you--and being gay? I won't even get into it. There's a reason Trunks and I were so eager to move out, you know….'

I have nothing to say to you, kid.

'I know. I think you may have said it all when I was younger….'

No…I never told you everything, Chibi…

'Trunks…I'm not a kid anymore.'

Hai. I know you're not. Chibi.

'What can I do. Tell me what I can do--you always seemed to have the answers whenever I was in need of them…'

You think so? I'm flattered…

'Trunks. I'm serious.'

I know.

'I can't go home--Trunks and I…well…I can't go there. And I can't see niichan…I'm not ready to see him yet.'

What about…hn. Never mind.


Nothing. It was going to be stupid.

'Well, what was it? You can't just bring something like that up and not mention it again…'

I told you. It was stupid.

'I wanna know.'

You could go to your mother's.

'…You're right. That was stupid. Remind me to believe you next time.'

Hn. And here I thought you had given up on believing me.

'You know, I used to think so, too. Must've slipped out.'



Never mind.

'Sleeping Saiyans, Trunks-san.'

Hai, Goten. I know.

'And you know what's worse? He lied. Straight faced to me. I told him to tell me the truth, and he lied. I'd been waiting for months--almost a year for him to tell me…but I had to walk in on it before he acknowledged I wasn't as dense as he thought….'

You're not dense, Goten.

'No? I believed you, didn't I?'

Goten. Yamero.

'Hn. Again with that. Like I didn't just go through it all….'

Goten. Goten, look at me.

'What? What could you possibly have to say? Didn't we already agree that there was nothing else to say? What more do you want from me Trunks-san…?'

Goten. Yamero. You never were one to let someone else have the last word…

'What's that got to do with anything? What? Is there a bug on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?'

You never did shut up.

'Fuck you, Trunks.'

Again? Why Son Goten, I never realized--

'You are not funny. Asshole.'

You thought I was pretty funny when you were younger, kid. I remember a few things…like the first time we met…?

'What do you want, Trunks. Just say it.'

You remember that, Goten…the first time we met--you kept calling me 'Briefs-san'…?

'Hai, Briefs-san…'

I had a pretty good idea what made you laugh back then.

'Hn. You wish.'

But, Goten-kun, don't you remember…?

'What? What is it that I'm supposed to remember, Trunks-san…?'

Where you're ticklish….

~we'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight~

How are you feeling, Chibi-chan…? Are you okay…?

'H…hai…Trunks-san…I'm okay…it's so…bright….'

Hai…it's beautiful, isn't it…?

'I can't really see it, Trunks-san…it hurts my eyes…'

I know, kiddo. Here. How's this…?

'Hai. Domo arigato…sugei…it's so…bright….'

Hai Goten-kun…it's beautiful…


…like you….

~ we'll find a way to offer up the night tonight~

'Trunks!! I'm going to kill you!'

Only if you can catch me, Chibi! You gotta be able to do that, first!

'You ass! You bastard!'

Hn. Like you haven't called me all these things before, ne?

'Fuck you Trunks! I'm going to find you, catch you, and serve your sorry future ass up to my father on a bun!!! Get back here!'

Surely, you jest! You think yourself capable of even breaking loose?

'Fuck you, you limber bastard!'

Now that, that's a new one…

~ the indescribable moments of your life tonight~

You're so beautiful…so…stunning…like I said, the brightest star in the heavens…my Goten…my star…my light…


My everything….


~ the impossible is possible tonight~

'Trunks…Trunks…Trunks--hai! Hai! Hai!'


'Hai, Trunks…Trunks-san…Trunks-sama…'

'Sama'..? That's the second new one today…

'Just shut up and kiss me, pinkie…'

Now, is that anyway--


--to talk--

'Hai! Hai!'

--to your prince…?

'Trunks! Trunks-sannnnn….hai…hai…haiiiiii……

~ believe in me as i believe in you, tonight~

'You really think I can do it, Trunks-san…? You really think I can be as strong as you someday…?'

Why not, kiddo? You got the potential of everyone in your whole family…..heh…even your mother…

'I don't wanna be like okaasan…I wanna be like you, Trunks-san.'

I know, kiddo. I know…


'You know I love you.'


'I always have…'

Hai…I know, Go-chan…

'Do you really? Are you sure…?'

Hai, Goten. I've always known.

'And…and do you…? Do you love me…?'

Hai. Chibi. I've always loved you. Always will….



Song: Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins


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